'V? ti 6 DXRBOTOAY. OFFICEHSoftlie NATIONAL CHANGE. Matter-John T. .Tones, Barton, Nillllpa. Ark. OureeerJ. J. Woodnun, I'aw I'aw, Van DarcL, Mich . lecturer A. H. Smcdlejr.CroflCo, Howard, la. Steward A.. I. Vaughn, McmphU.TcuD. Am't Steward ilotllmer Whitehead, Ittddlcbufb, Bomcrret, N.J. . . .... Uitaplaln-S, it. Ellis. BprltiKlmrotiRh, Wnrrcn, 0. TrtnurerV. M. McDowell, Wayne, Hteubcn,N.. tiecretary-U. II. Kcllor. I.oulavlllc. Ky. Oatt-h't'irrO. Dinwiddle, Orchard Orovc, Ind. ant .Mr. John T. .torn-. Ilarton, I'MIIId. Ark. VhntiiAt. Samuel K. Adams, Montlcello, Minn. Jmona-T llsrroy Ooddard, North Oranby, Ct, l.id'j AttUtant titttcard-)Us Carolina A. Hall, Loulmllli!, Ky. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. I). Wyatt Aiken, (Chairman,) Colteabury, H. C. K. It. Hhankland, Hulmque- Iowa. Dudley T.Chase, Claremont.N. II. Alonr.o O jldcr, Rock Kails, Whiteside, III. W. II. Chambers, Oswccclieo, Itureoll. Ala, Ofltcorn of Oregon Kioto Grange. Matter Win, Cyrus, ficlo. Oceruer-A. It. Shipley, Oswcco. Lecturer Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. a fitary N. W. Handall. Oregon City. SUward-Vf. U. Thoma, Walla Walla, W. T. Antlttant Sttward-H. w. Hlddlo, Canyonvlllo. (Captain W. II. Gray, Atorla. Treasurer 8. 1'. Loo, Portland, ffafc-AVyxr-IMnlol Clark, Salem., I'tret-iUo. II. A. Mlllir, Jacksonville. l'oinona Mrs. 8. D. Durtutn, McMinnvllle. t'lora-iU. E. A. Kelly. East Portland. Lady Att't Stetcard-iln. OcorjjU Smith, Hood River, Wssco conn v. . . Krecutht OnnmHU-S'm. Cyrus, Bcloi R. Clow, DIUsj K. I.. Smith, Hood lllver. Slatt Jiutintu Aqwt-. V. Lee. Portland. State Grange Deputies for 1877 ItotOJlct. Krprett. A IUM?".T.".?.' C'orvalll Corrallls CLACKAMAS. Enoch Hklrvlno Ilntto Crt;ek N W Itandnll Oregon Uly J W Have Myrtlo Creek OMtlaMlner Drain's Station IMymMorfKetfyV.'.'. ... East Portl.md . . . . Eat Portland MAIIION. isf'iiilnmili ttnt'i'T'l!" O Wilun... .. ....Sublimity Salem JN TMlffcr'"! Ucks-nllle Jacksoiivlllo V A IMUoiinu' lllckreal Salem JJCharlt'in...". (loom Lake JackionvJlle Jlipr.rmnn. Daniel r lifter Kcrbyvllle.. .. Jackrouvlllo James W. Matlock (loshcii KAIrvlriti Lebanon IMIM. , John Did TjU VA MIMLI-. I) (1 Durban McMlnnvllli. J Hupplimton (Jastou miANr. . .... J) II Itliii-hiiri Canyon City. MUR ......... Albany ....Tlio Dalles .Can) on City IllMIMIIIA. . , , , ,, I! W OoMirs Columbia City II F T'!i!il!l,.,"V Tlllam ok Norlh Vnmhlll J8 WuiloJ.'.''": Wwlun Wcilon roo. JHuirybiirolr.... Ott.... wasiiinuton TEuniror.r. MAPI.. H W Ilrmvii aucoucr t'oMixnu. . Ul'HMii Ill) ton WHITMAN. .!f,. Lb Itliiir Colfax l-olfax DIIKIIAI.U. M . (IoihUI'I Man I'IKIl'.K. KH Ma ktmm Chelmlls Point LOAblMlt."..0.'.." Olymplu Olympln I! LotiKtnlro ..elui Julius Hnrlim Sialt'.o Bcattlo I.I1WII. LMPIetsnii CI.vi.uito takoia. OP Cook I.llmsliUTK Inanyfounty whero tho Deputy r, jtoliiUtl l iijtt tli'i ino.t sultiblo. nr.il thu llrjnw. 't'h lollty will iirotioily liullcalii In mo n rhnlcf. I jlllbviplii.il.lr In nuny liutaiiius 1 hmnlwu oMImjl to mnko up ulbliuiinu without UihiwUhUo ".Mrt,.'',,s Mrt-liT Ori'irun Htalu (iraimu, P. of II. Mootlus of Subordhmto Grancos I.INNHoUNrY. Ilnpo, Ki.SI, iiutnlH lu AH'rtiiy.on tlio It unit :iSliinl.iV4 lit mioIi iimhiUi, ut 10 u. in ().vk l'lalu, No. 0, In JUNy, tuJ una M Ilinui'r, No. Ut-'. I OrnwIonlHVlllo, 11 riiiI anl Hrtttmliiyn. t yp.i. u , Svmoiiso No. K, ut .MIIIom SUitlon, Itli jAtiiriluy, ut 1 . i. , , ... . ... liuOaiiou No. Ul, t l.nb.111011, i!.l iiml Wi Udliirilny. in If . . , u . , UMiiif IVhIiIo No. 10, Hh Niturjluy. Knox Ituttu No. --J, Ixt wul aril Hntitr- ' l&iitliuii No. 37, anil nml Itli SHtunUyH, nt 10 ii. m. . . ..,,.., llruwuivlllo No. 10, lt ami Bud botur- ' Tai'iKont, No. 7, Ut wid llnl FrlduyH, nt 10 ' 'lUrrlibur, No. 11, lit ami 3rd Satur- day, ut 10 ii. in. ...,. , , ,n Hhodd, No. ti, Ut and 3d Saturdays, at 10 'lla'piiy llnno No. Ill, tat and 3d Salurdayi. In oaoli innmti fioni Ooiobor to Junn.Hiul on tit ii Ut S.ilnnUy tint lUno or tlio yoar. IMnnnnv No. 'Al, 3rd SiiliiriUy, ri-KUlarlr, piuont In Nov. Diw , Jan.. Kiib,, wid Maroli, who n limy moot I lie Ul I'rUUy. 1IKSTON COUNTY. Soup Urwk No H, Ut Sutnrday at 10 . in. WllUinnttn No. W, Ut Tluiraday, at 10 a.tn lMilloiualli, Nol'J,4lliHtnnUy,at 10 a.m. LANK COUNl'Y. Onwiw.ill. No. 01, li SiiunUy, 1 j. in. Uuj!iin, No. M, In HitKono City, 3rd bat Uv, nt 10 .i. in. CtiTliy, No T0.21 Sitnniay. , llotluui. No. 101. UlSiliutUy, at 10 o olooa Jiinotloii City, No. la, and SMnnluy, ut 1 'sliMiUw, Ni. Bl, llwt SatunUy In wli iniiiitl), ut 10 a. in. . , . MolCunklo, No. 107, Camp Crtek, ad Sutur- Uy' VOUK COUNl'Y. 0.iU I'olnt, No. 3, Ut and 3rd Saturday. M.VIUON COUNTY. Hiliun (IrattKS, No. 17, Ut and 3d SiOnr liy In nioti inontli, nxivipl In Aiikhh', nop t jihuar, and Oiitobor, wluin It innoU only ou llio UtSunnUv at tliHlrlmll In Salem. Ablona, N 131, Itli Saturday. It-K'k I'olui, No IS. 3dSiturday,utl p. in ituttu Crook, No. SJ, 3rd Saturday, ul It - '"' 'V.VSIUNOTON COUNTY. lloivotou No, 100, mooti 11, Saturday, at lOo'oluok. To tk folut. Th follo'i In l ''vt'rtituin' pony of tin Thankujlvlm; Proclamation of tho Qovernoi of llholrt Ulandi "1 anp.ilnt ThuraiUy, &'h, hh Tlmnk'tlv liiRdav.aiid riquit hojI of tMt SlaiH ti Nmblu In llinlr lioui tor r'dlo orlil aud rfliirnlliaiiUitnOiHl for liU tender mer p!(w and IovIiik klndne, and uuy tboi who n wVamd with abundauco glv lib rally to toe poor. Uieful Information. OfScera of tbo grange could not do hotter Rorvlco for tbo causo than by showing to farmers what has been accomplished through organization by other classes. Tho history ofthodlffarontorKanlzatlons of merchants, for Instance, would be very Instructive, nnd tho high valuo placed upon theso organiza tions by that clans of shrewd, thinking peo ple, tho llborallty with which they am sun tallied, if properly presented to larmr-rs would awBken an interest in tho subject that would causo thorn to glvo the grange n warm support. They tire comparatively few far mers who know nnythlng of olavi orffimlz i lions and their practical worklnt's; how tho pricts of all farm products oro IIxhiI hy them, und how tho entiro buttine world Is rov ertiod by n hot of rules and regulations that unablo tlio handlers of theso product torrnp all tho profits. Karmors ask what has tho grange done? Ii thoro any money in it? The best amwer lo such questions would bo to i.how them, by facts and tlgures, what the merchants 'organizations havo dinoand aro doing. If tho farmers wero fully lnfonnod nrilnj.AlliA.ntklH. .....I !.. I... . ..!....,. ill lUUPI) ..iuu tunica, nuu illU .UT IlllUUUillli oxpends annually hundreds of dollar! to keep up bis organization, while tho farmer pays but one dollar, limy would nut stop to ask suoh quostlons, but becomo active mem bors at once. With this kno.vledgo, llio five dollars Initiation would appear too In slgulficantfor a momont'a consideration, litron. What They Say of Ui in England. Thoodltorof tho Kngltih fUrmcr, at the oloso of an article upon thu Orango in Amorlca, says: "if what the graugo has alroady dono for Us members may bo taken aj an earnest of wiiat It will do for tliein In tbo fuluro, the benefits It will confer on them aro lucal culnblo.liut it Is devoutly to bo hoped that tlioy will uso their Immeiiso power wisnly and Justly. If they do this, tbo ordor which has united thorn will rapidly haston tho de velopment of ngrlcnlturo throughout tbo entire Union, while it will add to the sum of tho national prosperity." Tlio finuiL'o work thronilinnr Oliln Ij full of life, activity, nml dotorinlincd ourno!)tnu8.s, niid Is now nccotniilishin more in tliruoiiioiitliHtliun it did In .six, in any former. Mum bora of tlio Qmne itru iiwiikuiiini; to tlioir miiturial In torosts more tlntti foniiurly. Tliey nro moro curim.it In sooiiifr that Kranyi' work mill prlncliilos mo vnrrlud ojt nropuiiy. 'I'lio didumsioiis now heard In (lie (iritiiKO rooms of tlio bin to ary of a character to improve tlio knowl edge as well iii practice of its members. in any uraiiKora, wnoro tliey liavu Ibrmerly been able lo do notliltip; but to confer decrees, now nro discussing Mtibjeets of ureal lutoicst lo tlieir mem bora; HiibJeeiH that pertain to tlieir in lerenl.s ns farmer.'', etc. Oiin Farmer. ('aj)ital (Iranye, Topeka, KniHas, lia.s a luro library of rdnndard worki on iiKrieitlturo and thu .scleuced pi rtuiniiij; to that indti.stry, history, biography. (lotion and niiscellaiioou.s works, in cliidiu$;u number of IiiterestliiK mid In Htiuctlvu books for yomiK folks mid children. Membora are illowod to takeout books for both themselves mid elilldreii, m t lint UraiiKo day is looked forward to within new interest by all membura of tins family. A boo was helo to classify, catalogue mid label tbo bookn. This l.s u worthy oxamplo to (InuiKUM. These orpin l.ations can tlirlvo only when they return lo the particlpant.ssomu appar ent equivalent for tlmumid labor in the cause. The Kecrelary of the National (.Irnngc liua front a circular letter to the menibcrH In which ho Miuuestf) "Hiatal thu com lute hoaiIoii of the National Ciraup) each member prepare mid read uu original pa.er, upon any .subject that will ho of value to tho order nt lurKO none to occupy moro than forty minutes. A collection of such matter, published In our proceedings, will provo a K"ont beuellt to membera of .subordinate Krauzes. Wo evidently must do more liereaflor than wo nro tloiue; to advance education lu the .subordinate Krauzes, if wo wish to make tho ortler u perma nent institution, mid add to its mem bership." English and American bhort Horns. When the last Iilvor)ol show took place Mr. Thomas llites won Ut prize for bul old bull with hlsClevolaud Luil; and Mr. Ilontb tho prize fur tbo best cow with hi Bracelet, mid for thu best heifer with bis Manlallnl. Tho iiromluuucn of theso two strains of blood Is not hois marked In 1S77 than Itwaslu 1811. It Islrutitlmttho lUtcs breoddrs have aluiixt abandoned tho Nhowyard depart meui;veta llitea Watorloo bull begot Mr. T. II. ltland'N very good liiaslllan Pride ami Ida Metier) Kusoe and Flirt, winUt Mr. Marsh's biautlful Diaua and I.idv I'lgnl's Imiwrlnua ()ueen are both doHend ants (by their sir) of the Klllerby Man. Ullui: and Uracoliu's descendant, through the Mills and graiuUnua or Iluckliigham, aro in the prlzH list In every class among Hhnrt huruHt ho Iiml tho recurrence or a Liverpool show wUihwum no great a tera',lu lu the pilttou of thu luidlug herds. Hut If tho Uiwi of 3tt yosra flmN tho-e who were Hhesd, ahead still, 1877 tlndsiuch parly with h vry (litloront tulluwlug to what It tud In IMI. It U rt'nlly curloiiN to see how the ltraluro nl tbo kiibjict Iihh grown; and how largo an amount of printed matter ou these Hut'JtfoiH finds readera week by wiek, In tho luiurifl taken In Short-horn breeding thero U an c iinriiinua udvauco, as ImglUh, Scotch, Irlith, A'tierlran, Australian papers sulll oltutiy lesillv, Yet tbero Is still far too ureal a tendency esolelly In England o utidervHluii ibw nn lees ot byvoue bhort tinrn breulerx, and tbiuklho prennt rather onn for wealthy amateur than for men of hiihw.s. II wealthy hinsteurs have taken thu lead as they havo It Is to llittdltervdll oft'iM HrltUh fanner, and In no vmilldo. moo the causa of hi present anxieties. Had hii Invading of good eatiln been 'iirued us 4'eMdlly throughout England ai It ba been In Atuirliii, Itulf llio piulgrniiU mlttlitl.nve tieeiieomfoitality ptovldid for at home, and tu leuaulrv would have been In a far Iwtler iMuliluu lo'fai-o llio new rivalry which ha tprung up. Tho show of Shoit-linrnsat l.tvri tool In 1S77 U a sutierboiie. Hut Hut inslu thouahl which the inspection rails up MihU-lflt tie possible to turn out such yearlltusaud 2ear-old co w Hi mch use of milk ss -Mr. T. II. Mlllei'a family uroupor Hlngleta dUdayed, why are the willnarv ratlin on Km-llah iture so far below this standard t Or course, ona doea oolaupiioMthat all cattle owner can keen ..lUu.ii cauie lu show couutnou; but all catiloowuiracan Uka pains that the cattlo WILLAMETTE FARMER they do keep shall be of a generally service able kind f. c, ahall be such an will be productive In the dairy whilst they live, and shall furnish a good carcase when they are no longer profitable to keep alive. Short horns will do both, and it Is because the Americans have observed the fact that thoy are now able to pour Into Liverpool such carcases as they have sent. Perhaps the English tonantry will follow tho Yankee's lead though they have been somewhat slow to take a lesson 'from the exhibitors of their own country, and make the Liverpool show of 1877 "ft new departure" In this matter. London Agricultural Gazette. Arab Maxims. 1. Lot your colt bo domesticated and live with you from his touderost age, ond wlun a horse ho will be simple, docile, faithful, and inured to hardship mid fatigue. -. uo not Deal your norsos, norapeanui them in a loud tono of voice; do not sot unary with them, hut kindly ronrovo lhlr faults; they will do better thereafter, for they understand tbo languago of man and Its meaning. a. n you Havo a long days journey no fore you, spare your horse at tho start; lot him frequently walk to recover his wind. Continue this until be has sweated and driod threo times, and you may ak of him whatever you please, ho will not leavo you In difficulty. 4. Observe your horse when he Is drink ing at a brook. If in bringing down bis head ho remains square, without bending bis limbs, ho possesses sterling qualities, and all parts of his body are built eymmot rlcillv. 5 Four things broad he must have front, chest, loins and limbs; tour things long neck, ohost, fore-arms and croup; four things short pasterns, back, oars and tall. Dklm rou Siikei-. The cheaptst and best Insurance against dozs killing sheep aro bolls plonty of bolls. Tho shoop dog is a great coward when In pursuit of mlschlof, and ho wants to do it qulotly wants no noise no alarm. Uplh bought tit wholoale donotcost much. Ituy a sldo of bridlo leather nt tho currier's, for collars, nnd put a boll on every shnnn. If vour flock is small. Tho price of one ahonp will buy a grn.s of delta nnd leather onniiuh nnd buckles In Himp thorn, rut this gros of bolls on u Hock of sheep nnd thv will frighten orcry dugout of tho field. Florkmastera aro slow tondoptnslmplo nnd uucnp remedy like thi, but wfil go to tho Legislature, hire lobby inlluenoe, nnd spoml largo sums of money to llttlo purpose. Members of the Legislature am fond of dogs IhemsMve, nnd do tint want them Uxid. Thoy own no slieopiindoaro but Utile about their protec tion. .Vimfiem Vimer. THOUGHTS. Vory few persons lmve 'ense enough to despise the priilee of a fool. A beautiful Indy's smiles arc innsnets to draw metid finm tliopui'.-c. When the loved one is absent, every beautiful thing scums her shadow. A child's heart responds to thu tones of its mother's voice liUu a harp to the wind. Kvery base occupation makes one sharp In its practice and dull In every other. Never court rt favor of tho rich by Hollering cither their vanities or their vlcus. ;T Indolence is u flficani which Hows slowly on, but yet undermines tho foun dation of every virtue. Whatever makes thu piHt or the future predominate over thu ptesciit exalts us in the scale of thinking beings. THir3'gs:L"ii:rr The political tpstmncnt of Thelis com mences (htm: "Faith lu an Immcm-c and Incoinprelieiislbb God has not Jeff me for an lustnnst In my life, uud I wind It to be my Hist thought now while I turn my mind towurd my end. I have nl wnvH denied ii po'riiimil God, ti revenger endowed with nil the vtilnhplviidorx, and Htibect to the mlxerublu passions of hu manity. Hut I prostrate tnyeelf, confused by llttk'iices, before tho Immense uncre ated cau.se of the cosmos, nnd I confide In that provident and immutable Justice which I see dltluos and dominant through the whole creation." LAUGHTER. Laughter very often shows tho bright side ot ti mini. It brings out his hapiiler nature, and shows ol whnt wort of stutt'ho Is made. Somehow- we feel as If wo never thoroughly know a man until wo hear him laugh. Wo do not feel "nt home" with him till then. We do not mean u mere snigger, but n good, hearty, round laugh. The folemn, sober visage, like a Suudiiv dress, tells nothing of tho real man ire may bo very silly, or very pro found. Let tm bear hint laugh and mo can decipher hint ; tell nt once how his heart beats. A Stepney, Conn., parson married nn Ktiston couple tho other night and let them go, when ho suddenly remembered that the ceremony was Illegal, as tho license wns obtained In Hasten and thev should havo been married there. Hur riedly getting a neighbor for company, hu started in hot nuiltlt. but was too slow, and reaching Huston, had to watte tho couple from sleep and remarry tlum. A Xniv York (Ir.mblu correspondent says the city of Demi wood oll'era Si"0 for tliu scalp in mi intuitu oi any m;. or bb. KIvm tli.ms.iiul dollars for twenty scalps are good wages, and tiny enterprising young man might make that Mini in two duvs If tho Indians would only ho Id still nml not insist iiiKin embarking In Hi., sealnlmr business themselves. The sculps ot cigar store Indians don't lotiitt When a Piety Hill mnu detects n nils. Mug button after getting on n clean shin, no one in thedioue Is aware of the fact. He takes oirtho shirt and putjonauoth er, quietly Mulling all tho while. He never, never speaks of It to u soul. A Kentucky girl was given the premi um for horeinaiiship at ti town fair. An admirer threw her u boquet, whereupon her horse shied, nnd Hie prize horse woman s.it dawn ou tho ground. Children that tire remarkable for what they know at live years old, tiro gener nlly more remarkable at twenty-live for what they don't know. A Callfomtan, whose family burial lot Is eloo to u race-course, sells seats on ula father's monument to spectators. A. WARNING TO ADVERTISERS. Tho Insanity of Dr. J. C. Ayor, of Low ell, affords a terrible warning to adver tisers. Hero was u man encaged In the manufacture of a pill, not dlilerlng much from n hundred other pills that may be obtained nt any drug store. In tin un guarded moment ho made up his mind that he would advertise, not in the picay une style of the ordinary denier, but in a comprehensive sort of way, by which he could reach every possible purchaser of pills. He started with the idea of devot ing half of his profits each year to adver tising. The result might lmve been fore oni.n TTi. niwiiiniilntud inoiicv so rapidly that bo did not know what to (lo with It. When lie hud lolled together fifteen mill- in,winiinran,..ll.ndvnrnlv endeavored to find somo outlet for his ever-Increasing i.miitu iiU min.l i'uvp wnv under the ab sorbing cures of his vast business, nnd ho Is now a patient at nn asylum for the in sane. How easily this calamity m ght have been averted. If lie hntl stuck to the conservative methods of many of our merchants and refrulned from advertis ing, he might have been passing quietly through bankruptcy now, instead of be ing loaded down with his uncounted millions. It is a dangerous experiment for a man who does not want to become rich to advertise. Or If ho advertises at all he must ndvcrtlso grudgingly and tit long Intervals, lest his profits should grow out of all proportion to ills require ments, nnd ho should find himself bur dened Willi weiillli. Advertising, cui ducted on the principle of devoting half tho proms or a easiness to it is, wu re peat, a dangerous experiment. It precip itates n fortune upon the advertiser so suddenly that the chances aro even that he will not know what to do with his money. RUSSIAN FUNERALS. Much ns I dislike funerals, I lmve had to see many, and of all khuh, but none, except nt tunes, In the form of the KpU copal church, are to me so beautiful or so pleasant as these Russian funerals. The Prcsbvferinii form Is too cold, too black, too still. We bury our dentl too much ns if wo wero trying to draw a lesson from tho dead, and ni if we doubted where the soul had gone. The Catholic service Is too grandiose. There Is fine music, but the ceremony Is too long and entirely confined to the officiating priest. In the Russian church every one seems to be taking a put lu the service, ami thu dead nru treated with a tenderness and love not elsewhere found. The bows and protestation-', the tapers in each one's hands, the kissing the hands, the earth thrown in the eotlin with its beautiful symbolic meant ng,nru marks of a Heel Inn ate respect, as well ns the carrying of the colllu and the earth thrown into the grave hv the hands of thefilends and relatives. There two no black palls, no double eofilns or burial caskets, no horrl blo screwingdown of the lid. "Dust thou art, to dust must thou return," is a truth which man here docs not attempt to evade. As I said above, every ceremony and every repetition here tends lo make us realize the fact ofdeath, without de stroying any of Its Minctlty. My thought! and relleetlons havo do-t-tiued too long, and thu funeral procc-' slou which gave rise to them has parked my window long since, and thu church bells nre silent. Iitigeno .Schuyler, lu jjoribner. WET BOOTS. A friend writes from Kuiope: Whnt an amount of dlacomtort wet boots entull. to be sure; ami how well weallivcnl) the fretful ell'orts wu have now ami then made to draw on a pair of hard baked ones which wero put up by the lire over night to dry. Damp uu I adhtslvo with in, they nro without stUl" and uiiyleldi.ig as a horn. Once on, they tire n Mirt of modern stocks destructive of nil comfort ami entirely demoralizing to the temper. Tile following device will rob tho wet barnyard of a slushy winter or f-prlng evening of half its promise of discomfort for tho next morning: When tho boots aro taken oil', fill them quite full with dry oats. This grain has n great fond nesss for damp, and will rapidly absorb tho Inst vestige of It from the leather. As It takes up the moisture it swells, uud fills the hoot with a tightly fitting last, Keeping its form good, and drying the leather without burdening It. In the morning, shako out tho outs and hang them In a bag near tho fire to dry, ready for tho next wet night, draw on the boots uud go nappy about thu day's work. SITTING DULL ON HIS DIGNITY. Lito advices from Fort Walsh, North west territory, reiwrt that the U. S. Com mission sent out by tho Government to find and treat for pence and good-will with tho Sioux chief, Sitting Dull, has at length succeeded in coming face to face with the redoubtable Indian chieftain and have fulled to bring him to any terms, and, in short, the Commission has met .Sitting Hull and that worthy has dismissed It abruptly ami disdainfully. The expedition lias failed in Its purpose, nnd tbo Sioux question is us far from a satisfactory solution us when Terry and his brother Commissioners first set out on their long and tedious Journey to the Northwest. HOW 10OJ.T it I OH. Nothing Is more easy than to grow rich, it Is only to trust nobody to be friend nobody to get all you can, aud save all you get to stint yourself and everybody belonging to you to befriend no man, aud havo no man for your ft lend -to neap Interest upon lnteret,eent upon cent to be mean, miserable and despised for some twenty or thirty yeuis-nnd riches will come as sure as dUvasu and disappointment. And when pretty near ly enough wealth IscoUected, by a disre gard of all tho charities of the human heart, and at tho expense of every enjoy meut, death comes to finish the work the body is buried in a bole, the heirs dance over it, and thesplrlt goes where? The village prle-ls are newMuongers in Russia. They read to their lloeks every Sunday otllelal dispatches from the seat of war. General Grant is getting the freedom of more cities than he knows what to do with. Ho will come home loaded with night keys. Bohool Hobs Barlarlxed. That educational institution, tho North Salem school house, was burglarized lait Tuesday night, and tho clock and a lot of rwnn takfln a way. The thieves wroncbed open the toacber'a desk, fumbled over Its contents, but took nothing, although Mr.S. A. Handle, the teacher, bad a set of books therein valued at (40. It is thought that the thieves will be caught as there is a clow as to who they wore. Peruvian Syrop. Brooks, Mo., Sept. 7, 1S70. Dear Sir From oarly youth I was In feeble health, troubled with humor In my blood, weakuoss and debility of the systom gener ally; wns unablo to labor much, nnd only at some light business, ond then only with great caution. Sevon years ago, tho past spring,! had a sorero attack ol 1) phthorla which ioft my limbs parallzed and useless, so I was unable to walk or even sit up. Noticing the advertisement of I'jsnuvJAN SYRUit, I concludod to glvo It a trial, and to my great Joy soon found my health improv ing, I continued tho uso of tho Svnue until threo bottlos had been used, ana was restor ed to complete health, and havo remained so to this day. I attribute my prosont health entirely to the use of I'khuvian Syrup, and hoid it In high estimation. I cannot speak too highly in Its praise. I have In several cases recommended it In cases very similar to my own with the aame good results. Yours truly, Citari.es E. Feaiiov. ' ' From S. Thatcher, M. D., of Hermon, N. Y. "Wistau's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus remov ing the cause, hinttad of drying up the cough and leaving tho cause behind. I consider tho Balsam the best cough modiclno with which I am acquainted." Sold by all drug gists, ESTABLISHED 18SC. Willamette Nursery, G-. W. WALLING & SON, I'ltOl'IllLTOItS, Oswogo, Olaolcaman co., Oregon. WAITING'S ,PEACH PLUM, I'lio 2 tnl la ii l'miiic, And tho boMarUtlct of. .. I'ltitaiT I'rtuic, I'CiiCll, .tlllc. fear, Cherry, rcut and Shade Trees, IN KULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Dosoriptive Catalogue. Salem. Flouring ISills. 1123T FAMILY FLOCR, DAKEU'S EXT11A, XXX. aUPEItFINJ. A!!I OKA HAM, MIDDLINGS, 11HAN, AND riHOHTS, Constantly ou Hand. IXItfliCHt Price In OA.SJE3! Paid for Wheat It. O. KINNEY. Uept istr Acont 8. F. M. Co ATTENTION HEEP GROWERS!! A SURE CURS FOR Scab, Sorow Worm. Foot Dot, AND ALL parasites that infest Shoop. TT 13 SAFER. BETTER AND VASTLY CHEAP. THAN ANY OTUER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR THE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL. AND THE QUALITY OF THE WOOL. tW Ono gallon 1 eaoujh fnr one tmwlreil to two icn irxi sleep, according to their ;;e, ttreusth, and condition. It Is put up In FIVE-GALLON CANB-Pricc, (19 ;sr cin. btud for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co., TORTLAND, OREGON, Whole.alo Asenta lor lUe Male. Or to Your rtearot Retail Prnc'WU liUOIUI 3X3A, BacceMor to J. X. Suui & Co., S Llbrr at., - - NEW Y6RK, ComtutNMlon Ajgont FOR BUYISO AJJD FORWARDING FROM Nw York rt Iithmut. Psctfle RsUroid, and. CUps Uoro, U ktsdt ot Mrrchsndlte. and for tbc Ml of Product from uu) PscJfle eoat, (or Ux wUectu jifmaatv.Jti. "W W