4sff JMBHlCTylK2fi Wfl IHWp WW CT ZT" mj. m w mmnw - -3TCJ4l i X'isrw I fct!i r el. ' v e p r w. of H8AHpiY' JJiXBOTOWLtT OFFICERS of the NATIONAL OBANOE. Matttr-John T. .Toned, Barton. PW IHpiArk. Oartttr-J. J. Woodman, l'aw Paw, Van Daren, Isclurerk. B. Smcdlcjr.Crcico, Howard, la. iUward-A. J. VatiRlin, Memphis. Teno. Ait't tf&wurrf-Mortlmer Whitehead, Mlddlobneb, S0Cn"plaln-H. It. Ellis. HprtnffhoronRh. Warren. 0. rre-irr-F. M. McDowell, Wuync, Steuben, N.Y. AVcrWiry-O. II. Keller. bonlavllls. Kr. Oate-Kf-per-O. Dinwiddle, orchard Oroyc, Ind. tkru-ilt. John T. .tone. Ilirton, I'hl le. Ark. FIora-Mm. Samuel 12. Adams. Montlcello, Minn. toont Mm llarvoy (loddnrd, North (Iranby. tt. LvUj AtiUtant HUwarJ-iWtt Carollno A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. BIECCIIVB COMMITTEE. I). Wyntt Aiken, (Chairman,) Cokcabnry, B. 0, K. K. Hhank'aod. ilubtiojio- Iowa. Dudley T. Chase, Clareni'int. N. II. Alonno Ojldcr, Hock Falls, Whiteside, III. W. II. Chambers, Oaweichco, Itusecll. Ala, Officers of Oregon -Stale Orange. MattrrVi'm. Cyrna, Bclo. Otenetf-A. K. Bhipley, Oswcso. Jicturer-Un. K. N. Hunt, Bnbltmlty. .Vwefary-N. W. Randall, Orison City. MtwardVf. B. Thomas, Valla Wulla, W. T. AWanl SUwardO. w. Kiddie, CanyonHlle. CftaWain W. II. Gray, Aftorla. Trtat'irtr B. V. Lao, Portland, ' flrtto-AVrxr-Banlel Clark. Salem. ttrM-Mr. B. A. Miller. Jacksonville. Iomnrn-yLn. B. D. Ilurham, MeMranrllle. Jrr-Mr. E. A. Krlly.Eait Portland. ael( 'Au't maoard-Ktt. Georgia Bmlth, Hood nlto'cMl"Ctbwnii-Wm. Cyrus, Bclo; It. Clow, Dallai; K. L. Braltb, Hood River. ,.,, .Wit Uuln4i Avnt-8. V. Lee. Portlaad. State Orange Deputies for 1077 litQfflce. KxprtH. A mm.'. Oorralll..f. Corralll. rLACKAVAS. , Knoch Hklrvloa Ilnttfl Crrk N W JCiniUII -....Oregon city J W ll.iyo MyrtloCrwik O M (Midncr Wraln's Htatlon J'lymZnTKoUyA.-....Kat Portland. ...East Portland MAMON. O W Hunt sublimity Salem JN T Mlllor! Jackionrllle Jacksonville PA Patterson. Hlckreil Balcin .T.I Gliir'.ton...'. GoosuLake Jacksonville Unlrl'"l?lw,r..'.. ..Kernjrvllle Jacksonville ,'AN,, . .. .. James W Matlock (loshcn ItAIrilnc....'. Lebanon Albany John Utilu...'. Tyt:h Tho Dalles HODiirhani....' Mc.Mlnr.vllh J H.iilimton Ilisiou II 11 IMtirlntt!'. Cmyon City Canyon City roMlMMA. J W (.'owr 0)liinibla City It V MowSS""' Tlllimook North YamMll JS Wlilto Wo'ton mckoii .1 Upiin'HIiniLMlur. ... Oil.. WABIIINCITOK TIMMirUltV. flLAKK. It W Urmvii Vancouver nil.UUhU. .. . ItPHlfl l)a)liil wiiir.MA.v. LHIii!tr Coif'" t .Uiilfax ;ill.ilAI.Iit. H7. (ioolilii Klmi riKiiui. .... HS Ma kimn Ch'jhalU l'o'nt MuKu ojjmp,, Olympla I'. I.oiuiiilrii ii'lin Jiilltl,ll 'tion',., ytfttl'o...., Heattlo Lr.wtit. IiM Plcrnon Cliqintn N VAItlXA. ,. , 01' Coo Llhtirinv loawconnlvwhoni tho Deputy n.iinlntcit la ii tho wot .iltaW.i. uul the flrjnsi; f '- '"f.'1"1.;. nniii.ly jijiluHt m iiw a elivlc. I will li vlt a wl, r' i'!rtiiy!ii.liiiiel ha.iH n o'.lU'.-.l l mnVo up polktnwnla wlltunit hiwwld'i ' ovVct'S. M'lcrin!tfiiiHiatiilrain:o, P. "fit. Mooting of Suborclluato Oranijoo MNN COUNTY, llnin, Nn.'it, moots In AUmiiy.on tlio lt unit ilSiltirtU.VH (ir ii'iuli ni'inlli, Htl"; J". Oilt lM.ln, NoTiI, l ILUcuy, mlmiJ-lUi lliiiti'tr. No, KVi, In OrKwrordHVlllo, Il Hinl:ir.l HitiiriUyrf. iitSn. in. Syr.ioiim No. 3, it MltU'M btutlon, I'.li Natunliiy, Kl I p, m. IfiliNiioti No. ill, Ht LoImiioii, til utiil -Itli HntmiUy. ut 10 it. in. OmihI I'rrtlil.i No. 10, I'll HrtturjUy. Knox llniui No. 'i.', It '"l :1l Htur' ' HAiitlAm No. U7, Sml uml Stunlnyn, Ilnvvnivlllo yo. IP, 1st mid 2nd Hnlnr. ' TMiifftmt, No. 7, Ut ind .In! Trl Jy, nt 10 "'irtVrlil'iirK, No. 11, Ut und 3rd 8tiir- ShoiM, No. 0, Ut und 3d HntnrdiiyH, ut 10 "'lu'ppy lit "I" No. 40, Ut hiuI 3d SiiturdayH in moIi uionlli fimii Oololmr to Juno, and ou, tho UtHalurday tlui luUnooorilioyuir. llnriiionv No. !KI, 3rd Saturday, rr-KulHrly, exoopt In Nov. Djo , Jan.. Fidi., mid March, ht)ii tlioy moot llio Ut Krlday. 1IKNTON COUNTY. Hoai) Crook No II, 1st Saturday nt 10 a. m. WllUmollo no.ft., ini iiiuruy, UMiUoiuath, No 12, -lU Saturday, at lOu.in. I4NU COUNTY. (lriwiwtill. No. CI, Itli SatfTrday, 1 . ni. iK'int'U", No. MJ, In IJURJUO City, 3nl Sat day, at 10 a. in. Oliarlty, No. 70. 2 1 Miturday. Oothon, No. Itli. UtSturdV,at IOo'clock Jmiotloii Ulty, No. -13, 2nd Saturday, ut I rsiiii'lw. N). 51, Aral Saturday In aoi month, at U . ill. ,.,,.., MoKonalrt, No. 107, Camp Crook, 2d batur. Uy' lOl.K (H)UNVY. O.ik Paint, No. 3, Ut and 3rd Saturdays. MAIUON COUNTY. Hilrm OraiiK. No. 17, Ut and 31 Sajur ltys in naoli iiiuiuli, nxoajit in Aui;iih, Sep tvubar, und October, wlmti It uuwiaonlyoii Ulil lnnaHiniav'i umir nmi -..s.... AIiIiiim, No IIU, Uli Saturday. It vl I'olut, Ni IS. :idStiirday,ll p. in lluttu Crook, No. 2, 3rl Saturday, at tO 'M' n'ASlllNUTON COUNTY. llAtviiiton No. 100, moou Ut, Saturday, at IOo'clock. Marlon County Pomona Grange Will moot on tho flrai Friday In Do- comiMTHt IOo'clock In Ho foionoon.nt Gmnj?e Hull, Howoll Pmlrlc. A full ttonduceldoslKHl. O. W. Hrjirt. F0K XH iAIS EXPOSITION. The following omprJo th list of articles which will bo hh!nodn tho City otyork for Liverpool, from which place thoyare'to bo forwarded to Paris and thero placed on exhibition at the groat French exposition: OATS. Rimnlia nnt crrnwn bv S. II. Floldf. near Ki.st Portland, 7 feet and 8 Inches high; alao lour bundles; no names. Sldo oatM raised near Jnnctlon, Lino county, by U . Uencdy ; will averngo UO to 70 bushels per aero. Tho followluB samples in saclts: Slionen, ral'etl by W. M. Illlloiry.of Marlon county, wiluhlne45 potinds per bushol: Wiitnrloo, raiftvd by GoorRe II. Cook of Marlon; Ho pi ton, ralsod by M. Wllklus of Lano, wch I.,., r.o nnmiria tmr buahol . Htruck ineflRuru: ylold 70 bushels por ncn; 8urprlo, ralswi by J. It. Dlnitnick or Marlon: Whlto Potato, raised by eamo psreou; ylold 8 bushels from 20 poundi; Hopoton, raUod by U. u, ThlolsonorPolk; Sldo oats, 0i feetlilfjb, from Georgo Bailey, Junction City; No Namo, rained by Thomas Itoe, Washlugton, io,ralefd by Thomas Jtoo, Washiugton, lnnirM ponniU per bushels suriirleo, d by Joneph Hamilton, or Linn: black ay, ralsodby John B. Dlmnilck.of weigh raised fc?APAW '"'""Jl .-..-w..-, -. -., ...,.., Marlon, sowed way 7tn, cut oepiomuoi , 1877, yield 05 bushels por aero; surprise, ralsod by O. P. Burknart, or Linn; one bundle of oat heads. IXAX. Two bundlos fUx, tplendld samples; ono bunch water-rotted Jlax, three feet high, OIIABHES. Ono samplo of timothy 8 foet high, ono do, Cfeot high, ralsod on the farm of T. O. Shaw, Howell Prairie, Marion county: one do, (I foot 3 Inouoa high; red clovor ralstd by llonry Kaloltth, Clackamas county, nonr Oregon City, 0W foot high; orchard itrasH 7 feet 3 inches high, raised by J. M. Johns, Marlon station, Marlon county: red top, 4 feet high; ono banch of mlllotGM? teot high; Lowland bunch grass, ono sample. (IHAINH. Whlto ryo, fromS. Harkloroad, ralsod by Mr. Frank, near Oorvals, Marlon county, hY, fitot high; onn bunch Fgyptlsii wheat. 7 feat blab; whlto fall whoat, raised by O. V. Shaw, Marlon county, ho -n Nov. 5, 1870, GJi fiot high; Chile club wheat, (spring) raNml byO.A. Wado, 1 feot and 0 Inches hlxli, raised In Clackamas munty; Llttlo club wheat, Sfcot and It Incliea high, raised by John Cooper, of Polk, rut July 12th;Hprlng wheat, Wt root iilxti; unno omu wuohi.-i feet high, sowwl April 20lh, 1877; llttlo club. 4 feot hlgii; whit' winter wheat, sowed 22d Ooofitnbttr, 1870, W f-ot high; whlto wheat, Hut product ol tl grains, without plow and lmrrow.fi fret 3 Inches high; two bundles ol whlto whont; ono bunch unrJey, 4 leot lil;h; onn biinillo whlio wheat, Tho fallowing nninnles of grain In Ricks wlllMlMobn tout: spring Chlln club wheat, Irom Ono, II 111 MIm, of Linn cotiutv, yield rt bushels iiiriicri;eirliiK llttlo club, J. II. Kiiiiuoit, 1VIK: spring whlto Australian, tim. 1Ii)!h!iv, Lin; spring club, O. P. Ilurklinrt, Lion; spriinr. Aimlrsllan dnb, .sino person; spring Ohlls club, hmiio; Ton .nl, same; whlto innuiinnih. muh-j whim .. .l... w L..tA. 1... ..nlu.if urliltfi. ( nn. It.ll Willi. null IT', .. ..' .m.i .. .....p. - - -.-. stisw, I.uki; Mir club. (J. II. Illildell, Llnti; II tun nr:tin. DahoI 01 irk, Mm km: wlilto winter, O II Klihloll, Linn: Caiimlii whlto, 0. P. Ilniklisrl, Linn, (yield, 19 IiusImIbio the ncn); wlntnr gnldeii lunbT, 0- P. Hurls tnirt, Llun; niaiutiiiith, Jos lluiiill'nn.Lliin; niiH'ly day, I), f). PrMlynian. Polk. Btrlcy -Ki'oinh.iwo iowihI, J. W. WumiiUIi, Polk; whliuwlutor. 0. P. UarkrHrt, LlnniHijc rnwcd,.r. tin B. Dliulck, Marlon, s .wvd My I tint August 1, U77, yield OJ huhi'la per at'H'i whllo ryo (nulled aUo in iroiruul, or grou whiai), rnbtd by C. P. Bnrkhart. tlK0ltl.I.ANK0L'e, Onnhamplonf tob.iccorrom Henry M11Ipi of Mllwnnklr: nniiilc nf nlnotnen rargrrn f MheittHlilpped Irom tills port by lUwoit ,V Co ; two H.uslts nt ilinHhy need Irom Yhiii hill tiaunti ; two tins of out inu.il lrin Mo I.i'ihii Urotiioth' mill, und two cate-McfMiU iiidu from thn Orog'iu IVoltlng Cnmpiiuy. hiiiiiplei will tin sent of thn mrunm oftho vt'tkniN UiVMr Nltn Strixtliern. illHPiuolitd by Mt-Hsrs. Allen A. Lwls; ample oftho iaro nl Hour irom tho Imperlnl l-'kiiiilns Mil'.", "hippnl htiii'iwiu the Djvnnby (U,0(i) iMrrnU weranhlppett): samples of ll.mr uhlch will tut Hlit, pid u.ui'o on th't City or Ynik; kiitnpli'MiMiliur frtiiu thn Standard, Sslsiu, Maminllannd Oregon City nillU; samples .if hop from Lino county. Tho pttiprlmiirri if the viiilnui lUliiug nvtatillshmnuta tlowu tho Columnla have given ordnrs In thtilr .ut'iits In Llv.rp.K)l to forward siimphw of stimuli to Paris n hn platvtl on exhlDltlon, slung with other Orogou products. Any peisnti desiring to nee any oftho sam ples of gnln In sieks or In shealcaii Imvo thn privilege ordolng so by calling at tho land tlepirtment cnuneo!od with tho Oregon ami uaiiioruia uaiiniau uumpnuy. In addition, tho onllro display or Oregon fruits duod by tho Plummiar procesi, whloh sas on exhibition nt the Stato Fair, has hemi purchased and will bo shipped nlong wltn tlio fnreKolug articles. Some splendid speci mens or Oregon woods will also bo added to thn already largo Ifat. Oregon will Uiabln to inaknsuch n magnificent display or her ureal ressurcos as wilt cause tho average Parisian to open his eyes In astonlahmont. AT THE RECORDER'S OJTICE. Ilia Honor had lust filled hh pipe and braced hlmaeir back in his chair, and was humming to himseir Iho old familiar camp- mooting tune, "we-ii wu imii iu"i"i wbeuoltltMrJ. W. Mlnto opened tho door and marched In with onaTliomaa Lee, hana lug grace full on his arm, "Vagrancy Is thn oha'rtie," aald tho olllcer. "Thomas Iee, you sro a man or no Iratfe, you are wattiug your phyalclal strenitth by loatlnii aicund tho -trttand 'picking up stale Jokfuand crack iugthein upon other tolks,' but Thomas you osii't oraok none upon ttilscourl. Yon shall sitw vood fur six daya lor Ihs oily, and at tho expiration I will gtvojou your liberty to It avo tow u." .. Th next mm Introduced lo His nonor was George Forrest, aud tho ohari: was iho sauiHuiii, old story, drunk aud disorderly Us hadctimn to town tin an errand, but fnruot whattho errand was aud gut drank to "oitir that would not revive hla Memory, ivtien tho Kllli-or lound him hn wm making oxtentlvo preparations to oonKtruct u man. rd roof on any man that oamu In his way. tin was Kent upnir livo un.vn. il'iinmu. U'.rrml ImflllL. I.nrill III, InO lllcllt ,invnus. he frit rather bad, took not thir teen drinks too muoli, and he was "drunk ualii," and not very graceful In hla move nunt, ho htanl Iho muslo In the Ohemektua nut ho attempted to execute tho "double .hiinU,"nndHhnllUdotl the sidewalk Into ImgMtiT. Five days In tho olty JU U lut'a iho nvvtrr with him now. Potato Rottad. Mr. John Cum, who lives a half mllo -iniiiKor town, ral-e.1 and dug this last sea. son four hundred buiUof m'vm whloh ht, has lost by rot. W hao bosrd of no o'.lr potatot'S rotting In the. neighborhood, od an assign no reason for the destruction ftM. ti ,uirn wu getting wet before and artor dlgflag. wiijl;amette farmer. For the Willamette Farmer. A GEOLOGICAL SKETCH. Bench Land-How it wai Formed-Glacial Action, Ac. y " DT A. P. DAVIDSOK. When wo boo the surface of tho earth piled round in irrogniar masses now a hill, now a valo, now a doop cut; hero a ferruginous, rod soli; thero an aluminous, deep, black soil; yonder a lot of hillocks, .Just like they had been damped there; anon a pile or ba salt, and again ono of sallclous, and over them a mass of conglomerate rocks we may bo suro that catisos havo been at work, and that what wo now behold aro effects or thoso causes, Thoro la no cbanco-work In nature; all thiDgs operate naturally from canso to of- fjct. Honco tho Btudonta of naturo can L classify phenomena of all orders, b:causo all those orders aro mosentod In Invarlablo modos of nxistonces, and thoso existences aro known by their quantity, numbor, limit, 8ncoI flrtaaw thoHghtpt day Id tbeOld. likeness, difference, attribute, A?. Ttosc, Dominion. Tho memory of Iho old log when classlfled-a separation of thotnllke, achooi house with a solid floor-dlrt-a pnn and alluding of the like with tho like, Ac,- . . . h .. , chipped off to form onr datum, or data. Wo accept a glvelB. .... lhronrh oled p8per, is as datum, and go on with It till, by experience we find It false, 'If, on tho contrary, wo find" It truo, It becomes permanently an organized truth, and la classed with Ibis order or that, as tho case may bo. It is thus that we gain Information. , Wo propose, then, lo give a sketch, geo logically, of a portion tf land on the WU- lamotlo river, from one to two miles wide, and from four to five long. II Is what Is usually called " bench land.'.' Tbo soil Is a dark, rich mould, and highly productive. This strip ol land la owned, commencing in tho north ond, by Messrs. Elkin, Pettyjohn, Jones, Bndd, A. V. Divldson, Jory, Flk SUtibl, and Judson, who lives Just below Humphrey's Ksplds, on tho Willamette Messrs. Mosler, Pierce, Thompson, ond Iho Jeffrey heirs own tho eastorn rim of this Ir regular, rough, brushy, but rich nud splen did plcco of land. Geologically, this land Is Interesting. Kb rocks, mounds, depressions, laud-slliles,' strata, lumlnatoJ, distorted, and broken, with tho fossils In tho oarth'H surface, In the plli'H or S'ind-rosks, with scattered bouldors or basalt nnd qtnrlzlto; and in tho river, ni Itocky Point, tliuro arti vait ma'sos or Igno tiui toaks, small, broksn, shivered, burnt, and tumbled ovor. At ilrst. looking at thlt land, 0110 woulJ mtu rally ouppotu Itdiad onco beon r.n old nea-bsJ. And, ugnln, on simply lookingnl it, one- would supposo it had onco been tho soitor violent commo lion of somo kind, us that produced from OHrtliniitkos orfrom volcinlu iiollop. That It was onco uuolil sea-bud, uuloio ex amination provut. Then nro kim kliolls In groiliiumburs; thtiroiitf f:iuit-.s:oiicfl which werj formed undor waltr, for they nro full of MholU, niitlrssh'WMtur hUijIU, generally, but mostly sult-wntor kIioIIi thus pTovliiK thtlr habitat nnd nrlglu. Anterior enrih q'tskes may or may not Uvu had any brmi oy Intumbllugiip tbon itfico. Ihlo, In pirt, voliaiilo, for tho rooks of Stony l'oln', In the riviir, u)ion'.luduhUaU2y nn lgno.nu nutlon; ho, too, In tonio of thn ed, burnt masios ol hcorln, en j:iioous aoilon'ls pUlnly tlonoted. AUo the piles of btMiltla recks deuoto nn Ik iicoiishcilini. 1 resillly admit, In i Miiall part, an liiueoui notion. Kut I tle:iy thatn ytiltuiiln Hiitlon was tlio cmims of tho Irregu lirhurfacii. I deny, nlni), that carllinuskos havo oitiL'd tho broken or. (umhlod'up t-tir-face. Iwlll;lve, I think, a dear dolluiiatlon or tho i'susjh whloh brought iiboul tho con dllintis, ns wo now -oo them. Thoro havo b.en several laud-nllrio In this strip or country. Thero was ono, long uso. this Hidonf Pettyjohn's houto, whoro ho hax a tlcltl lately enclosed. Tiicro was ono, long ui;o, alsi, at whit wo mil tho ".Tump-oiV," north of Mr. Thompson's farm: nlso one, nil Immonso one, u mllo or moro long, west of Mr. Coflln's. Thero was 0110 ulso at tho south ern extremity of this range of tumbled-up region, east of Mr. Judson's, below his lull Held. Now, whot caused these? Earth quakes? No. Volcanic action?" No. What thou? I will give tho causes. Tho led hills east were brought or depos ited mostly during tbo glacial agos the great lco-agea Irom Iho Cascades. They are much higher tbo red bllia than those of whloh lam writing. These low, black, and tumbled-up hills were mostly brought hero from tho Coast obaln, In the same loe agea that dopoalted the red hills. When both tho Cascades and the Coast ohaln were In glacial aotlou, each rang pushed off vast Ico-streams, laden with debris, and pourod out into tbo valley. Here, moro than any where In the valley, may bo seen where the iwouopoena meet, ino laacaue tiepostis nrt red and basaltic; those or the Coast chain aro dark, of eonglomerate, or asud stone, mainly. Henco wo can bee a clear Una nt ilumarkatlon whero they have met and (fitMxvf their Icy carta of their loads. Now, then, tho causta of tho Irregularity of tho surface, In tbo strip I am deoroinK, aro. that, during tho Ice age, the whole conn try was a field, deeply frozon; that the mountains, being higher, the ulaclers crepi clown slowly, but with Irresistible force, to tho valley, and, dumping oil' their loads of rocks, earths lorn from the mouuttin sides, hero aud there; a pile here; over thero a high mas of Ice, around which tho glacier, oarolesaly unload their trucks; and when, In long years afierwurd, this mass ol k-o molt, away, thero is n hole. This become a pond or small lake. The laud-sildeM nro piles nl earth under whloh ws rnco Ice; when, in after agos for It would lake ago to molt lot hundreds or frit below tin surface the Ice melted, umldnwti slid the superiuoumbom msHi., Here wore causa at woiJt, nud their rfsulis aro Just what wo havo hinted at. All over tho wurld oaiibtts aro woiklng; all ovei the world effects aro folio win ir. To know thebo eludes, to analyst! them, to fallow them through their effrcis, Is the business nl man's Intellect. Or, synthetically, trace ef fecta back to their causes. Both processes aw necessary. Through lhee prcsvssea we simplify and syatemlas knowledge. This U scleuce. Hunce, geology, meteorology, u trouomj, bydtoaUtlca. &'., are only ays lenilaod knowledge. Henoathslr value. To cauallluMW of tbU tall, agriculturally. am Interesting. There are, In this bench daflolent In any one elemeut. They are all flmt-mta soils, asi 1. a sandy .sol 2. a clay soil; 3.ji loamy aoil; 4. a marl .01150. i oaroous soil: 6. a peaty soil. In the sanio Held, orten all these soils are found. to! .i in ahundsnee. sallca, alumina, lime, no, magnesia, oxide of Iron. j oxide of man- ganooe potash, nlilnrlnn aRcTd oOT?fcaa 'anu carbon. oeold. I ItKlves the best of vegetables. It If .""P."'; or-tho rldRos-for all kinds of sernl-trop pal rrults. in Short, vory desirable, if the grubs aud limber wore out of tho way. Unnn popnlatlon Increai-es, tbe?o r oh and dark colored bencbos of land wit spark 0 with Kardens, orchards, vineyards, and wide Holds or golden grain. Oeolg ically. It Is in teresting to Iho student; agriculturally, it Is Interesting to 1110 larmor. THREE SCORE AND TWELVE. Thouchts of nn Old Man. Throe scoro and twolve years nave piwru fresh in my mind as things or last year And then our toaoher-Blliy aou irosa Irom Hoagland's; and three dozen back woods urchins, hearty, merry romping girls and boys, all obedient to the nod and rod theso seem to me as things that wore (1811) blooming In youth. Tho hills, tho creeks, the springs and tho roeks are there Just as when wo clambered oyer or along them to school. The next sehool-1814 was In a log school hotiso, not far from the first ono, but much Improved In architecture, a punohoon floor andaslgn for a chlmnoy or place up which tho smoke could aocend. In this houte James M. Condon taught a ton months school. Moit of the echolars or tho former schcol and somo new onos uttonded this school. Not n nowHpaper was takon nearer than twonty mllos of onr sottlomont, which was 01 Hod Lfok creek, in Greenbrier couniyi Virginia. In 1829 James Alderson taught a six months school on tho South fork or Idck creek, In u hown log house, plank lloor.good chimney, dcorH and windows. A lirfto pro portion cf the scholars or tbo two flrt chools woro now men aud women soma married, and othors wishing to bo ho. New .oliolars filled their plncos,nnd several news (mpMH wero (Hkeu by tho now Intelligent settler. A lyceum nnd singing tchool woro c atab lldiod nnd u gcuorul show of Improvement whs mnnlftsit. From 1612 to J8C0 two pio neer prcnobors visited us and preached ir,cod old Christian doctrine. Sovou or olght mllei Wost of us therj was ytt a largo NOllloment of peoplo whs had no prtmohlng. In 1320 1 lofi thoficcnm of my childhood und youth nnd moved (o another StHln. Here with four dollui8 In cash, n vor llttlo leimlng nnd n fow olthe, luwinjc.t strangers, I struggled for a Biippoit nud for an education. Iliad promised my noble, my good Gorman mother that I would never itamble, or uso tobacco or nrdont uplrttr; ant I never have. Through tolls nnd privations I huvt) pnMcd through lift). I tiiivu nf on much of men ml things. Nearly all myhchoolmatosnroln thtdrgraves. Sivrul iimw nonemtlonw Imvo comntip und msny or them have pasud nway. T liatH soon tho lilcomlng in.tldeu,tho robust young mm tho merry children or tender yuara, cutilokvn bytloatli und consigned to tho tomb. Why ami spired bo long? HaoI beau u benefactcr to my fellovrs, or havo I lilted up mytlmoiirighi? Whether or not J ton muiit pvss to tho tinseor. world to J-iln tho millions who llkn mo havo tolled nnd strug gled, hoped und fearod; acquired woalth aud lest it. nothing hero Is porminent, nothlim corlalu but death. Hluhos tuko to thom 8eli's wings and Ily away; friends die or provo fslthlesc; houors nro as baubles, fleet hit', llckle, breath. In Hoavenaro entlurlng riches; h houso not matin with hands, titer ualundsurp. lean truly my that If man's existence Is bounded only by the small spin orten, twonty, rorty or seventy years, then his creation is an abortion. It Is better that we lound our hopes upon tho Word or God, than on tljo reasoning of modern free thinkers, I navo read hundreds of thousands of pages of human learning and wisdom, but nowhere can solid tomfort bo obtained but in tho Christian's hope. It I dlo tomorrow let me but have the Christian's hope, tbo Christian's faith. DAVin-NawsowB. Directors Meatiag. At a meeting hold yesterday, of the Direc tors or the Salem Warehouse Company, It wssresolvod to call a meeting or the stock holders or said Company, on the 3d of Jan uary next, for the purpose or considering the propriety or building another grain ware house for the purpose of storing oats aud other farm products. Tho patronago that! hasprovoathelrstorlngt-apaoltyiobeinsuni caul for oats nnd other prod tret s shipped through this Company, and Is evidence ol tho Increased production and hrlft of our farmers. At the Clerk's Oftlca. Through the pollttnes of our emolont Ctinnty Clerk, Mr, Oeo. A. EJes wo learn that the following Is the amount of business transacted In that olllce for tbo month of November: Marriage licenses granted, SO; iiinriBairot lllml .', Hud lha unmbjr of deed recorded being Si. Christmas and New Year's. John O, Wright, at hU old stand, Commer clal Street, Ha'lem, baa recelyed a great assort ment of Toys, Candles, and Holiday Gifts, and la fully prepared for the Holiday Trade 01 1S77. uovUOwl. Ah Sin, the Chinaman that wis arretted at I otieu, mr loauuujr, KButiriumo ago, nas been discharged from cutcdy, tho prohecutlae wltueas tailed lo appaar. Pluming Theyonngman that lugged off our urn brella will please ssnd us bis address! "not PoParv for publication, but as a eaaxaate of good fabiu TCnhnrlv ran toll liow many disputes for tho front sldo of tho bod havo boon Bottled by moving tho bed Into tho con tor of U10 roorru . . It Is astonishing how bood n man no knowledges his mistake when ho puts tho lighted end of a cigar In his mouth. Peruvian Syrup. Brooks, Mo., Sept. 7, 1870. Dear Sir From early youth I was In feeble health, troublod with humor In my blood, weakness and dobility of tho system genes ally; was uuablo to labor much, nnd only nt somo light business, ond thnu only with groat caution. Sevou years ego, tho post spring, I had a severe attack of Diphtheria which left my limbs parallzed and usoloss, so I was unable to walk or oven sit up, Noticing tho advertisement of FcnuviAir Snon, I conoludod to glvo its trial, and to my great Joy soon found my health Improv ing, I contlnuod Iho uso of tho Syuci until throo bottles bad boon used, ana was restor ed to completo bo"ltb, and havo remained so lo this day. J, attrlbuto my present health ocllrelv to tbo uso of fencviAK. rSvnrjr, and hold it In high estimation. I cannot speait too nigniy in us praise. L hayo in soveral cases rocommenaed It la cases very similar to my qwn with the Bamo good results. Yours trnly, CiiAni.vs K. Pbarct. From 8. Thatcher, II. D., of Hennon, it. Y. "WiHTAn's Balsam of Wild Chebrt gives universal satisfaction. It setma to core a cough by loosening and oleanelng tbs Inngs, and allaying Irritation, thus remov ing tho causo, lueUud of drying up tho congh and leaving tho ciuse behind. I consider tho Balsam the best cough medlolne with which I am acquainted." Sold by all drag gists. ESTAIlXilHIlKD 1855. Willamette Nursery, G. W. WALLING & SON, ntoritiKToiu, Oswego, Olaokamas 00., Oregoav WALLING'S & tPEACM PLUM, OlJlio Itullun 11-11 no, An J tlio bust nrt."lkn of tl::ui, Pniuc, l'cacti, Cltcrxy, PJut &nd Shade Trees, IN PlfLr. AHSOUTMr.r.T. . Ssatl for Doscriptivo Oatalogna. Salem Flouriiifj Mils. BEST FAMILY VLOVll, BAUSn'H ESTItA, XXX. SUI'ERyiNS AND (inAnAJf, MIDUUNGU, 15HAN, AND SHORTS, OoxiNtiintlj- on Iltnid. IIIiTliOKt 3?iIoo I CASH Paid for Wheat it. 0. KINNBY, Ascnt 8. F. M. 00 BeptlStf n"TENTION heep Growers ii A BURS OTJRK FOR Scab, 8crow Worm. Foot Hot, AND ALL Forasitos that infest Sheep. IT 13 SAFER. BETTER AUD VABTtY CHHAF TIIAN ANVOTHKR EFFECTUAL REMEDT FOR TUB TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OP TUB ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. V$r Or.o pallon la enough for oca huodrwt to two Inuircd .-beep, according totbelr ajo, trensth,and It la put up In FIVE-OAU.0N CAKS-Pilco, $19 )t ctn. SeuJ for elrrular, to T. A. DAVIS '&, Co.. IORTI,AND. OREGON, Wholesale Auoiitn for tho KUte, Or to voar neare t It.itall Tirnsctn. mt XiUCXUa BSLL, BceccMor to J. M. Kama A Oo, 95 Llberly ., . . NKW YORK, CoinmlHston Aflent PJ nSXlJ9. A'D PORWARDINO FHOM C New York via Intbrona, FacUo BaUroad, mt r 'tZjrr' zr " meruuiae aaa ror lae 1 i riuumnai ua rHWt CASM, MX tM JJL?Ji swjt- 'si? -J-.SZTKZTLZi m$ rMOLl CSH E EP D I a wu.,, . v, f u tiMi.