fe& fi 1 K fc k 3 I r, L ( W1JJLAMETTE FARMER; USUI nausn cvinr i-mdat, bt CLARKE & CRAIG, rtrntmiins akd rnorntETORs. H. A. CLAIIKB. D. V. CItAIG. Term of ftubacrlptton. One copy, ono y ear (sanumbcrO fS.r.O Ono copy, six monthMW numbers) l.'io Ono copy, three month. (13 numbers) 7 HALEM, Fill DAY, XOV. 30, 1S77. THANKSGIVING. Wo go to press usunlly on Thursdny, but this Thursdny Is Thnnkgglvlng day, nnd wo shnll not mail tho Farmek be fore Friday morning, so a fow of our subscribers may not get their paper on tho usual dny, but thoy must remem ber that nobody stands In moro need of a gonulno Thanksgiving than wo who mnnufneturo nowdpnpers. Years ago, when wo used to bo fa miliar with Now England life, Thanks giving was a prlmo day for family gatherings nnd enjoyment of nil tho good things posfllblo to nchlovo In a Now England kitchen. No good an kco can over forgot thoso Thanksgiv ings that woro famous events In llfo and mmlo tho year hoom long until thoy en mo around again. Tho Ynnkco trait of thankfulnes) was to mixed up with good cheer and Jollity that It was moil enjoyable, and wo should not ob ject to suo tho Mimo Intorcst Inkon in Thanksgiving day in Oregon as mark ed our young days In tho laud of steady habits. It Is u relic of Puritan times, but tho orthodox Puritan creed litis lost much of ltn liniwhtic.SH, and tho Christian world looks moro kindly up on do 'h Intentions toward we.tk and sinful u an, and this is additional cause for (hat kfiiliiessaud happiness that wo possess over our ancestors of old Puri tan timiH. SHE NATIONAL GRANGE. In viow of tho annual i-esslbn of the National Ciratigo, which commenced at Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 21, J. W. A. Wright, former Master of tho Califor nia State Orange, contributes to the San Francisco to an Interesting paper relative to tho National Grange matters, from which wo tako as follows: Tho first session of tho National Grange, which attracted much atten tion, was held In Georgetown, District of Columbia, in January, 187.'), nnd ninu states woro thero represented. In Fob uary, 187-1, nttlionotod St. Louis session, thirty-two states woro ropresontod. At tho eighth annual session, which mot nt Charleston, South Carollun, In Febunry, 1875, thirty-eight states woro represented, and much wasdouo by tho cordial associations of the delcgatos from both ncctlons toward Inaugurating that em of pood feeling," which has "In many gratifying ways marked tho progress of our country for two years past. In Novombor, 1875, tho ninth session met In Louisville, Kentucky, to which city tho headquarters of tho national Grange woro removed during tho vear. Lust Novombor, tho tenth session met at Chicago, and took tho most important stops yet taken toward shaping tho business enterprises of tho order. Tho sosslons occupy from ten days to two weeks. Tho llrst Master of tho National Grange, was William Saunders, a Scotch gardener, who has long had charge of tho government botanical gardens In Washington City, and during the Centennial Exposition had charge of part of tho exhibits of tho Agricultural Department. Mr. Saunders deserves some credit for tak ing part with his fellow founders In or ganizing tho National Grango, though there Is no question that but for tho persevering ollorts of O. II. Kollv, of Minnesota, who has deservedly been Secretary of tho National Gmngo from Its beginning, tho Grange organization would never have existed. To tho part Mr. Saunders took in helping to Mime extent to organize the National Grange, ho owed his position as Its Master from December -I, 1SU7, until .lanuary, 1S7;I, when Dudley 1). Adams, of Iowa, was elected Master. Mr. Adams, a zealous advocate of farmers' rights, and owner of a lluu fruit farm near Waukou, Iowa. made a very eluclont executive head I'OOlI- John there room no no moro roiiMTvutivu ii.iirioi, nor more able and earnest worker for the CiUbo of tho American farmers. As tho term of olllcers Is now but two years, a new hot are to bo elected at tho present session. Should Judge Jones decline to bo continued In ntllce, as it Is most likely ho will, a Northern member will, no doubt, hiicceed him, in accord ance with the very eoucrvntlvo princl plesandactlousof theCirauge. Indeed, no organization could bo more comer vatlveor truly uusectlonal in Its char acter, than thegnmgo always has been, and always projoes to be. These char acteristics tho farmers of tho Union value in our large and hrond-princlplod brotherhood as much, perhaps, as any of Its numesous excellent features. To show Its conservative character, It may bo well to mention that Its pre-r-ont Executive committee of tlvo mem ler to bo reduced after this selon to three consists of Colonel Atken. of South Carolina; Mr. Chaso, of Now Hampshire; Colonel Chambers of Ala bama; Colonel Goldcr, of HllnoU, Mr. iiiiuio a very euicioui executive u and presiding olllcer, and was succe oil, In Novombor, '7'i, by Judge Ji T. Jones, of Arkansas, than who tli James, of Indiana; with Judge Jones, of Arkansas, ex-omcio Chairman. In spito of all thnt has been said by hostile Journals nnd people to tho con trary, it can be truly assorted that no organization which has existed in our country over had its finances mnnaired with stricter Integrity than thoNatlon nl Grange. At tho last two sessions, nnd during tho interval, tho mostenre ful Investigation possible was made for tho purpose, nnd every dollar out of over SCOO.OOO paid since 18G7 into our national treasury, was satisfactorily ac counted for by Mr. Kelly, Secretary, nmtF. M. McDowell, of Now York, Treasurer. The strict economy observed in tho expenditure of tho funds of the Nation al Grange very limited as compared with the funds at the disposal of similar organizations of so large a Jurisdiction Is shown nowhoro moro conspicuous ly than In tho headquarters ofllco of tho Secretary, No 02 Main street, Louisville Kentucky, in tho second story of a rent ed building. Largo ns Is necessarily the business conducted here, tho ofllco proper consists oi out two plum, unpre tending rooms, nnd Joining them is a largo storeroom, which contains the necessary supplies for Granges through out our immenso Jurisdiction. Worthy Sccrotary Kelly, with two Indy clerks members of his family manages all tho busiioss of tho ofllco witli tho most thorough system. The furniture, cli lolly of black walnut, Is plain hut substantial. Over tho mantle piece, In a black walnut framo some throe foot square, hangs a well arrang ed group of photographs, cabinet size, of tho twenty-nino members who com poH'tl tho National Grangcwlie'n It mot at Goorgtown In 187(1, nt which time thero woro but nine statu nnd l.o(i2 sub ordinate Granges in tho United Stales afterwards Increased to !!S stnto and over 2i,)01) subordinate Granges. Of these 2D persons only 15 were able to bo present at (ho last session. tho tnsto oi tno ladies in tno oiiico both Grango members is shown by a largo and pretty lianging basket iusldo the central one of threo broad front windows. Within aro growing beau tiful ferns witli fronds moro than two teet long, and ovor Its sides hang tho graceful trailers of tho plant known as 'Wandering Jew.' On each sldo of tho mantel aro two small earthen ilowcr pots, In each of which grows a thrifty plant of English Ivy, extending somo six feet in length and forming by their united branches a benutiful, natural living wreath, with their star-shaped leaves, above tho framo In which aro seen tho familiar faces of tho twenty nino pioneers of tho National Grango. Permit mo to close this sketch with a low words of Just praiso. As a slight but merited trlbuto to ono who has over been an honor to tho truly great order of tho Patrons of Husbandry, which sho tins dono so much to build up. What I mention here, I do tho moro willingly, becauso certain Jottrnalshostilo to tho Graugo, havodono rank Injustico in alluding to tuls noble, good woman. Tho good namo nnd raanngomont of Secretnry Kelloy havo now been fully vindicated publicly, nnd it should bo known to tho lasting honor of our lady membership, nnd, especially, of tho lady hero mentioned without her knowledge, that overy dollnr paid Into tho ofllco of tho National Grango has passed through tho hands and been accounted foa by Miss Carrio Hall, As sistant Sccrotary, and no ono Is tuoro justly proud to vouch for this fact than tho worthy Secretary himself. egon, at Astoria, which contains a his torical sketch, delivered as tno Oth an nual nddress, also reports of the Whit man Monument Association, by which it seems that $130.80 has been paid in to that fund, nnd $250.50 subscribed and not paid. It is to bo hoped thnt a gen eral movement will tako place to raise means to erect a handsome nnd appro priate monument to tho pioneer mis sionary, patriot, and martyr, wiio did so much to retain Oregon as part of our national domain. The Season. A long season of deluging rain 19 succeeded nt last by clear, frosty wea ther. Up to this timo much less plow ing than usual has been done, owing to the ground being too wot and tho wea ther too uncomfortable. It is not known that any former season has seen tho threo fall months realize such a great rainfall as wo havo known through September, October, and Novombor. For weeks past wo havo known sovcro ind unusual storms, but at Inst wo havo sunshine, nnd tho farmers will hasten to mnko tho most of it wliilo It lasts, and It Is not certain to contiuuo long at this season of tho year. HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Loweat Possible Prices, a Full line of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE OELEDRATED Flows niijjSl MOLINE.ILL. i extreme lightness, nnd durability.- Which comblno the greatest strength, DEEltE their hardened by i THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS,. With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. Wile h comb no the greatest strengui, exiremw i bi yumuuuj-.-IEUE is the solo Patentee of tho Wrought Mock and Welded Frog, and lr Flow is tho only Flow so made. Tho W0 mouldboanl nnd share aro dened by a Patented Process PECULIAR lO THE DEEKk PL.OW. A Veritable- Pioneer. Almost forty years ago, In tho Sum mer of 1SU3, a band of missionaries readied Walla Walla, aftor a long and painful Journey across tho continent. Nov. Elkanah Walker, lato of Forest Grovo, Washington county, was ono of these, and wo havo to record his death last week; his companion in Unit early Journey, Nov. dishing Eolls, Is still liv ing, having almost reached tho llfo span of threo score years and ton. Thoy wero companions and co-laborers with Dr. Whitman, and desorvo to bo ro membered through all time, as tho ilrst and most unscltlsh of all our pioneers, led hlthor by no hopo of gain or world ly ambition, but by tho dosito to bono tit tho world that thon lay in savngo darkness, afar from civilization ami all that made life valuable to civilized man. A resistless tide of immigration is now passing into tho romoto recesses of tho vi"t wilderness they then found only Inhabited by savage tribes. The charming valleys havo already become populous with llfo, and animated by civilized Influenced. Tho wilderness has blossomed, but whoro a scattered peoplo settle to-day, an empire will march with steady tread to-morrow. All this has passod beforo tho eyes of these earliest of pioneers; their short span of llfo has been a living pauora ma; the world as they know It Is no more; for the Indian canoe, wo havo tho toll ing steamer; tho wigwam has disap peared, to give room for the farm house, the council lodge Is replaced by church and school house, and tall cities grow, and spires point to heaven, whero then tho groves wero unthlnned and tho bosom of tho prairies unscarred. And as tlieso wonderful results transpire, tho gray-haired pioneers aro passing away forever. 1'ioni:ku Socikty. We aro in re ceipt of a pamphlet published by the Pioneer and Historical Society of Or- AB0UI SUBSCRIPTIONS. Woliavojiutssut notices to many subscri bers trnnsforroil from tho Cultivator l!t, In forming llicui tlirtt wo linvo lnco(l n iluto on onch tag that carroipomh, Ht 2.00 tor (uimuii, with tho amount thoy owed last February when wo tool: tho list. Wlioro words anil flguroa nro albrovlslod on tho tag, Uio last Jiguro wtanih for tlio yonr; wo nro short of "s, so Aug.O Hlnmta for August '70, Se7 stands for Sept. '77, Ji8 stands for Juno '73, Ao., Ac. Ah wo nro short of 8i, thoso who piy up nowadays will not find their dates changed thlt week, but wo shall probably receive 81 boforo another woek. Wo havo sont accounts to otno of tho Cultivator subscribers who havo niado par tial payii'ont to us, and In ttll such Instances woKlvotho dato to which such payment ontltlos them. A great many on tho Cultivator list aro badly in arroars, and to all such wo soad an oarnost request to pay at an early day, to onablo us to moot our own prosing cngago-mouts. Wo tnako this last call to all who woro subscribers of the Cultivator that If thoy havo any claims to niako of errors In tho ac counts against thorn, such claims must bo made without dolay, as we are clolng up all our accounts with tbo lsto proprietors of that paper. zsntzasL '.Tho greatest Labor-Saving Implements yot Invented. Vastly Improved for Fall of 1S77. COO Scald ixs. Orcfjon lax Quo !Tonr. Tho Deoio Sulky Is tha only yinole-Lovor Plow niado. &3 Kverv Karinnr Interested JASir.Y oi'ERATKD. So com strticlcd that by it Might motion or tho I.pvor tlin Plow Is-. run out of tho ground nnd raised clear. By liorto-liiMcnl of mnn-pnwcr. It is btrougernmt less complicated tuau any oiuor. soio Agents lor mo weii-Kuown SOUTH BEND CKlLLED-iaOH EIiOWS. BUCKEYE; DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS. Tho most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, Capl. J, W. COCHKAN. rrtlr dcflrooi of cuRacInc freight or paetage, win apply to OOT30 W. J. HEnnKN, Accnt. Farmer' Wharf. BaLEM. S. HERMAN, (Sncceitor to 8. A. Stanibcn.) "" WHOLESALE AND HETA1L DEALER IK Dry Goods, CLOTHING, XjIuIIuh' DroMN Good, HOOTS, shoes, hats. caps, ohoceiues and PUOVISIO.NS. The h'Khcit caih price paid for all klmli of country produce. Cor. b'lrt and Madlton tUecta, noSm3 POUTLANB, or. Flax -Seel AH AN INDUCEMENT TO INCREASE THE production of Plax-Seid, the andcrilirucdEiYa notice th.it they will purcbaie at tbo Highest Market Price, or will contract far alt that may be offered of nut wamtn' crop, thiousb their ageuW. Metirt. ALLEN & LEWIS, of I'oiitlano, from whom feed can be bid upon application, JOHK G. KITTLE, Manager of the Tactile Oil and Lend Woik, Nor. si. nrn.no a.t.v fjiaxcisvo. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT or Willamette University. mm: twelfth annual couiise op i.cc- X Jure will commence ."Uoutfuy. Dec. 17, 117. Mudcnt, on arrlli. tu tho city, are rc)iu'ud to call nt oucd on Ihtt Dean. Ul I'. U HOWLANB, M. D Dcnn.l T. C.SMITH &CO.v DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS. ....AND... aPlittx-raxrt oistai , lattoa' Dlock, State; itrcct, Salem, Oregon. 1akticvi.. attention given TO niR. crlltlou, and alt order bymallorexprvtinlled promptly and accurately. l'hiilclana and Country Dealers will o money by examining our lo-k, or procurUs our price, before parcbatlnj; eltewbere. notVtf. UttAVKH OLKN ALL INTENDING TO TLANT TniS SEASON ahould call at thU Nnrry, tnd nn the Agent' cooimUtlon, Or, 7". 39LUXXF noTixl 6mii1iTlTYr5r US. V&iWZtZanrnr J bam .gJI Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FARM GItlST MILLS, all MyltB and prices. FAN MILLS. Send forSpeoiol CircularB- USE S2600 A tail. ArenuanM, liott neulertllRute.rartteaUnfree. usti wt)ii:iaca,ftuui.;. IN THE WORLD! See that our Trade Mark is on eaokPaokaKef: 9 el 4 s o Nnt Co. ir p PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE . WORK?: Jet Blaok ; and AT.I, COLORS. AND EASILY APPLIED. AND NO. 73 FRONT STREKT. tho ApentN: JOHN For Sale by HUGHES. Salem, HODGE, SWELL & CO., Wholctmlo Drugging, aud Dealers In Paints, Oils, nnil Glnss, aponTriAMP, or. TXDWjaX i IiDENQ rADERlgm&AGEyCYl "174'ELMrSTREET.V CINClNJAlI.c!-- OHIO AdvertisemenU inserted in anj paper, Beforo ndvertising Bend for my catalogue. WOODBURN NURSERY FKTJIf, KEEP3 ITull Stoclc SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AND,.,. NUT TREES, "XTixxom and Whrutobory. Send for Tfl: Ltit and Catalogue. Addrert octlwns Woodbura wr. SAVE YOUR FRUIK GEOXaE BAH Rift' PORTABLE PREMIUM FRUIT DRYER,. Ileal, I'licapeat and uiot Economical. IteqalrloBbat imir run.. Drlea all kinds of ?il 5 visroiAbI, and produce raliln equal to any raido under the Hir, or by any other risum. lneBrlturronDded tj nater, tnereby xnsLlng In 1?' I5rla1be,P to dolts own wor Mlu Jon Is oM frora ' different capacities, icd Brs to sooo. nfTJiU f.B2 of ,h? Drirer In operation i mile tut: of tfalem. at Swaru's place. Thota wlshlns Dryers fhonld not fall toexamlne HAHIHS' before parciaa- reasonableVenn ,end Riht f0r "Ie on For further information, sddres NEWTON BBADtET, Salem, .Oregon. S1200 B4lemm via tod to mH mp isMMla LailaLa ktlllu ki.1. uliw S.A.SIUM ACU, .. U. S, CUOnO. o. 855 8 877 ijSXg 1 si