rvrrmumnrrrwmpmaa I f' "WILLAMETTE FARMER. Y t. 1 . f ' t-7 MAHRTET): ItDBBINS-KIMBALL In Dallas, Nov. 4, by tbe ltev. Dr. Entire, Mr. John It. Itobbins and Miss AdUlo Kimball, all ofl'olic county. OHAT-nirN'.n At. the residence of Uaac Stnttts.J. P..Nov. 1, Mr. JamMM.OMnund Miss eoilronlR Illtntr, ull of Polk county. TUTNER-MORMSONAt the rosldenceor Innc Htnats, J. P.( Nov. 1, Mr. John Kltner and Miss Sarah E. Morrison, all or Poll? county. HOBEItTSOK-3IMMON8 Nov. It, at the resi dence ot Edward .Simmons, by Elder David Brower, Mr. B. E Robertson and Mlis Amy bliuraonc, all of Marlon county. McCOnMlCK-SIMS-Novemterl2th.lS77.attl'o residence of the bride' father, by V. H. row ll, J. P., Mntculm McCormlck and EllzttUtu Sims, ull of Marlon county, Oregon. i niNEtIAl'.T-CHNtDEI-October 23'h, UT7, at the reiuepce of tho bridii' father by v. li. Powell, J. P, h. V. Illnehart and Mary M. Beholder, all of Marlon county, Ortcou. MATHENY-McCLANn.-Inthlsclly,attherl. denco orthe bride' lather, November 11, 1877, by the ltev. h. II. Judson. Mr. 9. Mattieny nuu Miss Eva McClane, both of this county, 333rA.tt'w XjIJTo Balnm. As a conquoror of Ithoumattstn. Gout. Neu ralgia, and cure for Scrolula and all diseases arising from Impurity of blood, the old and rollablo Family Medicine, UyatVa Life Bal nm, stands unequaled, as proven by over 300,000 (treat cures during the past 30 years. Is a radical vegetable Compound of Sarsapa rilla, Dock. Gualacum, efco., and a permanent cure. Sold by all druggists and country Krocors. Take nothing else, and If tlioy haven't It wo send by express, boxod, ovory where, at 81 and 81 25 per bottlo: 85 00 and 80.60 half doz. IIyatt it II yatt, 210 Grand St., New York. RAILROAD Nurseries. I have (lie Largest Stock ol Fruit Trees In Oregon! 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, milAT WILL AVEHAC1E SIX KHET IN MOUIT X and I will fill them from $1(1 to $25 per Hundred. tVI cnll rpcctal attention to my AM8DKN Jl'NE PBAC1I TltKhS. 1 had l'mchce f this Mirlclv rlpo Jutv 8. 157. nntl they nro of excellent iUllty. I Iuno nln p even otliot varfcttc of I'cnche'. and a general arlctyof (titer Fralt Ticca and bhrnbf. Alfo. n largo lot of I'EACH HEKULIN'CIS. at 830 per 1,000. agents ron IV NVIMEtllEf. n .1 Vnturfcpv. Pnrtlnml H ilerrv. McMlnmllle. K W Whipple, CottaRO Clroo, "tV M btceie, Ttuncr, A Janet, Htnyton, L (Jraac, Ilaltcy, W Sbnmsn, bluron, V T Ml I. A .II1UK111P, U.UUII1V, I, Michael Wheatland. N. Lacrolx. Sublimit)-, 7 Morris, Mchama, A heeler, 8hcdd. 1) W Kllcilsc ltowel Tr, Dr It D Oilen, llaril.burg, J A limit. Oakland, 1) Morris & eon. b do. A Irvine. V oolen Mill Co., wm iiarrin, uroonf, li iiraKu. siivviiuii. O II Itoland, Jeffcrfon, llrowiiivjl o, Jonc Potter, balcm, Jainn Itoyal War hlnirton Co Wra P Crcltz, Traveling atrmt can of the V lltamttte ""'a. W. PKETafVUrTAN, Proprietor of liallrnad Nur. cilc, octSStf KAST POKTLAltl), Pit. 1854. lew. The Only Strictly Wholesale Drug House in Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 FreafMreet. PORTLAND,, OREGON, OFFER TO TOE DROd AND GENERAL MKB--chudUaJradiiSOjWiaortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, d Druggists1 Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all tlzci and qualities. WHITE LEAD, Of all tho leading brand, In tint and kegr, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Red Lead, Glue. VARNISHES, Including tho Cnert brand ;for Coach Palnlen' bio. PalBt, Whitewash, and Varnish Brushes, LINSEED OIXt In barrel and cant. Turnentlne. Coal Oils, Castor Oil, lard Oil, Neat'sToot Oil, Fish Oil. AlooHol, In barrels and cater., Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Castile Sonp, Concentrated Lye,, PotnMh. Quioksllvor and Strychnine. In Qnart, naif Gallon. One-Gallon, and Five-Gallon Cant and Barrels, etc . etc. Wo are Accnt Ifor Oreson and .Wibtnjrton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, THE DE8T MIXED PAINT IN USE for lalllnf krodf rarbo'lc kbctp Blp. Wakf Itt't ip Bath and kqul.rcl rloD. and ajrfa tot Jne rYoprleury Mtdlclnes. tw We bay oar coodn from flrt handi. thn en- u U; in to conpeie nuu uj w.i.ti u iuv v.f-c.. af a coroparlion of onr prlccm 111 prove. myO jyr 1 1 -w , -ul Is. i NUKSERY. SETII LUELLING & SON, PROPRIETORS OF THE ABOVE-NAMED NUn. ierr. beg leave to call tho attention of Fralt awaot FRUIT TREES, cossiiTiNa or Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Cher ry, Prone, And many other mlKelUneonj varletlef . the price of wlleb we hare reduced to fait thelmel.J ticod for a cataiogae. i 8ETH LUELLtNO & SON. 3 .UllwaBkie. PLOWING AND SOWING. Waldo Hills. Nov. 10, 1877. One would suppose that enough rain had fallen hero since August 25th to make the ground too wet for plowing, In bwbII and low, Hat lands. But such is not tho case. On high lands and low lands, everywhere, the ground Is In most excellent condition for plowing aud harrowing, drilling and rolling or clcd mashing. And plows are running lively all ovor the country. It Is truo that n considerable amount of this year's grain was apollod In tho Ileitis on account of tho vr ry wet weather slnco August. But men that braved tbo tolls, dangers, losses ntid hardships of crossing the plains, moun tains, sago brush, desorla and canyons, and mado homes hero, far fir away from home, do not incline to set down hero and bemoan tbelr sad fato because of losing somo grain. But they aro turning up tho rich soil hero and preparing to double their crop", if possi ble next harvest. Two grand objects now before them Ic, to sow largoly of wheat this Fall, drain well and plow deeply. Tbo Mon itor nnd Champion seed sowers, drills and cultivators, should now conio Into general uso. Tho next object Is to see that thoro nro onough harvestors and self binders bought nnd on hand baforo next harvost. If'tho hendors can all bo laid asido or burnod, and a full supply of our I'aclfio Thtoshers had or some otben as good, Jf such can bo found, thero will bo lltllo thngor of looting grain by rnlu next harvest, llotico tho great ncod of general nnd o.ttensivo sowing this Fall. And wlioro lauds cannot bo sown this Fall to grain, It Is to bo hoped that they will bo plowed dcerdy, well dralnod, aud mado reidy for nn o trly crop noxt Spring. Ouo word about lwy: Having wheat on tho braiti, our fannors hnvo plowed up nearly all tholr niondowN for whoat, and thoro Is n tzroat scarcity of lny. Lot thousands of aerosol our swall lands nnd white lands bo seeded down to timothy this 1m 11, and fair crops of hay inn be tnketi lrom thorn next harvest. Vi:iutas. Soventh Day Advontlsti. Tbo Sovonth Dav AUvontlsts liavo Just or Knnl7ott a conforenco nt Walla Wnlla constat Ingof thoStHtoof Oregon and Washington Torrltory. KUlcr J. N. LotiKhborouch pro olilod over tho tnotlnir, nnd tho following olll cers woreeltctod: For l'reslitont, Eldor I. D. Van Horn; Sccrolary, Mr8. A.I. Van Horn; Treasurer. Alonzo T. Jones; Confor oncu cotntnlttoe, I. D. Van Horn, S. Maxon andThos. H.Starbuck. A Tract and Mls Nlonary Society whs alio organized conolst Ingof all )0'on connoctod with tho causo who pay $1 into tbo treasury. Tho funds ratacd In this way aro used In purchasing book, tractN, and otbor publications at re duced rates for goneral distribution. Tho Territory Is divided Into two districts, as fol lows: District No. 1, all rf Washington Ter ritory East of tho Cascades; District No. 2, nil of Oregon aud Washington Torrltory West or mo lascaues. SuctdaB Daatk. Mr. E. Lamport. Jr.. recolved on Saturday last.tho intol licence of the death of his father, Mr. Edward Lamport, Sen,, nt Hamilton, Ohio.' He died on the lit h of October, of a paralytic stroke In September ho bad a slight shook from which he recovered. On tho eve. of his death ho appeared In his usual health, eating a hearty supper, after which ho retired to bed, tell asleep and nover awoko. Many of our cltlr.ons will remember him as n (plot old gentleman who visited his son Inst year and who loft last February, for n visit to his other children, expecting to return to this city noxt Spring, lint It was ordered olherwho and ho now sloons tho sleep that knows no waking, on the banks of tuo uoautirui Miami, peace to uls ashes. An Exhibition of Nerve. Last week. Mr. Jatnos Martin, living on Salem Prairie, whllo running aftor somo cat- tlo, In company with ono of his boys, slip- nod and foil lu such a mnnnor as to throw tbo bone of his loft kneo Joint out of its socket. They wero somo distance from tho bouse, but Mr. M. took in tbo Bltuatlon. and with tho assistance of a baltor strap and tbo boy ho replacod tbo bono and bound It up. Ho then sent tbo boy to tbo houso for a horse and rodo homo, Tho physicians pronounced tuo too a goou one, out now many men would havo done as Mr. Martin did? Charivari in South Salem. Last evening tbeV'bloods," over In South Salem, turned out in full force and gave Mr. McCormlck and bis bride a seranade: the Instruments comprising tin cans, cow bells and drums, Mao enjoyed it hugely as it was ralnlni? "like all bam Hill" at the time. hence bo let the boys rattle away to their hearts content ere ho put In nn appearance. Anothor Recruit. Doputy Sheriff, Fletcbor, of Lano county, arrived here yestorday bringing with him ono Charles Collins, sentenced for two years for an asstult, with Intent to commit rape upon a llttlo girl aged four years. Aaaeaiment Levied. At a meeting of tbo Directors, held last Saturday evening, at the odlco aftho Kon parell Mining Company, (Dr. II. Smith's) an assessment of 32 cents par sharo was lovied. Tho par value of the shares Is 81. Somo Wheat. Mr. Horren,oftbo Farmers' wharf, Informs us that he has shlppod for the firmer, Mnco harvest, 100,000 bushols of wheat, for whloh the nrlco received, haa ayoraged thorn $1 50 por bushel. IN WELLS, FAROO'S OFFICE. Tho following are the list of letters and packages that remain in tho above named ofllco walling for claimants: LETTErtS, lionbarmon, George Koberts, J. W W IMnbRbatn & Crabb, I N Hugh Fields Cbadd, Richard B Flrt.MrsJ Foster, J Farroll, Mrs P (caro Uartmus, Mrs Nellie Annie Murry Paulson, John- Wheelan Daniel. TACKAOES. Bruce, IT O Oreltz, N F Foster, J N Gardner, N F Howell, YV A Killlaco, L Morrow, Mrs M A Needhain Isaao G Kofka, August Royal, L Sweet, A O . Stoats, Stephen, In dependence White, Fannlo Walker, 113 patkagca Bell, JO Carter, A D Foneler, J Frazler, Mrs A Garrison, J J Jefldes, MrsT Lane, Melville Miller, J M Paulson, J N Ross, L Smith, WS Staats, MUs C .Skinner, Alouz) Vedder, D U Wright, V STANDING Jt'AGIS. Howell Pbairjb.Nov. 12. 1877. It Is a fact, tnat uregon embraces an area of 101 400 square miles, which calcula tion In acres would bo sixty four millions, eight hundred nnd ninety-six thousand seres of land. Of this large surface wo havo only about six hundred thousand acres In culti vation. It Is estimated that our presont pop ulation Is only 100 000 persons as cltlzsns, This would give 405J4 acres to each poron. It Is a fact, that the lands of Oregon are exceedingly productive, and capsblo of vloldlng immenso crops anuually of coreals, grasses, fruits nndlvegotablcs. And that tbo quality of thtso productions is superior to ntiy othors In tbo wholo world, Ibis Is no empty ansertlon. Itlsafact, thBt not moro than forty per cent, of our population aro tillers of tho soil; tbo remainder being employed In towns In mechanical labor, In factories, fisheries, commerce, lumbering, tbomluos, aud pro fessional pursuits, It is a fact, that Oregon is one of tho very bost fruit countries In tbo world. In no country do fruit trees grow so rapidly, bear so earlv and so regularly, so abundantly: and bear irult so largo and so delicious, as In Oregon. Our standard trulls aro apples, pears, plums cherries, currants, gooseber ries, peaches and grapes. Our fruit troes are larger at throe years old from tho graft, than thoy aro nt seven yours old In tho Atlantlo States, or In tbo western or North ern Slates, Itlsafact, that lands aro cheaper in Oro gon. all things considered, than In any part of tho United States. This is owlni tn tho fact that wo havo too much land for tho number or pooplo in our Stnto. As n gonornl thing the first crop of grain If proporly sown ntuHnvrd, will pnyfortholond upon which Itls rnli-ed. Tilling lLo soil here Isnsflft and stiro busluoss, If well and proporly dono. It Is n fact, that Oregon Is n superior conn try for llux culturo and for hops. Each ncro ot lind ptoporly sown lo Mux may bh safely rmtlnmtf (1 nt twenty bualioN nf L-nnd ktvul. which commnndsn ready homo mnrkot nil ono dollar and n half por bushol, nnd tho Hut stalks worth ton dollars por ton. Facto ries for llnsctd oil, for tnatorial for uphulstor lug, nnd for twino, nro already creeled in this vnlley. Tho culture of hops proves vt ry prollinblo to our producers. It Is a tact, that wo havo tbo most rxtonsl vo forests of tho best timber In tho world. Tho vasloty is not ns great as In somo countries. Tho forosts nro composed of cedar, tlr, hem lock, spruce, balm, oak, nMt, maple, aider, nnd monstor laurel. Tho diameter nnd nlll tudool our for oft nnd mountain timber Is almost pm,t bellor by foreli?ners. It Is no uncommon thing to llnd cednr, Mr, iilno nnd spruco, measuring from tucuiy-four toH thlrty-slxfoet lu circumference, and lrom 150 to COO foot high. Tlio quantity of lumber, rails, shinnies or cord wood per ncro. on such lands Is incredible. And no havo millions of acros of such timber lands. Uenco thoso lands nro of immenso present nnd prospec tive valuo toourStato. It Is a foot, that our minora rosourcos are endless nnd of untold valuo. Gold, silver, Iron, copper, cobalt, lead, tin, coal, llmo nnd nlokel abound in nearly all of our mountains and somo of thorn In tho low lands. Tbo farm nnd stock lands meet up to tho mines. It Is a fact, that Oregon Is tho healthtost Stato In our Union. Tnls Is demonstrated by the tnbles ol mortality kept by tho gov ernment. In Maine 1 dies annually to each 4S persons of the population. And also tho same In Louisiana. In Illinois and Indiana, 1 to each 87; In Arkansas, 1 to oach 48; in Kansas, 1 to each 08; In Vermont, 1 to each 02; In California, 1 to 101; In Oregon, 1 to each 172; It Is a fact, that pur, cllmato la very mild; our seaaoju are the wet end the dry r that we are never subject to oxtremes of beat and cold and the sudden and violent changes of the weather; nor tornadoes, hurricanes, or heavy storms. We novor have a falluro nf crops, nor scorching drouths. Our stock is but seldom fed in Winter, and snow seldom lies on the ground but a low days at n tlmo. It Is a fact, that tboro are thousands of good socond rate quarter sections of Congress lands, subject to homstead Bottlers on tbo Wostern slope of tho Cascndo Range, from the Columbia River, Southward forl&O miles and a great amount of such lands nn tho East and Wost slopes of tbo Coast Range. Theso lands nro rich, woll watterod, well tlmbsred, and abound in mlnoral woalth. Largo areas ol It nro easily cloaned and brought in cultivation. And for fruit, grain and vegetables none can oxcood thorn. Hero tbon, Is land for the landless aud homos for tho homoless. It is a fact, that our population will com pnro favorably In point of morals.lntellgonco, nubllo and local sobools, publlo and private Improvements, soolal comforts and genuine hospitality and friendship, with any otbor people in tbo Uultod States, Rut let It bo boruo In mind that wo aro not willing to board and lodge gratis, bummers, gamblors, beggars and general tramps who scorn hon est labor. We want no drones horo, none but working bees. It Is a fact, tbat we bave tbe finest stock lands In tbe United States, East of tbe Cas cade mountains. In tbat large district lays thousands of acres of superior wheat lands. Taking Into account all of our varied re sources, our soil, climate, health, minerals, forests, flsborles, navigation and seasons, Oregon Is best part of the Unltod States, VKWTAH. Marlon Connty Bible Society. Tho Annual Mooting Of tbo Marlon County nible Society was held Saturday ovonlntrln the Congregational Church. Tho roport of tho Treasurer showed that thoro hai heon ro celved durlni? the year from tho Hales of hooks, ?102 07; from donations, f85 CO; total, f 1S7 17. Amount paid out for books, W7 70; donated to Stato Illblo Society, $31 60; amount paid for freight 81 07; balance on hand $13 Ul. Thero was at tho bof,'lniiliK of tho year, books In tho Depository valued at 8U5 25; purchased, 873 60; total, $223 0'J Valuo or books donated, 85 60; valuo of books delivered to life members, 81 CO; valuo of books sold, 831 00; valuo of books on hand, 8139 C9. A commltteo nf three, con sisting of II. II. Moss, J. J, McFarland and II. Dlpple was appointed to report at tho Union Services, held In tho State street M, li. Church last evening, for tho purpose or nominating nftlcers for the onuulnt' year. No further business appearing, tho mcotlug adjourned. Officers Elected. Lsst Sunday evoninit an election ofoRlcers of tbe Marlon County Illblo Hoolty for the ensuing vesr, took place at M. K. Church, and tbb following noraon weroduly elocted: resident, 1. m. uatcu; vico president, O. Dickinson; Secretary, J. M. Martin; Treat, urer, L. S. Bates; Kxecutlvo Committee, T. CunnlnKham,T. II. Cann, J. Staiger, Leo Willis and T. B. Allen. More Cola. Yesterday Sheriff Kkln, of Lane county, arrived in this city apd paid over to Mr. A. U. Brown, Stato Treasurer, tbo sum of 3,000 of taxes due from tbat county. Lane county has tbe honor of being the socond to "ante up to tho center." Tbe Bishop Scott grammar school Is to be opened again In about two weeks. You Have no Excuse. Havo you any excuso for suffering with Dyspepsia or LlrerComplalnt? Is thero any rea&on why you should go on from day lo day complntutng with Sour Stomach, Sick Head-ache, Habitual Costlvoneas, palpitation of tho Heort, Heart burn, Water-brash, Gnawing ard burning pains at tho pit of the Stomach, Yollow Skin, Coated Tonguo, and dltmcroenblo tasto in the mouth, Coming up of food after eating, Low spirits, &o. Not It Is positively your own fault 11 you do. Goto your Druggist and got a Bottlo of GitEEN'a Auoust FLownn for 75 conts your ouio Is rertsln, but If you doubt this, got n Simplo Ilottlo for 10 conts nnd try It. Two doses will rellovo you. Wealthy Cliinnmeti of San Francisco nro suspected of crippling the feet of tholr llttlo girls, after the fashion In tholr own country. Ah inooti Is under arrest for having removed tho bones from his daughter's feet, eo thnt they could bo compressed. Ireno A. V. House, who murdered her husbnud, has been released from tho Now Jersey State Lunntlo Asylum, completely restored. It Is a remnrkablo fact in pa thology that murdeicrs aro cured of In sanity quicker than any other class. Vaiuous caused advancing yoars, caro, slckuots, dlisppolntmont, and hereditary prodlsposltlou all oporato to turn the hair gray, nnd oithernf thorn Inclines It to shed promnturely. Ayeh'h Haiii Vuion will ro stovo faded or gray, light nnd rod hair to n rlou brnuu or dcop blaek, as may bodoslrod. Ithotteusnnd clovisos tho sc.ilp, giving It n healthy action, nnd reuiovoi aud euros dntul rutl'aud humors. Dy Its uso falling hair I? chockod, nnd n now urowth will bo producod in nil cn,es wnero tun loiiic'csnronot de stroyed or glands decayed. Its cllocts nro beautifully shown on brushy, weak, or sick ly hair, to which n low applications w 11 pro duco tho glo4 aud freshness of jtiutli. Harmless aud suro In its oporatlon, It Is lu iDiiipnrablons ii dressing, nnd Is especially valued for tbo nft lustro nnd richness nf tono It imparts. It contains noltlior oil nor dvo,nnd will not soil or color nhito cam bric; yot It lasts long on tho hair, and ken It fresh nnd vigorous, For unto by nil deal ers. OREGON MILLS, North .Mill Creek, Snlcni, AUK MOW IS Complete Running Order, and inviti: Custom Work. WELLER & WALDO, NALi:.7I, Nov. 1. 13. 7. 3'lf JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Onrbln' lllock, Inn Juit opened a Large ml complete Stock of sg Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, AND House Furnishing Goods. Next to Dairy rnplo & Drown, STAR KEY'S BLOCK. - SALBn. OR. WHICH WILL BE fOLD AT Lowest Cash Rates! up?ttf Good Farms FOR SALE. nqn ACHES OP LAND IN MAIHON COUNTY. OruL'on, ten mllci north of bslem. on the UL" Wl Dayton ami Wlieatland roai; If a beantllul location, and It tbo yeir uett land lu thu Mate, Cau uu alvldctl tntt nUce at tl'J ncr acre, which would leave tbo lal ance of tho land In a tnuare body of 600 acre. SOd of which If under cultivation; lou acnt flaihed, Joining tho caltlvatcd Held., tbat con Id bo catlly cot ready for tho plow, having been lathed Tom five to ten year.. All tho bulldliivf aro on tbo COO aero tract, and for which wo only atk ISO per aero. ThnM wbu aro la acarch of Rood land abouldKand feo tlilf place. For particular., call and tcu tbo proprietor.. ALfO, COOACnEH OF LAND IN MAHION COUNTY. Oregon, two and ft half mile from (Jervalf, and about tho rame dlftanco from Woodburn, lying on thu lluttu vlllo road. If a de.lrable loiatlon: la tho vtry bo.t (Dallly of land, acknowledged to bo ono of tho be t tarma on French l'ralrle by all who aro ooiualuttd with tbo country. S J3 acre, of tbla tract la under cul tivation; tbo balance of tbe tract, 60 acrtf, I. timber, There If a tolorahlo good dwelling bou.e on thlt place; tuo good bunt, with plenty of (bed room for .lock. For full particular', go anil let H. D. JS S. T. NOTHCUTT.. On tbe premltet, or addre.a them at Wheatland, Or. .-oy. KU, 157 (. Jm p'd. SAVE YOUR FRUIT! OEOHOB BAXXII' PORTABLE PREMIUM FBUIT DRYER Heat, Cheapen! and moat Iteoiiomlcul, Ilciulrlng hut litilk riiEL. Iirlea allkiku. of fruit or vejetable., and produce, ral.ln. eiunl to any made under the run, or by un other fy.tem. Ihoflrnlf turrounded by water, thtrehy making U fafu, II can be left lo unit' own worK whllo you leep. Thu dryer If mido of dlirereLt capacltlea, and U uld from jr. to ooo. There I. one of thu Dryer, in operation I mile ca.t of rialcm, at bwaru'f place. Tbofd wlnhlng Dryer f hO'ild not fall to examlliu II.MtltlV heforo piircna. ingel.ewhere Stale and County Itl.'htf for .ale on rcaonabtu term.. For further Information addrci. NKVVTON IIKADLEY, halein, Oregon, Great Reduction ! HARDWARE IIETA1LKO AT Wholesale Prioes, for Cash My Stock consists of SHELF and BUILD- KltS' Hardware, Mechanics' I'ooU, Shovels. NaIN, Hope, etc, JOHN ItrFOSTEK, .fJJnn cor. Stark & Front flf. I'OUUI.AN O J. A. STKATrO., Attorney at Law, SAL,KM. OHEGON. Offca on butu Utieet,,opioilte tho Uincett Uoite. C. A. ItCEii. Notary I'nbltc. T. , fox. REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorable Torms. Etiy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Cl'y Warrants. Agents far Kcctt'H Opera IIoonc. fS7 Office nt tho corner 'of Itccil Ojicra Homo, fcS3 SALEM, OH. 33jrl JNO. GRAN & CO.. FRONT ST., roilTLAND, Hnvo iv'OW opened Their NEW TALL STOCK ....or.... Staple nnl ITnucy DRY GOODS, ....AND,... Hiaaies7 Dress Goods, An Immenno Variety. EVERY DEPARTMENT JTCoploto -with NOVELTIES. Oct. 7. tin l. iiumr.ti. B A.RNAHD l. I. I KB. & LEE, & COMMISSION rno.vi' stkuct, imktij),;vd, Wet fUlo Dock, coiner HMmon and I'roLt feti. Special Attention rIviii tn Krmcr' Prodnco of all, kim". Cot flifiuni'iit ollclteil, Havo caiinritloiiK m Mm 1 riiticlico wlilch eiublo Uf to eel tho lied market price. uct'J NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE HETWKBM San Franoisco'nnd Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. X7II.L HEltRArT2It HUN A LINE OK BTKAM. i f f uip. reifiunriy, Kmnclfco and 1'ortUn evirv flio dav. between tiaii nit AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. J. OT. .TIcCItAKKN & CIO. .iKema. ttr Tltketf for m!o by II. If. 1IOON, Accut. UALBM. MUSICAL NOTES. &ARDNER BROTHERS Are wholesale and roull dealers In Pianos, Organs, Sheet Muslo, Violins, Accordlnna, Ilarmonlcans, and musical merohandlso generally, Oakland, California, havo recent ly oponod a branch storo In Salem, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS Personally superintend tholr business In this Stato, hh well as California, and will bo prompt In making good all contracts, GARDNER BROTHERS Havo alroady nold noarly two huudrod in struments In this Stato. GARDNER BROTHERS Hnvo four authored agonts soiling from tholr houso In this Stato, lo-wlti A. L. Move, Albany; O. II. Slack and Frank II. May, Salem; H. A. lialrd, Kugeuo City. GARDNER BROTHERS Piano havo alroady becomn a favorite on tho Coast, It Is mado especially for tho trade, and Is adaptod to tho cllmato on IIiIh Coast, and for romalnlng In tuno. In Its adaptation to tho parlor thoro Is nono bettor. GARDNER BT0THERS Ilavesevoral dlll'oront manufactures ol Or gans, giving the publlo a variety to solect from. GARDNER BROTHERS Havo a ilrst-class tuner In tholr nmnlnv. ah ordors attondod to by addressing: Oarduor Urothern, Salom, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS Qlvo a guaranteo for fivoyoara, forallPiano aud Organs, Ifdoslrod. GARDNER BROTHERS Pay tholr employoos a salary, not a commts. slon. GARDNER BROTHERS Would Htnto, In niiNuor to many Inquiries, flint llielr Ilrnncli BIoiinii in flnlom Im n iiorniiiiiciit liiNlltnlion. so2Str.l WOOD POIP8. Tho West and Most Improved rumps now In I'hi'. They are chkairii and moro nuiuiir.r. than any siylo of Chain Pump or water drawer Kvery man who has had expe rience In tho different ways of drawing water knows there Is no way so Cheap, Durable, Conyenient, and free from Imparting un 'loalihy elements as thu plain ood pump. Thoy sro taklnir tho place of sit otht r meaus of raising water for dnmtsiln pur. pone", or for UAHN or STOCK WKLLS. Water lMpeand EaeBpou( Wo tiiHiiufautiuo Pipo of va rlou sizew for conveying wa ter from hprlngw, streims, ,Vo. It l ohcnp, hot siitstanllal. For further particulars, apply to or mid' m ie!lm1 A. IMtHSCOTT, ralem, Or. J lil V "1 V" SK -h rt ? i