Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 30, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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ilrwing determined ta maintain tho position herotoforo occupied by mo for the
Largest Retail-House in Oregon,
I ktivo taken this means of 'announcing to the public that I am now displaying
tho LARGEST and ilEST STOCK of General Merchandise north
of San Francisco, consisting of a lino stock of
CS-exxts' etxica. Boys' Clotliins,
Xata, Oap, Tmnlti, Vallaoa, to.,
which is surpassed by none in the city, and will bo sold at prices to
.suit the times. It shall continue to he my aim to give
And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be. found
in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
ladvertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
tyaluo received in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
'chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, Me MEYER.
Plows! Plows!
Buford CanertevJiK. Iron and Wood
.Black Hawk Single
ASH Till!
: B&raut fu
iffH7 KLHv 4HL
Beam Single
S-lncli (o lC-incli.
Champion ' Browno " Sulky,
(Sever b;en beaten In tho field.)
Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Thu McStaorry Grain Drill and Broadcast ficodor.
Tin: most compmjti: lini: 01'
-Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
T'r'-R-'n " 3Barot;23Li?i3 did Oo.,
104 and 10G Front Stroot, - - - PORTLAND, OR.
?? lilvn J
IT 1 nHPT.
i si 1 1 B
Tlio XSoHt over Mudo.
.'Ladies' Calf Shoes,
Juit (be thin for our Oregon winter weather.
fine Kip and Calf Boots,
'Wnleu are erpreialy made for our trade, of different
guatltlei, to salt enitotnin.
All RoodM Hold by me aro GUAR
ANTEED to bo what I rccom
nicaii tbcin, or I will at any
tlmeMinke It good to tbe pnr-
' . J. W. GILBERT."
. SalemTjfrct. IS, 1877. tl.
Dealer in
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Salem, April 30. 1873.
Mar. BdMTia
bit Vm4 tm6mt
6mim. hMdlli
La. rnwMnii
mii. uinu . a. oaT CO,
I, , lli, ChiumU, o.
Good Farms
nofr aohrs or land in mawon county.
DO I Oroijon, ten mllca noitli of Katom. on the
Dnyt'jii and Wheatland ro itj l a hcanllliil location,
mm I the very boat land In tliu bl.ilu Can bu nlrldcu
Into lirto unod firm. Wo Iiato an otter fcr a part or
thin plncu ut $l'i nor acre, which mquM leave thn lial
anco or I ho IjihI in a nun re body or MX) ncro. uua of
which W under cultivation; 103 arru rbuhvil, Joining
tho coltlvated fluid, that could ho eailly got rmdy for
tho plow, hmlnj licvn ilaihnj irom ilvo to ton yearn.
All llio hulldliwi) aro on-tho 600 ncro tract, and for
which no only ak J'W per ncie. Thonf who are In
circUof cood land ahould go nnd red tlila place, l'or
iirtlcubr,cull and lev tho proprietors.
sooachiw op land in maiiion county.
Oroxuu, two and a half mllca from (lerval, and about
thu mo dl'Unee from Wosdrnrii, jat nn tho llutto
vlllo road. J a dctlrablo location: U tho very bcrt
iioilltyor land, acknorll;cd to bo ono of tho bee t
urma on French I'ralrlo by all mho are acqnalr-ti'd
with the country. 233 acrva ofthl tract U nmler cnl
thatlon; the b.nhnce of the tract. SO acrea, 1 timber.
There l a to'orable cood dwelling homo on thla
place; two good birm, with plenty of ahod room for
tuck, For full particular. ct and icl
H. I). Jfc tt. T. NOTHCUTT..
On thepremlici.or addreia them at Wheatland, Or.
Nor.Sd,Jo77. Imp'd.
ILtttlo Olunt
We wish to Inform tbe people of Oregon
that w have purchased the patent of "The
Little Olant GrubblnK Machine," and that
we are now prepared to supply any number
of them at a very reasonable prloo, The ub
jolned toHllmoolala of the auperlor qualities
of these maoblnea and their comparative
cheapneai should recomended tliom to all
those dealrous of clearing off land at but trl
flln oxpense. For further particulars apply
to Prank Cooper or Wiu, Delaney, Balein, or
Albeit Urlggs, Solo.
b'cio, March 10tbt 1877.
This Is certify that we havo used "Tho Llt
tie Olant Grubbing Machine" and found It
superior to anything of tho kind ever Ubod
In this part of tho country:
Weston Munkors, Wm Ireland,
Henry laley, J 8 Morris,
ADivui, J It Irvine
KUaldwIn, BFIiriggs,
ilenry T Hare,
We the underlxnod have seen "tho Little
Glaut GrubblnR Machine" work and can
assure, tbe publlo that it U the host machine
of tho'klnd we hare everfoen working,
M Aloxander, G W Hamilton,
JOJohuHon, Pater Smith,
J M Brown, Wm II MoKnlght,
! Bilyeu, li P Mason.
b'cio, May 25th 1877.
R. B. comer, at head of vtalra. feljy
Farmers. Take Notice.
aa roods new at JOHNNY KMOHT'8 Black
amlth Bhop.oa Commercial t., below Wade'a bard
warit (tore, for a mall oatlay of coin; Bring In your
old Plowi. and lee If I don't do aa I aay.
A special from Columbia, 8. 0., says the
election IojQU vacancies In the State Senate
occasioned by the resignation of two colored
representatives bas boen held. A year ago
they were elected by 2,000 majority. To-day
not 2.000 voted that ticket. Both succersrul
candidates are Democrats.
Washington, Nor. 20. The Senate, com
mittee at a meellnir this afternoon generally
aumed to take no testimony in tbeSpofford
Kellogg case, but lo admit In erldenco tho
liouisiana investigation reports oi uotu
houses or Congress. Tbe Republican mem
bers said tboy would probably rench some
dpfitilto conclusion in the case wltblu tho
noxt few days,
Washington, Nov. 21. Oenornl Sbormnn
has issued nitonernl order from hoatlquarters
of the army In which ho saya tho Prosldotit
Is much roncorned to And beforo liltn for
notion, procoedlng, of court-tnartlal In sev
oral casos whoro officers havo boon tried for
violation ol the 33th nrtlclo of war, whloh
provides that any ofUoer found drunk on
duty ahall be dlstnlssod tbe service. The
President desires it made known to the army
that ho cannot be led to underrate tbo magni
tude of evil which tbo crime alluded to Is
likely to produce on tbo publlo sorvlce. No
porson addicted to It can expect to be on
trusted with any responsible duty, and a per
son who oannot be trusted had better not bo
continued inomoo. It mast therefore be un
derstood that any clemency whloh may have
been heretofore extended by mitigation or
comutatlon of sentence cannot hereafter bo
rolled upon as a basis for hope of like favor
able action, After a aolemn warning a rig
orous execution of the sentence Imposed In
dne courts martial may be expeotd.
Obloigo, Nov. 21. within 43 hours the
Prostdent has doolared unhesitatingly to a
prominent official that he would veto any
silver bill whloh does not exprot sly oxcopt
from la operations tbe publlo dobt. Ho will
not approvo any moasuro having the slight
est tondonoy lo Impair the national creditor
mako holdors of national securities think
they will bo paid In currency of less value
than gold. Tho President Is Arm on this
point, and unless tho presont stiver bill be
amended It will certainly bo vetoed. Tho
Pri'Milrnt wilt sign a modified bill, but
stronnly opposes unlltnttod tsatio of silver.
Tbo PreMdont and Shortnan are authorita
tively statod to be in nccordanco on this
Now York, Nov, 22. A special from San
Antonio, Toxa, says tho following Is Just re
ceived from Port Stockton: Our tnlegrapltlo
communications havo iwonputofffor tho Inst
eight dnys. A party sent out to n-certaln tbo
cHttno foutxl tho wires cut neur u-horo tho In
dians kilted tho stngodrlverlnsl mnhth. In
dian lm volition neon ou thul'ecos with pieces
of telegraph wlro.
Han Francisco, Nov. 21. Koarnny and
his nstoclstes Ik. Ill a mooting In thn neigh
borhood of lloriml Holpliln to-night. Noth
ing ofspoolnl Introsttrnnsplrrd- Judge Far
ral of tho tho city cilmlmtl court, wan highly
In u dcil for dlHiiilsblug tlio charges auinnut
the ngltmors lo day. Kearney announced
that ho would hold another mooting on Nub
lllll next woi'k, ttud also ftatrd that ho nml
his follow nglLiitom who hail boon In duress
lutondml to bring sultH ngulnst tho city lor
ful hi j Imprisonment.
A ohargo of nsstult to murdor was onlorrd
ngulnst U. O. Torrlll to-day, mid ho was nd
tnlttcd to ball In tho sum of $20,000. Kllroy
still llvesltvlth no prospect or recovery.
Wnshlriglou, Nov. 23. Hot h olllolnl and
unofficial ndvloei froui Moxlco showa that
President Dlnz la desirous of not only (rett
ing tho Unltod SatoH with renpect, but of
prosnrvlnc poace. nnu witn mis view only
tins mcontly and fiicrolly' ordered n largo
forctWo tho Texas and Moxlcan bnrdor. It
U known thul tho Moxlcan forces now thoro
havo felled or pnrnnsoly nojjloctcd to carry
out (hoonloranf Dlnr., and hendo rollnblo
rfgular troops from dtroront porllons of tho
ropubllo have boon dipatolied to talco tholr
Sliicosiindcoopomtewlth llioio tindur (Jotv,
rd. It does not appear on Inrjulrat tbo
wardGptrrtmont that Oun. Ord litis, as pub
llshud, applied for itddltlounl forco to meot
ttuy nutlolpaled collision with Moxlc.iu
troops. A prlvalo letter from onnoftbn
bonlor Mcxlcnn itstes, says tho proplo theio
aro In fenr of war bittuon the IwocountrleH.
This feeling tnatcritlly lntnrl'ros with Irntlu.
City of Mexico, Nov. 17. Tho provisions
or tho troaty iltumndud by tbo Unltod States
aro unknown outxuloofiroveriunout circles,
VarloiiH yorslons aro atloat. Tho dotnauds
of tho Uhlted Slates aro such that no govern
ment claiming an independent (.ovorplgnty
can yield to thorn. Anuneasy fooling regard
ing t!i Iqti'Utlons of tbo U. S. government
aro Increasing. Thocuuroli puny is aotlvoly
engaged In croatlng cumity towards tho
United Statos.
Washington, Nov. 23. Tho sonata colli
mltto on appropriations to-day agroed to
recommend the pasaago of tbo Paris exposi
tion bill, with an amondment increasing tho
amnuntor tho appropriation Irom jifio.ooo to
$172,000, Tho provisions for an exhibit by
tho executive department of Ibis government
is sinoKen out.
Richmond, Nor. 21, The Jaraea rirer has
risen orer tbe canal at Lynchburg. Trains
are an BtoDooa on tue Atlantic, m as ss nn
and Ohio railroad. It is feared the Hood wil
reach the dimensions of 1870, when so many
uvea were losianu millions or proporty do
Incessant rains tbe past forty-eight hours
resulted In heavy floods la tbe western por
tion of tbe State. Telegraph and railroad
communication is interrupt.
New York. Nov. 21. The Herald's Wash
Ington special sayst The Secretary of War J
to-aay, in ortotty retorring io mo Mexican
quostion and recent Intorvlow of Senor a
nacona, gave a hearty approval to tho senti
ments expressed therein, favoring support
and encouragement, whloh the United Statos
as a great ropubllo ought to glvo to Moxlco.
Socretary McCrary said we must go slowly,
and , as a powerful republic, wo ought to ex
orclso great forbearance with our weaker
neighbor, and not bo too precipitate in hold
ing her to account for woakueas. Let us
look at our own experience, and help her out
In the efforts she is making. Tboo aro not
only my views, but are also those hold In
tbo policy which the Administration is car
rying out iu regard to Moxlco the senti
ments which control Us deliberations on tho
subject. As fr as I know, McCrary liolJi
very kindly feelings toward Diaz and Honor
Uenorldes, for honest and earnest efforts.
Washington, Nov. 21 Tho observer at
KUty Hawk reports at 11:35 A. M. to the
chief signal olllcoas follows: Tho U. 8.
man-of-war sloamor Huron struck two
miles north of No. 7 station at 130 A. M.
Tho foremwit and maintopmast aro gone,
and tho steamer Is a total wreck. AtMstanco
Is needed Immediately. Tbo sea Is breaking
over her and several havo already been
washed ashore, drowned. Tho ntiiubor on
loard I about 135. Tho Huron sailed yes
terday from Fortress Monroe for Havana.
Northfolk, Nov. 21. Mldulaht. The
steamer Chowan left this orenlug, under
command of Lieut. Watson, with stores and
men for tbe relief of the survivers of the
Huron. Knslgn Young, seulor snrvivlng
officer Is at Nags Head, North Carllns, and
confirms tbe report thai 30 iron and four
officers were all that were saved. Ho says
no aaalatanoe coufd be given fjom tbe shore.
Ample relief will da rendered to-morrow.
There wr-i;M,oflacetaod men, on board
the veasel,
. " .' J
THE M. . 8. 8. CONCERT.
Sunday afternoon the monthly concert
of the M. E, Church took place and was well
listened to by a very large audience,
Tho exerciser commenced with a "Great
ful song," by the school and congregation,
with M. L. Chamberlln as chorister, and
Miss Teresa Uoldernesa as organist.
Prayer was than offered up tho Iter, F. P.
The song ontltled,,Motn,er's By and By,"
and Bung by tbo sobool and congregstlon,
was very bosutlful, and tho voices of tho
children Bud grown persons blondod splen
didly togothor In swoot melody.
Tho address by Mr. O. B. Mooros was as
lino nn eDort as wo over heard In tho city,
fjr a Sunday School address, Mr. Moores
Is a line talker, and handlod his aubjectas
though ho know Just what he was talking
The quartette by Misses Ellen and Sarah
Chamberlain and Mossrs.G. II. Barnett and
M. L. Chamberlln, ontltled "Tho Hoavonly
Laddor," was a beautiful pleco, and was
sung with good cQ33t.
The school and congregation then Joined
In singing a pieoo entitled "Something to do
Every Day," and they sang It as though they
meant every word of It.
The recitation entltlod "Damon and Py
thias," by Q. A. Grubbe, was well ren
dered, with theexoeption that at times there
wore not enough life and vim dlsplayod, as
tho ploco merited.
"Hold tho Light Higher," was sang by tho
school and congregation In a ploaslng Btylo,
with llfo and spirit.
Tho blackboard oxerolsos, by Danlol P.
StouQor, was good, especially tho lecture.
Wo wouldsuggcst to tho artist that tbo next
vessol ho nttotnpls lo skotclt that ho writes
tbo iiatito Just bonoath, for tho odlilcatlou of
tho audience, thon they will not mlstako It
for somo sea inonstor.
Tho noxt on thoprogratnmn was something
that was not down on tho bills, tho parsing
of tho "sassor" by a couplo of young ladles,
that looked so neat and winning that they
"won" about tlfteon dollars from tbo mull
once, or words to that efloct.
Thoncamon quartctto in anthem enti
tled "Christian, tho morn breaks Swootly
o'opTIiiio," by tho Mlssos Ktlen and Snrah
Chamberlln nnd Mosurs. G, II. Burnett nnd
M. li. Chambrrllti, To lay that It trnsRood,
would but faintly express our opinion oftbo
pleco and tho stylo In whloh It was rotiilortd.
Tho next was a ruultntlou of itu ox tract front
Dr. Davlb'oulogydollvorodnttho futioral of
tho latoSonatnr Morton, by Richmond Kelly.
Mr. Kelly dotorvos something more than it
passing nollco Tor tho inanuor In which ho
recited tho oxtracl; ho spolto as If ho wns de
livering tho eulogy on that great occasion
hliiutflf, ttud that dtp retiulim of tho late
Soiintornero lying Just In front of him.
Richmond you dono nobly.
Mr. M. O. Wilklnoou being presont, wnn
Invited to comn forward. Mr. W. talked
about flfioon mlnutoo. addressing mostly
bis conversation to tho llttlo clilldrou, whloh
thoy nonied to enjoy hugely.
Tho oxnrolstH then closed v, lib n song by
the sohool and congregation, ontlUod, "All
to Christ I Oivo," ttud was sang in lino stylo.
Acousot! of Lnroouy.
Ofllfor 11. M. Hudson, ofPortland,arrlv(d
hero last week In soarch of ono AhSlu,
ohitrgod with Isrceny of f350, ami it woman
bolnuglng lo ono Ah Cow, a Chlnoso mer
chum In Portland, on lust Tuesday, Ah S.n
nnd this woman took tho morning train and
rainu up us for hi Gsrvals, and thoro sooured
n prlvato oonyoyancn ttud canto to this city,
nnd last evening about llvo o'clock, thoy
wornliiiarrlod by H.A. Johnson,J. P. Officers
lhidvon nnd Miuto searchod thn Chinese
duns In Ibis city until ono o'clock this morn
ing without any cluo to lltolr gamo. This
morning they heard of it Chlneso woddlng
having tnkon placo nt tho Court ilotiso, and
thoy wont thero to Intorvlow tho Justlcoand
Clerk, nnd whllo questioning as to whither
tuuy went, ShorlU Jos. A. Baker camo ln,Ubti
aftor finding out f.tUr.Ir buslnoss, Infornud
them that bo giiossdiJ ho Jiad thepaitlcs thoy
were looKlug lor at his home, Lo uavlng em
ployed tllOlil to do tho bntisn work.
They provod to bo tho parties In search of
nnu worn tiiKcn in cuitouy ana iockod up in
iiiu uuunty Jitu anu were iBKon uacic to
Portland on tho afternoon train. Their hon
eymoon was very short and sweet.
Thing We Beliera.
Thore aro boiiib things that wo bollevo and
someXbliigs wo couldn't bo hired to; but we
bollevo this, and expect ovory ono ol our
readers to do the same:
Theatory brought from Butto Creek to
day, by a bluo-shlrted, long-booted roman
cer, that a toam from Ablqua, whilst passing
through, or attempting to pass through, Sll
vorton, disappeared Into a mud nolo. The
"romaucei" avers that tbo holo was probed
to tho depth of fourteen feet and nothing
could bo found of oltuorthe horse or wagon.
A drag book finally reached tho top or tho
wagon, at the depth of twenty-nix feet, but
tho united efforts of olghteon men could not
extract tho vehicle or tbo equities from their
predicament. Finally, word was sent to
Frank Coopor, who brought his most pow
or fill stump extractor along and vorv shortly
yanked tbo wholo business out of tho holo.
Tho team and wagon wero very muddy and
considerably Inconvenienced, but not seri
ously damaged. Moral: Klther that mud
holo Is a big one or tho bluo-shlrted ro
mancer! a stupenduous pervorter ot tbo
An Invito.
Wo acknowledge un Invitation to attend
tho second anrual ball of Llnu Knglno Com
pany, No. 2, of Albany, which will tuko
placo at tho Paclflo Opera House, In thst city,
Friday evening, December 7th. The follow
ing gentlemen have the matlor In charge, as
thu committee of ariauitemonls. a suru u'tur-
auteo that It will bo a "way up" affair: G,
W. Burkhart. W. Huston, M. H. Montelth, ('.
O. Cherry, V. N. Miller, Ed lUmn and W.
li. Aiausiiom,
During tbo month or October, tbo total
exports from Portland (to foreign ports only)
wore as follows; Wheat, 605,408 bushels, val
ued at $031,457; Hour, 4,070 barrels, valua
tion, 129.302; sundry exports to tbe valuoof
16,321: total valuation of exports for the
ISOniU, U97,IW.
, It would bo sad, Indeed, If the late de
feat of tho Woman's BUffi-aim ntlr.at.lnn In
Colorado should have tho ofleot of dis
heartening tho ladles from picking their
flints and trying It again. Wo thoreforo
regard It ns no less a prlvllego than a
duty to say to (ho women who have so
bravely contotidfd for what they term
their rights, that while falluro nwalted
them In Colorado, Itshouldnot be regard
ed by them ns remediless. Sinco tho first
broaching of tho question far greater pro
gress hits been mutle than could reason
ably havo been anticipated, nnd If this
advance 1ms not been maintained within
u year or two It nniy bo attributed to tho
fiu-t that tho sentiment of tho well-worn
maxim, "make Imsto slowly" was tint
sutllclently regarded.
Ostensibly thero has been an uhdtio
forcing of tlio season. Tho Issuo has been
pressed too strongly. Ho moro patient,
ladles, nnd moro hopeful. You will gain
moro by such n courso than by tiroiislng
your cause too earnestly. The men of
the nntlon aro not yet prepared to grant
your modest request, but If you wllli.ro
ceed cautiously and essay to lead rather
t,,n, drive, you will make a suro thing
A well-known conjuror had n bright
llttlo fellow on tho platform to assist hint
in tho "experiments." "Sir," said tho
conjuror, " do you think I could put tho
twenty shillings which tho lady holds
In your itookot?" "No," said tho boy
conlldeiitfy. "Think not?" "I know
you couldn't," said tho llttlo fellow with
great llrmncts. "Why not?" "llccatiso
tho pocket Is nil torn out!"
A man In South Salem asked his wife,
tho other morning: "What is tho dlfler
ence, dear, between bribing a man with
a ten dolln bill to keep his mouth shut,
iiihI it mixture of Indian meal nnd
water?" IIo ulmost took her brontli
away when ho answered: "Why, you
see ono is hush money and the other Is
mush, money."
"Whv don't you spcnJc distinctly!"
erletl n pnwngor to a hrenkinttn who an
nounced tlio minion of stations in un ut
terly iiulutelllglblo nintuicr. "I can't
utidcrfliiiitl it word you sny," "What's
that to mo?" responded tho brnkomtin.
"You don't expect to havo a line, clear
tenor nt C80n month, tin you?
Tho following linn mot Is credited to
Henry W. l'aliioof Huston: lU-oonlly, Iu
tho Supreme Court, ho wns Interrupted
from the bench with tho somewhat nb
rtipt uimment: "Mr. Paine, thatlsn'tthe
law." Mr. Paino Instantly rciilied: T
think, your honor, it wits the law until
this moment."
An old bachelor was courting a wltlow,
ami both sought llieyrt to glvo tlielr fml
lughiilrit darker shndc. "That's going
to bo an nilcetlimtitii pilr," said n wag.
"How ho?" nuked a friend. "Why, don't
you see Hint they nio dying for uncli
other already," was tho timely rejoinder.
Chas. W. Raymond, in the October
number of tho Galaxy, asus, "Is Miirn
Inhabited?" The best way for him to
find out Is to go I hero and see for himself
Instead of iiuillug an Ignorant world
with such foolish questions.
New IWIialn, Cnnu ,lma a null vo light
ning caluiiln(or who, if given tho years,
fan tell a mini's ago In hccouds Iu Icsh
than two minutes, tnitl when tipsy can do
It iu halt tho time. The saloons keep
him full foroxhlbltlou purposes.
Why Is It that n paragraph In any way
connected with it game of poker will bo
recognized and appreciated atoiieu,whllo
a Joke with a gootl moral point travels as
economically as a plumber ut -work by
tho day.
All old womnii wishing to mako a cler
gyman bollevo she reatl her Bible, took
It as he was coming Iu at the door, and
upon rtpci'.Jnu' It exclaimed: , "Well, how
glad I am, for !:re aro my npeetaclcs
which I lost three years Ago."
It In said that tho nutmeg (rco bears
fruit from ten to ono hundred years old.
That must bo thp tree thu boarding
housa keepers pick their spring chickens
Uy tho liberal aid ofgilm death and
tbo iiarsou a girl Iu Orange county, Now
York, has had four mothers ami three
fathers, and is not sure that alio has got
through yet.
A bail llttlo boy, upon being promised
five cents by his mother if hu would take
a doso of castor-oil, obtained the money,
and thon told his parent that she might
cast her-oll In thu street.
During tho lato war with tlta Nov.
Perces Iu Idaho, 18 ollleors ami HI men
wero killed, according to thu reports of
General llowuid. Thu mimberof wound
ed Is not known, but It Is about tii'j.
It Is so easy for young ladles to bo
gootl. Kvcu In kissing each other they
net tho golden rule, do unto others as yu
would that men should do unto you.
Mrs. Lithe' Luotnro.
Tho auditorium of tho Opera 'Houso was
packed In every part, litxt night, with Inter
ested listeners lo Mrs. Lake's lecture upon,
"What shall wo do to bo Saved,?" Tho lady
beltl that it was useless lo rol upon supernat
ural moans and appliances forsulvatlou; that
creods are powerlosa to prevent crime. That
tho only way to sivo tho world Is to removo
thecurso of poverty which Is tho prlino
canto or all tho mltiry and crime that ex
ists, i Iu eloquent lungusgo she pictured
the stilliirlng that oxists on the ono baud,
mid the luxury and itbiindaiico on the other,
u ud held that until these extremes were
ubollshul, and society moreevenly balanced,
crime muse necessarily continue to exist.
Her eloquent language and linpasslouod
manner held the close uitenilon ol her audl
enco from beginning to end. Many per
sons pronounced her lecture as the finest
ever givsn In Salem, At the urgent request
of some of her hearers, she will spnak ugalu
on TuesiUy evening, upon tho subject of
"The Spiritual Philosophy, What It Is, aud
what It U not."
, H'