Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 16, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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&lt&iaIMtemm&aiiL'JUiMtl&ii iiinii'l'iriiPi!iiTld
TffE o Circle.
Conducted by Mitt Hattik D. Clakks.
.In iii- . .... -
Woll, Tom, my boy, I must say Rood-bye.
I'vo bad a wonderful vllt bere ;
En toyed It, too. ns woll m I could
Away from nil tbatiny boart bolds dear.
Maybo I'vo been a trllle roub
A Uttlo awkward, your wife would say
And very likely I'vo mlssod tbohlut
Of your olty pollbb, day by day.
But somehow, Tom, tbougb tbo satuo old
8beltorod us botjU whon wo were btu,
And tho Bamo doarmotbor-love watched us
Sharing our childish griefs and joys.
Yet you are almost a strangtr now;
Your waytt and mine aro aa far apart
As though wo nover had thrown an arm
About each other with loving heart.
Yonr city homo 1 a palace, Tom,
Your wife and children aro fair to see;
You couldn't breatbo In the Uttlo cot,
The borne that belongs to me.
And I am lout in your grand large bouse,
And dazed with tbo wealth on every sido.
And I hardly know my brothor, Tom,
In tho midst of ao much stately ptldo.
Yes, tho concert wbb grand last night,
Tbo singing splendid, but, do you know,
t.ly heart kont longing, tho ovenlng through ,
For nnothcr concert, so swoet and low
Thai innybo It wouldn't tileao tho ear
Of ono so cultured and grnn.l ai you?
Lilt to Its music lnugh If j-oti will
My heart and thoughts unto! over bo truo.
I shut my oyfi9 In tbo ball last night
For tbo claih of tho music wearied me,
And closo to my heart tbl Hvlslon cttnt
Tho sauto hwuot picture I always m:
In tho vino clad porch o' ncottaiio homo,
Half In fthadow uud half In hull,
A uiottier chniitlng hor lullnby,
Hocking to rest her Uttlo one.
And soft and swretns tho music fell
From tho mothor'a lhm. 1 hoiml tho coo
Or my baby girl, as with drowsy tonguo
Shu tohocu tbo song with 'Ooo-u-goo."
Touothorlhey sang, tbo mother and bubo.
My wlfo and child, by tho uotlaco door,
Ah I That Is tho concert, brother Tom,
My ours aro aching to bear ouco tnoro.
So now pood-bye. And I wish you well,
And many n year of wealth and gln.
You wero born to bo rich and gay .
I am con tout to bo poor and plain.
And I go back to my country homo
With a lovo that Hbjonco has strengthened
to tho canccrtall my own
Motbor'a singing and baby's coo.
Harpcr'a Magazine for October.
What a Fall.
A minister of tho gospel told mo ono
of tho nio.it thrilling incidents I havo
heard in my life. A member of his con
prcpatlon camo homo for tho first tlmo
In his lifo intoxicated, and his !oy mot
him upon tho door step, clapping his
hands and exclaiming, "Papa has
como homo!" Ho seized tho boy by
tho8houIdcr,svunghim around, stng
trered. and foil In tho hail. Tho minis
ter said to mo (I could givn you his
namo if necessary), I spunttho night
In that house. I wont out, barod my
brow that tho night air might full upon
it and cool it. 1 walked out and down
tho hill. There was his child dead;
thoro was his wifo in strong convul
sions, and ho asleep. A man but thirty
years of ngo asleep, with a dead child
in tho house, having a bluo mark upon
tho tomplo wlioro tho corner of tho mar
bio step had come In contact with tho
head as ho swung him around, and u
wifo upon tho brink of tho gruvo J Mr.
Couch,' said my friond, ' I cursed tho
drink.' Ho had told mo that I must
remain till ho awoke, and I did. When
ho awoko ho passed his hand over his
faco, and exclaimed, What Is tho mat
tor? Whcro am I? Where Is my boy?'
You can not seo him.' ' Stand out of
ray way. I will see my boy,' To pre
vent confusion I took him to tho child's
bod, and as I turned down tho sheet
and showed him tho corpse ho uttered
n wild shriek, ' Ah! my child!' " Tho
minister said further to me, ' Ono year
after that ho was brought from a luna
tic asylum to lio side by sido with his
wife, in ono grave, and I attended tho
funeral." Tho minister of tho gospel
who told mo that fact Is to-day a drunk
en hostler in a stablo in Boston. Now
tell mo what rum will do. It will do
base, degrade, imbruto and damn eve
rything that is noble, bright, glorious
and crod-liko In a human belncr. Thoro
is nothing drink will not do that Is vilo,
dastardly, cowardly, sneaking or hell
ish. Wo are, aro wo not, to light till
tho day of our death?
Puttino Citn.DituN to Hr:n. Not
with a reproof for any of that day's sins
of omission or commission. Tako
any other tlmo but hedtimo for that.
If you over heard a Uttlo creaturo sigh
ing and sobbing In its sleep you could
never do this. Seal their closing eyo
llds with a kiss and a blessing. Tho
tlmo will como all too toon when thoy
will lay their heads upon their pillows
lucking both. Let them then at least
jirtvo this Bvveet momory of a happy
childhood, of which no future sorrow
or troublo can rob them. Give them
tho'r rosy youth. Nor need this In
volvo wild license. Tho Judicious pa
rent will not so mistake my meaning.
If yon have over met tho man or woman
whoso eyes have (suddenly filled when
a Uttlo child has crept trustingly to its
mother's breast, you may havo seen ono
in whoso childhood's homo, dignity
and severity stood where lovo and pity
should havo lcen. Too much indul
gence has ruined thousands of child
ren; too much love, not one.
Absent things act upon hs by means
of tradition. History may bo called
ordinary tradition; whiio that of a
higher kind is mythical, and nearly
related to imagination; but if we still
seek a third kind of meaning in it, It Is
transformed to mysticism. It also
easily assumes a subjective character,
. so that we only appropriate that which
Js sympathetic to ourselves. .
Miss Ed: I bo in a peck o' troublo
Jest now. Ef you was only here,
maybe ye might tell mo what to do. I
was at a informal meetln, of tho granges
of Marion bounty an a lettor was read;
maybe it was a report o' some commlte
or sich like. It was mighty good, as
some o' the brothers sod. Nieco Itlrali
ses she thinks the hull ef it hod ough
ter be lade before the Board of mane
gcrs of tho Stato Fair. Ono o' tho
Board belli present, ho Jump3 up an'
sos lie: " if that part on ho3s racln' aint
struk out, the wont pay no tention to
thot report;" an' them's tho contlments
of Mahepsaboth; It wont do for any
one to sa ono word agin hoss racln', fer
thot is all thot keeps up tho fair. But
niece Itirah bIio thinks If thot is nil wo
havo fairs fer they had bettor givo up;
she vl9lted fares back East an' no hos3
racln' was allowed on tho grounds; nn'
tharo was lots o' peoplo thero too; sho
ses: " hoss racln' nlnt no pracktlcal uso
to tho agriculturists, it is considered
fur nbovo tho lino arts; slences, natoral
history, domostlck manerfactorys, In
ventions, and sich like, things of rulo
worth to mankind, git but very litlo In
comparison with this grato pvel.
Thousands are pado out yearly fer hoss
racln'. an' that muny bo taken frum
ralo work an gin to the horse jocky, on
couragln' gamblln' and rulnamongour
young folks. Tako yer muny you thus
throw away, an' encourage labiir. Lot
us shatter this .strong hold o' evel; lot
us elovato labur;, put down hoss racln'
and gamblln', It'only helps tho follow
ers on to ruin, makiu' sad tho hart o'
many a fond mothor, causln' sum to
seek comfort in sin blacker than hell.
But niece Itlrnh an' mo don't seo alike.
Why Miss Ed. don't yon know if it
wan't for boss racln' tharo wouldn't bo
no fair, nobody would come Jest to look
at tother things? Ear all ther bo mor'n
as many agin comes frum tho country
then frum tho cities, yet It bo all theso
keers full from tho towns, that counts.
I jlst think tho man thot brings his Ut
tlo race hoss there, thet no womln
would dura drive, caso ho Is unsafe, an'
thet never works or does nothln' but
run, bed oughter hovo $500, if ho wins,
an' tho man thot brings his bosses of
all work, and thorough breds and sich
like, hadn't oughter hove a sent over
$30. If ho gits first premium. You &co
hoss racin' helps git tho society out'n
dot, by brlngln' so many to tho fair, an
as far as gamblln' is consernd, they
don't gamble, they sel pools, an' that
don't hurt nobody; of I go an' givo SCO
fur a pool on Ity Straw, and ho gits boot,
that nlnt nothln', I didn't bot, I bought
my pool. Can't yo all seo It aint gamb
lln'? But nieco III rah ses its nothln'
clso in tho world but gamblln', under
a now name, and sho is mighty agin
so much logor hero too. Sho ses: "Ban
ish tho vilo dona called logor bcro stands
fer behind each won o' them rum is
sold to our fathers, sons, nnd bruthors."
She says: " 0, you of tho law giver,
why do you fer filthy lucro, deal out
worso than death to thoso wo lovo, why
dont yo listen to tho prayers nnd plead
In's, an' heart akos of mothers, wives,
and sisters 0, eparo my son, sparo my
husband, havo pity for my bruthor."
Ses sho, " thoy inako a saloon, a vilo
whisky stand of our fares, yearly thous
ands touch ther firs', glass an' lay tho
foundation fur distrukshun. Still they
call this don o' hoss racin' an' whisko
shop tho Agrlcultoral Fair." Sho ses
" mako them mon pay ferselln' whisko
of they must hovo it there, to do It
honestly." Now I think thorn whisko
stands jest tho thing, it saves tho men
an' boys frum spend In' ther muny goln'
up town, fer they will hov it, and it
looks manly to soo men tako a drink,
in my young day ovory body hod whis
ko In ther house, and thar nover was
half the drunk folks thet yo seo now
a' days. Now nieco Hindi's man sod
tharo was moro drunk men at tho faro
this year than ho over seo, nnd moro
young boys drunk. But, la mo! thoy
hov to so thor wild oats, and the sooner
they do it tho bettor. But nieco Itirah
ses wo hadn't oughter put this tempta
tion beforo 'cm, and sho thinks tho
Board bed oughtor furnish straw fur its
patruns, as it can do it for tho fino raco
bosses, and ther mon, somo o' them
mon sleep on straw too feet deep, and
It oughter bo divided wlmmln nnd
chlldern need it wus than hossscs and
cattle; but now Miss Ed. hain't it rea
sonable to know they might fill a wag
gen with straw au' haul it to tho fair
fer beddln' even if they do hov to como
three or four hundred mllos? An' that
mlssellaneus corner is jest tho thing,
yo can enter yer things thare an' it
wont cost yo ono cont, even if it is a
tidy yo can call it a stand cover and put
it tharo an yo aro a'most suro to git a
premium, an' quito olo ladles can enter
thor work in tho misc. fur Uttlo tails
J work, even ef they be grown an' might
do better; old scarfs, lamp mats and
sich like thet aro worn and faded ken
be put in thet corner without a fear o'
boln' beet. An' Callforny moss reaths
kon come in without a fear, so ken a
little lump o' lead oro and coal git to
tho misc. instead o' tho J ton the book
calls fer, an' most every thing yo can
think of, whether it bo ony ncotint or
not. An' tho committee of thot depart
ment gits moro tenshun then all the
balanco, tho blesod Sec. and Pros, both
cum around ovry Uttlo bit au sos they,
' now bo kerful o' the muny," an' nrter
tho blu rlbblns aro tldo on yo can seo
this un an' that un cummin' round ask
in' what they got, an' If it bo n dipplo
my thoy say why Mrs. Superintendent
I'd ruthor hovo tho muny, or I wish I
could hov a medal; tn' If they git thv
red ribbln thon thoy aro suro to try to
convince ye they oughter he vo tho blue.
I don't spect I'd a knowed so much
bow things wont, but I hed a few
things in thet corner myself, and 1 jlst
follercd thot commlte to see of I got the
bluo ribbln, and then when I did git It,
I follored to seo thot they didn't change
it to tho red, nn' I heern a beep o'
things. But nieco Itirah she thinks
thet nilfec. corner is tho bigost humbug
o' tho fair. Sos she: " hero Is where
tho big gougo is centered, an' why Is it
thero bo no feo to enter this division,
yo can do most anything gist by glvln'
yer artlckles a name. Men work Just
as hard as tho wlmtnin to git In the
misc. thoro oughter be a misc. class to
each division, then thare wont bo so
much confusun In this division or if tho
connnlte's wore to hov sum latltudo
about articles not on the list, but enter
ed In tho right placo It would bo bettor."
But sakes allvo thot would never do,
tho commlto's might gin so much thot
tltur wouldn't bo 'ntif loft fur thorn
flno race bosses, and then tho blessod
Sec. and Pros, would hov to run ther
legs oil golu arter so many commltes
nn tellln them to " bo kcerful o' tho
muny." I am mighty savin' when it
comes to things entered in tho pcrvll
llun, 80 thot wo can gin a plonty to tho
flno raco bosses, and so bo tho Sec. an'
Pres. an' that is Jest tho reason I think
them all right, tho' I am a Uttlo afcard
tho Pres. dont go as much on sich as
tho Sec. docs; but now liko as not tho
Board does as much bossln' as they do.
Miss Ed., I didn't know whothor I hot
ter go beforo tho board and try to cum
fert them with my say, or go lo tho
Tho Mlddlotown Press relates tho
A quiet wedding occurred In this vll
lago within two months, at which wero
no guests, a mother to tho brldo being
tho only witness to tho ceremony bo
sides tho officiating clergyman, who
camo from anothor villago. In 1802, a
young gentleman, n resident of this
county, who was botrothed to tbo lady,
unlisted in tho Union army. Ills sweet
heart made no effort to dissuado him,
and with a breaking heart bado him
adieu, nnd quietly burled lmrsolf In hor
homo with tier wldowod mother, tho
only living member of tho family be
sides herself. For a while all went
well, and loving letters cheered tho
gallant soldier. Aftor tho battlo of
Chancellorsvillo his letters suddenly
ceased. Letter after aftor lettor was
written to. him and his comrades, but
all that could be learned was that aftor
that torriblo battlo ho was missing.
His stricken sweetheart nover ontlroiy
abandoned hopo, nnd living on, hoping
against hopo for his roturn. Aftor ma
ny weary years hor pationt troth has
been rewarded and sho Is now a happy
bride. Somo time during tho fight no
was taken prisoner nnd soon after sent
to a Southern prison, whore ho was
kept about a year, suffering almost un
told torture. Ho escaped and roach od
tho seaboard, whoro ho conceived tho
Idea of personating an English sailor
nnd getting to England on a blockade
runner. After much delay and many
disappointments, during which his
courage almost failed him, ho succeed
ed. Ho remembers sailing through
tbo blockading Hitiudron. After that
all is a blank. Ho learned afterward
that ho had been taken 111, and boon
nfter insano. On his arrival in England
ho was takon to an insano asylum by
tno captain oi tno niocKaue-ruunor,
whero ho romalned until a year ago,
when ho was discharged cured lint
penniless. Ho succeeded, through tho
assistance of friends In the asylum, in
obtaining a situation In a mercantile
hotiso whero ho won tho esteem of tho
principals, to whom ho told his story.
A leave of absonco was granted him,
ho camo to Mlddlotown and found his
old sweetheart, now a lady of thirty
two, still faithful to tils memory. They
wero quietly married and aro now In
England, whero he proposes to remain
for a term of years. During his long
absence Ills only surviving relatives, a
brothor and uncle, had died, and ho
had no ties to keep him here, save the
lovo of country, which will eventually
bring him and his faithful wife back to
our fehores.
Swearing on tho Ulble wus first Intro
duced Into judical proceedings by tho
Saxons, about A. D. 000. It was called
a corporeal oath, becano tho witness,
with his hand, touched somo part of
the Holy Scriptures
Breakfast Relish. Cut Into small
pieces one-quarter of a pound of cheese,
placo in a spider with n small pleco of
butter; pour over it ono cup of milk
nnd one egg well beaten; season high
with salt nnd pepper.
Ivekosexk On. von Insects. A cor
respondent ot the Gardener's Monthly
says that tho simplest plan to uso this
substanco on Insects to destroy them Is
to make somo moderately strong soap
suds and mix a Uttlo oil with It. It
readily combines with tho suds, and
can bo then applied uniformly with a
syringe. It is tho best thine for mealy
bugs, and may be used in dilution suit
ed to tho nature of tho plant requiring
For. Cleaning Paint. Tho best
soap for cleaning paint is mado by tak
ing ono ounce of pulverised borax, ono
pouud of best brown soap cut in smnll
pieces, nnd threo quarts of water; put
all in n kettle; sot ft on tho back part of
tho stove, or range, until tho soap is
dissolved, stirring frequently; it must
not come to a boll; uso with a piece of
old, soft, whlto flannol; it cleans paint
without Injuring It; it Is nlso beneficial
for tho hands, nnd much bettor for
washing clothes than any other sea p.
ToRkmoveIron UusT,&c.Gotsalts
of lemon at any druggist's, moisten
tho linen, apply tho salt, and lay tho
linen In tno sun: tho rust will almost
immediately disappear. Oxalic acid
used with caro will do. If a stain re
mains, uso Javelle water, which Is
composed of sal soda and lime, and
sold by druggists; rlnso in clear water.
Ink stains aro removed in tho same
wnv; If a brown stain remains, uso Ja
velle water. Javello water Is tho only
thing suro to removo mildew.
Forgivo nny sooner than thyself.
Athletic sports Tor ladles: Jumping at
conclusions; walking around a subject,
running tnrougii a uuiio uovei; snip
ping full descriptions.
Truth nover need bo In a hurry, but
a lie must keen all tho time on tho
Jump; a lazy lio soon tires itsolf out,
and onus in contusion.
Teach selfdonlal, and mako its prac
tlco pleasurable, ami you create for tho
world a destiny moro sublimo than
over Issued from tho.brnln of tho wildest
Wo seo tho heads that turn on the
pivot of tho 8plno no more; nnd wo
too heads that seem to turn on a pivot
as deep as tho axlo of tho world so
slow aim lavstiy anu great inoy move.
An English lady has prosontod to
Parliament a potitlon, with 10 i,!30 sig
natures, that no moro grants bo mndo
to tho royal family till thoy givo a full
account of tholr present income, and
how thoy U90 it.
Hjew many remember over having
hoard that a pleco of Ico placed on tho
wrist, pulses or temple, will In a short
tlmo eirectually cool tho wholo system
without tho Injurious effects of largo
draughts Of Ico water.
Years neo. whon Abrahnm Lincoln
was a
'dock hand"
a llat'boat, a
man said to him. "Somo of tho girls
who pass up anil down tho rlvor on
thoso arks aro perfect divinities."
"Yos," replied tho young boatman,
"real ark-angels,"
If you havo a had temper, loso It. If
a good one, koep it. If a doubtful one,
mako it certain. If a swoot ono, uso It
for tho honoflt of your friends. If a
Jolly one, cultivate It for oxamplo's
sako nnd tho delectation of tho com
inanity. If nono at all, avoid looking
into tho mirror, lost you soo a goose.
An effort Is being mado in lioaton to
open the Latin school to the girls; hut
a bitter opposition is mot with mainly
on the cround that "tho girls aro not
adapted by naturo to undorgo tho phy
sical olfort required." And curiously
enough.just at tins umo comes ovi
donee In support of this In tho report
of tho commltteo of tho legislature in
Wlscousin appointed to oxnmluo iuto
tho failure or success oi mo hvhiohi oi
co'cducatlon in that stato. Tho com
mittee roport "an unmistakable ap
pcaranco of ill health" among tho fo
innlo students, and conclude that "tho
peculiar physiology of women will not
pormlt them to study as closoly as
1'"i:.h or 1)i:ath. A striking
in connection with the dying is
they aro not afraid of death,
not Ico this ovon In executions,
iiiiiloritvnf men who aro hanged
reported to havo died "gaino." Death
Hollowing (Uscaso or injury is miiiioui
.'icioinpanlod with fear. Dlsenso palls
the Intelligence, o that tho Munition
may not bo fullv comprehended or
death may bo lookod upon as a roller.
Naturo, by a kind provision, seems to
prepare tho flight of the spirit; as the
hold upon lifo grows weaker ro does
tho deslro for lifo grow les-.
Whon a child picks flowers 1 1 a field
anil brings us the whole handful, ono up
and ouo down, all seo moro clearly the
beauty, the harmony in color and form
that Istogood toourslght. Woarrango
thorn, ami all together they blond In a
bountiful whole, bt) that we do not look
at one, hut at tho wholo bouquet. Tills
perception of tho harmony of beauty Is
an Instinct in ns, lylug In our eyes and
ears these bridges between our souls
and tho created things, even In the
bcatiug of thu waves of the air made
manifest in sound.
Conscience is a clock, which In ono
man strikes aloud uud gives wuruing;lu
another the hands point nileutly ton tig-
uro but strike not;ine,intime hours pass
away, and death hu-douu, and alter
death comes Judgment.
Mrs. Kohrer's New Ramedy
for txs z.xnra
no canal In the roller and euro of Congh, Coldi,
Asthma, bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Mea
tier, Ac. It has produced como remarkable cares.
Sold bv drnegtsts generally. Prepared only by
JOHN L. MTJRFIIY, Monmouth. Or.,
To whom all letters of business should bo addressed.
Offlco moved ovcrBHEYMAN 1)1108.' NEW 8T0R1
" TV Offlco hours from 0 a, ra. to B p. m.
Xilhornl Terms!
Too Oregon and California and Oregon
Central Kallroad Companies
OFFER their Lands ror lalenpon tho follow Inn libe
ral terms: Ono tenth of tho prlco In cash; Interctt on
the balanco at tho rnto or roven per cent, one year
after sale; and each following year ontMcnth of tho
principal and Interest on tho balanco at tho rato of
tgven par cent per annu n, lloth principal and Inter
est pajablo In u. S, Currency.
A discount of ton per cent, will be allowed fir cash
W Utters to bo ddreird to P. bCllULZE, Lan
Agent . A U. It. It.. Portland. Orcirnn.
tX. cd n full assortment of
G-onoral Merchandise,
Dry GoodSj
Boots & Shoos,
Calculated for tho City and Conntry Trado. lloui'ht as
low, and will bo sold al as SMALL A PliOl'lT, at
thoso who ttCLL AT COST. tWOooJs delivered to
wypartol tno city free ot chari-o. Noter
Direct Passage from New
Yorkto Portland. Oregon.
Land PtrAirrxKNT O. A O. II., I
I'oiiTLANo, Juno 23, 1PTI. f
aerocd to carry on Its Iron steamship, now being
built at Cheater Pa , by John Itoacu A Son, upon her
completion, on or aooni mo ioiu nay oi January
181a stcerace na.senirors from New York in I'nrtliinri.
direct, vlathnHtrattsofMaKi'llan, at tho extremely
luwmooi VTa.uu currency, noaru incmaca.
This steamer will bu tho best, stronnest anl molt
comfortably arranged ship ovnr built In the United
States. Nueed, uv knots. Dimensions: a.0 feet In
length; 18 feet beam; 3 IK dipth of hold;
.fu tons: 8W cabin ana MM rteerava passuuueis.
too quick nti oi tho steerage will recelvn special at
tention; It will bonrovldoit with all modem Improte-
I ments and Its ventilation will be perfect. Kvery aV-
memsanu us Tcmuauon win no perioci.
tention will bo paid to tho comfort of
icnuou win do pam 10 mo comrort or passenirers,
and the faro will bn or the best qualllr. Part of the
dock room will bo fitted up for lefilReratlnir purpos
es, with a view to Inrnlsb ptssenrera fresh meat du-
rlnirtln wholo voyaco.
Tno voiai?o will liu mi
vojago will bo made In about sixty days.
To assist persons who deslro to vmlurato to Oregon,
agricultural and other luplcnmits will bo talteu at
very low rates.
For persons hero who havo friends Id tho Atlantic
States wishing to como to Oregon this offers a raro
opportunity, as the annoytncis and fatlguo of (ho
overland route by rail aro avoided, and tho passage Is
considerably less,
rurparilcular Information address P. C. Bel m'dt,
1 South William street, New York, or
Land Aient O. 0. It. II. Co , PortUnd, On.
Homo -Mado and Hand-Made
b o or s .
you can be accommodated by calling
At AriiiNtroiifr'N Shop,
On Stato Street, npposlto WILLIS'S HOOK BTOItX.
All Wohk WaiiNANTKD. Piters Hkasonai.i.
IteiialrlliK ntnlly and nninhllu ilont. (Iiym Mi A
Call. fsclblf Win. AIIMMTHONU.
Patented April 1877.
JL any
ny oilier for Drying or Prtservlog Fruits snd
of all kinds, and aru constructed and lur
iilsTad complete lu four different sixes, namely:
The Tom Thumb Dryer capacity of )i
bushel of apples per hour prlci $ T8
The Nraull Family Dryer-capacity of IK
bushels pir hour-price f 199
The Family Dryer-capacity of 3 bushels
ptr hour price .(300
The Factory Ilryer-capaclty of 0 bushels
per hour pi leu
Thess Dryer wero awarded the Centennial Iedl
and Diploma at Philadelphia In IBfifl. Also, thu Oold
,M ilal ol the State of Orrgon fur lbTtl, for excellence
or flavor, color and condition of Fruit.
All sixes constantly on hand and furnished on short
est notice
Farm mud
Co ii my Itlchts for mile.
For further particulars and dircrlptho catalogue
PuUnteu and .MtnufdCturrr.
Ksst Portland, orcgun.
ti . n. ri.ujuir.il,
Etc., Etc.
DimillN'H BLOCK,
Maula. Spring Lists free. V, X,
l'uutxu, B.'ooinlcgtou Nursery, I1L
II .1