llnW.iLl.l.L".l?L,r"' '.- 1 . 4, WILLAMETTE FARMER. 1 US i t (B . If lSli tftDID ETXBY rBlDAT, BT CLARKE & OKA.IO, resuming a morwrTon. 8. A. CLAKICIi. . W. OUAIG. Term of ftfibacrtptlon. Ono copy, one jrcar (Mnnmber) $2, CO One copy, fix month (J' number) 1.26 Ono copy, thrro month (13 number! 1f Tbrre U ft lurtro liotueieu population In ttio l'alouao country, IHhiiiIu have bwu nourlinjln uuicu Uator than ahellor could I proTldeil. Lumbar haa btxm rtrtllnic from Mxtati to tblrlv doll are a thouaand all the ivMoii, and thtt aupply hu uovur been equal (o the demand, A letter from Dayton, V. T aays: On 3oar ago we had one general alow carrying altout a 120,000 atock, now we baTetbreegood brloka, carry ugfroui ItO.OOO to C,C00ach. other liruche uavo luoreAred lu Proportion. and In what cauaed thla Immigration of count, "aud luo eud u not ye;," HALI2M, FKIDAY, NOV. 23, 1877. Railroads for Oregon. Tlic quohtlon of railroad connection with tlio Eastern States la ono that comes homo to Iho pcoplo of Oregon and Wellington with inoro forco thnn nny other presented to us at tho preHont time. It Is true that tho western por lion of tho coast, except south of Doug las county, Is provided with averago facilities for travel nnd transportation or products, hut tho Stato languishes because hix hundred miles of sea voy age Isolato u- from tho rest of tho world, tho only alternative being that distance or more of tedious land travel. No country can prosper as It ought under such disadvantage". Wo pos.se.ss rt'Murci's that nro nlmot unequnlcd, hut they rotnaln in a great measure iindi'volopt'd hecati-u of tills remote nesiiiud Isolation from great centers or trade. Population cannot freely come to till up our waste places until we have means of direct communication wjiii tho Atlantic Mate. Kit si of the Ca-eadc there U slowly hut Mtrely devclopinga region or unex ampled rertlllty mid groat extent, that contains material lor an empire when Jl can compete on f.ilr terms with other IihhN in transportation facilities. WIiIUm cmagogties aro discriminating rgaiiiot laud grants and sudsldie.s, this Hcctlon of our country wait, because only g' eminent aid, to some reason able decree, can afford tho means to insuntiho building of tho road. Tho l.tnil giunls needed to accomplish this aro a trlllo compared to tho Immense wtsto or public domain heretofore- made to prolligat3 corporation, and it resem bles tho shutting or tho stable door nf ter tho horse is stolen, for Congress to now refuso needed aid, reasonablo in extent, to tho Tow very Important en terprises that require- It, and on which tho prosperity or vast and undeveloped jroglons must greatly depend. Senator Mitchell, as chairman of tho railroad committee, of tho Senate, occu pies a io-ltion where ho can bo of great use In procuring aid for whatever rail roads aro projected for Oregon, hut It may bo povilhlo to claim too much and lose all. His bill calling for extension of the N'orthorm P.urlfloland grant, aud also for a laud grant to aid tho Dalles and Salt Lake route, Is subject of much fommout. No doubt both roads aro Important, but ono or them Is or imper ative importance; ir only one can bo Hceured, wo havo no hesitation In con cluding that tho Northern Pacific Hhould be that one, ir possible, as It will give Individuality to Oregon com merce and dovelopo n great interior that would bo tdontlllod with in. Wo also think the construction or tho North ern road would spur up tho Capitalists or tho Union Paclllc company to push a branch or that road through to the Columbia river, and so compete, for a blmro or our trade. What Is ndeded at homo Is harmony or opinion and united action, and with out theio wo may loso tho respect or Congress and forfeit nny assistance ivoxiilbhi to bo obtained. Thoro aro al ways diverse Interests In every State, ami selllsh ends aro urged by many Mho claim to bo patriots, but vhoo patrlstUm Is kept In their pockets, sub ject to pecuniary considerations. Wo want as Utile of this as possible. Of cour.-o each section has Its especial railroad project, and believes It tho most Important. Viewing tho matter from u common huuulpoint, wlt" " personal Interest to Interfere, It noonis as If wo all ought to labor to complete the Northern PnbluY road, and for that cn.l to request tin extension or its bind grant under restrictions we havo before name I, In the Interest or actual settlors. Lot tltN road traverse the continent, and It will give an Impetus to business and Immigration that will make capitalist-, glad enough to speedily build all the other railroads wo havo need or. English Market for Beef Cattlo. For some time past wo havo recolved tiles or tho Kdlnbnrgli Scotsman, which has contained Interesting correspon dence from ono or tho force travelling through America and studying tho beer question, and utter visiting many sec tions or tho United States and Canada, this writer sums up his conclusions as follows: It is fully recognized by all actually engaged in tho trade, und many others who think over tho matter carefully and impartially, that uothing but tho very Ust quality of American beer will over meet with oven reasonablo favor hi Britain, or really nay reexportation. As already tatcd, a littio beof of second quality Is bolus: exported Just now, but shippers themselves say iiuu mere is a dmiiror of this damaging the trade ami as soon as cold weather sots in, and larger supplies of the best quality ot beef are available, tho shipping or sec-otid-rato beef will he iibuudoued. lhit PATBOHS OF HUSBANDRY. It li very plain to see that In all parts of the United States there Is less of the enthusi asm and eagerness that characterized tho Patrons of Husbandry at the outset. Al! such movements are apt to call out wild and sangulno anticipations and enlist the sympathy and support of a class who roach conclusions rashly and nullor disappoint ment as a natural conncquonco. Tens of thousands of such Joined tho ordor on specu lation, bclleylng they could chango tho wholo order of business at will and ro model government and society to suit their Individual Interost. All thnt was ncodod to attract such to any cause was to cry down monopoly and declare that tho farmer was tho most abused man on tho faco of tho outh. All that was noodod to weakon the allogiancoofsuch, was to havo him dlscoror that thoro were no rich spoils to reward the grangorand that reforms, howover greatly needed, cannot be accomplished In a day, and, that capital wonld not surrender all its hard earned privileges at one summons. The fact that visionaries and setflsh en thusiasts havo lost their coal and ovon withdrawn from tho ordor is no ovldenco that tho success of tho Patrons of Husbandry his not far mora than realized tho expecta tions of tho founder. Wo bollevo, on tho contrary, that tho wildest anticipations of tho romnrkablo mind that concolvcd and u.nliorntod tho wonderful Hystem oi tho order, no vcr reached to what It hasHulldly nttnlncii and now portr.anontly remains. Tho only qtiostloim is if tho solid portion cf tho dinning community will do (heir part fultlifiilly to sustain Its principles nnd main lulu Iho iiscfuliu sh of tho organization, and wo unliQtltatoliigly bollovo lluy will. .Vow that lliuro N no spcuulntlon loft to blind tho oyoi of adherents, and lemon tho iill'tist nnd results or good principles, It Is wull worth while- to sit down and count up nil Its acli IvciuuntH during tlio flow jom It hits hod existence. Go back only n lmlf r do.jn years in our national history and you will find that thoro was no direct and In (el)iglblo bund of sympathy bo'.wcan ngrl oiilturlstH, ovon of tho samo county, much lms ol any rrcat (itato or tho wholo nation Now tho enso Is vastly different. Tho bond of sympathy Is direct and can bo iniulo In tolllglblo at ihort notlco through tho columns of hundreds of nowspapors that aro doyotcd to tho IntorcHtH of ngrlculturo, or can bo hoard prlvatoly through tho tons ol thou sands of subordinate granges all through tho nation, Kurthor than this, this ordor has encourag ed tiuokoclal progross and Intellectual ad vancement. It has spread culturo In neigh borhoods and croated friendship out of In dllfaronco, Tho points, though so lightly alluded to, worotho chief of tboobjtctsof tho foundor of tho ordor, and his mission la finished in their success, but thoy do not constitute all by any moans, of the popular advantages roallr.od. It Is also (ruo that corporation In busl noss matters has succeeded in breaking down aomo odious wrongs aud his roduced thoprlcoof many things In tho interest of thofarmor, Wh Ho co-operation has not al ways suocoodod In its alms, bocausoofin. Htiulolont oxperlonco, or capital, or both, yet tho errors mado havo sorvod to blaro tho road for roasonablo corporation In tho future, and much has boon ac:ompllahod In tho prcsont, Wo look upon tho social features of tho grango as most valuable of all, aud tho man or woman who undervalues thcto and sor rows bocuuso thoro aro not nioro specula tive rewards to bo soaurod, is unworthy of tho spirit In which tho order was founded aud usoloss as a working monitor thoroof. Tho material that has fallon away from membership has been an element o? weak nets In almost oyery caso. It Is posslblo aud advlaablo to begin aud lay foundations broadoraud stronger for tho futuro; dis couraging wild uhemes, depending only on common senao Idea, good social maxims, aud true business principles for a still groat or success, Wo bollovo tho grange to bo capablonfn great aud pormanout work If tho lntorostcan bo sustained and Intellectual culturo and social intercourse be considered Jn great put as tho objeets to ba attained. Those objootaaro practically within roach, whllo the work of remodeling and purifying the business of the world, (which stands as the result of all man's oxperlonco.) must necos wanly bo slow, and whatovor reforms am utH'ossary aud attalmblo (aud no doubt many reforms aro noodod) will come as the result of combined , practical etlort exorolsed ns tho result of mature experience. No Nintll results have already boon nttalutdaud many more iut follow. oven this second-rate beef Is many de grees better thnn that raised on tho prairies of thoextrnino west and south: and as the best beef costs about three cents more, thero is no doubt that the best quality of American beef Is quite good enough to command salo in British market nt a very fair price what that prlco Is, may bo seen afterwards; but I do not hesitate to nlllnn that tho ordi nary, or common beet of America tho beef or Texans, Cherokees, and tho "common" American cattle, so often spoken or in my letters will never meet a steady demand In Britain, or realize such prices as would remunerate Its exporter at leait so long as It ro malns or tho quality It now is. And I expect to bo nblo to show that a very largo percontngo or the wholo Ameri can supply or beef mutt bo classed as common American beof. Mv firm Im pression Is, thnt until both tho class of cattlo nnd tho modo of their treatment aro greatly Improved the British mar kets will nover bo disturbed by tho or dinary beef of America, but that tho best qnnllty of American beef will bo poured in upon us, and will find a mod erately ready sale nt n certain prlco. Thk Last Rosk op Summkk. We are undor obligations to Mr. D, D. Prottyman for a boautlful bouquet, composod of pstnslos, rosos, canterborry bolls, and many othor kinds of blossoms, daintily arrangod, to gotbor with autumn loavos. Florvor.'iaro now almost out of toason. "Rather yo rosobuds whllo yo may, Old Timo is still a living: And till- sntno lower that (-miles to-day, To-morrow will bodying." HAWXEY, DODD fc CO., Portlund, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Line of AGEICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS., WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED Flows jrate. j fsasjr. - 4T Iac MOLINE.IIX. WIHCIl COmtJllie 1110 greaiesisirenglll, HMrumu umm-as, uuu wuuiumy. DEEItE Is the solo Pntenteo of tho Wrought Block and Welded Frog, and their Plow Is tho only Plow so mndo. Tho Plow's mouldbonrd and Bharo aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEERE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. An Interesting communication from Mrs. K.S. Hunt, Lootnror of tho ytato Grnw?u, giving notes of travel, wo recolved too hlo fjr publication thU week. Planes! Organs I! Gardner Urns., Grlwold's blo(k, S.ilom, havo dono nn Immoneo businoss tho past seavou Nolllng their Musical Instruments through all parts of Oregon and especially in tho Willamntto valley. Tholr stock is tho largost In tho Stato. They claim that thoy cannot bo undersold and thnir instruments carried on tho llrst promlums at tho last Slato Fair, which gives strong ovidonco In thoir favor. All persons doslrlng to put chaso organs, pianos, violins, guitars, olarlo nots , horns, II u ten, drums,--ln faot any musical Instrument known In tho musical artofour day, should not fill to call on Gardnor ilros. Sheet music a sreclalty, and tho noweatand flnest productions of tho best com post rs constantly received and kept on hand. Thoy havo sold between SCO and 300 organs and pianos within tho past fow months. .1J.-MiU' Tho greatest Labor-Saving Implements yet Invented. VaMly Improved for Fall of 1877. COO So3d lax OrcEoa ixx. Ono Yonr. Xir Kvorv Kiirmnr Interested. Tho Deere Sulky is tho only Slni'lo-Lovor Plow mado. EASILY OPERATED. So constructed that by a ll?ht motion or tlio Lover tho Plow is run out of tlio ground nnd raised clear, by horto- Insicnd ofmnn-pouer. It la (stronger and loss complicated than any other. Solo Agents for tho well-known SOUTH EEIfD OHXZ.LSD-ino:T FLOWS. BUCKEYE.DRILL6 and BROADCAST SEEDERS The most successful in use. Too wcU known to need comment. L.JJJi5reSS Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. - FARM GItlST MILLS, all alyleannd prices. FAN WILLS. Send for Special Circulars. USE THE Flax-Seed. A 8 AN INDUCEMENT TO INCREASE THE production of Klix-Skd, the underpinned gno outlcfl that they will tmrcbat o at tlio IllRticst market Price, or will contract for all that may be offered of next caon' erop, thiouqh their aeenti. Mcitra. ALI.RN A I.KU'lri, of l'ouTiJkNO, from whom feed can bo hid upon application, JUIIK . KITTLK, Maimncr of tho Taclfle Oil and 1jv I Woikn, Nor. . ISTIiriO SA.Y t'UAtt'CMCO. JtJxecutrix' Notioe. riUIE nndurnlcued haln bceu duly appointed ex. X ecutrlx of Iho Ut will and leUmint of Jame XcCubtiln, late of Marlon county, deceased, theraforo all prout havlnc claim aealntt raid decedent'a t'; lato will present them, properly verified, to the on dcrrlriirii, at her rrrldenco, In North Salem, within rlx month from thlt date, and all pereoni Indebted to tild etatu Hill pli-ano make Immediate payment to Iho uudcrritfncd at tho fame place. luted at salcm, itarlon county, Orecon, Not. !9tb, 1877, 1UHHAUA MiC'llllllIN, novSIwi Eaecntrlx. Final Settlement. NOTICE la hereltyklven that Mary J. Wenton, ad mlnlftrator of Ue eftata of David Wctton. de eeaied, haa thlnday tiled In the county court of tho Htato of Ort'iron for tbo county of Marlon her final ac count In raid ct'ate, and Mid court haa appointed Monday tho fcvenlh day of January, 1878, at It o'clock a. m., rirthe heariauof objection thereto; tbereforo all perron Intere ted In tald ertate are reoulred to hjcctl MAltV J. WKSTON: appear at f aid date at the court hour e In fm county, torn and there to make ohje allow auce ol raid account. If any ihry hi -ttu I Admlntrtratrlx of Ettate of David enon. Notice. A PETITION hailnc been tiled la the county court ol tho State of Orrjron for the county of .Mailon. for the appointment of a. rl. ClreRoIro a guardian of the rlaio of frank bloae. a ton-retldeut mluor, and Haturdty, December 13, 1877, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, having been appointed for hrarluj; the fame, now, therefore, all inrron Interested aro hereby re inlred to appear la raid court, at the curthoue In Stlem. In ald couuty, at ald time then and there to rhuv caure why raid E. H, (Ircfolro thould not bo appointed a uch cuardlan. JOHN C. l'KKIILES, noa.l3 Couuty Jnd.-e. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Willamette University. riVIK TWEI.KTII ANNUAL COUltSK OF UEC A. tuie til commence .Tlooday, Dec. 17, 1STI. Miident", rnarrtxtni; In ttioclly, am reiuertid to rail at ouce on the Dean. tjt L, I.. HOWLAWB, n. U llran.B T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... XalXM.xzxafa3laita , I'aUon'r nlock, Bute ttrcet, Salem, Oregon. ARTICULAB ATTKNTtON OIVKN TO TUK Kriptlont, and all ordera by mall or exprtai filled promptly aud accurately. rcvtlclau and Country Dealer will ave money by examining our Mk, or procoilas our price, before parckattcc vlrcwber. no5-tf. HBAVBB OLKN LL INTRNDINO TO rLANT THIS 8EA80N A LI J. hould call at thla Narry, and av the Aeeat'a aififfvfir CommUflon, boTpd Or. XK7. IN THE WORLD! not Deoelved! See that our Trade Mark is on eaohiPackage! I S -d 8 O o f o 8- 9 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jet Slaok j and ALL COLORS. iivrizxioca. !Fle,a.y" for TJmg AND EASILY APPLIED. ' For Sale by lliu ArgiiIn: JOHN AND HUGHES, Salom, HWL, SHELL & CO.. Wholcaalo Drugglafa, and Dealers in Palnl. oiih. and nino. NO. 75 FIIONT STItKET. ..... . -.... -'ara.-j.' Iin XST3J, C9X IDWEN 4EDENTQ 174ELKSTREET; , CINCINNATI . A -u, OHIO . AdTertiscmenU inserted in any paper, Boforo adTertUing Bend for my catalogue. WOODBURN NURSERY FRUIT, KKKP3 Full Stoolc SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ,aXD. NUT TREES, Send tot Price Lift and Catalogue. Addreta J. U BXTLRHIBK, octtSoS Weoatbuna r. 1IIUKLW, OABUKBIt. JOHV W. oaRUHEl,, GARDNER BROTHERS, HOLES ALK AMD KETAII. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHEET MUSIO, And Musical Merchandise, No. 1816 San Tablo St., Totter'a Block, OAKLAND. CAL. Crtawold'a Block mbWI SALEM. Bet Your Boots! iircobK hrTe.n.l"5 trlcJ the "ATCHIESS FIRE LIGHTER bate not tbe fatnteat concrptlun of Tu supe riority, Juit think vl It a beauUfut. nlckle plated tuue pocati-piece uu win kinte a Ore in the most botateroaa weatb er wind, rain, atorm, boll, anow makf.no dlfferanca with ths MiTcmxaa; Its olwaja ready for a. A capital thing for tmalera, camper, or avt oxe. Warranted to do Jut a repreatDted. Irlc otalr TS cctats, Aoknt Waxico. Addreaa H. If. HALLOCK, Bole Agent, Balera, Oregon. $55? $77 SKHsaawtaasss I ' a (JMfmJi XJH i. j&rjf4&i wJk!?!i