Jwi?fcS WILLAMETTE FARMER. f .. n i i i i el . M ft Ki W ERA FRUIT. llowzvv Prairie, Nov. 30, 1877. It, may be safely asserted tbat a new era is at baad on tbls Count. Amoig the many prominent ways and means bero for profit, there Uonewhloh works high up, and is, beyond doubt, ofaurnand heavy profit. This Is tbe fruit business, which has been neg lected amongst us forBivoral yoars past. In setting out such multitudes or fruit trees hero from 1818, lo 1805, tho prospect of sales oflnls fruit was In tho California market. That market In no longer of much account to II H. From cold Knaps, Improper planting and oulturo, and worthiest varktlcH oout, on wot cold soils, a largo amount of our olJ orohards am dead or nearly to. Tho farm eros, nomologists and nursorymon havo bad nearly thirty yoars oxporlonco in tho fruit business on this Coast. Surely, Ifexperlenco be a good teachor, wo havo bad much of It. Tbe time and opportunity are with us now, to profit by our oxporlonco In fruit culturo here. We know tbat a very large varloty of fruit trets waa introduced here in early times. Maayoflhem were spurious or worthless kinds. One noted variety, callod L s' Cheat, told as the Blue Pearmaln, in Marlon county, turned ont to be a worthless little seedling. Tbe fruit boobs from tbo East were mainly relied upon lor correct informs tlon, aa to sorts of fruit, mode of culturo and their keeping qualities. Now, it turned out tbat Winter apples amongst tboYankeos, were only Fall apples here, and vice versa. Ho different was our climate, seasons, tolls ' and cultivation here from tboso In tbe States tbat the scleneeof Pomology bad to be learn ed anew bore. Tbe varlotlosof our soils and localities here might be called legion. Va rlelUs of fruit trees horo on nno locality, may not sultat all on another locality, not n mllo off I have traveled In every county In the Wlllsniilte Valley, and havo looked well at tbo numerous oiotiards in each county, nnd the variolic of fruits In each, and which did tho worst, etc., and I could not now glvo a oatslnguo of fruit trees with any dogroo f correctness, unloss I know tho proolno soil, and locality of tho porson, desiring to sot out an orchard. If J saw any nno thing that was n flxod fiot, it w, that low, whllo ulay lands, with a hard pan subioll, nro utterly tinsulted to orohardH hern. And again I found that llm ber lands giritly rolling, are hunt for frultH, Whoro llinlmr lauds cannot Iw Imd for orch ard, then rolling Corn Unl-i should ho ho lected for an orchurd. l.vrry farmer or orchard lit lion, who has had experiment hi fruit culture, ran sen for hhiixolr what vario lation whnt colls and luoalllloH bavosuo ecmled tlio hint hum with him. And mmtnf fruit growers horn cansoiVol from tho iiiirMirltiH, tlinnn varl'tlls", no oordhitf to kinds; and not tuku lubtils iiloiic for Ihiilr guldo, as In tluiiH koiio by. Anil one nutter of tho groitntt Importance horn Is to buy yoiiiio; twos, only of healthy stork-, Dlsossrd limbs, urafl id on to healthy roo's, wilt din h ft i r i v lillti, llkn pfiisoiiH with litr.-il-lUry iiom plaints, Nlno-toutlm of all tho old bearing npplo treH litiro and many of thn plum mul totr trues ani (lUt'iised. It Im to tin hop id that our iiiirivrymon havo looked well to this matter, There never wni a tlmo that thorn was ns sura a thing, for prollt, In tho way of frultH horn, as now. Many of our folk am ill eourcxd at tho project of n Ur.k of employ ment lor our iloMlnx population. If ll tho dlninult sort of occupation lion-, went pltohoil Into with a will, and porMivurtd In, thorn need tin no Idluts and t;rimlt-rs. '1'hu Invriitiou of tlio nhpsp fruit dryer, mi till Cost, has opttiiod up (u Ui u 'now era In fruits," IVrlmi'NH urtof our old Htaiullnj: trM'H In the orchard out Im sovorely pruned and brought to bear Kiwd crops of fruit Hat thtiro is not, pnrlupo, ono f Ilium In fifty, that would yield linaltliy otittluH from which to graf;. Too gro..t earn cannot Im oburvod In plaiilliigout now orchard. Tho Idea that about thn poorest of our, lands may liepUi.ted to fiult Is iTxpuiletous, Thn riohsst and bust prsoes of laud should bo selected for orchards, tho sjiiih oaru should be had aa for a garden. Tito ground should be well pulverised n foot deep, and well drained. Norer should water b allowed to stand upon the roots of fruit trees, moro than few hours at one time. Wo havo had ox perlenoe a to setting fruit treow near and fir apart. All my oxporlonco and oliNorvatlon go toward planting apple trees nt least aOxM feel each way, Pears may bo sot 'JOx'iO foul, and plume 10x10 foot. Cherry trees maybe set around the garden, in the bouso lot and along the road. Tho plun of digging post holes In which lo set Irult trees here, U non sense, Tho trees should bit Hot on top of tho earth and tho mellow loam gently piled up around tn roots lo a depth of three luciios morn than In lhnniirory. Thu old prAotlcn heiu wasto.liead young trotn. They should bo low down, and the upper I hubs let to grow, Moderate llinli pruning should hudounovory year. Tho earn In soiling and cultivating each apple and poar Ireo should bo as much h would be proper lor n clf. Tlio protlts of ono well tended upp'o or jKir troo may bo Kit ilown, in twenty yer, at over mm hun dred dolUiM. If 1 Imd llily orchard plots ready for youtit fruit trvia now, I should not sot out, lo I'xcevd, leu varieties of (bo apple, and lx of tho pcur. 1 oou d u-unti for'.v varieties ofthoappLi mid y- tint havo linn twdlurc In Minn) ooiintilis Hut oih In Ott'ton, anil hhould siiUourelvt lo cur own miiI uuilolloiair, Tlio eMroiiio olionpnivH of thn I'luiiimer Fruit UrjiH pUct.i thorn In I lie ImiuN of all trint'rH, ami Irult mlrH Insrn, Tim demand for our dried fruits fr oil !senillks, li iullly I knoan abiond, Thu Mipply from tills Coaxt car, nunr tipisl I lie (louitiul for oar dried Irult'. It vsouM to folly In nut to dlct4loto our ketllem what iorln of at pie, pear, pluniH, pch and cherry trees lopl jut heio. I.eilhem decM-. tor lleiHvlves. David Newsomk. Pom the Dally Rscord. DIPHTHERIA, THE DEATH AHD DOUMOF OHILDREIT, I waa greatly pleased yesterday to read In one of our dally paper. an extended article on that dreaded pesUlonco dlphtborla, Tho author attributes tbe dlsoaso to worms, and HUggests tbo remedy of worm modlotnes. I lltid no fault wllh his views, but would llko tosuggostanothoroiuso nnd cure, so much concurrent thatnolthernood necessarily pro vent tbo trial of tho other. CAUHH OP DU'HTUKniA. Audrow Jackson I).ivl, and tunny "Spirit diclorsy'ui wo call them, assign tho cause of dlphthcila to vegetable funjtu"; or rathi r I should siy tnat tho msmbrauou formation In tho throat Is a cryp'ogauil, ono of tho first forms of moss, such as makes tho fungoid covorlngovora pan of milk, after fiovoral days and the croam has raised and soured. Tho same cryplogamla tbat constitutes tho mould on dead men's faces after a few months Inhumation In a grave, as I bavo myself seen on the exhumation of a corpse for re moval to another bnrlal gronnd. It is tbe first vegotation that springs from dead nerve matter or struotnre. MI nBMEDY And prevention of diphtheria Usniphnr. I gavo my children a teaspoon ful twice a week during Its prevalence here last spring, and they escaped. The theory I go upon Is, tbat sulphur dostroys I be cause of diphtheria, In that It Is doath upon all wormy or fangold creations in tbo human body, by destroying tho animalcalar or monadlo formations or exlstenoles in the blood; whoso circulation throogh tbo system Anally culmlnatod at some local struoturomost eym pat hollo or congenial to them, as In case of dlpthorla, thoy appear to precipitate upon tho norvous glandular sy item of thu throat. TUB VKOETADLK W0M.D Is subjeot to ssmo law. Unco, among somo plum trocn I trlodan experiment. I bo rod a small holo luto ono of them and filled It with sulphur and plugged It up. Tho our culio, and all buga and wormi and stluglnK files tort that tree, thu fruit rlpouud and was rich In flvor, color and u'zi. Tho fruit on tho olhor treot was killed as usual. I tried this from tho f mt that I ntrly learned by experience, at snhool, that sulphur (Hkan Inwardly would kilt lt)o Itch tiu, uiidnr the skin of my llugerH mid wmMh, end I rea H(wied that It would h1-o kill lmcct nnd worm life In, or on trees; us 1 roasnn now that It kills ill liifiiHorlil atilinalcularorpr ashlo llfo that Ih not proper lo thn healthy human blood when taken Inwardly. I havo cured myself of WIIHKY TlIIItST. In two weeks with a to spoon full of sul phurs' day so that I couldn't, bear tntisto tho "critter" nnd 'rplruV' tell ms that tie atiunit Irrepressible devil ra'lid wliMy thliht Is owing to tho pnrnoe in tho blotd and thu syntiin,ol a piculli'r rpolosnf nnl ma!eula that hns been gi'imlmiKd sud born by (ho unnatural ueof tho ,ralu In dltllla tl n im tod f nsiural otting. To lllustrsle: You takna pound of coin, ryoor wheat, took It undent It sndjour llfo Is naturally fed and suhlalnid, tint lakn thoitraln nuddlslU llm spirit from it and drJnlc It, and such a dllltirentand unnaiursl ccmllllou Islnductd that II coiiH'MiiHy repented, tho condltlona ef our nalursl life are all oviotlireiwn, and you Iiccoiiki tilled with ui'imltiral olemoiital lllo, baeknvMi to tho molicnUr nnd protoplas mlo sUges of roiiHtruotlon, and If you dlo of it, lis end In thn'awful DKI.KItlUM lllKMHNH, Or snakes, tin km, reptile; all tho Inferior ooutllllniiM through which man mny have evolved. Hut nothing huivnnurangillo, to which ho aspires ami which li tlio end of a natural life. Tho thirst Is tho craving of thet-oaulmajcula for their llfo food, of which I to man through uervoussympathy Is made ojiucIouh. Hut pardon my digression. DISKABKfl 1IAVK BKKt CI.AMtKn Into two tanks. The Alkaline, whoso fiercest typo Is yellow favor, and theAscId ulass, whose deadliest manifestation Is chol era, and remedies from tbe mineral, vegeta ble, anltntl and mtgnotlo worlds, so lo call them, havo been atudled ever sines man's appearancoon tbls planet; and most of these remedies bavo been successfully classed upon one or the other of these two sides. Hut sulphur, whatever may be its constitu ent elements appears to be AN AMAUIAMAT0H, And gathers out of tho blood the Inalplent of all diseases. I havo lately read of an Kngllsh physician who claim to have cured diphthe ria In almost any stage, by tbe ttso of an as old, or an ether prepared from sulphur. Douhtlevs crude sulphur la just as good, for IllHthoNCtvotiger thatswteps tho velusand arteries of all nonudlo llfo aud restores the b!od to normal conditions. Physicians tell mo that they dread to be called to a case of diphtheria. They lute to eo the sppealing face of a poor Utile boy or ulrl, looking back anxiously to earth and frlenilsand home, yet momentarily nearlng tho death snuggle of dl.tairsnd straiij;uU tlon. Therefore, let parents try preventions, where tho dread soaurgo is about I how, Ue worm modloltua if jouliko, but also try sulphur. It can do no harm, given at night on retiring to bjil, and it m y ssve "tho llt'.le flee at tbo window" to gree; loving and o ireful parents, until thty grow away from Uio dauger ot early death, from that deadly blw.lit that cuts otT the blossoms of human life, lloplug these thoughts may do some good, I am, eto. G. W, Iawo.n, The UovKruor baa appoiuiud ' H. Moores Notary Public, at Portland, aud O. A. Sea key Ooanalsalcmir of Deeds at Prlnal, Arlsooa. PomxARD Itkms. From tbo Por.land pa psraof Monday we get tbe following: " The election held yesterday was tbe quiet eat ever held in the city, with the exoeptlon or tbe First Ward, and resulted in tbe olee Honor tho Peoples' ticket in tho Second, Third nnd Fourth wards. Tho number or vote polled In the First Ward was 115, of whloh J.J. Murphy re ceived 61. and J, H. Haas, 51. In tho Second Word, 178 votes were polled, of which J. M. Pattorsou recoivod 87 and J. M.Scott 01. In tbo Third Word, CO votos were polled, Dr. L, S. Skiir receiving 22 and C. Uztavoge, 38. In thn Fourth Ward 83 votes wero thrown, !i bilng for Dr. J. W. Morodotb and 1 for O. 1'. Terrell. As a conqueror of lthoumatism. Gout. Non ralgla, aud euro lor Scrolula and all diseases arldng from Impurity of blood, tho old and rellablo Family Medlclno, JIyaW Life Iial itnm, stands uncquAlod, as proven by over 300.000 great cures during tho past 30 yoars. Is n radical vegetable Compound ofSarsana- rilla, Dock. Onalacum, ito., and a permauentJ euro. Hold try all druggists and country grocers. Take nothing olse, and If they haven't it we send by express, boxed, every where, at $1 and f I 25 per bottle; IVOO and td 60 hair dor. Hyatt & Hyatt, 210 Grand St., Now York. TH r1wT8. The Wheat Market Wheat remains without change, with active demand and firm prices. Portland rates are $2.10 to "2.12K per cental, and shippers claim that they pay mora than they osn afford, ai tho amount of tonnage In tho rlvor makes It nocossary to bid up to sccuro cargoes for waiting ships. Tbe East ornand Llvorpool markots are quoted as qulot.and floating cargoes are a trifle lower than a month ago, Oats nro worth, ssckod and delivered at Portland, 65a to GOo por bushol, with little doatand. W.J, Ilerren is paying 47)4 cant per bushel hero at Siloin. Tbo San Fran' clsuo market is moro ao.lvo, butisiargoly overstocked with Oregon nals. Tho Salem Markots. Wheat. In farmers' binds (1. 10 por bushel; oats, 47Jin for good, kn wlicni otlored hv expomn.ito wo.ilhsr; butter, 30is; cgas,3o(! iMirdor.,; nprilo, .10 1 toil 7a lpr boslml; kiik tosx, 30j to37Ku perliiiMlnlj luccn, shies, I2o ht Ih : hams, 12! Je; shoiildHrs, 8c; lard. I2aiollo. JIayl8 per for ton, balled ?1 pur ion. Sugar has (Inclined from lain flgnrcn nnd It Is a good time for ftrmers to lay in a sup ply. Portland Froduco Market Wo copv thu follovslu from tho Oregonlnn ofthoIStb: Wheai-2 07K2WJ. Flour Heft tirHtKls ft) M per bbl.; outHlde hihI o'lintrv brHudt, ((ICO; fine -tin! Huperllur, fi 255 r0. May Choice timothy, baled, 812)13; lopte llOili!. OiiMHcst 50o, rnmmon, 47. Iticon Sldos UallcK,hamsl2iI4;; shoul dern, tKj, IiirdOregonmsdo, fresh, in 10tJ tins, Um In kegs, I3il4i. , OlihikMim S-l OOjSI S-1 per divert. Itiitliir IHs20o; Cheese, 15iilCo. KgHH 2So jr do., I lUrley-Cholce browing 81 07Jf feed, 81.60 pirewt. Wool Doll s'llo st 22K11o. r.ogsl T. udtrs in .Portland buying 00; llmr.onj. r so SllvtrColn 'IJiaiJ rMrcfliit.dleoount. U, Man Vraiiclsco iilnrket. Inr Tf.ua turn, (Bin Frincucn. Poc. .1. VhriV-Shl.-p!r" s rr.'j ,t; mltltni: 13 .Ui$J 40. r OREGON MILLS, North JIM. Creek, Salem, ASSKOW IK Complete Running Order, AND INVITE Custom Work. WELLBR & WALDO, HALK.TJ, Nor. 1. lSTT. 8?lf g ,,l J J SALEM MARKET. MONBTAHY. Lbsil Tssdsbs, bnjlnj;, 00c :.oUlnj, ore. HLOUIl, OltMN Ac. Wnsat. best waits V bmhel $; m R ' bu.. ....,, .,,,.,,,,...,,,.,,, ,.,,., ,,) 45 runMl, V t a 4 ytour, bt, k, (v barrel) n, ra Hucknbctt Flosr, f) lb ft 5 Ursa, y ton..,,,, ,,.,,, ,,,,,,,, M.M..,,1J 000 ,, ?.??. 'J.0-: on 2.U C- Meal. W ton 0O.... .. , 1r t.'... Ilsjr, W toy, now js a) baled, V ton q ,. anOCKItlBS. 8osr, Sn PrsncKco refloed, V bbl ljvft u Wsna.. lS'Qii nl". Ha JU'f lMiwitirrd !Mi 11 . psnulta m n sirap. cal.... t O114M l, Jln. V B mvjji mi Imperial.. , j avai bo Coffee, Coit lllcs, &5j ., Ilia a. u... . .... Salt, Carmen Iland, per cw Liverpool, ciiarte..., dairy. ,.,,,.,, ,..,,,,,,, lwy ,,,., .,,.,,. ,...,., ,,...,,,,,, una .. TMtt 00 ..m 0) KKOTT3, VKUETAnLE8.:Ao. Applet..,..,,,.., , ..,. 5n dried, Ud.. ,. 5es Peaches, dried, V 8 Ujj 1 miui, .,,,,,,. ,,,, , rear. ,.c. prbu...., ,, !f? tb.., ,, ..,...,,,,, , t'outoe. M bathe! iinlons, V to. ,, ,, tabbase, di , 14 CJ 4 ST an .. TJOt CO llUTTBlt. KQG3, Jto. Datter, freb roiu, V 6 a 30 mrkM Cheew Orek-wa prims, V t soa UK) ti ""i v . ...... ,,..,......,,. OILS, Ao. Llaseed Oil, boiled, st nUaa leasate 1 IOA . . law . i ev alii nir R00 ' Mai J'x01.f J 1 604MPO Tlto, ... MSIflMMISIIMSMSsfSltti 10 ATTENTION HEEP GROWERS!! A SUItE DEATH TO Scpb, Screw Worm. Foot 3ot, AKD ALL Paraaitea that infest Sheep. TT 18 BAPEIl. BETTER and VASTLY CHBArsn THAN ANY OTHBH TRKPAnATION FOR THE TIIBATMENT OF BnEBP. IT Improves the Health OF TUB ANIMAL, AND TUB , QUALITY OF THE WOOL. XW One "ration Is enoajrh for one hundred to twe han1rcdUDp, according to their age, strength, and condition. It Is put op UFIVK-GALLON CANS add In BAR RELS. Bsod (or etrcolar, to T. A. DAVIS ft. Co.. PORTLAND, OREGON, Vrbalesale Ac eats tar the Mate. Or to vtmr nearest ReUU Draestft or dealer nirt jJxecutrix' Notice. THE nndo'iilcned hsvlntr beeu ilnly appointed ex eentrlx of thn Itft will and testament of Jsrocs McCubbln, Into of Marlon county, deceased, (heri'lbni all prKm havlneclalim ncaln.t fft'd dcccdnt'sc; rata will pro'enttnem. properly vcrlQed, to th an derflirnen, st her renirfpnce, Is North Halom. within six nrnnths frm thlit date, and all perrons Indebted toMldiattlo will plcaao mike Immediate payment to tho iiuderili;nod at tho rami pise. I) tied at -ialem, Marlon connty. Oremn, Nnr. 10th, IHH. ' BAItllAKA McCUtllllN. nor3.1s4 Executrix. Final Settlement. NOTICR Is liorehylren that Mary .7. Weeton, ad inlnlftratKrof tho ctats of Darld Weston, do coaled. hSHlhlx day tiled In the onnty court f tho "tatu of Oregon (or tbe cuntv of Marten her final ac ruiint In raid en'sto, and eald court has appuli-tul Mondiiytho srvenlh dsv of-lnnnar', 1S7A at 1 1 o'clock a m , fir tin lirarlnsnf objection" thereto; th'rcforo all perron. Inierefttd In mid cpMIo sro nonlr-d to apnesr at rati datn nt tlio court liun In rUkm, In fhiu tnn- ij, i;i(n ann iikti in maKuiiigrciiuni u mo alloirauco ol raid a.cotiut, If nnr thev nirc MAltY J WI'HTONj ttwl Admlnlrtralrlx of Kttate of Parld Wef ton. Notice. ATETITIOX bavlni; been (lied In tho rnnty court o( tho Mlate Of tlreon (or tbii Cintl.t cif JUlloii. lorthinpiiolnimont of K. 8 Orivo'reaH unnrdltn of tha crtato of Krsnk Binnn 1 1'n-ri-sident minor, ami "Jatnrdiy, Dect-nitier 13. IM?, nt 10 o'clock In iho lorc noon, liav.ii;, licen sppoluiid for h-srlne the.aro. now, nt rehire, mi iiun-ou iiuurci-ii are n'ii:ny rj nnlrril tnsnne.ir In imld court. it the cart-lioud li h tleiii, In Slid rotinty, nt raid tlmo Mien and thnetn now cnaon wny sid k. . urroiro sbouia not uo appolnudantirh vuardlan. JOHN C. PRrilLE3. noMw1. (Vimly lint jo. OCB PI.ATKU WATCIIKS.riwiot DCP-l(cn lltnU. Add.i, A. Cooltkx ds tx, CLUr,o. knon vrori'. tiampia waifAtit k (Carminatwej For DiaiThcea and Dysentery uso r. Jnjue'o CainnlnudTn ItnL-unn. An changes or climate or water, and In dfsctrotiorvt In cutlng oltcn iiroduro tliawoonipIuInUftrHVoIorHaiKlothont aliould always l;oop n bottlo of thU romedy by them. It tiovor (alia to Hiibduo tho most violent allodia, nnd It Li equally BorvlociWo for Cramps In tho Stomach or Ilowchi, Griping Pains, Ac For Cholera Morbus, Cholera tn farrtum and Colic uoo r. jayno' OarenlnMlTo Balsam. It removes nil Horenoss of tho abdomon, allayu tho irritation nnd calms tho notion of tho Stomach. It may always bo rolled on to giro Imniodtato rollc, nnd bosldos being oflootual, is a pleasant and snfo remedy, cosily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel AffPCtlonS uso promptly Dr.. JajmeVs CtersalnaUTe Babasss. It chocks tho Diarrhoea, suppresses tho Cramps which gonorally aooompany attacks of Cholora, and conquers tho dlaeaso in its Inclploncy. It has frequently been administered In neighborhoods whero tho Clwlonv has been raging epidemically, and It has seldom failed to givo lnimcdlnto nnd permanent relief, Tho Cnrmin ntlvo has nialntnlned its reputation as a Ourntlvo for nearly forty years, la oqually oflbotivo In nil latltmles, and as n Standard Household l'c.'iio dy, should bo ktit In ovory f-unlly. T. A. DAVH CO.iWholeulo Assats. roit'aid Onuuo. ili.nj Groat Heduotion! HARDWARE HKTAlLKtl AT Wholesale Prioes, for Cash - My Stock oinsla's of HHSLPnnd RUILD- .!' iiaruar Mt'Chanlck' Tools, Sliovuls. Nail", Uopt, (q. seaiml cor. bluU Pruutm. PulinL.ANn jr. a. STitATTo.v, Attorney at Law, BAI.F.M. ORKOON. OaVso&aMtWBUoAjoppoaUs Uis BeaasA Qmm. .JtTZassBaV C New Goods! -AT- BRETMAN lW WHITE CORNER. Clotliijng:. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, G R O C ERIES, 3tO., to. Thl stock ha jut been pur chONcd Ir Sir. WKRER KKET MAJV in ISoxv York and San Francisco, nnd, owing lo the extremely low prices In GoodM nnd freight, vo nro nblo to give better burgulns thun ever. VTZ ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Carpets, Oil-cloilis, Oui'tnliiN, IMutiliis-M, &o. FARMERS' PRODUCE Taken In ISxclinnso for Goods. "Call at'tho "Whito Cornor. BREYMAIV KROSs, Oct. Ill 19 txl oxxr , Or.SB Oldest Homo in tho Trade JT. 15. CONGLE, MANUFAUTUltUlt. Wholesale and Rjtall JJealor In !! klmlso SADDLES, imioiiKs Lasl!0.sTrimXi Ko. "73 Trout Struct. PORTLAND, - - OHEGOJT. Also, keeps eouttsntly on hand a ta-go nitmcntf XjE3L.,Ca?.,Ea:E33Ft iND SADDLERY ltARi.WARE. fclirBrtn Auont In Or'i;oi lor the Cnrbollaed liokii, tHn I-'miii-Uho prices, with Krclvht added. Repairing Promptly Attended to JEW GOODS. Mararanth & Turn-Table Applc-Parere, Jbieicuer I'ost-llole Augers, Meat-Cutlers and Stufiers, Blacksmith Drills. Tirfl-Bandors and Up-Setters. rruniDg-raws, .Knives, ana VORTIIRUP &. TllOIflPSOX, WnODESAU AND llBTAlL Dlll.Kru IV Hardware, Iron, Steel, & wagon mi uarriaee Material OP ALL KI.ND3. 420 A: 131 Front St.. rOUXXAniD, SALEM FOUNDRY, & JUnohluo Shop, IALSM OltBGOlt. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r.' ITEAM ENGINES, BAW MILLS, OKIST MILLS, 3 Koapers, Pumps, and all kliuU ana etyUe of Mjk- tna all ktni! of Hras and Iron l'atliiKK MnitsLedst vwAS.?Ll-aa MATCUWt. and bTItKUtb nol WHEAT AN OATS Choi ped into Feed, Also . Sasli, Doors, Blinds, 3VToxi.lAlxij;s. Turnlnp:. Mnirwotk, ldafead, iiirrmiN, muikih, 'Inblea, FANNING HULLS, And nil klnda at ruralture, '.P.!1-10'5 PHICSR. Bbo-sat Aa-leol-n-al Wotka. oaUalag. bajesm. l . r. KNNim. HaKE ,' if u i,.. 1 . . , .. WJ. I -li s li 'in .-.T-...H .