Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 30, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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Eut of the Mountain.
Wo can givo eomo Idea of tho great
growth of Improvement and population
East of tho Cascades, by giving tho
business facts stated to ud by Ilawloy,
Dodd & Co., who Inform us that In ad
dition to tho actual Increase of sales of
plows, seeders, wagons, and other agri
cultural Implements, to the people of
Western Oregon nnd Washington, they
nro eiuling n great many of nil these
articles up the Columbia river. They
instance sales this fall in that direction
of UoO walking plows, 350 sulky plows,
00 wagons, besides drills and seeder?.
A gentleman at Portland shows us n
business letter from a correspondent,
who speaks of tho great wavo of popu
lation rolling up to Palouso and tho
region South of tho Columbia and
Snako rivers,' saying that over 400 wag
ons had crossed ono forry Into tho Pa
louse country, whllo an equal rush of
Immigration was finding its way to tho
country South of them, that will una
Its outlot by Snako river. All theso
things will tell on tho products or 1878,
nnd by 1880 wo may look for tralllc on
tho uppor Columbia that will astonish
us all.
From the Daily Mercury,
Ilawloy, Dodd & Co., Portland, nro
Helling more plows and wagons tlmn
over boforo, bosidos which they havoa
groat call for IlttllM Safes, for which
they nro agents, nnd ulso for tho Uuek
oyo Drills, which nro In popular de
mand. They also aro disposing of u
groat many Champion fanning mills,
for cleaning wheat, as well as Champion
farm mills for grinding chop and other
Tho Quality of Wool.
Kvonnc of llbor h nn Important quality In
tho coinmoratal vnltio of wool. Tlio prncthud
oyoofiin oxport woolbuyor doloctH atonco
tliu wltlicircil portions or Lronohe.i of tho
llbor that nro to lo found In thon parts of
tlib wool that prottudoil from the Mln whon
tho nnlninl wan lnuorliir under imy cllt?o,
or wlicnoxpOHOd to uudu'i cold or dvprtva
tlou ofnutrltlotiH food. Kxauilnntloii ofn
fiv libera by tlio oyo or tlio drawing of llioiii
t hrotiirli tho (Iukoin will dolict IIiomi Immun
ol. TliN unovomitmi or break In (ho con
tlnii;iyor tho thlckiiciN ornlroiiKtli of tho
llbsr norlouly diminishes Iih viilue, nIiico It
lit llablo to liroalc during tho llrnt procftuof
iiinmirutnro. lu uvtiry old mid jioytirly
Htrticl: hhuop tho nroi.tr purt, or tho wholo
of tho wool, will Imvo it tdirlvoled nppuar
niicolliut van ho dotoclcd by tho oyoor
HiiKiT. Kliort, coamo wlillo bairn nttho root
of tho htrtjilo, which will novor tul:o dyu, nro
found pilnnlnally lu tmjjltoW'd biocdH,nd
dolr.M't from tho valuo of mult lloccen.
Hli;h-Kriido wool iiiiimL comblno tho vnl
urtulo (pMlllloi of Huoum, fuhiBHN, frconcHi
NOuudiiohKorHtrouulh, ltnutli mid rouiioih.
Flitcnchi of tho llbor HhouM dlxplny llnolf
byn utilforinlty nil ovor tho body though
iiatutiilly a counter uullty may bo expected
on tho top of tho houlilorH and rump, and a
woaliuripiallly oil tho bully; tho Uncut quali
ty of wool U found uroii tho ptuo from tho
neck to within Mx Inchon of tho lull, looliid-liifCono-thlnl
of tlm briadlh of Uio lmolc or
n:i:lill(i. Ktilltiuti mount tho clQijiiot with
which lliu Hlaplo or lock oi wool urow
to;;olhcr on tho irk In. Upon optiiliif tho
wool of a woll-fod nliut, om"ihiik thlN
quality In perfection, only a thin lino of
nkiii will appear, whllo If dufllolcnt, nnp.ico
tilnioU baro. Krootioi make tho fcopuralo
libera of each alnplo cIMlnot, and not Inolln
od to bocomo ouUtiKiod toj(othor. A lack of
tliU quality ahuwa Hut If moat plainly along
tho rhino of tho back, ami lu woll-bredahuop
tho wool, ou boliiK opoutd, ihould fall apart
uudur tho hands llko tho loavox ofn book.
KoundnoMor HtroiiKth of llbor Is hulloated
by tho amount of greaao In tho wool plenty
of greaao ludloatlU Ntreugtu and nbuu
dnucoof uiitrlllouH food-producing greaae.
Along tho rlilgoof the bade thoio Is a sort of
fllWalon botwoon tho wool of each aldo;
tenderiiPMt Invariably shows Itself there)
and by taking outaataplo from this part,
testing It with a strong, steady pull, If Its
Hounduess Is proved theu tho whole fleece
may be pronounced sound. Thl Is an In.
llipeuable quality In a combing wool, as
ttioro should bo an abnonce of breaches or
wlthorod Hirlloiis. Length of liber must bo
carefully legulatml by the brood uiott desir
ed, tho nature of tho pastiireaud thecllmaie.
Tojudiroof too letititliof stable Inatleece
tho illvltlott along tho rldgoof the back U
the tw-st part (o examlnn, sluoo (horo It la
usually Homowhat shorter than In other
portions, Hol.ntws or ohutlolty la Important
to ouablo tho wool to withstand tho various
operations of mauufacturo. A want of this
qiullty la most conspicuous buluctui the
pilnisofl'io shoulders and up tho nook.
IKrhh, wliy woid Is Inclined to be brittle.
l.amts wool Is softer than that of tho shcop
from tliohniiui Hook.
Alwuncanf htreuglh, olattlclty and other
good qutllllos 's pro.luoad by lack of regular
niul gueroiiH feud of hliecp, whllo the nnpo
Ite courso alone can liuuro a good supply o!
yolk, Drouth, oxtremo raid and any sud
do i) uhaugo that checks the growth of grass
or tho supply of food. It seen to exhibit Its
Injurious ellectH on tho quality of tho wool.
No ono dellclcnoy la so sure to causea break
In the wool, and frequently a stripping or
hheddlug of tlio tletve, at want of puro
water. Thoto who rear shiop may obtain a
valuo In wool proportioned lo tho care, food
aud shelter devoted lo thetr Hooks. .Imcri
ouii Cultivator.
Th lllaa lrtos In the gardens of the Paris
Luxembourg aro over two centur'.ea and a
lulfold; and were plauted by Maryde Mel
Ids, There are eighty trims round the center
pond, ami some of tbem were raised from
sixcuuous given to Catharine de Medlcls,
whui.the I'eralau lllao was tlrt introducMl
luto KuroiK by llusbecp the embassador of
rerdluaua i.orueruiauy
Salem, No vernier 27, 1877.
The Board of Managers of tlio Oregon
State Agricultural Scoiety met in tlio Secre
tary's office, and tho following were presents
M. Wilkins, President In tho choir; K. M.
Waitc, Secretary; O. P. Burkhart, Joseph
Hnmllton, Win. Bigham, G. J. Baskott, T.
V. Davenport, A. Luclling, H. Uanen
r.nd quito a number of members of tho Po-ciety.
Mr. V.'nlto ofTcrftl tlio follow nig resolu
tion, which was adoptcilt
Jlttolvnl, That it is tlio desiro of tho Hoard
that all members of this Society and friends
thereof, bo nllowcd to mako suggestions,
either verbally or In writing, to this Board,
but tlwit all debate upon tlio .satno bo con
llccil to mcmboM of this Board during tho
On motion, tho Board proceeded to the
election of a Financo Committee.
Tho following wcro elected: II. Hansen,
Multnamah County; A. Luclling, Washing
ton County; T. W. Davenport, Marion
On inntinn at Mr. Hanson, the President
was authorized to appoint the Publishing
Tho following woro appointed by tho
President: T. L. Davidson, 0. Dickinson
and John Minto.
On motion, adjourned to 1 r. it.
Board mot in regular session as per ad
Tho report of tho Secretary was called for
and read and referred to tho nuance Com
mittee. Mr. Belshaw, of Lino County, and Judgo
Smith, of Douglas County, ,c.ima in and
took their seats.
Tho following was introduced nnd adopted:
Iltmlml, That tlio Annual Fair of 1878
of tills Society commence no Thursday, Oc
toiler 10, and coutiuuu until Friday evening,
October 18. I'roehM, That entries lu all
departments shall close on Saturday even
ing, October 12, except in Division'! ,
which will bu continued until Tiiesdaynooii,
(K'tfllMT 1 1.
Tho Hoard then took up rules and regula
tions, nnd various amendments were
The season Tickets for tho Fair were
placed nt $'2 30 each; season ticket for one
or two l.orso vehicle, 3i
The Board considered Division 1', farm
Mr. Hamilton moved to strike out "But
live acres White Mny Australian Spring
wheat," and "Ninety Day wheat," also
"one acre of com." Adopted. And ndd
tlio following to bushels:
Best bushel Iiisli Lonnth wheat best
bushel White Velvet wheat; best bushel
Ninety Day wheat.
On motion, Hope ton oats were added to
the list of oats.
On motion, Division! was nduptcd a'l
After Hovsral divisions wero ntncudul, tlio
Board adjourned.
Boinl mot pursuant to adjournment.
The following was adopted!
iVWiW, 'Flint the Secretary bo instructed
to have printed on cards Mich i tiles of this
tiocioty as pertain to the government of
.Siqtonuti'uilents, with such suggest ionans
ho may deem of scitico to them, nnd when
tlio boohs nit) delivered to givo one to each
.Siiiieriuteiidsut, an tlmt nil may know and
uiidcntnud their duties.
Dhitiou C, hlieep, was adopted with the
Iuciviuo to twenty per cent, nj entrance
Tho remainder of tho evening cesjiou was
taken up with examination of premium
Wi:nsr.st,.w, Nov. 23, 1S77.
Board met nt SJ o'clock a, m., aud quo
rum present.
Mr. Hamilton iutrodiioodtho following)
V.V'oiyi, Thnt tho southwest stand be
moved up to tho other, and to dispense with
t lie nso ol tickets ami take money iuste.ui.
2 1, To have one day set aside for tho ex
amination of machinery aud premium stock.
On motion of Mr. Waite, the se.-v.oa tick
ets w cio placed at $2, instead of $2 50, as
adopted yesterday.
Tho Board then proceeded to consider the
premium list.
The Board appointed tho following Super
intendents ot divisions:
Division A, Horsea, classes 1 to 7, inclu
sive. Jeonuo Porter, Forest Grove.
Speed and Bottom. -Win. Bigham.
Division It, Cattle. Thomas Cross.
" C, Sheep. Jesso 1'jrrisli.
" C, to class 5. John Simpson.
" D, Swiuo'and Poultry. T. J.
Division K, Farm Product.-. K. B. Dufur.
" F, Plowmc'. (Jeorgo Coggan.
" G, Oregon Manufactuies. Jos.
Division 11, Domestic Manufactures,
John Downing.
Division I, Dairy. Mrs. A. J. Dufur.
" O, Ixiys under 14 years of ago.
Iv. It. DoLashmutt.
Division P, Fruit. It. C. Gecr.
' Q, Garden l'uxlucts. U W.
Division 11, Flowers. Mrs. D. Thompson.
" S, Natural History ami Miniiw
I'rivlucts.- D. 0. H. OilStli.
Division U, ljpiestrianship, J, P, Tatom.
Adjourned to 1 o'clock r. m. n
Iloln'rt Irvine, of Linn county, was elected
Chief Marshal, and J. Henry Brotwi, Mar
shal of Pavilion.
Kxccutivo Committee M. Wilkins, Lane
county; F M. Waite, Salem, and J. F, Mil-
ler, Salem.
Punting Coumlttee T. L. Davidson, Jno,
Minto, aiul 0, Dickinson.
Finance Committer H, Hanson, Multno.
uiah; A. Lueltiiig, VashIustou, aud T. W.
Davenport, Marion.
The Board having coiiipleti.l its labors,
adjourned, ,
In Memoritm.
Resolutions passed by Salem Orange, Pat
rons of Husbandry:
Whereas, la vlow of tho loss wo have sus
tained by tho death of our beloved friend
and associate, Sister Laura B. Glenn, and the
still heavier loss sustained by those who
were nearest and dearost to her, therefore,
Itesolved, That It Is but a Just trlbu'o fo
tho memory of tbo departed to Bay that In
regrottlng her romovaf from our midst wo
mourn lor one who was In overy way wor
thv of our respect and regard.
Unsolved, That woslnceioly condolo with
tho family of tho deceasod in tbo dispensa
tion witu winch it has pleased Divine l'rov
Idouca to nnilct tboni,nnd wo commend them
for convolution to Him who orders all things
for the best and whoso ohasllsomculr' nro
sent In mercy.
Itesol vod, That In tho death of Sls'or Lau
ra 0 Ion n we are admonished of tho great
Imporlauco of being ovor ready to closo our
labors In earthly Ueldn. toontor upon tho
rewards of tho Just lu tho hlghor fields of
tho paradise of God.
Itesolved, That the Gran era has lost a faith
ful nnd nlfoctlonato Matron, tbo community
a kind frlond, the brothora aud alAters a be
lovod slsior, and the paronts a most alfec
tlonato daughtor.
Koaolvod, That theso resolutions bo spread
upon the records of this Orange, and that a
copy bo sent to the family of too deceased as
a token of our deepest sympathy, and a copy
be furnished tho Willabettb Farmer for
This lovely bud, no young, so fair,
Callod hence by earthly doom,
Just catno to show how sweet a tlowor
In Paradise would bloom.
Fire at Dallas.
Dali.ah, Nov. 22, 1877.
About 11 o'clock last nlirht a blir fire oc
curred In Dallas destroying about half of the
buslpess portion of tho town. The firo is
thought to bavo originated from, tbo Good
Tomnlurs' Hall, as thoy hold a meeting that
ovonlug. The buildings consumod aro tho
stove and tin shop, ewelry s'lro. Miss Ket
tle Nealoy's mllllnnry storo and M. M. Ell's'
iry goods store. Nothing was saved oxcept
from Kills' noro. Do not know whothor
thoro Is any insurauco on tho property or
not. I).
Tho Itotnlzor glvos tho following as tho
M. M. Kllh, goods, $15,C0O
T. II. Newman, goods, 8,000
J. T. Wortly. goodsikbulldlne. 3.000
Josfph Kmmons. bulluiig, .'l.oOO
Mlfl4 Bottle Xoaliy. coods. 1.000
G. II Lamborson, sowing machlnns, 2no
Mrx. Nichols, ' ' 2J0
J. If, Bobbins. 2 organs, K )
Good Tomplar Lodge, 300
I.C. B.C. ' 100
Oraugo. '.'.00
Wells, Fargo it Co., nQlco fixtures
Portland Produce Market
We copy the following from the Oregonlan
of the 28th!
Wbeat-2 07)2 12. rn ...
Flour Best brands $C 50 pr bbl.
niitjtidn and rnnntrv brands, to CO; fine
and superflno, J5 25a5 GO. ,
Hay Choice timothy, baled, $1213; loose
Oals Best 50c, common, 4,.
Bacon Sides llallcM, hams 12allc; shoul
dors, 0c.
Lard Oregon-made, fresh, In 101b tins,
lie; in kogs, 13illo.
Chicken" $? OOaSi V per down.
Buttor 18a20c; Cheoso, 15al0c.
Eggs 2o0 pr doz. ,
Barley Choice browing $1 07; feetl, $1.C0
por owt.
Wool-Dull sale at 2?.yiQ2')o.
Lgal Tendors in Portland buying CO;
selling, 07J.
Sll verColn-3M- por cent. discount.
San Francisco ItlarUct.
Ur TEtconirn.
Bsn Francuco, Nor. M.
Wheat-Shipping, f 3 !i7aa IS; milling $3 3J$3 40.
Married. At the residence of tho brldn's
mother, Nov. 25!li. hy IssaoStaats, Justice
of the Peaca, Mr. William R. Hays to Miss
Olley Price, allot Polk county.
North Mill Creek, Salem,
t xne now is
Oomplote Running Order,
Custom Work.
HALE!, Nor. 1. 1S57. n?lf
New Goods!
jj'xecutrix' Notice.
THE tinuVs Icncd having hecu duly appointed ex
ecutrix of tho Isrt will and tctament of Jsmc
McCabliln, latoof Marlon comity, deresfvd, tliercforo
all ieri"ni having claims agslmt raid decedent's cs;
tato w 111 prctiAt them, properly vcrltled, to the nn
dcrelgnru, at her rcldcnco, In North Hslcm. wltliln
six mnntlis from this data, and alt perrons Indebted
to said cstato will plcsso link" Immediate payment to
the tiudorrii-ned st tho tama lilac 1.
.... . T. : .. -. . -..
imu'u ui siicni, jianon counir. vre-zon. .io.
!Eto. eto.
Final Settlement.
TIiU Stoc4i. lias just been pur
chased by 3Ir. WERRER DREV
MAK in New York nnd San
Francisco, nnd, owing to tbe
extremely Ion prices in Good
nnd Freights, wo nre nlilc to
give better burgalns than ever.
Total loss, $11,110
Wolls, I'arROiV Co.'s lois cnnclats in tho
book, paiiors, oio., that woro lu tho ollloo nt
tho lltuo. A few express packsf-os wero lost,
nmnuir thoin n buiidl of pnrors for tho
Jtcmccr. Mr. Kills was Insured for 3,000.
S.IIorinan, formerly of tho popular Aim
of Herman it Hirsch, Salem, ono of tho
most Keuhil and nccoinmoJatlns trailer.! over
In this pity, hos purchased tho buslnoss of S.
A.Stansbory, pretty well up Pint St., Toit
lAii(l,whoro ho has n largo nssortnmnt of gen
eral mnrohaiulUo, stiltod to country trade,
and ho does a .argo busluoss. Yo can from
porsonal rcpml, couitnenil Mr. Herman lo
oil persons iloMrlmr to trado to the best ad
vuntano at Portland. Soo lilsudvtitisomor.1
iu this issue.
T.chT A .Scotch Colly tor Shohr-d) Dor
was lost by Mr. Donald MuL'od, InSitlom,
Nov. '--d. The rindor will bo rownrded hy
lowing tho (Iok nt Uen, John P. Miller's, in
Halnni, Whou Ioit,tho dot? wa lu company
with h houiiil.
- -iz. - -
Tho Wheat Markol.
Kuico last Saturday wheat has rcirulnod
ilrm nt 8 small ndvauco over latily piovnll
liiK ratoi. Sslem qiiotillo-is aro 51.10 par
bushel at mill or warehouso, nnd Portland
market raiiKOs from 2,07K to ?2.12Jj por
oeti'il, the hlghor llnmo for extra cood lots
nnd rourd parsals,
The river Is full of vessels loading and
f,-olh,i drop to equal any dcpreislon of tho
market el owhera. Tho foreign market ro
malus still Arm aud rellablo lu liver of the
lmmonse quality of wheat thrown on tho
HukIIsU market.
LioiL TasDiM, buylnjr, 9t :.cUlnj, r.c.
, 7L0Un, OltAIN Ao. '
Wheat, b st vrhlte V bmhtl
TVTOTICK Is lierdiv.'olven IhstMarr J.
Is mlnlKlrstoror tlio otstd of Uavld Wvrton.
U'cfton, ad
U'cftun. ile
cuatcd. Iiis tills day II led In the county court or tho
Hlntu of Uregnn lor tliu cmintv of Marlon her final no
muni In raid c'nto. nnd said court lm siuinlnlid
Mondortlie revenlh day or.Mmiary. 1STS. nl tl n clock
a. m , Mr the hearing of olilfctlons thereto: ttHTcwo
all pcrronr Interested In raid Cftatu aro rtiiulrid to
niMicnrm Fair u.iio ni uiu cnuri uuu.v m o'livui, in
(aid courty, thfn anil there to mnku oljoci Ions lo the
allowance ol (aid a.count, If nnv Hn-y litre.
Admlnlf trstrlx of Kstnte of David Wflun.
A PETITION 'living bee n tiled In the county court
ol the Suite of Oregon for tho county of Msilon,
lor ths apiio(nttnnt of E. H. Rrego're a pnsrillili of
the vftstuf i-'raulc Bioiih. n I nn-rui'ldont minor, nnd
HatunUy, December 15, IS", at 10 n'c.ock In the fore
noon, having beer, appointed for lusting tho fame,
now, therefore, all iiermun Intereit'M nre liHieby rc
iiilrid Innpjiciir In fnldionrt. nt tlio cnrt.lioiio In
Mler.i, In slid county, at raid time tbcu nud thoro to
sho'r eauro why alil R. M. Oresotro should not bo
appointed an itich giiarJIsu.
joii.v c. rKEin.r.s.
novilwS Cr.uutv Judge.
(10L9PLATKD WATCH KM. Cheapett
liith known wnrM. Sampl Watch I'm to
Jgtnu. Aaarew, a. loui.te3 a i-o., waictgo.
For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uso ir.
Joyuo'o Cnnntiintlvo Ilnlsam. As
changes of climate or witter, nnd In
dlscrotlons In citing often prodtico
hhould always keop n bottlo of this
remedy by thorn. It novor falls to
Ktibduo tho most violent nttneks,
nnd It is equally horvlceablo for
Cramps in tho Stomach or Bowels,
Griping Pains, Ac.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In
fantum and CollC uso Ir. JuyneV
Carminative Balsata. It removes
nil Borcnoss of tho abdomen, allays
tho irritation and calms tho action
of tho Stomach. It may always lio
relied on to givo immediate rollof,
ntul besides being effectual, is a
pleasant and Bafo remedy, easily ad
ministered to children.
For Asiatic Cholera and all BowrI
Carpets, Oil-cloths,
Curtnliiw, ItXuttiiifrN, &c
Taken In lixchnuso for Goods.
csr Call at tho Whito Cornor.
Oct. lu
Urn mm
Oldest House in the Trade.
Wholesalo aud Rotall Doalor lu idl klndao
Tio. 70 Front Street,
Abo, hcepi conttantly oa hand a largj OHottmcut or
r-Solo Auont In Oregon for the Carbollzed
Ilosn, at Sau 1'rauolaco prices.
with Freight added.
Repairing I'romptiy Attended t
nt. &S t..
Piirn Mail kl fK
,' H.v'i "
(I 10
a 4
ai cj
Floor, be. , fk. (V barrel) ...
Iluckwhet Flour ki ft. '
.. . --., p. ... ........
?.J,'V J.on.'v .. oSa
KIrSel ';iT,0n MOO....
u,r Wvre0v.v.v:v.v.::::::::::::.:5 g..
c ru lied...
Tea,Jtiu. VI lb.
bBXr'wun!f "ncuco MflDe4l bbl ' H
powarca. .v .,
..... ..........m....... 1&CA 11
' 1 I 1C11
50uM Ol
toaoe, t.o.ta Itlca, y ft . ,,
'" ,,
I.J.""" S5
Salt, Camen I.Una, per cw ti&x oo
Liverpool, coar.u,... ....,.,.,.,: 7Si oo
dllrv Xt .
,,. -""....... ..-jbi o
i o
iw... St?1.?;:
.IH.Tf.I.U1 U..... .........
'ear., ..c. prba...
.n'u, J la.........
route., w DutHei.
Cbb4se, p a4
DUTTEn. Kaas. Ac,
uattcr, freh roll, ) ft
- Vackea.,,, ..,,,, ,,,,,,, ,.,,,
?i ttUtfson "rtme tt
tjlru B
tih R
1S 15
ion is
-8 '
&a so
L'.oiccd oil, boiled, V nlloa
uiq uu. m UKm... t .i
IX..I..1I r. " w
..T: '. .. ................... l!
M.ir,pi l
i loa
1 OVi
i n
Affections uso promptly Dr.
Jayae's Carnalaatlre BaUiua. It
chocks tho Diarrhoea, Buppronsei tho
Cramps which gonorally accompany
attacks of Cholera, aud conquora
tho dlseoso in lta. inclploncy. It has
frequently boon admlnistoretl iu
nolghborhools whero tho Cholora
has been raging opldomicnlly, and It
has seldom failed to givo inimedlato
and pennanont relief. Tho Carmln
atlvo has malntalncHl IU reputation
ns n Cnratlvo for noarly fortv years,
is equally oflectlvo iu nil Latitudes,
and ns a Standard Household Reme
dy, should bo kept In ovory family.
A. DAVIS A rn ui'UL..'. .....- n...i.a
oresou. nJl.m
Great Reduction!
Wholesale Prioes, for Cash
My5oS ,"n'lata of SHKLP and BUILD
kfto' lUnlwaro, Mechanics' Tools.
ouoveis. Kails, Hope, eto.
Mai cor. Slaik Jfc From ,t. (OK(ILlNB
Attorney at La
0oa8uWStwt.pp.U. lieBenoattHoMfc
Mammoth & Turn-Table Apple-Paters,
Fletcher Post-Hole Augers,
Meat-Cutters ami Staffer?,
Blacksmith Drills.
Tiro-Bondors and Up-Settera,
Pruniog-Saws, Knives, and
Hardware, Iron, Steel,
Wagon hod Carriage Material
420 & 131 Front 8t.. P0HTI.AK1O.
AXaokluo Shop,
,ALEM . RaoH.
B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
aM'Jfiltce. AIM, inannhSSrw ifSvftftSl'i
ru.:KK n mtiiii ..1 :;r.v"!."'"""
. . . - a '-"- mill n i iiu L'uu
unopped into Feed,
Sash, Doors, Blinds.
Turnlagr. Stair work, Dcdrteag,
Bureaus, SIuhUs, Tables,
Aad all kladw ! ruraltare.
ASm?DBPC.K PHICS8; Shop at AjHcnfnnl Wmka