vexA SHy-J.3T j. -.- i i-iiiwAijiA.miti)jv' MMMUHHMltM WfktlAJMNMrvMVMM wiMwaw-JCTawCTvail &aa!fflfflfii',isVft8,fSfiSsss f I- T" ti IB' t. WILLAMETTE FARMER. t i tf I', 1 (V 111 i1 i li A l j DEFACED AND CHIPPED COINS. A correspondent calls ntlctitlon to tlio number of defaced, clipped and liored sli ver coins in circulation, and asks wheth er there Is no renu'dy. Tlio Sun Fran cmco Call to which similar inquiries have been addressed, tnya that the only reme dy It can fiiisgest Is for tradesmen to de cline to receive defaced coin as hanUs nl rendy do. IVonlo would mon refuse to rccelvo them irilii'ru wasdlllleiilly ahout iUHiiiij;tliom nt their face value. The Jaw IsHunii'leullyixpMi'il IihI HiiIiik (lie oil' wo and prono'iiu"!' tlio penalty; hut llit'illMleulty N !'i 'I s-o'ivi r tlio oIK'if dor. Jloii do not Mnml mi the corner of public htreets and Iwro holes in fjold or silver coin. Tlio revised or amended laws relative to the mints und col li ngo of the United State", provide that "If any person shall fraudulently, by any art, ways or moans whatever, deface, mu tilate, impair, diminish, falsify, scale or lighten the gold or silver coIms which have been, or which shall hereafter be, coined at the mints of the United States, or uny foreign gold or silver coins which aro by law mado current, or aro In ac tual use and circulation as money within tlio United States, ovcry person so offend ing shall bo deemed guilty of a high mls demeunnr, and shall be Imprisoned not exceeding two years, and lined not ex ceeding two llioii'aud dollars, for each ofTense." This penalty may tie a warn ing to Uiobo persons who buro or other wise mutilate coins whether for iiiiiiiHe nient or criminal intent. inc Micucr,co?r. In his recent address, President Sey mour, ol the American Dairymen's Ah elation, thus alludes to (house of the mi croscope as n farm tool : "It Is one of tlio greatest mIMaUes of the farmer that, as a rule, they sutler tlio buyer to know more about the quality and value of farm produce than Is known by those whose labor nmlci s thorn. The buyer has tests which the Tinner docs not have. I no llcti w hen the wool buyer eoiiics around ho takes ouIIiIh uliissimil sees at u glance tlio htrocluru of Him article In hand, and known more about It limn he who tolled ti year In Its production. Tlio muiii Is true of seeds. Themagnlller Isnppllrd to pork tn sec If it Is Inf Hteil with trichina. I think It Is (rue, as u rule, tht the buy ers of farm pro.luuls know mom about them than I he producers. The iiiau who knows the mott always gi ts the hi'st of the bargain. It Is ceitalii that knowl edge Is power In making u trade. It can salcly be set down as a ntle (hat a man who, fiom uatuia! or iirtillclal iuiihoiih, can Heo a hundred times as much as his neighbor, will know the maikets." Lo'oATIUN tF l'lOU3S. The Science of Health linn some sensi ble suggest Ion on this toplj, whloh are appropriate here: Houses fhould bo built on iiiilniid ground with eXponiiio to sunlight, on every t-lde. During epidemics It has been noted by pli.VHlelaus (Hal deaths n our more frequently on (he shady side of the nlrcct than on the sunny kMd ; and in lliu bosiiltals phhlclaus have lixtllled to thoivaiiliiexH wlt.i wlilehdit-ciceslmvo yielded to I tea t men t In sunny rooms, while In shaded looms they liavo moved Intractable. Let I hero bo no bogs, no marshes, no stagnant water In lite, neighborhood. Then let tlieeellaiabe Ihiiioughlydralu oil. lualtenliou lo this milijcul has caus ed the death of many a pciMiu. No fath er or mother should ivxtnue moiiicut In peace while (heir Innocent ehildieii are sleeping In rooms over damp and moldy cellars. Cellars should not only be dialncd but thoroughly ventilated, other wise the house miixt be unwholesome Let the diiiius also be constructed for the conduction of slops anil Hcuagonf all Kinds to a common reservoir, at u dis tance from the dwelling, to bo used for fertilising purposes. GOOD FOR SOHUUZ. It Is to the credit of Seoretaiy Soiuirv. that ho appointed Mrs. Knilly Kdsou ltrlggs a member of the Hoard ot Visitors for the United Slates Hospital for the In sane. Although (his is the llrst Instance In which a lady has held an appointment on any of (ho Advisory IloanU of (ho Government, It should not bo the last, and especially not if Mrs. llrlggs, who Is a most estimable lady, und eminently Sualllled for tlio position ulveii her by ecretary Hchurz, fulfills (ho high expec tations formed of her. Tlio Attorlitn say: Tlio slimmer Giih crttl (tnby tukos u full cargo of general liioroliiimllsoon her trip to Tillammik Imv on Monthly, (lioroby pnivlng (hat wliat has hototof-ro lin-n said with re spect to tho building up of (ratio with Tillamook bay would bo fully ost iblisli. wl whon steamer was seturoi to iiuiko thot'tloit. Col. J.M. Wll-im reei'lvt'tl ivill.spiiteh onthtt)lst ultimo from Washington which stated Unit tho plium for tho proposed Iih'Uh and canal at tho Cns. catlos had Ikmh approved by tlio Hec rolarv or War. Onlers liavo been is.Wd bv tlio dcinirlment authorizing tho puri'luiM of laud whero Uiesu lm DMVOiueiits uro to ho located. Tho people of Vancouver nro now nolo to romi their title clear to their town site. Tho Jndt pendent bays tlio city has cfToctod a unnjuoiiil-o with tlio Catholic ml'slon, whereby tlio latter mlinquMicsntl claim incoiiililor atlon of tho Mini of $C,fiOl). Tim wlmlo llshorles, ufter having been on tho decline tor n number of yt'tira, but moro particularly slni'o (ho introduction to iMinmen'ool petroleum, Hhow blgiid of revival, EDUCATIONAL The following Itoma have been taken from tho teachers' report or the Publlo Schools for the month ending Oct. 26, 1877: Whole numbor of ,)uplls registered B01 No. rotnulnlDg at lust report 425 No. new pupils ontflrod dtirlnx month 63 No. withdrawn olthor pormmietilly or temporarily 43 No. withdrawn for a tluieatid re-enttrod... ill No. rriiMlnliiKat iMbi 4M) Avorago No. bolnuglnu 201 Averaiio dally Hltotidanco :i9 AiorxfroilAlly nboonce 15 ver com. or naiiy aiu-tulnnco 0(1 Par cont. of dally nl)oncp 4 No. erpilpllstHrdv M No. ch(m oniirdluoss 1)0 No, days ahmici 163 Tho Sugar Test. Whero thero nro reasons to suspect that drinking water Is contaminated by Bowago Impurities an a convonlont tost, known as tlio "sugnr test," may bo npplled. A half pint of the watorskould bo placed In a cloar, coloring, Rlass stopperod bottle. Put in a few grains of the oewt whtto sutrar, and expose the boitlo to tbo daylight In the win dow of a warm room. If the walor Is pure it should not become turbid oven aftor a week's exposure If it becomes cloudy and turbid tboro Is reason to bollevo your suspicions aro corroct. Dropped Dowi, On Saturday last Mr. John Hmlth, of tho (Inn orNriilth. Thompson A Co., was sud denly fcflllctod by wtist Is known to the med ical prnrefcHion as a "droppeil wrist." Ton muscles of his left wrist loH their powor and his hand is limp and poworpm aud laof no ue, l'liynlcisns state that llko cases aro found In tho mines whore tbo person has been In the habit of handling meln), partic ularly lead or topper. With proper nunlng and euro the loosened musclos may regain their fornior placo but novor tliolr former strongtb. DALLAS CITY ELEOflON. Dallas, Nov. 0, 1877. The I) ilia city elo'-tlon took jilueo yeslor dav wlih the following result. ItKOilUtKll. W. 0. WIIIh. Maiihiiai. Dr. W. If. Hubell. CoUMiUAiiiN. Nana LovIiim, Jo'rin Scott, Hardy llolumn, A. Drown, Jamus Campbell. HARMED: At IlnrrWmrir.Nnv. l-t liy tlov. V..W. llirnrn, Mr. Witlor 1 1 ii-inti. Mini Ml-. 1,''iin'i A.rlii'lly Attlin rlilene.irwiii. inkor. Oct. M'li.. Iv pi, M. I,:i!r,.ry .I.I1., Mr. All.-rl Iliktr n l Ml n isuiitui e.. wimer. aii or ioioeniniiy, On Momliiy, Oct, Still, hi lili tilliui' rfMlil-nco. fimlli'M h )ilor lliiirihl.ipc Wliitlul.lK. Hiliiunei vlile, In tin- jnih your or In nue. OiV.liH, 1877, si tbo rcMldrnco of llut brldh's fuller, ly IaaiiMlimt-, J I , Jhiiic-h (l.Clifiiy ml Mlis Amiiii A. d.umhterof Ltrkln Price I', q , all of l'olk cmiMtv. DIED. At Monro", O-i. til li, .f Dlptlicrln, 'niioccM iliiiiihier of Huh Iti'Uli.U, nt;ii 3 yi'iitH uiul ,1 moutli". IIow it is Done Tbo first object In llfo with the American piopl-i is to " get rloh" ; tho second, how to rendu iioikI I'enltli. Tho llrnteau lo obtain ed bv (iiicrnv, bonety und aivluc; tnesi'e ond, (kooi) hDilib) bv uslnir Oukun's Alio-ii-tKi. iwwii. Hliould yen bn a dexpondonl Milbirer frnm any nriluieiroor I)spiiwls, I.Ivor Complaint, IihIIc-hiIou, ,t, sicb nn Side Me.iitHoliii. I'Hlpltstloii of tlio Hiirt, SnurHtoiiineli, Hliltuil C(4t'vuiin, DI..l nt.H' of I ho Held, Nervous Prostrsth'n, L'iw SplrllH, cVo , nu need not iiUV another day rwii dos of Aiioimt Kmiwkii wIU icllnvo .loiislone'i. St.ii(ile Mot Ifs, lOieais. Iteir ubir hlK" 7.'i cent". INhKIvhIv Hold byHll llrst cl ns Drin-'Klsts In the II, H. MILLINEItY AND NOTION?. H.ivlnir bought largely In r.urlhio, wo nro ii'nv proptrod to lornlhii IIAIS and HON N IDS, with sll tho lonst mividtlii of tho enon, in prk-os Ihiiidntv eoiniiAtitiou. Cull and Men for yutir-cdvc Next door (o ltr(iym.iu Hros , Coirioiernhl S reel. Mi:h. WM. MlliLIO.VN. oei.VO ml. Tho Salom Markets. Wheat, Quite su ndVHiieo Ih notrd in the Wneat maiknt.CHiiH'd by local domsud in Portland--t-hlpperN Itiaillnn veels In Port landand wo nro able to qnolo at (1,10 per biiNbrl paid by both tbo farmers warohoube, and Kulen Mills. O.Uh are ipioied at 4Z to 60 conta per bushel, and not much demand, Prodiicu-l'utatneN, SA35c; apples, 25 37Mo; butter, S030; epK, SOc. Up Francisco iriarkei. 1st TiLiunArii.J tUn Francisco, Nor. 4. WhMt-3hlpplnj, $1 0i U; rallllni; $ Xi4 ST. European Grain Market. Liverpool, Nov. 'J. A leading grain cir cular tmyn the niarkeia since (lie laal repott hiive been very dull, with trade at the de cline o( from alx paiioa tn a shilling on foreign wheat. Hiippllei of wh'oh for the lireseiitaud Immediate fiiiuraappeartobo tn XiithHor IIih dmntnd, alltiounh sl'Hiks at homo and in lei1lu ixuls Hiinounced yea lerday, tbow coiihlilorhbNt reilmjllon In the luiai oso mouths, lit re and In neighboring nurkeiH MincN Tuesday Ibeio baa IxHtu a tlmlied taihtiiikaln wbtutat adeolmeof one Huny iH-rreival. Corn moved ateadllv a: ntrtvlensraieM, In ibis mrkHt to-day there w as only a inmiuraie atlendaiHe of buyers. Wheal ino ml slowly at a decline of a Mnuy on red, tine wntto wlieats mppordnK pre vlmia prletN. Flour In u.oderste rrquistat unaltered ra'es. Malxe In tair deuiundal urrt im'es of our hist report. ' FIRST PKEMlUMI For Visiting Cards ! If rulswliti snr ntmjm'i'ly srtate'l lhoron 'J 111 'tit lo snjr S'lilit ii'iii iiH-tlptorS I'nila, II luii .1 CO it tmi, Ad.hvx, IfW W, J Ci.iikk. Sslom, Owcon. tfoi.i,i.ATx:rWAToii :.. cyn.! "k iiM knon worn, wwp" piiikhi ij UIUJIIW tJjmU. Aiirvws A. Covlixe & Co, CU-Jfia AVIilll. AvcaUWMUHt. Hull, no c,t IH'iiic. IirllciiUn frti. uhm(J -qths ro.eiuuiu. J. A. STKATTON, Attorney at Law. BAL.KM. ORKOON. 0cacauwi8Urt.opp)lw the BcttMtl Uoom. The P. P. T. Co.'8 Steamer WILL LEAVB Portland lor Ononii. "Vista unci "Wny 1'ortM, KVEUY TUESDAY, TUUIWDAY, A SATORDAY People, Patrouizo Your Own Boat rrotcctlon u;;uliiit SSiU llato ;uurantvcil S New Us! AT BREYMAN BROS.1 at tns WHITE CORNER. J3RY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, 3E5tO., "to. Tli l.i StncU. Ims JiihI linen pur cliiiNcil by Sir. VVI'.ItMJR Itti:V M.liV in IVciv Voi'k and San FntnclNco, nnl, owlnp to tlio oxlrcmisly low prlcos In CJoimIn and I'rclclitN, wo nro nblo to Klvo bettor biiralns tJian ever. WE AI.30 MAKB A SPECIALTY OK Carpo&si Oil-olotlas, OurtuliiN, IrmtIiiK;K, Szo. FAR.ME.R.S' PRODUCE Take ti' In 3Ixe!mne tor ooi(m. nsr Call at lli9 Whito Corner. BKEYBIAN ISKOS., Oct. in nlom, Or.D JOHN GRAY, Formerly tn Durbln' IltoeV, him Jttst opened a Lrt mid cmuplclu tilock ot Carpets, Ollcloihs, Mattings, AN II Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to Dtlrymple it Hrown, HTABKKV'.H BLOCK, - RALBn. OR. widen Wilt, m UtD AT Lowest Cash Rates! .-plllf S.FRIEDMAN, Is again at his Old Stand . , X, DURBIN'S OOBNER, With an Immense Stuck of Dry GootlisClotltiiiX, Hats cups, Hoots and shoes, Yankee. No tions, (Sent and Indies Furii ihhiiijjr oodi,Toliuccos mid Clears, TrnnUs, nurt Va !Ists. In fact, Every tiling: In tho Dry Good line you ; want, at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION! (ociurj Awarded ior tlio Rubber Paint ! SALEM, Octodkii IlTir, 1877. Your Committoo, nppointcd to inquiro into tlio merits of tlae MIXED PAINTS on foshibiUon aft the 1 7 tli Annual Pair of tho Oregon Stato Agricultural Sooiety, beg leave to report : That, after an examina tion of various specimens of PAINTING, we have oome to the conclusion that tho X?lJL'tol3GX PiOJ.Xl.'t. exhibited by the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY of SAN FRANCISCO, is, in ALL re speots superior to ALL OTHERS exhibited. Respectfully, T. B. ODENEAL, A. H. JEWETT, Q. W. WALLING, TO W. 1. WATSON, Presidont Oregon State Agricultural Society. Committee. Upon tbo abevo dcclHlon, Mcnhtm. JESSE HE ALT &. CO. received tho Ol tbo OIIEGON STATE AGHICIL.TUKAL. SOCIETY, lor tbn Best JVElsieca. Faints. Further rcfercnccM enn bo given to any part ol tho State, by JOHN HUGHKS, Oot. io. -A-fSoxvt, GTaIczxx. 1VEW GOOBS. Mainninlli & Turn-Table Applc-Parcrs, FIcIcIht Pi;Sl-IIolo Aiders, nlcal-Cullur. ami SIiiIRms, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-J3ondois and Up-cttors, trunirg- aws, TL'nivce, and VlIMIEl".M.i: AMI liRTAII. IH.AI.T.IK IN Hardware, Bron, Sloe!, & "Waiii li"il r.iiTiiiso Material OK AI.I. KI.SIH I20l:i:tl Kroutar.. I'OrtTI.AIU. Oldost IIouso In tho Trado. MANUI-'ACTUKKIt. Wholoflnlo anil Htttitll Dealer In ll kludof SADDLES, ISaiDLIiS, WIBBIPS n.asl'o,Trunks V. 'in Front Strt'ft, POHTLAND, - - OP.EGOI. Hanifiaa Kttuns a yyfrcL-. Atjo, Wrri;tljr oi IhI'hI s M'K' flf(irtmcnt of iVND SADDLERY HARi WARE. ir-Solo Auont In Oroon lor tlio Curbollzcd Homo, iUSaii 1V.iik'Ii,o lirk'tw, with l'rnl;litnd(lfl. Ilepalrln I'rontptly Altciidcd to (Carminative) For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uso Dr. Jmjut'm OanulaMlTC Balaam. Am chnngoa of clliuuto or wator, and in dlucrotions in eating ortou produco thoao complaints, travclorHnndothoru nbould always koop a bottlo of Ibis rcmody by thorn. It novor fall to subduo tho most vlolont attacks, and It is oqually porvicoablo for Cramps In tho Stomach or Bowels, Griping Pains, Ac For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and Colic uso Br. j?' Carminative Balaam. It romovoa all Horcnosii of tho abdomen, allays tho Irritation and calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always bo rolled on to givo immodlato relief, and bosldos bolng effectual, U a pleasant and safe romody, easily ad ininlstored to childron. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly Dr. Jayao'a Carminative Balaam. It chocks tho Diarrhoea, supprciuori tho Cramps which gonorally accompany attacks of Cholera, and conquers tho dlsooso In itn luclplcucy. It h:w frequently boon odmlnUtcred in nolghlKirhoods whero tho Cholora lias been raging epidemically, und it has seldom failed to glvo inunedlnto and permanont relief. Tho Carmiu ativo has maintained its roputatlon as a Curative for nearly forty cart, is equally ell'octivu in nil latitudes, and as a Standard llousoholil llouuf dy, should bo kept in every family. T A. DAVIS CO..Wholf!e Agu. Poit'nd FALL TRABE, ISW. Great Bargains for Cash ! .Oracoo. nclSml II iving bought our lWI Stock at Oreat liolnction on Fo'iucr Prices I Wo nro prepare 1 to kIto nr cnrtnmorn tho J'onrflt of tlio reduction, cud oirur a mil line ur Gontw' find 15tyt CD L C5 "3? 3E3: X 1ST C3r9 at Icm t!isn ore: beforo. A!!). DRYJSOODS, DRESS GOODS, a spLrrniD assortment, To rnlt our Lad cuituincrf, at uaMinably low prle BOOTS AND SIfOES, UlltM ItlKl OltlH, AtTrlcH that defy Coniptltlon I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE. A full htoi'k oflliPBo nrllcl-H, to milt lb Couuiry trndo, In both prices aud quality. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS. Wo will closo our stock or thoso goods out AT COST! We invite our friend to Excliango Country Troducta FOR OUK GOOD3, And wo wl'.l not only aall at reduced CASH ratex. hut will allow tlio hltihet market rates for ail limy have to dUposo of. Call and See our Stock. lie & Ee IIIRSCH, OHISWOLIVS IILOOK, c3mS Commercial Htreet, SAI.UW. SALEM FOUNDRY, & STaoliiuo Shop, DALKM. . . . OIIK0.ON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. VTRAK EN01NK9, 8AW MILtB, OIIIST MILLS. 3 Keipcit, iatnpa, aud all klmW and rtvlce of Ma! uitnery mailo to onlur. Machinery ri'palrtd at a rhort aouce. rat'-cra-nvaklun donu tn all ilsrartouafomu. Hid all klnda of liru-w ai'd Iron CtfttDcc ruiiiiehvdai jhort noitco. Alo, cinmhctnrcr of KNTKItl'JUSK PLANKIt aa MATCUKtt, and WitKEKh "a WAPKHS ;jm4l WHEAT AMlJ OATS Chopped into Food, 35ox- Oxxo-Toxitla M'oU. ....Auo.... Sash, Doors, Blinds. Moil! cil yi si, Tumltifr. Mnlrwork, lledNtcndN, llur'Hus, MuntlN, Titbit', FANNING MILLS, And nil kludM ol ruriilture, t BKD-HOrK raiCXS. 6hapAir'cnl BtlWrik. ballduiE, halrM. t9j O r. KAN IS. .? . , ( A'-'rat-i"' !? vvsf i -fm Hi imttmmm-'rrMmm DinMaMMW , tir,!,! -" r v