IV k 5 7 r? I 4 ISJBIB 1IIUED ETtnT MI DAT, BT CXVIfclCE to CRAIG, ruBLtMicns iNDrnorntETor.i. S. A. CliAItKK. 1. XV. CUAIfJ. Term or Ntibcrltlon. Ono copy, one year 1153 number ) $2.50 Onocojry, plx months (2') unmbrrf) 1.25 Ono copy, thrco month (13 nnmher! 7A SALEM, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1877. THE WAR IN EUROPE. Jtccent oventn hnvo put entirely n dlirerent faco upon tlio wnr between .Russia nnrt Turkey, as the Turks linvc of Into met with only continued d Has ter. Winter is approaching, and enmp (limning must cease for the present yenr, though the Ilusslans may contlnuo the Investment of some fortified places and completo their capturo before Spring, but tho llussian armies cannot make any groat progress townrds Constanti nople In tho winter. Wa cannot sue how tho war can bo closed at present, unless Turkey accepts a humiliation notnsyot warranted by .Russian success. Tho Turk Is animated by tho memory of very recent and decided miecco.s, mid tho Russian is impelled tocomnletu his victory in a manner decided enough to fully eompoiKito and iitouo for tho (serious reverses that marked for n whllo tho progress of tho contest and must luivo humbled his pride. JJoth thor.o consldor.itlons weigh with ellect In considering tho prohablo eon tinuanco of tho war. Tho winter will glvo tho Turk opportunity to rest his forces and recruit both his armies and his llnance-. Tho Turk as n whiter has won 1 1 tho piivato campaign, great distinction, and if tho Ottoman armies could bo well led, and the treasury well MippJlcd so that tho sinews of war would not bo lacking, wo might eonlN dently expect that Russia would find tho cnn(iicst of Turkey, an impossible achievement. That nation lacks mon ey and perhaps military brains, while It has n bravo and dovoted even fanat ical people willing to sacrifico all for tho fc.iku of Islam. Tho effect of tho war on tho wheat market Is undoubted. If It continues, wo may look for continuance of high prices another season, but tho accom plishment of peace at an early day will cuuso-Ht lonbt Atiupomry check to prices of bread stutrs. That prices will lulo favorably to our Oregon producers 'for a year lo como seotus probable, for tho world has no great stock on hand, nuil will probably uto up tho surplus of 3877 very closely. Peace may bo effected by tho Intro duction or tho Great Powers, and they will undoubtedly endeavor to Interpose their good otllcers at tho earliest possi ble moment. That further complica tions may arino todraw other powers into tho vortex of war, Is not probable. They nil know tho value of peace too well, to Invito war, If It can poIbl. and honorably bo avoided. HOW TO GET TWO ROADS. It Is well known that for several years the Central Pad He railroad com pany has been holding out Indirect oilers of a railroad for Oregon. Tlioro have been no definite propositions, and the talk lias been of an equivocal nnd evasive sort; nevertheless it Isobvloiu that this comapny Is looking toward Oregon with a view to bringing our State ultimately within a K'hemo that tMiibraces tho entire railway system of tho Pacific count. That so great a company should aim at a system so vast and comprehensive Is quite nat ural, Its prodigious and rapidly ac cumulating re-ouives render this aim a rational one. Tho plan Is vast, but is within tho compuvi of achievement. At present tho energies of the compa nies are directed toward tho .South, in older to head oil' a rival enterprise that Is puihlug In that quarter. That It may bo sure of etlectlng tljls It U urging tho construction of tho Southern Pacific with all possible rapidity. For tho present Its Intentions In regard to Or egon may bo Mispendedj for, If it can hold baclc every other road from tho .Northwest, It can como hero in its own good time and occupy the field, llenco whatever Intlueuco the Central Pacific may bo able to command In or out of Congress will bo directed against tho Northern Pacific, or any other project whatever to secure for tho .Northwest an independent road. Jlut, if tho appropriation for the North ern Pacific wero renewed on Mich terms as wjuld allord assurance of completion of this road, then tho Central Pacific would speedily liotrlu to look In earnest toward Oregon a field tor actual oper ations. It could no longer allord delay. Jn order to obtain the hold It desires for the future It would feel obliged to push a road Into Oregon at the earliest time possible. Some nro talking about two roads into Oreirou. Hero Is tho way to make a certainty of getting them. Push tho Northern Pacific, and this will bring the Central Pacitlo into our state. Otvyunitut. Why cannot two slender persons over become great friend? Recaiuo they will always bo slight acquaintances. ALFALFA. In September, I met a friend from Fresno county California, who Inform ed me that many of tho farmers of his county were making It very profitable to raise and fatten hogs on alfalfa. He says the hogs thrivo finely on that feed nlonc, and get as fat as tho butchers caro to have them to cut up for fresh pork. Alfalfa Is much more fattening than any of our cultivated grasses except blue grass, nnd affords a much greater nmount of feed. On bottom lands, in California, it will pasturo three or four animals to tho acre, through the dry season, nnd about half that In tho rniny season. Raising tho seed iavery profit able, ns it yields well, nnd tho straw is valunblo for winter teed. Tho hny is liable to scour driving horses, If fed free ly. If gcod soil Is selected, nnd well prepnred for tho seed, It seems to mo that this grass should do well In Oregon, especially In the Summer months. It Is worthy of n fair trial. Tho ground should bo thoroughly tilled, and free from all foul weeds, grass, fern, or wild oats to choko tho grass. It should bo finely pulverized nnd rolled to mnko It smooth, before seeding, and then light ly harrowed (after seeding) with n light harrow, with tho tcotii well slanted back, to prevent covering too deep, and then rolled ngain. If a light harrow is not to be had, a light brush will answer, especially If tho .seeding Is Just before a. rain about tho last ol April, or first of .May. Tho roller, after tho brush, would bo beneficial. Grass seed will take best where tho surfaco is packed a little, nf ter being finely pulverized. An exper iment on a small scale, will cost but lit tle and if our climate should prove fa vorable to alfalfa, Its introduction would bo of great benefit to tho State, nnd a small pieco would soon furnish seed for nn Increased ncrongo of grass. Tho man who gives this grnss a successful introduction here, andean tench others to cultivate It successfully, will bo a public benefactor. S. Pklton. From Josophlno County. Perhaps n few local Items from this part of Oregon would bo of 6omo Inter est to tho farmers. Wo linvo Just had soino nico gontlo showers out hero which have saturated tho ground suffi ciently, In many places, nnd the farmors havo commenced plowing, and sowing their fall grain. ' Josophlno county far mers aro turning tholr nttontltn moro to grain raising, than thoy havo dono hcrotoforo; thoro nro two excellent grist mills now in tho county, ono loca ted nt Murphy, nnd owned by J. Wlm or nnd ton, and the other nlKerbyvlIIe, nnd owned by J, II. Slforsof that place. Many now comers havo sottled on Will lam crook, and elsowhcro In tho coun ty within tho last year; others aro said to Lo on their way here. Mining Inter ests nro looked nftor, nnd ovorythlng looks favorablo for a good winter's run. Josophlno Grange has built a good, sub stantial, and commodious hall, whero they can mectoncon mouth, nnd talk about farm matters. Tho Stato Creek Lodge of 0. T., is 6ald to bo getting along tlnely; it has dono a noblo work; long may It prospor. S. M. Joss, near this place has gono Into tho tobacco cul tivation quito extensively this sonson, nnd intends to raiso tho weed for sale, If ho makes n succs of It, nnd ho Is sanguine ho will; .next year- ho will onpigo largely in its cultivation nnd manufacture. Tho Roguo Jtlvor saw mill company at tho mouth of Itoguo river havo hnd a good many sugar-pino logs cut to drlvo down tho river to their mills, Should thoy bo successful In dri ving them, they will purchase timber lands in tills section nnd havo n great many logs cut to bo made into lumber, for tho San Francisco markets. I hope tho V. of II. and tho farmers generally throughout Oregon, will subscribe for tho Wuxamutti: Faumuk, a journal that has always upheld tho intorests of tho farmer, and is not slow in .showing up tho dark ways of monopolies and corporations. Si:iia Austin. Wlhlorvllle, Nov. 1th. Grange Anniversary. Tho Patrons of Happy Homo Orange No. -1(1 of the Patrons of Husbandry mot in a special meeting, November Sth lS77and celebrated tho fourth anniver :ary of their organization, in n manner highly satisfactory to all presont. Hap py Home Grange meets regularly, as published in tho Wii.i.amkttu Fak mku. We nro glad at all times to have our brothers and sisters of sister Granges moot with us and take counsel together, In order that wo may havo that liopo and encouragement necessa ry to prosecute to n successful Issue tho great and good work so nobly begun. Tnos. Jt. IIadoeh, Sec. Lebanon, Nov. i, 1S77. WILLAMETTE FARMER Two squaws In Tacoma gave a boy a dollar to get themn bottle of whisky one day this week, and the boy forgot what bo went for. The squaws did not get the whisky or Bee the boy again, Good little boy. Ho will grow up to be an Indian agent. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. Having bought largely In our line, we are now prepared to furnlsn II ATS and BOX NETS, with alt the latest novelties of too season, at prlcrs that defy competition. Call and see for youraolvo. Next door to Dreyinan Bros., Commercial Street. Mn.A Mas. WM. MIL.LICAN. oct.CC ml. MEDIOAL JDEPARTMENT Willamette University. THE TWELFTH ANNUAL COURSE OP LEC inrei will commence JUondajr, Sec. 17, 1S77. Stndcntf , on arriving In the city, aro requested to call at once on the Dean. IJ1 L, I.. IIOU'IiAND, M. D., Dean. I T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS! ....AND.... Fbnrxnnciata, I'atton'e Block, Stato tired, Salem, Oregon. PAnTICULAH ATTENTION GIVEN TO PKB icrlutlom, and all order by mall orexpruet tilled promptly anil accurately. I'lmlcl.inx anil Country Dealer will r avo money by exnmlnlng our ito-k, or procuring our prices , before pnrcliatliitf eltewhere. JiovS-tf, IIK.WIMI ULKN urser y A Lli INTENDING TO PLANT THIS SEASON -CX fhonM call at thl Nur.ery, and av tho Agent' commlttlon. O. ?V. XXTT3XTT. noTpil auiiut.Minr, or OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. KEOn.AIt LINE Between Portland ami San Francisco. TIIIIOIKJIl TICKETS Con bo purcliatcil at tho tirlncln.il Station of tho 0. A C. It. It., nt Hoducocl Xlatos. Stcamcri Icavo both Portland and San Francltco about Every Fivo Days, cnrrjlnq; Panrnk'crf anil Ftelsht at tho LOWEST KATKS. It li tho only llim cirryln? tho U. S. MAILS anil WELLS, FAIK10 A CO.'S EXI'JIESS. Tho Stcamihlpj of thli Company aro ratcil A 1, anil aro now, elegant, ami complete In uvrry particular. II1U CUDI1I1 Ul '.U 8tate of Oregon, (Now building,) 3.000 tout burden, George W. Elder, (l-W ton,) City of Chester, (lttO toni.) AJSX, UUO torn,) Eor freight or paas.e, apply at the Company'! of , corner T ana Front nitric. roiiTUmn, noatf (1EO. W. WB1DLKK. Agent. Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. " THAT OLD PLOW OF Y0UU3 CAN HE MADE a rood a new at JOHNNY KNKIHT'S ltUck (mlth Shop, oq Commercial t., below Wado'a hard ware noro. for a nuall outlay of coin. Ilrlcg In your old l'lowf. and ice If 1 don't do an I lav. ocr.Ntl JOHNNY KMKI1T OUEON AND WASHINGTON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (LIMITED.) OMce In l'orilani), SAVINGS UA.K DUILDIKG, v2 Flnt itrcct. rreldentof Scott lh Iloard of Director, ALEXANDEU GOUHLAY, Eq Shipbuilder, Dundee. Head Office, 37 Ilank at., Dundee. President of Oregon Iloard of Director, DONALD MACLEAY, Kq (or Corbltt A Maeleay,) Slanagtn Director, WILLIAM ItKID, Eis Portland. Thl Siring Dank receive! depot Iti not only from the Isduttrlaland farming clane of Oregon but alto from Scotland, lorthe purpote of rafely Inventing the tame (along with It capital) principally on Ileal Kf- tate Marteaffca f eenred over lmorovcd Parma and Portland City Propertlet,a&d toanUt Ita Depotltor And oihn iu tre rrtctlon of Uulldlngt and Improve menu within tho State. Lonna made on Heal Entate, 10 rvcentt WOODBURN NURSERY KEEPS A. ITull Htoclc ,...vt FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL .AND. NUT TREES, 7lxxoaw vxxcl JSlaxrixlalaox-y. Send for Price LUt and Catalogue. Addrer J. II SKTTLK.niKII, octlrmS WooUburn or. The P. P. T. Co.'s Steamer S. TP. OHUHOH WILL LEAVE Portlnntl i'or Diionu Vlnta nuil Wny Iort, EVEUY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, X 8ATURDAY, Fatronizo Tour Own Boat rrtectum agalttit 1IUU Rate Guaranteed J FIRSrJL: PREMIUM! For Visiting Cards! MCvdiwIth any name neatly jrlnteI thereon nt to any addreia upon receipt of 'li Cent. aid cent tamn. Addretf, W. J. Ciauc, Salem, Orgon. HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Orcjron, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Line of AGRICULTU R AL IMPLEMENTS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED PI r..,,. i.i 4i. .., ,.,Mi. ovfrnmn Hchtness. nnd durability. WHICH CUIIIOllIU UIUKiUl'Ol-"6" "".--V.. ",? I ir,.l.l,t -nVir. ni,l DEEItE their Plo hardened by i U tho solo I'ntGiitco of tho wrong it jjiock mm nimu i ub, ..u ifh&fSAmim&. Tho Ws nioaldlwml nnd slmro aro a Patented Process PECULIAR au -xan xwv THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. Tho greatest Labor-SnvInB Itnplcmentii yet Invented. Vatly Improved for Full oflST7. GOO Sold xx Oi'osou ixx Ono TToni". z' Kvorv Farmer Interested. TLo Deero Sulky li tho only Slu?lo-Lovor Plow mndo. EASILY OPGKATEU. So constructed tbat by aslliiht motion of tho I.evor tho Flow I run out of tho ground and raised clear, by Jiokc- instrad of man-power. It Is stronger and loss complicated than nuy othor. fc'olo Aijeiits for tho wolMcnowti SOUTH BENS OHZLLEr-22lON PLOWS. BUCKEYEJDRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. : FARM GKIST MILLS, all stylen and prices. FAN' MILLS. Send forSpooial Circulars. USE IN THE not ioooi-voa-!" See that our Trade Mark is on eaeh!Paekagef -8 4 a 3 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jet Blaok ; and AT.T. COLORS. M.ixea fleady Tor AND EASILY For Snlo by the Agents: JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGE, SrVELL & CO., AND lVliolcNulo DrtigglstN, nnd Dealers In Paints, Oils, ami Glass, NO. 75 FRONT STItEBT. TDTVIN IiDEN( I yADEBHSIS&y CINCINJS'AIEI.M- OHIO. 1 Advertisement inserted in any paper, Jteforo adrertising send for my catalogue. The Old Immigrant Route Acro.a Ihe Ca.cade .Tlouutalua. XO-Y OWNXU DT TUE Cascade &oad acd Bridf o Company, HunnlDRTlA S&cdr, Mt. Uood, acd Barlow' Gte, IS NOW OPKJI, nU trarel of 11 klndi lilt be cue. The road U la coed repair, cxtcalve lra provemrot are being madij every jear. The LAU REL HILLS are all graded. 6beep-brlde are on all the itreami. ThU road never received a ooiun nb nJy.aud jetltirthe.kort..!, be.t, and cheap en roat over the mountain,. Dlttance over tee tsoantalui, mile. From Portland, over the mountain. 78 mile. From Salem, 100 mile. lUTES-Watcon. ff, 8addle,50:j I'ack. 25c; Cat tie, 10c: Sheep. Sc. ., for all colng and coming from or into Marlon, Yam hi". Wahlagton. Linn, Benton, and I'olk conntle. tblt U by far the belt. neatet. and ebeapett route. 8. D. COALMAN, lVldent. Harvst E. Cbc, Sec. lelmt MOLINE.IIX. Hchtness, nnd .- J-1OHHl feT3 lfes- '.yf.'. cfc.fe"ss THE WORLD! APPLIED. 3?C3n.T?3CiUJ3P, Or. JOHN W. OAUDNEn. KIUEJ.W, QAnDXEII. GARDNER BROTHERS, iiuLEALE ash r.ETAii. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHEET MUSIC, And Musical Merchandise, No. 1310 San l'ablo St., Totter' Block, OAKLAND. CAL. nrlawold'a Illock ctstfl SALEM. Bet Your Boots! .1 .I?.1.'"n.0 b"e "ver tried the MATCHLESS FIKE- LIGHTER bare not the falnttit ccncei.tioi riuritr, Jmt think of it a beautiful.: HLESS I I of It I n u.t. uv. iu. (iuirai cuuceiiuon or it ur Jnit think of it a beautiful, ulckle nlit little iocket.rlece th.t will itn? anrelutbeuKMt boiiterouaueatb- j rr-niuu, riu, norm, nan, now UUlenO dlfferan xrllli Ihn nt Co. Ss ? Mitcitu; ita ilwij- ready for ne, A earltal thing for triTeler. cauiptr. or act oxe. Warranted to do jot a rerrrtented. Price ouljr 7S cent., Aatim Wameo. Addre H. H. HALLOCK, Sole Agent, Baleni, Oregon. $55 B 677 FdMJS$ffi& I M