Iff IbS V WILLAMETTE FARMER. h K' -4 14 Graded vs. Thoroughbred Hog. Mitr, Cheek Fahji. 1 November 12th, 1877. J Kd. Farmer: Again with your permis sion I will mako somo comments upon Mr. ilunt'n article of Oct. 20th. Mr. lluntsaysho was much surprlsod at tho position takon by Mr. Cross. Now, I am surprlsod that Mr. Ilunt ban gono Into personal mailers that ought to havo died out long since, and aftor rovlowluf hUartl olo 1 will mako a correct htaloment of my business In tbo liust so tho pooplo can judgo for tbomsolvcs, hopInK tho matter will rest there and not havo thoso that ought to bo my frlonds slabbing mo In tho back. Mr. Hunt says when ho camo homo from Fair his bloodod hogM wero afiuoallrjjc nronnd tho barn and bin scrubs woro out In tho Hold, This spoaka nothing as I found mlnotho samo, all of tho snmo family of llorkshlro. It amounts only to this: Thoso tiBod to being fed will como around, thoso who nro not will bo hunting tholr living clsowhoro. I bavo about fifty head of full bloods they not beon to the barn Blnco I turned thorn Into tho slubblos.nnd thoyre In good condition. Again, he mys, here llos tho gist, tho paying part, he fattened ovorythlng ovon his lato Spring pigs, m Mr. Cross strongly advised him. Again he sys, fatton everything that will weigh ftty pounds. Now for a llltlo ozporloncn his frlond putchasod u iliio sow and pigs, fed liberally, charged for all Iho fied, fallod to soil plirs at fancy prices, killed for pork find found tho feed account tho largest. Prob ably ho was llko somo farmors who charged me, whon driving pigs to kill, ono dollar per bushol for wheat whon they only get seven-ty-llvo conls aftor hauling ton miles. To inakoapolut horo.ho ought lo name tho blood and Binount of fnwl nnd jrlco. Again, "Mr Crow has good ho but a frloud or his locking ut thorn mid to mo, theso graded pigs aro tho worst wltnosfos Mr. Cros could havo brought lo tho Fair to provo his particular breed or hogs a good one tocrosn with." Iloro Ish direct mlsrep rosentatlon. 1 said In my article I wesop jrasod to a crosH upon forubs and took thoso pigs iwpocmlly to provo Its fAllaoy In hores toconvliiroMr. H.or h' mlstnkonnd Ido not profess to havo any rnrlluulur breed. 1 olnlui lo huvo tho llorkshlro got up byothers bettor vorHod In tho inattn llian inj-soii lint 1 must ylold tho palm lo Mr. II. If ho mti dhcotor a dllloronco In hcrubs and full bloods picking up tho wasto. Ho says ho fr a his knowledgo gooi very few men havo niadn money In Iho West brcodlng thoroiighbiod stock. I admit nnno have, but many havo lost thousands of dolhusat Hand tho roiison Is, Just such men as Mr. II. cried Ildownuiid used their Irlliipnco against ll until nearly or all tho good blood Is driven out of tho country and Oregon Is worso oil' to-day than sho van twenty ye-urs ro and thero Is no Hlato In tho Union that has as llltlo good Ntook iw this, mil humlrods of thousands of dollars havo been lost to tho Htnte. Mr. II. anysho liBlUnoi Urn ordinary fatnmr Is too shy of buying full blood malei to linprovu his stool: with, but whm a farmor finds lilumoU In pussi-slon or good natlvo stock It would bo well for him lo pausokoforo Milling his pioont slock mid piuhlug Into tho lluo slock IiuMiiom. Now this proves Mr. II. opposed lo good blooded stock and ho blows hot and cold both In tho lino breath. Now ho says I ndvlo him to kill his Spring pigs 1 do ll mjself and urg nil to do It. Hut let us compare tho weight. I havo killed iiiuuy weighing from two to two hundred and oouty-flw minds at nine months old, and Mr. David McUully Inform od mo on Hilunluy luit ho got In a lot or fat hogs nearly one hundred head a pig of my stoalt plggrd ll ot Maiuh and kllld the ilrst week In November, net weight 27(1 lln, fml and raised In the hiuuo lot. Nov how does this ('ompnrii with Mr. lluui'k welKhlngas ho wiy liny pounds, TIioho I purchased from him generally wolahod from eluhly to ninety pound and 1 auknowledgo Mr. II. n good fouler and this Is whom blond lulls. Now, as to Mr. Hunt' full bloods I hao omu doubts about him having them as I huvo been In that business twenty llvo years and I never knew him lo buy ona. I found lilin too shy to expend his money that way and npiKwrd In siMiudlng money In lluo slock, and when Mr. II. came Into print mlvooalluii scrub stock, I deemed It my duty to glvn mv views, not that I bad aught against Mr. 11. but being fully awaro bo might lead some an tray. .... As Ibis nriloln Is louuer already than H ouuht to be, I will May no more about blood until next article and will Klvo soiuu praoll cal Information fioui lime to time, and will now lako up a more unpleasant part. Again Mr. 1I.hh It will do for such public spirited mn as Mr, Cross, especially as he has the talent, lo make as much in one year dealing In tho Utstern pork as a com mon farmer make In two or throo yean hard work. Now Mr. Kdlior, and iho bat am friends of mine. I will showjou t josUb Mr. 11. Intends, As many of jou are well aware, in the or seventy-one I weut lo Chloago anil put up pork In tit month of January. 1 have mentioned thU In a former artlelx ami would not mention It a this time hud 1 not been attacked In print. I lad a Urgu (lovuruiuent contract and IihiI had It former years, and a number beoanm Jaalous of my proiirlly and mat; In n'erttt caucus and Hitmod Into a Mioiik uomblua lion and uitreed that 1 must be mailn to wy nnu dollar xir huudrtit more thsti any our elMior llioy would not sell lo uin.aud lhy oarrli-d It out lo such an evteul that 1 old) uul tin e hundred hoga when It look live ilioiuaud lo till mv contriui,the lormer wr 1 took sl ihmisaiid ll . I was advised ot thfo iMiiihlnallnii, and Mr. Ptu'l Dark and mynelrtslktil tho mafor over In Dwemlmr and 1 then told him 1 could not pay thn mice usniixl and told him I vs lully v)teilnd 1 could do much better by going lo CUVauo and would have lo do It or throw up mv contract and to do (but would bo aokiuiwlidnlnir thev had nuccceded In cornering mo and 1 wriit, and as Mr. il-syi 1 made moro mouey than a farmer working hard two or I hum years. Ye, and 1 have the paiHtik lo proiw 1 made mom money limn Mr. II. did In ten years of his farm but I hereiukMr. ll.'.ir he has nn. In ulklnu about Hits, representel that 1 lot a larir M.t.mi.tl kf iiiiiiuu .it Urn. fit .ar'AIHlv noheuiT Now this Is the representation and no one will bo better p'.aed than my self If he can truthfully deny It; now last Mr. H. how he knew about what I made or lost. Now for the information of my friends I will state about my contract, facts as Ibey exist and have tho papers in my possession to prove them, my contract price for side bacon was sixteen and ono-half cents per lb: hpms twenty-ona cents per lb; I paid In Chicago eight and ono-half cents for sides; twolvo to tblrteon for hams; realizing olght and one-half cents gain upon sides; and about eight upon hams, average price sell ing nineteen cents ; promlum upon gold, twelvo prr cent ; that making upon one hundred lbs, two dollars and twontycetm; I paid freight two canM and ono-fourtb per ID. so hwiii oaseon i was out no raonoy upon frolght, mid furthor.'my moats were In suchdomaud thoyorat least tho sides wire nil Fold nnd I went to tho telegraph olllco andhougut ono hundred thousand pounds of Mp 'or which I paid eight cents, and It was toll In Han Francisco and Messrs. Allen A: Lewis nald all bills and took out tholr commission and roturnod mo a bill of nalo wl-h not profit of threo thousand eight bundled dollars and Mr. Allen wroto at tho bottom of tho bill this nays a llttlo monoy. Now Mr. Hunt I havo thoso bills and papers f back me what havo you to back you lion you s'ato those slanders? And yju say 1 looked cross when you sold your pork for moro money, I herostato that you did not sell it for more menoy and lean prove it I called upon the parties purchas ing It this morning and thoy showed me the figures paid you taken from their books and they told me at tho time you sold 'o them and I think I bad a right to feol hurt and look at least cross, for I certainly cousldered I had bought your pork, and was astonish ed wlmn It went to another butcher shop, and It follv convinced me you was In the ring; and It would mako you look cross If you ombarked In a business and oxfoded twenty thousand dollars In tand end Im provements and llvo thousand dollars in box lumhorand slavos anduso It two years and havo a fow Jealous hearted poplo com bine and ston vou and have ihein go to westo, and pay Inlorost and compound In terest until Iho debt amounted to noarly Illy thousand and Jeopardise your landod property worth over ono hundred thousand dolla-s. You spoko of my talent to got to stab mo In tho back, It you had been sin coro In unmlntr tho talont and mv frlond why did you not namo somo of my laudablo acts dnno at home? Who has waived moro laudations In California papera? No one living In Orogon. I havo tho honor or focdlng the host steor ever on tho coist, and sold him for nine hundred dollars; and took forty hoadto Victoria dressing from ten hundred to fotirteoii hundred pounds. I havo fatton o I until the last year from ono hundred to ono hundred and fifty boas, and In tho year ISO'J I fattened two thousand hogs and hid them all In Iho lot at ono lime, and good onos. Why did you not namo somo of thoso net? Anil In conclusion say I will b" plonsrd Ifjou enn deny giving color to what I havo limned uhovo ami hm: you u yon uo not chuckle over tho dig given mo In last a rl tele? Mr. Klllor, ploain excuse mo for thh lengthy article. I lmo hot nn moro slant; Htid abuso than I thlnlc 1 ought nnd have let It go In at ono ear and out nt the other, but when It comes In print I think It Is llmr todnft.nd. I doslrn this published without any abridgement, Jf jou pleao. Thomas Cross. TrE flKETS. "Tho Wheat Market. There Is no material uhanso In tho Whott market, mid an Itnmenso amount cTTIt I dally ronchlug market. Thrco trains a day, at lest 80 car with ECO tons or produ:o past down tho Hast sldo road dtlly, and tho Wen' sldo road must bo carrying lu proportion, making it would appear ono thousand tons of whoat reoolyed dally by railroad ni Portland, while about tho wuno (luautttj must roach that placo by ttoAtnboat, as thr Lo Us on tho Willamette go down loaded tlireo h dty probably, and from tin Upper Columbia rocolpts aro said to avorace threo hundred tons of wheat 1 or day. Wo do not present theso figures ns definite but iipproxlmuto aud eoorlng tho cason nearly as wo can conjccluro from nppuroni facta. Wo prusont tlioso facts (o show tin prodtiors of this region tho progress tlioj aro making and tho lulluenco thoy exorcist on tho world'n markets, which must rupldly luorenso, for whatever tho growth of pro ductlou shall bo In this valley nnd tin UiiiMiia wo contldoutly ox pout that tin country Kast of the Mouutilus, tributary lo tho watoraof tho Columbia, will within ll years equal, and not long after exceed the production of whoat liiWottoru Oregon. The future of this region halts for the o polling of the Columbia ltlvor and tho coming of the North l'anltlo railroad, but It cannot wait oven for those great events, but must make prnxrein agalust all natural obstacle. The Liverpool market remalus firm with out change ot Importance. Tho shipping In ihu Columbia river is abundant, and Ifdlgtits are low enough to compensate for any changes lu Liverpool since the commence meniofthe Reason, but even with all the transportation facilities wo have alluded lo, that seem crowded to their utmost, It Is fout d impossible to supply cargoo as fastasdi mauded, and as buyer have largo sums ot money looked up lu purchases made at ir terlor warehoutes, au4 as the money In command for purchase of wheat Is limited, transactions are aometlmos a llttlo hIuw ami tho market appears dull wlmn with an abundant money supply It would Iw actle ami perhaps scouro a trifling advaucoou present uxurcH. The Salem Market. Wheat lu farmers bauds f l.ivsi,' per bush ol; oats, 4So for good, leas wherticclored by exosurtiio weather; butler, 25c; eggs, 30c IKiruiu ; apnies, -id io.j per nusuei; kji tooi, 2.V lo 3oo (sir liushel; bacon, aides, 12: 12 V; shoulders, Ss; iard, Pnu.: uauii, I'.'oto lie, Europeau Qruiu Market. Wahlnetou, Nov. 10. The department of state Is lu reoaipt of further communication from our consul at Leeds eoucenilinr tho miMral Import and export trade of the Unit o 1 Klnudom. and how to enlarge the trade oftho I'uhedSittes therewith. Dmlng the Ilrst lnlit mouths of tho prfseut jiw llm otal Imtiori or bread atutft Into tbn United Kiugdoni wro: Wheat. 10J,;0 H00; other tiralus mid Hour, jiU.SCW.OW: meal, dead aud alive, f.V),(VO,000; builer, ehe'so, aud euc, alvout 50 lKH),tXHl; mllcellaniHnis, SlO.Cf I.IW; making to'a) firm products of the enornunu uui of JJOJ.760,000. The harvest report render It certain that the Impoits for tne re uuiuliiglour months will beoveu greaur lu proportion than the atovo. Of wheat liu. ports the Uulted States supplied alnut sixty mllllouaoflutbels, HumU thirty-four mil. lions, and India eighteen millions. Jump ing from the 10th In 1875 to the 3d in 1877, it Is expected India will become a damrarons competitor of the Unltxl States in tho grain trade, as no pains' will be spared to develop ber resources In lhst line. Imports of fresh meats from the UnlOd States, as soon as prejudices are dissipated , will almost become illimitable. Liverpool, Nov. 13. Breads tuffs firm. Whoat 12s Bd(3t2i 101 lor averags Califor nia white, 10 4d(gills 7d for red western Hprlur. lOiOJrailid,! tor red winter: l'' Mil 13s3d for California club. Itecelpts of wneat tno past three days, VifiW quarters; American, 21,00. PonTf.AND WiikatMarickt. Tho Orcgo nmnNov. 11, says: Tho weok opens without any speclnl chnngoln matteis In tho domostio produce markot. The wheat market Is very quiet, and though buyers aro not very urgont, they tako freely all oiler of good lots easily a"cesplblo, at current rates. Tho receipts continue to bo qulto heavy, mostly, how over, of prior purchases. Tho lato heavy rains have made tho hauling very bad, and many farmors will make no further elTortlto market their surplus until spring, as the Idea Is very extensively entertained that prices will be kept up during tho entire Harvest year. Mm Francisco market. lar TXLxonirn. San Franeitco, Xor. 14. Wht-Sh!pptn?, 3 !0i3 13; milling (2 !UiJ3 30. New Goods! -AT BREYMAN BROS.1 AT tUt WHITE CORNER. Clotiiing. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, Eto., etc, Til In Stock liun just liccu piir chnHiMl by Mv. WUKSr.a IIUKY MAX lit Sow York anel San Francisco, anil, eiwlirr? to tlio extremely low irlccs In Ciootls and Frclslits, ivo are allies to give better bargains than ever. i V2 ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY OP Carpets. Oil-cloths, Cut'tuluH, 3IattIiitrH, vce. FARMERS' PRODUCE Tukcu In i:chaugo for Goods. car call at tho Whito Corner. IIREYJHAN BROS., Oct. lu Mnloxsa, Or.B S. FRIEDMAN, Is again at his Old Stand AT DURDIN'S CORNER, Willi nu Immense Stock or Dry (uols,clothin, Hats caps, Hoots mitl Slioes, Yankee IVo- tious, (Jent and ladles Furn. hlu us oil,Toluceos ami Cigai, Trunks, and Vn- lNes. In fact, Kvery thins- In the Dry (mills line you .want, at prices that Mill DEFY COMPETITION! Kiitrj 1 OOLBPLATCBWATCIIEtl.ClMiwI mtti kD0q uotM. zampl lru(cA'iY to JilU, AU4TMS A. buv.rsa m, vutagu. $2500 AXKIH. AfuUwmtl.llnl n Uitltltutf . IHrttctUnfrM. 4lrwJWOUTBi:o,SlUiiU.k. A."vrurtlecl Rubber SALEM, Ocrounii llTH, 1S77. Your Committoe, appointed to inquire into the merits of the MIXED PAINTS on Exhibition at the 17th Annual Fair of the Oregon State Agricultural Society, beg leave to report : That, after an examina tion of various specimens of PAINTING-, we have oome to the conclusion that the Rubber UPaiM.. exhibited by the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY of SAN FRANCISCO, is, in ALL re speots superior to ALL OTHERS exhibited. ItKSPECTKULLY, T. B. ODENAL, A. H. JEWETT, To W. P. WATSON, President Oregon Stale Agricultural Society. Upon tho nberc decision, Messr. Of the OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, for the Further rclcrcnccH can be given JOHN Oct. lO. IVEW GOODS. Mammoth & Turn-Table Apjile-Parers, Fletcher Post-Hole Augers, Mcat-Culters and Sniffers. Blacksmith Drills, TirvBondorn and Up-Sottors, Pruniog-?aws, Knives, and SAWS. NOKTIIKUP & TIIOHIPSON,9 WllODEKALC AND ItKTAlL llELm IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, & Wagon hml Cirrlaire Material OK ALL KINDS 120 A: iai Trout St.. PORTLAND. Oldest Houso in the Trade. J. IB. COiVGLE, MAXurACTUKr.r.. Wbolotnlo auU ltelall Dealer in t-11 kinds of 91 SADDLES. IIKIDLKS, - WHIPS M.asfac5,Truiiks Ko. 13 Trout Street. PORTLAND, - - UHEGOIv. Al'o, Keep conmntljf on liauil a U's-i n-'oiliiiciit at AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. JUT" Soli Attout In Oron for tlio CHrbollzcd Iloho, At .Sin l'ranoUco prlcua, with I'relKlit 8ild((I. Reimlrlnsr rrouijitly Attended to Carmtnative For Diarrhoea and Dysentery mo Dr. Jajruo'a CaruilontUe UnUnni. Ah changes of cllmnto or water, anil In discretions in eating often produeo thosoeoniplalnts, travelers nndothors should always keep a liottlo of this romedy by them. It never falls to subduo tho most violent attacks, nnd It Is equally servlceablo for Cramps In tho Stomach or llowols, Griping Talus, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and ColiC uao Dr. Jnyue'a Cnrmluatiie Balaam. It removes all BoreuesH of tbo abdomen, allays tho Irritation and calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always lo relied on to glvo I m mod late relief, and besides being effectual, Is n pleasant aud safe romedy, easily ad ministered to childrcu. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly Dr. Joyne'a CanulnatUc IlaUnui. It checks tho Diarrhoea, suppresses the Crumps which generally accompany attacks of Cholera, and coiiquers tho dlseaso in lts.inciplency. It has frequently been admlnUtored lu neighborhoods whero the Cholera has been raging epidemically, and it has seldom failed to glvo luuuedlato nnd pormancnt relief. Tho Carmln ntlvo has ntalntaliied Its reputation as n Cumtivo for nearly forty yours, Is equally eireotlvo iu'all lntitudes, and as a Standard Hou-ehold Ito::io dy, bhould bo kept in every fttuily, T A. DAVIS 4 CO..;YlwU'M:e Asonti. Poit'and mmu I'ov tlio Paint ! G. W. WALLING, committee. JESSE IIE4LYd;CO. received tlie HVElzsceca. Fftlxxts. to any nnrt of the State, by HUGHES, -A-GoaoLt, Snloxn. FALL TRADE, 1877. Great Bargains for Cash ! Having bought our Full Stock nt Great Induction on l-Vincr Prices ! Wo "aro prepared to slyo our customer tli licrtcflt of thu reduction, and offer a fall lluo of Gents' ami Boys' OIL-O T3EII3Nr3., at let i than at cr before. A!o. DRY GOODS, DRESS "GOODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, To mlt our Lailr customer, at reaioually low price BOOTS AND SHOES, Huts ami Cloys, At Prices that defy CouipstlUou I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE. A full stock of thoso article, to eule tho Country trade, m both prices aud quality. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS. Wo will do-so our stock of thoso goods out AT COST I VolnlteourfrIcndi to Excliango Country Products FOU oun GOODS, And wo will not only sell at reduced CASH ratbs. but will allow tbo hlRbe.t matkot rates for all thoy havo to dispose of. Call and See our Stock. L. & E. IIIKSCII, GRISWOID'S BLOCK, e!SmJ Commercial Street, SALEX. SALEM FOUNDRY, & Machine Shop, SALEM, . . . OREGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. TKAM ENQINES. SAw"5lIXS. ORIST MILLS, 3 IlMpeti. Pamp, and all klLd and tUWi of :Wne.TT made to order. Machinery- repaired at a bort noitcTi , J'?-kln5 doue In all it various formi! and all Had ol Bra and Iron Cattlns furoledat ROrt nottce. AIo, manufacturer of ENTEHI'iiLSK ?.Va "ATCUEH. and bTICUEBb and aUAfitKri i!4u WHEAT AiD OATS Choppod into Foed, I"or Ono-Tonth Toll. Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3VXoxilcllxi.K . Tuinlnsr. SUHr work, lletlNtcadN, OurenuN, Clauds, Tablcn, FANNING MILLS, Aad all kind ot rurnlture. At B5D-R0CK PHIC5S, Shop a AiHcnVn-al Wrfk. balUlrc. baleiH, C -9I O V. BEAMS,