WIUAMETTE FARMER 8 A ,' OUT DOWNEXPSKSES. Tho pcoplo at large will hall with great satisfaction tho announcement of tho de termination of tho Administration to cut down expenses in every posslblo di rection; This Is what tho country desires and expects, and tho sooner It Is begun and more eflcctually curried out tho stronger will bo tho public approval. It is all uonsenso to assert tlmt thcro Is n tlcslro on tho part or any considerable portion of the pcoplo to linvn thu gov eminent run upon whni Is termed a lib eral scale, or that tho practice of tho most rigid economy would be dlstusteful to them. KetretichmcntlH or should be thcordcr of tho day, and If tho Administration has tho moral courage necessary to practlto it, In every department of tho Govern ment, whero it Is practicable, It will find thatlho public will warmly sustain It. This is not a time for tho continuance of extravagance in national affairs. We Iiavo an immensodobt hanging over us, there has been an uuparallud shrinkage in values, wages nave neon reuuecu in tvery department of industry, and busi ness profits iiavo been seduced to tho minimum point. If tho government sets Xho wholesome example of strict economy it will bo Imitated by tho people, and thus, In addition to lightening tho tux payers' burden, wo shall lay the founda tion for tho only sure pathway to our fu ture prosperity. Tqi frfwcijs. A shocking accident occurred nt tho Jackson, Tcnn. fair. During a horso rnco two young Indies attempted to cross tho track in front of tho Iiomo.", and ono of thorn, Mlm Annie Scurlock, was struck by ono of tho horses and probably fatally injured. Tho lior.so foil and throw IiIh rider, Johnnie John son, sovcroly injuring him. Another liorho becoming untangled in tho inoluo throw his rider, YouugMndNou, and fatally Injuring him. Columbia county, W. T., Kays tho Dayton A'civa, Is hounded on tho north by tho Kniiko rlvor: on tho east by Idaho Torrl lory, on tho south by Or egon, and tlm wo.sj by Wulla Wallu county, in length oust and west, it is ncnrHlxty miles; In breadth from north to south noar fifty. It coiubri.sos with in Its boundaries somo of tho finest agricultural lauds on (ho western coast. "Tho fat woman of Milwaukee,'' Mrs. JtiiHxcll, died while on exhibition at a fair recently. Who weighed "Oil, and the ' came of tier death was theacctimuliitiou of fat about the heart. The crowd at the fair pressed cloudy around her, and in the momentary excitement of getting uway from It she dropped deal. Dr. Holland Hiiys thomoHt precious pox. Hes'lnii that overcomes to a man in this world Is a woman's heart. It would Hoeni that ho lias never observed the ten tier rare with which a man bundles a inccixchuum pipe that Is Just beginning to have a billions look around tholiaseof the bowl. Forget lo remove a pitcher of cream from the kitchen table, and several hun dred tiles will tumble Into It In W'ti.s than forty minutes. Het tho sumo pitcher of tircam as a lly-trap, and you won't catch more than two of the IiimmiIh In half a lay. Much Is thu experience of a young housekeeper. A. A. IJonncv, of Wasco, bought a merino buck at tlioritiite Fair from which hu has since shear.'d a tli-eco weighing forty-nine pounds, Thu cost of the ani mal wu $ lot). IV"ple living on .Smith liver, DoiwImn coin ity, have jtetltloued for a po.stolllce, nsklng I tint It be rstahlUhcd at John Oman's and It beealledSulpliiirSpriug)'. Uuena Vista Items. HiihIhohs lively. C'hltuao lalmr can to proenrod for f 1 per wook, Tim bonis are oitrrylug oil u grtnl mount of grain hero at present. Mr. Wood, who wuh snvcrrly Injured by having log roll over him, la I ut rtcovor lug. Un Unt evening tho atar comical exhibit, oil at Wood's Ojwirn House. Mr. Joseph Smith Is making preparations to tiallil a lurtomw and Hearing mill. A dally call la niado for tenant bouses. We think It would bo a good apoculatlon for huiiiii tmterprlHlug man to hulltl muuoIioihon. A drift ranut down tint I.uuknmuto, alrtick tho now bridge, ami knocked It aainultir. I00 la otlored to any man that will roplaco it. A grand ttutnrtaltinutnt Is comtcmplatO'l to Ukn place s-h)ii, Proiveils to no towatila buyliiK a brill far tint now Academy, 1. Hy u.Nivmis.M. AivHi, M i:i s Cat iiaiitiu 1'lMant the IW.nl all piirttitlviali)r family 1 1 on, They ant lint printout of Ioim, labortotm, nail miiiviwiIiiI ehoinlis.il Invt-hllnalliiiiM, ami ili'irextailvouo, bv l'liyalolaiiH In their inMli'c,uiiil lv all otvllirwl nailou, ptot-H thorn llio lot and mo-t i ll'notiul puruatUo Tilt thaUitdlutlMiluou diviaa. i:,inij purely vegetablo no harm can arhn frem thoiriixe. In tairlnalo valna and curative irowdra no iiUmr IMIIn ran Ui compared with ilmui, ami uvt-rvpeiHiiii, know Iiik their vir tue w.ll employ them, whin netedoJ. They keep the i.vlem in pel ft el outer, ami iiialnWln In him'llhv action llio whole ma flilnerr ol llio. Mild, hoaiehliig ami i fleet nl, tliey are Npeelallv adipied u llm neetls orthedUestlVKKppiranx, dor-u go neiit of whloh Ihev prevent and cnie, II timely taken. Tlmy arjltie beittaml ait phvlo lo em. ploy for children and uotkonod MiitiUitlona wheniuiirhl, hut MtriiUHl. ouhartlo la ro quired, fn "sllv ll iliwlra, CaptUn .vuiu.oi tint ii Uuj of York, ha kindly co'iM-ntiM to cirrv all artlcloa intMidol inrixhlliltliin at tho lirl xhmI tiOU, ffeO of il.trt. (Utxl lime i no oiioiixt mi atto at UolM, wttlits la taken nut inurSimk river ou lh ).ikuif lilJ,oiHihliellie mouth ufiho lay ft ,, 1 ha limettouo U liirahauatlule aud of iha pureati'iallty. The Wheat Market- Quotations remain unchanged slncolast week. Portland advices state wheat at $2.10 por cental; Salem buyers aro paying $1.03 por bushel, and ovon though tho roads are borrlblo consldorablo wheat is arriving in wagons. Tho two warohousfis of Salem have each rocolvod about 100,000 bushols of wheat. Tho Salem Mills are about aB last year and may tako in tho samo amount In the hnrrotl yoar, which was l!00,fc00 bushels In tho yoar ondlng July .11, 1877. Tho I'armoru' waro- homo took In 90.000 bushels last year and will probably doublo It tho prenont yoar. Wheat receipts aro already 30,000 biiBhola in excess of total recolpts at this placo lait yoar and consldorablo wboat Is yet in first hands, to bo haulod as soon as the roads permit. This decldod Incroase is in the frco of tho fact that many porsons aro hauling wheat olso whero this year who haulod to Salotn last, showing healthy Incroase of pro duction. Quotations from Mark Lane Express of Monday, taken from the cahlo dispatch to the Oregonian , givo a promising look to tho English market, whloh remains firm not withstanding very heavy receipt. Restoration of peace In Europe will affoct the wboat market and caue senslhlo decline in prices. Mnoh as peace is to ho desired Irom motlvos of humanity It Is not probablo that llio prevent campaign will closo tho war, still that may be offocted by tho Intervention of tho Great Powers and those who hold wheat for a nso must rocognlzo that they tako tho cbancos. Orders for Immodlalo shipment havo. during the fall, been as hlfih as (Wo per qu-o-torofCOO lbs., and wero lately ns Jowaso7a por quarter, and at tho preaent tlmo have rallied to about fiSi, hut tho docllno of frolKhts romponsalos for any docllno In KuropootlsrM, California Markets.. In tho San Francisco Commercial JtrraUt, of Nov. in. wo find many market und other Itoms of Interest. llalns had bloisod tho Stato at largo und firming operations wtro being pushod with vigor and much land under cultivation. Ktig-ir retlnora woio alarmed ut (ho urrlt-al of sugars from tho Atlantic Slatos and had putdniwi prices lo to li-fo per lb. ro that tho sugar monopoly la not no exorbitant nh It was. Cubo aud crushed sugars, in l.irno quantity, wero HJ4o por pouinl nud yellow coll'uo lUiu por pound; quite a reduction. Tho salmon trudo was lively end prices uond, (fanned salmon was being received from Columbia river, Itoguo river, I'umjt Sound, Victoria, Kuroka, Cat,, nnd tho Sao ramentn. Total recolpts from Columbia river lo (Into wero 'J.ld.SJl cines; 0 1,000 ease. had been received fiom all othersourcos. California medium breakrast bacon was quoted I'Jo to llo, cloar sldtu l.'M to l!Ue, Kisturn hams llio to HJJji, California dlt:o I2o,hhoaldoratle, lard ltu tol.'l. Frelidits and ohaiturs wero dull; grain frfillits to l.lvornool wero .t'J, end hlow ui that. Hlx ships iiad cloaitd (ho tlrxtlmll' of November, and ten mnro werein liorth to reeelveeirKoiis. lltporta xay tn.it no mora Hmn l'),MK) tons or wheat rumilu tnhoHlilp pod, and Ilia llerttltl elves a lint of rri.(M)l) Ioun dbongHged Nhipplug, which le.iyoM i.o room lo doubt that von-cls wdl ho ou hand to ii-lciiall our wheal allow ftoluht. Oil" worn very dull with froo suppllo from Orcfion. liny and all sorta of mill feed woro In good demand at rather blub prices. Halter was plentiful and llio aupplv so ureal, that the "bottom hud dropped out ol the nurKet." Orrgon applna wero frnsly received, qunla tlohh ua followH: Choice, 7.V) in $1 i'u p-r liox; eonmiiiii, f)io to "So per box. itost eHt iK pxara7So lo Sil pur box; coekliiK ponra, lOo lo IKIo por hox. Krled applex, -I lo (to per lh,; piMii'ies, 7 toSi imr lb.: peirH.ll to su P'.t lb ; pilled plums, PJ), to llo per lb.; prunes, Vi lo l,'j per lb. Farmers, Tak Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. THAT OLD FI.OW OP TOUflS CAN BB MADK ascoodai new at JOHNNY KNIGIIT'S Black imlth Bhop, ou Commercial ft., below Wade'i hard ware tore. for a tmall ontlar of coin. Brlue In your old riowe. and tee If I don't do as I far. ocim joiinnY KrrionT Europeun Grain Market I)tulon, Nov. 21. The Mark Lane Ft. ur.iiuuya tho nllnlilly tinner touuoflho foreign wheat trade the paHt week Isdouht lo!w accounted for by llio KiikIUIi ykil turning out badly In quantity and condlilon. I'liii enormous ahlpimutN from Amuriri and larKU ainouiita of wheat ktloat, from this aud other source of aupply would under ordina ry circumstances reatrlot thu demand. In qulry has shown a decided Improvement, althomch with the largo Miipplv iourh)g In It la Idle to expect price will Iks to any ex tent allected by tho nuhanufl rtv,uot. Im porta of wheat Into Iondon'durlng tho past .oilnlKht havo been enonmus, Mouday'a lUtHhowlmr onward of 110,000 quartern, and roturna to Friday thu further arrival of 78,0 quai.era. Thu pressure to sell American wh( itex ship aud to avoid tho epeme of warehousing, has tended to a decline of a hhllllmt por quarter. Of course the largo lm (Hfits now arriving aro oonaiderably in ex coas of our Immediate requirements, but from the reeouttouo obaervahlo In trado, it Is evident that the outlook for holders is not ho glesmy aa so many might Imagiuo. The uouranol politics la bolug nhviely watched, and this la undoubtedly a weak olnt aa far aa ko'lora are coucrued, aa a termination of the war between Turkey nud llina!a would ml frisi uu uccumulatlon of uraln In the lllaok Sea poru and brlmr about for a time a N'aioof things not uullku a paulc In the wheat market. Out exnoriH continue filr as cheap while wheat In in request to supplemeat deth'lent harveat In Fiance. Feeding corn ia quiet TtiHrola very little altera'.lon In value of btrluy . eta aud iimUu. with fair arrU rla at IHirlHofiull, tho wargi) trado for wheat haa ruled aieady at an Improvement of at. out il pre im per ptuvrler. Maize ha advatu-uil to a blmllar extent. Tho S.iletn Market. Wheat In farmers' hands l.tVSJ pr bn. ol; naia,4Su for good, loss hen. eclored by exio.urelo wealhei; butter, SSc: fKKHtbvf. oerdo ; apnlo, F0j totlVi ier tinshel; xi tio.tUU inlVi per luiHhel; bseou, aide, 12) nr l ; hams, I'.'Wu; ahouldera, 8c; lard, I'J I le. W. J. llerreu pays 47i onN f"rgood ca'.-. tau Fram-Weo .HmiUcI. 1t TILIUllAril. tUa PraeriKO, Not. St. Whrat-Mhireln-. - eu. (1 $i . ' Mr. T. F. i'uiiei, i nu i'H Ptyallan Vallv, retvntly ahtpped to foulanu 1,500 pniiudaof tobauoo, whloh he had rulaeJ upoa hla farm. DR. SCUV1LU MATHIEU. Thii eminent French Physician and Surffcon, nwZ inventor of the PARIS S PI' liOMETEll, which has given relief to thousands of suffer era in Juropc and the United States, has treated successfully several hundred cases in Oregon, the most remarkable of which was that of Mr. J.V. Adkins, a well-known business citizen of Salem, who has been suffering for years with a partial paralysis of the right side, and was materially improved by a few days of Dr. Mathlcu't treatment. The right side of the face and right shoulder, in which there has been a constant sensa tion of coldness, and the nerves partially paralyzed, havo become warm and re sumed their natural action and feeling. Mrs. Adkins, who has been afflicted with catarrh in the head, has been entirety cured by a few days of the Doctor's treat ment. lie has testimonials from a number of persons well known in J'orttand. DJi. MATHIEU has permanently lo cated at the corner of Third and Morrison strccets, Portland, Oregon. The P. I'. T. Co.'s Steamer FALL TRADE, IS77. Great Bargains for Cash ! New Goods! -AT- BREYMAN BROS.1 Having bought our Fall Slock at Great Reduction on Former Prices ! Wo .are prepared to clve oar customer the benefit of the redaction, and offer a fall line or WILL tCAVK fortlmul Ji- liueim "Viwtu untl AVtiy L'oi'tH, EVKHV TUESDAY, THUIWuAY, A SATUHDA. Patroiiizo Your Own Boat rrotccllon ngitlnst High Ilntc iinriuitcccl ! fl FR S Bill, Is ngain at his Old Stszxcl t. DURBIN'JI COUNEE, With an Immense Stock or Dry (iiaocl:,t;lof iilnx, Hats eniw, Hoots tuul Shims, Yankee IS'o- tinus, Cent ami ladles Furn. iKiuiifj: r?i()l,To;)U!cos nlul Cigars, Trunks, ami "Va lises In fact. Kvrry Ihln;; in the Dry Ceoils line yon AVant, at priees that Avill DEFY COMPETITION! octttr Good Farms FOR SALE. O 7 ACItK-t OP LANII IN MAItlON COUNTY. Ut) I OroL'tin, lea mile north of halem.on thu Dnytuu uil Whettlatiil ixk t; U nculllul loostloo, ul l the TUX hcl land In tho Statu Can Iiu olvlileii Into hn e lmih.I lirair. Wo hare an offer fur a part of thW pUca at in par aero, which would leave tho bal antu of tho laul In a tnuaru IhhIjt of ui) acre. SOU of which In utvlor cultivation; Itxi ncri'ii lai-lird. Joining thu cnltlrati'J Oelili'. that cnald be vatllpH r aily for thu plow, hatlni; boon lathu4 roin nvo o ten jvntt. All ihu bullilinvif aro on the MX) aero tract, and. for which wnonljratlc 30pr aero Thi( who are In earrhof uohI Unit hnuld Koanil m-c thl place. For particular, rati and eo the proprletorf, AWO, QOJ3ACI!K-t OK l.ANt) IS MAItlON COUNTY. OrrxDii, two and t half inllea from (iervalr, and about tho Mme dltancu from Wondburn, Ifiutron thu llutto lllrud. It a dculralite location; In the very bett ltialliyuf Und. arkunwliilt'd to b ono of thu hvii urm on French I'ralrle by ml who aru acqiiatrtrd with thu rountrr, S'il nov of thU tract U umlvrcal tlvatton, thu balnco of the trct. M acrr, Utlnilivr. There U a to erahlu lixhI ilwelllni; luimo on thU plact'i tuo ciMkl btnu, with plenty of tu-J room lur .lock. For fall pattlcutar. k and ret. 8. II A s T NOTIICUTT.. On tho premt'ea, or addrcta them at Wheatland, Or. Noy. 21. bit. irup'd. SAVE" YOUR FRUIT! osozigs BAniur FORTABLE PREXIUH FFUIT DRYER, Heat, Clirapmt and mont Krouomlrul. Itiulrlns but utvub rt'au Uric allkimk of fruit or Mjcubli. aud produce. rUln iomI to any nuito nader tho run, or by any o'her )tu-m, rhu tlr l unrroaudi'd by nter, thereby nuking U ale, Ilcanbolell to no ll ou work mUUu )oii leep. Thodrjer Itmtdisof dttrervit capaclt.va, util la aold ftom 7T to smioo. The,i ono of lha Dryrr In operating i mile eatt cf Sttlum, at hwarta't place Thu.o wl.Utuj; l)rer tho'itd not fall to naralna II AllltIV beforu purtnaa. In.'elewhoro. State aud County Itljhu for lu on reixuiablu tenon. For ruitler Information, addrcn NEWTo.V llllADLKY. rialem, (Inpon, $3 HOU n.ATl!D WATCII KM. Christ inih known orll. Aiutpt H'ok-frn o .aVtaM. AaJjwa.A.CoCLiaaCo,Cbkga. GontH' and J3oyN' at lcea than ever before. Alto, DRY GOODS, AND - DRESS GOODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, To salt our Lady customer, at reasonably low prlcci BOOTS AND SHOES, Hatg and Cnps, At Prices that dofjr Competition I GE00ERIES, 0E00KERY, HARDWARE. A full atock of thofo nrllclH. ti an It tho Country trado, In both prices and quality. CARPETS AND" OILCLOTHS, Wo will closo our stock of theso goods out AT COST! AT THE WHITE CORNER. Kxcliaiigo $2500 AYKAtl. AgrnUwantod. Iliul. neat lettttnute, tartlruUn fire. AUnwJ V0ITUCO..8UU.t Wo Invito our friend to Country Products FOR OUIt GOOD3, Anil wo wl.l not only aoll at wlncm! CASH ratoK, tint will allow thuhluhust market rutua lor ull tltny havo to dlsposu of. Call and See our Stock. I. &, 13. IIIRSCII, OltlSWOriD'S IILOCK, r-cSSml Coaaierelal btrcct, SALKU. Carminative For Diarrhosa and Dysentory nso nr. Jayiio'a Canuliir.llvr ITnMuni. Aa chungc.'i of cliniuto or water, ami In discretions in eating ollon product) thoaocotnplulnbi,truvoloranud others rihonld nhvnys kocp n bottlo of this remedy by thom. It never Cilia to tmbduo tho moat violent nttneka, and it la equally sorvieoiiblo for Cramps in tho Stomach or Ilowc!, Griping Pains, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cholora In fantum and Colic uao Dr. jujucv ' Corralnatlvo Ilnlanm. It romoves nil BoroncHH of tho abdomen, nllay.s tho Irritation and calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may nhvnys bo relied on to glvo imiucdlnto rollof, and besides bollix otroctual, is a pleasant and aafo romedy, easily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affectlon8 uso promptly Dr. Jajrne'N Carminative Dalsnni. It chocks tho Diarrhoea, nupprcasea tho Cramps which generally accompany attacks of Cholora, and conquers tho dlacaso in IU Inclploncy. It haa frequently boon administered n nolghborhooda whoro tho Cholora has been raglnR epidemically, untl it has aoldom failed to givo Immediate and poriniiuont relief. Tho Cnrmlti ntlvo haa malntninod IU reputation as ti Curative for nearly forty years, is equally effective in all latitude., and na a Standard Ilouxchold Heme. dy, should bo kept iu every family. T A. UAYI3 A CO., Orecoo. VhoteMla Acentt. Poit'antl Great Koduction ! HARDWARE nr.TAH.KD AT Wholosalo Prioes, for Cash MyStnck 03ns!a:a of aliCI.F ami BUILD- KRS Hardware, Mt-rhanuV Tools, Shovels. N.U1, Uojai, etc. joiii rTfostur, omS cor. Stark Fr.au .l. lMiltHLAMD J. A. 8TRATTO.V, Attorney at Law, SALEM. OREGON. Oeacabute8trtt.:oppo(li4 tie UaaneU. Honae. ClotlXJLXXSTy DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, Etc., etc. Tilts Stock linn just been pur cliONCtl by Mr. WB3RKER RREY niAIV in Now York and San FrnuclHco, nml, owlnpr to tho extremely low prlccN In GoodN and FrclshtN, wo nro nblo to glvo better ImrpuluK than ever. WE ALSO MAKE A SI'KOtAt.TY OP Carpots, Oil-clotlis, Ctirtiiliiw, IVTuttiiix, Szc FARMERS' PRODUCE Tutccu in Hxchnnco for CooUa. usr Call at tlio Whito Corner. BREYMAN BROS., Salonx, Ox-.SK3 Oc'. iu Oldest Houso in tho Trade. J. B. CONGLE, MAKUKACTUUKIl. Wholcsalo and Rslall Doulor In nil kinds o SADDLES, . WHIPS 'L;islic?,Trunk3 Xa. 73 Front .Street. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. m mm Alo, ki-npn cotiftintljr oa hand a largo HHortmcnt of ND SADDLERY HARDWARE. fl'Solo Acont In Urouon for tho Carbollr.cd lloso, at San KranclHco prices, with Freight added. Kcpnlrlupr trouiitly Attended t NEW GOODS, Mammoth & Turn-Table Apjile-Parers, 1 Ictclier rost-IIolo Augers, Meat-Cutters and Stuflers, Blacksmith Drills. Tire-Bonders and Up-Sottors. PruniDg-?aws, Knives, and IVOIM II1MJP & THOMPSON, WnODESALI AND llKTAIL OlAUIB.1 IN Hardware, Iron. Steel, & "Wagon hntl Uarrlago Material OK ALL KINDS. 420 A; 131 Trout St.. I'OltTLAITID. SALEM FOUNDRY, & f ACachiuo Bliop, ALKlt. . . OUEGOK. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. TTKAM KNQINE9. SAW MILLS, GIUST MILLS. 3 Keapeia, I'umpt, and atl kind and tyle of Ma! aitnery made to order. Machinery repalrod at a f hort aoiIc?t trai,er?;l?lk,nf done la a" -riou forma, ind all ktndi ot lire and Iron CaHinca fnrnlfhodat 'dHTIt.1'0, Al'..,n,I?.l!?S(''cturcr of JiNTKRI'ItlSB Pfc5SIL " i'ATt'UK". nd bTXUKKHS ana sHAPKIU MT4wtl WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Feed, Por Ono-Tontli Toll, ....Auo.... Sash, Doors. Blinds, SadCcvHlcH-ragaw , Turnlnfr. Slalr work, lledHteadk), HureauM, ttanli, Tnblcit, FANNING HULLS, And all klndN of Furniture, At BKD-ROCK PMICW. Sara at Ap'lcnln'l Wrjka. baltdlic. kslcM. e9j O. P. IkKMia, ( , J -5MI i':v ' V$ . V za . ,V,.,. jC,iy:.,.,i