'if f ! I. j ; : . .. JT I v L i L J At l-i 2 lillsnuttt Xaniur. 1IBCJD ITJBT 7B1DAT, BY CLARKE & OKA.IG, publishers akd raonuBTOM. 8. A. CliAKKE. D. W. OBAIG. Term or Hnb.crlptlon. Ono copy, ono year (SSnumberp) 2.50 Ono copy, Mx month (36 number) 1.25 Ono copy, three month (18 number) ..... " 8ALEM, J7K1DAY, NOV. 30, 1877. A NEW OREGON STEAMR. Wo take from the Alta California of No vombor 2d, tho following, Inroforonco to the , nowHtoaratiulp tbat la to bo built immedi ately for tho I'aclflo Coftnt Mall Compauyto run botwoonSan Francisco and Portland: Tho PaolQo Cowt Steamship Company, by tbolr agonta, Goodall, rerKina uo yoster- ilav nlirniul n rnntrant with Wo. Cramp A Bona, the celebrated Iron ship buildoraof Pnlldelpnia, for tue ooimiruciioa oi uow Hteamsblp for their Oregon roulo. As she will unquestionably bo tho finest vessel in our waters, a brlor outline of what tho con tract calls for will bo Interesting to our read or and the traveling public. She will bo 810 feot long, 37 foot 0 Inchos beam. Sho will bo a threo deck ship, of about 2,500 tons reg ister, capablo of carrying 2,000 tons of freight In addition to her coals, on a draft of 10 feet .r nminr Tim iitillclnrM utiarantoo an avo- rairo or 14 knots Bn hour, and a capability of 10. This guarantoo with Cramp A Sous Is ninplo assurance tnat uin veaiot win poriurra it, as all tholr vossels built boretoro Iibvo performed moro tlian tliospoed gunrantood. Hhn will havo accommoJatlonH for 2.10 riibln nnd 250Hteorngo putHongorp; will bo Unbilled up with hardwood, In tho magnificent stylo of tlio Into City or Han l'Vanulooo. Slio Is to havo two bllgo Isooln, to prevent the titiconi Ibrtablo rolling motion now soobjootlonnbln In tho propollora previously built, and water ballast Is to bo used when rHjulred. Her propelling powor consists of tho compound direct acting surfiico-oondonilng engine! tho dlamotor of tho hlgh-pressuro oyllndor, 12 li.oh stroko. Tho propollor, Hi foot In diam eter, 21 foot pitch. Slio will havo six boil ers. Tho voinol Is to bo built accord ing to tho rc(iilroinonts or llrltlib hloyds. Tlilsls stifllciontto show llmt the vessel Is to bo A l.umlwlll rost :i"0,00), Thosiiporintenilingoiiglni'orofthocoiiip.uiy, ft- Mr. l'tisav. Istoprouoed Kist shortly to su- perlnteiui hor construction. Work linsnl roady been oommnncod,and sho Is to bu do liverud hero next July. With this brkfsketch wohopoourrcadors will bo (.ontonl, but wo cannot done without it slight trlbuto to tho contracting linns. Goodall, l'orkins ,fc Co. aro so well known horn as managers of tho stoamshlp lines, and their good treatmont oftho public cxtonding buck lor a long series of years, makes It mi ruinous to pralso thorn much) nuIIIco It to say that tho linn has grown up with our young Htato, and that thoy aro whole-souled Calirornians In ovory senso or the word. As a mark of respect to tho Hutolhey call tholr now stoamshlp tho Htato or California, Nolthor ship or Slato ojin bo excelled. Mourn. Cramp A Sons, tho builders, have been 45 years In tho buslnoxs of shlp-bulld-Jug, first as bulldors of wooden vessels, and then soelng that Iron waa shortly to obtain lbs mastery, they turned their attention to that branch. Instances of tholr suooess aro Humorous on tho Atlantic. Hero wo have but to point to tho 81. Paul, one of tho most perfect poolmona of naval arohltocturo ever seen In our waters. With tho contract in their hands, wo will undoubtedly have In tho Htato of California, perfection. And with Capt. Johnson In command, both Orogonlans and Calirornians may almost expect to "go through by daylight." r s. A Liberal Of.r. Captain Atild, master or the ship City of" York, has kindly consonlod to carry, froo of oliargo, all articles iiosikuou luruxuiumuuni tho Paris Imposition which may lx donated by the citizens of Portland or elsewhere. His vimynl In ilnallnml for LWoriKX)!. at which port tho articles will bo lauded safely. Kob ort lingers & Co., a prominent firm of that city, liavoaKrocu to soo uiai mo nruuiva mo forwarded rrom Liverpool to Paris at tho oarllest imxslblo day aOor arriving there. After all, thu little Suiwet Htato to be duly reprtMiented at tho great French Kxiwsltlou, Another plumo In Oregon's rap. Ov.r ! Yamhill. The clllreus In tho vlclnltv of Amity and Hhorldan, and along up the South side or the Yamhill river are wldoawako In regard to tho propoteil narrow guago railroad. The llttlo vlllageof Amity lias pledged Itself good for 120,000. it I supposed by those compe tent of Judging, the road will cost but flU), 000. Another meeting will l held In Bher Idan on tho 27th, and tho canvassers aro to report tho amount subscribed for tho enter prise. To our friends over In Yamhill, we say go In and we'll hold your hat; you are on the right track. Wagon Maker Wtint.tl. Wo are Informed by a private loiter that tho thriving vlllageof Turner, Itithlsoouniy, Is sadly In need of a wagon maker, one that can paint or finish up tho work, when cir cumstances retiulro ft. Ho should also havo means enough to lay In a stock of material; and above all, so tho Utter savs, ho niiui bo a aohor mau. Any ponton filling the above requirement will doubtless do well In that burg. At Hair Tare. Arrangements aro completed with tho O. v O. railroad and tho O, H. N, company's boata on tho Columbia river to carry mem bers of tho order at half faro who deslro to attend tho Snth anniversary of Chemekcta Kodgo No. 1, 1. O. O. F. Parties who exx-et to b present will pay lull faro on coming nnd return freo of charge by obtaining a cer tificate of tho Secretary of tho Lodge. A Lonu Klilc i Mrs. Helleubraud roilo on horseback on Monday last, In company with herson.Chas W, Heflenbraud, from CI ramie Hondo to IhU clty.ndUUuco of 30 mllei. Taklni; Into coiikldrratlon tbo horrible condition oftho roads and tho ract that Mrs, n. is inreo score ami ten, tho rldoUa remarkable ouo, and one tha'. not many ladles of 70, even In Ore Kim, has tho neno to undertake. The new cutom flour mill of O. F. Pen ills', at the Agricultural works, had a fair test yesterday. A Mr. Greer, Uvliitf In the vlciij ity of Hrook'sHtatlou, brought 00 bushels or choice wheat to tho mill, which was made Into splendid Hour that weighed l) touuds to each bushel ot wheat. This mill is In every way first class, and doea only custom work. Farmers should give It a trial, Skiypdmc Lssistr. The Capital Luuumrlug company received an order from Albauy by Mems F.Q. Felfer t Hro., new eviuors m that burg, for iM,W0 tvtl of lumler. They iutnd using it in building a hotel lu that city. The Feifer lire, say they understand, how to tun a i;c:i. Tha Two DloklmMa'a. "Buz," writing from Salem to tho Orego nlan, under date or tho 21st, relates the fol lowing: "Wo havo in our town tw6 men by the name orDlckinson doing business on SUto street, one or them ia a minister, and Is pro prietor or a seed store, tho other has "sample rooms," a polite name tor a drinking saloon. Tho otbor day an old lady from tho country In quest or garden seeds came slowly along the stroot, and soelng tho namo or Dickinson in largo lotters on a sign, sho wont into tho saloon, put on bor spoctaclos, took some pa pers out or her pocket and bogati dollb erilelyto poruso them. Tho samplo man seeing the unusual visitor so calmly exam Ing hor papers, and looking so good ana motherly, mistook ber tor a crtiBader, and thought his tlmo had come, so ho qnlcicly grasped twobottlos, Intondlng to ndralnlsior them as a gontlo persuasive wbonover tho singing and praying bogan. As Boon s tho old lady round: bor llst.among bor nap r ', sho began to road ovor tho names of seeds that she wanted. She was too much absorbed to soo tho look of roller tbat came over the r..wi r.r it. a iinnnt. itaalar. hut a bvstander saya it wasn't any funnier than tho look of horror that ovorspread tho old lady's face when sho found out the mlstako sho bad made and that she waa actually In a "whisky' saloon." , r Advance la Wksat. Tho Record or Friday, Nov. 23, says: Wheat took a step up this morning, as Mr. Herren advanced rates to f 1 10 per bushel, Instead or 1 OS'A which has boon tho prlco or late. Wo loarn that f 1 10 cloar or all warehouso oxponsos, was bid at Portland Thursday, for a lot oroOOO bushels of whoat lu store ot Indopendenco. Tho buyer was to tako tho receipts and pay Over tho money on thorn, tho producor to bo at no further ox penso. This shows tho advantage or bulking wheat lo sell it to advantago. A whoat buyer with a shin to load, will pty woll Tor having wheat roiitly for him In round lots. Literary Social Clnli. Tho above Is tho lltlo of an organization Hint was ellccted lu this city Inst Wodnosday evening, at tlio rcsldonco or Kldor S. O. Adams, tho sonlnty Is to bo connoctod with tlio Christian Church, nnd tho exorcises nro to consist or music, reading nnd singing, Tho following aro tho ollicors oltclod for tho torm: President, Mrs. H. O. Adams; Vlco President. Mis. Win. Kuglnnd, Secrotary, iliuli Willis; Treasurer, Miss Floret co Wiirrlner. Tho next meeting or this club will take placo ot tho Christian ohurch, on to-morrow ovonltu. About twenty-two unuies tiro olready onrollcd on tho list as members. They expect lo havo somo Jolly tlmos this Winter. Odd Follows' Library, Tho following named now books havo been received and phcoil In tho Odd Fellows' Library: HaHtl's works, flvo volumes; Whlsisirlne Pino, Tho Turning or I ho Tide. Winning his Spurs, Sophomors of Hadollfl'. Kollogg; Lmerson's writings, 1st nnd 2d secrles, and Conductor Life; Life and works of Franklin, two volumes; Hood's Poetical works, two volumes; Literary and Historical, llancrofl; Popular Lectures. II. Helouhollz; Tho Old Merchant or Now York, 2d and 3d series; MyatorlesofLlfo, Death and Futurity; In thoCamargln: Spain and tho Hpsnlards; Western Martyrologv; Gotithe's Faust, Hay ward; Kihlcal and Physiological Knqulrlos; Waterloo, a sequel to tho conscript of 1813; The Chaplains and Clergy of tho Revolu tion; Tho Old Merchants of New York City; Tho Champacno Country; Philosophy or Ithetorlo. I A Night Scab. "Ily Jupiter! these aro lovoly nights. Noth ing Mars the seronlty of thesceno," exclaim ed a Commercial street clork ono night last week, as he Saturn the porch 'noath the sil very raya of tlio orescent Moon, with his arm around tho waist or his Piety Hill Vonus. Hut when tho old woman catno to the con clusion that mattora had bettor oomo to a crisis sho opened tho wiudow abovo them and turnod a nltchor or water on tholr dovo ted heads, and they thought thoy had en countered old Neptune. Hho simply re marked to them as they started for the gate: "Hero, como back I you can't Comet ovor my daughter In that Milky Way." Tho gay nnd fosllvo olorit retorted: "Uranus oir, ami I'll bo hanged If I oomo back till I got roady;" and his girl look his arm and thoy started off with a sHed like a messenger Moroury, who is said to havo had wings on his hoolx, and silence reigned unco moro. Tho old lady says sho will Planet dlftoront next time. Moro Rsoralts, Olllcer K. Hohultz, of Wasco county, ar rived here thla morulng.ln charge of a couple ur"blrda"dostl,nddrortheho'.ol-de-oros8bra. On tho arrival oftho train a cab waa secured ami tliev wero taken to tho prison, and im mediately delivered up to the authorities. The names of these persons are: Peter Mo.Mannus, convicted of larceny, and sen tenced for tho term or two years, and Thomas Sbendrn, for stealing a mule, and sontenced tooueyear. A Joker Joked. A near-sighted and modest resident of this county, entered a dry goods store ou Commercial street, the other day, and think Ing to perpetrate a Joke, stoppod up to a dummy ou which now pal torus of skirts anil mantles aro displayed, as ho thought, and slapped ItontboBhouldersandaald: "Well, old woman, how aro youT" Tho old woman at once turned around, ami not only answer ed his quostlou, but voluntfrureda great deal of Information besides. That young man will never attempt to perpetrate auother Joke. Tho Jnry. The following aro tho list of Jurymen that havo been Impanelled In tho titllc perjury ease: J. II. Jono. Hfnry Mlllor, A. ltaok, J. W.WlUon, K, M. Benton, Portland; Wil liam Hay, Thomas J. Todd. O. II. Adams, Washington county; Hamilton Lelly, It. 11. Austin, Last Portland; It. N. Warshaw, (Mackama couuty. Messrs. Mallory and Durham aro for tno prosecution, and Mr. Ciuodkult for tho dou'it-to, Tho Dushawnys. Hon. W. It. Dunbar, GmihI Worthy Chief Templar of the State, will oiyanUa lUshway Lodge and lusJalUho otHcers next Monday evening. November tWth, at Good Templar's Hall lu this el'y. Thoo who havo signed tho petition as Charter members aro Invited to be present promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The nttJeeis and member of Capital 1xlgo aro especially Invited to bo present as well as all members or the Order in good staudlngvls Itlug iu tho city. Uecord, Nov. 2t h. Carried Away. A part of tho now bridge which was build ing across the Luoklmute. ou the road from Monmouth to Albanv, has been washed away. Crossing aro now made by a skiff. The damage will bo made cood as soon aa the water subsides. i Drws Oat, The Undine boattug club were compelled to move their boat laat evening from the old W, It. T. Co's. dock to a moro aecure place, on account of the high water, She is now snugly touted lu the old wharf thtt stands upon Ike bank back from the river. WiLiAMETTE FARMER '$ ORKWIULL. Some 'Facta About a Noted Scont and nttMter . Wo clip the following from an Eastern paper and give it for the benefltorthoso living in Oregon, who like oursolf, never run across tho Bubjjctof tho romantic sketch "Oregon Bill." "William Sponco, alias Orogon Bill, is in many rospocuaremarkablo man. In Btat uro ho is about flvo feet nlno inches. His compressed lip and well set Jaws Indicate a dotermlned will. His noso is woll shaped: his eyes aregray, but full of animation, and moro especially when intorosted In conver sation, and bis forobead Is well Bhaped and high. With these features ho bos long, flow ing black hair. The wholo porsonnol or the man is pleasing, and in marked contrast with his reckloss daring. Ho converses lntellgently and after tho manner of woll ed ucated men. As a hunter, trapper, Indian tighter, msrkiman and wanderer he Is Justly noted. He has been for eight weeks, and Is still, confined to, bTs bed from a cut on one of bis feet. He Is, however, con- . HU birth place Is Port Natal, South Africa, and he baa hardly yet reached forty. His father having been killed in battle his wid ow, with her son Wlllllam. tho subject of thla sketch, emigrated to England, whero, through the Influonco or friends, ho soon waa placed at tho Royal Naval School at Ureonwion,wnoro nia jiru(rtn niw b...u- lory; but he could not bo contontod. Ills daring and advonturous naturo sought tho soa, and to a man-or-war he went. He was at sea for yors. and during tho time distin guished himself tor his bravery, in two en gagemontH with pirates on tho coast of Afri ca. Ho participated 'with crodlt to hlmselt In tho last war with Russia, nnd was prosont at tho rail of Itolaklava. Incoming averso to boing further on tho sea ho camo to Amer ica and Joined tho Hudson Bay ur Com pany. For this Company ho traveled muuh amotnr tho Indians, gathering poltry. The year 1SS0 found lilin In Portland, Orogon, from there ho wont to St. F.uil, Minn., whoro ho romalnoJ ono Win'or nnd ...... ...... i..,i .i.irlmr that limn liv flriinntl Solly III u service that was at onco dollcato and lotponsiuie, which nu uiuniKuu . mo ontlro sttllsfsc'.Ion of his commander. Iroin St. Paul ho went to Kansa, nnd thero nltor natoly eiiRagod In driving teams and bullxlo hunting. From lhUO to 1S0J bo was au In dian ughtor on tho frontiers of Kansas ami Toxm, nnd In Kit engagement with tho red mou on an occasion In which tlio whites wero victorious, after n bloody hand to hand tight bo is said to have killed sovon warriors with his pistol and bowlo knlfo. During this po rlod ho spont i6mo tlmo In Missouri, atid was at Indepondenco during Genoral Prlco's raid. In 1S7.2 ho wont Est, attracting much nttontlon, bis exploits having preceded hi in. His companions woro W. F Cody, known as Buffalo BUI. and J. B. Omahundra, nllos Texas Jack. In 1872 ho was tho boarer of Important dispatches lo uon.uarcia, in uuuo, u-itiM. hn msTmIv flullvnrAfl. Itoturnlnir. ho camo West, whero ho has since-engaged In trapping, nunting anu acimg an k"uo w mr olgn tourists. As an ovidonco oftho man's wonderful accuracy in shooting, and It must bo said also of recklessness, I will glvotwo remarKauie instance, in runnuu, ureuu, ho had a friend, John O'Madlgan, Whllo rt.raflltrn w walbltifr alnnir tho iitrftoL smoking bis pipe, and at a distance of ten loet, anu abauouirigni aiiKio, umiuuuomj drew his pistol and fired, tho ball taking the pipe from tho mouth of bis frlond, but doing him no harm. Again, last Fall, Bill waa In Lake City, with door for sale, and seeing his old frlond O'Madlgan passing up the street on tho opposlto side, he calfbd him to stop. Whnn tin I. ail tlrawn lila rAvnltTAr Jnnh fltri to, facing him at tho time. BUI llred, and mo nan passoti inrougu tno top oi ,iuo uai ui his frlond. O'Madlgan ln,tbe best of humor, called out, "Bill, don't shoot any more; It Is toocloso." Tho history of this remarkablo man will at some future tlmo till ono oftho most Important chapters lu a book of ro mance. CONCERT AT THE UNIVERSITY Tho rain descendod last ovonlng In perfect shoots ot water and rendering It almost Im possible for tho strongest hearted podestrinn to venturo out. Nevertheless It bad been anuouncod tbat Mrs. W. B. AlIon'N muslo class, assisted by tho students oftho Univer sity, tha second concert of tho series. would take place on that ovonlng. and thero was a marked Improvement In tho point or numbers who had assembled towituoMino entertainment. At the hour appointed, the concert was opoued by au overture on the violin, flute and piano, Mrs. Alton and Miss Nellie Hall at tho piano and Messrs. Gray and Stoull'er, with violin and flute. The ploco was well executed and at tho closo re ceived long and loud applauso, The song entitled, "Whero aro tho Friends or my Youth?" and aang by Miss Alice Pel ton, waa about as nice a Piece as wo have heard for many a day, and as a vocalist Miss Pelton baa but few equals In the city. The rocitatlon by Miss Addle Scrlber was beautiful and rendered In a flue style. Miss Scribor understands the art of elocution al most to perfection. The solo and chorus by Lulu Smith, enti tled "Robby's Wish" was a neat little piece, and was well aung. Tho dialogue entitled, "Wooing Undor Dlltlcultlos," and the tlmo as far back as in 1812, was a pretty fair production, but was al lowed to drag a little too much by some ot tho parties not having their parts sutliolently memorized, and tho prompter not watching the business close enougu; uuiUKiug every thing Into consideration, tho piece was very fairly actod, and drew forth numorous ap plauses during the run of tho play. Thosolo and chorus entitled, "Come.Blrdio; Come," and sung by MUs Kther Hall was very nice Indeed, and waa sang in good stylo. The piano solo, by Miss Kdlth Donaldson Just captured the audienco and kept them spell-bound throughout thoentlro piece. For a pupil or her age, Miss LMith certainly has no, an equal on tho Coast. Tho solo by Miss Allco Polton, entitled, "There's a Letter in tho Candle," was a beauty, and Miss Pelton .uudetsuuds Just hnw It shnnlil tin rendered.. Tim Pitiiilrt iluotte. bv Miss Add lo Scrlber and Qulucy Grubb, contained more truth tbsui poetrv and was well renderod and duly appreciated by tho audience. The larco entitled, "Dearest Mamma," was a cspltal piece mid wo presume the author of tho farce knew Just "how It was himself." The ladies and gentlemen were up in tbeii parts and everything weut along smooth. Tho drolluets of old "Browser" Just kopt tho audleuoelu auoh a state thai they could hardly "keep their equilibrium." The act ing waa very well done by all patties and sent the audience home in a good humor. The receipts of the entertainment was 2S. It waa not announced when the next concert would take place, but will probably besome time during the holidays. Koeaa too laaall. The Superintendent of the Baptist Chinese Mission School saya tbat the school is filling up so fast tbat either another room will have to be secured or some of them will havo to be turned awar. s ft- -. At.. BAt1lr(laTjaW. A middle aged woman who resides over In Polk county, called at tho postofflce window in this city; three or four tlmos dally for tho DastweokVtoseVlf there was "anything for rmt." On the fourth day hor anxiety 'became solreat that she oxplalnedto tho clerk that Bhewas expecting money from hor husband whowasotVon fiis annual business tour Yesterday her heart was mads ilo leap 'Into her throat by, receiving a ftVftY-.towa him. She rotlrcd to qnoortho front windows and road aloud lo herself: . . "Dkah WtFE.-1'd Bond you twenty do lars with this, but you seo I'd have to pin it on, and somo'ono might lake it off and nut a counterfeit ono in Its place, und when I got homo you would bo In jail." Sho read It over and over again, and thoro woro tears glistening In horoyosassho placed tho card within her bosom, and sho romark od: "Ho's tho best man on earth. No other husband would havo boon so thoughtful ob that; I'm a poor ignorant and unloarnod woman; laonmuuw Buuuu-j --- -but for his kind and watchful care ovor me I might pass mis very mgui '" J-'" " -P .-. ,j-- xitntr what. a. narrow maKes mo auuuuor "" "-,:" rrfj. escape I havo had, and I'll tako the ohildron and "go ana Doaru wim m y. ". ... - fw tn wnaira." Rhn closed the door after her and .went out singing. - Indignant. T. i -...wt ii... nhinnsn niAAtlnar was held on Slato street to take Into consldora- .. .i M..nn nr iinlman mnnliinn labor." lion inuiiuwuuu mi w"v-,- - ; iT-. Tho Cooper Little Giant grubbing maohlno was tno immeuiatocansooi renor " tuous mooting. Tholr plg-Ulls wero caro lessly adjusted, and Blmond eyes assumed a near approach to rotundity. Tho speakers arguod that such machlnos would leavo many of thtm without an occupation, ono roforrlnc In an indignant manner lo n recont ..i n.i.if rlnn Tlin nxnritxR fit. Ilco was cio.od and tho meeting adjourned to afuturotmto, ul which tlmo thoy concluded to express tholr Indignation. Another Swindle. A nowly tuailo Good Tomplar charged somo ofjlih brothren with having cheatod l.u -ir.i nut nt mm llinnsnnd dollars. All oxplonatlon wasdomandod wbon ho replied ir tuny nan ua mm aiono n uori nmu u ii tain Llfo AsHtiranco Society would havo been Indebted to hor in that sum and of courso would havo pBld It. Now, tho Lord only knows when sho will got II, If ovor. Tho brothren saw tho point and wero honest onouKh to express regrets. Will mnlco His Contract Good. Owing to tho high stage of wator, boats aro utmblo nt present to load on wheat at tho Fannors' wharf. Mr. Horron, tho agont, having obllgntod hlmseU to placo ho many bushols or wheat In Portland at a cortaln tlmo, ho Is dotormlned (o mako tho contract cood on hlspart, ovonirhols shut out rrom his own wharr. Ho will heroaftor. until tho wator subsides, load boats at Lincoln to com ply with tho contract. NothlngMko business. you know. Washington's Deaf Mates. IJV HCI.UI IUU I1WI,XA-4"".'D. luuuuitiuu. of Washington Territory is authorized to con tract with tho Stato of Orogon for tho tultloD, board and lodging of suoh deaf mutes and blind children or tue Territory as aro unablo to recolvo such care from tbolr parents. Tho amount appropriated for tho purpose is 81. GOO. and tho cost por person shall not ex ceod225. Washed TAway. One of thebenta In the bridge on High street, over South Mill Crook some time last ovonlng wasbod away and totting tbo center oftbe bridge down about (our root. Boards have boon placed at oaohendorthe bridge to prevent persons from driving on to Hun till tho '.water subsides, when it will bo re paired. Rich Strike in Tellarlnm. Mr. I. N. Munoy, Superintendent of tho Tellurium Silver Mlno, lu Douglas county, tolls us that a rich vein ofow has boon struck In tbat mlno. It Is rich in silver but has no copper In it. Tho workmon havo tunnelled Into tbo voln about eight feot, and aro notyot through It. Thero Is mush exoltoment at Canvouvllle, over throrloh prospects, Shut Down. Owing lo tho high wator, Kinney's Flour ing Mill has beon compollod to shut down S rinding during tho groator part of tbo week, ut then there is not a great sight lost In tbo operation, as it givos tho millers a hotter chance to dress tho burrs and got things in readiness by tho time tho wator subsides, for a big run. A New Schema. Ex-Mayor, J. G. Wright, has a new scheme on hand that will doubtless work to a charm for the holiday trade. He will have an im mense amount of holiday goods done up In dollar packages, thus adding to his already largo business a genuine Dollar Stoiik. Wharf Raised. The swiftness oftho current, together with tbo high wind that prevailed last Saturday ovonlng, has caused tho upper end of the wharf and dock of tho W-T. A h. Company to raise out of Its proper position about six Inches, and tbo ohancos aro that when the wator recedes, that that portion of tho dock and wharf will remain lu its prosont condi tion and will again havo to bo repaired ero It cau bo considered safe. Let tho People Rejoice, For I ho bountiful harvest of 1877 has now placed in tho hands ot tho peoplo tho golden com, tbat they may lleo to W.P.Johnsou it Co. and secure such pictures as will please thorn and tholr frlonds. and bo a blessing to couerotlons to come. Remember tho plaoe, over Willis' Bookstore, State St., Salem. Or. lilt. K. Y. CHASE. B KEVKT U.Col., ate Surgeon U.S. Volaatter. omctt. I'urniii mocK. uu rutur. bv S. U. CLAUGHTON, VOTAUV l'UIILlO. Heal K.tnte A cent, 1 aud Collector of Claim", wlilprominlrat. lend to all tm.-tiiH tiHrti.teU lo hu care. MAKING CONVEYANCES' A bl'sOIAWY. Office at U Pott Ofice, XiolsAUOXi. Or. RAILR0AD LANDS. H.llornl Terms! low raicEM LONG TIME! LOW INTEREST Tie Oregon aid California and ertgai Central BallrMl CeBMie OFFER their Lands for tale cms toe following libe ral termt: One tenth or the price In cash; lntarcd on the balance at the rate of revert per cent, one year after aale; and each following ytt one-tenth of the principal and intereit on the balance at the rate of Mren per cent per annn'n. Both principal and Inter Hi payable in U. S. Currency. A dUcoant of ten per cent, will he allowed for eaih V Letter to be addreeeod to P. SCUULZE, Lan Agent O. A C, B. K.. Portland. Otteon. Agents for the Willamette JParmre. g Albany n?s?i?"ei Amity.... tU snkhASEP Cottage Qrovo m J " ?n0,rU,iIa Hcllrne w wk'iu"i w .,? Boons Vlit Wm Wells, J W Ilobart IlrownnTlllo -i i'wV1,.15" Buttevlllo vij" n i. T?J.chtM Canyon City t, u ii.,l5,nnart Canyonvlllo -W T llrlCTi CoqullfeCIty F Mattcioa Colo'B Valley Y,SCI"e Clauop..... "JMorrlftoa Crawfordsvlllo 1i',j,('t01aN Cove. ;;," Kenda, Corralll K woodwura Crefwcll HotcooKhos ClacUnmaa V.'.V,';" A Sll"- Camp Creek v;:vaKA.?mtrt'ty Ualla J 1) Loc. 1) M Onthrib Dexter ,V'8 1,ni"lfakCf Draltre Krowion A Driln Damascus .....Kl'uilitj Dayton E O lladavtir Klkton -.A. II Iiatuci Kuceno JohnMcClnse Fox Valley ...........AI) Uardser ForcitUrovo 8 Hnfihcs, W L Conig Uothcn... .....J Uandtaker Ocrvalfl.... S M Galnest Halrey 'i'TJ BUtk. Harrlebnrg . Illram BmlUu Hllliboro .'v A Luelliaj. Hcpncr Morrow Jc HerrtsJ Independence .....................W L llodgh Junction ,... Smith. Uraaeld& Co., WLLemoa Jackronvllle MPetenoa Kind's Valley ,......,. Connor A Cretno Jcffenon ..."..John W,Roland: Lewlivillo ..........n O UcTlmmorjda Lafayette DrPopplcton. AUIenry Lebanon. ..8 11 Claughton Monroe ...,!... ..t Jos Kel.tr McMtnnvlllo JllMorty, A Held Monmouth W Watcrhon.e Mill Plain, WT David Siacip. Needy Wm Morclind New Era J Caito. Ncwclltvlllc PF Cattleman North Yamhill DC Stewart Oiiklund 8 K KaymoDd OnwcfiO A It Hhlply Ott J II ydirncdcr Orecon City J M Btcoa Pendleton , W A Whitman IVorln ,Dr J If Irvlno Pilot Koclc t E Gilliam Portland 8 P Leo, AL'cnt Slato Oranro Princtvlllc OMPilnclo Pcrrydale McOrcw'tbtoro lilckrcal PA Patterron Itofclmrc Thn. Smith Scto PI' Joncf, Thnu Mnnkrr tillrurlon T It IlllUrd Hhedd' WM Powcrt, 0 11 heeler 8prlm;fled A O Ilorey Sublimity John Downing Sweet Homo Den Marks Shertdnu TnnjM'iit FH Ilarzce Tho Duller.... s L Brooks. Turner '. W t IIHIcary Vnnrir.iver.... 8 W Ilrown Wlllimctte Torl. M Wilkin Walla Wnlln J F llrrwcr- WaMn JO Elder Ynurnlla J It I:;1Immi. Its Apulot-ate- J.W. GILBERT X'nyw Oa nil I'otr Hides, Furs. Sc Pelts. Bel2l Commorclal at., SALEM. iy FIRST PREMIUM t For Visiting Cards I 30 Ca'il with anv name ncatlv nrlnto.1 thereon lent to anv addre'i udou recclnt otir. rmu. and a S-ccnt tamp. Addrctf, w. j, iunii, oaicm, urogon. II Nurseries. I havo I Uo Largest Stock ol Fruit TrccM lu Oregon! 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, milAT WILL AVBItAQE SIX FBET IN IHOUT' X and I w 111 sell them from 10 lo 25 per Hundred. DTI call ftncelil attention In mr AMSDKN JUNK PKACII TltKKS. 1 had Peaehet of tLli varlelv rlnc JutT ti. 1677. aud they aro or excellent quality. I have alro eeven other varictle of Peache. and a cenerat arlelror liner rrait Tree and hhrubs. Alio, a Imro lot of PJJACII 8KEDLINO S, at f30 per 1,006. aoekt ron Mr numeiiim. D J Malarkey, Portland 8 Berry. McMlnnvllle. KW Whipple, Cottajjo Mra R A Judklm, Bucene nroro, I, Michael. Wheatland, W U bteeie, Turner, N. Lacrolx. Sublimity, A Jonet, Hiayton, J Morrle, Mchama, I. Grabe, Haliey, A Wheeler, Sbedd. W Shumin, hturnn, W T I) W KlledRO, Howcl Pr. Wm HarrU. Brook, W II Drake, SIlTcrton, Dr II D Oden. HanUburir. J A HnnL Oakland. 1) Morrli & Son, Sclo, A Irvlnir, Woolen Mill Co., O II ltoland, JefltfiY on, Brownirllle, Jone & Potter, Salem, Jaion Itoyal Wanhlngton Co Wm F Creltz, Traveling ai'ent eait of the Wll'ai(ttt river. M. VT. niTITMAV, Proprietor of Ilatlread Koraerlei, octSStf EAST POKTLAIID, OB. ORBOON gomt . wtuttl FIRE COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, - - $568,547.45 Income, 1875, $465,904.29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - $1,137,367.50 HAMILTON BOYD. MANAOEU. aa3tf 73 Flrat SI.. POKTI.ANP. JOHN MINTO, BniEUEK or MERINO SHEEP? TAKES plearnre In oflTerini; to the Wool-Grower o! Oregon and the adjoining Territories the chinco U purchase TIIOltOUUUUHED ilKUINOS, and at-mrlnj- prtle Interested tbat they can, and will en deavor to. ell bbeep of the tame quality and value at MUCH ClIEAl'KIt KATES than ucU can potitbly be importetl. Examination and comparison with oth er Sheep offered lu the market are cordially Invited". Addrv JOHN MINTO, Salem, Orcrou. N. 11. The Rime and Ham Lamb of the flock can. be fcen on the ISLAND FARM, adjoining Salem. TheEwtcan be ikh at the tame place, or at tho 11 ILL, PAHM four and a hall mllca tout of the dry. Salem, September 10. 1873. REAL ESTATE LOANS. v 0KIGeX 1KB WA61INGNN Trait Imreitment Company F SCOTLAND. rfTOIS Company If prepned to neoUate toan la X eomi from tobO to jkj.OCO lecored otw WPBO VHD'CITY MlOPXRTY ard FARM LAMDel. tor fixed periodf cf yean, or repayable by half-yearly la tallmanta. For terma, apply lo WILLI M RXID, Xanarer. cotISf 9 Fint Street ForUaad.