CTmriv MmnmcilitpaimMMIliMtll8i ftiWrPTTI ft",ittmtttataae3t WIIJLAMETTE FARMER:, i i J V Be i. i v.- "A ' BllgkUr Daauikad. Tho steamer S.T. Church, while attempt lag to pus through the Rook Island chute, was caught In a whirl and was thrown against some sharp rocks and hor prow rn ceived considerable! damago. Sho fmraedi ately returned and doubtlost, ore this, sho has had her injuries repalrod, and will mako herrcgnlar trips again. Continued Until Next Term. In tho United States District Court tho case ot United States vs. Stiles was continued for the torm. Ills bail was lncroasod 'from fACOO to f3,G00 by order of tho court. Stiles will scarcely be ablo to furnish tho required bonds, and tho prospect is very flatteriup for him to remain soveral months lonpor in Jll. Wo Understand that Col, N. B. Knight, of this city, has boen retained for tho defenso. A Neat Memento. Mr. Oalnos Fisher rocelrod to-day, by mall, a neatly bound album from Newton, Iowa, his lato placo of residence, containing tho faces of a number of the prominent ladies and gentlemen of that city, former neighbors and acquaintances. Tbo neat and kindly tokon thus sent to tho shores of tho Occident by those ho loft behind, completely unnerved Mr. Fisher for a time. Bis eyes tinconsclonsly welled up as ho looked at tbo many familiar countenances, and tho fact, that, though "Absent ho joi held a Microti placo In tbolr memorial," as tostlflod by tho momento received, was indeod gratifying to him. Easy Tlmoi in Salem. Money was uover moro plonty In Balom than at present. At leait wo JihIro to front tho convocation that passed between two boys on tho corner of Front and Ferry strrois last ovonlug. Onooi'tlunn was about 11 yo-rs old, ami woro tho stump otn cli;nr In his mouth, and no shoes on UIh foot; tho other woro nn old straw hat with a,,ragKedrdsrp,"nstonobrulto on his hcol and apparently about 12 summers had passed over his tangled looks. This was tuo convolution: "That bass I cotched wolghod mor'ntwo "I hot a thousand dollars it didn't!" "Ibotcborilvo thousan dollars It did oum nowl" And nolthor boy looked ns If ho had ?300 In his pocUot. Hut appearancoa aro eo deceit Ail nowadays. As a conquoror of Ithoumatism, Gout. Nou ralgln,aud cum for Scrofula and all dlenos arising from impurity of blood, tho old and rullablo Family Modlolno, llyaWn Life Jiul tarn, stands unequaled, as provon by over 300,000 ercat cures durlug tho past 30 yonrs. Is a radical vogotablo Compound ofSarsapa nlla, Dock, Qualacum, tfco., andapormanont euro. Sold by all druggists and country Rrecors. Tako nothing olso, and If thoy haven't It wo bond by oxpres, boxod, ovory wherrtatjll and 8120 per bottlos 85 00 and $0.60 hair doz. Hyatt it Hyatt, 210 Grand St., Now York. 1004. 1877. Tho Only Strictly Wholesale Drug IIouso In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., Tl Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, OVFEK TO THE DHUQ AND GENERAL MKR cbandlio trade a complolo atiortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all !" and quillllce. WHITE LEAD, Of .Ml tho leading brand, In tint and kcg, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Red Load, Oluo. varnishes; Including tbo nuet brand ;for Coach Painter' mo. FalHt. WfcltewMb, and Varnish Brunei, LINSEED OIL, In barreli and wu. Terpentine, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard OH, Ncatvroot Oil, Flsn Oil. AlOOHOl, In barrel! and case., Blue Vllrlel, Sulphur, CnnUle Soup, Coifceutrulea l.yo, lotunh. Blttox-w aU ltlxtc3. Quicksilver and Strychnine. TAR, Iu Quart. Half-Gallon. Ouc-tiallon, and Flte-Oallen VAU 3UU JJUVir, IV vvv We aro Ancnti .for Oregon and Wathlngton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USB for Malllnrhrodl's farbo'lc MirepDIp. WaVelre'a hbrcp liattt and Syulirtl rvhon, and Am a and Jayne's lroprlctry Medicines. tSf We buy oar good from flnt band, tbnt en. abilns u to compete with any market on the C'oatt, a a companion of our price w ill prove. rny3 M i 1 "mr ei tz. Is. 1 NUKSERY. SETII LUELLING & SON, PWX V2& fe2 S FRUIT TREES, coxihtino or Appl, PWi Peach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other stUcellaneou Tarletie . the price of whleh we U?e redactd to wit thelume. , teed for a catalojoe. v LUELLINO SON. o:U9 .-ctllwauklc. Phil. Saaridam Mia. Tho organization of this company was per fectod In Portland, on Monday, tho 10:h Inst., by thoolectlon of tho followirjjr. board of directors: S. B. Parrlsh, E. Cabal In and H. B. Oattuau of Portland; B. Sargent of Umatilla county, and C. W. Parish, of Grant county. S. 11. Parrlsh was olootcd President, and O. D. Polger,Socrotary. Tho Phil. Sher idan ralno Is situated In Grant county, Ore gon, about ouo-half mllo West, running par allel and In the satuo mineral bolt with tho Monumental Silver Mine. Tho company own several pirallo! lodes somo of which aro gold boating, whllo the main mine, viz: Phil. Sheridan, Is outlrely fllver bearing, the soveral lodes giving high o assays in their respective precious meials. Tho for mer owners of tbo mlno recently brought to Portland for a milling test, about one-third of a ton of their gold bearing ore, taken without seloctlon. Thooro waa workod at J. 11. FIsk's mill, produolng a bar of tbo valuo or $43 10 or $129 43 per ton, tho silver ore being or tho same character of tbo Monu mental which has been successfully worked In this city. No further milling test or this oro Is nocossary. Tbo obloct of tho Company now Ib to open up tho mines and orect mills to work the oro. Tho stock of tho Company will bo placed upon tho market, and aotlvo operations will bo commenced at tbo mlno. From tho operations of thla Company, to gether with tho Monttnfental, successful sil ver mining lu Oregon can coulldoutly bo expected. f A Nnw Denomination. Anew religious sut Is nnnouncod which requires a nutu to confer bN sins to his wife ouco n week. ltatem Uxchaugo. Wo hopo that that denomination will novor find any followers la thU Stnto. It may suit tho women well enough, but tho tnon won't liko It; bobldes, how long would thoro be any hubbpuds toconfjss? Uvery doar yard would bo full of human hair, ovory gutter would bo til led with human goro nnd bro ken broomitli'ks would obstruct every walk and street In tho city of Stlom, In lom tlmn than It would tnko to got up an avcrgn old fitsltlotied revival. No, goutletnuu, light agnltiht that tct as you would against n ulro calamity. Invltod to Loavoi Quito h sensation was crcatod on tho dtreot last evonlng by a Gorman who was under tho intluonco of tauglo-leg, mid .camo rush ing down tho stroet, claiming that ho had boon knockod down and robbed of a satchol of clothing and $1 09 In coin, by a couplo ol men. Wo Interviewed omcor Mlnto this morning, and ho is of tho opinion that tho fellow Is a fraud, and that ho was not knock, od down and that ho nnver hod four dollarn and a half to Iojo. Ills satchel was found this morning and olven to him with a pollto Invitation to leave tho city Immediately. Tho fellow loft. A Smash Up. An opllolan named MoDanlols, says tbo Tolcgram, who has been at Salom for somo tlmo, packod up his things and camo to this city in a busgy. Arriving in this city after dark, his horses took fright and started to run noar thoSlstors' school. McDanlels kept thorn straight for a short distance, when they voerod nmt came up short against somo ob struction, smashing tho vehicle and Induing onoof tho horios slightly. Tho damage is couslderablo. In tho Sheep Business. Mr. Thomai Unrrows, of this city, returned last Saturday from Uistof'tho mountains, whero ho has purchased tho undivided half of 821 head of sheep. Mr. Uurrows now has snoop upon a thouaand bills and in a few yoars with the natural increase, barring tho usual losses, ho will doubtloss bo ono of tbo largest "mutton farmors" In thoStato. Hemovlais Drift Streot Commissioner Ilndges with a torco ofincn wero this morning omployod in t oar ing away n lot of drift that had lodgod against tho bents of tho covored brldgo at tbo foot of Commercial streot. Mr. Ilrldgos bo Moves In tho old adgo that a "(ditch in time, otc," was Just what was wanting In this caso, and wo bolleve he is correct In tho matter. Energy Waatod. Tho grazing lands of Australia aro but lit tle greater in area than those of Eastern Ore gon, and yet It U estimated that thoy sustain twenty-four million sheep and eight million of horses. Capital and labor aroonly neodod In Oregon to develop equal stock fnterosts, with our superior soil and cllmato. 'lis Strange. A young man in this city, writing to a frlond in tho East, says: "Monoy is plonty but pooolo hero liavo such strange Ideas of what they call rights of property, I can't got possession of It." Team Sold. Mr. Cal. Scorlllo has sold that boautlful span of matched iron gray horses to a goutle man In Portland, by tho namo of J. W. Spraguo. The tonus of tho salo aro private; tho horses were shipped last Friday to tho new owner. Drowned. From parties that camo down this after, noon, from Albany, wo learn that a young man by tho namo of Frank Dlair, was drowued In tho Callpoola last Saturday, somo distance above that city. Tho river, this morning, was very full, and still on the rise, but owing to no rain falling yesterday It will probably be on tbo down grado this evening. Tho river this morning was about twoniy-ono leot abovo low water mark, General E. B. Babbitt, an old resident of Portland, was struck dowu, yesterday, with fiaralysis. Sosevero was the stroke that he t both speechless and helplest, being only ablo to move one hand. The Jury In the Stiles caso failed to agree. They stood 11 for conviction and one for acqultal. The caso will probably be tried over again this week, as Senator Groverhaa bat a few days to remain on this Coast. Capt. '.Connor has crossed the bar 1,003 times since his arrival on the Paciflo Ccatt. Ho la now on hU way to Chester, Pennsyl vania. to bring out the steamshln "Stato of Oregon." Ex-Gov. Woods U In Arizona, prac tlclntr law. THE POPE'S HEALTH. Tho great ago to which Plus TX, lins attained nnturnlly sets tho world to be ing apprehensive of his death whenever any ailment la reported. A correspond ent writing from Rome to tho London (Cnnndn) AdvcrtUer, under dnte of Oc tober 13th, states. facts which encourago thohopo thnttho aged Pontiff 1ms yet several years of llfo beforo him. Savs this correspondent: A belief Isspringing up Hint Plus IX, tnny 11 vo on for another couple of years, and perhaps more. No doubt he is eighty-seven years old, nnd Is no longer ablo to walk, or even stand, except for a few momenta at n time; but, on tho other hand, ho comes, ns I hnvo told you before, of a very long-lived fam ily; his malady Is entirely conlhicd to his legs, his Intellect Is as bright as ever, his brain Is clear, his heart and lungs are perfectly sound his liver healthy; nil his orgnns, In fnct, In thoroughly good con dition, and therefore, with tho ono ex ception, there Is, It appenrs nothing In his stnto of health really calculated to excite alarm. Certainly he is subject to fainting Ills, but so ho has been always nnd ho shows Inoreasi ng signs of ndvanc ng age, but that Is all. Naturally tho llfo of a mnn of his years, however good his constitution may be, hangs upon n thread, but with 'him tho thread Is a strong ono." COfrTEHT. A young man on State street has naro fully watched all rilpatchcsaml read up discussions of the ''Silver 11111," for totnu tlmo past. Finally a new Idea struck him and ho proceeded to tnko an inven tory of the contents of his pockcU, count his silver, nnd llguro an hnurunil it half, to beustonlshed at the result, which war) that ho wns Interested to tho extent of one sixteenth part of a cent. Ho says he is not holding Congress they can votu whichever way they plca&c. WHEN ARE THEY PKETTIEST 1 A wife looks prettier, If sho did but know It, in her Heat morning ilrt"s of calico, than In nn Incongruous pile of iiuery, wiucnsno dignities witu tnu tine of full dress. Many an unniairled fe mnlo llrst wins the heart of her futiiro husband In somo simple, utiprctended attire. If consulted about which, she would pronounce- too cheap except lor or dinary wear, but which by accident Is Htiitabloto her llgure. faco autl carriage, Idealize her youth wonderfully. If tlio sex would study tusto In dress, more, and care less for costllnes-, they would hnvo no reason to regret It. A foolish and silly man Is not worth marrying, and a sensi ble mnn will surely Jtuigo you advantage ousiy m exact ratio to tn iu plainness nnd simplicity of your dress. At a salo of patent rights In Now York lately, a machlno for sharpening slnto pencils brought $1,000; a saw with de tachable teeth, $100; an improved over coat pocket for tbo protection of n lady's hand whllo walking with a gentleman, brought $350 tho inventor reserving tho Btatc of Pennsylvania. And $0,000 wan bid for tho right ta nn improvement in tanning, whereby .skins cifn bo tanned In three days, and heavy hides In ninety days. Tho annual report of General Bhcrmnn shows that tho regular army aggregates 21,501 men, of which tho forco nvnllablo for war Is mado up of cavalry, artillery. nnd Infantry regiments, amounting to 20,001 officers anil men; to which should bo added tho 11 general otllceiH nnd olll cers of tho general stall' serving with them, together with 570 Indian scouts. A boy undertook to torturo a wasp by touching n lighted match to Its body Tho wasp applied Its warm sldo to tho boy'fl hand, nnd ns It How away, It gavo tho boy these words of wisdom: "Nover try to beat a man at his own gamo." Mothers, wipo away thoso scalding tears. Moro than half tho "molasses plug" that your boys aro chewing is mado of oat straw soaked in molasses, nnd pressed. Nothleg but tho outside lenf is tooaeco. A confiding exchaugo remarks: "A movement for tho extermination of nil hostllo Indians Is now on foot." No doubt; but, you seo, tho Indians hnvo an enormous advantage; they am all on horseback. Another day has como nnd gone, leav ing us all older and wiser, but as yet no communications nave uecn received in incnuug mm any ono nns discovered u man who can drink nut of n spring with out getting tho end of his noso wet. Trunk Leslio lins failed. Itissuppnsed tho rivet iu his shears broko and ho kod to hire an editor or unit business. The Class for 1877. Tho Senior Clasi at tho Wlllanullo Unlrcr ally for this year number fcoven classical students, to-wlt: Georuo Gray, Georgo Hughes, O. A. Johns, It. Kolly, Mary Strong, I). StotiUur, and Kugeno Willis; and nine fclontlilo student: Cora Dickinson, Etntnu IlovenUou, Lizzie McXary, KotiaMcKlnney, Emily Parmenter, Addlo Scriber, Wallor Grave, It. A. Miller, and u. O. NeUon. Good Enoagh. A pettish old bachelor was anuoyod by an old lady who was setting near him, last Sunday evening atchuroh.and kept cough- Intr. Finally tho old fossil turned and re marked to her, "That Is a very bad cold of youro, inauam." "l kuow r. sir," replied tue lady, ''butlt is the best I'vo got." The fel low pulled his coat tight araund him and sat as still as though ho had found a pin In thesoat. A great hardship an Iron stenmor. A rlflo team A gang of burglars. Plenty of Young widows in Utah. A two-foot rule Keep your foot dry. Tho best way to throw dico throw them away. Tho beglnnlnp and end of a chlcl: on's lif j hatchet. "Homo, SwMt Horn." The abovo Is the title of an old and favorite ballad, and a friend of our's over In South Salem, had Just romoved his boots and coat and picked up the Daily Hecord and com menced to sing "Homo, Sweet Homo," and settled contentedly back In his chair and was porfoctly happy and soreno. It was not long beforo two of tho boys got Into a squab ble and tight ovor a gamo of checkers; tho old gentleman qulotly laid asldo his' specta cles and appointed himself a Poaco Commit -slonor, ami ho warmed both of them with a strap, and poaco and harmony rotgned for a fow momonts, when tho two girls began tp quarrol about Tatr, of tho Chomekota hotel, mo old man yawned and looked over his glasses at the girls for a fow momonts and ordorod thorn oil to bed, and all waa quiet and ehoorful again around tho 11 ro side; soon tbo famous houso cat and tho purp rot Into a sanguinary conflict, and our frlond got scratchod sovorely on tho hands by tbo en raged feline and his wife scolded him for up setting a flower pot tn the moloe. That man now says to have a homo, swnot homo, may be a good thing, but ho will horoafter spend his ovenlngs ovor lu town. Only Pullln n Tooth. Yostorday morning thoro woro rumors of a knock down, eboked and robbery com mitted tho night beforo on ono of tho back strcots, and tho Uttlo boys had Just hoard of it and wororlpo for an excitement of any kind. Ptttty oonn sharp and korn soroam roiotnbllug that of a calliope whlstln greeted tltelr oars, aim visions ni tlio most diiioollciu umrilor ever committed llitted through their mlndu as thoy c.inm trooping down Commer cial street, nnd lolhmlnu: up tho noin until tuey came to a (Iduunih oiiii'o himi pid upon oacu otlar in crest taliou silence, whilou woman's volco sneaked tho palo air with falsstto nott'H. Then tbo boys spoke stdlv nnd ilNfiiiMf J, ono tonnotlmr. "l'noh! that's nothing, only pullln'a tooth," and the eon grcgatltindlsporjod. You Havo no Excuse Havoyou any o.xciiko for suffering with lljapepnliior LiverUoinplalnt? I thoro any reason why you should go on fiom dny to day compl.tlultig wltti Sour St.imncti, Slrk II(ad'itoli4, Habitual Costlvenoss, palpitation of tho Heart, Heart bum, Walor-braah, Ouawlngard burning pains at tlio pit of tho Siomnoh, Yellow Skin, Coatod Tongue, nnd ditagroeabto tasto In tho mouth, Coming nt) of food after eating, Low spirits, iV,n. Not It Is positively your own fault It you do. Do to your Driiuglst anil got a Dottlo of (1hi:i:n'h Aikiust I'lowkk for 75 conlH your euro Is oortaln, but If you doubt this, get a Snmplo Ilottlo for 10 cotitu and try it, Two doses will roliovo you. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. Having bought largely In our lino, wo aro now propArod to furnish HATS and HON tylirs, with all tho latest novoltles of tbo soasou, nt prices that dofy eompotltlon. Call and seo for yourselvos. Next door to Ilroyman llros., Commorolal Stroet. Mil. A Mns. VM. MI1.LIOAN. Oot.S0-ml. J, L. DAIINAtin. s. r. LIB. BABNAHD 8c LEE, PRODUCE & COMMISSION FRONT STREET, FORTLIiID, Wctt ilJo'Dock, corner Btlmon and Front Bti. Special attention siren to Farmer ' Prtxlnco of all kind.. CotrlirnmeiiN rollcltnl, llavu connection In bin I'runclico lilcli vnalilo n to get the butt marxei (incut. ociv OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. ItEQULAR LINK Between Portland and San Francisco. Timouaii TICKKTN Can bo purcbaf cil at the tirlnclpal Htatlont of tbo u, .v j, ii, ii,, ai Xlocluood Xlnton. Steamers leavo both Poriland anil San Franclfco about Evory Flvo Says. ctrrvlns'l'anengcrd anil Freight at tho LOWEST u.vii'.i. uit inonniy nnacari) in? tno u. b, .mails anil WKLLS, FAItdO A CO.'H KXI'HBSS. Tho Btcamihliia of tlili Company aro rated A 1, and aro now, oicpam, aim coiojnciu m every paruruiar. undcomlttof tbo State of Oregon, (Now building) 3.000 ton. burden, George W. Elder, liiw loiif,; of Chester, City (Uu tont.) AjaX, (13 ton.,) For frclsht or piat;e, apply at tho Company' of llco, corner I' and Front ttJiolo, roiiTi.ANii. notf OUO. Y. WKIDLKIt, ARcnt. -JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Dnrbln'a Illock, Ihk Juit opened a Largo and coraplcto Htoclc of ttlSSSK Carpets, Oilcloths, Matlings, AND Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to Dairy mplo t llrown, vr.nKi:v.s iilock, - jui.k.ii. ok. wllicit HILL IIB rOLtl AT Lowest Cash Rates! tepSIU OHMiON AMU WANIIIMVroN MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (UMITKD.) Olllce In I'orlland, SAVI.VCS 1I4.VK IIUII.DI.VG, v3 Flnt itrcet. I'rr.ldtnt nffifottldi Ilfanl of Director., ALfTXA.MJElt GOUItLAV, Et(bblpbuilder, Dundee. Head Office, 37 Uank at., Dundee DONALU MAt'LEAV, Jfrrj., (of Corbllt Macleay.) anirin uirrciur, WILLIAM ItL'IO, Kii,, Pottland. ThU 8iTlnffi Hank recelvea drtolta not only from Iho InduttrlaTaui: f.nnlri,' cla.rt. of Oregon but alto from Scotland, lor tho Mir note of lafely luvtMluir tbo rame Ulimg with It capital) principally on Ileal K. 110 Jloni'a?e. itcureu uvcr iiaiirurru rriu. asu 1'oriUnil Cilr Pronerllt. and tn artUt It DrDO.ltor and other lu tto trectlonofllulldlnKtand Improve ment wnnin tno mate. Loan indo ou Real Etalc, 10 ftrctnt, C. A. Hmd. Notary Public. T. f. Cos. REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Iioans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy and Sell Gold and Sliver, State, County, and Cl'y Warrants, Agents for Itccd'N Opera Hoosc. tSrOfllcc. nt tho corner of llecd Opera Honso, (c3S SALEM, Oil. S.1J1 JNO. GRAN & CO.. FKONT ST., roitTLANP, Hnvo Now Onciiftl Thii NEW FALL STOCK Stnplo niul ITfiiiay DRY GOODS, ....AND..,. ' Dress Goods, An Immonso Variety. EVERY DEPARTMENT lloploto -wltH NOVELTIES. Oct. 7. H, NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE 1ISTWKEN San rranoiaoo 'and Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. WILL HKKEArrSIt 1IUN A LINK OF r-TIIAM-Mhiti rKtillirlv mj.iu ii M .1-..- .... .. .. rmucUciinmli'ortliind AT GREATLY ItKDUOEI) HATES, J. .11. .TIcOIIAKKN .V CO. .'.UOIItN. tST TltUct for alo by II. U. MOON, Apcnt. BALBM. S. FRIEDMAN, Is again at his Old Staad AT... " DURBIN'S CORNER, W.th an Immense Stock or Dry Gools,ClotliiiiK, lints caps, ools and Shoes, Yankee lYo tlons, Gent and ladles Fiirn. Isliin guodsrobticcos and Cigars, Trunks, and Va lises. In fact, Every tiling- In the '.Dry Goods lino you jjwant,at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION! ootltfj Tlio P. I'. T. GVs Steamer L TP. CHURCH WILL LEAVE Portlnml i'or Uiioiiu "Vlwtu itiKl AViij- 1'ortM, EVEItV TUESDAY, TIIUItSDAY, & 8ATUIIUAV. People, Patronizo Your Own Boat' Protection UKUliiNt IIlKlt nuto Guaranteed ! DR. SOUVILU MATHIEU. Tltt eminent French J'iyslclan and furicon, and Inventor of the PA A'M'.SV'- IlOMRTJilii which has ilvcn relief to thouaand of mijj'crirti in Jiuropc and tho United Mates, has treated aucccMfidli several hundred casra In Orcyon, themoat remarkable of which waa (hat ojWr. J,C. UU;iw, a tvcll-f;nown liualncan vlthcn of A'alcm, tvho has been auJJ'erlnu Sor !crd ivtth a partial paralyata of tho rlyht aide, and waa materially Improved by a few daya of Dr. Mathlcu'a treatment, Tho rlyht aide of the face and rlyht shoulder, In which there haa been a constant sensa' (Ion of coldness, and the jtcrvia partially jiaralyzcd, have become warm and re sumed their natural action and feellny, Mrs. Adklna, who haa been iiffllcted with catarrh In the head, haa betn entirely cured by a few daya of the Doctor's treat ment. lie has testimonials from a number of 2)crsom well htlbwn in J'ortland. Jill, MATHUW haa permanently lo cated at (he corner of Third and Morrison strcee(9, J'ortlaml, Oregon, 4 r V