"Hb IH Ihv sft jJaMMwfcpjCfcLSaTitj M Ml t CLHffTj li iTfT LLff JPsvhWl0ElPutftjr3Hr!f vl Jn!twafHHBBKlH7 ff f vW j S & fl H .HP $2.50 per Tear, BY TELEGRAPH, Madrid, Deo. 10. All tho newspapers, In cluding the opposition, approve or King AN ' fonso'a marriage with Duke de Montpen aler'a daughter. All foreign courts alio ex press their approval. Paris, Deo. 10. Bonapartlst senators held a meeting yesterday evening. Speakers pointed out that the events or the 10th of May were accomplished without their con. cnrrence and they would not participate In carrying out a similar policy under the Mine conditions. Republican Journals stalo that at tho Inter view betwoon Prestdont MnoMnbon aud tho pros Iclou tor tho sonalo, tho marshal stated that the cabinet was formed aud them could bo no quosllon of compromise or concilia tion. Now York, Deo. 10. Tho Ilerald's London correspondent In Romo tolegraphs; Kxcltlng discussion with ivgard to trench occlesleBtl cal affairs which is now taking placo causod tho Popo to paw n bad night. Ho was troubled with vomiting and suffocating with catarrh, lu tho morn ln tlio doctor dlscov orod tho ulcor In his log hud n!ord In conso quoncoofswolllng. This explains tho at tompt to reopen tho wounds. Charlos 13. Smith, president of tbo Head lug Railroad Company during eight eara ending in 1S89, publlsbos to morrow a lotter disclosing a startling ronort iiihuo to lis mali ngers yoars ago, but which 1ms boon hllhorto suppressed. Tho report was undo by Smith, Ltppincntt.ttiopublishor,and Iao-IIlokloy, ns n commlttto of tbo managers, und em braces statements and statistics which Smith says show that tho real earnings of the railroad una the, coat una iron company olnce 1&71 havo been only ?'2,3J7 000, whllo tho dlvldonds paid by tho railroad wore?lS, 010,000, or more than seven times lhoro.il profits; also that tho amount ot floating debt was concealed by transfers made ou,the books for tho purpose, aud thut tho loss on thqcolllorlos wnrkod by tbo company bus - been ?I2,0;0,000, and tbo gain on these leased over l,760,000. Smith pleads ill boalth nx tbertaion for not sooner discovering and oxnoslngtbo bad condition orthoeompauy Watuinglau, war whi before rcgton, Doo. 10 -The jecretary.orl.naw oil ciaiiy annouucea nere. lueneinei before the corrimitwo iln-nlinUmWh"1nYeMpvfiajM .Ai ti ..id ,im ninr m Gnnnrni and replaced by Chaklr Pasha. nfivtri to-dav. fin said tho ordor to Oeuornl Ord to pursuo tho Mexican raiders across the Tllo Granrfo an n (rash trail was based Princi pally on Information given in the ronort of Xitout.ioi. nuuanor, nercioioni ihiuiimhki, and being asked whit authorlly tlio war do partmont had In mk Mich an order, ho cited tho order given Col. hough u. i-oe, in 1880, to follow Moxicau doprctlators Into Mexico If nocoory, end that given by John C. Calhoun as secretary of war, lu 1317, to Gen. Gaines, to puisue thoHemiiiolo Indians Into Spanish territory, which order was vigorously carried out by Gen. Galuos, suc cessor of Gen. Androv Jackson, dipt. Clans, of tho -lib Infantry, stationed nt Fori Brown, coutlrmed tho current statement, that several largo ranches lu Texas had been abandoned In consequence of tho danger to nroportv and Hie from Mexican raiders. Now York, Deo. 10. ruler I). Sweeny to day paid tho last Installment of -100,000 aud interest which hepureodto pay this city in e ttlemont of the Tweed ring suits against him. At noon Jud.o Ncah Davis vacatrd tho attaobinou'h upon Sweeney's proporty, and Immediately transfers of it were made to Jay Goald and other purchasers who furnished tbo cash for tho filial settlement. This arrangement, Sweouey's friends deolaio strips him entirely of hU real estate, and leaves him to begin anew the search for fortuno. He Is a lawyer and uow resumes bis profession. London, Deo. 12. A Paris special says It Is dltlicult to describe the Intense feellug of un easiness and apprehension that prevails. In accordance with orders of tho minister of the Interior, all tho gunsmith shops In Paris aro required to close their abutters. There are no outward symptoms of agitation tusk ing such precaution necessary. Some fir elgnera are leaving Paris. Tho latest report la that M. Batble has failed to form a minis try, and that M. Andrew De Kerbret has lieen summoned to the Elysee. New York, D:o. 11. A special from Rome Bays the pope is suuering miens aguuy iu dan, and unlets speedily-relieved can't sur vive many hours. New York, Deo. 11. The fine Iron steam or Oregon was successfully launohed to-day from the yards of Roach it Sous, Chester Pa. She is or2,2S0tous burthen and is owned by the Oregon Steamship Corapauy, of Port land. She will ply between that city aud San Francisco. Mr Villard, the president of the Oregon Steamship Company, rejwrts that tho Oregon mils from this port for San Prancl'ro about the 15 of January San Francl'co, Dec. 11, The assembly has adopted unanimously senate concurrent res olution akiug concrete to levy a per capita tax of $250 on Chines Immigrants. The senate has adopted a olnt resolution asking congress to enact the necessary law a to pro vide for an international commission of the United States, Great Britain end China to restrict Chinese Immigration . The Silvertoa School. Under the management of Mr. O. A. Pee bles, who Is the Principal of the school, this institution now raoks with the host primary educational institutions of tho State. Tl e number of pupils Is 101, which, In conntc tlon with the fact that Sllverton numbers but 356 souls, all told, Is a pretty sure Indication that that psrt of Oregon has escajied the rav aceaofdlphtherlaaud other diseases Incident t childhood. Miss Alice Peebles has charge ofthe music classes and tnesinallercblldren. r.H. .friirnMni Kl-A dedicated tO COUWOSl- tions. recitations etc, and are well attended by the parents nftha pupils 7 indeed a model one. This tcuool U SALEM, FOREIGN. Surrender of Plevna to tne BotiLuu, with 60,000 Prisoners and 400 Cannon. Chicago, Deo. 10. Plovna has surrender ed unconditionally. Bucharest, Deo. 10 Plevna Is now In the hands of the Russo-Roumanian armies. After a severe engagement yesterday bo fore Plevna, Osman Pasha, who was wound ed, surrendered unconditionally. The Turks In Plovna were dying of hunger and cold. Thorn is ereat Joy hero. Bucharest Is cover ed with flags. Tho -Tlo Russo makas tho following an nouncement: Osman Pasha attempted to breakthrough In the dlroctlon of Widdln. Ho was attacked In front and roar and was compelled to Uy down his arms after a glorious Mtruirglo In which ho was seriously wounded. All with ono voice pralso his conduct. . Brnzot, Deo. 10. At 0:30 yesterday morn lug Ojman Pasha's ontlro army attacked the Russian grensdlsr corns holding tho linn nf luvcHlmentnf llinloft bank oftborlvor Vld, endeavoring to force n passage Tho attack was Hindu with dospornto onergy, and a por tion nf the Turkish troops did in fact pono trato tlio Hun ol entrenchmontsaud bnttorlos, but all attempts to break through tho posi tion nf tho grenadiers woro inetlectual. Aflor live hours' sovoro lighting, tho Turks woro dtftiatod, Osman Pax ha, Mirrounded on nil sides, was compelled to surrender with his whole nrmv. Now York, Deo. 11. Special advices from Bucharest put the numbor of Turkish pris oners tnkou at Plevna at -10 000, and tho number of guns captured at -100. Tho ground which was thosrouo of tho sortie was literal ly strewn with thousands of dead and dying. The sulfdrlngs or thn Turks In tho boloagur od town wore awful. Cold, dtseaso hiuI famine had decimated Iholr ranks and re duced thn soldlors to llvlngskololons. St. Petersburg, Doo. 12. Tho number of prlonors taken nt Plevna Is ostlmated at -10,-000, exclusive of 20,r00 sick mid wounded. Constantinople. Deo. 12. Tho fall of Plev- Bucharest, Doo. 12 A report current hero that Ounan Pasha's attempt to break nut was caused by n combined Russian and Roumanian assault on his positions Is pure ly Itmigluary. Tlio sortlo wra sololy prompt ed by tho rntlro failure of provisions. Oa man crossed tho river Vld, attacked and took Fort Dolny Ktropoljs. Tlio Russians aud Roumanians wore liurrlol up from Susorlannd Ilukova. After terriblo carnage Osman attempted to ro enter Plevna, but it had meanwhile hsen occupied by Roumani ans and Rmslans from Grlvita. O-maii, on tlnding hiuiself thus surrounded, al though wounded lu tliu'loot, personally con ducted negotiations for surrender. Ho ex pressly announced thut ho surrendered un comlltloinlly to the emporor. Simultane ously with tho main sortlo tho Turks make a sortlo ngalust the Roumanian position on tho rUht bank of tho Vld, but this whs feebly conducted, and tho Turks In that quarter surrendered almost uuresls'lngly. The whole Turkish nrtillerr train was cap tured lu tho Immediate neighborhood of Plovna, The Jtussian nnu itoumanisn armies mndo a triumphal entry Into the town at 3:30 Monday afiernoou. Grand Duke Nicholas slept at Plevna last night. Kumors thai tho Porte Intends to tnke Im mediate steps for brluglngabout an armistice or peace negotiations are lounoea ou snaio thlnir more than mere con lecture. It 1" semi ofllclally anuouuoed that thecapture of Plevna will not prevent hostl'ltles from bo lng continued, even though preliminary negotiations for peace should be commenc ed. Fine Hones Killed. The Record, Wednesday, says: Just before going to press, we learn that Gen. J. F. Miller's celebrat9d horsos 'Hard- bargalu" and "Fear-me-not," were fourd dead this morning, near the R. R. track, about three miles South of tho city, having the appoorance of having been run overly the Albany Express last nlgLt, or tbli morn ing. "iiardbargain" was a Lexington, and won the two years old race In 1671, and tbo threo years old race 1S78, at the Sum Fair, und whs valued at several thousand dollars. "Fesr.me-not" was also a Lexington, out of Luther, and a thorougbred, prized very biiruly. The loss to the running stock of Oregon can hardly be estimated by this casualty. Leg Broken. A man aged about CO years, working In Turpley's tagging camp, on Sliver creek, had his leg badly broken yesterday, while roll ing logs into tho creek, where It iIowh turouch the cauon i-evtral miles from tho oiuin, The accident occurring In an out of the way place, a number of hours elapsed before he could be got within the reach ol medical asststauce. Dr. Ssufurd, ot Slider ton, readied tbo camp at a late hour, aud did what was uecetsary, but it is f-jsred that internal Injuries may prove a terlcus tar to his early recovery. CnrUtmai and New Yeor'i. John G.Wright, at his old stand, Commer cial Street, Salem , has received a great assort ment of Toys, Candles, and Holiday Gift, and is fully prepared for the Holiday Trade oi 1377. novMwl. itmgiihtmtmsati&t-- OREGON, DECEMBER THE 1TOHM. BridCM 0tl4 Away. The s tort a of Saturday night and Sun day was one of the worat that has visited the valley for a long time, a4 we should not be surprised to hear of maeh loss of property from ita occurrence. In this city three brWgea were carried away. The first to go wae the NOIITH SALKlf URIIXIK, Which wo mado mention of In our last Issue, as being rapidly brought to oomplotlon, and that, In all probabllllywould bo flnlshod this wook. During SMarday night so mo time, the mill raco of Waldo A Wollor, gavo way directly under the bridge, and opposlto ono of tho main bonts tho wator rushed through with such foroo as to can bo tho gravel to wash from beneath tho mud-hill, and tho strong current washod tho bent down, which caused the entire struoturo, about ono hundred foot'boyoud tho raco, to tumblo down, and this morning It resembles a pontoon bridge. Fortunately tho timbers did not wash away, and this morning tho contractor, tl. J. L, Kline, had a forco of mount work removing tho tlmbors out of tho water. Mr. Kllno had a contract to build tho hrldgo for tho city, nnd tho structure would havo been turned over to tho authoi Itlcs within ton days bad not this accident occurred. Mr. IC. will lose soverol hundred dollars by tho mishap, moil HTiutiT nnipoi:, Of which wo mado mention somo tlmo ago as haying ono of thsVbeuU carried away. Last night tho water raised so sudden as to carry nwsy another Ibeut, thus allowing about forty feet of thoUrjicture to tumble dowdlntoth'eiHhlBirr.yjrtnrronttbelow -ana-rmrwroou was uorn on tno current in us mad career for about a half a mile, when tbo entire mass lodged against tho bents of tho foot IIP.IPOK ON 03MMKr.CIAI.HTIir.KT. Tho wreck having foraiod a sort of a dam, tho bents woro unable to stand tho strong current, aud soon tho structure gavo way ami about sixty foot of the center of tho bridge oiuio down with n tnrrlblo crash, aud tlio mass of tlmbors of both brUigos wore carried out with tho Hood Into the broad Willamntto nnd hurried on down tlio river to llnally Indgo lu seme nook and help to 1111 up tho dillereiit rluks of drift wcod. Both of the last named bridges were built by a formor cltlzou of this placo by thn name ot Cliaso. Tho Commercial street brldgo was built In tho year 1870, at tho exponse of the city aud aided, to moiiih extant, bv private subscription. LastSprlng several now bents were placed lu the bridge aud was counted safe lu every souso of the word. High ntroot brldgo has ouly been In uso (or about three years, but was partially built a year ot two btforo, but owing to some misunderstanding the work was not completed uutil about throe yeaiH ago. The bridge was considered as a very stauuch aud safe one. Aliunv, Dec. 10, The steamers Bonanzs nnd Champion, of the W. R. T. and L. Company, were sunk near Half Moon bend, threo miles this side of Corvallis, during thn storm of Saturday night aud Sunday, by btlng snagged lu the drift wood. The boats wire banked and will bo easily raised. II, Tha Disabled SUamtrs. The Record of Tuesday says: The steamers Bonanza and Champion, ol which we made mention In yesterday's isuo as being snagged and sunk, above Corvallis, this morning both of lbs steamers passed down tho river. From tke Agent, Mr. Ames, we learn the following particulars: The Champion when about tire miles above Cor vallis, run on to a auag, ond being heavily loaded, could not free terself from It, and soou afterwards tbo Bouanza came along down the river, aud setlng the Champion dl willed, went to her assistance and took about 30 tons ot her load and proceeded nu down the river, she bad gone about half a mlli when sheaUo run co a snag, but swung oil of It. Captain TackUbury Immediately headed her for tho shortand had her drawn upon tho bank, as the Mler raited, and had the bole bulk headed, vblch was about four feet wide and twelvo feit long, she win then gat back icto the watoi Just as the Cham plou catuo along and tlitodLabled steam ers passed by here withn a few minutes of each other. The Uouaus had on about HiO tons of wheat. Not a (ashul of wheat was lost by either accident, Direct Imputation. W. W. Martin has Just received direct from tho mauufacturer,ne largest and band amiest consignment if silverware ever brought to the Capital City. To-day ho Is engaged in putting it up and about to-mo'-row bis windows, cas-ibd shelves will b well worth seeing. Nerueat, elegant and artistic deslgua may bi fouod among bis ne stock. Now get redy to purchase your wife a nlua sliver tot for lorlstmas. 14, 1877. Stat of Orcoa. The magnificent new steamer State of Ore gon, being built by the Oregon Steamship Company, waa launched at Chester, Pennsyl vania the first of December. After being launcbod, the new steamer was towed around to New York, where the cabin will be built and also tho upper works. It is ex pected that the State of Oregon will bo ready Tor sea about tho mlddlo of February. Cap tain Frauds Connor, who brought the Geo. W. Elder safely around to San Francisco, has boon dotalled by tho Company to bring out tho uowsteauior. Soon as tho nowstoamor is ready to proceed ou bor long voyago, Capt. Connor will aaumo command. lie expects to loavo Now York about Fobruary 15th, and probably will reach San Francisco some tlmo during tho first of May following. Tho Stato of Oregon whon Uulshod and fully oqulppnd, will cost tho Compiny about 9500,000, Sho will havo n carrying capacity of 2,200 tons. Thn steatnor will bring 1,200 tons of morohaiidlso and 1,000 tons or coal, Tho Statn of Oregon is bolng expressly built for tho Portland and San Francisco trndo, Sho will bo a floating palaco. Another Colebration, At a regular meotlng hold last Saturday ovonlng, Ollvo Lodgo No. IS, I. O. O. P., tho mombors votod to ct-lobrato tho tenth anni versary of the Institution of that Lodgo. which takos plncoou Monday, January lltli. A Comniltteoof arrangomonts was appointed for tho purposo of making all uocossary reparations for tho s Hair. Tho following 1st of gontloiunu constltulo tho commltleo: A. L. btliihou, T. M. G atoh, J. M. Scott, II. II. Gil fry und John M. Mlnto. On whlih occasion tho o Moors of tho Lodge will be publicly Installed, rollowod by an oration aud sociable Thoro's a good tlmo a coming, you bet. All for Love. The other day lu Independence, a young uerman , wo uiu not mum ins name, attempt od to murdor nglrl It Is said booauso sho would not marry hltu, Theyotingladyls tho daughtor of Win. Kays, prnprlotor of tho hn tol. Fortunately tho blow fell short of Its mark, inflicting but i slight wound on tho iirm nf tho voung lady. Tho wnuld-be mur deror Is still nt Ihumi. It Isthoimht ho Is crazed on thn sub di'tnf women. The voiintr lady's brother uavo him a sound beating wo understand. Tills Pillow should bo locked after by tho authorities. The Oldest Justice in Oregon, Mr. Isaao Shuts, of thoLucklamuto, Is cer tainly tho oldest Justlco of tho Peaus In tho Stato. Ho was appalntoJ a Justlco by Gov orunr Abornothy In 1815, and has held that o 111 co over since, excopt ono or two tonus, Ho can say what but iuw other Justices can, He can not recall to memory hut two cases appealed from his court that his iludlntra were uotBuslsltifld by thn hlghor courts, Ho has never sought tho otllco but the ofllco sought him. Contract Closed. This foronoou a contract was olosod bo twoon tho Paoillo Threshing Machlno Com pany and B. F. Huron. Suporlntondont of tho Peultontlary, for tbo manufacture of tho wood work for Polton'a separators and horse po wers, A now building Is to bo erectod Im mediately, within the prison enclosure, dl rectly North of the shoe factory. Tho pre cise terms of tbo contract for the uso of pri son labor has not yet been mado public, Was It Done by tho Flood 7 Tho carrying away, by tbo flood, last Sun day evening, ol Commercial street bridge, has revealed the fact that more than hall ol our citizens were oyer In South Salom that oven lng, as about every other person we mot yesterday, "had Jusi crossed tho bridge a fow minutes before it fell." After a while we will be constrained to bollevo that tho flood did not do the damago, but It was earned by fo many ot our citizen crossing ou it ut the sumo time. Carried Away. Last Sunday, the dam nf tho old Kngl'Mi saw ud grist mill ou Pudding river, gave way, and washed away tho old mills; the timbers Indued across the river nu the iod leading from R. C, Geor'a placo to this city aud carried a rortlon of the structure uwsy witu tne noon. (iriunen were uuitity on imfd jDHienlay mid to-day, repairing tLo dtmage. The brldgo was considered ouo ol the best in the county. Masonlo Election. Tho following otllc6ra of Salom Lodge, No. J, A. F.andA. M, were ilsctod D'c, lltr, at a regular convocation, for tho ensuing t-rm, W illism Armstrong, W. M.; C, II. Walker, S, W.j George P. Litchfield, J. W.j T. II. Reynolds, Secretary, snd J. II. Albeit. Treasurer. The lnsallatloii ct-renionles will tike placo ou tho evening of lho27tu lust. Highland. Lodge. Highland Lodge, No. 2D, I. O. O. Fo( Eola, trecently elected the following ofllcers for the ensuing term: John Brookor, N. G.j D. M. Hampton, V, G.j R. Doty, R.Sec; William Jsmea, Treasurer; Thomas Pearce, Thomas Jordan, Wm, Waters, Trustees. rW'" Volume IX. Numbor 44. InuntgTaata from New England. Gon. T. It. Tun mitt, who wtia lately in Oregon and now noting as ngont for tlio railroad and steamship corapanloa ut Boston, writes tho editor of tho Faumkh, that a largo nnd good emi gration from Now England to Oregon, tuny ho expected, nsido from thoso cotnlni: in tho now steamer State of Oregon. Tho Spring will furnish nn unprecedented turning to Oregon from over-crowded Now England. You can get much of that element that lm.s made New England what sho is if you Grangers and pooplo will help by send- iug Information. Tho steamer, Mate of Oregon, will probably leave next month, and bo crowded with tho best kind of emi grants. Gcti. Tannatt Is well known thereabouts and is doing all ho can as ngont for tho railroad nnd steamship companies to direct such emigration In this direction. l)i:ci:.M nr.it. -Persons at a distance can form some idea of tho climate of Oregon to learn that now, well into December, strawberries ttro iu bloom ou tho hills, and stock thrive on tho green aud abundant pasture. It Is true that wo havo had somo white frosts, though not many, and rains havo boon rather excessive, but tho fact remains that tho mean temperature of tho month is temperate, nnd though De cember Is u pro,vrblalIy rough winter month wo have little severity to com plain of. It hns been good weather, part of tho time, when not too wet, for planting out fruit trees iu hill laud, and wo havo employed It in that manner. Fkiuiy Go.vi:. Wo learn from Sclo that the ferry boat on tho Sautlam, has bcou car ried oil', and tlio ferryman, will not let tho ultlzensuf Sclo put In u boat, nor does ho put ono lu himself, which our friend, tho P. M. at Solo, gives us reason for Irregular malls botweeu Salem aud that placo. It looks ns If tho ferryman wished to glvo tho County Commissioners of I, Inn and Marion a hint that a first class brldgo was needed nil that road, and as tho fact Is plain onouuli wo hopo tho County Courts of tho roipccllvo counties will Immediately act upon It. Isn't it So? About as nko n holiday present as you can mako your mothor, your sister, your frlond, or your sweetheart, Is to call at Weatherford's and select from bis largo and oxcollost ntook, artloloi for tho toilet, consisting of brushes, combs, per fumes or cosmetics; fir ull ladles from young to old, from gravo to gay, havo a decided tasto for thoso things, and Santa Claus hlin solf likes to Indulgo thorn iu It. T, Cuuulugham ,fc Co, havo their usual assortment of plows, cultivators, drills, bor rows, wagons, Ac, aultodto the winter sea son, and offer the Mlshauaka Chilled Iron Plow, a new thing, said 1)7 uuny whi havo mod It to be tho best thing out. Cslland aeo them before you Invest In thut lino, A lady nniilyliitr for iiiIiiiIhiIoii to tlio Junior class of nu American Jfliiiiinivry, on nemg questioned uy tlio ricsnioiit uh to bur (Uullllcntloii, replied: "I ulu't much nf un urltliinutlukur, but 1 utit nu elegant gmnunurlst." Georgia negro preaches to his Uncle "Wo Imvu n collection to nuiku this morning, and for tlio glory of heaven, whichever of you stolu Mr. Kinlth's sheep, don't put any thlngoii the plutu." A bit lewd colored piiH.-en, that. I.viiik wiioi.K iiinTouvot- Mi:ntciNi:, no preparation Imsovor peranum! sucti inai vollouscun, or iiMlniHliied so wide u repu tation, us AYKIt'n C'llllltllV i'lXTOIUI., which Is n cognized as thn world's mnuly for all dUesses oi tlio llimul Mini limits. Its lonu continued serlos of wnnderlul cures iu all ullumtes has uiadu It uiilveriiilly known us a sain and reliable agent to employ . Against ordluury colds, which ttro the foreriiuuero of more serious dUorders, it ni-is Miotdily ami surely, aluays relieving sulfuilu'ir, und oIIhii saving llfs, The protection it mlonl, by Its timely uso lu ilio tlitcut und lung ilUordeiN of children, nu'kis Hhii Iiivi.IuhIjJh remedy to bo kept alwuvN on limnl hi mvry home. No porsou can oH'onl to lu without It, and those who have oiico lined It never will. From their knowledge of Its composition and ellectn, Physicians le-n tbo iiiuiuv I'KiroitAi, extensively iu their nracili-e, nnd Clergymen recommend It. It is absolutely certain in Its remttJIal etlects, and will al ways cure wh&r,, cures are poNtlbld, For sale by all dealers, ,... 8 1 a fl 1 1 1 w J rU ft1 W '. ten ,i-..H ,-- L-Jf-liJ.ei