I w c : f 6, ' i . ? , ,- - l''-- ! . I. ft '. ! v IhI K ni' to I " i I I K v . - r-1 5f ' 3 WTT.T.Afonnre-FARJVtER. r illamdff Jurmtr. IISUBD BTBBT TIUDAT, BT CLARKE & CRAIG, rDBUSBKM JlBD nMOTUBTeBI. 8. A. CliABKB. D. W. OBAIO. Terma or nkwcripUoai uno copy, ono year ioj nam vcrp;........ Om) copy, viz uiontbt (Sfl numbers) .... One eopy, tbrnn months (18 nnmlxvn) .. f'ilOU 1ix .7 HALKM, FRIDAY, DEO. 7, 1877. ANNUAL MEETING. XSoaxd of Managers Oregon State Acjrl .cultural Society. 8AI.HM, Doo. 3, 1877. In compliance with lustrnoMons of tho Board, I herewith present a nummary of my report to the Managers at November meeting last week. Also a few other Items of Interest: Entrance fee t I1'888 m UtMRM..!.: Grand Stand Ground rent..'. Boo tns. . Ltoensea Hack lloensos MnBMnrshlps - Mianellaneous Prom the Dally Mercury. BOARD HEETIKU. Wkdkehday, Novorabcr 28, 1877. AlTKRMOoN BKVUOIf. Board mot at 1 o'clock r. m. Henry dorter was substituted in place of R. C. Goer, in Division P, Fruits. Tho Board then established tbo following an tbo per diem of officers, etc. : Clerks, per day W 00 Chief Marshal, per dny G 00 Assistant " " (mounted) 4 00 M Ml 3 00 4 00 4 00 .1 00 1 CO i no (Ml ! 7,810 CO 010 80 05 00 1,783 70 1,727 M 4M 00 01 00 050 20 Total receipts of Pair gl5,403 Hxpenscs ofFalr, Including prtm'sf 12,876 74 Profits of Pair fifiW 70 Ex ponded for Improvomotit f l,f06 80 Ilsoslvnil by Secretary durlnfr.)oar..S3.'i,4;u.0l lilil Troasuror. 35,010 'JI TliofullowliiKlH tlio rcptirtofl'lnanuo Com mltttu. Tlio wonlH "Milntanllnlly oorruot" rjfcrlonn omluMoti to iluiluct wn mint No, 675 (caticuiUd) from llin footings of cxji3Iihm or tbo Pair: Ham'.m, Nov.!S. 1877. Tn Hoard of MiniiKorN of 8;nlo Arlpulln ral Koeloly llMitlntiieiii Tlio iinilurslifiicil inoinliorH (if tho I'inuucn f'ouimlltoo, hivltiK oxntnliii'd tint rorortM or tlin Hrwolsry ni'rt Tnuininiriit.il lu'cotiipanvluir vnunlinra nnil aooountx, would icHpeotiully rotinrltiial wn find tljciii substantially corrcut. And jnur ciiiniii ro would rospuctfrilly hiilimlttlmt In ourjiuli mrot tlimoliin bcru n lonilnricy to oxlrivu ant churned on mo purl or porenriH employed to perform labor on tlio l'Vlr GroumJ If, Hanhon, Mullnotuuli county. A. lAUiu.iHii, Washington county. T. VV. Davkntoht, Marlon county. Sovorul obaiiOH worn mailo In tho Premi um MM, new ruloi Bstoptod and old onna obaUKod, Tlio Miscellaneous Dcportmnt was dlpcoft'U with, and all rules pertaining 'to II, and a new division created cspoolally for articles exhibited for which no premium la olerod In tho regular list. Entries, lu tUIsJ division for tlrst class are 2 00 caohj for avoond and third claMei, 60 oU. each on every article entered. In tho Aral oUm, articles nMt.be of the valvw or P& 00 or moro. In the second class, no valuo m rf quired to bo ixed. In the third class, tho value must bo f& 00 or more. This division and the rules govorulnK ontrlea In it, will give exhibitors of all attloles, ttouio or foreign, an opportuni ty to make entries, when no premium Is of fered In other divisions but will prevent the Imposition which has boon praotlood In tho Mlacollanoous Department for the laat three yearn. No money premium of over f 10 ran be awarded, but silver and brnnzn medals and nlain and colored diploma can bo given. Division V. 'Wild AumUb," was Ktrlrkeu out. Tho premiums on plowing wuro rained fromU6tollOO and alvou t' boya undor elghtreii, Many changtM were mndo In tho premium list butapaco will not permit tholr menlloii. Tho Fair of 187S begins on Thursday, Uel IMh.and contlnooa until Friday ovonlng, Oct. 18tb. All onltlfs oloao on Uaturday ovenlng, Oct. 12th, at 0 o'olock r. ., oxo.pt in dlrUlona P. Q. and 11. whloh oloM Tues day. Oct. 15th, at 12 o'clock, m. The buslnras ol the'.Hoard was harmoni ously conducted, and tho members adjourn ed with the belter that tho ohangnt made would materially benefit the patrons oftlio Fair of 1678, and secure protoctlou to the Society in all lt subttautlal Interest. For the Hoard or Manager, K. M. Waitii, S(roUry. DROOOEP AND ROBBED. Tbo following la a verbatim report fur nished tlio Albany Utxttrvvr, or thti '-):h lnst.f by IIm Iravellug oorrt-Hpondeut, of tho cdrouiiiklauwii by vs tilrti H. F, tlardonty ot that oKy, wan Mtirrouiidod and robbtnl on tho train a few daya hhuHi a given by hlmaolf, U'fi Albany for Kaltrni lat TlnitMliiy inorulug. Whllo t-tamllup on tho atenatif thoOhmek(ilii,gavu Mr. llatulllou a oluuk fr ITiOO and rtvi'il 8UV. K)ld and fi tllvcr; had Hbout t'M on my peuon txstoie. lt( turntHl to Alluny 'riiurulny ivimIuk. Jt boloro m uot in Jt'ifuiMm, two men cainn In thocaruud hIiIiimii,iiiiii in tlio afal behind mo, and tho other by my lde. Tlmy tin modl.itely htriirk up a tuerxatiou and 1 found they Mem tioiu ('ullforiila, fur they know men tilSuita. Itoathatl was acquaint ed v Itli, they iiIho ald tlmy hid wmi mo belore, tine of them pulled out a botilu und iihkiil inn to illlnk, 1 refimsl at tlrnt, mid they then a1til inn InMiiell It. illd en, ihti taKted It. Pinni (hat lime 1 knew nothing until I found myit'lf In Dr. ll.MijjIiton'.iotllin in Altmny; and my iiumey i;ono. lUve not ihuriHiKhly recoveifd vnt, an my mind In mill Imtllniwi lo wiuiiliT," Appoiutauaata. llou.W. It. Ih.utur, (Iratid Worthy Ohief lVinplar, Mill It-It Auiiiavlllo l.oJm', lue. day. Dtmmbor tth. for Ilia puroti ot wm. forriiiit degrees, 1 1 n will leoturu in Jutl'or ron. Wetlnexiliiv, llMH'Uibir Mh! al Hqinrrel Hill Col liyo, ThniMlay ovenli'K, Dwvuiber Uh, ami Die l.lltirly Sehoiil lloime, Jf'tlJay VHilug, lKHVinlior 7b. Tim above apH)liil meuu ar all In this ooiiuly. Rcmavad. Tlio atoauibr Champion, lat evening, wont up Into the South Salem (dough and UxtV on lioard the machinery of tho old miw mill that tood on Urn bank, and belonging in a -wall by the name or J. h'mllh. The machlii. wry waa shipped lo Huena Vlala where It la llkilutuntloii nl the ownera to put It tatoa iw will at that placo. (foot), Ticket vendura, " liiitranco gato keepers, ptr day JUilroid " " .... JCost and North gato keotcr, per day Hnpcniitcndcnts, forAc'Al Bcr'cce," . Committeemen. " " . Clncf Marshal tiaYillon, per day 3 00 Assistant " " 2 00 Hay-tenderrper day, 5 00 License collector, per day 3 00 Several ladies appeared befero tho Board and submitted the revised premium list, and their report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Davenport, a committco of five ladies were authorized to bo appointed at next Fair to reviso tho premium list in which they are interested. Superintendents wcro appointed as fol lows: Diviiion J, Domestic Woolen Manufacture.--O. W. Hunt, Division Iv, Brood, Cakus, etc. Mrs. M. It Cook. Division L, Class 4. Mr. T. W. Sliclton; clxii I, S and 3, Mm. Si. P. Towiwcnd; c!anH r, and 0. Mm. li K. Waitc Divielou M", MitBtd ri'ndor 1(5. Miss I'!, Tliaycr. DiTuu'oti It, Miseoi nudor 14. MraOcorgo (Xmko, Tho folloiring wn'i ndopicili ,v4rnl, That tho nciipnnt of oaoh nnd every dial I pay tn tho iiiipuriutcndunl of t.liu htahlcn tho fium of $S; tlio utu to bu tie ducted from tlio entrance fee of )itmn, o ccpt lirn'M for trial of uncod, then e.ith to have ono singlo stall; alno tho supannleud out to havo k)'A'lt to ftirniith eucli feed stablcii an ho may doeiii ncoMRi.ir'. On inotimi, Mr. ICwiiS.avayo woseolocted as sipcrintcndcnt of nUMoe. Divinion T, Works of Art and Fancy Work, -Jamcn Watflon, suieriutoiidetit. Tlio following woh adopted: JtfMtleftt, Tint Uio Sccrotary shall scloct a naituhlu and competent person to assist him in collecting rents and licenses for 1,878. Tho following was adopted: Jltnolvfil, Tliat all of Division "H,"on page S8 of premium liet, after tho wonts "matches 21," lw stneken out, and that a new diviaivn, to bo called Division "W," bo tAiii lo Uio list, said divista to havo tbrco classes and throo snticrintcndcntti. The lirst class to be No. I, and to bo aololy for form implemcnU, machlnory and manu factum ot wood and Iron. The entrance on all such articlos in this class to bo $2. Tlio second class to be called class 2, and to bo sololy for productH of tho farm, garden, worka of art and the bousohold, and tlio en trance on nil articles in this class to bo 60 cents. Tho third class to bo for articles not properly belonging in clasaos 1 and 2, m which entrius may bo modo of articles vol nod at 5. Kntranco foo in this clam 50 cents on caoh and cvory article, nnd pomona niokiiig entries in clui 3 of articlon w-orth losa than 2, in tlio judgment of Uio coiuiiiittoo niqioinUxl to examine thorn, shall forfeit tlieir entrance nnd nil right to a pro iniuiu. Onlcnxl that all entrances in tho diviiions, except tlirao of "M," "N" and "O," and in trials of spood, tbo cutranoo shall bo 20 per cent, Tho following wai intnulucod and ps-vvd: WilKiiklH, Mr. J. Henry llrowu has pre pared for tho Kalcni City Directory a volu ablo paMir on tho history of tho Oregon Ktato Agricultural Society, (rum iU tint organicv tion, Uicroforu JUnoirfl, Tliat aaid paper bo published in the transactions of tins society for tlio year 1878. TImi following was adopted: Htolml, That tlio booth at the Grand Stand bo movod to tlio coat end of tho stand, nnd when rented it shall bo oxprcaaly stated that said IkxjUi is to remain as located. Adjourned to 7 r. m. YKXtXa RBtMIOW. Tlio Boanl mot pursuant to adjournment. Ttio.following was adopted! AVjoftvi, Tliat during tho SUto Fair ot 1878, all members of the Hoard present at roll call shall receivo tho sum of 91. Thorn) who are not pnyont shall rveeivo un ray for thwr sorvicca. Tlio muring oi tlio Ihu on tin; Kiviliou shall Iki coiufdcrvd n evil of Uio itoani troni tno I'nwiiient. Tim following poreoiu wero electc! Chief Mondialst Chief Mawhol of tho grounds, Uolmrt Irvine, of Unn County- J. 1'onry llrowu, Chief Mumlisl of pavilion. ExeeuUve CoounitUv, M. Wilkin,' K. M. Wailo and J. F. Miller. Tho l'iiunoo Committee aiibiuittod tho fol lowing report, whicli w.i.1 adepUil: H.i.km, Novemhor'-'S, 1877. 7 fli inf cf Maiiajm o Mn State irifNtiurali.vl.tj, (iKNiiXMr.m The un dersigned, incmU'W of the linaiico Com- mittiM. likvinc exnmiued the retnirt of tho Setrctary and aivoiupanying ouchers nnd .ta-.miiti, would n.ixvtfully reX)rt that we ilud tiiem stibstantidly oornHit, And your coui.tiittco would rwjwvtully submit that in our judgmeut tlierv li.u-i Ikvii a teniirncy tiiuvlrtvauantchaniw on tiio ivirt of inr. sons t'liiidoyiHl to itcrforin ItUir on the Pair gioiind. A. Lukixinu, II. UAXMNI, T W. D.wxNixnir, Finaiitx Committee, On iiiotioii, the lVkanl ad joiinud tV tr. a' Mm. Ntllo had pAtcluil thol-aso.Stilea' iray tMiiscni with acil bnnsn foul.ml. And Htifoa. garinir ruefully, at thodaritiz rt'iiifnavviuont, aaid that this custom of luaktug such contracting vtchcA ''wna uiorv hononsl in tlio btwchiM than " but Mm. Ktilert Kid that if ho i-ouhln't nfrain from usijig sucli l.-uitfuago befuro heraclf and tho chi!iireu ho had bettor go down to tho oflleo nnd toll ktou'ea witii tho moil ho ar-ioriMed with. liulfjt, j ALEssLTAOUERA' ASSOCIATION. , Cektiul ficuoot, Not. 20, 1877. The Association met and waa called to order by the President, Mlsa Maltle L. Powell. Roll call-Mlaa Ada Ir was tardy. Miss D'Aroy appolntod critic. Home dis cussion In regard to tardiness and absence. Mr. Randall suggested that tho teachers confer with each other In regard to Sohool Journals. He thinks toachers should each tike a different Jonrnnl, and then exchange with each other. On motion, Mr. Stooves, Mr. Randall and Ml'a Smith were appointed to attond to the matter of School Jonrnalfl. The subject selected for dlsoussion at tho last mooting, "Reeolvod, Tht Corporal pun- lihment Is wrong, and anouiu noc oo ooun tenanoed in our schools," was then taken up. All the teachenr took part In the dUcnsalon. MlasBmith and Mr. Steeves read papers. A great deal, of Interest, waa said for and against corporal punishment. It was gen erally conceded that If children were prop erly trained and governed at home, there wonld bo no need of Whipping or other vlo- lont punishment of children In school. But as thoy do not receive proper home training, It bolng a woll known faot that many chit dron do not obey tholr parents noticeably tho mothors It la almost Imposslblo to gov ern u school without tho uso of corporal pun ishment. Teachers believed to suspend children from, school; Iho wont thing that can bodono. They go. on tho ntrcets, nilu glo with bad company nnd contract vlcloux liiblU that follow thorn through life. They thought tho Slalo nbould establish n ltoform chool. thon tboso who nro ton bud to occupy places In tho public u:hoolM oouhl be iMiiitforrml to that lutiilutlon for tlio pecu liar triilnliifr and cduMllon which ihoybo much need. Klocinltiiiary esere'sss wnn nniiotinccd n thoHiibJeci ror consldHratluti i iho next inootiiK. Tboiiuiiibtivof tho First DIvIh Ion will r.ivor thoHHoc!i'.on with readings and reollHtioiiH which will, no doubt, bo very lnt'reHting. Tho critic, Mh D'Arey called attcutinn to Homo Dan proniinoiatinu wnicii inu uearu, olid though tough t'to bo corrected. Tho bulnoisurthoai'i3aIatl(iii llnishod, ou motion, adjourned to meet at tho usual pluco XHANKSOIVJJOW. PAUL'S Upon enterlogSt. Paul's church yesterday, the heaps of vegetables, pears, grapes, applej. sheaves of wheat ana oiner grain, ""-- somtng geraniums, and the ever bautlful Ivy ?..Pj?-.nTth're. with vaseB of now- jneof themost beau- ir..l HaxnraMnnn we ever saw. Auovo ym twined here and there. tw neu nero ana loere. mtu ,.v.. ... McVlbBd "OlwyTo Ood In tho Highest." a. b fitting tribute to Him who has given us so muon cauio for thanksgiving tho present year. Tho beautiful windows of stained gUse, we aro told, were tho oflarlng of the voung lanies oi mo uumuu. " , Y.' Rev. O. Parker, gave a Ronulne Thanksg v Ing discourse, replete with all thoughts BUg icnstlveot tho ilmoandsoason. Ono primary idea advanced Tor tho young, acemedtoua worthy of nolloo In particular, that all In olvll authority bo treated with a I Ihoroipect Duo their position, and to avoid all undue criticism as to their otllclal acts. Tho prom inent Idea throughout was that wo' aro at poaco as a nation; mat mo uusumm man's labors havo been more than amply rewarded, and coming to the prosent lime and plaoe, spoke oftho ImproyemenU made In and about the Ohuroh; the harmony that exists among the members or tho congrega tion, In all or whloh is found abundant cause for thankful hearts, on the return or this an niversary. Ho touched reellngly upon the wantsof the sick and suffering ones at tbo Good Samaritan Hospltol, in Portland, ask ing that tho ifTerlngs might be liberal, and would be sent to aid In its support; whllo tbo Institution Is denominational hi ono ro spout, It receives all applicants, regardloss ot creed. About $31 was taken up, whloh will bo sent to tho hospital atonco. Tho anthems or grand old English music was well rouder od by tho choir, assisted by Miss Ella Mtl-son. Aenta tor the Willamette Farmre. Albany wFbS"" Amity. ' VViiHhnr75n CotUeo Orovo J u HnortrldMJ IlnllTnn l "c" DaTU BbSS Vista... Wm Wells, J W Hob.rt Brownsvlllo iwru.i.Vi BiittevUle Jn w Dachclder CanTonClty D M lthlncliart Canionvllle t nrlggs on Moudav, Deo. 10, at 4:30 v. n I, Bl liOU 1 . Jl. .1. T. (JiiKoo, Secretary. Prists Awarded. At tho (argot shooting last Saturday, tbo following persons won tho priaos that wero olTerod: First prlw, i pair of nlno dollar pants, givon by L. M, llalnos, of tbo firm of Holncs A Gosllner, wen by E. S. Ollnger; second prlr.o, a gontleman'H silk scarf, glvon by Emanuel Myer and won by G. A. Cut ting. Tho third prlio a ooal, givon by J Henry Haw, For thU prlio there aro tbreo oontoNlanU, aa follows: J. Henry Haas, Ed win Chamberlain and the Faber aboverof tbla articles nelther.oftbe throo were marks man enough to hlt'a target six feet square Tbo obanoea are they will pull straws for the coat. That rita Alarsa. Tdist Saturday afternoon, a fire alarm waa sounded and the departmtnt turned out on the donble quick. The nro proved lo bo In tbo upper story of tho old court house and Is supposed to have caught from boiuo defects In tho fine Bo fore tho firemen badaobance t) turn loose on the bolldlng, omo outsiders took tbo "wind out of their sails" by throw tng a fow buokobt or wator on the fUmea ana thus hud them subdued. The damage to the building was very alight. A Loni: Run. Whllo Uio Capital Guards wore ovor in South Salem, near tho old saw mill, having target shooting, tho Ore boll was heard ring ing, and as tho majority of tho boys belong to the Fire Department, they were, of course, vory anxious to bo on bar. d. Captain Lister whooled Iho company "right about, "and put them on Uio "doublo qulok," whloh the boya kept up nntll they reaobod the armorv. One or two or the boya had to "fall out "of lino," not being able to stand tho long run, Tho boys deserve credit for the manner In whloh they behaved whllo on the way home. Rallo af tha War. Mr. Wlllard Uorren oflhta olty, received a prosent from a friend, a day or two since, of a saddle tbathocantared from the Nes Percoa at their last fight when Gen. Miles had the pleasure of gobbling up Joseph and his fol lowers. The saddle la of an American mark, having tbo horn knocked off, and tho trap, pings, tapldaros, etc., are ornamented with pieces of bufhlo robes. The aaddle was evi dently taken from boiuo of the oottlers bv tho Indians whllo they were out on a raid brough the upper country. Commendable Act. V. R, Dunbar Informs ua that at the last meeting ol Nnnparlel Lodgo No. 80 or Port land, they generously donated a sutllolent hum to replaoe the booKs, cards, etc., of l.a Creole Lodge, No. 23, that was destroyed by the Into fire In Dallas, Truly tbU Is a coin mondablo act. Nnveaubsr Arrests. , During tho mouth of November business In Iho Recorder'! olllro wh very IlKht, there being only live pmm of arreata baforethtt tunotlonary. Which Miows that the morals nfthiieUv bavA Improved vastly kIiico tho month previous, Tho crimes committed aro h follow : drunk and disorderly, 8; va gianry, 1; larceny, 1. MARRIED: WATKItKOnn-JOHNOV-in Uxlt oily. Tliura. ilij- t'Ttnliw, tiny. 'it. '' Iter. O, Inckltnou, Mr Win. WHtnfi.ritori'ortUml.aiut Mr. Wm. Johnson cf Hitciu, Ulil clllieunoftuiem will recollect Wm John sou, Hie rolorvd pslntrr, wba died aboat flvf yean uso, firmer busoaud of airs, JoUruun Mauynld frUils iinonc well kuown rltlxous wvrf Itirlteit nnd attrnitail the wrddlax. and our colmvtl olilif n wj. ul In Inll fore. A houn lliul auiirlanln wna'tpiead, and Q rlimonl were veiy ficllrBi hl-syUorman rntt-rt.lurj IIm it-kU urltli JuMI-e lonxn, Brvmp4nleU on llier,'o, anil roLdcml lu lh trua tyl ot the J uli lfosimjrm. Ul)linlll-aiAVT-ln Polk cunlr,Nr.T.t6lh iiy ho uv. lln'min. Mr. Io W. Hub lirl and couul. Mlu Niiey A, Orjul, all of loik Thnuksglvinc Union Survlco. Tho union norvlco iittbo Congregatlonnl Church yosterdav, was woll nttoudod by our oitlzHiBironerallv. It was announced ono year ago that Dr. D. U. Rowland would proioh tho Thanksgiving ferinoii, but owing to tho iloclnr'a Inability lo bi pretonl, ho re quested (hut Iho llfiv. Mr, Hiker, or tho Hap list Church, Nhiiuld ill I hla phico that (lay. Aflor the opening hymn unil pruorby I ho Rdv. Mr. Mi)s, or Ibo ChrUUn Olnircli, the morning lessoim wore read by Iho Rov. Mr. Itcitislor. Rov P. P Tnwvr.nrtlioMelliodifil Church, Introduced Mr. lUker, who look his text from tho i.xvi 1'hiIiii and 11 o 11 li vttrHo mid Ih us lollows: "Thou crowned tiiu year with Thy goodnens; mid thy paths drop fitnosH." Mr. Hiker, attor remind ing his henrorHof tho goodnetH and lender mercies or tno aiwiso rroviuunco, uurmg llm t.iu at ah m A iax.lt istllli nfMiBlilftvnliln I At ft It I trllU til i v hi - n v i y n j 14 uuiianii'i auivinnMi upon tho fjrtillty of tbo soil of Oregon; Iho land wlioro drouths aro not known and crops novor. fall; tho landUiat Is not scourged with pestSf and wlioro tho buabandman renp9 Hnd gathora into his garner with ilfty, yen an hundred fold, At tbo conclusion oftho soriuon, prayer wasotlpred up by tho Rov. Mr. Bower, of tho Evangelical church, aflor which, tho oholrnnd audlonco s'ang tho old and familiar tuuo, "My Country 'TIs of Thee," and tho Rov. Mr. Bakor pronounced tho bonedlotlon. Mr. Tower unnounced that on the next Thanksgiving day tbo Rev. Mr. Bower of the Evangelical church wodld proaoh at tbo Motbodlst church tho 11 o'olosk Bormonfor tho union services. THANKSGIVING IN THE PENITEN- .Obkoon Fxnitkntiart. Nov, 20, '77. While thla baa been a day of general rejoic ing with happy thousands throughout our land we,theunrortunates,feelta rejoice and be happy too. For this haa been a day to us. In which beautiful lights havo freely mingled with its shadows. We have been tnado to feel that tbero are yot many pure, noblo hearted men and women, who will step from the festive balls out into tho highways, to seek tbo lowly. At two o'olock r. m, our Warden (Mr. Thompson) called us Into tbe chapel, wlioro we wore greeted with the sight of many dear familiar faco, with an addition ol sorao that were new.' Mrs. R. Thompson proslded at tbo organ, from which issued strains of harmony, ho aweot nnd touohlng tbat hurry Inn angola might poise in mid air to listen. Tho-Rov. Mr. Bower addressed us from tbo 14th chapter, 22d and 23d verses or St. John. Eloquently aud beautifully ho portrayed tho sweet communion and fellowship all can have with tho Father, who love, obey and keep his commandments, At tho cIoho of bis remarks another goutleman spoko for a few minutes, after which prayer and sonio beautiful hymns. And as wo heard iho aweet yolcos of the outside world blending with our own, it caused many of our hearts to tako a retrospective glance of other times when things were not as now. Atthoolosoof tun meeting many of tbe ladle) and gentlemen came forward, 'shaking hands with us and speaking worda or sympathy and hope, which will beartbolr impress out into future years, from whenoe we can look back upon ono little oasis, worthy of remembrance, that bloomed for ns to-day. In conclusion, we would thank our officers for tbe privileges kindly granted us upon this ocoaslon, and especially to Mrs. N. M. Thornton and our kind organist, and Mrs. Nettle Carter and all others whoso coming added to the pleasures of tbe day. A PmaONKn. East Portland will not allow lloensos to bo Issued to saloons where gambling Is to be carried on, Let the People Rejoice. For the bountiful hnrvost of 1877 has no placed In tbe hands ot the people tho golden com, that thoy may fleo to W.P.Johnioi. it Co. and huuuro such ploturesas will please them aud tholr friends, and be n blessing to generations to como. Remember tho placo, oyer Willis Booksloro, State St., Salem. Or. DIt. ORBVETLt.Col. I J Onlftv llnrNn' bu li.no nUtrn. K. V. OHAHR, UtuSaroionU.S, Volantrer. tvtw S. H. CLAUGHTON, NOTAHY IHIIILIO. Ilea R.lnln Agent, aud Collector ol' Claims, wilt pioniinv t lend lo ail liUMic.f ctitmttnl lo bit cure. XIaKINO L'ONVKYaNCKS A bl'aUIAIU'Y. Office al u Port OfflcD, Ijotoimoii. Or. RAILROAD "LANDS. Liberal TormsT , bow raioKst LONG TIME! LOW IXTHMRST Tm Orfgoi aal California ereroa Oealral allroi4 ftaaaBlea OPPKR their Lands far rats npoa the fouowlar llbe rl torms; One tenth of Iho price In cath; tnterert on ihe balance at the rate of seTen per cent, one itu alto Ml; and each following jrar one-tenth ofth Wiaclpal sad Interest on the balance at the rate erf ;wKr?;rpH,clp'iu4u,t'' AjlUc oant of tea per cent, will allowed far etih VT Utters lo be addrMted to P. BCUULZR. Ua AseatO. SC.U.U.,loruaad.Oron. ' Coqullle City toios yaiioy.. Clatsop........ Crawfiirdoltlo Cove.... Corrallls Crcwell ClnekninAB..... Camp Creek ............ ................ ............... .FH Mattr.nn Wll Clarko It JMorrlion ltiihfrt GUfs UK Kendall K WuoUunrtl ....Itofcur limir " A JIIHk i....UiIlnmmirfli'v Dalla JUbcc. U M Quthrlu Dexter ....,, a Jininl'iiktr Drain's Ktenfon iV Drain Damascus ..KFoilics Dayton IS O Ilcdaivay Klkton.. --A Jl Ualrien KuRtno ..John McCluog Fox Valley ...........An Gardner Forest Urovo 8 Hngbes, W L Curtis Gofhcn.... J llandiaker Geryals.......... .......................... B M Gaines Ilalcey .T J Black Harrlsbnrg ...Ulram Smith. ntllsboro A Ladling' Ilepnor Morrow & Ilerren Independence I..W I. Ilodcln Junction Umltb. Dratfleld & Co., WL Lemon Jickfonrllla . ...M Pctcrion King's Valley , Conner A Rretno' Jefferson ...John WKoland LcwUvllle II O McTlmmonds Ufayette Dr 1'opploton. A D 1enry Lebanon : 8 II Clanghton Monroe . ....i.Jos Keliejr McMinnvlllo J 11 Morris. A held Monmouth ,..W Watcrhonsc Mill Plain, Vt"V David Stamp Needy i ......Wm Mnrcland New Kra.... .............V..............J Cavto NcmcIIkvIIIp 1 F Csfllcman Nortli Vanililll nOBtewtrt Oakland U K I'srmond Owvgo I Alt Shipley OU J It Hrlirneder Orceon City '. M Uncoh Pon'Hoton W A Wliltmsn Peoria ,Ur J II Inlnc Pilot Itnrk R GUIIsm I'nrllntiil H l'Lvc, Agent Stain fin urn t'rlncrvllU- U M Prlngle I'vrryiltilc Mrllrew'sMoru ttlrkrrnl F A Pattcrron Un-.burg ...Tlijiyhmllb Kcin F l Jonss, ThimMnnkrts Sllierlon v.f.-v THllitbard Kirdd'x W.1I PoMirs. (J It U Imr)., Klirlnunelil A (I Hover Hntillinlty , Jbliri Dim iiIiil. Swoct Ilniiie ,....lkn MnrUs Slierlilnn , 'rnni'dit F H Iifirif Tim D.illcf s h llnoks Turner V n llpusry vaiicoaver i. ..! W llrowu .l,.1.nm.f.".,!rrI v Wllklns W'nlliWiilIn , J I' Drawer JJiM'', JOKIdcr oninlh 1 II KlIUoii. It rt AiplegaB SI ISIIBISBBBeJBBBBJSiSlllBI'SBilBiBi'a I J.- W. GILBERT PnyH CiinIi ibr Hides, Fursa & Pelts,, still Commcrolal st., SALEM. ly FIRST PREMIUM! For Visiting Cards I 30 Ca'da with any namo noaUr nrlnted thenvm ent toanvaddrrM unnn rnrclnt nfsr.raiiia .Hfl 4 Mn. lt.MII .itilua. ' - -" " WM.....U.,., .lu.iitrr, W. O. Clahke, Halem, Ongon. RAILRO. Nurseries. I have Iho I.arcat Ktock ol Fruit Trees) lu Orcgout 200,000 Plain and Prune Trees, THAT WILL AVBItAGR BIX FKET IN HlOlir and I wilt sell them frodi 10 lo 625 per Hundred. ...IT.1. !i.'PccU1 attention lo my AMSDKN JTJNE l'KACH 'I'ltKKH. I bad IVachcs (if tbU variety ripe July 8. 1877. aud they are or excellent quality. I hsve alsn seven other vtrfetle of I'oiclic. and a central variety of i iher Fruit Trees and Hurnbs. Alo. a Urge lot of 1'HAClI SUKDI.INOi, at (30 per 1,000. auikts ron r NUHSEnixs. D J Malarkcy. Portlsnd K W Whipple, Cottago Orovo, W MHtceie, Tnrncr, n. Mtiucs, niayion, i.uraoe, iiaxcy. H Ilcrry, McMlnnvlllf, Mrs K a Judklns, Knevne,, LMtchiel WhestlaniT. N. Ltcrolx. HublUulty, u muin, Aieuama, Jrabe, Ilslicy. A Wheeler, Bbedd. Hburnsn, Sharon, WT I W KllcdRe, Howel Fr, nljjrrls. brooks. W II Drake, 8llerton, W Wm Dr II D Oden. lUnl.hnr.- J A linn, il.kl.nH 11 Morris A Mon. Hdo, A Irvine, Woolen Mill Co., 0 11 Itoland, Jellerton, Urowiisvllle, Jonej & Potter, Salem, Jason Itoyal Wasxlnctoa Co Wm F UrelU, Traveling apent eait of tbe WilUuctte river. H. W. PMSITMAJr, m I'roprlctor of Rallread Nnrseilw, ' ocUSBtf KA8T FOltTLAIU), OB. oxuncProxiar FIRE COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, . . $568,647.46 Income, 1876, $466,904 29 Losses paid out sinoe organiza tion, - . $1,137,367.60' HAMILTON BOYD. MANAOER. sastf 73 First SI.. roil'TI.AWP. JOHN M.NTO', BBiEuan or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES pleamre tnofferlnir to tbe Wool-Growers ol Orvicon and tbe adjolnlnir Territories the chance toeurchjso THOltOUUUMIED MhltlNOH, and a urlcc partle Interested that they can. and will en oeavor to. sell Sheep of the eamo quality aud vainest MUCH CUKAl'Iill llATES than nch ! can 1 possibly be Imported. Examination arid comnarlton with oth er pheep offered la tho market arn coidlslly invited. .Addrees JOHN M1NTO. v- r. -t Balern, Oiwou. N. B. The Itsms and Itam Lsmbs of the flock can bo seen on the ISLAND FAKM, adjoining Balem.- lll?lKw.t.?ui, " ' ,ho ' Pce. or at the. UILL FAHM four and a halt mile south of tho city. Salem, September 10. 187.1. REAL ESTATE LOAM a KKC0N AKB WASMINfiWN Trait Investment Company V 8Cri.ANaf. 18 Company li prepvred to negotiate loans l' ams trom to to Bkj.ooo secared over IUFBO CITV rKOFBRfy d FARatTsJiDS. tot reais, or repayable by hairjaariy w teims. apply to WILTIM RRID, Masacer, rrnn JL sums VBD xed periods nf years, or re; novtSr BFlrel Street rurUasd. r IkS t B .