4 V i t M" Q tHIanwtte Mnxmtt. IMBSD 1TIBT MITMT, BT OLAEKE S& OBAIG, rnBUfnKns ajm raopniBioni. 8. A. CfcAIlKE. .W. CttAIG. Term of Subscription. Oneeopy,onoycar52numberj).... ' Si One copy, lx months ( number) .. .25 X...,.:.. iirn mnnth f 18 numbers) ' UUUb'IV "- -- BALEM, FRIDAY, KOV. 10, 1877. OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Tho Board of Directors ot ttao Oregon Wo noor Association mot In tbo parlor of tho Chotnekota hotel last ovonlnjr, and was called to order by tho President, W. J. llurron. On motion, all tho porsons present were Invited to participate. , On motion, Judgo Wm. Strong, or Port land, wan unanlmonsly chosen to deliver tuo Annual AddreaB at tho re-unlon, on tho loth of Jane, 1878. . , On motion, Gonoral Joel Palmor was clio sen al tomato to J udgo Strong. On motion, tho President was empowered to solect a suitable pr rson'.todollver the Occa sional Addross for 1878. Rev. R. O. Ulll, of Albany, was choson Chaplain for tho noxt ro-unlon. Hon. Modorum Crawford, of.Dayton, was chosen as Chief Marshal. Mr. W. II. Rocs roslgned from tho Print ing CommltUo, and Mr. R. P. Bolso was cloctod to 1111 tho vecanoy: thocominltoo was rooloctcd nnd consists of Hon. E. N. Gooko, S. 1 Clmdwlck, John Mlnto, R. P. Holsu and J. Honry llrown. Mr. Hoos moved that tho nnmos of tbo wnmbors bo published In tho annual trans- Tho Socrolnry oirorod tho following, which was Riloptod. Rcsolvod, That tho Secretary of Sifito is oarnonstly rcfitiestod to rtSNlmi nroom In tuo Hlnto llouio tor tho uso or tho Oregon Plo iifcor Association, for tho purrioso of trans, rctlnir business; bsftt keeping or nrchlvoH, books nnd othor vuluablts that thoy now liavoor may bocotno possessed or. On motion, a voto or thanks was given to Mr.S. V, Mathews, tho gonial landlord or tho Chomekota, for Ills kindness In furnish lug n room for nurtiiooUng. On motion, tho lljanl adlournod until tho last Thursday In March, 1&7S. W. J. llmtitKN, Prosldont. J. Hr.siiY Iluow.v, Soorotary. OUR MISSION FATHERS. Tho nvorngo Orogonlan has llttlo rospoct fjr nuliiiuUy. ho would walk ovor tho gruyo or Adam with somo casual remark about tho 'old duller," and ir ho woro to tlnd tho re mains oi Noah's ark upon Mount Hood, ho would probably sot tiro to It nnd broil liU vonlsou Bloak upon Its otnbors. Ho soos no utility In ruins, nnd cares no more for tho trails or dead centuries than ho does lor tho trails of dead navagcs. Ho can not undor stnnd tho sllont volcothat speaks to us Irpin tho past, ho lias nover rait tho bonodlctlou whloh comes rrom vonornllon. and uover will until thoso rollulug Iniluonccs nro forced upon him. Wo woro standing, a row days aInco,upon thoHlopooftho hills ovor In Polk county, which look down upon tho city or Salem, tho ground upon which It now stands wiuonco called tho old Mission. Orand and jpaUtlnl structures havo slnoo been oroctod. The old University building that wm built long, long yoaraagOf has bum short time slnco, nulep a victim to ttt( r uthlet-m, hand' of tho. Incen diary and nothing of ItrJioHjalns but a row pit of uhnrred debru. Wotlioutht or tho decade of years.alnoe IU foutldaUouawnr laid by tha old Mlatlonaf les. tho ' most of whom have long sloe bean gathored borne to reap their reward. We remember that near by Is tho old Mission Couiotory and In this oonsocrated toll are the remains or some or our Mission rathorswho aro now resting from tholr labora without stock or stono to mark tholr resting spot, anil wo ask tho nuos tion why will not Church or Stato.or Indi viduals savo for us and our children tho names and history ol thoso good menT A Fraltlsss Tramp. Hhorltr Sargent, or Umatilla, informs us that ho would have brought down four "Jail Jllrus" to tins city uau not one oi uiuiu oi footed his Mcapo tho ntght before ho started down here, Tho one that cscspod Is tho no torious Cayuso Heyuolds who has boon a terror In that section of country for ioiiio time. Sargent followed Reynolds Into Wy oming Territory before ho suoceoded In cap. turlng him: ho brought him back and ho was tried, convlctod and Rouienced. and In a fow hours moro would hao had ;hlm in fo keeping with Superintendent llurch had he not made his escape m 'M did. Mr. Sargeut seoiiiN to hato to looae his man aftor having had snob a long tramp alter him. Ho swears ho will tx him tho next tlmo. Front Strost Brldgs. At tho Ust term or tho County Court an appropriation or fflOO was mado out of tuo Cotiutv Treasury, to bo expended In build lug a bridge across Mill creek, at the north end or Front street, provldod a like amount was raised rrom other sources. At tho same term, W. F. lloothby was appointed super luteudent. Tho plan or tho bridge Is the same as tho one spanning tho creek noar Mr. Hush's place. It will bo 670 foot long, tdghteen feet wide, and In the highest placo about twenty feet abovotho wator. Tliocon. traot for building tho sm was yesterday let to L. C. t'lluo at public out-cry for f 1,113. Work will fommonoo Immediately. Good Mnrlftinnn. One day last week over nt I'errydslp, In Polk couuly, several or tho farmer were congregated nt the store, whononoof tho moil who had his tnuty rlllo with him, wa gered dollar that he could hit the coutro ot n target nt a certain distance. Tho wager was accepted nud tho stakes placed In n by N'.nuder's hand. The nliurod raised his gun to his shoulder, took steady nlm nud tired, i ho center or tho target was plercod by tho titll and "moro luck" the ball passed through tho board and killed ouo ofhW neighbor's cow that happened to bo fHllng some two hundred yards away, and at rluht entiles with the target Th iiuvstlun now nrUes who Is gomg to pay for that cow? Sitocotaful Operation. A llttlo moro than two weeks ago George Klddock. living near Amity, In smhlll count v, had tho mUfortnuo to dislocate his right shoulder Joint. He neglected to have tho dislocation reduced till yesterday when he ntino to Dr. Carpenter of this city. An muucceskfut attempt was made In the fore noou to throw tho arm bono in Its proper lilaea. In the afternoon Dr. Carpeuter, aided by Drs. Jessupand Reynolds succeeded in mluclng the dislocation. At live o'clock Mr. Rlddock was sutlerlng Intense palu. Roms in NsHstWr. We noticed In our travels about tho city a number of row bushes out In the different yards still in full bloom, aud Just aa Irsgrant as though It was midsummer. How It that lor Oregon aud lu thq mouth of November, THE FARMERS' FRIEND. Combined Seed Drill mad Broadcast Sower." t .ti.1 rnM l Hi. .hntf. arlmtrflhlv MS. structed Implement of farm machinery. It f t.t .. i o.a. T.la Im was on oxDiDiiion bi our jam oimj rwi the miscellaneous division. Tho Awarding ComrniUeo bad not time to examine all iU excellencies, and passed upon It. Believing that this machine is or tho highest possible Importance to our farmers at largo, and that Itcanbefurnlshedtothemby tho manufac turers In any given numbers, through their agentsln Salem and Portland, T. Cunning- At tho Contonnlal In Phlladalphla In 1870, this drill, In company with seven othors, was thoroughly trlod by gentlomen of the International Jury, and set to work on Ipvo land, and on hill sido land with right wheel elevated 80. and afterward on reversohlll sldos, tho left wheol was elevated 30. Tho other drills In competition on test were: Champion, Bnperlor, Kaller, Buckeye(new), McSberry, Farmers' Favorlto and Hoosler. Tho Farmers' Friend was awarded the 1st promlum, which was the grand gold medal, wayno county Ohio Agricultural Society, In 1B76, previous to their Fair, tho grain was sown, so as to be up at the tlmo ol thojalr, that It mlghtbo seen bow It appeared. Each machine was to bow the samo quantity per aero, and tho committee was not to know what drill did tho work. Alterwards the machines or drills woro examined, and tho work by each was patsod upon, and tho awards unanimously mado to tho Faum eiis' Friend. , This drill will sow all kinds of grain and grass seed, nnd It usos no looso goar whools tochnugotho quantity which, can bo dono whllo drilling, without stopping tho loam. It Is so constructed thnt tho oxact amount por ac.ro can bo sown. It will sow whoat, ryp, birloy, oats or grass sood, without Widening tho mouth or tho food cup, and will now o largo or small quantity cqunlly ns woll. Tho quantity enn bo cbitngod In n momont from grentor to loss, ns well ns from less to greator, whon uraln Is In tho hoppor.nml 1 un der nil clrcuniHsnces.wliethor tho drill Is In motion or not, which cannot bo dono with other drills hnvlng no looso toar whcols. Tho renrshlfiorol this drill Is nn nrrnngo merit with which tho hots can bn shifted bo hind tho drill without going bohlnd tbo horsosorloonlngn bolt or nln. Onolinir the dntir bars nro nlUchud to too frnmo, nnd ouo lmir to tho mo vnblo bar. To tho lattor Is nttachod an Iron bnr Hint psssos to tho roar ortho drill, whoro It rastons on n cross picco lu tho frnmo by n stationary pin that goos through n holo In tho bar. All Hint s ncc osary to shift tho hoos. Is to rnlio th Is bar out or tho phi nnd push forward until tho nln comos In anothor holo In tho lr nnd ;..!...... u..ir rrim ninimKIn liur. In lirlnir shifted, slides on two castings, ono nt ench OUUt RIKl WUU 1 UOUUiurniiR uiui" " v,.- al.. I.. tl..,A rniullnns tvhlnli ftllltinori nflnll end, and tho roar shifting bar holds It In tho conter, which glyos Itthroo points of support giving it n solid support. Tho hoos can bo moved forward In a momont, so ns to lot grnss or woods which may havo accumula ted thoro, pass out. Tho celobratod Ojno i-i.... ... ..un,l mn Hxat llin niianlltv in changed without loosening a single part or "i i i rm... hjk .1111 lu itfl.itl. Oliailglllg It WUTO1, illtl Oiiuiu nun i. ........- ably nrrangod for sowing broadenst grain or grass soou. . . , , , rri. un..il. nf II. In nrllnln nrAnl lliln riirthnr AUO IOIIKIII l .... ... .iv.w . w-w .- - dlscrlptlon or this superior drill. It will sow fourteen acres per day, with two horses and .i.i. T Imtrn nvamlnnil nil Its nirts and witnessed IU performance In sowing grain, and drilling peas and boaus, and I havo nover seen iwcijum, In consideration or tho promiaos, tho Stale Agricultural Society awarded a gold modal ..J. d. i t m. ... .I.lu .llll . to.V. lUnuinKuaiu wi u " no prion or to is oriu is ouun. For 10 hpe...' fl-' 9 For 11 hoe.... J-JM For 111 hoo.r-. 13 For 11 hoe H5 0 David Nkwjomk, Supt. Mlscellanoous Division. Salem, Oct. 2(Jth, 1877. A Brilliant Wedding. Tho occasion ortho marrlsgo of Mr. A. B. Cronsmanto MUs Llnnlo McCully, which took placo last ovonlng nt tho rosldonco or tho brldo's rather, Hon. A. A. McOullv was tho most brilliant and rechorohn affair ovor witnessed In Snlem, . ... Over two hundred and liny invitations had boon hsuod and tho throng that tlllod tho tnnclous npartmonts showod that tho "ro grot'1 wero not numerous. iri.nainn.ni n..lnr. u.nm luttiilnntiinlir Anil elaboratory decorated with ovorgreens, au tumn leaves, ivr, ioru aim i"i " ponded in the ombntsuro or tho bay window hung n largo Istll composed entlroly or tho puiest while (lowers wllli ca'la Illy olapjor. Towards this as tbo appointed hour ap proached all eyes were dlreotod, and as tho bridal party appeared tho company foil back to make wider room. ..... First oamo Mr. John D. McCully, leading MUs Lillian E. Patton, followed by Mr. Sam W. Church with MUs Mary L. Crane, who took appropriate places; then cauio Mr. J. A. Strattou, escorting into position MUs Anna It. Shelby, and last orall, tho oynosuro or all eyes, tho lovely bride, leaning on the arm or tho groom, the pair taking tho placo reserved for them directly undor tho lloral Tho msrrlairo service or tho M. E. Church was read by Rev. F. P. Tower, nnd was re sponded to with Just thorlghtsortofdollght rul emphasis by tho groom, and low and distinctly bv tho bride; when followed tho good wishes aud congratulations or tho rela tives, and tho host of warm friends. Tho brldo's maids woro drosses very simi lar, ors.ttn, lneo nndtarltnn, whllo tho brldo hersrtUwns droinod In heavy whltn silk with ut length of tralu enough for onsoand grace ns well ns huiuty. And what with veil aud now ers, sno never jookwi luveuur wu m ur bridal cottumo. Tho bridal presents wero nuiuorous nud costly; consisting of pictures, Freuch China vatex, beautiful toilet sets; an ulegsutnnd richly bound family Bible, nud silverware In such quantities nud patterns as might well oxullu evtrv expectant brldo to envy. Thedliilug hall was decorated with tho ssme tnsto nnd profusion ns tho parlors, aud the refre-shments served were perteet lu their way, wldlit tho wiilter gavo o.toh guest lib. oral uttentlon, ami although tho rooms were literally ihruiiued there was no confusion wherotho dainties wero dispensed. The ladles who graced tho psrty wero ar rayed In all sorts or elegant and expensive costumes, aud almost without oxceptlon.tn fullle8ta!.te: all seuilug Inspired with a doslro to glvo added elegance to the occasion, ... Later In the evening, aa the'parlora became less crowded, seta were formed and those who remained kept lively nud graceful measure to sweet routlo until the Court House clock noted the arrival of the "we, sins' hours," when the guests retired In "good order," after bestowing tho usual amount or good wUhea and congratulations upon the newly married couple, Blihop Scott's grammar school was totally destroyed last evening, supposed to be He work of so Incendiary. No lives lost. Total toss (23,000. WTT.T.AMKTTE OImi EstadtUskad atl DlsooMtismed. For some cause or other Wells, Fargo fc Co. have seen fit to discontinue the offices In Cornelius and MoMlnnvilo, all express mat ter for MoMinnvllIe, or that section cf country, will horeafter, bo sent to 8t. Joe. While that for Cornelius and the surrounding vicinity will go to Forest Grove, where the company have estab lished an ofllce. Offices havo also been established at La Conner, Whatcomb county, W. T., and Heppner, Umatilla county, Ore gon. Persons having business to transact In the abovo named places will do well to ro membor the changes made. Bobbery at Sheridan. Dallas, November 7. A courier has Just arrived from Sheridan and communicates the Intelligence that the safo in L. A J. K. DeLssbmutt's store was opened last night and $7,310 takon. The money belonged in Portland and had boon collected by George A. Shepherd, a gen eral agent, for the wholesale merchants or that city, to look after delinquents. The person who sleeps In the storo thinks It was taken before 10 o'clock, p. m., he be ing ont nntll that tlmo. No cluo as yet to tho robber or robbers. WM. B. BLAKCHAnD. A Complete Mill, A hasty visit yosterday to Mr. O. F. Dennis' new custom flouring mill, noarly ready for operation, convinces us that Mr. Donnla has tho neatest and most compact flouring mill In tho Stato. Tbo mill Is all In tho wostern ond of tho Atrrlculturnl works; tho burr Is in tho basement whero tho whoat Isrecolvod, tho bolting chests In tho fecond story, nnd tho wheat bins In tbo third. Aftr noxtTuosdaya fnrmor on stnrtlng to tho olty csn throw Into bis wagon olgbt or ton busholsor whoat, drlvoto Dennis' mill, .ilnii.l It nn.vn nfnr In tlin nltv. iln lila trail- Int:, nnd on his return not his Hour, leis tho toll. Tho mill hss nil tho lntest Improve ments for manufacturing Hour, nnd prompt ness In grinding will bo tho rule. If our rn.nnu ... n i.va miMintr frli'fi Mr. npnnls n call. Ho oxpocts to bo ready for business I... .... .1'. ...!... (I.n lit). Iflbt UJf Ill.l. lUVIUIIJttiiU mm ...a.. Brownivlllo Woolen Factory. Mr. Movor Informs tho Albany Democrnt thnt tho Brownsvlllo Woolon ManuLiclory, slnco their rccont unfortuato lots or n dryer by tiro, hnvo put lu n dryor which saves In bor nnd runs by steam. Tho old way or dry ing by sun hns thus boon disponent! with, nnd tho labor or that dopnrtment or tho In stitution vory much simplified. Wo nro glad to learn that tho factory Is in full blast ngnln nnd turning ont Its ndailrnblo fabrics with moro than usual Industry. This is ono of tho most substantial manufacturing Institutions In tho State, and tho gontlcmon connoctod with Us manngoment havo just roason to bo proud or Its success. A New Proprietor. V..lflwla ??tli1(it Mnaarn. ItAan A. T)Attl1- bam aF i.a fai.,mntli T.lrnrtf NfnlilH. nnlfl tholr stock and livery wagons to Mr. Gaines lrlsiior, late oi iowa, rar, risuor una niu purchasod tho real osta'.o or Mr. JnhuF. Mlllnr llmu lirvimlnrf nwnnr nf tho nntlrn business. The prlco paid for stock, wagons, harness and realty, was 81,000. Mr. F. has como to stay with us and will keep his stock in lip top oruor, anu auu now wnuu nuuu tho season opens. Mr. Fisher will also havo an elegant ooaniu lur mu uw u. iui-'"i with all the fuuoral trappings usually seen In large cities. , A Staamar ReasuUt. ThetUasasblp Idaho hu bewA rebmu Jb very sUbnch manner, by the Pacltlo Coast Steasathlp company, at it cost or 1150.000. She wss pnt on the ways In San Francisco In July last, and the work was but reoently fin ished. A capacious cabin baa been built on the upper deck, and many other Improvements havo boon added to her qualifications as a passongor vossol. Boe. Telegraph Business. Mr. A. F.Whoeler, operator In this city, Infamm us that tho amount of buslnoss transacted in this office for tho month or October, In the way or receiving and sending messagos, aro as follows: Total number or uiessases sent, 700, and the number received 550. Tins does not lnciuuoiuo u. u. messa gos. This Is a protty rlr showing, taking everything Into consideration. 1st November. Mr. D. D. Prettyman yosterday, tho olght ortho month, presented us with a nonlbou mint tiiunkail that dato rrom bis irarden. Tim Imunuet contained several varieties or honoysuckles, pansles, snap dragon, lark spur, etc What other State or country, bo fur Northcould furnish the like, picked rrom tueopon air in cnoeriesa noveuiuon Opium Smokers. The Common Council of the olty or Fort laud hare passed an ordinance making It a misdemeanor for persons to frequent the Gulueso opium dens. TheClty Council hero ought to pass an ordinance to the same effect for thero aro several youngsters In this city that aro In the habit or visiting these dens and smoking opium. Discharged. , J. B. Richardson who had an examina tion before Inquire Johnson yesterday charged by one J. W. Brooks as having mado an assault on him with a deadly weapon. Tho Judge after hearing both skit sot tho quostlondlf charged Richardson. Heavy Baslaessi Slnco tho 21th or last August, Gardner Bros, havo rocolvod at their store In Salem, 05 organs and 15 pianos, Or these, all have been sold, oxcept about a dozen now In store. Hits for two mourns anu a uau is quuo re spectable. A Prise Conundrum. At a publlo contest lately hold over In Polk county, tha following was the prlia conun drum: "What U tho difference between a tenant and tho bon of a widow? Tho tenant has to pay rents, but the son of n widow has not two pa-rents." On Sunday afternoon, 4th, Mr. Samuel C. Donaldson, accompanied by his wife nnd daughter wero returning from a visit to his homo In North Howell Prairie, and when on tho brink or a steep hill by somo accident Mr. Donaldson foil out or tbo wagon, thereby causing tho horses to start on a dead ruu dowu the hill. Mrs. Donaldson was thrown violently to the ground, aud the daughter was also thrown out but in such a manuer as to receive but slight injuries, Mrs. Donald sou was taken to tbelreoldence or her mother. She Is pretty badly injured. The wagon was badly used up. A waiter lu the Howard House died sud denly last Saturday evening, A post mor tem examination was held and the cause of his death pronoanced to be valvular disease of the heart. The Bishop Scott Grammar School was in sured for f 10,000. FARMER. Pretty Bad efc The Russians are evidently suffering se verely from sickness In the Dobrudsohn. Exchange. We've had pains in our head, In our stom ach, and pains everywhere else, we In onr Dobrudscha. Thank Heaven we're all r ght then yet? When a man's Dobrudoha gives out, he'd better, measure his length on the ground and send for an undertaker. Thore occurred on Commorolal street, In rrontorScriber's blacksmith shop, an Item that bid ralr to bo a general smash up. A man by the name of McDanle s left his loam attached to his buggy standing while he went Into tho shop, tbo horses started to run but wero caught and in turning the vehlolo was upsot nnd dragged on its side, breaking siverai plecos or tho running goar. About ?25 will put tho buggy In running order again. Read and Bownre. Thore Is dangor or stopping tho pulsation ortho heart by gottlng out of bed too Boon. It takes Just seventeen minutes to gottlng out or bed gracorully and carefully, nnd any wire that has any life nbont her, can havo the flro started In that time. A Good Country. In Greenland they tell us that thore Is no cats. "How full or wisdom are tho ways or Provldonco I" Just imaglno cats In a country whero tho nights aro six months long. Wm. D. Newland who llvos near Chewnu can, down on tho Columbia rlvor, foil rrom his wagon that was loaded with lumber whllo goluir down n stoop hill nnd tho wheols of-Wio wngon passod ovor his body In such a mnnnor thnt death onsuod In n short tlmo. Daniel BIrcIc, n former resldont of San Francisco was arrested In Portlnnd yestor day charged with ombezzlomont Intiiofor mor city, on n requisition signed by tho Governor of Callfornln. A school boy natnod Chns. Beckett acci dentally shot ono or his lingorsioff wlthnn old pistol yestcadny. Joeph Suthorlnnd, n woll known raombrr or tho sporting fraternity died at Walla Walla yesterday morning. U.vincATiojf or the Dkitisii KMrim:. Dr. W.F.Tolmlo, woll known to thooorly sottlors of Oregon , but uow living In British Columbia, and n member of tho Provluclal Parliament, hns written n lotlcr to tho Colo nist on tho Canadian Fnclilo Railway, at tho conclusion of which ho makes tho following Judicious remarks on tho unification of tho British Empire: Thoro Is much or doop interest to us nil In Colomb's pnmnhlot. It Is circulating In Victoria nnd should, by such as feol Inter ested In fedoratlon of tho Kmplro, bo care fully read and pondered ovor. This Pan Brltnnulc unification, tho dying desire ortho groat Chatham, tho sontfmont for which uultod empire Americans a contury ago sacrificed homo and kindred, this noblo as piration Is now becoming moro doonly felt, and Its realization moro longod for by English-speaking peoplo nt homo and abroad. It Is for tuo United Klngdcm nnd tho Dominion to tako tho Initiative, The Aus tralian colon los will soon Join In and Colomb's most sonslblo and pressing warn ings will bo carried out In their entirety while yet thero Is time. Knllghtenod Amer icans or the United States, well aware that they already have enough of social and political problems to work out, look with favor on this British federation movement, knowing that Britons arelhelrownoo-work-efta-itU Into' tetods to the upraltlna of humanity; and that each of the great kindred Anglo-Saxon nationalities learning, one from tho other what to Imitate and what to avoid, may thus "strive together In well doing." EUhu Uurrltt, tbo well known loarned and philanthropic New Englander, has In the Canadian Monthly for Auoust last an nrtlclo on tho "Integration or tho British Empire" that doos hlui Infinite credit. Thero is moro pith In this short essay than In Sir Francis Htnoks'recont lukewarm doallng with tho groat subject In the same periodical; or than In tones ofablo and woll-meanlng Goldwln Smith's Jeremiads about disintegration In other monthllos. LADIEG0b3AMEIt HUIUIEU COATS. If yOU go Into Broyman's store, Salom, you will boo somothlng now iu tho way or a wator proor ovor garment for ladles woar. Thoy have with tholr usual enterprlso, brought on the latest style, a silk and rubbor watorproof coat that will make tho woarer invulnerable to Oregon winter woather. The beauty of mem is mat tuey are gossamer in texture and can be carried In a small satchel. Coun try ladles who wish to attend the Grange In wet weather should call and see them. A Test Case. Black, who Is now in prison In Portland, charged with embezzlement, prays for a writ or habeas corpus on the ground, that there is at present no Governor or Oregon, and that S. F. Chad wick Is only acting Governor and had no right to Bign hlmseir as Gover nor. The caso was argued last Saturday bo fore Judge Shattuck,and takon under atftlso ment. Let the Peoplo Bejoice, For tbo bountiful harvest or 1877 has now plaeod in tho bands ot tbo peoplo tho golden com, that they may ileo to W. P, John&or. it Co. and secure such pictures as will please them mid tholr friends, nnd bn a blessing to generations to come, ltetnember tho place, oyer Willis' llookstoro, Stato St., Salem. Or. Organs. ir you want a good, round, smooth, sweet toned Organ ono that Is made or tbo best or material, and will last a llfotlme get the Whitney A Holmes, ot J. H. ltobblns, Port laud, Oregon. MARRIED: WrtWHT-Inthl cltr. November 7.1S77. byA II. Jiilinion.J I, Mr. Jx. K. lIoiKou ami Mrs Aumiula M. Wright, both or Marlon county. Uttuon. NOUTHnyP-In Portland. Nov. 7. Howard N. Nortlirup, uKeUiMyeuni, UinontUa,7 days. DIED. PATTEUON InPouthS.ilfin, November 9th, of diphtheria, William PatUrson, aged S years. WAITIn thlaclty, November 7th, John, Infant sou ol T. N. and Uicbael Walt, need i years and 6 months. BK. K. T. OU11K, BKKVXT U. Col., Ute Sorxeon U.S. Volaateer. -OOoo. Dorbtn's block, sotuln. Tf B. U. CLAUQHTON, NOTARY. PUBLIC. Seal Btte Acetsi, and Collector orcialws, will promptly at. tend to m bu-nes eatruiud to bit care. MAKING CONVKYANCHtt A ttPXCIALTY, Office st tiM i-osv vmes, XMtoauon, Azemts for sae i"""'" -.. , .,,.. , .....JE Uannfln i Albn7 RLSlmDon sa-ar.:::::::: g$ . I t R8"nVi;.::.wmwejS Ms rjaonaty.-r:::::. vVfnA1 m CreVwell.. "o.coe Kuor SstSti' Cr'ek.. . . .. . . . ........... . .... 0 11 Hammer.- Iiy Ml Sniir.. ...... J Lee- 1 M Guthrie If Drain...... Krewien Drain I DamajctiB ht.ol,le 11 Dayton AiuinTi Hliton ;-A H. ni" cs Knccne John McClnng vnivn .V; ADOanlner Forert Grove 8 Hnghcs, WLCnrtls. SaBWf Gofhcn Ji'inA'.?kcr Ml J nervals SUQalncs mVi ' Y,",..J " . TJ Black Hir HarrUbarg Illram Smith Illllsboro A Loouing1 Hcpncr Morrow llerren Independence .W h HodRln T.n.tinn Hmllh. Urarflc d Co.. W L Lemon WUUV.iW..... . . - ' - Jackronvuie iranou ' H Klng Valley Conner A Crejno W Jcfferfon John W ltoland , Lewlivlllo II O McTlmmonds Lafayette Dr l'opplcton. A DHenrr Lebanon 8 II Clanjhton W Monroe .........Jos Kclfcr 1 McMinnvillo J U Morris. A Bold 1 Monmouth M atcrhonte J . Mill Plain. WT ..Dartd Stamp I Needy wm jiioreiami m M New Kra ........J Casto Wl VewclUvlllo PK Caftleman Ol North Yamhill ..IlObtowsrt JJ Oakland 8 K Haymonil J Ott.... J B Hchrocder OrceniiClly M Ilncon 1'en'llcton W A Whitman Peoria Br J II Irvlco Pilot Itocls R Gilliam l'orimnii.... atr i.vv,K"uoiAi iirnnco , ( i, PrlncMlllo OMI'ilnirlo A Tcrrydalo '. .McGnuv's btoro Illckrral FA I'attcrFim ltn.Klinri. Thrill Smith ' Sclo F I' .lone?, Tho Mnnkrrs b'Uverton Tltllilibntd Khedd' WM l'owirj, CltWAoelcr Hprlnuneld A n Hover Sublimity John Downing Sweet Hnmo lien Mnrkr Sheridan Tangent....... YH Ilarco Tho Dallci 8 I. Ilrooks Turner V t lllllrary Vancouer ..8 V llrown Wlllnmetto Fork M Wllklns wniiawaua o r nrewcr Ito niiin j u chut Vmicalla J 11 KIMi-nti. USApplecuto J. W. GILBERT PttyH CiihIi ibr Hides, Furs. & Pelts. se21 Commorolal St., SALK.M, iy OXUEI0-O3XT :DnL3NT033: FIRE COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Asiett, - - $668,547.45 Income, 1875, - $465,904.29" XKv-f paid out iao organlza titJ, - - $1,137,367.50' HAMILTON BOYD, MAJfAOER. suStr 72 First NI,. 1'onTLAND. The Light-draught Steamer CITY OF SALEM Will leave Picirio Wiunr, Portland, for Salem, and Intermediate Point, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,. At 0 o'clock A. M. Tbo Light-draught tcniucr Will make Trips to the upper Rlvor. U. B. SCOTT & CO. Z. J. HATCH, General Manager. anU SPECTACLES, SFECTACLESI For Old and You tier. Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted ShootlHK-GIastes for Sportsmea, BTEEL, SILVEB, AND GOLD FRAMES. I AM prepared to supply Spectacle! to fit all eyes, at prices to mlt. W. "W. MARTIN, Jeweler A OptUtan, Uank Ulock, BWto St, Balem, MaylS.mO. 6m JOHN MINTO, ' snrtDzn or 3IERINO SHEEP, TAKES pleainre lnofferlnc; to the Wool-Growers of Uregou and tho aillolnlni: Terrltorl tho chance topurcbate TlIOltOUailUltEO MKKINOS, and aa Hiring parties tntcreitcd tbat tbey can, and will en deavor to. tell Sheep of tha tame quality and value at MUCH CHEAPEKltATES than such can ponlbly be Imported. Elimination and comparison with oth er Sheep offered In tho market aro cordially Invited, uAddrei JOHN MINTO, Salem, Orcirou. N. B. Tho Rama and Ram Lambs of the Sock can be teeu on the ISLAND PAHM, adjoining Salem. TheEweaean be een at the fame place, or at tho HILL FAKM four and a halt miles (oath of the city. Salem, September 10. 187.1. Farms and Land lor Sale. I OFFER FOR 8ALE ONE FARM, 320 ACRES. KU acre in cultivation, Rood orchard, dtua'ed on the Plearant Hill road, about !4 mile from Kufrene City. Al.o, about 1400 acres of MIXED LAND, lome of the best valley and beaver-dam Land In the county, inirounded by Mil and broth land. Tbre or (our terycood farm can be made out of It, Good place for a rolony. Want to fell the w ho'e lot toBetb er. Thl Land 1 situated In Leue county, about 19 mile from Euirene City, and ilx trom Creiwell. Je8 Addret F. B. DUNN, Kugtn4 City. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 0KKGOX 1KB WASlINGTeX Trust InTeitment Company F SCTI.AN. rrtina Company li prepwed to negotiate loans 1 X snm trom OBOB toJW.bOO secorca over IMPRO VED CITY rKOPKBTT sod FARM LANDS, for fixed periods of year, or rvpsysrtw Dy ball-yearly Jx stsllBsnts. f or trspplT tp niui.AJK axw, jaanseer, SOTltT 8 First Street PorUaid. .1 .; ' 4,t