A r it IV Q "WTLXJAMETTE FARMER ilhmtttt Jrarnur. ISaCID STMT ml DAT, BT CLARKE && CJZA.TG, rcBLiniiEns AND rnormtTORs. 8. A. CliAHKE. P. IV. CUAIC1. Term or MnbscrlpttoH. One copy, one year (6J numbers) ...2.f0 One copy, six months (80 numbers) 1.25 Ono copy, thrco months (IS nnmbcrs) .715 HALEM, FRIDAY, DEO. U, 1877. . ODD-FELLOWS' CELEBKATION, From Dallj Jtocord, Doc 7. Last ovenliiR Cbomekola IxxIro colobratod Its quartor centennial or twenty-fifth anni versary of tho Introduction of Odd Fellow blp upon llio Northwestern Coast. An per announootnont, somotlmo afjo, Oliomoketa doclarcdilier intention of colobratlnR tbo OTont, and aa tbo Ordor tbrougbout tbo Stato was interested In tho aflair, Invitations woro aont to overy lodgo in the Jurisdiction, asking tbom to como and Join in tbo fostivltles. Tho trains from both North and South brought many victors, ;whllo tho boats woro tbo moans of transportation for thoso living upon tho Wostorn bonks of tbo Wlllamotto. Tbo day was lino as could bo wlshod, and In tbo ovonlng tboro was not a cloud to bo noon upon tbo faco or tbo horizon and tbo stars lofittliolr twinkling brightness to graco tbo occasion. At half-past sovon tho inoinborsof Cuomo- kola, iind tliolr invited truest assembled in tbo ball up stairs In tbo East ond of tho Oporn Hoiimo, and clothed tlieinnolvoH with rcgallu and iniirclied down into the main ball and took stilts propurod fur them nlnug the sides and etui ot tbo hnll: thus the entire audience Avoro Mirroiiudod by a band of Odd Follows. Tho assembly was culled together by the N. U. of Uioinokota, Vm.Viileo,nil tho Odil Fellows' opening odo sung under tho liwil ershlp of Alcssrs. l'altorsou nud Clinmborlln, nuil It m n grand old chorus, together with a full string band, anil tho Voiron nf over three hundred mouthers of tbii Ordor, they needed no booknnrnntoHtogultlotnont, tbooito was stamped upon tbolr inemnry. 1'rayer was Dion tillered up by tho L'hiiiilulii, Jtev. H.C.Ailniiis, after which Fast (rand, E. N. Cooke, one of tbo charter inoiiiborsol' Choiuokotii l.odgo delivered the APDilKHI 01' WIJMMMUi The address was short, but It contained all that whs desired to make tho assurance that old (Jhuneketa oxtouded to them tho right baud of fellowship. Attlio cIoho of Iho ad dresH, tliestrlng band, under tho lonilorshlp of i'rnr. II. (J. Kay, favored tbo audience with a ebolco ploco of music, and the dying notes wero wafted sweetly away, mi. e. II. MOOllltH Itoad n carolully compllod nud welt written history ofthoorganl.iitloii of thoOtdor upon this Coast. Mr. MoorcH did hlmsolf groat orodlt for tbo manner In which ho bundled Iho subject, and his comments npon tho first inltlalo, Mr. A, L, Holler, Into llio Ordor, upon this Coast, was truly rich, and round aftor round of applanso grootod his efforts. Again tbo swoot strains lloatod ovor tho ball vibrating, sinking nud swelling In perfect harmony. Then tho Noblo Grand Introduced tbo Orator for tbo ooculon, VAH-rOHAND JOSI'.l'lI KMKHY, Of llarnutn Iodgo No. 7, or Corvallla, who, being natural orator, and a man of Inttors, dellvorod ono of tba llnest orations thai it has over been our lot to listen to, and wbou wo Hay this, we are certain that we speak tho sentiments of the entire llrothorhood and tho audleuco present, his volco was cloar and distinct, and long will tho well roundod son toncos, nud tho Impassioned oloipienco bo remembored by those who wore fortunate enough to bo prosont last evening. At the close of which, there occurred a little inci dent thnt was not JiiHtoxaotly down on the programme, furnished tho audience and mothers, mid doubtless MirniUod oven the Nob's (Irani!. HON, HUt'lM MALLOllY Came from among tho audlouco mid stepped iiKiii two platform and read n lettoraud pro seulod to Chomokota 1nlgo n sliver amurta clo ease, with thouamo of Thomas wlhloy neatly engraved upon II, and on tho Inside of It contained tho spectacles through which that founder of Odd Fellowship, in Amorlo, road with great satisfaction tho progress of of tho Order be so dearly loved. Tbo pros out was an ottering of Fast Uraud, W. F. Jlurtis, Tbo literary osorclsos closed with this presentation and a KINK HUri'Rll Was announced to be in roadlneis, btitowtug to much larger assemblage than was expect ed, only about IN) persons could be accom modated nt a tluio.but that announcement did not sot the audience back n particle, for tho chairs woro taken from tbo lloor and tho luuslo struck up and tho cry was "ON WITH TIIH 11ANCM." Those that wero acquainted in tho city soon found partners and formed In sella upon the lloor, whllo tbo floor-managers vied each with the other In supplying tbo "strangers within our gates" with partuois for tho mar.y d iho, and thus the time In walling for stipier was most agreeably spent. Tho sup iter was magnificent and tho tables were loaded down with turkeys, chickens, hams, pies and cakos, and all the delicacies of tbo season. As those who finished their supper returned to the ball, they would form upon tho lloor and others would take their places at the (able, mid everything worked lo a charm, mid no dlNhiiiuraottou occurred to mar the pleasure of anyone. Tho daucluu was continued until (he "woo sum hours of iiioin," when tun strains of "Home, sweet home," reminded them that it was time to retire, and thus closed Ihommrtcr centennial celebration of Cheuiekela Lodge, No, 1, anil this morning she enters uixm her second quarter with lonowed energies and brighter pioipicts than she encouulvd in tho llrxl quaricrof herexUlence, snd may inuceand harmony no hand In bund with the mem bers of old Chomokota, CONN '8 VARIETY STORE. At Mrs. E. M. Moxley's old stand, on State street, Mr. and Mrs. Conn havo just rocoivod one of tbo finest selected and best assorted stock of merchandise ever brought to Salom, and are selling the goods cbeapor than over. Tho stock consists or, In part: vasoe or all sizes, toilet sots, china ornamonls, brackets, wall pockets, dolls or all sizes, and some of tho flnost ovor brought to Salem. Caitors spoons, knives, forks and napkin rings, or Ilodgors Bros, mako, which will bo sold nt prlcos thnt cannot bo beaten in tbo city. All kinds of fiuoonswnro. ulasHwaro, lamps and flxturos, drums, accordoins, wagons, bask ots, rocking horsos, doll bugglos, albums, pocket knives, valises. In fact tboy koop ovorythlng that comprlsosa first-class stock of holiday goods. Thoy also wish to call attontlon to their mllllnory department or which tboy bavo a full line and which thoy will keep up. Tboy aronow soiling hats, foatbors, flowers and ornaments vory low In order to roduce tbeli stock of Fall and Winter hats. Of staploand fanoy dry goods, they have a lino stock, consisting of hoslory, handkor choirs, gloves, laces, embroldorlos, corsets, tlos, ladles and gents underwear, shirts, children's clothing, furs, collars, scarfs, tablo linen, lowols. nankins and bod spreads. Calico wrappers at ono dollar and the host of prints 10 yards ror ono dollar, anu most any otbor kind of goods you may wish at such prlcos. Tboy moan business, and Invito ev erybody to call and soo tbolr stock. Tbolr establishment Is on Stato stroot, throo doors llut of tho bank. An Orogou Splinter. From tho Gold 11 It 1 News of n Into lssuo we ft lid tho following In regard to a stick of limber that was rccoutly shipped tboro: "I'robubly tho largest stick of timber ovor brought to the Comstock was rocontly ro coivod nt tho Yellow Jacket works, E.ist or tho second railroad ttiunol. It Is to bo used as nchotd for tbn pumpbub, nud its ilimon nIous nroIISxIS Indies by '111 feet In longth. The wolghtlsl!l,!)00 pounds, nnd tho freight Irom San Francisco nmouiitcd lo $110 70, Two curs wero required lo transport this stick, nud It cost i'M to loud It. Tho timber came Irom Orevou, nnd cost ovor $i(H) do llvered In Nan Kratmloco. Good, heavy ma terlnl is being put Into tho machinery at tho new works of tho Yollow Jackot Mining Company, nud it will stand tbo strain for yoarsto come." I'nhnw that's nothing, It Is but n moro splinter, In comparison, tu timber wo could solid ofl, ir we wanted to a fact. Disohnrcotl. Tho young man by tho numo ol John McCarty who was nrrostod on complaint of n woman of tho sollod dove porauaslon,nnd brought boforo Justlco Coffoy hint Tuesday, and trlod, tho Judgo taking tho caso undor consideration. Yoslorday ovonlng ho ren dered IiIh decision In favor of tbo dofendaut and tbo prliouor was dlsohargod. 1'ohti.anii Itkmh. From tho Por.Iaml pa psrs or Monday wo got tho following: Tbo total rocolpts of tho Calholto Fair nmountod to 15,450. The not protlts aro 11,100. llrldget Oallaghor has glvon bonds in tho sum of $500 to keop tho poaco. QuossQ.B. can If sho choosos. Nato Kaufman, who was arrested and trlod for perjury jreatordny, banjre Justlco liybeo, was held to answer before tho noxt Grand Jury, and bonds flxod at f300. Goorgo Yooum, momborof tho Common Council, haw boon rrquoslod to roslgn his momborshlp, Mr, Yooum doolluod tbo Invi tation. Kmm Forlland has property to tbo follow ing valuation: Value of lands, 8101,-125: valuo of lots, f.MH,:i'20j value or porsonal property, f-'CIiO, Total , f 1 ,005,075. A graceful scamp broke Into (bo photo graph gallery of ltuchtol ifcStnlto nfow nights ago and only got awny with a counterfeit quartor for his trouble Tho steamer Onward struck a snag last Sunday at tbo mouth of llllnd Slough, on her way from Cowlltr. rivor, and sunk In It! foot water. Hho was loaded with groceries, hay, otc. On Thursday ovonlng, Major It. H.Towlor, Paymaster, U. S. A., was married at tho Clar endon hotel, to Mrs, Chas. K. Calof. Thoy left for Arizona yostorday porstoamor City ol Chester. Tho Unitarian Society propose to build a church tho coming soason at acost of f 16,000, Sheriff Dalo arrlvod from Yamhill county with an insane woman namod Mrs. Wilkin aon, Hho came from Chohalom. Tho Taylor street M. E. Church aro to havo a grand concert and a hugo Christmas tree on tho ovonlng of the 21th. lieuutlful Doourntlugi. How beautifully, was tho unanimous ex prtKklou to be beard In overy quarter nf the ball lust evening, and they mh1o but the simple truth, for we never have sneu the Opera House, or any other ball so hand somely decorated as the Opera Halt last evening. Urvtlots great credit upon Mr. W. ll.Tatt, us a hull decoratlst, tlaiss hung in festoons, and evergreens hung from the corners or the room to the center chaudallor, while around tbo arch hung numerous bin! cages and pictures, embilmatlcal or the Order, graced tbo walls, Truly It was a flue sight to gate upon. Hafcskafc MsotlMg. The members of Colfax llebekeh Degrts liOdge, No, 1, 1.O. O. F., are specially re queued to attend tho meeting or the lodgr, to be held Friday evening, December 7ih. tho annual election or otlioera will take plica at that time, aud a full altondauco is doslrtd. LIST OF LETTERS, ltemnlnlng In tho l'otolco, Halem, at this ilate. Persons rnlllug for these letters imut lilve tho date on whloti they are ndvorttiodi Adams. Mrs M E Allen, Morris Allen, Harvey K Anderson, O J Arsdlll, Ambroso Arnold, l.ucltt lUltlmuro, C 2 Moll Ira Itremer, August Itreyton. W U llrovvu, Isaac llrown, SauiuoI llrowii, Henry Duck, E II CiUtroiii, V M a (.'obiirn, llobt CollK,MrH June D.irrow, Win DivldMtn, Juhnathan I'MiuoudHon, Thoa Elder, Col 11 M Flsnuew, E J FoUom, Mr M U.mlnor, J 11 (lllmore, Joo II 4 Gibs, S F Goodulgh, Win lUrs-trd.SIl llaydeu, Win Hsgey, A J Hendrlck, llodsun, OS 4 Holmes, J Howell, J II lluryol. Fred Joury.Johu Jones, Jana Kemtal, J O iwis, a a Mathlson, Jaa MoCord.TO McCord.LAS McCall, Isaao Miller, James K Aioyee, a u Mooro, ItH Moore, W H Morris, Nollio Myers, J D Fallersu.John Farnlt, F Flokott, E IMotroek, V l'owlliis, W N 1 toy ce, J F Holllns, T lloborthon, M M lloberts, A 11 llowlaud, F S.tvage, Mrs Ellon Savage, A I lie SAvery, Walto Setllemler, Stiafer, John Shortridge, T It Smith, A M Smith, Wm Smith, l.uclnda SpouceSS Seaglo, D H tiiroup, Sam Stump, J li Tanner, Ida E Taylor, Mrs E I. Van, M S Van Horn, I D Walling, KHz Watts, May 11 Wallace, Wm Whitman, Mrs II Winder, John Wltson, Margaret Wllllauu, 11 O Williams, Mrs A Williams, Joseph Wollert, Katie Wood, llotha Ksrnot, Frank .el worth, Daniel IT. M. THATCHER. 1 M. 8iltn, Ih-0.7, 1K7, . Hood Eiver Correipondence. flood River, so long celobrated in the anpals or history the history of Oregon noods no pen-descrlptlon from your corres pondent. Hid away In tho faatnosses of the Cascade mountains the Switzerland of America surrounded with an atmospboro so highly charged with tbo electric, ozonuc. and llfo-lnvlgoratlng properties; the Invalid hero llnds a cosy retreat, where ho can reju venate and rocrult his exhausted onorgies and Invito tho return of lost health and man hood. HIITOMCAL IlECOnD, Its blstorv, like Its ecenory, Is romantic and interesting. Twonty-llvo years ago, In tbo absence nf steamboats aud railroads, your correspondent, in search of a western homo, travelod the ''pack trail" from tho Dalles to Portland, and campod In tho open air, on or near tbo vory spot from which ho is bow writing. Tho bear, then king of the forest, at the " wco hours o' morn," was tho first to visit onr camp and demand trlbuto far passing tbrouiih his dominion. Now wo find commerce and refinement and all tho concomitants of.clvlllzatlon and progross. ADAPTABILITY. Removed midway from tbo rains and fogs of Western Oregon, and tho winds, dust, and lnolemenov of Eastern Oretron. it is emi nently adapted for the comfort, convenience, and hyglonlo purposes of man, and highly conducive to health and longevity. Fully roallzlnsr tho Importance or tbeso facts, and bolng Improsaod with tho absoluto nocosslty of a cliaugo or location to Insuro success In tbo establishment or his " Medical Inttltuto" for tuo euro ofchronlo and bro-kou-down patients, Dr. Adams, with tho kaon eyo of Judicious disorlmlnitlonsocbnr acterlstlc or tho man, took In at a glance tho importancoof tho situation, LOWLY HCKNEIIY. It Is n lovoly spot, commanding ns it doos, from its olovstfd position, ii magnificent vlow or tho inlpbty Columbia, In tho fore ground, tho plcturotquo and lofty snow capped poiiks or Washington Territory in tbo dlstanco. Bid: In tho Interior are found ox collont roods lorlhotqurHtrlan nud for pleas nut drives for the p.uieuts, whllo tho bills nnd vnlloyn abound with gnmo for tho sports man, and tbo rhors nud streams uro lull of ihh nnd fowl. Ni:V MI.THOI) Ol' MEDICATION. Tbo Medical Imtltuto Is now ready for tho rocopuon or patients, nun all tlio appoint ments aro ample, pleasant, nnd appropriate, and aro constructed with special ret'oronco to moot tho wants and convenloucosof n hyglo nlo homo for Invalids, Dr. Adams' method of modlcatlon Is unique. Llko n man who has conquorod his subjoct, and Is master of tho situation, hootrlkesout Indopondont aud ulono. llo claims to coinbluocommon-souso with sclonco. Whllo ho wos oducntod in our rognlar schools and was taught ac cording to our collogo curriculum, nnd a graduatoof somooftho first mod leal collogos of tho Unltod Statos, yet wo find his practice iurKoiy empiric. Claiming to iouow tuo ror mulas or nono of tho schools of modlolno, ho Is froo to adont tho " sui irenorls" nf nil. Itejectlng tho ultra vlows of tho two extrem ists hydropaths and homeopaths bo pro fesses to adopt au eoloctlo, cousorvatlvo, and comtnon-BouBO method ortreatmont pocullar to all, yot common to nono. aUlLLOTINK HATH, Ills modlcaled baths soom to bo the " slno ?ua non," the sheet-anchor or bis trcatraont, t Is bolloved that tho effete matter or tbo hu man body, which the skin, kidneys, nnd In testines bavevfIIed to remove, nnd which r Ay hare bMffooMnlatlnrt rirvsrs. caus ing dlsonse nnd death, is eliminated from tbo system by this method, nnd nature Is assist ed once more to carry on the normal func tions of life. Hut this Is not all. Tbo labor atory is most amplo and comploto. ombrao lug as It does tho modlolnos of all medical schools, and has tbo appearanco or a woll tilled apothocary stero. THK 1IOTKL DKI'AnTMlINT Meets a want long slnco felt In Hood River, and Is admirably conducted by Mrs. M. A. White, suporiutondout, who, I am auro, will not fall to satisfy tbo mo it fastidious oplouro. This hotol dopartmout was oslabllsiiod for tho accommodation or porsons visiting Hood ltlvoroltbor for health or ploasuro or both, and board and lodging eon bo obtained nt tho low flguro of one dollar per day, and cirrUgo to and from tho lauding froo. KXl'KXHK l.NCUltltKD. Tho ostabltshmout or this institution has boon accomplished at tbo enormous exponso or about twenty thousand dollars, and whon comploted In all tbo departments will afford an aounilancoor Trult iu tholr season, from tho delicious strawberry and cborry to tbo soft almond, chestnut, and peaoh. At matu rity, most of tbeso fruits aro prosoryod In cans or othorwlse, so that tbo dolicato and lufirm, and nil others as for that matter, can have, during the winter months, those serv ed, possessing tho natural taste aud lluvor or green fruit. YKT TO COMK, I noed not expatiate on the beautiful grass lawn spread out like a green carpet In front of tho Institute: of the (lowing fountains distilling their silvery spray, like tbo gentlo dew of heaven, all around; of tho mlnlaturo cataracts, rushing rills, aud silvery lakos and tlsh-ponds or tho hot aud cold baths, accessible to every room In the building; aud mauy other charming things that are already conceived In thought, aud will in duo time bo biought forth. CLIMATIC KXCKI.I.KNCK. Tho air surrounding thoso mountain homos Is salubrious and tonefylngtothe system, and to-day (Nov. '-'itth) Is the most delightful and balmy over wltnwssod by your correspond ent In this latitude, tho morcury reaching M In theshndo nud Si In tho sun. Inviting the languishing luvalld to bask in the golden beams of tbo glorious sunlight, aud be elea trilled and charged with this llfe-givlug phe nomenon. This cnuuot fall being a place of popular resort during tho hot summer months,, whoro tho careworn and languish ing hundred of our cities may rocrult their exhausted oucrglo. Having spent several days hero witnessing tho" modus operandi" of tbo treatment, In spying out the goodly land, and In listening to tho marvelous stories of tbo settlers, we aro prepared to write advUedly aud commu nicate facts forlhosptclal benefit of the read ers of the Rum Kit and an Inquiring public. Hood Itlyor, gov. 27, '77. W. V. Wisr. PaciHol Addition to Salem. Tho l'acitlo Threshing Machine Co. has purchased a (rW-'t or forty acros of laud on tho south side snd fronting on State street, aud thUsIddofjhere the street crosses the o.-eek. After reserving about six acres for shops, etc., themaludor has been laid oil" into lots aud will be put on the market in a few days. This addition has beeu named Paoltlo Addlli n to Salem. The plat of ground is beau Ifully situated, nud we know of no moro b dtome building lota in the neighborhood f the olty, aud the locality Is bouud to be Ik okly dotted with house be fore loug. When the CI Icago people want to build n church, they i v: "Lei us erect amoitgage to the glory ol Jod." OREGON PRODUCTS. Under this caption tho following article appears in a San Francisco oxchange: Persons visiting our city who desire to see one or tho most magnificent exhibits or tho nroduc 8 or that wonuenui aiaio, wruKO"i which might appropriately bo named "The Garden or tho Pacific Slopo," should visit tho office or tho Stato Board or Immigration, lo cated upon Battery street, opposlto tho post olllco. Wo ourselvos woro quite astonished nt tho display tnado tboro, and as tho articles aro tastily arranged Bnd carefully laboled, It Is cortalnly ono of tho most lntorostlng nnd Instructive sights which It has been our for tuno to bohold during tho last twelvo months. Wo notlcod a number of largo Bhoavos of wheat from seven to nlno feetln bight, the borrios bolng plump and felr as lndood Is all tho grain produced In tho Wobfool Stato. Thero aro also somo vory fino spoclmons or tho mlnoral productions of Oregon excollont coal from Coos Bay and tho Intorlor countlos, and Iron of vory good quality takon from tho Prosser mine In Clackamas county, besldos a specimen of mica with garnets. Tho gold and silver minos of Oregon yield an annual revenue of (32,000,000, but tboro aro nosam plosof tbo precious metals on oxhlbltion. urpgon is a woll wooded country anu ino oxhlbhs of polished woods mltablo for orna mental work nnd wrought luto beautiful col ors and figure, Is particularly fino. Tho sam plot nro principally ot maple, ash, myrtlo nud cedar. Ship knoos of Immonso sue, con structed from Oregon plno nnd strongly ro sombliugbugo boots, nro also on exhibition. When these woro nt tho Mechanics' Instltuto fair; in tho Oregon exhibit, n young gentle man from tho "land of feteady Habits" pompously Inqulrod what tboy woro. Ho wnHcourtoously informed by somo Bobo in Ian that thoy woro "lasts upon which boots wore mado for tho wobfuot of n Stato up tho Const. Tho display of Oregon flax nnd twlno is worthy or mention. In rogard to this pro duct tho roport of tho Centennial Commis sioner was as follows: "Very lino quality, oxtrnordlnnry longth, good In strongth,good color, sunorlor gloss nnd silky holtuoss;" nud for tbo oil manufactured nt Salom, Oro gon, from Ilux seed, prououucod "of supo rlor quality, fino color, being clear, fino nnd froo from sodimeut, of oxcellont body and uigu mont." Tho snmplos of Oregon wool aro of flnn flbroand good stnplo, nnd woro awnrdod modals nnd diplomas at tho Centennial oxhl- uuion. uregon is ono or llio iinost countries In tho world for shoop. Thoro aro mauy otbor exceedingly Intoroillng nrtlules on ex hibition nt tho rooms or tho Slnto Board or Immigration. Tho strnngor Is always court eously trentod by tho Commissioners, Mossrs. Tippan nud Shophord. Both of thoso gontlomen nro laboring assiduously for tho good of Oregon and doiorvo tbo grnt Itudo of tbo cltlzons or that favored Stnto. Wo wish California hnd a few onorgotlo mon with tho ability of thoso gontlomon todlroct our Immigrants to tho broad aud uuoccupled lanus or own fair stato. AKBts for the Willamette Farmre. Albany ??"ntt' Amity Vi ii'1 ""PP'on Cottage Grove. it cnorirldie Bollvue -" if ,TwiiDf1r Boons Vlfta Wm Welle, J W UobarU Brownsville ',',vA ", K1' Mnttovlllo V;,Safheld' Canyon City D II Ilhlnchstt CanyonvlUc yW?IBr'ffll I'ninllta f.Uv ...F 8 Mllttpana Cofu'eVaUoy --WB Clarke- Clatsop R J Morrlion Crawfordsvlllu Hobtrt Glars Cove b 1' Kendall, Corvallla H Wood-Aard CresMcIl Horror Knnx Clackamas W A Mills Camp Creek U Jlllaimnirslt-y Oallan J I) Lev. 1) M Uutlmo Dexter b llfliulsukcr Uraln's ....KrmvKjn &. Drain Damascus K Foibcs Dnyton li C Hatlaway Rlkton A II Unities BuRenu John JlcClune Fox Valley A I) Gardner Forest Urovo 8 Hughes, W L Curtte Goshen J llandsakcr Ocrvals 8 M Gaines Halsey T J Black Harrlsbntg Illrnni Hmllh Htllsboro A LnclUng Ilepncr Morrow A Ucrrcrt Independence W L HodRln Jnnctlon Smith. Brasflclil & Co., W L Lemon Jacksonville M Peterson King's Valley Conner A Cresno Jefferson John W Roland LewUvlllo II O McTlmmonds Lafayette Dr 1'onplctoo, A BUcnry Lebanon B II Clanghton Monroe Jos Kcltcr McMinnvlllo J 11 Morris, A ltcld Monmouth W Watcrhonso Mill Plain, WT David Stamp Needy Wm Morcland New Km j Casio Kcwcllsvtlle ; 1'K Castlcmnn North Yamhill DC Stewart Oakland H K Itaymond (Iswcgo AH Hhlliley Ott J II Hchrocdvt' OrcBonClty .T M Bacon l'enillcton WA Whitman I'coria Dr.T II Irvlno Pilot Hock R Gilliam I'ortlantl S 1' Lee, Agent Stato Gringo PrlncsvlUc OMl'rlnglo Pcrrydnlc Mi Grciv'a htoro Klckrcal FA Patterson Hoscburg Tims Smith Hclo F 1' Jones, Thus Miitikcm Sllrcrton T It Ulbbnrd HhciW's WM Powers, OK Wheeler Hprlngdcld A G llovey Hiibllmtly ., John Downing Swcrt Ilnmu Hen Marks Sheridan TiiircM FS llarrco Tho Dalles H L Brooks Turner W M llllleary Vancouver S W Ilrnwn WlllaniPlto Fork M U'llkltm Walla Walla J F llrower WaMo JOKldcr Yencall.t .1 It r.lll-on. IIS Aiiplcgatc J. W. GILBERT lJuyK On sit 1'ov Hides, Furs, & Pelts, m21 Commercial st., SALEM. ly Arm Brokem List ovonlng, nltor tho stenmor had made fast to tho dock, an agod gontloman by tho namo of Dico, who rosidos at Indopondonoo, and Just aa ho was stepping on the wharf bo sllppod and fell. In tho rail ho Injured ono or his logs, and fracturod tho bono or his right arm botwoontho shoulder aud elbow. II o baa a daughter living In South Salom, who went to the Commercial hotel wnitiieruer tatnor had boon conveyed. The fracturo was reduced and tbo patient was resting easy at a lato hour. Shlppias Lumber. Mr. J. II. Mooros, or tho Capital Lumber ing Company Informs us, this morning, that ho Is now shipping Oregon maplo lumbor to San Francisco as per contract with tho Cal ifornia Furnlturo Company. Sovoral thou sand foot ofoholco maplo lumbor Isnlroady on tho dock, to bo shipped on tbo noxt boat, and tho romaindor or the contract will bo tilled Just us soon as It can bo got out. Oregon maplo is notod for cablnot work. Tho North Salem Bridge. Tho work on tho North Salom brldgo Is bolng fast comploted, tho bents nnd stringers aro in their propor placos aud the lloorlng Iscomplolod partoi tho way; Itromnlns to put tho nprons on at oltbor ond nud tbo sldo railings, and tbo work will bo oamploto. In all probability by this llino next week, tho brldgo will bo so that toams can cross over. New Safe. Mossrs. Ladd A Hush received on tho dock last oveulug, per stoamor Occident a now burglar proof safe, of thirty hundred wolght. Let the People Bejoice, For tho bountlfnl harvest of 1877 has now placed in tho bands ot the people tbo golden coin, that tboy may lloo to W. P. Johniou it Co. and securo such pictures as will ploaso thorn and tholr frlonds, and be a blessing to generations to come, llomember the placo, ovor Willis' Iiookstoro, Stato St., Salom, Or. A Double. Waddtnc. At tho residence or tho brides' iathor in Portlaud, Dr. W. Woalborrord, Wednosday ovonlng, Deo. 5. 1877, by Kov. J. A. Cruun, David Steel nnd Miss Klla Weather ford; nud Capt. O. P. Harper and Miss Lilly M.Woalh-oriord. FIRST PREMIUM! For Visiting Cards I AA Ca-dswlth any namo neatly srlntcl thereon Jl I lent to any address upon receipt of 25 Cents. ill land a 3-ccnt stamp. Address, WW W. J. Claiike. Salom, Oregon. RAILRO. Nurseries. I have the Largest stock ol Frulfc TrecN lu Oregon t 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, TnATWI.f(1' AVKUAQE SIX MET IN IllOIir and I will sell them from 10 lo $25 per Hundred. nil&Mf !! J6,a,..l,c.n!!on 1 m' AMSDEH JUNE VS'lTi15? . l ud Caches of this variety ripe July 8. 1677. and they aro of excellent quality. I hate also seven other varieties of Peaches, and a oeneral variety of tther Kralt Trees and Bhrubs. Also, a lsrgo fot of I'EACII SBEDLINOd. at 30 per Tk: AOEKTS roil JIT NUUIEIIIES. D J Malarkcr, Portland K W Whipple, Cottago uruTO, N. I.lCrolr. Hubllmltv. J Morris, Mcbaraa. A Wheeler, Bhedd. 1) W PIlA.Inn llftu..! Tl. Wm ll&rrla. llpnnlrM W II H..U. Ill, .n.. ' 1)1 JI 1) Oden, Ilarilibnrg, J A Hunt. 6aUand, ' ' cl A Itnr. Woolcnsi'm Co., T ". i. .. '.. v":.".uu . urownsvuie. WMbteele, Tomer, A Jones, Hiayton, I. Urabo, Halsey, W Shnraan, Sharon, W T H ricrry, UcMlnnvlllc. jir n, a junsuis, jtaccne. auunvi ueaiianu. S"' l eJJ oucm, ja,on Royal Washington Co ra V trcltE, Travellos ai;cnt eatt of tho Wllfaiuttto H. W. I18XITMAV, ...,. l'roprtetor of Itallrsad Nurseiles, ocuatf EAST 1'OHTLAHD, OB. OZU3G-ON- TTT A.TTOTTr SntinrI Olllcors Elected. At tho recont annual mcoting of the Guild, of St. Paul's parish, tho following oOleers woro olected for tbo coming year: Dr. A, M. Itelt and Mrs. Joseph llolmau, VIco Presidents; Mrs, O. S. Woodworth, Secio taryjMrs. James Walton, Treasurer. mi. :. y. ciiask, BURVET Lt.Col., UteSarseon U.S. Volinteer. -Unlet. Diirliln' bmrk, no stair. c7v S. H. CLAUGHTON, XT OTA It Y IMJRLIC. Ileal U.tute i.l.and Collector oi'CIuIiiin, wlllnroraml A Kent, yat- tend lo au. biis-nex entrui ll to bis care. MaKINQ L'O.NVKYANCKs A al'jlCIAI.iy. Ofllce at ihs Pott oince, Xiotoanon. Or, RAILR0AD LANDS. Lllorul Tot'iim! LOW PKICKM LONG TinE! IOW INTKIIKST Tie Oregoa and CalirorBla ana Oregon Central Railroad Companies firrms VA&s tW FIRE X3xrsxm.-a.ixroEi COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets, - . $668,547.45 Income, 1876, $465,904.29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - . $1,137,367.60 HAMILTON BOYD, MANAGElt. au3tf 72 Vlrut HI.. PORTLAND. rjl trm: One tenth of the price in cash; Interest on the balance at the rate of seven per cent, one yeai after sale; and eeh following yeer one-tenth of the principal and Interest on the balance at the rate ol WZSSZSlFtfgfJj? Princpaund tnter A discount of tea per eent. wUl he allowed for cash VT l.ettr to be addreMed to P. SCI1ULZK Lan Agent O. A C. 11. It.. 1'orUand, Oreion. ' JOHN MINTO, nuiKSER or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES pleasure In offering to tho WoolOrowers of UreRou ami the adjolnlns Terrltori'a tho chance topurduso TllOltOlTOllUltEI) SlKltlNOS, and as suring parties Interested that they can, and will en ?S i,S1.l,f,e? of ,he anle qnallly and value at MUCH CHEAl'KintATES than such can possibly bo lmportwt. hxamluatlon and comparison with oth er Sheep offered lu the market are cordially InilteU. v Address John M1NTO. L Salem, Oreseu. N. II. The Rams and Ham Lamba of tho flock can. bo seen on the ISLAND KAlUf, adjoining Halem. Mtfi 7.??.n -bo ,8D at ,h Me pUce, or at the HILL FAHM four and s hall miles south of the city. balem, September 10. 1873. REAL ESTATE LOANS. OREGON ANB WASHINGTON Trust Invegtment Company OF SCOTL4NB. THIS Company If prepsred to negotiate loans la soma Irom StO to JW.UOO aecmrea over IMPBO VKD CITV rhOPKBTlf and FARM LANDS. Ibr flxtd perloda of yens, or repayable by half yearly in stallments. For teisae, apply to . WILX1AM RKH), Manager, novlOy Flrat Street Irfljail. V J-, E3 aatsisr,. ijHMbmABtHz irtftrMXSl ...TT.-r.jw. AmslWfc" Jaf'ltllW