Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 07, 1877, Image 1

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$2,50 por, Year
salem, oregon; December 7, 1877.
Volnmo IX, Number 4&
Washington, Deo. 3, The secretary of war
in bis report save the Indian war, Mexican
trouble and Jolyrlota wore a severe lax on
the army. It was Impossible with our small
army to concentrate a heavy force at anyone
place without leaving many forte, arsenals
and other property without protooilon. Ho
recite the difficulty and exponee ormasslnir.
troops during the. reeont cells for military
aid and clalmn that the presence nf a strong
foroetatho best preventive nf Indian wars
andrloU. Herefera to srfitlrs on the Ulo
Grande and the necessity of United State
troops crossing tlio frontier In piuaultof
marauder; recommends legislation to In
oreaoa the efficiency of the nluml eervtoe,
and for tno continuance of aurvevH nf tue
western states and tirrltorl", the latter be
Inn found of apodal uso In IndUn ctm-
Pjulijairo,Dao. 3 The Journal's Washing,
ton spoclfu wiye tlio president's moHS4po on
the whole Is crlllclHi'd bkh very alrnntr Bnd
able eta'e pspor; especially Is It aoccptablo to
the hard money men. ...
CoinmtiiitHoii tlio proiulontM mocsco In
Washington Benin thus far to refer nltni"t
sololy to his utterances romvrnlni: tlio silt or
qurslloti, end are colon.d In exsntarmnl'iiico
with Indivliliiel views upon tlnUMilJiet. I'
givci ureat. n l-f lotion to the opp noiite of
tho silver bill, the friends or wliloli on tint
other hand denounce It unspirlniMynsftMir
rond'jr tnSwrntary shennsii and tho east
orn bondholders. No daubi U xpmad,
however, that It, will havn n very powerful
efloot In shaping tliH Mtimte'e jctlou on tho
qliniitioii.aHltUcniireded to bn n dlrrct lii
timallMilliHilai'rtiiliM main propyl Inn U
not ndnptod by oomtrfiti tlio predentin,
tends to mike iih ef Ids vn o.
Tno INrahl'ri Washing nn spsclnl ssvh;
KtiHtU will Imwjited wlihln Ihepwout week,
and vbnn he is nw.mi In Ml the Mitten of inn
union will baonos mre fiillv ropre,ued In
the minute, and ilie war will bj nvor at last,
and there mould miiii lo lie aftfr Ihst uu
further reason to opcak cf tho Miuthcrn mio -tlon.
, .
Tho Herald' Washlnijlon nell ways
Holh lines" mait to morrow tvt 111 o clock,
and will bln seeMou until it faw tnlnuUs
before 115 M. . ., . .
I Is cnntelwl iht.n adjournment mns.
b3 hd In ordr to pr.ivnn!q.iM'ltitn arlMtiir
nerenfinr iipm ralinlint lmu' at lenst
that N Oen. JJiiiI't'm opinion, end In IMiiiN
UHtalncd by ilm !uid-r oft he hens-(Wood )
Am the hoife Is alreiilv orictnlsil and no
time in I'd ho lent by hJ tint nommltteo wait
tni; iuini,thii priMiileut end Infirming him
th.it eiiuro!i Is ruidy lo rt'cnlvo .my com
niunlotlliiti he mty havn laimkn, iIimki U
no reiion whv lh mxsinH should nn be In
hand by 1 oVInulc, nd hustnest of the rixu
Inr HHhii of the 45 it congress opeuod the
Wahlnirton, Doo.3. Onn. Hrlsn will ar
rlvo hero tUtiinUy n xt mid telle hi Mt on
thu following Mondiiy as HBhouIatu Justice ol
Beo. 4 Ordure havo been Usuod for the
dopurtiiro of a number or mp, cavalry,
sullllery end InT-wiry, to the Itlo Cramln for
tho Hcimrlty of the poeple f.-om raiding
Dhiluo nrrlwil here this evening In poor
bealili.and le deu'rlbr d by a fellow traveUr
aa looking like a disappointed, broken down
man, hit manner Inducting pain aud bis
talk bllterneH of Hpirlt. lie luterds lo be
preseiu at tho Thuradiy eusslnn of tho seuate.
Springfield, Mass.. I30. 3. Aconkulla
tlon of pbyslclane this evening decldenlbat
while Mr. Bowies' uondltlou la dangerous
and doubtful, it Is not now aa bopelosa as It
appearod Saturday and Sunday.
Now York, Deo. 4. In the suit of the peo
ple epainHt' ex-Ooinptrnller Connolly bin
ooounl consented to a judumeut lor tneaum
olalmod, over $3,100,000, and the Jury accom
modated him with erdlct for. that amount.
New York, Uee.3. TheTrlbune'e upcclal
from WasblnKton eavs: It Is now sld Sitting
Bull aud his ohlefa misunderstood tho offer of
onrgovornment that they nov state they
dldnotremso to return. The Inference is
that had tbev understood they would havo
returned. The rapidity of Terry'e speech
and hasty inaunor in which the affair was
conducted glvo color to this story.
London, Deo 2. The Kutslana on tho 23 h
ultimo attempted to puili on from Ktropol
,ru lay eleao to the southern Junction of the
rt'ftd from Orchnnle ar.d Kiru.ol, but were
repulted with bravy Iosr.
Lomlnn, Dao. 4. A lielgradw oorronpond
ent says Prince Milan levlewed themtliiia
Hundy end tixhorted them to their duty.
The warotllce has ordered ell district gov
ernors to erect hospitals. The moot proba
ble pUn el operations latitat Gen. lItrveto
vloli will uidken diversion la the roar of the
Tnikewi'h two divisions. (Jen. Uourko
has proin Wwl tn send liltn 8 00 tuvulry.
A corrf Kpoudent rajs according to lalert
Jbttew, publlo feeling favors a mlng after
tlio fall of I'luvna. Tho Girt-k goveriunent
has waruod tTretans It will stop volunteers
and supplies irtuey rUo prematutly oroan
trarv to na advice.
Vlnna, Ito. 3 The bad fee'Inu between
Turkey Ptd luly grows out of reprsenta
tlons by the Torto abcut a rumored Minus
teriog iucnrblon into Albania. luly aur
ed tho l'nrte Hut the rumor was uroumilesx,
but thd I'ortu refuoes to accent this denial.
There is it rrport from Home that some oth
er powers have also drawn the attontlon or
Italy to the tubtct. If this la true, the
Porte has succeeded in convincing otbors as
well as Itself that lis rpprebeuslous are not
altogether without foundation.
Constantinople, Io. 4. Menemet All
telegrapbalo day: After violently cannoned
log our positions at Kemarll, the Russians
tfatlonsly attacked oarleH-wlog. The tattle
continued until evening. We retained our
position. The enemy retreated with con
siderable loss. We shall take the offensive
to-morrow. The Russian Imperial guard
were engaged, v
Heavy fighting waa reported Friday tn the
direction of Tlcanova,,trom which place the
Itustlana were ultimately driven, losing
over 3,000 men.
It Isalfo reported the Turks are now bom
barding Tlrnoya.
Paris, Dao 3. Dufonr has consented to act
as Intermediary between tbo left and Presi
dent MaoMahon. He has already sped Cod
to the preoldnnt the collections whloh the
chamber oould reasonably demand, and the
president has distinctly agreed to them. M.
Dufonr will now nnof rtiiln from tho majority
the preolse conditions on which It would so
cepttho reconciliation, and will improas
tifinn Itihenecsslty of moderation. It is
probable that M. Dtifiur's consultation with
tho proidentled tnnrepnrt of the Temps
to-ilay that he had been summoued to form
n cnbluot.
From Walla Walla.
fMltor Wlllamottn Farmer:
Now lliHt IIih busy eenson is over end Iho
ovonttisNgrowbiglonx, pcrh'ips a few ecnt-
tfrlng remarks fmtn Wallt Walla will buad
mlMslblu In your columne.
Wo eio b!of ed v 1th nn at unttanco of rain
thl i fall, whloh enables the farmors lo (low
and sow to ttiolr hearts' content, end tho op
portunity la by no n:otns neglcotod, butov-
ory stiro Hint Is In condition In lnuro half a
croi for the next bar vest is being plowwt
unit rowed this fall. My obnrva(lon, hh well
as limited experience Is that fanners ns a
oImh have fallen Into thu error of produulnu
a rotation oTcroim lor euccissivo eara with
out resting their laud, than whleh a grnal- r
oilMiikH was tinvor mailn. It is true, we km.
comparatively fro'i fniiii the p-i.tH known to
Oregon farmnrs, as sorrel slid fern: but we
havothe tumble wihmI and wild iiunllnvvcr.
I) lull are ho will ndaptiMl to'the soil as to
need but ll'tlo cultivation to tunko tliem
uroa luxurluttly. Frn l fonml In pertain
tocall'.liM, but It la the exqcptloti lutad nf
tbnrule. Aa foranrrol, lh"rM la atmHlilns
peculiar' either. In Iho soil or iilliimte thm
dues not udmlt of Its Infringing upon the
rights of the farmr. A neliihbor of mine
I an a stnnll epot of It In hla orchard, that ha
loetithero lorn nn;nbr of yetrs, without
Any aitprmt increase, end in fact It looks
rather sickly compared with that on tlit-HO
sere farm Ihel I titled to own adjoining the
cotue lot, Si.bllmlty, Orcoon.'
Ism smnowbat Imerested ih the dlacnn
elon going on butwum 0. W. Hunt mid
Tons. Cross nn the eubject of eornbH aalne'
thnroiiKhbrtd hogs.&rd while I am nppned
to dealing in niroimlltleM, I prpHiime It Is
but fair t let them llxht their own batllt-H.
lam pleased tn nolo that Alftlfa Is attract
IngKoeno attention In your columnH, end ss
I detlgii experlinemliig enuio with It nxi
eoasou, 1 will plmlly ricelvoimy Information
parlMtnlng to Its culture that uiav bo forth
coming In your valuable paper. I know of a
few InaiHiiceh In whloh It has been tried In
this ectlon of country, and it eoeins to be a
fair succqkh, not only on bottom, but on bill
and gravel land. What wo need In this vi
cinity Is tiraas that will stand tramping and
furnish the greatest itraount of feed per eore.
Diphtheria Ih still in our nildit, and, tho'
Itseemato be abating, It Is still a terror, aud
wo hape that Huon It may ooae to exlft.
More In time. J. F. IIiikwkr.
Walla Walla. Nov. 27.
Kola, Deo. 3, 1877.
During tho month of November 1877, there
were 20 daye during whloh. rain foil, giving
an aggregate of 13 01 inobea of water, four
clear days, and six cloudy days, other than
those on which rain fell.
The mean temperature for the month waa
40 74". The highest dally mean temperature
for tho month, 55, on thol5tb. Lowest dally
mean le'mperature, 37, on the COth.
Tho mean tetnperaturo for the month at
two o'clock r. it, woa 51. nigbest thermom
eter during tho month, 62 ut 2 o'clook p. m.
on the 15th. Lowet thermometer ,3- at 7
o'clock a. M. on the 20. b.
Fronts occurred on thu 20th and 27th.
The prevailing winds during He month,
were from tho South during 13 days; Norib,
Oday; Southwest U days. The Urgatt rain
fall for one (jay fell on the 21st amounting to
.w iiicuea oi water.
During November, 1870 there were 12 days
during which rain All and 0,90 lucbes of wa
ter; 0 cleir and 8 cloudy days. ;
Mean lomporatnro for the month 41.70."
Highest dal'y mean temporaturo Iirtbe
month, 61 20 on 14 aud 21.
Lowest daily mean temperature for the
mou'.h 33 on 7ih. T. Pkaucu,
Frank llr(. &. Co., of PortUi d, call at
tontlon to the fist that all the triloba they
exhibited at tho lata StkU Fslr ncelvtd
premiums and that they rocelvod firt re
mtums on the L Hello Wajon, Ulack
Hawk and Clipper Wslking Plow, and the
Drown Gang Plow acd Sulky Plow, They
have a fullsaortment of all tbeajdtalrnble
artl Jle cocatanilv nn head.
The reealpia of the Old Folk' ocaeart wm
Aklk uAWUto Clone,
In looking over qalte a number pr; mod
catAlogucs, I fllndtlwt they call alslko
clovor tho " giant "white clovor. This
is all wrong, It' Is not tho giant whito
clover. In tho Agricultural report for
tho year 18W Is a report from the homo
of tho nlalke clover, and In this report
thcro 1.4 not ono word that could bo con
strued to menu " giant" while clover.
Men thn( linvo tho send ot thu uImIUo
clover for attic, and men that have this
clovor us pttsturo or moadow, should
learn to call It by its right nttinu alriiko
or Swollen clovor. Now ns for "giant"
whito clover, I will say, that thogltttit,
or mammoth white clover is much Uko
tho common red clover; it grown Just
ns tall, has tnoroetnlkfi, and, I think,
less leaves on or about tho btull-.B, with
n whito bloom us tho creeping whito
clover, I call It, creeping because It will
creep along on top of tho ground, it
propagates itself to ti great extent in
this way. I havo tho giant whito clo
ver; It can be seen by any ono on the
writer's farm. Lrtsti luiutnur it grow
aboat threo tu.d it half fuut high.
Clackamua county. , II. 13. M.
Tlio niuial report of tho postmimtor
irouural Hhowri Ihitttli'j whole number
ofcomp nltitd of loit reuintereil loiter.-.
luring tltu yujr wits 2,83. with tiro-
port, aggregate vniuo or oi,iiu, oi
which 714 letters word" recovered, and
51(1, valued ut $10,510, aecotiuteu for
by ttiii recovery or tltulrcoiuun h irottt
persons who hud, tKoleti them, or
Idst."" Tim perccntugu of actual iossea
compared with the total number of
letters registered during the year,
viz.,$l,:i;W,l27, i.i about ono-nTt let h til
1 per cunt., or one in every f,D0U reuls
tered letters nunt througlt the mull.
Many of tho lu.-bcs occurred from
unavoidable causes, such its railruad
and steamboat accidents, (Iron, etc.
Os Tin; Fly. "Landlord?"
"Yes, Mr."
"What's that?"
"Does it belong to Iho lenguo?"
"Huh It any ambition to excel as a
base balUst V" A
"f don't grasp your meaning, Ir."
"Well, It should, for It's tho best ily
catchor I over saw."
"Oh, I see! John, tako this away,
aud bring tho goutluuun some of tho
mulHu butter."
tiilunco provallod.
An intorosting lotter relating to the
Yamhill Narrow Guago Hal I road Is re
ceived too lato for insertion this weok,
and will nppoar noxt. Tho wrltersays
subscriptions corao In rapidly, $30,000
being already subscribed. Tho capital
stock Is $100,000.
IIOLiDAYtGooDS. 8co tlidiidvortlso
tneut or Air. ana Airs, conn's now va
riety etore, on State Street, formerly
occupied by Mrs. Boardsly, in Patton'b
Block. Thoy have Just opened a largo
assortment of goods suited to tho sea
son ttnd attractive to buyers from town
or country.
' Scrlbncr'a for Djcotnbsr Is othnnd,cor
wlnlnp, It ottns to ua, morn than the usual
variety and more than usual erasuntof mat
ter, as If determined to clin'i thu year with
all pDsalblo txcolloi ce. lUtoprn'ug artin'o
eutitli'd "Thu Wooden Age," wit'i illtihlra
luiis, deplete tho llfo of tho lumberman; It
has a vivid ile-Horlptlon of tho "'Ihorougb.
Ored Horso" with cliannlng llliistrallnii)t
an Kagllsh fox hunt; oya'.ers a I no lave a
disreoftbo inloreat of this number; a piper
in travel takes ono from tho Atlautlu to the
Andes Hnd tells of iho progress of ltraz I
indurDim P.-iIro; inlcroacopk' htudlee tell
ibnut ''Ants"; Mara aud hisMoousarotroit
d of; thu Serial etorlua are coniiiiind, end
A-o huva poetry, fioilon, romauci ant rdlto
rial paragraphs to connlltuto the bulk of the
' Cat UU Hand.
Mr. Wm. Underwood, or this otty, yeator
day had the utUrortuno to out his band with
t band axe. It la rather a bad cut and the
shaoixa are that Mr. U. will looae one of hla
flngnib.tbeoperaUoo. .
Letter from Ion. Wm. Cyras.
QraMd IIotkl, Cincinnati, )
Nov. 22, 1877. I
Ed. Farmer;' Accompanying this jl
mull to you a copy of " Cincinnati
Qrango Bullotln," tho first Grongo dal
ly Issued. It contains mora of tho pro
ceedings nf tho National Grange than
I can find tlmo to wrlto you. Borne,
and porhaps much of Its contents woultl
bo interesting to tho readers of the
FAitMi:n. Mako such extracts as you
may deem proper for tho Interest of
your renders. I will mail ono number
each day during tho Session.
Wo havo had a pleasant trio; met
and made many pleasant acquaintances
itntl seen many magnlDcicut Improve
ments, but tho tnost cheering things
that wo havo ficon arc thu mnmburt of
tho National Grange from nearly every
Statu In the.so United States, heremoet-
ingtogutheratttl working harmonious
ly for the good (ifal(; no North, no South
here; all earnestly engaged for the
good, and tho go'id only of thu laboring
classes. Our work Is thu work of pence
itntl good will among men, anil the
cultivation and elevation of productive
Industry. Wo cannot help hutHUcceetl;
our mission is not it selfish one, nut
means to stimulate tho productions of
thu earth which Is tho rourco of till
Oregon is my homo, I havo focn
much good country and good Improve
ments, but none so good for mo lis Or
egon; nil that I have soon have draw
tucks as well ns Oregon, and tn mo
maro objectionable; and its him was tl.o
ltivuofmyycuth,aud thocratlloof my
children, ho shall hho ho my unrso In
old age, anil my resting place in death,
nhould Illvo to return to her again.
I havo written more than I intended
when I commenced; If you can mak)
It. of any uso to your columns do no, If
not consider me a well-wUher to the
.success of yon aud your paper, and con
dign this to the wasto httskot.
Yours us over,
liaising Grain.
Ed. Fahmkk:'I havo boon raising
grain In Oregon for the past 20 yoar,
aud huvo used almost all kinds of ma
chines In harvest, and this year I used
a self binder, and I consider it
tho choapo.st machino I have over
used. With this machino any
farmer can tako caro of ull tho
grain that two toams will put in, and
whop his grain Is ready, without any
delay he can tako his plow team aud
harvest tho grain without having a
whole army of horses to feed, and men
for his wife to cook for, and when he
has tt Hold of grain rlpo ho can cut it
and put It in shock and wlnn ho wnnts
to thrash It ho can got tvmachnlo to
como and It Is a short Job. Ho can cut
his grain ton days soonbr t!pui;lio can
if ho heads it, and he will prevent the
wild oats from fa'llng on tho ground to
como up tho noxt year. I know of u
ftold whore thoro was as much as ten
bushels to tho aero of wild oats, and If
tho grain wjib cut at tho rlt;ht time, tills
would bj saved, anil it Is worth having
fir feed, and Is not left on tho ground
to pr.vv; that is one reason why onr
(and dnirs not produce moro than It
does, thcro Is tomethlng growing on it
all tho time. If wo will loipourgralu
for live years wo will raise live bushels
moro to tlie ticro, then wo will get rid
of tho cockle and French pink that is
t iking no miny fo,nm all over tho coun
try. We will havo our hurvis, from
two tothroo weeks Kionor than wo do
now, for tho loagor to head our grain,
the later our harvest will be. I can
taken Walter A. Wood's harvester and
self binder, and threo small hor.es, and
cut 300 acres. Moro anon.
A Fa KM Kit.
The Metuialut ouuiuu Will not baft
Christmas treo this auou.
last 'trip or the chests.
Wm. J. Clarke, sou of the editor of too
Farmer, writing from Ban Francis,
November 27tii, says that he arrived tho
evening before, aud that the flrat two
ilays'bf the pweAge down on tho City of
Chester was. very rough; that when they
were crossing thu Columbia river bar
man was lost overboard, and another
man una killed by ahorsofnlllngon hltu,
and thu horse, a valunblo ono, belonging ,
to an nlucer, was nUo killed. ITe, him
self, received tt Revolt! cut In tho face from
a piece of glass from his Bttttd-rocm win
dow, which wttabrnlteu by tho wave
breaking over tho ship. After thu flrat
two iluys thu trip was pleasant. Hosava
Capl. Howies declared It thu worst weath
er lie hud ever known In all his experi
ence on this coast.
Tho San FranetHcn Pott hnsthc follow
ing graphic nceountof Iho trip:
The Oily of ChcHtor whluh arrived horo
from Portland yesterday, expnrlencud
M'tniu of thu inti!tieflt weather at the Co
liimhU tlver bar (bat him been known on
that Hue. Khu left Portland on Thurrday
ut two t. M., In a light snow storm. On
Frlil iy afternoon i-lio arrived nil' tho bar.
A M.iu'tliwest ualiS with rain, was blow
lug, anil the coa was running In tlio f-tylo
wlilclidlmu novollHtaeall mountain high.
I)i!' pile thu rough wwil her, however, It
was determined to nttotni't to orene, nntl
thu i-tc.iiner etarleil Into thu tollers. In
a few mnmciilH mo roiling was nume-
thlug lerrlllu. Tbevcwel neetned tn vlo
wltlt thu irnKsenrrera In utaudlmr on It
head, turning lleelf iiiblde nut mid like
'rratle performances. A abort experi
ence m tin icrriiiio sea turn wuHniniiuiK
Htifllrcil to put all thu passenger In' a
nanjoetrlckutt condition, l'rnycr meet
Ifig wVrn noranltml lo Uiaiutble,.aUta-
lug it prominent part nntl cxpvutlng
death nt any moment. Thu caption.
Imucver, eaw no liuiuedlutodai;gcr until
well across tlio bar, when hu copied throe
treii'etnliiuiiH ndti;rs mukiiig nuc after tho
other In tlio dlreittloii nf thu ntenmer.
triii;ilaut;er wiih Pumliietit, but nothing
could bniloue, mid thu llrst and second
brolto I ie font nauhlug the vcscl. The
iblnl, however, htruek It, anil tho tlm
Iters from Hti m to htern quivered and
Hti'uliied. The atior:i(o windows wcro
all looken In, nod tlio Htioams of water
and tin-broliutt trlat-HeatiHi'dt lie Hhlverlng
bellies there to Inuigltiu tint thoy bad nl
rently goiiu'lnwii. All thu glass In tho
plti t hotiMi was cut clean nway, n portion
of thu railing let go utnl iliiw olfto Ij-o-wanl,
anil wreck and ruin prevailed
iimougiill the lighter fiirnlsblngs of tho
veul. Ono of a pair of valuable liontdi
had Its brains Unshod out, und killed,
while In Its last agoules.a man was killed;
who was trying to prevent them being
Injured by thu rolling. This, however,
was thu worst, and thu ca motleratod n
little, ho that tlm vessel got nafoly Into
Sun FruuulsL'o.
Hubbard aud Woodbttrn.
WoonnuitN, Nov. 27, 1877.
Notwithstanding this part of tho
country has boon rather slow In Its pro
gress, yot Its development is going on
with tt suro aud Arm step, and from tho
outlook nud bright futuro this p'.aco and
our sister city Hubbard will bo tho two
leading places in tho lowor end or Ma
rlon county. A few yoars ago Hubbard
was scarcely known, yot business Is
good nntl increasing, Thoro are fpur
warehouses in tho placo. Wnodbum
has two of fho host warehouses on tho
road, and some of thu befd residences.
Its funning surroundings tiro not sur
passed by any in this county. Mathlot
liros. havo thus fur since harvest be
gan shipped ono hundred and eigh
teen car-loads of grain auiLhavo now
on bond twonty-throo thousand bush
els of oat?, which is thu largest quanti
ty stored ut any ono placu on tho rail
road, an I Leahies tnis tt largo amount
or who.it. Thcro is now horo a compa
ny propt.sliig to build it lurgo (louring
mill, irevo.i town lots were sold In this)
place In tho hut week. Tho dully pttle.i
cf fruit lri'O.1 from Mr. ftottlemlur'H
Nursery are live hundred, and are sent
by lurgo (inutility to Eastern Oregon.
A Gurriotioa.
Aaiorttlcne tlnce wo made a statement
that a wagou uiuktr wjs wanted at Turner,
We were oi error wbeu we said Turner; It
abould nave been Sublimity, as Turner I
already proyldod with a wagon maker.
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