tssstSBteertsavamtMiita srl WILLAMETTE FARMER. ftsszaaasH) In Memorlam. , Whereas, the band of death hai vlalled our fraternity anil taken from our midst our beloved Slater Elizabeth Smith whoso aplrlt baa returned to tlio God who gnyo it to oln the fraternity nbovo; it Is therefore Resolved, That whllo we mourn tho loss of our beloved Bister vfb bow In humble, sub mission to tail lii:ru.ablo proldsuce of Almighty Qod knowing that he doeth all thing well. Iteaolved, That this Grange Jeoli deeply tho loos of Sister Smith, and that to tho fami ly of tho deceased sister wo tender our doop and hoartlult pympithy, and commend them to tho euro of llltn who doctli all things woll, and that tho hull bo draiiuit In mourning fur thirty clajs. ltesolved, That tlioio roaoluttons bo spread upon tho records of this Grant", and that a copybouont to tho family of thodecoased lster as a tokou of ourdoapoit aympathv, nd that a copy bn lurnlshod the Btute Right Demosrat and Wiiaambtth Farmer for publication. a.w.stana.iid, Hannah McFkmon, J. W.Tycor, Committee. Iliitn Nov. 8th. 1877. at hor father's, S. Beatacher, In Yamhill county, Oregon, of typhoid fevor, Mary Ellen, sgeu us years and 3 months. Sbo was amlaole, modest, sweet-dlsposltlonod, and aflbollonato. To know her was to lovo her. Yew. wo will mNs hor at all times. But, dear Kiln, wo trust aho Is better off, and wo can only say: Now sho has gono from this ttrango world of ours, No more to gnthor Its thorns with lis flower?, NolortPT to linger whero aunbeauiB mutt f.ido, Wlicruuiinll lirouty Doath'ei ilnpcrMRrolalili Weary wlih iiiIiiieIiiik '""' blll,ir ul Hwuot. Wiury with parting and never to nieit. Now hho Is roitlnt? from Brrow and ufa, Kcppy wlierii innh's uotillictw oiitnr iit in, .Int nun n t.iri'n wllt'll Hid inortiliii: Im lirlulit, .WIimi Out Mivet uuubenms huvo brought u ineir uum; Wcnry with i-nwlnr and never to reap, Wmry with labor, uud walcoiiilriK bleep. MliS O.T. llAMKLS-l'oND ni.'n Al.lt.iilnii.uil Snrlnuw. nf mitflltlll) linn, Mr. I. S. Henry, nuod 40 year?, onn incntli, itinl twiMily llircmlujH. blinluiU'sii . .. i.ml ilnmilili r mill IllHIlV frlltlllM 10 rUhl Mill. MilHni' ...... ....-.rf -- -- -.-- tnpntn tier loss. Sim had brwin n ctunMHlotit nnd fait Will mi rrUtr ol tbu (Jiirmunii cnurcii .nracivtral juurs. Life'H dreary tulhway sho him troad , O'er Is 111 unit dale, n wnary way, With thorns and lirlrr-s thlok foeMnid, Cliecrocl up by Iiojjo'u n.iat Koldi-n ray Dear woman, in tho dream of Ufa, Adorned with many a winning art, As uiothor, cliuphtoi , sister, wife. You uavochoorod up our downcast heart. Hut now hor dreary task is o'er, Though bravely, puroly sho has wrought: She ban irono to tho better shoro, Wnero life's soro trials aro all forgot. Amok IIuiit. XOC-SL. XOW. The Only Btrletly Wholesale Drug Homo in urcgoii. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Street, I'OHTLAND. OREGON, TFEIl TO TUB DUUO AND QKNKBAL XX8 caanulie traae a compiciu mummin u o Drugs, Patent Medicines. Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of '.! aUee tuJ qualltlea. WHITE LEAD, Of Ml tbo leading brand, In Hue sod kera, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, IiOmpblaok, Rod Lead, Ohio. VARNISHES, lnelodlnjrtheflneatbrande'for Coach ralnlers' ase. PaUt. WkltcwMR, Bd TaraUb Bnuhw, LINSEED OIL, In barrels snd tan. TarpMtlnc, Goal Oils. CaitorOll, Lard Oil, NealVfbot Oil, FUh Oil. AlcoHol, In barrel and eaei.. Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, ductile Soup, Concentrated Lye, 1'OtUhU. 331ttox- vlX IsAxxcXm. Quicksilver and Stryohnino. la Quart. Half Gallon. Oue.allon, and PUe-QaUcn Can an I lUrrel. etc . etc Wo art Agents .for Ore rem and Wathlaston Terri tory for THE AVERILL PABNT, TUB REST MIXED rAKJT IN USB for Ualllrrkr'di'a 'arbi le btcp rip. WaUlee'a Hbc? Cstu and nl rrl f-Hon, ntirt ei's and JajDce rTjjrkt ry llrdKlnej. tXT Wo bny onr jrrn from flirt hand. ttu to altlncoa to romprte wlthariTntrVeton the t'otl. watompa'Uon curjirlcet t! rnvp. cij9 JUL i 1 -7S7- et la. 3s. 1 NVUSERY. SETII LUBLLING A SON, FRUIT TREES, PoxiirriHO or Apple. Fear, Peach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, Ad manr other mWllineoo varlttlef. the prleea of wIb we bare redncrt to rult llie.lime. , eodforacauloue. SBTII LUKLLIVfJ SON. C.U9 irlllMraukle. Tillamook. Mr. Frank Wilson, writing from Tilla mook, Nov. 29, says: For tho last few days (or rather woeks) It has been raining very bard, swelling all tbo streams out of tholr banks and causing a Rroater porttan of the low lands to bo over flowed and tho roads to bo in tho worst con dition I over saw them. Thorn Is all tbo gonso and duck-btinllng that nny ono wants although I get no tlmn to hunt. Ii)arhuntlng lin? boon very lively; thero bHM boons.! or 30 killed ltitoly, they have killed a groat many lioga ami eheo) for diHerent ones, although wo were In luck, onlylooulng IS or CO fcheep. Tho jieoplo hero aro pnxlously waiting the arrival of tho steamer, for a groat many bavo not shipped tholr butter yet and the ilsherira bavo lots of freight to go cut. Faut A Graham have been doing a large packing business In barrels and kits; the Kinney Bros, havo bad all they could can with the temporary cannery ?f and It Is their Intention to build next spring and can salmon and clams. The fisherman a fishery of Astoria, aro also going to build as soon as spring openi. Iti foot Tillamook county is going to take a start. Thero will bo considerable llax put lu and more grain than evor wasboforo, and lftliero was only a steumor running thoro would bo lots more. Wunhoil AsUoro. Mr. John Wnrren, who arrived hero last Friday Irom tlm liig Xtn'.tU'k, report that pieces of n urtrktul vchr-1 uaihfj ushnro lit Capo Lookout, u fow d'aya niter tlio liray htorin that jucvrIIihI nu thin Const iouio tuo wt'tksiico. Mi. Warron mjathut ho found llvn lmtuhcs; onci of them uiatkcd "A,"nnil Riinthur with fiuir htraij;ht mnrk, nnd vilnt od sky III uo nnil uiio ivhllu ono, whluh Is Mip lHxril to bo tlm hnoby liutcli of n ctcHinur, which In pLtCEil In tho cpiilnrcif a!eitiiihlpo, ono Ckblu door with IocIih nnd Knob, aUo varlrtM piooai of ship Iiipch. 'J'heso places wero Htrown along up nnd down tiiri bench for umny inllox, tni;ulL(r with any rpianlltv of now lumbar. It would nebui from tbn nbovo (Inscrip tion fiat nuother via el Hint Iihh plougbod tho briny deep, him at least unci i'iiinb(d In tho raging tt'inpoNt mid oHiiilug blllowH.Hinl pcrlmpi not onn nf Its p!iNOiiKta orKHinun aro left, to toll tbo ixd,.nl Htory nu to how, when and whoro alio wont down. Cabin Rofclind. Mr. John Warron, who lives on tho Fried man plnoti, about n inllo and threoqinrlera below this city, Informs tm Hint during hla absonco for a couple of woeka, that omo pil fering (caiiipx entered tho cabin and took ovorythlng that tlioy could lay tholr hands on In the ahapo of groceries, provisions and kltchon ware. It In rather a dancrons time to leavo things on tho outsldo of an iron anfn ni there aro aiy quantity of persons who have latoly arrived In this Htato from San Franciaco, that the locking of a common door has no moro efieot upon thoni than If thoro was no door at all. Coara of Laotaras. Prof. O, II. Johnson, Curator of.the School and College Natural Illatory Hoolety, has ojnrontod to deliver a course of four lecture at Philomath, Uenton county, on Natural History. He will leave here some lime next week. Tho Profesaor will also dellvor a co u r no of lectures on the aamo subject, at Monmouth, Polk county, during tho com lug holidays. The Professor undoubtedly undorftanda his buHliiettH, and tho olllzous of 1'iilloinatli and Monmouth will learn como thing new, and will bo well paid for their troublo. Camftfct at Last. . Sonde timo since we made mention of tho fact that the till of tbo Chemeketa hotel bar had boeri tapped and betwoon thirty and forty dollar taken, alnca then It has been robbed twice and articles of valuo taken from time to time from tho hotel. For a timo Mr. MathoviB and officer Minlo could not account for It, or even got any clue for a Marter, so neatly waa everything dono. Olll cer Mluto waa pretty cotilhlont that hit man was In bouio way connected with (ho hotel, and bo called for a now deal, at last ho spot ted tho Individual, James 1). Uuluic, and ho "hhailowed" him for about ten dyi, being fully confidont that be would catch him on the turn, and it only required timo and patience. Yesterday Mr. Mathews re ceived several hundred cigars, and after carefully placing tho boxes upon tho sbolf In the saloon , closed the door and went out, re- llurnlng again In a short time, ho found that Mro of the boxes of cigars weio gono and reuag uoimes waa iuo,oniy person mat ad been about tbo room at that time. Officer Mlnto cornered him and mado him produce his keys, which proved to be a bunch of skeleton kovs, and mado him go with him and unlock his trunk which ho did, and thoro in tho bottom or tho trunk was tho mlsslug box of cigar; hothen ttenrcbed his person and a watch Hint belong ed to Samunl I'arrar, which lio hnd takon u night or two provloua, was round. Tbo young ium tnaito several purohasos slnro til arrival lu this city, 'and piyliigHin cish ihurefor, unii bus not draun nuiint ol of iiioni.y inr lila labor slnco tbo VMv nnd be Witsdt'iul liroxo when liouinm here. Mlnto tool: tlm ; young man In olmruo and lucked him up In thiicoi.n'y Jsll, being tii'tfeclly .itbllil iliHt ho lud ti l'iyi fo.-imrod IiIh until. Ho wiih brought bun ro II ia II nnr, ('. W. HoHlti this morning, nnd vtiwl nu p mutilation, nnd wns jilnceii umlor f.'lO 1ou()h forlih rmpcrtiiinct! tiiilont llio mxt, fr.itul Jury. Ho railed to prodiico tho rrri'ilrod Hiuuuiiliiud wsh turuiid ourloSliurlH lUUer fortufiikix'plng. Slc-tord I'oto relip&vd. ThlscplobratodKeutlomati h not in night when I'omptcd ton child nbmi; bIr iiiIIcb from lCiet Portland. Tholllllo lollo'4 iiiviuo i.i l'nge; lio lsnbout lH montliMnl'iiKonnd has mIx perfect tout on each foot .;ud hI.-: llngors on riich hand. Tho ImniH aro nh'ipod to nearly llkotho common run of hinds thnt tho dllloronco would not rtmllly bo noticed; butjho fiet aro wider than usual ao tiiuoli, In fdet, that shoes (Mtinm bo found to tH, and moi-Cithln havo to bo MibttltuH'il. Tho child has nerfoot control ovnrciinh of thrao Humor ous llmbN, nnd will probably grow up thank ful that bo Is not as other men . Gniia fur the Unlvaralty. Wo understand that tho authorities of the Willamette University havo fulfilled tbo re quirements made by law, and that fifty stand of guna will immediately bo placod in the University, for the benefit of the military department of that Institution. That'sounds like business, the Idea of a military company drilling with fenco pickets and broomsticks is perfectly absurd. Hurrah for the University. The Presbyterian ohuroh, In this city, aro to havo a Christmas tree on theeveulugof the 21th. Two hundred and ten arrests wero mado in Portland during tho month or November. Sixteen marriage licences were Issued In Multnomah county last month. Vlo Trovett was rooontly proaonted with a a blblo. Vlo Is going to tho Sandwich lilands. Allltlo boy by tho name of IUohes acci dentally shot himself In tho leg above the kueo last Friday, whilo fooling with an old pistol. Ilonry Morgan wis elected Chief Engineer, and W. II, I). Jtyco nnd Win. Algeo went clouted Assistant Engineers of the Portland Flro Department. TbofahlnHlward James, took fira Tester tiny, whllo lining fumigated; Captain O'lirien niul Joseph Dy, haii u very narrow oMiape. Dimage to tho vosel not knowu. I6 cliaj in Uut Portland wa roblmd the latter part of Jskt wtek, th thiol get Ing nway with CO volumes of H. S, Library, hdll, iilco fiag, and fcoinu Umps. Quinink ami AiwuNioiorm me basis of muiiy Akub rt mi-dlta In market, and arethh last report of pbyrilnlana uud ptoplo who know no Lo'.ter uiedlulno to employ for tli a dlstreliK compUiut. TliotllVo'sol llhnr of ttinwi drugs aro deMruoilve to thosyHiem, produolnu hoadiche, Intfntlnal diitnideir, vertlKO.dUzlnebs, ringing of tho earn ami (lniremnii nf tbo ooiiatitutlonal health. Avkk's Aouk Cork is a vegetable discovery, conlalniim neither riulnlue, arseiilo. nor any deleterlou Ingredleut, and ia an infallible and rapid cure for every rorni or Kever and Aguo. Its t Ifucts are permanent and cerlalu and no Injury can result from l'j uae. lieeldes boiug a positive cure for Fovex and Ague In all lis forms, It la also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It la an excellent tonlo and preventive, aa well as on re, of all complaints peculiar to malarlouf, marshy and iolnsinailo district. It act directly on the Liver and biliary apparatus iiius MimiiuiinguiH-iyHieiri 10 a 'igorous, htaltby otn'Mi"n. For Kale by all Uealar. All wcuttli lliut In worth having1 Is won by work and presurvod by care. Hand Badly Cut. Atabout half after four o'clock last ovon Ing, II. M. Day, who works lu llibodok's f ur nlturo factory, had hla lett hand very badly lacerated In a machine called tho Shapor. It Is a tool with a revolving head carryitig knives' somothlng like a plainer, exoopt It Is on a vertlcle mandrel). By some means Mr. Day 'a left band wis brought In contact with the knives and a pltoe takenout of his thumb above whore It Joins tho hand. It la hoped .that his thumb may be saved, tbough It will probably be tln,-'-aa Uio Joint U badly lujurou. . Money Cr Jar Bualnaaa. Through tho politeness of Mr. Bliss Rickey, Money Order Clerk, wo learn that the following amount of business waa trans acted at tho PosloQlco, In this oltv, for tbo quarter ending September 30ih, 1877. ' Numbers ot drawn ordors paid 022 Amount ......516,510 87 Foes on tamo 1H tl5 Amount of orders paid 05 05 Amount transferred to Portland 00 45 They wero acting olianulea tit n piuty over In i'olk county, ono evening lutt week, anil got nlpng. finely until troublo occurred on tho word "lienullful." A Hwect youtic lady hail represented tho 11 rut pnrt of tho word with charming ef fect, out when they endeavored to get a young man who parted his lmlr In tho middle and woro u tall collar to play tho part of "fool" for tho necond net, ho re fused with such vigor that It oust a gloom over tho entlro company. The story Is told of a olergyman that after preaching au interesting sormon on 'The Ilecogultlnn of Friends iu Heaven" he was accosted by a hearer who suld: "I llko that sermon and I now wish you would pieuch another on tho recognition of peoplo In this world. I havo benn at tending your church three years, and not live persons In the congregation havo au much us bowed to mo In all that timo." , MARBLED: flTONE-KLKTOnKR-Ortolier 2t, I8f7. Iijr O. II. HhukI mini, Mr. aklel Hl'.ncof Union, naU MIm lturllla Kletcber, ot Marlon county, WOOD-ttITOU'Y-Knvembor 10. 1871. by O. H. Hiiliiiiaji. Mr. J. V. Woml ulU Mlaa Jualu Itlohey, nil of Murlou county. l'KTrV-COItyKLI-Nearrreawfll.Ijino county y Huv. .1. Hiintl.clior, Mr John Petty una lllm Abbey Coryell, nil of l,-ne oiunly. DIED. TUPPEIt At Wlinallnnd, B.itnrilsy. Decem ber It, Kit want Turner, aiftt 'i veura. To tlio yV.JlIlticl -Liu11;m In Iurtiulii'. Why need you suir-r with Paralysis whn you can bncurodT Why will you aulfer with itheumailinii when you cm IwcurodT And vhy havo so ninny aches and pains when it l-i within your roauu to be cured 7 I am now eitabllibcd In halcn, prepared to trca', all Coroule Dliesaei, accbaa HUeomatUm, ricara'g a, Conum4lmi, Ktdnoy dlieaara, and in fact all diitar es that bemaa fleih la heir to. Uptclal attention paid to female Wetkneaa and uerroui prottritlon, which lacocomoion to Ladle?. CblldrenV dUearea not ex ceptid. In connection with my practice, I have one of the celebrated Medicated Vapor r.lUtnlu Cream Batbf , which alda vai'J '" removing all chronic illf ei.et. It opena the port a of the ikln, and throwa oaT the all my, morbid matter, which la one of the great caaMioffomncb rnffilrg. When we once think that two third of all we take Into orr ayttem paiae off through the pore of the akin, we need not atop Iodj; to wonder why we aro atck, when we pay io little alteatlon to the moat Important eounctoiy of oar bodle Waring the ptt nice month I bare had thla batb In operation, andnaoy can ta.tlfy to It tfllucy, I treit pattenta by -tbs week, or br llnxle treatment. Udlea a Ul do weU to give, me a cal'. It aldenee, toutbeaat corner of Center and Banner Ptreet, W.em, HUH. 1. W. CUAIO-, IK. O. ROLLS OF HONOR. The following Is a list of those In thoB elasa, second grado, East Salem school, whoso names belong on the Roll of Honor for tho month of November. Each having received ninety por cent, or more In recita tion and doportmont. Flora Cunnlcbam. Hardlo Cunningham, Netlln Molten, MlnnloSprlngor, Nora Cornell, Lvdla I.ltuhtleld, Idrzlj Van Wnguor, Knllo Applegale, I.ailtu Snhv.-, May Wllklus, Oil aUreeuwood, Jennlo Baker. Benny Cnlbatb, Clara Baker, Albert Lltohllold Katie Todhuntor, Ulga Brldaos, James Col batb, Lydla Fnroey, Kiteua ltusa, Jonny Dlany. Kdeth Van Wagner, Augusta Newton. Cordelia Mllchol), Ida Kadrord, Ella l)u reo, Ida Uatboard, lwlillo Ilartmus, lloriiian Stave, Annlo Morrill, Lovla Rowland, Sarah Nowton, Mamie Laughoad, Lillian Groen, Ollle Veatob, Llllle Wright, Magxlo Watson, Frank Waters, Harry fains, Frank Pallts. isenny uooonuo. Nkixik TAYLon, Teacher. ORNTtlAL SCHOOL. Tho following Is a Hit In the Third Grado of Central school whoso uamoa bolong on tbo Roll of Honor for tho month of Novem ber, oaoh having rocolvod ovorOO porcont. In recitation: Oliver Ulimdalo Jon llnrtmrd, Eillo linker, Ada Cslvcr , AlmaTlinriitnn, Friiuk Itintlelt, Add ('inn, Lnun Kiiiht, (.inilnvLitehllcld, I .onn A't'ii, lltilly I'arrlsh, Julia ltullliird, iMiw builtli, IMdln Snyder, Jnmea Drake, Kiln C.tlvort, Pnuiklo 1,'incp, Lulu i'horntou, Nellie BjIso, Josso l-'otknnr, PhlbpCoiilisv, I.lllv I.ltehllsld, Iina liaik, John F.ly, Ittliih P-ttton, Canto lliiliniiu. C. A. Hit!). oUry 1'obUc. T. M. Coxl REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorable xerms. Buy and Sell Gold snd Silver, State, County, and Cl'y Warrants.. Agent lor Itecd 'opera Iloose. ' 3T Offlcf. at tho corner of Ilecd'a Opera Ilcaae, c21 SAlKXt, OR. Mjt JNO. GRAN fc CO., FRONT ST., PORTLAND, Ilavo Now OBened Their NEW FALL STOCK M.or,... Stnplo and Fnnoy DRY GOODS, in. ANU.. ' Laaies' Dress Goods, An Immenso Varioty. ) EVERY DEPARTMENT NOVELTIES. . Oct 7. 2n Mns. Xi. (1, Auxin, Touchor. P"sisntBstsTWWaiwrfl,s(is( How it h Done- Tlm Urst ohject In llfo with tho American psnplit is to "gel rich"; tlio itioond, how to ritimlti nOMfl I'fiilllh. Tlwi tlrutf.iin In, ulilitlti ul liy energy, honesty nnd imlng; tint no nnd. (joott llillllll) liv iislug OlIKKN'tl Auii- uiTi'iunitiii niiuiini you mi o (it'iuiiuuui Kiitlfier frnm anynrthtiiHVc Mof Diapups.ii, Liver Complaint, ItnllHon, ,'io., such rn Mole Headache. Palpltntlon of tho Heart, SoiirStnmntth, llnhltusl Ccst'.vaiii'sx, Dlrzl nos of tho Head, Nervous Prostration, I) Hplrltn, ,tu., von need nnt auiritr another day. Two closes of AuauaT Fmiwuii wIU relievo youatouon. Mamplo llotllrn, 10 fonts, lteg iilnr hto 75 centM. I'oHltlvely bold by all llrAt-cluhH DriiKglitlN In tho U. H. HILUNERY AND NOTIONS. Having bought largely In our lino, wo aro now preparod to furnlah HATS and BON NKTd, with all tho latost novelties of tlio season, at prices that dofy competition. Call and aoo for youraelvoH. Next door to Breyman Broa., Cominerola)Slrnet. Mil. A Mim, WM. MI1.LI0AN. oct.20 ml. j, l. naiiKAni). a. I-, ui, BERNARD & L1SE, PRODUCE & COMMISSION FJRO.MT 8TRKKT, lOllTLL.rVD, Weat aldo Dock, corner Salmon and Front 8ta. Special attention nlvt u to Parmer' I'roOncs of all kind. CotlKiimeiiti KOllcitPd, Have connection lu Utn Francltcu which enablo u to Ret tho bet uiaraci iricca. ocra OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. UBOUhAlt LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIHOUGIl 'JHUICKTN Can bo vmrcbaieil at Die tirlnclpal Htatlona of tbo u, j. ii. ic, ai noduood Xlntoai. Bteamora leave both Portland and Han l'randseo abont Evory Pivo Says, carrrlng I'aJirDRcra and Fielelit at tho I.OWKKT ItATKs: It I the only tin rtrryln; Ibn U. H. MAILH anu ffniM, rniiuu a ij.n n.rji&oa. The Utcamihlpa of tbla Company ate rated A I, and aro new, cloy wit, and compluto lu every particular, and conilit of the State of Oregon. (Now bulldloff.) 9.000 toua harden, George W. Elder, (1700 toiif ,) City of Chester, (1230 torn.) AjaX, (ItW tona.) !Kor frulxbt or p"Ke, apply at the Company'e of ce, comer K and Front rtieele, 1'oiiti.anu, no!tf UISU. W. WKIDI.KIt, Atrrnt. JOHN GRAY, Formerly lu Durbln'a Illoc'c, baa Jnt opened a Large ana complete mix. 01 HEW STEAM-SHIP LINE IISTWKEM San Fraiioisco'and Portland. The P. C. S. S, Co. AM- in- Wild. niiui:i;ru hum a unkop btka: alilpn rtyularly. iiry Itvo daia bttvtecu h' Paucucu aud I'oitUud AT GRBiVTLY RKDUOED RATES. J. ITI. .tlcCltAKlCN .V V.O. Altouta. t!T"Tlel,curoraalby II. II. IIOON, Arret. BALBM. S. FRIEDMAN, Is again at his Old Stand. AT DUBBIN'S COUNER, With an Immense Stock or Dry Gpods, clothing Ilntg.cups, Moots uud 81ioes, Yiuikco No tions, Gent nnd lmllcHFuru. isliitig uodirobuccos aud Cisai-N, Trunl'H, nnd Vu Hsch. In fact, Every tiling in the Dry Goods lino you want, at prices Hint will DEFY COMPETITION! (octltrj The P. P. T. Co.'sleamer . IS. -37. OHUROH WILL LKAVE Portlnnd lor JJiioiiii VLato. uiul Wiiy I?ortM, EVKIIV TUEbDAY, T11UIW0AV, & 8ATUHDAV, People, Patrouizo Your Own Boat Carpets, 0!lclo;lis, Mutilng, Houso - FurnishinB Goods. Next to Dalryiuplo & Ilrown, RTAHKi:V'X UCCICK, - MALK.n. OH. ttlllCU WILL UK COI.ll AT Lovcst Cash Rates! cfplllf onroun anu wamiini.tdn MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANE (UMI1KIJ.) Clfflce In I'orlluud, SAVIXUii IllAK IIIJll.DI.VG, ..'J flr.t ttrtet. I'rf .IJertnfHrolll.il Iltard nf Director. ALKXANUKIt aOIUU.W, K'.,HhlibuUder, Dundrv, Ileal Offlce, ManU at., Dundee. I'reil4ent of Oregon liotrit of DlrKloA". DOHALU MACLKAV, Kq., (of Cotbilt i Macltay,) Manavln Dlrnctor, WILLIAM ltKII), Kiij., rllland. Tbl8Tlnirmnl receive Orpo.lli not on'yfroia UielLda.trlalanc ftrmlrir ela of O'eou but aleo frii'n Heotlaid, lor lb purH.iooleiy mviiii inc .atnu (lu wllb It tautlal) plr.clplly rn Keal Ka- I'urllatid C'll) l'ruiiertle, and In ai.M I'a Ifo. Ile.ra .a ihrd ii. iiu r.ril(ju olUulldlUL' and luiniove tnenta witliln theHtate. L,oun uia Je on Ileal I!tair, IO r rr ceat. I'rotcctloii nKiiiiiHt lllffh natu (JmiriintcfMl I DR. SOUV'U MATH1E0. Tlili eminent French J'hfslclun and Surgeon, and Inventor of the I'A IllSSPI IiOMKTJill, which hiH given relief to thouamulH ofiuffcrcra In J'.uropc and tho United Sttttcn, ma treated Huttcctisfutly several hundred eaten in Oregon, the most remarkable of which wan that of Mr. J,C. Adkins, a well-known UmlneH citizen of Salem, who ha been nuffiriny for earn with tt partial paralysis of tho right side, and wan materially improved by a few duyn of Dr. Mathleu'n treatment, Tho right aide of the face and right shoulder, in which there has been a constant sensa tion nf coldness, and tho nerves partially puralyzcd, have become warm and re sumed their natural action and feeling. Mrs. Adhlns, who hub been afflicted with catarrh the head, has been entirely cured by a few days of tho Doctor's treatment, JfchdH testimonials from a number of pertain, well known in Portland. 1)11. MATllimJ hmpiimnncntly lo cated at tint corner of 'J'htrdand Morrison dneete, I'ordam, Oregon. vi 4 1 1 1 - ! i i , 4 ! r ' f i