""a 'M n' K -t.r f I V Ti I' ;, 3 , V .( . 4 WILLAMETTE FARMED 1FBUBD BTBllT rHIDAT, JIT CLAxaicii: ss okaig, rcnuaiiitn asd rsoriUETOHi. H. A. Oli.VUKK. I. W. OKA IO. Term or Hiilmrrlpllon. .. Odo copy, one year (sa numlwro) ?.V Ono copy, Mx months (!M nninbctT) ? One copy, thron nnnthMMnnmlipr) ? "" 8AliErFRIDAY7ia 771677. NABEOW TRACK HAILROADS. "Vc huvo rccoived it circular tlint bgIh fortli a plan for constructing n narrow track railroad, to bo culled the Dayton, tiherldnn and.Grando Ronde Railroad, to accommodate the farming interests or tho Yamhill valley. A mooting was called somo weeks since at Amity with this objoct in view, and a compuny has boon incorporated with S'JOO.OOO capital stock, and the pooplo intorsotod are usked to tako tho stock and contiol the company. One hundred thousand doll ars mint ho subscribed beloro tho com pany can cotnmonco oporatloiiH. It Is nrgucd that Yamhill county loses much by not having thl road, and no doubt It will prove a grout bone lit IT tlitt fiuoiilo nro ulilu fo luttltl it, or which the must Judgo for thcmsolvcf, as thc.v can uaMly dctcriniiui if they ironhio to span $200,(100 to Invest in such a homo nnlerprlsc. IT they have not tho lrioutH I buy cannot nllord to ombarrassthciiHOlvosund loo all they put in, and then psrliutw not huvo u railroad at lust. Itullroud building is oxponslvc, oven fornnrrow truck roads, and While v rccgnl.o tho necessity of encouraging nil Hii-h legltimato on trpriMHwlieii feasible, wo must con fess lb i' wo have not tho couildunco to urge tin nt on when tboy imiy bo proina turoin iliolr Inception. Tho ilmo in probably not distant when narrow track roads will huvo to bo bulll to connect many valleys and agricultural district with main roads and rlvow. Huch u narrow track road Is contemplated and work commenced, to lead from Umatilla Landing to the (Irando Rondo valley lu Union county, and many such will bo necessary to bring tho valleys of Eastern Oregon and Washington within easy roach of market, and also toconuect tho nortlons of tho Willamette valley that lie along tho Coast and Cascade ranges with tbo roads and rlvors that travorso tho cen tral part of tho valley. This projected road through Yamhill county is per haps ono ortbo most Important of theso, and whllo wo do not wish or Intend to urge pooplo on to piit their means into any enterprise thut may onu in inuuro, wo hall with ploasuro tho spirit that projects such enterprises, ot doubting tlmttfio. "lnmMbted formers" of Yam hlil, who know how tholr sparo cash wnu earned, will use duo caution In In vesting it. It is consistent with tho well known dnorgy and enterprise that charactorlr.os Yamhill people that tboy Miould lead otr In such attompts. Wild Oat. Hi). Rmimkh: Not long slnco I notic ed that a brother wished to know how to kill wlhl oats. Now wild oats aro sometimes very dangerous, oaj eclally thoo wvn by young pooplo whon Hrst leaving home. Their harvest is Indeed u Miro dlsapiwlntmont. Tho way Mr. manages his wllll oits (but ho has not succeeded entirely) is this: ho boglns to plow his wild oat laud as soon as his spring sowing la done, then harrows it; tho object is to iiwvko thorn sprout, they will remain In tbo ground for years, but by btlrrlng tbo ground, keeping It moist tho object Is reached. Ho then plows them un der, and continues this as olten as ho can. Tho plowing and harrowing bring tho roots to tho surfaco where tho sun completes tho work. It Is n great help if i powon has n low sheep to run on tuu oat Hold, as tney nip it on mm nuip very materially do tho work. Hut the best way Is to plant in beans or corn. Hovoral Imvo tried this and it works well. Again, others sow their ground to barley for three yours in succession. Thu b'irloy ripens before tho wild outs mature. T hl has already been beforo tho readers of tho r'Amimt, but It will Iwar repeating. Tanners hhould bo muro careful to Imvo their teed free from wild outs; by careful farming tboy may eventually rid thomsolvoi of thld pest. Hut 1 four there aro other posts equally as bad as wild oats. In many places dogfonnelaud fronch pink aro literally taking Acids; as I noticed lout Hammer on Mvorul occasions, whllo passing through tho country, also wild larkspur. Hilt A yoiiUK uta.li by tlitt ! of K Wti Mr atinupuHi io wuiiiNi. ,?";;, i ' i... ...i,i.... .. .l.u rtf klrvohlilllH. Dr. GlUftU luiiuted liltu out, A young lady tho oauie Pencil Kotet from Old Linn. Centek Bciiooliiouse, ) Nov. 80, 1877. J Nothaving8een anything from this part of tho Webfoot nation in your paper for sometime, I thought I would let you know that tho world Btlll wugs here. Tho school at Center Is flourishing, under tho management of a teacher from California. Mr. M. .Elliot h teach ing again tills winter at Old I'lke, ho has boon quite sick tho past week and ono of Ills pupils, Miss May Wigle, has been wielding tbo birch In his stead. Tho spiritual wants of tho communi ty nro quite well provided for. Rov. Mr. Baxter preacher at Center on tho fourth Sabbath of cacli month. Rov. A. I. Wlglo on tho socond and Rov. I. D. Drlvor on tho first, and oc casionally it stray minister from somo of tho different denominations givos us a call. So you seo If tho community lacks moral training It is not for tho want of clergymen. Tho Franklin Literary Society is flourishing likn a green buy "boss," they held their election at their last meeting which resulted in tho choice or too lollowmg ofllcers: President, Bllns Pearl; vice President, James Jtu-ler; Sec, .lames Wnggner; Troiis., Harmon Condru; Marshal, O. P. Klxt-r. Tho boys, with propu encouragement, will malco their nociely a success, but Ihopirents ought to turnout to their mooting-) to aid them with tholr advice and counel. I am sorry to learn that there are three or four animals of tho genus hoodlum who go there to rowdy, sit with their lints on, imo'-e, chew, Hplton tliuilonr, and doitgra.it many hilly things. Such Idiots do not know anything but to prate and drivel and Ho, but tboy nro too well known to need further comment; however, these aro the class that litter up the hotiso and others have to bear the blumo. Charity Grange is still nourishing. They aro seriously considering the pro priety of building themselves anew hall. If tboy get n Master that has a lit tle more cot ur" than the preset In cumbent they mny succeed, somo ono that will insplro n little more II found animation. Thoro nro cortain olemonts in tho community that would bo glad to seo the Orango it failuro, but IT tho Patrons of Husbandry aro truo to themselves that wish will novor bo gratified. HrothernndSIstor Patrons, do not bo discouragod, tho Orango ship Is still floating triumphant; keep her well of ficered and the rigging in goad trim and sho will sail into tho harbor of suc cess. Ho prudent und wlso In tho se lection ofyourolllcorsnndchoo.se thoso who bavo interest enough to attend your rogubtr meetings and do some thing when they do attend. Them aro too many drones In tho hlyo. Moro jtuoii. Jkuicuo. Holiday Goods ml P o o o oorisr's NEW STORE. ? lamps and Fixtures, Castoi-H, XJlaicl Ware, w o o J. W. CONN AND WIPB HAV IngparcflasctlHiuMlinn try slock of Mm. 0. P. BeirdMcy, and haflngjast re turned with l lie FIIEST SELECTED STOCK ...0P.... Assorted Goods Kvcr broiislit to this market, consisting or staple a winry Uooiin. Millin ery of all Kind;-. Bird Cages, Valises, Crockery. Glassware. 25 J Ci3 w o CD o HI VASES AtJD GRHAMEHTS. ......AIO Dolls i Jewelry IN KACr, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT. Calico Wrappers : $1,00 Best Prints 15 yds for $1,0 D Gall and Examine onr Goods and convince yourselves tht we arc selling cheap. Tristlng that by fair deal ing In the mure, as In the Past, we solicit share of the Public Patronage. THREE DOORS EAST OF BANK, IN I'ATTON'U IILOCK, SALEM s I: OIUXJON. nov3tf EH It D O ui i o o o o Ifanydoubtrt woro entertained ro curding tho Holldity, eolvoncy or Integ rity of tho I'eoplo'rt rrotoellvo Trniis iiortatlon Coiujmny, hueh nilfijlvingd must bavo been speedily dlnpelled by Hut tnuiKiiutlons at their meetinir In this place, on Saturday last. Stock holder, 'outsldorj," everybody Joined in ono unbroken determination, and harmoniously blended all fontllctlnj; foibles Into ono grand resolution, and that was, that tho Peoples Protectlvo 'n.Hi.i.iniriiitiiiti Coiiinmiv ninst unu Hhall bo preserved. Stock books wore circuiateu anu aooui?nu,uuv who jiuduu. A resolution was passed appointing a stock holders mooting at Salem, Thursday, JJocombor otn, ami ai ijai bts, Friday, December 7, 1877 to dis euss tho nntspoctn and Interests of tho company. Henry warrou. i. Alien Aiaerum ami uiiiuri w '" j" ""?" and address tho moetlng. i anthill litwrier FlauoTnuluK. Frank A. Owenjutt from 8n Vronclico, liiw cotun ht ro to reldo ternianeiilly. Ho la n fliat-olBiplnoand oriii tuner and ro p.lrr, tmlnn lilKbly nvxmunendtil t nicti tiy two of the lwillnjl mulo JiousiHOf San KrnnuHco, besides of tho (lardtier liiotbcrv, of S.vlt'in. lloKUriinto8ti.Mtsfiictlon or no pay. IIU pr!cH will bo for ono tuulnp-, f CO. llv tho vcr. two luii'lrc-, f CO; ilir Inn- li)K-,0C0. LbatoauUrt al Uart'nr Urj'a muxlo Rture. ioJdw if t Steamer ' A. A. M'CULLY, Cnpt. J. IV. COCIIKAN. rttlr dfMroui or tDRtEliiK frtlsht or piftK, rlllppljr lu W. J. HRUREN. Acint. uotSO Kanorri' Wtutrr, 8ALEM. MAWIiEY, DODD & CO., Offer for Sale, at tho Lowert Felble Prices, a PH to of A GB I CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE OBiiftu i mm i i i SJr-fe fA TV WiCtiaBBBBVTBK. 4T -iSSE M'OLSNEa ILL. 7 .TnTra..--,.j i. . , . ... ....., iirriiinouu. nni uuraiii ItV. Which combine tho greatest j ?nBu.. -.-. i r ,d , F DEEItE Is the solo l'aiemeu o iu "n plow's inouldbonrd and Hharo nro lHKDEKHK SULKY AIVD GANG PI.OWS, With or without Broaliing-Plow Attachment. JW aViV Tho LM-catett Lnlrr-Sivlnn implnncn'nyptlrvMvlf.l VaUv l.rprmnl fnr Fall oriSH. COO JSoScl Sxx. Oroson iai Ouo yenr. sST'Kvorv l-VrniHrlnimMMl. 'IJio D-t-M. si. Icy U thmu.l.v Mil- l.H.r l"cw inmJp. Bvall.Y 01'Ku"li:i NncoiHriTUil Hut l.y u MtKlii iih-Uoii ol .!. Lmit (ho Plow i. Ichb conuillMttiJ Uiun i.io otlier. Sulo Afiil (or II o wtll Iin.w n south bend cisi.EiBa:-.iHoivr n.o;vs. KUCKEYE3RSLLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS The moht succosbful In ue. Too wtll known to rccd comment. w mm 1.71- .VH1' ST'Sffiiii -u JL j.S nb -rrr SLrxT- w r mMtiffim"$'Ti SSchuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FARM GRIST WILLS, all tlylra ond prlctH. FAN K1LI S. Bend lor Special Cltculare. XT fit E T I3C3E3 IN THE WORLD! t-i -: 'TleoelTred. ! See that our Trade Mark is on eachPaekagel S. HERMAN, (8neee.ior to 8. A. Btnbnr.) WIIOLK9ALB AND nWAlL DKALEU IN Dry Goods, XutitlloH XroH Goodx, HOOTS. B1IOK3, HATS. CAl'fl. OBOCKIUE8 AND llWVt8IOJ8. Tho k'hvl cib lric paid for all kind of country produce. Cor Klrt and Madltoa Uet. uoiaooit POKTI.AND, or. o i PlEKCt'S P ATI! NT M.JM;m KI.ANTUI SjSZiSjv. Iltllrt. TliUKrotlinu.2v A uuul. b'ni;ilo lcl bylhlMl;rr v v Iuj I'nv.lcUiiK an-l Su R-on allVSto.-, U-nV uet the laud. tW W wiiuM roM'OCifia MUtloa ;n rublle """'. "."-.... ....7 i.v.r. .. t unm i.ui '- -"-; ,Am ',, .. ... ltilaHl Hoot tJ rn'U LUl. MAOMCt 10 hl. l'ui TtiU!i CO. HO icrauienti) nVu.il. up.fUlif, lfriiicl:o. t"HI! Fh-Seei AH AN INUlinCMKNT TO INCUEAHB THE pronclUin of Ftx-HD, Ihe unJcrtl.'Ufd kuo uuilC4 liat tbvj will potctam at tba IllKlteht Market Price, nr wlllcouUactfJr all Ibat may bo 'offered of rjit a-Kift r(Op. iniODKu mir uiui. wui.ik. nu.ui .t LUWIS, nf laruiNn. frum whom tid tau be Old upjurpllcit.un. juuu a. kutm:, llanaii-rof tha riclfleOllaiidl-! Woik.. 'oV.S1. wnaO .l.V MAXCIMO. Q PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; jei jaiaos , ana jmiiJj uuijUilb. Ready Xoir AND EASILY APPLIED. For Snlo by thu Agcntx: JOHN MEDICAL DEPARTMENT . Of Willamette University. milB TWKI.KTU ANMMl. COUUSB O? I.KC X lure, will coiBTne ITlonUttj-. llrctT.lbn Sicdenu, rnairlTtntctnibicliy, aro rmewu-U to tallaloncwon vhtn n. UI Ij. 1.. MUnii'"i iu. li,, Lirau. AND HUGHES. Salom, HODGE9 SNEM, & NO COoo Wholehulo DrugtlttK, and Doalorn lit l'nlnfv, oiih, and GltMi . T5 FltONT 8T1IRET. ..... . yZ'Ott.T'XL.A.TCm- Or. HKAKK CLKN DMT tx r ss e x- y- A LI. INTKSIIINO TO VLANT THIS REASON A. .huuld tall at thl Nuyry, ".vjjth Acnl t coiumL.Iou, rullUlMllY, or DO HUT 1MIX.M nt for vr t Csukcue. It xjo. Ijr cr y urnwu owlcrw i'Uiin- tb p-f CImm of aa j arilcla tst ivrwiua.uuuijr ,. .niraiinni Mta. Vrw ta am AilJrvtrf. MOVIXMIMUKV WAIII CO., OrmuUOrarwSilfljUouae. x nitP -. CU1CAOO, Hi, T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....A7D... IliX"XKoita, . r-altcm't BWxW, 8Uta ttret. Baleta, Oitcoo. PAIITICULAU ATTKNTIOS OWKN TO ritW; Ktll'llon., aid all ordrr t-j mall cr pri filkd promi.t'j acd arctratcly. rtiMleUu. audCooctrj Dealer, will a rnctveT by ...inim-iitv tt k. or nrotkilor onr rrl. U fore Vrthlne ltr. ""- Edwin ;ldenq ATJVERlikNfrXlGENCYJ J 174 ELM STREET. ', GINC1NJMATI. ' OHIO. Advertisement Inserted in any paper, Holbro advertising send for tny catalogoe. S2600 A1KAU. An-nawanUd.Ui4U ami lexltrnute. IVkrtlcsUn flk Uinml TrCTUO0.8 Wu.L WOODBURN NURSERY KEEPi A. Full Stoclc FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AMD,... NUT TREES, "71xxoa jtxica, IBUxaru.Tolaox'y. Send for Prl LUt and Catalone. AdlrcM JT. U 8KTTI.K11IKB, octtSoS Woodburm ur. SAVE YOUR FRUITI G SOX.GS iTATx HI3' PORTABLE PREMIUM FBUIP DRYER, Keat, i'heaict and mot Economical. Itrqnlrlug but unu rutu Drlea tu kim. of rralt ur vejeubltM. ami trudacc ralilat equal to any made nnder the nn, or by any oiner ),,,;,? IbdflrU r-nrronndtxt by natir, thereby m.iluK" rare. It rail be Urt to colt on wora while joa aleep Tlwdrjir Wmtdoot different eapacltlea, aro ta auld fiuw Sirs to &uoo. There ti one of the Dryer In operation 4 mile rait of Haleni, at bwarts". place. Tlio.a -wl.Mnc Drier, iho'ild not rail to examine H AliltlS' beforo pnrttw InceUewbere. Bute and Conuty HlibU foraaloou reaaonable tern, for further lnfortnaUon addreaa NEWTON BRADtSV. Halem, Orrgon. $1200 fmtmrr. BOwwa !" l-ZurTi. A. UHAfcT A CO, 1. 1, ( b UiM St. C'lulaaAll. Ow 300 H Oil V. O. YlCKtlty, Ab4ruU,Mala ot it. iSat S 1- wA4jHm&