tasrfiHMwraottwga mi WILLAMETTE FARMER. JH& w: ; ' Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock, a flro alarm iras given, and the flro proved to be In the fourth ward, and a building belonging to Mr. Ueoreo Lesllo. The Fire Department tnrnod out in full forco, but before reaohlng the spot the flro was put out, and thoy ro turnod and housed the machines. The flro originated, it is supposed, from a spark from the flreplaco, and caught in tho partition that joined on to it. Tho lire burnod through tho partition, and up through tho colling to the roof. Mr. Loallo was in tho house at tho time asloop, In an adjoining room, and the smoko in tho room woke him up. Tho flames burnod vory slow, as tho building Is hoavlly plastered and vorv tieht, and no Tontllntton could be bad. The damage dono amounts to about 50. The building Is insured in two companies, at f 1,000 each, and ropresentod by Mr. L. 8. Bates, of tho etato Investment, and Mr. A. F. Whoeler, of tho Uvorpool, London andOlobe Companies. Handaome Bridal Pretest. Mr. A. B. Oroasman received yesterday, by express from San Francisco, an elegant and elaborate solid silver tea sett from the houso of Trlesttfc Frlodlander, as a bridal present; also from tho houso of A. B. Elfelt fc Co. n beautiful silver plo knilo. Tnoso momontoes aro from tho firms that Mr.Croas man has dono business with for years, and aro not only valunblo, but mark tbo.lilRh appreciation that thoso merohnnta of tho Bay City havo lor their Sitlom, Oregon, customer How it is Bono- Tho first object in Wo with tho American poople is to " got rich" s tho socond, how to logaln good hcnltb. Tho first can bo obtain, ed by energy, hotieMy ntitl Having; tnoauo ond, (good health) by usltic Giikks'm Alio ViT Flowiiii. Should you bo a dcHpondont nuflorer from nny nfthoulfdcts of Dyspopila, liivor Complaint, Indlgostlon, ifco., sunn rs Hick HondHoho. Palpitation ol tho Heart, Sour Stomach, lliihltunl (JoHt'.venesp, Ulz.l noss of tho Uond, Nervoim I'rnstriitioii, Low Spirits, ifco., you need tint sullbr anotbor day. Two dovn of Auouht Fixuvku wlU rollovo youatonco. bamplo Hotllfs, 10 coots. 1'og ular nlro 75 coots, Poslllvoly sold by all iliBt-class Druggists In tho U. a. Hyatt' Xj1xo 33o.lHin.xxx. As ft conqueror of Jthoumatism. Gout. Nou ralgln, and euro lor Scrofula and all dlseakos arising from Impurity of blond, tho old and reliable Family Modlclno, Jlyatt'H Life Hal nam, stands unoqualod, as proven by over 1500,000 great cures during tho pastSOyoars. Is a radical vogotable Compound of Sarsapa rilla, Dock. Gualacutn, fco and a permanont euro. Sold by all druggists and country Srocors. Take nothing elso, and if thoy aven't It wo send by exprots, boxed, evory. whoro, al8L and $1.25 per bottlos $5 00 and 10.50 half doz. IIyatt A 11 yatt, 1M0 Grand at., Now York. ioc4. i.arr'7. T&e OBly Strictly Wholesale Drag Douse la Oregon. T. A. DAVIS & CO., 71 Vroat Street. PORTLAND, OREGON, o ,KFEIt TO TIIK DMJQ AND OENBRAL MKB- cnanalf e traae a complete iriora. ui Drugs. Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals. Glassware. Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all to sod qualltlci. WHITE LEAD, Of H tho leading brand, In tint and keg, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Red Load, Olue. VARNISHES, Including the nuet brand ;for Coach Fainter' nie. Fatal. Whitewash, asd VarBlsb Draskei, LINSEED OIL) to barrela and cana. YarpeiitlBO, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, lard Oil, Xcat'sToot Oil, Flsk Oil. Alcohol, In barrels and caace., Blue Vllrlel, Sulphur, Castile Soup, Conceal rated lore, 1'OtUNh. 3SlttoxrM nil ltJxida. Quicksilver and Strychnine. tah, In Quart. Half Gallon, One-dallon, and Five-Gallon Cant and Harrel. etc . etc. We ar. Agent tot Oregon and .Waahlncton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USE for Jfallltkrd' 'arbo'lr Cheep Pip. Wakelce'n haerp Italh and Nqul-rtl f Isoa, Mei'a aa! Jajne'a rraprlettry Medicines. r& We bur oor good from flrat hand, thu en. bUoena to compete with any market on the Coaat, aa a comparlion of oor pilcce will prove. my9 3H: 1 1 -xxr Ck, TJL J3L i NUKSERY. SETH IUELLING k SON, FRUIT TREES, coHiunno or Apple, Par, Peach, Plum, Chr ry, Prone, And many other mlKellaneona Tarirtlea, the price, of wilch veurt reduced to rnlt tbe.tune., bend (or a catalogue. BKTELUKLUVO SUMMIT GREENBACK CLUB. Summit, Benton Co. Or., Nov. 12 77. I am Instructed by the Summit Green back Clnb to request you to publish tbo en closed "Platform," as copied from Pomoroy'a Domocrat. Some three month since we or RHnlzod a Greenback Club, at this place, and now have thirty members. Wo pledge our pclvea not to support any man foroffico, na tional, State, county, or precinct, except he bo a straight out croenback man. Wo meet at tbo Summit school house, tbo 1st Satur day In each month, at 1 o'clock, r. )t. At our next meeting we electa new set of otllcors, and expect n good turnout, and ns tho two old parties nro dead In this precinct, we Intrnd to bury thorn and prench their Tuneral ermoti on that day. Everybody Invited to attend. TLATFORM. 1. Tho Greenback Dollar must bo a lejral tender for the payment of all debts, and by tho Government Issued, protoctod and re ceived at par with gold, 2. Tho Greenbaok to bo the legal tender money of the country, and to be Issued by the Government. 3. The General Govornmentalone to issuo money, and this for the benefit of all, and not to, through, or for tho enrlohrnentof National Bankers. . All kinds of property owned by indi viduals or corporations to be taxed alike. ft. The Immediate calling In of all Unltod States Bonds and paymont of thorn, princi pal and Intoros'., In legal tender lawful green back papor money or tho United States, and that overy dollar of such Issuo of legal ton dor lawful money to bo protoctod by thoGov went as nt par with other lawful money In gold or sliver coin, novcr to bo converted Into bonds ol any r.tto or c)ns. 0. Honesty and conomv In tho adminis tration ol publiu nllalrx. TllCS. MAItlttOTT, Soc. THE SUNDAY LAW. Dayksvill, Nov, 10, 1S77. I saw In your lssuo of Ojt. HUi, n nlu:o lutndtd Siiudity Lav: You say liavlnu; bcon ropoatcdly askod what tho oxlNtlng lnvs woro In regard to tho profanation of Sunday, and you quoto from ilioStiUuto of 13(11. That law wasamoudtd In lbtVi, and roads as lollous: "If any person Mmll keep oj)eu any store, shop, gro:ory, ball alloy, billiard room or tippling house, fur purposo of labor or tralllc, or imy i)lnc(i of amuiemeut on tho first day of tho week, commonly culled Sunduv or Lord's day, such porson upon conviction thereof, slinli bo punished by n lino of not loss than llvo, nor moro than fifty dollars, provided that tho abovo provisions shall not apply to tho keepers of drug stores, doctor shops, undertakers, 'II vorv stablo keepers, barbers, butchers and bakers; and all clr cu instances ot nocossity and mercy may bo pleaded In doforonco, which shall bo treated as questions of fact for the Jury todetermluo when tho oflence Is tried by a Jury." An I havo atkod this sumo quostlon ro poatodly,you would probably do tho public aravoroy publishing tho actus amended. You will llnd It in tho now codo, page 4'M, soctlon OGS. A. Htim'Iik.nh, J. P., North Salem Precinct. More) Had Look. Mr. Eph dinger oan have moro bad luck than any other person in sovou Statos. This morning. Just a few moments before train time, and while standing In front of tbo Uhemeketa hotel, a boy camo along on the dead runon avoloclpedo, which caused the horses to jump and start to run, tbo young man that was holding the team reined the borsea for the sidewalk on the opposite aldo of the street, which they struok with suoh forco as to break out the Dole, and free thorn selves of the cab at tho same time; they then ran down the street about a hundred yards. and whenjuatattho brink of a slight grade iue poio, wmou was sun attacneu loinem, tripped them up, and away they went, "head over heels," down the grade, and ontauglod thonisolves in such a manner that thoy could not get up until several pieces of harnoss wero cut. The horses were not hurt, but It will Ibko a few dollars to repair tno damsgos to the cab and harness. The Council ought touo something about this velocipouo nui sanco boloro thoy cause a team to run ofl and kill Homebody. A Singular Incident. A young man named Goorgo Robort oroa tod quito a sensation in tbo lower end ot tho city ono day last week. II o foil suddenly 111, underllrcumstances which lod his par ents to believe that he had takon poison, with suicidal intent. An alarm was raised, the neighbors flocked In and the doctors were sent for In hot baste. The doctors could find no symptoms of poison, and soon succeeded In quieting the fears of bis anxious friends. Tbo young man was quite sick for a few hours, but on recovering consciousness put in an empbatlo denial as to having any suloldal Intent. We aro told ho Is rapidly convalescing now, but for a whllo the case created a genuine sensation in his lmmedl- ato neighborhood, it being whlsperod that mere was a gin in tno caso. Mercury, At the Recorder's Office. Oflloer J. W. Mlnto came into court tills morning haying in obargo ono Thos. War ren, whom ho had picked up during the nlghtand "put him In bis little bed" for safekeeping until morning. Judgo Bowie looked at the prisoner for a time and re. marked: "Thomas Warren, you areobarged with being drunk and disorderly; you are a man in whom I had better roason to think of than that you would be such a martyr to the cause of temperance in trying to abolish the liquor tratllo by swallowing all thoardent that you can getyour handson," ur words to thatetlect. "Thomas Warren, I shall sen tence you to pay a flno of Ave dollars and coHtH, and In default of which you shall go to 'Jug' lor seven days." lie went to "Jug." Foital Cfaaagea, A Washington dispatch of November 18th note tho following postal changes In Oregon and Washington Territory: Postofllces established White Hill, Lako county, Ore gon, William T. 11111. Postmaster; Carbon, Piercocounty, W. T., Henry Whetzell. Post master; Clinton, Whitman county, W. T John C. Wolf, Postmaster; Naselle, Pacific county, W. T,, Ole Anderson, Postmaster; Osceola, King countv, W. T,, Edwin G. White, Postmaster. Postmaster appointed C. C. Grain, renawawa, Whitman county, W,T. A daises Masoaio Lode;. The Chinese have at Walla Walla a sort of Maaonlo lodge, although nowise connect ed with the F. A A. M. of this country or Kurope. A few weeks ago at one of their reg ular meetings one of the charter members became riley and kicked the altar over, bursted the covenant, tore up the charter, pocketed the money and then amended to business in the woods. Doo Bently and the Chinese Deputy Grand Blaster followed blm to Wallula, but failed to obtain an interview, John got away with the lodge money and all, and left the fraternity in a rather heathenUk condition. Flax Im, The City of Salem arrived here iaat even. Inst, about half past eight o'clock, with 40 aasksof flax aeed, from CorvallU, for the Pioneer OU Mill Company. , TREATMENT OF DRUNKARDS. Tho Boston Commlsslonera condemn tho method of dealing with diunknrtls which is common in all our Inrgo cities, by which men and women arrested and charged with intoxication aro find in some small amount, generally $10,or sent to a work-houso or penltentiory for some short period, commonly thirty days. If tho flno Is pild tho burden falls upon tho family or friends of tho drunkard, who aro innocent of all fault ntid nro sulll clontly punished by tho moro fact of his drunkenness. If lio U sent to prison tlio term of liUconllnctnotit Is Umg enough for him to get sober, but not long enough for him to ncqulro hnbils of so brlety. Tho consequence is that a resto ration to liberty is followed by a now sprco and another commitment. Tho police statistics of London and Now York establish this fact bcyotid oerudventuro. In addition to tho tendency of this meth od of punishment to bear upon the inno cent and unfortunate, and its failure to reform tho vicious, tho charge may bo brought that It Is not economical ulnce It prevents tho continued and advantageous use of tho labor of those who are impris oned. Its worst defect, however, Is Its fnlluro to tnnko any distinction between drunkard and criminals. By confound ing both In tho sumo punishment the former nre degraded in their own opinion and In tho extlmntlon of thoconitmintty , and eventually driven to crime. "Doctor, my (laughter seems to bo go ing blind, and she's jut getting ready for her wedding ton! O, dear ine, what is to be doiieV" Lei her go right on Vtith the wedding, madam, by all means. 1 ('any thing can open her eyes, man luge will." Hitting Bull told the Commitslniicrs that he did not want to kill (Jen. Custer mid his command, but they fought m desperately and refused to surrender that ho was compelled to kill him and his troops. Sydney Smith onco ald that clergy men might bu divided into three chis-H's nlmrods, ramrods, and llshing inds. It w.ib not a cad epigram, but it 1ms been beaten by nn American, who says rail ways aro uuut upon tin ei gauges, tiroatt gauge, narrow gauge, and mortgage A sorrowing hush mil says that there Is a very marked dlHereiico between heav enly and humun angels. The former have only wings, whl.e many of the lat ter lmvo both wings and claws. Suspend a sweet potato in ajar of water. It will sprout luxurlently, and you may train the vines about your windows dur ing tho winter. Hunting for n needle In a haymow Looking fur tho place of our Congress man on tho committees. Patit LnroeBy. Ono Thomas Lee, who loft Albany by epo- day he .broko one of tho commandmonts of tbo decalogue ny talcing a coat tuai uia not belong to him and sold It to one Ghas, Hay den for the sum of 2 CO. Oflloor J. W. Mlnto arrested him, and this morning ho was brought up before Judge 0 W. Bowie for trim, it'ju, mtor uranug vuo icnuujuuy, uudu the "gentleman" I'O and costs: in default ol payment be was sent to tbo County Jail for tho torm of fifteen days. Bound Over. The preliminary examination of Lindsay DeLasbmutt and Hathaway Yooum, for tho robDing ora sard over at Huerldan. in Yam hill county, of which v.o made mention of a tow uays Rgo, was conciuuen last Saturday, boforo jubIIco Hombrlo.at Lafavetto: DeLasfi- mutt was bound over to await the action or tho next grand Jury in tho sum of 83,000. Hath away Yocum. ills father-in-law. was nut un dor 1000 bonds as an accomplloolnthocrimo. Tbo following letter was received to-day In answer to an Inquiry mado as to tho whereabouts of J, W, llodlnglou, formorly oi mis ouy: Pouti.ani, Nov. 17,1877. FltANK COOI'KJI. KbU; Goneral Howard directs me to say In roply to your letter of tho VMi Inst,, that J. W. Itedlngton was with hliu part of tbo lime as a scout. Ho does not know where bo Is now but thinks he went to Salt Lake. J, A. Sladkn Aid-do-Camp, Contract Let. Tho Paclflo Threshing Maoblne Company havo let a oontraot to Mr. Thos, Holman of (if this city, to build two seta of patorns for the Pelton horse power, one Bet to be a No. 3 In sice and tbe other a No, 2, The No, 2 will be sent to an Eaitoru foundary and tbeothor will remain here. When these patterns are completed, tne company wui rrom tuem, no able to cast three sir.es of those powori six, eight and twelve borso power. An Incident. A raggod tramp who had footed It through the rain and mud from Portland, walked Into U. I). Boon'M muhlo storo a day or two slnco and asked if ho might oi.en an organ. Permission being grantod. ho sat down and to the astonishment of all pientut played with tho finest expression Beethoven's "Sonta Patbetlque." Invited to Deliver tho Addreai. Hon. II, G. Htruve, of Olympla, has bon invltod lo deliver tbo adilresM at tho 25th annlvorsary of the Institution of Cbemoketa Lodge, No, 1, 1.O. O, F or this city, and C. B. Moores, historian, Tho time sot for this occasion is the Oth of Decembor next. Tbe Kmltn Family. A ftw days ago a license was taken out in tbeCountyClerk'AOlUcelnPortlsmLfbrJ.W. Smith, to marry Auna Itosette Smith. The allidavlt was signed by Samuel L. Smith, aau lueticenBe issueu uy jauies a. amitu, A Good Time. Great preparations are bolng made by tbe different committees to make the social danc ing parly at the Chemeketa on the evening of the 30tb, a pleasant affair. Prof. Diamond and bla string band are practicing every spare moment they have, and It will be safe to predict that it will be as fine muslo as can be bad In any section of tbe country. ApyolstsaanU. W.R.Dunbar will deliver public lecture on temperance, at tbe following times and plaoea: MoAlpIn School House, Thursday evening, Nov. ',22d; Howell Prairie, Friday evening, Nov. 23d; Dallas, Saturday evening, Nov. 24th; Jefferson, Tuesday evening, Nov. 27tb; Squirrel Hill College, some six miles South of Salem, on Wednesday evening Nor. 2S:b. A boy of flvo years was "playing rail road" with his sister of two and a half years. Drawing her upon a footstool he luiaglncd.hlmself both tho cnglno and conductor. After imitating tho pulling noise of tho steam, ho stopped and called out, "New York," and in a moment after "Patterson," and then "Philadel phia." His kuowlcdgo of towns was now exhausted, and nt the next placo ho cried "Heaven." Ills llttlo sister said eagerly, "Topi Ides I'll tilt out here." MILLINEEY AND NOTIONS. Having bought largoly in our line, wn are now proparod to furnish HATS and BON NETS, with all tbo latost noveltlos of tho soasou, at prices that defy competition, Call and soo for yourselvos, Noxtdoorto Breyman Bros., Commercial SI root. Mu. A Mas. WM. MILLICAN. oct.20ml. MARRIED: noWMAN.aARKETT-InDallaa.Polkeoiinty, November Htti, by tin Rev. J. Jamea, Mr. M. ft. Ilowmau and Mlsa Mary Onriett, all of Polk county KmNOFIl .IMMEIIS-In Portland, Novem ber lotn.by ftev. T. I.. Kl lot, Mr Wl'limn Kfllu gernml MU Viola .Imincrs, allot Portland, HPKCK-WINK8RT -N Orennii Clly. Novem her l'Kli, by tlu Hov. Mr. Uray. Mr. Ulmrle Hpcckumt Mist Dully Wlneact, ullor Portland. HMITH-HMITIt-In IliUcllV.bv H. . Jolumon, .1. V.. November Mill, 1877, (leoriiP A. Hmllli aim KtinnnHottttitHiullli, bothofMultnumnh rou my. SMl'H-WATT III Ihlt city, N'nv. I3lh, 1S77. IV ltuv, K. P.Tiiwer. lion. Knbrllut It, amllli mut Mrs Humh K. Wall, ullor thlteltj . Tho ninrrlnKo eorcinoiiy took placo nt tlio rctl. deiico of tho brh'c, KnalHnlcm, anil ataoni; thn Kiicn'h pri'NCtit rcro Mrt. Smith, need vi, ninl Mr.. Crafl, hkcu about 70, mother of Ihu croniu ami lirlile, V, K, l'rliiulo and wife, Mr. Joint lliUhcn and wife, Mr. O. P. i.llclilloUl nail wife, Hon. E. Htmug and wife, ami nuvcral Knnvu children of tho brltlo ami croont by former mar rlii(!c. Aflurasubrtniitl.il tveiltllns fonnt, tho happy pair left by tho l::o train fur a trip "Kail or tho Mountains," PltVrr-llAllCIAY-In Portland. Nov. 13th, Mr. Win, Print and Mint Ilattlo Hard ay. SPltAdUK-RUTTON In Portlainl, NnvoniVcr ai.Ml ilia hmuoof llio brlilo' inailior. by I lev. A, L. I.lniUlcy, I). 1) ,OllMHpni:ut-,or Kalama and Mavo ltcIcua,Uaushtcr of tlio lata John button, i;i. ANnKllSONIOHNSON-In this city. Nov.2P, 1877, by II. A. Johti"Hi,J, P., Mr. '. J. Ainlor un and MhtlA'tia JolitiHon, ail of IhWclty, DIED. VAUOIIN.WM -At Jeirrnon. November 13lh, 11)77, Wllllnill VilUKIiu,llKi'il 4U yeillH, IIADA WAY Near Diylon. Yinnlilllpoiinly. mi tho 13th ItiKt., William, noii of Hon. K.U. lludu way, orcoDKeatldiiortho Iuiiuh. KOICIINEH At urn on tho pnmaKofrom Honolu lu, Nov. 6, is7, on bonnl tho bnrk "Icrra Ne vada, Cnpt. Win. II. Kovrner, amil S3ycnr. WIM.IAMH-ln Enxt I'nrtlanil, Nov. 10, Mrs. Knlhor Williams, ngeU bOyrnrn. OREGON MILLS, North Mill Creek, Salen, ABK MOW IN Complete Running; Order, AND 1NVITK Custom Work. WELLER & WALDO, fiALIttI, Nov. 1. 1317. .TMf OBEGON STEAMSHIP 00. ItEGULAK LINE Between I'orlhuiil and San Francisco. T1IIIOI1MI1 TICKKTN Can bo pnrclia.ed at tlio urlnclpal Htatloun or the O. & O. It. It., at Roduood Unto. Btcamcra leave both I'ortlaniland Han FrancUco about Every Fivo Days, carrying I'a.tenecr and Preluht at tho I.OWKftT KATKS. It U tho only tin carrylnjr the II. B. UAIL8 and WKIXS, FA1UIO & CU.'t) EXI'HKHS. Tlio Htcamthlpa ot till. Company are rated A 1, and are new, elejtant, aud complete In every particular, and connlat or tbe State of Oregon, (Now building,) 3,000 tuna harden, George W. Elder, (1704 ton,) City of Chester, (1230 ton,) AJaX, (ISM ton..) Cor freight or ptiuage, apply at the Company' of tlce, corntr I'ancl Front rtJcete, I'oiitijinii, no-ill utni. w. WBiiu.Kii, Ageni, JOHN GRAY, Formerly la Durbln'a Illock, ha Ju.t opened a Large aud complete Block ol Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, ANII Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to Dalrymplo ,t Jlrown, HTAIIKi:VS IILOCK, NALB.1I, OH. VlllUI win. ns tout AT Lowest Cash Rates! iwpJIt! Oltl.UON ANU WAKIIINI.TON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (umruu.) Ofllce In Forllawd, SAVINGS II A. Mi IIUIMII.'VG, s'i Flr.t alrtet. I'rf.ldtrtnfSrolllih Ilfaid of Dlrrctnn, ALKXA.NI)EliaOUItLAV,Kl., Shipbuilder, Ilunden, Head Office, tl llank nt, Dundee. I'realdent of Oregon UoeM of Director!, DONALD MAUI.KA Y. Km., (of Corbllt it Madeay.) llanairln' Director, WILLIAM ItKID, Biq.,I'ort!and. Tbl HiTlnie llank receive depoill not only from tbe Uduttrialanc farming claarc of Oregon but alto from Hcollatd. lor tbe purpute oftarchr luvt.llnf ibe ame (along with II capital) principally on Ileal F. ttte Mortgage (ecured uter luprovrd Farm abd I'ortland Oily I'roperllti.and loatil.t i Depo.oi and other In lie mcllou oIUuIWId. nd liupibv. menu wllhln thebtate. !, made oil Heal Katatei 10 rtrcedt. T. H. Cox. REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Cl'y Warrants. Agents for Itccd'n Opera Iloose. C3onicc. nt tho corner of IlccU'a Opera Hostc, c33 SAIKM, OH. Mfl JNO. GRAN fc CO., FHONT ST., PORTLAND, Have Now Onennd Thnlr NEW FALL STOCK .or,. Stnnlo mill IT'niw.v DRY GOODS, ....AMI).... 3La Ac? i am' Dress Goods, An Immonso Varioty. EVERY DEPARTMEriT NOVELTIES. Oct 7. Sni i t, IIAIIVAIII) r. I', t IE. BRNAHD & LT2B. PRODUCE & COMMISSION FRONT NTKUUT, I'OUTM.'m), Wcl fIJo l)oik, corner Halmon nnj Krout 8H. Hpcclal alli'iillon kIuii to l'armc' I'roilnco of ai.i. mnim. Lot rlciiiiiviiN Killillnl. Hmo connection In 8u 1 miicIico ttlilcli malilo n to cit ihu bin market prlcci NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE HETWKGM San Francisco' and Portland. The P. OS. 8. Co. VITIUi IIKItKAVTtlt 11UN A LINK OK 8TKAM. lnchcloP;n,uKi,or,i,i!;'naOVlr, fi0 ' belW"n S'n AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. jr. mr. .ticciiakrn v no, ABU. X3T Tlckctt for ialo liy II. . BOON, Arenl. BAI.SM. MUSICAL NOTES. GARDNER BROTHERS" Are wboleaalo nil rota 1 1 doalera In Piano, Orn.UH,.Hhoot MuhIo, VIoIIiih, Accordion, Uniionlcuna, and mualoal inerohandlae Konerally, 0klnnd, Cnllfornln, havo recent ly oponed a branoli storo In Hnlorn, OreKOU. GARDNER BROTHERS Porno nally tiuperlntond tbolr bualnots In tlil.i Htato, bh wolt hh Calirornln, and will bo prompt in making Rood all contractu. GARDNER BROTHERS Havo alroHdy sold nourly two hundred Jn HtrumontH In thin Htato. GARDNER BROTHERS llayo ronr niithnrind aReiitu anllliiK from llinlr lioufo In tl)lHNtnto,lo-lt: A. L. Moyo. Albany: O. II. Hluck and !'rnnk II. May, Muleinj K. A. Ilalrd, Kukoiio City. GARDNER BROTHERS Piano bavA already becoino a ravorlta on tbo Coaat, It In made eajHwIally for tbe trade, and lHadaptod to tlio ollmatn on tblN Coaat, and ror romalnlntc In tuno. In Un adaptation to tbo parlor thoro la nono better. GARDNER BTOTHERS Havo novnral dliroront nianuraoluroHot Or- UallX. Klvllltr tllO llUbllll U vnrlnlv In 1an from, GARDNER BROTHERS Havo a l!rtit-olaH tuner In tbolr employ. All nrdow attendod to by addrosaliiK Gardner llrothorn, Halflin, Oregon, GARDNER BROTHERS Olvo a guarantee ror flvoyoarH, rorallPlano uud OrBnn, IfdoNlred. GARDNER BROTHERS Pay tbolr omployooa a nulary, not a oomauu hIoii, GARDNER BROTHERS Voulii Httilo, in auNMcr lo many InqulrlvM, Unit lliclr llrancli lloiiNo In Nalein In u itcrnmiicnt liiwllliilion. o-8tr.l wood pvhips. Tlio Ue8t and Most Improved l'urups now in idc. Tboy nreviiKArntund moro diiiiaiii.m than anv myle ol Chain Pump or water drawer Kvery man who ban had expe rloiico In tbo dlllerout ways of ilrawinK water known there la no way to Cheap. Durable, Conrenient, mid free from Imparting un- irniiny eioiiieniH an tlio plain wood till III n. Tlmv arn laklnir the placo ot all other meaua of ralalnK WHterrordomeailopur pow-. or for HAltN or S100K WKLKS. Water Pipe and EaveEpouU Wo uiumirMciiiru li)i hi va rlnuattlzox for onvfjlnir wa lor fioni prIifiN, hI-iii-, Ac, It x oliHap, but mil ftUntlal, J'or rurlbor pnr.iculma, apply to or uUd.iws C. A. IUxd. NoUrj Public. J I'll aoiluj A. 1'JJIiSCOTT, haletu, Or. i Je4 . "i ,jUI.Jtl- mmjmh it-jm &j '"