Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 23, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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Having determined in maintain the position heretofore occupied by mo for tho
Largest Retail House in Oregon,
I have iakcn this means of announcing to tho public that I nm now displaying
tho LARGEST and jlEST STOCK of General Merchandise north
of Sun Francisco, consisting of n flno stock of
Ca-e2a.ts' in.3. Boys' Dlot3tLiia.s,
XXxvts, Onpa, Trtmltw, 7AXLavoa, oto.,
which is surpassed 1y none in tho city, and will bo sold at prices to
suit tho times. It shall continue to be my aim to give
And to placo before my patrons a variety of 'articles not to be found
in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead tho public by
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
value received in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER.
Plows! Plows!
Buford Gang
Black Hawk Single
xnn tiih
Iron and Wood
Seam Single
8-Inch to lG-inch.
Champion Browno " Sulky,
(N'cTcr b(cn beaten tu tliu CcM.)
Champion Fan Mill,, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Tho MoSborry Grain lirill and Broadcast iiecdor.
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
niU'OnE punvirA.srxG, call on
104 and 100 Front Stroot, - - - FOiiTLANP, OR.
Tli DoMt over IMCndo.
Ladies' Calf Shoes,
Juit tha thInTor our Oregon winter weather.
Fine Kip and Calf Boots,
"Which ire cxprettly nude f.ir oar trade, of differed
iiaalltlet, to null costoat m.
Yeatherford & Co..
Whulcf&lc And Ilotall Dealers In
Patent Medicines.
Etc, etc
For Medicinal purpose.
Modiolnes Compounded, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
Commercial itreet, NAL.KM.
All RootlM Hold by me aro GUAH
AKTfH:u to be what I recom
mend Ilicui, or I will at nay
(line iiiuiio it good to the par
cluiNcr. J. W. GILBERT."
Splem, cf. IS, 1S77. 11.
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Salem, April 90, 1879.
Wlarr BAWranwuWUirRMr
tMeiai. M4rM a. A. CHAhT fc CO,
S, i, ft 4 UvM flu, tuiUMii, O
JLttllo Olunt
We wish to Inform Ibe people of Oregon
that wo have purchased the patont of "The
Little Olant Grubbing Mounlno," and that
wo are now prepared to supply any number
nl thorn at a Tory reatontblo price, Tho Hub
Joined testimonials or tbo huperior qualities
of tbeso machines and their comparative
cheapness should reoomoniled thoni to all
those desirous of clearing otfland at but trl
lllniT oxneiifto. Far fiirttit.tr pirtlculars apply
to Frank Cooper or Win, Delaney, Halem, or
Albert Briggs,Sclo.
b'cio, March. 10:h, 1877,
Thin Is ortlfy that we have used "Tho Lit.
Ilo Giant Grubbing Mncblno" and found It
Miporinr to nuything of the kind ever used
In thin part of the country:
Preston Muukors, Win Ireland,
Honry Isley, J 8 Morns,
A Davis, Jltlrvlno
13 Ilaldwln, B F Brlggs,
Henry T Hare.
We the undersigned have seen "the Little
fiiitiit Grubbing Machine" work and can
insure tho publlo that HU the best inaohlue
of the kind wo have ever pen working.
M Alexander, G W Hamilton,
J U Johnson, lVtler Smith,
J M Brown, Wm II MoKnlght,
P Hllyeii, D I' Mason.
fccio, May 25th 1877.
r. a. suzaUTVAir.
S. B. tome, at aoaa of stall.
Washington. Xov. 14. The Senile con
firmed Roswell H. Mason, Burveyor General
of Montana Terrlt6ry.
Washington, Nov. 14. Tho Senate to-day
confirmed the following: Tipton Llndsey,
to be Receiver of Pabllo Moneys at Vlealla,
Cal.j Jas. H. Evans, to be Roglstor of Land
Office at Lke View, Oregon.
Washington. Nov. 13. Democratic Heni
tors had a caucus to-day with a view of ad
vising the Domocratlo members of tho com.
mittee on Privileges' and Elections as to tho
beat mode of procedure and against dolay,
especially in the caso of Eustln of Loulslann,
who hid no contestant, and In the cao of
Itutlor, ngaludt Corbln. of South Carolina,
oonoernlng whloh alt tho facts nro beforo the
rommllteo. Without action the caucus ad
lou mod until Thursday.
Tho Ways and Means Committee to-day
ngreod to report a resolution for final ad
journment on the 22d, but to first ask the ap
propriation oommlttoe to finish Its bill by
that time. However, there Is no prospect of
adjournment before the rognlar session.
Two captured Nea Perces chlofj, Charley
and John, arrived in Omaha th'n morning In
charge of a military guard, who left with
them this afternoon for Fort Loavenworth,
whore they will be Imprisoned.
Cheyenne, Nov. 14. In the U. S. district
court to-day, Fonce Rises, one of the recent
ly captured road ageata, was found guilty
and sentonood to 14 years In tho penitentiary,
The Leader's apeolal from Rawlins. Wy
oming Terrltorv, aaya Douglas and some 400
ofblsbandof Utes, have left their agenoy
on White river and came to that place in
search of food, whlob, for somo reason,whllsl
supplied by the government yet remains In
warohouso at Rawlins. They allogo they
are forced to this measure, as gamo Is soarco
and tholrpeoplo are suffering for want of
food. As yet they aro petaafully endeavor
Ing to havo thel" grievances adjusted, and
Imvo telegraphed to Washington to ascer
tain If their flour may not be drawn at Raw
lins. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 15. An earthquake
Hhork visited Omaha and vicinity at about
11:45 a. m. It was pretty generally felt all
over tho oily by the people on thn Mrects
and In building. In largo buildings es
pecially tho shook was very distinctly foil,
creating iulenss excitement among tho oc
cupants and causluga rush for tho dcore.
Tho shake InsKd Irnm half a ralnuto to a
minute and n half, according to statemouts
of different parties.
DIspntoheH received hero 'el-ow (hat tho
nnrthqimkn extended from Omaha to Sidnov,
nnd wax felt ut nearly i-very Htutloii on tlio
Union Paulfiu road betwoon iIicro points. It
wnaiiot folt lit Chnyunne. At North I'latlo
tho t-nhnnl bnlldliifr, and tho court houti
wan f-lluhtly diiimurd. Tho wulls of tho
court hnuxo at (nlumbun worn tirarkoil In
ulno dlirrent phu'cti. Tho court homo nt
PlattMiiouth, "0 miles routh of Onmlin, was
hIho criteked. It Is reported thutcoiihldoraliln
uHt wro broken at Sioux Olty, Iowa. Tim
vibrations seotntd to bo norlli mid hoiHIi,
and asfiiran known tho fchotk was couilnod
principally to Xtlirnt.l:a.
Council lliutfr, Iowa, Nov. 15 A number
of oarthqunhn uhnokH In quluk xuori)sinn
woro felt hertmt 12:15 lo-dny. Tho motion
win apparently imst nnd west, and lasted
about two mlnuten. No material ilamiign
wns done In tho city nor in western
Iowa, m far at can bo luarurd.
Iowa City, Nov. 15 At hair past 12 o'clock
to Ny qiilto u eovero evirtliqiiakn hhoolc whh
folt at tula plant, nud persona In llio upper
HlorltHol'btilldlngH ran down to the street In
Alarm, and on tho i;toutul lluor tho doom
and window h wor.'Jitrr.d,
Chicago, Nov. 15. Thecnrlhquakn In thn
onuutry weht of hero fitoms to hawtnxtended
eaxt ns far us Diihttquo, eoulh lo Minin )ulnln
lit KnimaH, wtblbdj ond YMiikton, ami north
to tho northern neoilon o!Jo'u. Iiwuh most
revere m tho w'eMt niur Oinalm, but In no
teetlon did It Inlllot nnv great lUmnco.
IndlanHpolls.Nov. 15 Tlio Morion tnnn
niiietit iiMMoelatloii to-day linnet! a prnspeotuH
to tho ii-joplool'lii'lbtn. Thi'v tui:gott tho
extfiiilon of tho original liloa to thatii
inuiiiorlal hull Kliall ho built In bo Hltuated
on tun tmt hIUi In Inillannpolli nud lo onu
tain things of lilatorIo.il Interest to thoftalc.
Stnlttrn, military lmii;nU, library of wrlterx
fniiii tliln iUto, etc' Thoy htiugest bronxo
ornaments nnd Hiittncs nf Indiana war
liorocM, amonuht wlilih rIiaII bororii-plouoiiH-ly
that of O, P. Morton. Subsorlp Ion aloiio
hhall bo tho meaiiH of aeoompllshluK this.
Thn wlinlo Htato hhull ba otnvassod until
200,000 Is rah-od. They apieal to tho In
lelllgonco, spirit nnd tirldo of Iudlanlaim to
mako tho hall n lilting tribute to tho do
ca.ed statesmsii.
Ilarrikburg, Nnv. 15 Tho official voto of
Pennsylvania allows Sterrett, Hop., for su
premo Jodire, rcrelved 211,480; Trunkev,
Dein., 26I.0O0; (iartolev, Grceubaek, 51,682;
Winton, Prohibition, 2,801). Tritnkey'a pin
rsllty, 7,520. Other olllcera' votes wore In
about Iho same proportion.
Nashville, Tenn., Nnv. 15. A Chattanooga
peolal lo the NaslivllloAmorloan says: Tho
Republicans to-day elected a Republican
mayor and klx aldermen, and the Doinocrala
elected four aldermon aud the olty marshal.
Topeda, K , Nov, 15. A severe bhock of
earthquake wan felt here about tea minutes
oerore ia to uar.
AtchUon, Kb., Nov. 15. Sevoral dla'.lnot
shocksofeartbquako wore felt hero to-day
about noon.
Indianapolis, Nov. 15. An explosion ol
thn new gas company's tank oauaed a losa of
920,000; uninsured. The shock waa felt for
utiles oatsldo tho oily.
Cheyenno, Nov. 15. The Uten have gone
back to their camp at Cberokoe Springs
peacefully, and It Is understood that they
wl 1 bo permitted to draw tholr flour at
HawllnHoon an the necewary arrange
ments on be made.
Nwo York, Nov. 10 The Herald's Wash
Ington speolal says Senator Gordon ayn that
the polut has boon paasod at whloli anv
doubt can bo reasonably eutertalii'd of bin
ro-nlectlnn to tho U. S. senate. From thn
latest Information received by him tho In
dications are that he will unanimously elect
ed. Opposition lo hi in has almost tintlrfcly
Ouioago, Nov. 15, The underwriter havn
appolnlod committed on nalvuge In the vari
ous depart men'H. The archltct of thn build
Intr Hiys It can bs restored for 8150 000 at ih
nutbldo, and that tha damage bus bton overrated.
Officers Elected.
Silver Lodge No. ao I. O. O. T Is cflloerod
as foTosH, for the present term, viz: John
nieks, W. C. T.j Charley Ilamsby, It. H. S,;
Flora McKlnney, L. U.S.; Millie Hlek, W.
V. T.j R. O. Kuuv bv. W.S.; Edna J. Ilrown,
W. A. 8.; Ollie milliard, W. F. H : Clara
lUmbbv, W. T.; Frank Simeral, W. M.j
John Mncher, W. I. M.; Allen Slaipaon,
VV. I. G.; II. Dogulre, W. O. O.j It. I)
Alton, P. W. O. T., utid MUh Orptm Oraus
ton, Lodge Deputy.
A Fair Wamlau.
All who have not paid their school taxes
would do well to bear lu mind the fact Ibat
the same become delinquent on Ibe
2Sth of thl month, when the School Clerk,
J. W. tt. will ba rraalrod to turn over
all deling aaats to thaMberlaT toroolUotwa.S I
liondon, Nov. 13. A Russian official dis
patch states that General Jleymanu ad
vancod against Erzotoutn Thursday night,
but his columns lost their way lu the dark
ness. Three Russian batteries captured a
fortified position of Actzla, and although
obllgod to withdraw before a superior force,
carried otl 550 prlsonors. Tho Russians lost
32 killed and 000 woundod.
A body of Russians in arch od toRtrkovat.
West or Vratz, It Is supposed they intend
to make an attempt to cross the Balkans.
London, Nov. 14. A correspondent In
Kelgrado telegraphs that tho signs ol activity
lu ServUaro multiplying. Fresh troops aio
daily marching to tho frontier. An ainliu
lauco cor; a Is Tormlng, and In tho mseual at
KroguJIuaiE work Ih going on actively.
llttlgrado, Nov. 11 Sorvla has replied to
Iho Porto's douund for tho wltdrawal ol
forolgn troops from tho fronttor that It In
Impossible to leave tho Inhabitants tf the
frontier without military protection.
Bucharest, Nov. 13 GonoralSkobolcfi has
established hluisolf In his newly caplurod
Tho llnal Turkish attaok was repulsed by
a tiro from 70 cannon. Tho Turks lost
London, Nov. 14. A Vienna correspon
dent telegraphs that the capture of tbo posi
tion whloh General Skoebloff has been
attacking would turn all tho Intervening
works towards Radlsavo, Tutcaetiitca aud
Grivllza. It scorns pretty certain fighting
has not yot boon for tbo redoubts themselves,
but for the rlrle pits In front or them. The
redoubts are tho same whloh wore tempora
rily occupied by Genoral Skobelcll In the
battle or Septembor 11th.
According to to-day's rumors from the
Russian camp, preparations aro making for
a goneral assault on Plevna.
Vlonna, Nov. 14. A special from Buoha
rest says Genoral Skobelef captured thn
additional Turkish positions Monday night.
Tho roovemont or troops insldoof Plovna
Is obsorvod as though a sortie was immi
nent, London, Nov. 14. A dlpaloh from Con
stantinople states that a foreign minister In
formed M. Cehrlhllcs, Sorvlan ngont, Mon
day, that tho pnrto no longor doubted Sorvla
whh preparing for war. M. Cehrlstlcs to-day
replied ho had no confirmation of that tilnto
ment. Russians traversed Gottropol pas, near
Orchaulo, but wero repulsed by thn Turkish
corps of observation, with n Iosh nf 4.10 niun
Nov. 15.--A dispatch from Ilogoli say
Gen. Sknbeloir, on capturing a position on
Green Hill, mar Proetnvnc, immediately
throw up n redoubt, which gave rl-o to thn
belief nl headquarters that one of tbo Turk
lull redoubts had been captured.
Muhtuiot All Is movlnu with tho forroi nl
Sophia lo a position nt ChnlkmotK, ten milt-h
won of Sophia, where thn iod from loni
Pnliiukn Interneels tho road to NIhoIi, Here
ho will bo nbtu to wutch Sorvla, nnd, If
neoiled, co-opt rate with tho furco nt Or
chanlo. A oorresponilor.t wrllot that tho Turkish
exchequm occasionally crimen to UHlimd
Htitl , nrul It Is womlfitlul how It over iiiomih
nil ngaln. liecently nn oirer of arms w-ns re
jected brcntiiio f'.'0,()(X) could not bo roiled to
complete tho pnyiu'iit,
CniiHtimtliiopIo, Nov. 15, Ohnktr Pmlm
has arrived at Orolmnlo to take oommaud In
plneo nf Clmvket Pnshn, rnmnvnd.
HagiiMB, Nov. 15 'Iho Montenogrlnfl hnve
token Fort Piinlas. Thoy hoiuliirded A nil
vnronll yosttrdsy. Thoy hnvo captured nil
the Turklxh tuov IhIoiih nnd dopolH.
St. Polcrsniiric. Nnv. 13 A Hpoohl ills,
patch from Grand Duko Michael's headquar
ters, Veran Kiiloli. unveil miles south of
KirH,nyH Oonnr.ilH Heltiiaiin nud Teruu
knsoirs corps nro on Soghaull inuuntnlim
ItiiHlan ndmlnlstrnllim In being Introduced
Into the vllajet of lCrv.orouni, Gen.Nuht't
knrnlkopp hss been sppolntnil governor.
Lundon, Nnv. 1 1. A epeclal datinl htnran
knloli, TniHclay, naH n hhnrp OMiuoiiKile
eoiitlnuos HgaliiNt Kirs. An aiNnult la Im
minent. Erzernum has roruniil tOHiiinudor.
A VIcnti.veiirrfHiiotiilenteHliiiatemiiftRiiH
Hlan foicu before Krzaroiiui nt 25,001 inoti,
which la liifttiniL'I'jiil t' Invest Urn plneo,
Wnlililnr Pasha In now cnnllilenl of his ablll
tv to hold Iho fnrt until reinforcements ur
rlvo, Ilittninn nlso FeouiH iih hafnnN r.ver.
A llilgrndo norioponilout rnpnrls tlmt
sklrmlaheH urn ooeurrlni; canlliumllv bn
t ween tho S6rvl.m froutlor guards and Il.ihlil
Iioridon, Nnv. II, About thrco hundred
lltUHlnn Mennonites loft Ilorlln on tho4:h
Insl. for tho United State?.
The Jlcrald'H Romonpeolal fcays: Cardln
al Slmonoll.heoretary of Htato, Im Miinmon
Ingull poNHiimus rardlnals to hiipport him
in IiIh trial for n foreign popo uud tho old
conciliatory rolloy,
Tho popo's fivorlto dootor has been dis
missed, and It Ismipiioxed ho haw bron lv
Imr Information to tho Italian Kovernmont.
The cardinals' tirortto keep tho popo's iieain
a secret 21 hours will fall, becauno suoh de.
olded arrangements havo boon made lhat
Ibe government must know of his demUe
immodlatoly It ocorirs,
Tho black nn all pox Is prevailing with
such violence In thiiVatlo.inand l so fright
ful In its oharaulor tlmt It may frlghlon
many of tho cardinals and prevent their
Loudon, Nov. 14 Thn Daily JWum quotes
the following from the National Xeitung: A
breach of tho constitution In Franco would
tram-ferall the powor from the peaceful ele
ments of tho population to the army, In
which qvent tho consequences to European
peaoo needs no desorlptiou, Tho correspondent-believes
tho above represents tho feel,
ing of both the German poop I o aud gov
London, Nov. 10 Tho Montenegrins
havo taken by assault all tho dafenHesof
Autovarl extent tho prliiulnat fort, whloh l
damaged by bombardment,
Generals ilevman aud TorgiirkaHnll havo
only ubnul25,0C0 mou, nn Inadiquato nam
bor for a regular sega of Eir.iroum, Thny
must carry It by assault or retire to Mgnoii
mountaliiH. They lUnnot uuhsUt tho army
at Doveberlum,
The ansault on fort A.'zw was a uanu to
hand iliiht for truiiches. Then thn fort wus
oarrbd at the point of thn bayonet, hut Me-
hornet I'UNiia raitieu ino nirKH, wim reionit
tho fort uud repulsed tho RuHslans with
great slaughter.
Russians killed, woundod nnd mining
from thn commeiioomoiii of tho war lo
November 7th, 01 KCJ.
Chicago, Nnv, HI. A London special dated
Paredlii,TufbJuy, xsyi-: 'iho lluHlans j.m.
turday Hummnutd Oiiinin Ptsha toHirreu
der,0muu rofiiKed, A nioclal Irun Athens
latc'H tha. tint Prlnot of Montenegro Invited
Greeco to co-operate In tho luvanlon ol
Kuoroutn, Nnv. 1(1 Hiilans recaptured
foil Azaiii on Wednesday, but wero luimedl
alejy expelled.
J lie lilliauiiunis in j'.i7.citiuui nnvn uaruci
paled In the rioent lighting. Tho I0.11 hu
been considerable. Tlero l geimral eudiiml.
mhiii. KilHHian cavairy iiavoappuaitu un mo
north of Erreronm.
Constantinople, Nov. 10. Tho Kusans
hnve been repulKd netr Kara after proluug-
ed fighting.
Ill re lias ueen netvy snuw in Aiia.
a nouncll of war under the ureoldenov of
the sultan deolded to largely ronfoioi Mo
hemet AIL.
Rumors or peace negotiations aro denied.
A well informed correspondent writes
rrom Paris: In my opinion olvil war la only
a question of weeks, perhaps days. President
MaoMahon Is entirely In tho hands of the
llonapartiats and Clericals. Thoso know the
marshal's resignation would dostroy tholr
last hopo of governing Franoe. But for fear
of Gor many and Italy thn government would
long sgo havo roiorted to force. At this
hour, 2 p.m.. tho Bourse la very firm, flvo
percent, routes quoted 10(1 . francs 25 cen
times lor account. Thfa fs taken to ludlcato
somo Important political oyeut.
I mmmm nmi
Snn PrnncIscoRiitletln: Twenty yearn
honco ncatlv nil tho brciulstuirs for ex
port from tlio ITllltixl Sllltiu will l nrn.
duced In the country west of tlio Hooky
muuiiuiuiR, wuiun u quarter or n cen
tury there will prolmlily bo ten states on
tlllS f) (lo Of till" Itoik-V llinillltnllia. Tllnll.
states will Include- an urea of tho most
tmj)orinnt mineral, wheat ntul lumber
production. Kvery largo ami forlllo valley
will ho nilllln nnennullili. !iu rmlrnnil atw I
every great bolt of uiltieo will borenched
in mo Hiime way. n nns taken 2.r yeara
to ffet tlio levernirn nf n irrnnf liwlnpf rial
empire; but it Is attained at Inst.
John F. Lewis, a colored mnn of Klml
ra, recently savod tho lives of Mrs. C. J.
Langtlon, child and nurse, who, on ro
turnlnp; from a visit to "Mark Twain,"
wore run away with. For his braverv In
stopping tlio horses, tho rescued lady's
uiiHuniKi gavo nun i,ihiu, tuo Homer or n
S100 mortgage on his larm eatiucllcd It.
auothor gen tie tnnn gave him $25, atitl
'Mark Twain" gavo him 50 aud a coin-
pletu set of his works.
A correspondent nf a 1'tiget Sound
paper boasts tlint only 250 miles of tho
Seattle nnd Witlla railroad nro now tui
cotiHlrtioted. whloh is something llko tho
caso of tho boy who whon iinkctl how ho
was getting on with his tank of pntntoo
digging answered that ho was doln
flnoly; when ho Mulshed the row ho va
on and two inoru hu would havo threo
rows dug.
The grand Jury at LewLilnn has sum
moned witnesses t' give evliliinco in le
gnnl to thu murders by the Nev: Purees.
Tho survivors of the maHsmero liavo glveii
their toxtlmony. Four Indictments
found embrace ;i2 rnillans, who nro all
well known. A requisition will probably
go for them.
Ah usual it ii a woman who Is at tho
bottom of all this pother about tho
moons of Mar?. Prof. Hall, who (Uncov
ered them, was originally n carpenter; ho
married n ouhonlmlrdrces, nnd It was xho
who Induced lilm to study and lieoamo
his teiuiher. Ileoco thu astronomical dis
covery of the day.
Tho ofllccrs of tho United fUnlcsnrniy.
tdatlontd at Atlanta, (la., havo liotiulit.
tho plot of ground tin in which Gun. Mo
Phersun wan killed ilttring tho civil war.
TlieHfxit Iihs lipun marked with a Parrolt
gun (Irmly nut In tho ground, nnd tho lot
has been InoltHtil with u substantial Iron
Auhmet PitMia hiiMsulutded. Ho nnver
smllbil after Iho Itusilivns licked him at
Nlcopulls. Ho drooped and died, unstat
ed by a rateiir. Fold his llttlo turban
round him, lay his Koran on hit breast;
hohaHfUil hln lltt'o wludilper Auhmet,
Pasha In at rest. Clone to meet Abdul-.
Whlto wo nro erecting tonibtoticH over
lend martyrs, and placing latirul wreathn
on tho brows of living licrou", don't lol'rt
forget lo drop n I oar on Iho gr.ivo of thu
man who concelud the Idea nf putting a
pntatou on thu spout of a kurosouu can.
Talio care of the cents, anil Iho dollars
will take care of tlicinxolvc, provided
you can get them. Never neglect to pick
una dollar in preference to a cent. Don't
pick up either if you can't 11 ml It.
A tunnel has been sunk smuithlng
over out) hundred feut Into tho coal vein
near Columbia city. The quality of tho
coal found Is mid to be very good, sumu
thlng like tlio nannul co.il of England.
Olllolal returns placo Iho number of
Russians killed, wounded nud missing,
from tlio commencement of hostilities to
OotoborlWth at 01,1)13.
A .Sunday school teacher In Albion, N.
Y.. asked her class the question: "What
did Simon say?" "Thumbi up!" said a
little girl.
During a thunder-storm two dogs that
howled dismally at night wero struck by
lightning, llnwlliigdogsslioold cut litis
out and paste It lu their lints.
If tho storm of adversity whistles
around you, whistle as bravoly yourself;
perhaps thu two whistles may make mel
ody. Albany has a young lady whoso name
Is Adalluo Verslty, and the hoys say that
"swoatare tho ways of 'Ad,' Vorslty."
Thu latest rovival Innovation lu Hos
tnn Is the chant of our boaidlug house,
as follows:
Hold thn fork, the knives nro reining,
1'lito am on tho way,
Shout thn ehorus lo vour nolghbor,
Ming Iho hash this way.
"Johnny, have you leu mod nnythlmr
during tho week?" "Veth'm "Well,
what Is itf "Never to lead a small trump
when you hold both bowers."
Drowned lu rt Toll.
Vmnt Mr flt.nfim I.1 f!nu'. .if .rilimHrin
city, Wit It-am the fnlljwuirpirilmiUfot'tht)
drowning ol i babjol J. .vi, lltieliti'i., ngett
about IS iiiouiIiii, ln.il Friday thn 10 h lout.
duo uuu inaeeu me iiuiii tuio in n inn inin
tatnliig ahotit lour luolics of water nnd left it
there to splash uud play, sad went Into tho
bed oliaiiibnriomsUH the lied, mm sho had
done uu nidiiv ooi'aloui boforn. On iti'.uin-
ing Him iniiiid imr iiariiiig in tuo n Hit nm
brsevof ileOh, drowiiiil in lfiiiine(, Sim
Inulurill v uiiMfdlinil II frfilll lli.i ik.utfir n nil
-J .,......., .v .,w... ..... .. ..v., .,...
runiiliu across iho btieet, lo Dr. N L. I.oo's
rllenei, the dnetor happened to be In at
time, ami used eviry i xoriloii to ieHtnulur
the imbi but iiiitvailing, Mr. and Mrs.
lirttttin nayo inn sympathy or iho wtiolo com
muiiliy In their aid Loreavement.
UkiivaisTNov. 10. 1877. "
There will bo a i:rnnd ueek-ile toclablo
given by GervaU L'lde, No. 203, Independ
ent Order of Good Temiilsri'. Saturday oven-
I ill, No vt in bor 2ltb. Members ol sister
lodge In good Muudlng, are Invited to at
tend, M. Mituuki., W. S.
' 'rt
4 '