' 1-3 If ' ' ' -1 $2.50 per Tear. BY TELEGRAPH, J' Washington, Nor. 25. The feverish ex citement continue! to ue manuesiea in pout leal circles regarding the straggle which is to lie renewed to-morrow for the control of the senate. It haa boon Intensified by a press dispatch from San Francisco announc ing that Senator Sharon will probably not tie aole to leave hi business to come here at ."nrAxant and Henubllnnna urn bitterly lndlir- uant in their comments, although it is not yet fully credited that he will fall to appear Hbis week. Leavenworth, Nov. 20. Tuo rez rerefs Indians, captured by Gen, Mllos, Including Chief Joseph, arrived hoio last evening, mid were placed in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, where thev will bo kept until n reservation In Indian territory is provldod for them. Washington, Nov. 27. The cabinet lo-day tlooldud to appoint ox-Congressman John.lt. Hawloy, of Illinois, assistant secretary oft ho treasury, to succeed MnCormlck, whoso resignation tabes cflsat the 1st of noxt r month. TboHsnato clnlms coimnltteo to-dav re ported a bill giving the court nf claim Juris diction to adjudicate Don Holladay's claims for extra expenditure and losses Incnrrod by him for mall sorvlco botwoon the Mis Hourl river and Salt Lako In consequenco of nchangoof routo and Indian depredations. Tho bill was reported by Cameron of Wis consin after receiving tho unanimous ap proval of tho full committee Chicago, Nov. 27. Trlbuno's Washington: Tho president and Packard had n second long talk over Louisiana mat tors, and It is reported to-night that Piiokard has buriod tho hctcbot nud become reconciled to tho prosldont's polloyand that should Elllnglmni Lawrence not bo conflrmod as coliocttor at Now Orleans Packard will bo nominated, nnd at all events will bo given so mo prom ltiont poslilon. Columbiana, Trim., Nov. 21 Itoprr alias McGboo, tho negro v?no atiemted to rare Miss RottloTeinploton, was taken from tlict jail this morning by thoiiif.'r),.,v-4n niter hevernl unsuccessful attempts to lynih hlra ou tho spot', wero poisuadrd to tako him iuto tho prcsenco of tho lndy. Sho pnal tivoly Indmitlfied him ns the guilty one. Ho was taken to tho court houso and from tho third story lynched In tho prosonoo of full two thousand persons. Itlchmond, Nov. 2d. Tho loss to prlvato proporty in tills oily 'by Hie Hood muv lo Mfoly ostlmatcd at trom $300,000 to 3100,000. Othor looses will greatly iitiginont this nmount. Tho damntrn In Manohrstor on tho nppolto Kldooflhn liver will roach ?IOO,OflO. Thero in consldnrablo snlfirng amoug tl o poor people. Many had to camp out Inst night nnd aro still shelterless. Tho damano to the James rlvtrnnd ICwawha dual it not as serious as at Mrt supposed. Jluohanan. Vh Nov. 20. Tho river Is six feet higher than tho greatest freshet of IS 12. Twontv oolored noonfo wero drowned in this neighborhood. Tho doxtructlan of prororty in town nnd country Ih unprrcd ented. A brldgo and thirty dwollngt are swept awny. Many poor pooplo aro loft Without property, food or oloihlog, BIVER NEWS. ' Tho Record, Tuosday, says: Tho cool and clear weather has causod tho Willamette to fall some two feet alnco yes terday morning: tho wator by tho post indi cates that it is but nineteen feet above low water mark and still falling. The Orient, Captain Gray, came up last evening from below, and went on up tho rlvor, Intending to go up as far osCnrvallls, and will be down this -evening and leave here In tho morning for rortlaud. The Occident, Captalu Doll, will bo up from .Portland this evening on hor way up to Cor vallls. . ThntMv of Salem. Cantaln Scott, will be - due bore this evoulug from bolow, on her way to uarrlsburg. The Ohio, Captain Spencer, will 'bo up 'Sometlmo this evonlng from Portland, and will probably go up me river as tar as Ah uany. Tho Jury la the Hlgby Case. The follow lug named persons aro sitting as Jurors In tbe Hlgby caso now being tried in Portland for subordination of peijury: It. D, Austin, East Portland; L. II. Calkins, Clack. atus; J. II. Jones, Portland; Tbos. O. Tcdd, Washington county; James Elton, Clackc mas; Illchard O. Baldrn, Washington county; Win. Hayes, Washington county; John J. Morgan, Washington county; Oliver 'Bobbins, Clackamas; E. M. Durton, Port land. Hall's Vkoktaiu.b Sicilian IIaiu Ec- ftf ;vek Is a self. initio combination of somo of cue most powerrui restorative agents m the vegetaWj kingdom. It stores gray hair to its original color. It makes tho tralp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors. and falling-out of the hair. It furnishes the nutrltivo prlnolplo by which the hair is nourished and supported. Ic makes the hair moist, soft, and glossy, and Is unsur passed as a liair-dresslng, It Is tho most economical preparation ever otfsred to the public, as lttt effects remain a long time, making only an occasional application neces sary. It is recommended and used by emi nent medical men, and officially endorsed by the State Asssyer of Massachusetts. For ale by all dealers, J. A. Porter, of Forest Grove, has bouslt the entire lot of horses, 150 bead, belonging ' to tae casnsuers estate, lor i, ocu, i SALEM, FOREIGN. All Salb telegraphs from Sontarl that 40,. 000 Montenegrins who attacked the position defending the road from Antlvarl to Scutari have boon repulsed with a loss of 300 killed. Athens, Nov. 21. In the chamber to-day a deputy moved for consular reports relative to outrages committed by Turkish troons In the provinces bordering on Greece and tl e measuros taken by the Porto to prevent such crimes. Minister Trlconpe replied and opposed the motion, and declared tho government would do Its clear duty nnd produco the documents at tho proper time, but not now. London, Nov. 21. A Vionna sppolal from Till la reports that Immediately aiior tho cap ture of Kars'15,000 Russian under Genoral Mnllkoll started for Erzeroum. Tho Russians aro concentrated wost of Plevna bolwoon Isker nnd Vid, covering tho roads leading from Plovna and Wlddln, Vorstnk and Orcbanie. Evory point of tgross is covered with entrenchments so dis poned as tn present n front to both Oiman and Mohoiiiet All Pasha. Tho Turks aro equally aatlvn in organizing an army of ro ller, troops being drawn from ovory part of tho European Held. Tnore havo uUo boen now levies fiom dopols at Coustantlnoplo and Pullllppopolls, It Is certain Molirmot All Pasha bus vory nearly 63,000, many of whom aro veterans. Chicago, Nov. 21. Tho Times' London special vays leading Turkophlto newspapers demand that England shall doclaro war against RusslA. Tho Moscow Gazette slates thai tho Russlau main army Is advanulng on Etzemuiu. CotiKUutiuoplo, Nov. 21. A tulrgrrm ro ports tho Russian nuuitnonod Muktar Pa ohato surrender Erzoroum, but tho placo will bo hold to tho last extremity by orcior of thnSultatu Veran Knlol), Nov. 21. Sovouteen thous and mou from tho Kara army will bo detach od to assist at tho Mego of Pluvua. At a counsel of war Sunday, Phlllopoft, n prominent J general ncpmmondod that n corps bpliiti to cover Etsorpum wlil'o the ro mnitidur of the armyJAtiith throuuU Asia Minor to Sontarl. General Mollkoll started euddonty for Erzo roum Sium ay. Mo will command tho bo solglng forcn thoro. ' London, Nov. 23 A epeolal correspond out at Glurgovosoadn ttio following under date of Thursday: I hnvo boon shown n tolognim from ltnsslau hofdriunrtars ro quoHtlng contractors to furnUh 70,000 bags of ultcult instantly for tho bclegd in Plovna, as Ofinan Pastm had opened negotiations ior lb surrender of that placo. Paris, Nov. 41. A correspondent soys It Is anuouucod from IJuohiimt that the Rus- oluiiB havunrderod supplies ol food In ex- ppctatlnn of tho enrJy capitulation of Plovna. London. Nov. 23 It Is statod tho nromlor has Informod tho Rusilan inlulsler that if Adrlauoplo be takon nnd Constantinople Jsopard Izsd, thoro may bo such an outery In Euglaud&sto make war ou tho part of this govornmout InovltHblo. Information of this declaration haa beou sout to Russian head quarters , aud has mado a strong impression tbero. Operations noar Ruslchuk Indlcato dispo sition ou the pirtof tho Turks to attempt a repetition of Mehemnt All's tootles for ro Moving Plevna by threatening tho Czar witch's army and the Dtuubo crowing. Vicuna. Nov. 23 So far from boluir weak ened, the casrowltcb's army now consists of eignt imautry anu rour oivatry divisions, now being 60,000 to 00,000, and though It must cover the line from tho Dauubo by a vlolory of TIernova, It would not bo easy for tho Turks to make muou Impression upon ItHlnco the Russians by. forced marches can concentrate ture J or lour divisiousouany glvon point In a klngle day. London, Nov. 23. It Is announced from Rome that the attempt to cup the Popo failed and has produced an aQlux of tumors to the cheat. Cardinal Slmeonl, In view of the con dition of the pope's boalth, has aiked the cardinals to confer with him on the general Interact of the papacy. It Is probable that a oounoll of regenoy will be appointed. Constantinople, Nov. 23 The Turkish ambassador at Vienna has rounded Count Andrassy on the subject of mediation. The count said mediation was inopportune and would bedlaadvautagoous for Turkey. Gen. Mel Ikon", when summoning Mukh tar Pasha to evacuato Erzeroum, informed bun of the capture of Kara, and that If ho re sisted ho would be attacked by 80,000 men, with overwhelming artillery. Mukbtar Pasha repliod that he would hold Erzeroum to I ho last. London, Nov. 21. A Pera correspondent says: The peace party Is lucteaalug aud are strenuously endeavoring to gat some proper mediator, but no distinct program ujo or def inite overtures are yet put forth, for fear of a humiliating rcfjsal from Russia. A Tillls dUpstch says Dion's corps will shortly atlsck Datouui with heavy artillery, -i no Caucasian insurrection inreavos. in surgents stormed the for titled town of Hus sar on tho 12th. Pera, Nov. 21. The view taken of Otman Pasba'it position is, ou the wbole, despond ing, but some maintsln tliat be has provis ions enough lo hold out till Mehemet All can organize the army of relief. Oreit of forts aro making to accomplish this end. Constantinople, Nov. 23. An irado has been Issued calling out 160,000 civic guards In Constantinople and the provinces, to serve during tho possible absence of the regular forcoi. The Christians are summonoJ to participate in this levy. London, Nov. 23. A Paris correspondent says: Nobody doubts that tho debate on the cabinet's programme to-morrow will result In a vote of want of confidence. It is prob able the cabinet will resign, for the honest men of which it is osmpoied will not cling to power at a risk to the country, and it Is OREGON, NOVEMBER 30, 1877. said thnv havA ifanlarAil Oiattna'vMnn't want a second dissolution after the reaignatlon of too cabinet. The Marshal must decide be tween conciliation and reslgnatloa. The Bo naparlist cabinet is resolved oa violence. Nobody bore ever Imagines that he can en ter on the latter disastrous course. Constantinople, Nov. 20. A doubtful rumor was current Saturday night that Osnian Pasha bad forood the Russian llnf s. All recent rumors relative to mediation aro again declared false. Layard, British minister, has received instructions not to wait uutli England's mediation Is requostrd. A telegram from Bucharest says ao far the rumors that Osmau Pasha Is negotiating (or surrendor aro ineroly based upon the ap POBrauco of a parlemontatro from Plevna at Russian headquarters. Loudon, Nov. 20. Roumanians officially announro that they took (he strong position of Provltz on November 23, after two days lighting. A Pera correspondent says: A private lot tor from SolU represents that things look uupiitisfflctory. Wubomet All .au !. neither meu nor artillery ouough to form a rollo vlng army. , ' A Colllngo corrrwpundont stales that tho Turks evacuated Morlconnd all tho villages nrKrauia district nud rotlrod, beyond ibo Ilcyana. A Belgrade correspondent nnnonnros that Servla'N Intervention is now certain. It Is staled that her Independence will bo pro claimed, and all I ho militia have been order, od to march to tho frontier Novembar 20:h. A spoclal from Cnttantlnnpln says a ro port Is current that MukhtarPaiha has with draw! from Erzoroum. London, Nov. 20. A special from Con atautinoploitays (he sultan' has ex proved his Intention to treat separately with tho cztr. Ho abaudous all Idoaof apply lug to any foreign power for uiodlallon. A spoclal from St. Polorsburg, says: Rus sian now Hpapers profess a strong doslro for peace. Thoro is muou talk of direct negotia tions wltu tho porto and probabilities of suoh nottlnment it Is said growHroncer dully. Rust la is rcportt-d tn U making spfclal esrtllons to ecuii it. ' Ntbody hero glvos much heod to tho talk ofpearc. ThoStandard announoes tbuho acquisi tion of u harbor and coaling station In tho SandM Icli Islands having ureitly lucruaod tho Icllueuco of tho United Statos In tho Pa olllc. it has been considered advisable that a ltrltish mau-of-war.shall nUays be dolnahcdJ ui renreeui mo urium iug uonr iuoxo lland.s. Paris, Nov. 25.J-A grand military dinner was given tit ElyseoH on Saturday. Itooho bout, L'Admlrault, Degoslln ami other gen erals wero proson., Tho Moulteur states tliat at tl)n reception which folltino I tho din ner Prosldeut MaoMahon reneatedlv dtcliir. od In favor of u policy of resistance, saying the chambor had repliod tn his conciliatory ovorturcHby a violent declaration of war. Any coucosslaii now ou his put would bd tantamount to capitulation. Duly, dignity aud honor required hlui to rostimo tho coin' bat of resistance. President MaoMahon lu a cabinet council thin morning expressed similar views, but wasdocidod ou the point that the ministers should contluuo to attend tho sittings of tho chamber. Geueral Grant will not go to Spain. lie leaves Paris this week forLvons, Marseilles Nice and Villa Franca. From the latter port ho will proceed to Atbeui and Constan tinople. The general has written a letter to tho commissioner of the Franco-Ameilcau Unlou expressing a warm approval of the statue of liberty, both on account of its artis tic beauty and the noble expression of the amity uniting the two uatlons. M. Labouya has replied in most oordlal terms, Paris, Nov. 20. Reliable information loaves no doubt that President MaoMahon Intends to ask the senate's leaos lo dissolve tho chamber or deputies. It in believe J the seuato will assent, as itdltapprovosof the re cent voto of censure In the lowei house Dissolution will not be proposed uutll the deputies havo refused to voto the four direct taxes, but it is expected the matter will be settled during the week. Anxlet v Is felt by all classes over the situation of affairs. Paris, Nov. 27. Newspapers are discuss ing whether the army will support Mao Mahon or the ropubllo. In rase of a ooulllct. Manuscript placards, Insulting orthreaieu lug Presldeut MacMabon have Leen posted. A hundred persons weie arretted yesterday for drunkenness, seditious cries and insults, or resisting the police. London, Nov. 27. A Vienna correspond qntsays thecapturoof Fratetz., uotl'rovlt, as bfctore reported, enables tho Russians so to threaten Mehemet All's command, should be attempt to torce tho Orchaulo and Plevna road, that he must either retake Pravetza beloro he nukes tho attempt, or else he iiiunt move with his main force further woit lu the direction nfBorkova. Cetlnlo. Nov. 27. Tho citadel of Antlvarl still holds out, eucouraged by assurances of reuei coming uy sea, A Coriu uisatct) re ports a Turklth iieet of ironclads aud trans ports passing there and expected soon at Antlvarl. Vltnna, Nov, 27. Evening ppe"puu llsh Bucharest advices according to whijh Prlnco Gortscbakotl' is engoued In llvelv diplomatic Intercourse. A propoal has al ready beeu made for a peace conference. DIED. SIIAVER-Tn Tualatin, Wuhliigten county. Nov, 17, if dlptitlierlu, ClaiUnu, J., uluttt dauKtmrof George and Iiutiu fchUMT, Dgttl 11 yearn, 0 inoulb. uuU 1) uayi. LWtOCQUE-AtKort Collin., Laramie county, ColoriiU-v, Nov. IS.nf pueuiuonta. Alpliouto l.a Hocquo,buly brutuerof tho late (J Lltxiu. Near Hubbard, Oregon, Oct. 2fl, of diph theria , Lily Myrtle, on 'y daughter of J. B, and Alia Dluilck, agt-u i years, 1) mouths, aud one day, ifcM.,-.., ,.T. t,Tn,mr,,.,mUiBiagaaJMCT THE PASHAWAYB. From the Record, Tuesday. Dashaway Lodge No, 301, of tho Indo pondont Order of Good Templars, was or ganized last evening by Hon. W.R. Dunbar, Grand Worthy Chief Templar, at the Hall of Capital Lodge, in this olty, with sixty three charter members. The exercises wore interesting, and In tho organization of tho now lodgo Chlof Dunbar was fraternally assisted by the leading monitors of Capital Lodgo. Of tho Grand Officers present woro R. C. Ramsby, of Silverton, Grand Chaplain, aud L. O. Flshor.of Like Lablsh, Marshal. Tho following are tho officers oloot of tho now lodge: Col.T. H.Cann.W.C.T. Miss BolloO. Atkinson, W. V. T. Capt. J. B, Lister, W. 8. II. P. Crooko, W. F. S. Mrs. Aunlo Uargravo, W. T, Rev, O. Parkor, W. O. John nhaso, W, M. MissNoilloRlloy. W.D. M. Miss Carrlo Laughoad, I. G. Frank Cooper. O. O. Miss Clara E. Sisals, W. R, II, S, Mls Roso Laughery, W. L, II. S. E. O. Norton, P. W. O. T. Tho Largest Yet. Dashaway Lodgo organized last night, by lion. W, R. Dunbar, In polutof numborof Charter mombors, was tho largest lodgo that has boon organized by hlui during his offi cial career of mmrlv four years. Thrco cheers aud u tiger for tho D.ishaways. The Stiln. Jury. First ballot of tho Jury In tho Stiles enso, says tho Orcgonlm, atood thus: Guilty, 8; not guilty, 3; blank, 1. Second ballot, guilty, 8; not guilty, -I. Third ballot, Rtillty, 0; not guilty, 3. Fonajh ballot, guilty, 10; not guilty, 2, Fifth ballot, snmo remit as fourth. Up lo this thuo thorn had beou no ditcusston aud the Jury now called upon thoso who wero voting not guilty tndiclaro thomiclvos. Gonoral dircussum then enmed, with re peated ballots, till at lust It was given up that tljero could bo no agreement. This in formation Ih from nn.undoublul source uud may be rolled on. A Natural Curiosity. Thero Is a llttlo girl tluoo years of one, snys tho Nucleus, daughtorof William Boggs, liv ing In IlariUburg, Dora by uauio, who Is a natural curiosity. Sho bus six well delluod Unperson hor right hand, and six toes on ouoli foot. Tho toos aro iiotfecily natural, only damo naturo has furnlahed hor with an extra too on each font, and ono extra linger. Wo had a call on Wednosday, from this fair llttlo Miss, acoompauled by her fathoraud aud mother. Hho certainly Is a curiosity, aud sooma proud of hor extra adornment. Speakers Selected, ' Judgo William Strong, of Portland, has boon selected (o deliver tho annual address at tho Oregon Plonoer Ro-unlon, ou the ISth of Juno, 1878, and Judgo J, Qnln Thornton to dollvor the occasional address, rolatlvo to tho Immigration of 1817, As both of these distinguished gentlemen are able writers and sneakers, their addresses will be of tuoro tliau ordinary Interest to tho Plonoers of Orogou, and thoso who attend t'jo re-uu-ion next year. Through the Look. Mr. Allen Parkor, one ot tho Lock Com missioners, sends us the following as a re put, says the Albany Demoorat, of the busi ness done at tho Locks on tho Willamette at Oregon City, for thoyoarondlng Nov, 0,1877; No. of tons of freight nasied through, 3M03; No. of psssongors, 6,410. Besides this liioro aro 058 manifests duo from the W. T. A- L. Co, These manifests when received end counted will bring the amount of frolirht up to &u,uuj iouh, una tne passengers to 10,000. Train Delayed. Tho pasiongor train from Portland was de tained, last Thursday, soveral hours by a laud elide near Youcalla, Tho locomotlvo being somewhat narrower than the cus, mansiiod to tquoezs through, and pushing ou tolllco hill, secured a gang of Chinamen, who soon cleared tho track, Hauling their Lutubor, Tho Paclllo Threshing Machine Company have commenced drawing lumber for their works, Iat ot tho OU Mills, Dr. Polton, tho Prosldontnfthe company, has finished the plans aud draft of u Miiall beparator Intended to accommodate farmers who wish a 0 horso machine., Soon to bs Completed. Work In tho auditorium of the Mothodist Church Is progressing quite rapidly, inoit of thewalntcotlng Is on, aud It makes a mag nificent appearance. It Is o' ash boards three and a naif luahes wide, aud is to be finished In oil and varnish, The twelfth annual course of lectures in the medical department of tbe Willamette University will commence on Monday, Dec, 17, 1877. Volume IX, Number 42. Mr. Mitchell's Railroad Bill. We have received the full text of thebil lately Introduced by Senator Mltohell for ex tension of the time for building the Nortbl ern Pacific road wakm provides: 1. That the time Wr completing the road and possession of the land grant shall bo extended eight years, 2. Proouiptlou and homestead claims and saspondod entries Initiated within tho limits of the grant and private ontrlos allowed on the same, shall In patented to tho parties lawfully outorliiR tho same. , 3. Atoxplratlou of tho tlmo allowed by present laws for completion of tho rood, the lands of tho uncompleted portion shall bo sold by iho United Statos at a prlco not to exceed ? 2 30 an acre, and at tho eud of Ave years fiom tho completion of any section of road, remaining lands shall bo oll'orcdat public sale by the Unilod Stalos at not loss than 11.25 por ucro. I, Tliat the iiroooods of lands sold by tho United States shall constitute a sinking fund to pay Intercut on llrst morlgago bonda of tho corporation, 3. Tho extension of tlmo granted shall not apply to tho soctlon north of Taconm, nor to tho branch road from Walla Walla to Pugot Sound, ovor tho Oitcado mountains, but that in lieu of suoh branch grautau amount or pnbllo lands equal thereto, uudor similar restrictions aud conditions ns by this act ap plied to the main lino, In granted to tho Portland, Salt Lake, and South Pass railroad oompsuy, to glv early connection botween Portland and tho Union Paolflo railway provided that tho Portland, Halt Lako, and South Pass company commence work with in six months from tlo passago of this act and uoustruct 25 uiltos within- one year and titty miles oaoh succeeding year. (I. Tim Norlheihi Pacltlo railroad shall be constructed ou tho south side of tho Colum bia river to tho city (if Portland, 7. If olthor thoN.P, R. R. Co. or tho P. 8. L. A. S. P. Co. shall build tho rosd down tho Columbia, that poil'.ou oftho route shall bo a common route far both linos, at a fulr compensation. 8, Even sections on tho lino of Micro roads shall bo opoti to hotllement, pro-omptlon, aud homostonds, at 61 23 per aero, In quarter sections, Thoso aro tho chlol features of tho act, aud wohopoilmay pais, for tho reason that It almost entirely coincides with our vlowsof what Is right, as plainly expressed by us at dlllorciit tunes In tho columns of MioFaii- MKIt. Another Fruit Dryer. The Harris Fruit Dry or, which Is adver tised In our columns, is highly spoken of by aSau Francisco paper, which describes at length tho operation of the dryer, aud the fact that the heater Is surroundod by water Is considered iuiportaut as Insuring an oven boat. It Is dtscrlled as follows: It requires but little fuel; It dries all kinds of fruit and vegetables; produces raslus equal to thoso dried In tho sun; tho tire is sur rounded by water, henco It can be left unat tended. They range In price from $73 to fijOO. Ono costing (123, we are Informed, dried two tons of fruit lu a single season. They are Portable and cau be removed with but llttlo inconvenience. It fact, two men oan move one auywhoro, Wo were shown specimens of fruit and vegetables of all kinds dried by it, and tliny were bright aud clean and fully as nice as any oftho Aldeu. Tho manufactory or these inventions is located at No, 010 Mlxalnu street, whore the Inventors will bo found. They uro most obliging gentle-men and lako much pleasure In snowing their commendable Inventions lo all parties, whether Intending lo buy or not, wo nope to ate tills drill nave the suc cess (bay ore entitled In lu supplOng a dbslderaium of so much value to fruit grow ers uud the commonwealth as well. Htohm anu Flood at tiih East. Tho dispatches contain accounts of disastrous storm aud floods through tho Extern and South Atlantic Statos, wl h great duinago to canals, railroads, and brldces, and also to private property, Tho dauiugu to proporty U liumonuo,aud o great has been the injury dono tolrunsportatlon routes that business has to be sutpended In somo directions. Tho Richmond (Va.) gas and water works wero submorgod aud tho oily in darkness, Christmas and New Year's. John G, Wright, at his old stand, Commer cial Street, Saloin, has received a great assort men t of Toys, Caudles, nud Holiday Gifts, and Is fully prepared for tho Holiday Trade ot 1377. uo30tv-l. The cold weather has caused the river to fall very rapidly, and now tho water by tbe mark ludlcatts but 17 feet abovo low water mark, '- ;,f.' 4 n t - ii : n.jMriWA