'ffff't'j;"TynTrr''"-i-CT?,: -V7r77rrrfrir'yJt'rTV'y'-rTa;i; ' ! WILLAMETTE FARMER 3 KgemmBBaaes IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES A.T m TO THE PEOPLE: Having determined ta maintnin tlio position heretofore occupied by mo for tho Largest Retail House in Oregon) I liavo taken this menus of announcing to the public thnt I nm now displaying tho LARGEST and JJEST STOCK of General Merchandise north of San Francisco, consisting of a flno stock of CS-exits' a,n.c3L Boys' Olotlxlxxs, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, XXntea, 0VJ3W, Trunlts, Va.lmomf oto., which is surpassed by none in the city, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to bo found in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give value received in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER. Plows! Plows! FRANK BROS. & CO. Buford Gan4fevjfcv Iron and Wood Ulack Hawk Single PLOWS. CALIFORNIA. SULKY t,uiHHSiKt,V "..IT1 ". lttttMIBMCBSSSSK2 S-inch lo 16-inch. AND THE f KHE 'Jgp-MBlWPiLJMySi 1 a.3sW.'uvs imUMm'ZLrm'?3rtTiKWriy. wiKi&FZttieyBfmmama lttwjsmai.r-r .... .T'W tf., -' iLsilBJTC''S&ar'J n ueam mgie PLOWS. rnoM i.- Champion ' Browne " Sulky, (Never btcn beaten In tho field.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho McShcrry Grain Brill and Broadcast Seeder. THi: MOST COMPLKTK LINI! OK PLOWS, HAltROWS, DRILLS, AND Otlier Agricultural Implements in the Market. MU'OitJO PUiicirAxrxG, call ox 104 V.ua lOO'lront- etrceir, - POB-TLArND, OR.- iwui ijuimniiiigninici vtmmMnmwa i1 Wf fi9n i OFFERS TJ THE COUNTRY TRADE Gum Boots Tlio J3oHt ovor Mndo. AN EXTHA QUALITY OP Ladies9 Calf Shoes, Jmt tbe thin; for onr Oregon winter weather. W.WXJLTUKIU'OnD. j. w. WKATiutaronn. ITS Farmers' fine Kip and Calf Boots, VTnUh sre cxprctt'y made f.ir onr trade, of different iiuallttet, to mil cattomir. All good Hold by iuc are GUAR A.M'KKO to he wlint I rccoui uicna them, or I Mill at nns lliuc nuilio It good to the pur chaser. J. W. GILBERT.: Salem, Oct. V2, 1877. It. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigaro, rf Weatherford & So.. Wholesale and Iletall Dealers in DBUeS, FA ODLS, GLASS, Patent Medicines CHEMICALS, E3 erfumery TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc PURE WINESand LIQUORS, For Medicinal purporet. Medioinea Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. FcStf Commercial street. RAUUI. COMMERCIAL STREET. Salem, April SO, 1873. dAwtl hlUT. B.M1 Hill kuakUtoU tAUn. l.lMltli Little GUnut GRUBBING MACHINE. We wish to Inform tbe people of Oregon that we havo purchased tbe patent of "Hie Little Giant Grubbing Maonlno," and that we are now prepared to supply any number ol tbem at a vrry reasonable price. Tbe sub joined testimonials of ilia suierior qualities of these mioblnes and their comparative cheapness should recomonded tboin to all those donirous of clearing otfland at but trl tlluir expense. For former particulars apply to Frank Cooper or Wru. Dolaney, baleui, or Albert Ihiggs, Sclo. Scio, March lOtb, 1877, This !s ortlfy that we have used "The Lit tlo Olant GrubbltiK Machine" and lound It hiiporior to aiiytbtut; of tbe kind ever used In (Ms part of the country: 1'rer.ton Muukcru, Wm Trlnnd, Honry Isloy, J S Morris, A Davis, J I) Irvine Klialdwln, BFBrlggi, Honry T II axe. Wo the underpinned have noon "tho Llttlo Glaut Griibbinc Mauhine" work and can assure the public that It Is the best machine of the kind we have evr mn working, M Alexander, G W Hamilton, JOJobuson, 1'eterHmlth, J M Drown, Wm II McKnlght, 1' Itllyeu, D 1 Mason, fccio, May 23th 1877. T. O. SUZJUVAK. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPXRA HOU8I. 8ALZX. S. X, corner, at bead of Ulrs. UU BY TELEGRAPH. Terro Haute, Nov. fl. A delegation arrived here at 7 o'clock this evening, bearing a com mission from Governor J. M. Williams ap. pointing Daniel Voorhees United States Sen ator to All the vacanoy occasioned by the death of Senator Morton. Voorhees in accopt Ing pays a touohing tribute to tho deceased Sonator. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 7. The Grand Jury returned an indlctmont against It. P, Wblto more, accused of accepting a brlbo when a member of the Senate. Whltemore wasin Canada when last heard from. Milwaukee, Wis. Nov. 0. The oltv of Mil. waukeo, rxropt ;ilvo precincts gave 83 major ity Ifor Smith, Republican. Nlnoty-eUht towns aud wards glvo Smith a majority of 600, a Hepublicanlgalu of 100. Milwaukee, Nor. 7. Tbe city complete glvo Mallory. Dem. for Governor. 1212 majority. A Republican gain of 1,200. Democrats con cede the election ot tbe wholo Republican Stato tlckot. The majority for Govornor will be over 6,000. The LeglMaturo as nearly as can be Aoosrialnod stands, Senate Ilepub lican, 21 j Democrats, 12. Assembly Repub licans, 52; Demoorats,40; Greenbacks,8. The vote for the Greenback ticket Is ostimated a 30 000 boston, Nov. 7. Returns from all but seven towns in the State are received. The vole is as follows: Rloe, 00,420: Gaston, 70,735; Pittman, 10,211: Phillip, 1471. Sen ate, 35 Republicans and 6 Democrats, a gain or twoSenators lor the Republicans. House 173 Republicans, 04 Democrats and Lib eral Republican. Hartford, Nov. 7. The total vote this year is rot far from 80,000; 38,080 Republican and 37,801 Democratic. Albany, Nov. 7. A special says tho State ticket will range from twelve to 15 thousand Democratic majority. The Republicans claim twenty of the thirty-two Senators aud sixty-eight of ono hundred and twenty-eight members of the Assembly. Another dis patch says the Legislature Is closo; probably both branches Republican. New York. Nov. 7. The city cnmplolo, Blvos Uoaoh (Dom.), 77,183: Churchill (Ker ), 47,400. Tammany ban elected tbreonfilvo Senators in tho city and thlrtoen of twouty ono Assemblymen. Albany, Nov. 7. Tho Journal makes tho Senato stand 18 Republicans, 13 Democrats andonelndepondont; Atsombjy, lij Ropub IIcmib and 02 Dumocrats. Nowark, N. J., Nov. 7. Latest roturns mako McClellan's majority 12,G0O. Legisla ture is Domocratlo in both branchos, Hud son county, containing Joreoy City, gives McClclllan 1,500 majority, and Eox county, containing Nowark, gives his opponent 115 mnjority. '1 ronton, Nov. 7. Sonnto, 12 Democrats, 0 Hoptibllcons Houso, 31 Democrats, 2 Iudo pourfonts and 27 Republicans, Chicago, Nov. 7. Tho Iutor-Oecnn's npo clal Hays: The Hocrot brm loakod out that tho Sonnto elections CDtnmlttoo will adopt Mor ton's report seating Kellogg, mid tho Domo ocrntR will bring In u minority ronort In fa vor of b'poll'or J. WiishliiKtou, Nov. 8. Tho following nom ination was sent to tho Scuuto to-day: Henry S. Snnillonl, of Florida, to be minister to Belgium. Stuiater 1'Attorsoli, of South Carolina, will soon moui mi Investigation ol tho chatgos apnlnht him bv the elections oommltteo. Tho Senato llnauco committee (his morn ing Informnlly dlxciirsed thellvor question, but have not yot taken up any of the bills on the subject, for action, Tho corn crop of tho United Stntss Is ilacod at 135,000,000 bushels mutually, and of this amount only 00,000,000 bimholH nro pxpottad. Lluwutt thinks It provlnlon bo. umdo at tho 1'arla Kxpoaltlon to practically llliiHtrnto tho valuo of Iudlau corn It would tend very materially to lncrcaso Its con sumption in lCnrop'jim oountrlus uud lRigely liiureiiso tho annual export. iito Trimino'n wahiuugton epociai Hy6 tho opinion U nulto gonerul in the senate mill tno silver tun will piss wan pasMUiy a limit to tho amount of silver wliluli Is to ho legal lender, and that tlio president will hIkh the bill. Sonator Mot rill of tho lluoncu c.itnmitlco will ivad n vlgoiousroftUtnuco to It. '1 licro is'Gonio opposition to thofroo coIii.ikc ft'ctlon on tho ground thnt it tuny parmit bullion holders to tnakoii proflt. Ropubllcau memburrfof tho xeuato held a brlof caucus to-day to provldo for Ailing vu c.MioIos In various cominlttocs, caused by tho death of Sonator Morton, Hnnilln, Sar gontaud AllUon wero nppolnted n com mlttto to roport on tho nubject to u futuro cauous. New York, Nov. 8. The Times publishes this morning u llht of mombora uloctod to tho Legislature, wbloh makes It htaud as fol-lowt-: Heuato 20 Uapubltoana, 12 Democrott-: Asfombly, OH Ropbllcaus, 50 Democrats, 1 iaoor iteiormor, iiopuuttcan majority on Joint ballot, M, In Ponutylvanla tho voto Is very close, both parties claiming tho State, Leavenworth, Noy. 7. Republicans oloct their caudldate. Humphrey, for lieutenant governor, and A. P. Uorton, chief luslico, by the usual majority. The Republican elect their ticket in nearly every couuty, Greene and ISourbou counties wont for tho Gtoonbackers. Washlnn;ou. Nov. 8. Theonlnlon of the senate finance committee is that tho regular business of the extraseuion. tbe nasslntrof the doflcienoy appropriation bills, should be first thought of by tbe senate, and that the silver bill and other inoaburus should not take preoedonoe. The Republican senatorial caucus appoint ed a sub-committee to arranse the mattor of the vacancy on accouutof Morton's death. This sub committee decided that Wadlelgb, who stands next on tho committee to Ml ob eli, Is to be madonbalrnunofthoooiumitter. Ilooth will be madeobalriuauof tho commit tee on patents vice Wadlelis'i, who will, however, retain a place on tbe patents coin mlttoe. lugallv, of Kanxus, will bo nddod to the elections committee, IIih probabilities now hto that Kellogg aud Kustls will bn seatt-d by tho senate with in throe woeks. The chaucos are largely in favor of Uutler's admUslon from South Caro lina boon ultor. Voorhees admission oil Mon day will make the senato stand. Republicans 2S, Domocrats3l,und Davis of Illinois, Indo Pfctideut. PuttorMon tt liable to drop out any day, end then II Dayi votes with tno Demo crats, aud a democrat Is elected In Pl(ernn'H place, it would be a tie In thosonato. This condition ofairalrawlll probably arise withlu three month. 8an Francisco, Nov. 8 Gen. Howard 'j command, 350 strong, arrived lust night. Capl. iiincrort's of the 1th artillery, uud Capt. Itiirlon'x oftbeillst Infantry will leave hereon the 10th lost, for Fort Townsend, Throckmorton's, Noris and Kidney's com paulesof the 4'.h artlllory, and live compan ios of tho 2Ut Infantry, leave lo-day for Port land on the steamer Kld'jr. Oihers will lo stailonod nt the Preldeoand Anel Island. FOREIGN. Vera Racruiti. Rherl(TSargent,or Umatilla county, arrl yed here last eveulug bringing with him thiee recruits for tho Hotel-de-Cross bars. Two ol tbem wore sentenced lotWe years each for highway robbery, and the third for cattle stealing. They were delivered up last even ing aud Mr. Sargent left on the afternoon train to-day fur hla home, Constantinople, Nov. 0. Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs from Erzeroum Monday: We had an engagement lat Deofioyun, after which we returned here. London, Nov. 7. A special dated Constan tinople, Tuosday, announces that after some resistance to Russian advances, Mukhtar Pasha finding his position for the defense at lioyun seriously compromised, abandoned It falling baok on Ktzongan and Trobl.ond. The Russians have occupied Erzeroum. London, Nov. 7 A special datod Erzeroum, Tuosday, contains tho following: Mukhtat Pasha dosires to s and slcgo but tho Inhabit ants object, fearimr bombardment. Every body admits that Monday's light resulted in a goueral rout. London, Nov. 7. A Russian official dis patch contains the folio wine: A squadron of our cavalrv has occupied tho rond from Ra hova to Wlddln. Rahora was occupied by 1,500 infantry, part of whom -with thn Inhab itants, wlthdrow on tho approach of our re connolterlng force. Sunday night General SkobclefTpuehod on to Urestovco, South of Plovna, threw up batteries there, and after vlolont cannonade, attacked the Turkish po sitions with Infantry. Tho result of tho at tack Is net stated. Constantinople, Nov. 0. Many prominent dignitaries have bee a arrested by order of the Grand Vlzer. It is said a conspiracy on the part ot ex-Sultan Murad has been dis covered. Vienna, Nov. 7. A dispatch states that the Sultan has granted Mldhat Pasha permission logo toMllallem. Chicago, Nov. 8. Tho Times' London apo dal says: It is believed Turkish resistance Is approaching an end. The annihilation of the Turkish army In Armenia substantially ends the campaign In Asia, although It may be a lew weoks before the Rnsslans occupy all the principal points. It is to ratent to all parties that the Turkish power Is broken that the torms upon which Russia will mako peace aro now the subject of discus sion iu the London Journals. The Tur copblle organs claim that tho subjugation of Armenia is more dangerous to British in terests than tho Russian occupation of Con stantinople; for whlto tho latter atl'oots con tinental Europe, no powor oxcopt Groat llrltnln is affected by tho Russian advanco In Asia, A very strong united effort Is being mndotostlr up a war fooling Iu England. It is arguod ovory town In India will bu un favorably all'octcd by tho Turkish downfall In Asia, aud that thn rosult will ho most dangerous to tho English hold on tho Indian population. Tho Russ'aus liavo couoluded thn invest mont or I'lovim with n force of 130,000, It In Itnpoasluto for uny supplies to got In or lor Ounnti to not out. Unless tho RtiKsIaiis com mit some very groat bltiudor, the capture of usniuuptui ins army is a near certainty. His vory lino of rollout across tho Vid Is socure'y hold by tho Russians with nn over whelming force. Once across thorlvir, ho would liavo to tight his way thioiigh forty m lies of country, ovory foot bristling wim Rtuslan onrih works, Tho terms of pencn bo lug discussed nro Ruislan occupation of the prluclpnlseRpor(8ofArmoiila,tlionutonoiiiy of Bulgaria under rule of a Prussian prince, and ample- guarantees to Christians of Eu ropean and Asiatic Turkey against Turkish oppression. Loncon, Nov. 8. Four hundred of ths principal Inhabitants of Bulgaria, lucludlug tho Genholls and tholr fain Wo, liavo been seutoucod to exllo In Asia Minor, and started in ciisins minor n strong escort today. Pari i, Nov. 8. It Is reported that n Rus sian batik Iu Paris has rocolvod a tologram that tlio gates of Erzsroum liavo been open ed to the Russians. 500 dosertors from PIov .nn nro toporteil en routn to Russian head quarters. 'Tt 14 bollsved rrhni this' and othsr signs fnat Usmaii Pasha must shortly sur render or attompt a snrtlo. Athons, Nov. 8. Almost all thn provincial muuluIpnllikH liavo voted resolutions urglnu a union nmongst political loadorsr.nd speedy wnrllko propsratlouy. Loudon, Nov. 0. Nouh Is rocelvcd thai tho Prince of Montenegro hns ordotudnll Montenegrin to tako up arms to morrow. Lord Derby has notified tho Chinese cov- nriimniit that thn distinction of tho Woosung lUiluny win un roguuud as nn uuiriemiij act. Madrid, Nov. 8 llm govornment In lends giving Gcu. Grant un official recep tion, Paris, Nov, fi. Thern is groUnxcltomont In IKilltlcnl circles. Tho Monlteur Isnlmosi tho only conservative Journal which lucoiu monds a conciliatory jiollcy. This Journal KHsortn that President AlsuMuhou has no In tention of iVHlgnlng, us ho Is convinced such a course would oxpoio tho country lo the greatost peril, Pails, Nov. 0. Tho Paris onora housn was decorated this evening with American Hags, snd the stalrcusn aud vestibule with plants, wueu uen. uruni ami party aimoareu tue orchestra played "Hall Columbia." The houso was full und many Amerlcrns were nrosont. Botwoen tho aots of tho opera (II Trovatore) various American national airs woro played, umali applauded aud encored. Gen. Grant attentively llstenwl fo tho whole performance. Upon his leaving, tho orches tra repeated "Hall Columbia." The crowd waited for Gon. Grant at the door and re spectfully salutod him. London, Nn. 8, At tbe olokoof nine hours' hard lighting on tho 4th at Devo floyun tho Turks lied In complete dltorder, abandoning their camp, arms aud provi sions. Losses unknown. St. Petersburg, Nov. 8, Tho Ruislan loss from commencement of hostilities to the 1st Inst. Isill.bOl men. London. Nov. 8. To-day's news shows that Itumla has got a firm hold of Armenia, InctidliiK Kara, whoro garrison henceforth can do nothing for the sultan's cause, evjn It It fills to surrender. Nor Is thero any potslblo relief for It, since all its approaches aro Iu Russian hands and strongly guarded, On the Diiiubo also tho Rusalaus have ob tained a further Mroug foothold bv tboo'j on pat ion of Rohova, about (K) miles above NiKopolls. Besides Increasing Russia's fair ctiaucd for obtaining supplies, limits Osiuhii Pasha off from retreat toward Wlddlu. Oman's inaction, whlln thus being penned In at Plovna looks ss if he Jlulendud in risk all on a desperate sortie, In the hopnof over whelming the llusslan stolidity by the dash lug ferocity of an attack. A Russian official dispatch datod Kuruk Mora, Nov. Oih says General Lozorutf yes terday occupied a position in front of the south oistoru forts of Ivors for the purpise of erecting siege batteries, Tho Turks at tacked him suprorted by lire from the forts. Tho ltusilans beat them; back In disorder, uud pursued them into Fort Hall; Pasha at tho point of tho bayonet, Inf'IctiiigKreHt loss; captured guns and ten olllcorauud 10 men und then retired with a small loss, Constantinople, Nov, 8, An official tele gram from Mukhtar Pasha admits tnat the Russians compelled him to retire from Dave Boyoun, It is said some officers, who worn panic atrlckeu and abandoned several guns, will booourtmartlttled, The dlspaftb con cludes; "We aro now occupying tho fortlil cations of Erzeroum and preparing means of defense." Earlier advices received bere(ConsUnt. nople) show that bofore tbU success the sit uation at Erzsroum was very critical, The Inhabitants demand that the authorities capltulato, tho expected reinforcement not having arrived. Tho Porte has demanded tho withdrawal of tho Servian corps of observation from tho frontier upon pain of vigorous military measures. Loudon, Nov. 6. A dispatch from Pera says: Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs under Nov, 0th that ho still hopes to be able to hold Ersoroum. He has plenty of artlllory and largo reinforcements aro on tho way to him. Calcutta, Nov. 9 Tho Mussulmans of the country nro much excited at tho news of Russian victories. London, Nov. 0 The convlollou Is strong that Plovna cannot hold out many days. Osman Pasna's men aro dosortlug In largo numbers on account of privations and hard ships. Tho Rustlans havo built a tolograph lino complotely around Plevna, ao they can coucontroto itiimedlatoly on any point at tacked. It Is Hxnected combined operations will bo nttomptod by Omiau Mebot All aud Chovkot Pasha, upon which thn fto of Plovna will dopond. The Porto has detormluod to fight to tho bitter ond. Constantinople, Nov, 0. Tho following telegram Is received from Mukhtar Pasha: Erzeroum, Nov. t) 12 M. At 4 this morn ing tho Russians attacked our fortified post slttonsat Azlzlo. Our troops, fighting with great valor, ropulsed them and pursued them four or Uvo mites from Erzsroum. The Russians were totally defeated. Our trenches aro tilled with tholr dead. A Retired Mbuoiiant. Mr. Qoorgo Fox, who was known In tho United States n few years ago as ono of tho lato A. T. Stewart's partnors, hns now retired from business, and Is llv ingat Klmhut'dt, near Lichfield, Staf fordshire, England. Ho is engaged largely in brooding abort-horned cattle on hU estate, which is extensive ami abounding in past tiro lands. His first annual sale of short-horned cattle took placo July 10th. It was a draft salo or forty-seven pure-bred beast, and oxci tetl the most animated bidding. Tho "Second Cambridge Liuly," ono of tho Itoso of Sharon family, brought 1,1(J0 guineas. Tlio entlro sale yielded about S&yillU. The sale was preceded by n. luncheon, at which tho Duke of Man chester occupied tho chair. The even ing before tho sale Mr. Fox entertained at dinner tho Duko or Manchester, tho Duko or llectlve, Lord Moiuton, mid twenty other guonts iu tho beautiful old hall or his estate, which has a claim on hWlory, having given shelter ami protection to tho roya.lsts during tho siego of Lichfield. P.w.ousi: Country. Mr. James Denton, one or tho earliest settlors on tho I'aloaso, Informs tho Walla Walla Statesman, that Immigrants continue to pour Into tho country. One day this week ono hundred persons wero coun ted, alt heading far Colfax, lie states that nearly all the bottom lauds aro taken up, but back toward tho moun tains there is any amount or good lauds open to feoltlometit. They liavo live wtw nuns on tho I'aioitse, three or them operated by steam power, mid yet such Is tho demand ror lumber that tho mills refitsu to take now orders. Tho new comers will have to go back to tho timber aud build log huts in which to pass tho wlntvr. Four tlout Itig mills will bo ready for grinding this full. Immigrants now coming' In havo means, aud many or them deslro to purchase improved funis. Asa rulo tho .Mjttlors aro natlslletl with their claims, and It is very rare that u man is found willing to sell. At the pre-ont rate of progress, Whitman will mou bo tho empire county of iho Territory. Iu Hrittuny tho whole of tho tirxittlly wtste ground occupied by nil I way em bankments, on either side of tho lino is planted with fruit trees, ehlelly pears and apples. They nro planted itbojt three feet apart each way, eacli tree having two stems, one being bent iotlio right and tho other lo tho loft. When the.-o limbs cross each otlier tlioy aro tied together, mi that tho wholo pre sents a continuous trellis ol fruit trees, adding beauty ami value to tho waste places. Tho commercial editor of the San Francisco JltiUcllii says that tho es tablishment or a direct line between Now York and Portland, Oeegoa, is again being agitated. Oregon mer chants should see that thn experiment this time should bo made a micccss. Wo see no reason why Oregon should not cultivate a direct lino with Now York as well as wltl Liverpool aud other ports or supply. Messrs J. Me Craken V Co will act its agents in this city for tho now lino or voescls. Wo mortals, mon, and womon, dovour manya disappointment between break fast and dinner time; keep back tears and look a little pale alsiut tho lips, and iu answer to Inquiries say "ah. nothing!" Frltlu helps us; aud pride Is not a bail thing when it only urges us to hide our own hurts nut hurt o'.hors. (icoryts J-Jllott. S.ixo Holm, alleged to bo a woman, says: "Womo i havo a perpetual cra ving to be recognized, to bo admired; ami u largo part of their eoatjoloss chat ter Is no more nor lens than it surface devico to call your attention to them, as little children continually pull your gown to mako you look at them." Tho postmaster at Corpus Christ I, Texas, is disposed to put on a llttlu too much of what you might call. style, aud will havo to bo looked after hy tlio de partment at Washington. Ho actually "refuses to pass snakes through his olllco as mail matter!" This Is simply outrageous. Vermont has lately Bent tho first powder mill in tchlnory over exported from Mils country to Russia. It Is to bo erected near tho clly or St. I'otersburg. itusnia hsa long been it good customer lor our locomotive. A man who was shocked by lightning on the .same night that a.smiill-pox hos pital was struck, waslnatlreadrulstato of suspense until convinced th tt ho was lilt lirst. Strawberry Jams little boys at straw harry foallvi.ls. s. 'V tAR .rn . f 1