MgJtmKwqaMWtJliWIIMWWMtflfi n, ll ll'l l. l-w- I I I Ssss if,e 6 W1LLAMK1TE FARMER ft VI It 1 r 4 i V V i 1 l-' '? ' t ti I Ifl i: PATW3 r HJsBMD1Y DIRECTORY. OVVIVFAIH oftuo NATIONAL ORANGE. John T. Todo, Barton, Phillip. Ark. . 0Hnur3,J. Woodman, Taw l'aw, VanHorcft, Mich JjicturtrK. II. Rmccllojr, Crcci, Howard, la. SttiCfird A. J. Vaughn, Monijilils.Tonii. v1m7 SUwarU Morilmcr Wliltilicad, Atlddlclinsb, Bomcrrct, N.J. , VMp'atil S. II till', Hp-liignnrnnijn. narreii.w. 'J'reaArerY. M. McDowell, Wayne, rtcnticu.N. Y. tXcrtlaru-O. II. Kulloy. l.iiulnlilc, Kv. AVvwr-O. Dlnwfdillu, Orchard (Irous Ind- CWm M.. JiiIiiiT. .iijiu-B. Ilirion, I'lililliw. Ark. .Mora -Mr, ftaiiiiiel II. uhini". Monllctll". Ml"" 7lwj Mre lliif vuy flo!tlanl, .Nf.rlh (iriuby.O 7?y AhMjhI tiUicanliUt Carolina A. Hall, Louiavlllv, Ky. KTfCCTIVE COMMITTER. I). Wyatt Aiken, (Chairman,) CoUaburj, S. C, H, U. hiiank in d, l)illii'tio Iowa. Dudley T. t'h we, Chrtuniiit N. II. Aloimi r ildiT, llock Falls, WMtcMilo. III. W, II. Chambers, Uswetxlico, Iturecll. Ala, omccr of Oregon State ;rnueo. jrntltr-W'm. Cyril, Hclo. Oww-A, 1C. Sliipluy, Oiwren. fscturtr-yir. K. N. llnnt, Hnbllmlty. .Vttwfary-N W. Randall. Oreijon City. Stelcanl-W . II. Thomas Walla Walla, W. T. AfUiant SUuinl-n W. Rlildle, Conyonvllle. LVtafaii-W. II. Gray. Antorla. rrtimirtr S. I'. Loo. Cortland, tfiifc-AVw-IUnli'l Clark. Hulcm. (,V-Mr. II. A. Miller, Jaekronvllle. Jtononi Mm. H. I. liurliam, McMiimvllle, loin-Mr. K. A. Kelly. Kant I'ort'aiul. iy Am t NltiearuAUtt. ueurgia nmiui.noou Tllvur, Wanco conn y. . , KrscutUt CWmWea-Wm. Cynic, Hclo; n. Clow, Dalian; K, U. Smith, HihkI Itlvcr. Blalt llutlftttt Antnl 1. I'. Portland. State Grange Doputies for 1877 nrTOM. A llnMur ,.Corvalll Corrallm IJI.ACKAMAK. , Knoch hklrvlnu Huttc Cre-k N W Itandall Oregon Uly, IIOUUI.AN. .T WIIayu Q M (laiilncr MULTNOMAH I'lympton Kelly.., ...Myrtln Creek ...Drain's Htntlon ...Itait Portland.... Kat Portland MAIU'IN. 1 FCu'tli'iiiin.. ) W Hunt JN T.MIIIni"'.. I' V A Patluruon... IttlttevllK. ....hiihllmlty... .......tjalem .JackKinvlllo lackf oiivllle .lllcltroil HaU-m J J Charlton...'. (loofoLalco lackfonv'.tlo JORI'IIINR. ... , , in Uanl.l I'lei-mr Kcrliyvllle Jatkrouvlllo I.ANU Jameii W.MMlock I.INN, It A Irvine John Kii'l uiiKiien i I.elnnon Albany TfliU Tho Dalli-e VA ( lit 1.1. I) (1 1) iili'iiii MeMliitnllh J 8a,iiiimt'ni (iiium iimsr. Dllllliiitnrt Cinvim City. .Canyon City (Ol.ll'IIHA. K W oohver Columbia City II 1' loMen"".'.'.' Tillamook North Yamhill UMATII.I.A. . , JH Wnli" Wcflon rilOi. J llenryHhruiiilrr.... Ott wahiiinotok TKiutiror.v. n.AiiK fi W Itrown Vancouver UOl.tDIIIIA. ItPHIiiln lUjItln WHITMAN. I,h Itliutir Colfax ...WiMnn CoUitx llllt.llAIIK. M 'A (looiUlii.. I'lKiicn. HH Ma khi'i) Tllln:TiiS'. I. (I Abbott R I.oiijnilrii ..i:imi ..Chuhallii Po'nt. ..Oljinpla ..Yulia .,0lyiniU KINO. JiiIIiik II irlou Hi-utt'ii i.l.wn. I. M I'Iiimoii Clafpiatit.. YAltlUA. CI' Cook Kllvlithuri: , Heattlo I n any enuiitv whom tho Deputy a, nntntiil la not . mi,. i iiiuiii.i. tlio (iruiuot of -ho louillty will tho riropmly Innlcalu tu mo h ruoice. i wiii no pun n mmy liKlinito I luvonooii oMUed m wako ,.....-,. .,.-..-.-., . . . - . .nil... .1. .. . ,i r..- I will lie pint 1, for llU-eii In niai.o nil- pwtntuiuiiiH wlltioul biaiwh'iiKd " V '' rviitiH Maotur Oregon r)tatitlrutuo, P. of II. Mooting of SubarcUimto Grancoa MSNOOUNTY. Mop i, No. Ul, imxitH In Iho l"t nttil :i smml.ivi of imhIi moniu, l l. m. Uik 1'Uliii N. l I" HilMjyi Uml and -lib HA'tir.liON.H I in. in. Ituiuiir, No, 105, In Or.iwlord8lllo, 1st ftii(l:inl.Hiluriliiy. ntUp. in. HvramiMi No. Kl, nt .Mlllori bUUloii, llh H.iturdiiy,nt I p.m. I.oliniion No. i!l, nt lititiiuioii, Ul unit llh Haturdiiy. nt 10 n. in. Orniiil I'fiililo No. I", tli HMiinUy. Knox llutto No. !, Ul uml 3rd Hatur- uithun No. U7, 2ml mnl -Itli Kntunlnyn, nt 10 a. in. . ...,.,, IlrowiiHvlllo No. 10, M mid Uml Satiir. Vii'nt, No. 7, Ut uml 3rd Frldayn, nt 10 'lu'rrliliiirKi Nu. Hi lst '' :inl Atur. Ivm, ut 10 a. in. ....... . . , Hhdild, No. 0, lnt uml !1.1 Naliirdayu, nt 10 'lluppy Hr mo No. HI, 1st and III SuturdayH In imuii month from Uoiotx.r tu Juiiii.aud oti tho Ut Halurday tlio lulumio of tho yuar. llnrmonv No.M.ard Maturday, rrjiularlv, oxwpt In Nov. Dim , Jan.. Knb.,iiiid March, whou thoy moot tho lat Friday. lUONl'ON COUNTY. Hoap Crook No It, UtHaturday nt 10 a. in, WllUnintto No. W, iHtThuwday, at 10 n.m Vhlloumth, Nol'i, -till Haturday.nt 10 n.m. liANi: COUNTY. OnuHWtill. No. til, Ith Saturday, I p. in. Kni!ttn, Ni. fttl, in DiiKonu City, Unt bat duv, at 10 a. in. Charity, No. 7il.2t HUunlay. (loohon, No. 101. latS.unnl4V,iit lOn'olook Junniloti Uliy, No. 1-1, '-nil Saturday, ut 1 P,Moivunli, No, 107, Camp Crock, 2d Hatur. -y l'OI.U COUNTY. Oak Point, No. U, 1st and 3rd Saturday. M.UtlON COUNTY. Salom Oraiim, No. 17, Ut and 3d Satur. tlv In I'aoh month, oxoopt in Aiuiih', Sop toiiihur. uml Ootuhnr, whim It inoWnonlyon tint UiHaturdiiv at Iholr lull lit Mum. Atilmiii, No lat, Ith Sttiuitay. ltool: Point, N IS aiSitnrduy.iitl P. m. Ilntlo Ciik, No, SJ, 3rd Situiday, ut 10 ' '"' VASUlN(lTON COUNTY. IVitvciton N.i. HH, inpota Ut, Saturday, nt 10 o'clci'U. CU'0utr.iN Nootllo was orlIiiully or.Ttftlnt It ml, In Syria, tuul ili'tlU'titcil .to tin worship oftho Sun. Tho oily wns tiflorwnnl stylotl llollopolls hy Iho (Jrooks, imtl is still ooioiriuoi lor in rulnit its UitiilUn'. Tlio inoimHtli, with turn lloi thor, was brought to Kuypt onus In tho roliru ofTlhorlit by tho ins of roil jjmnlto.somotlmos cnllod Tholmle Htono, ami was jjlveu to Knclmul by oliniumoil All when Tashu of Kgypt. California State Grange. Intbooonreo of the Master's address tho fallowing statement legatdlng some of tho grsngo Inttltullons wan made: Tho busi ness of tlio Granger's Bank baa increased regularly ond cotillniiously from tho dalo nt lift organization up to tho present tlmo. Tlio cash capital of tlio bank, when it com menced buslnoss, August 1, 1874, was 'at 800, wnlch has gradually increased Irom miinlhlo month, and Irom year to ) ear, until on July 1 ol tho present yar Iho cash capital of tho bank was t3.50.0OO, The cash transactions of tho bunk lor iho Inst twoho months uggrognte: Cariireo'd In lMnri J ,1,C01 C 10 Cash paid out by Jiunlt 3,'i'lS,!W0 Living n balanco on band Oct. 1 of? (Jfl.VSI Amt, oi tiuif h dlcoutitd in 12 inuH.. r.((i.'J:(il And, of nolo paid In ll! mo? 3S7I'4(J Tho liitcrtRt acuoiint,.., titJ,7l0 Tlio bank has paid two dividends Tho Ilrittin 1875.Bt7?.amountlmr to JJM.O.'iS 70! tbo fxcotid ono hi 1S70, nt 10, ntnounilnx to 808,427. A third dividend la expritjd to bo declared by tbo dlrootorH 6f tho bank nt tholr next nibotlnK, and, no far an lUttroi how, will bo about 10, or fas, 127, which will mako tbo total amount of dlvldeudu on threojoarti biiNlnca 17l,012.70. Tho OraiiKorM' JIuhIdcss asfonlatlon up pears to bo In a prosperous condltlnn, con sldorlnK this unfavorablo yoar. Prom a Mialumnntnftbo buxInofiHof tho Iiouh'j, fur nlHbud by tbo inauaxor, wo find that tbo ait- grcgulo aalna for tbo six uionihx omlltur August 1, 1877, amounted to $307,015 51. CommlHMlonaon tbu oatno amount to 813, 470 28. Another Granger Caso. Tho caao of William Frederick Polk flat againm tlio Uliicago it ZSortbweMern railway hH hui'ti Eottltd by tbo doolslun of tbo United Stales Hupromo Court. Tbo point at Im.uo wuh tbo wlrglo quohtlou oftho pnnr of tbo Liilhliituro of WUo.nHlu to provldn n law for ii maximum of chnrgo to bo nmdo by tbo Cblcnno.t Nortbwostorn rnllwuv coin- puny lor faro and Insight upon tho transpor tation ofporHoiiNnud property uarrlod within IbnSlRlo, or lakoti upouialdo tho State aiul brotiKht Mltbln it, or takou up iusldonnd carried without. TbodeclHlon, which woh dollvorod by tbo Chief JuhIIcc, HlIlrmiMl tho rlithtnf thobtato to ciiinct Iiuvh rugulrttliit: iho laroi on rall- wiivh within Iho htato, oron though It may ludirtctly nll'out tboxo without tbo Jurisdiction. Tho Mineutiua (Iowh) Juuniitl Kayo that Mimo tblny atocknoldorH il tbo Miiicillno (iianuo lii'Hory hold u iiioolliig on .Monday, at which Uh nlliitiN who iHlluil over mid found to bo In tin iltiHntKfnoiory hliMp. ; m far nt could ho luaruod lioin tho liiu.ii-,10 hluiulng liimlo by tloi innuiigciiiotil. 'i'ho iiisl)ot is that tho ?-0 00(1 In c.uili p ild In by tho Mnt'kholdirs is ''gono where iho wood blno lulueth,"iiiid It la how feared that tho ih-Mh runmlnliiL' will not mM tbo llahill- tlo-i, i.o that not n dollar will ho returned to ti u Mofkliolilt'r.s ,Komo ot whom put Havctul Ihouaiud dollarn Into tbo isineurn. Tbo bimlnem arm of tbo oritur In rapidly gaining Mlniif'lh all ovorltio country. Tho innmbcrH lake hold of uo-oi.orailoii prompt ly wbon lis pihiDlplo'i uml unrk Ings aro xplalnid to thein. Tho n.vk'hui prf(umd by tho National gntiifn win Mion tin gunci uliy udoitcd. lilicn vf UasUtnU' ry. Aro Our Farms tco largo? Tho 1'Uelorif ami J-Uiih makes tlio fallow iDghl.ittuittiiH: Thoic Is ii point beyond which. In farming us well an In bualncas, renal to uro obtained uiilv by luoro thuii proportioniito expotiMi, A tuircbuntmay xoll 9100,000 ol gooila at n lair prollt, but tbo t:sp(niio r.nd txtta cost to InoreiihO Iho ha I on to l.'iO.OCO not un fr((tiintly occawiotiH nctttiil I(m. A fanner may till u fnrm of 1C0 i oroH, mid luivo u fair hMiitU'o loft iiuoh 3iu.r, but when ho nddhtho next li0 uorua he baa put about hluutcknu ii.elior tlmt may drug him under. Aimln, mo say tbo farum urn loo larcoon mi uvor.igo. Moru larmera nro wiiiu mm iiend, mil larger UrtiiH; do tho wrrlc that la unUertaKuii; iimploy iiiiaus Hint vmII lake out ol Iho Mill tho tiiii.t from tbo Iohihi nereNi iimi ovory loot of grotuiil yniiouu, mid bo (Mil unit to put your ih-'II'mihii ut stvlng and not Into inoro land that will ouiduiijoti with debt mid put an cud to gain. IMPllOVMENT. A ohnup Bonrd ftneo matin without 1'cata (Fiom tlio life. Mr. It. A. Illgga, of Salem, lias patented n model of board lonco duvlxod by hiiut-elf, which Is unique, durable nnd cheap. Some, lulling without proper informailou have not Htippokod that Mr, Klgga waa entitled ton royally upon thin model of board tt-uco, but ho in, us Ida model Is n patented ouo. Tbo leneu is built without pi)st, but only abort braces lot Into Iho ground and nailed to tho mat by onoortwoimllaencbnudihosa braces mako tbo funoo almost Immovablu by tiny forcu that may eomo agnliiHt It. And no ottit r nails but thos-o montlomid in tbo brace aro uxod. but liiH'.oud of nalla nro aod three Hiuall Iron olaupe, cheap and eaay of cou hiructlen, and whloh bind tlio eluta and panel where theends oftho boinla Jain. WLcnovur lumber laorutu usoil, tbo value of thla motlol of fence must certainly bo roe ognUed. It can bo put up ol.eaper man any other lonco, U as goo I its any other and as luruble. One Ihoumud feet of I'i Inch loin- bur will build I0J tVeloflouee tho let lihih, and tho b ncos may bo madii of oak grub, or ofuliiiOHtany kind of rtquir wig two nraciu (iuu for each hldi) fora untl. Kor blllhldos or Iho level jiliUiw, tlda model ol Itiico commendH UmOf in evt-iy one tor Ita cheapuoH; and lor lecslhUa wliero timber nut material uro ut t plenty, or has to bt hauled ti coiihloervhlo dltauc.j, no model of lonco In tho woild can compiro with ihUouo as cheap, c-uivonli'iu.durahlo fence. Michau. ich or others wishing to bioiuo nnnts lor thla model of f.liHosoould co.uiuuiilcato with It. A. It gva, Salem, OrckOU. Letter trota Coos County. IUmommi, Oct. 10, IS77. I'n, Faiimmi: c ofCoos county nro near ly shut oil fioui tho rjii of Oregon, except liy iho Coos lUy wigiutoal. Our market Is nil with California. I live ten mtloa from (ho iiHiutli ol" tho ( qui lo river. Tbo p aa.on hi beoinjuUo wat.ripeclally during Septotuber uud up to ilite, and tho wheat lias not bteii saved In g'od condition thla rdl,o.vlng to tho fact t'utt a largo amount aa i.owii Into in tbo rprlng1. Whoatdoos ell when sown late In tho full, aud oftho fdw that ralso wluat but part havo bwua or aheda to put tt under, m it gets dry DiiouKb to ack, I havo been here but thre yoA. 1 cams Into tbo tltnbor, and 1 ralsod a Tew oats lait yearj and wheat, beans, and peai. I built a shed 28x30 feet, and 10tet high, and I stowed my whoat and grain of all kinds In that, nnd as I got tlintn In b&foro the rlu oommeuced, I saved my crop Wo havo good land for vegetables and fruits. Thero Is Homo yaoint land, suryeyod, nnd unsurvoyed, lo bo taken up. Thero aro ranobes held or owaod by Rlnglo men that onn bo bought tit reaoonablo flurow, for ovon loss than tholr Improvement cost tbotn, us tio mnjorlly wish to go to fomo now p'nos wlioro gamo is plenty. I know wbero a g od wngon and toam and rroiu ono lo tuo bun drol dollars In cash, will get placet), boms vtoad preemption nnd tquatter'a right, and tho Improvements are worlb sovon to eight hundred dollars. Tho majority of those who wish to, sell aro men who havo made tbolr living by hunting and trapping, or both. I would like to.aeefamlllfHcomoln nnd tako tbo places of tbo bicbolors, aud aid us In building good schools, ito. Tbero are two steamboats tbnt ply on tbo river. Saw mills aro located on tho lower part of the rlvor, Urubbonnd Rnka watormill, and the Co qullle Mill and Tug Co., at Parkorsburg. Thero is ouo tng boat, tho ' Katio Cook.' Two Two schooners run regularly from tho mllla to San Francisco, antl others come occasion ally. Anyone wishing lo come horo must romombor that tbo country Is noarly now nnd thoro are roads to build, If ono lives nwny from tho river. It Is boaltby here, no fovor or aguo. I say oornoand soe first, beforo moving, nnd If you liko It, anil your location and olc. Any person wishing further Inror. mntlon I will cheerfully glie It If I can. All I auk of thorn Is to bj as explicit an thoy can. My postoQlcols Itandolph. Jonathan Quick. Attention, Fanners! SOUTH BEND "CHILLED PLOW To tho Front! BLANDEIt ItEFUm). In u olrculnrlrllcr, Nnuod aotno llmnwlnco by Jatnoa Oltvor to tbo plowu.un ni thla country, ho soolts lo lntlmldato them by thteata and Inntiendtoi inuchlmt tho mnk'rn. tisom and sollers of the now South ISntiil Clulibil Plow, warning them notlo Iniudlo It In any way. Wo unto Ihin method ol rofutlng bis Hbolasalo onvUtight on us and our (ihllled Plow, and to nhow np the 'iitnlty of his HtutementH, which are m brazen Mewl us lo inorlt a voiitllailon bafjro tbo public. In tho first placo. Jnuios Oliver Ii imlng n prnivikH for ohllllng wulch ho DvitKSNOr put lo u test, so far us his nwuership Is con eernid. lor bo verv well knows l liar. Mr. MlfMil, who Is with un, and tJeo. Mllluirn, of iwimiii, iDrniMriy m ili.i.iwlill, (OOlll IOI 111 er piirtnoM or Oliver,) tiro J tint owuorH, nnd T M lll-oll Is Inventor with Moi In hild plow. .las. Oliver inndo oith Ihat ho ws the mu lnv ntor of tho Oil vi r plow, nnd re col vi (I his pstonton thive around , wliluli la rondnrod void by Iho above ihhuUohhI faotH Now, wo hereby nuruKtii oruniH or our Olnllod Plow ugninst any ml am. diimngeo thai Mr. Oilier or niiv o her 11111 it may sustain against them. Mr Oliver has ihn utanod us nver and over again wlih prosecution lor mom lhn n year, and as ynt ho hvs not nnrrled nut bis ibroatH, nnd lio itAUKH Mir no it for tenuous very well known to liliiiRolf. And now, j.'oiitli-ineii. wo will say In con elusion, that Jtunos Oliver has dono im ono lavor, nnd that In In iinl.noivlHl.flng the Miporiorlty ofour plowa by his Ji dug soo-in-cerued ubout It, wbllo orlicr child d plows have l mi tiiiintifie'iind for jears '11111 thoy go iiiuwii(d by him; n when v 11 want a rilluble ehil'ed p'ow Uml will fcour In nuv Mill, siol s WAiiiiA.NTr.n, ooll on our agents ornh'r's tin S. uril lHMlItKAPt;ilAMlMACItlNIl('o., Uclolier la, 1877. b'ouih Itond, lud. To tho Plow-Ptirchfuing Public. So 1 ersis'i n loiui-l m illolously Iiavclamo-J Oilier nnd Ms ononis cliciilaictl repirtx and circulars di rogatory to tho South Hiuul 'hilled Plow, that I.lpein It high tlmo that miiiio iitiiiutlou cliould bo ulveu Hum, that tlio St. JoHOph Hfciimr ai.d Maohluo Com piny my Im t-ot right nnd sustnlned beforo Hie public, the puhllo mind dUihiiMHl orthe utterly laUe, like and malicious MHteiuents ofOIUor and bis ngtMita, who bv their selfishness, tho spirit n( monopoly Hunwn by them, nnd thnungenorous con duct toward busliuss rivals, show them selves not to bo friouds of tbo farmer, or of Hinno dotting in plows, but grasping unr- inorautN, eipihlo or lesortlng to tho moat unprincipled means todecHlvonnd browbeat tho plow. purchasing publln. Now. this la to uotirv tho public, Ibal tho South Uand Chill ed Plow la not un Infringement on Oliver, but It Is prob uteri by a patent from tbo United Slates, and Is on us firm a footing in biw us tbo so called Oliver's Patent. The St. Joseph Hpr and Machine Company manufacture their pIowm under this patent, paying mo a royalty for tbo right, and every person who buys those plow la as anfe in IiIh Investment tin If be bousht an O.lver plow. Whv tbesoattomptu of Ollvor to de ceive tho public, to frighten the farmers, but 1 but ho considers Iho South Rand Chilled Plow n ihiiiyerous riral? The farmers have, In his Idle threat, tho bst endorsement of tho South Hend Chilled Plow they can povri blyhave, aud wo nro sum that Intelligent people, w nen too I acta aro umlertooil, will j-av 110 heid to throats us Idle as the wind, Tbo public will bo sustained aud protected In nil pumhnsoa. As well might 1 claim that Oliver's Chilled Plow Is an Infringement on my I'u'ent, Mtul warn bis patrons according ly, 1 havo patent from tho same authority us bo, and wo stsud on an q'islliy before tho law, mid If tbo publlo havo been Intlml (I ned, thoy may rot asured that they are :is fullv protected In tbo pnrcha-oof plows mario by tho St. Josaph ltea'orand Machine Compiiiy as In tho-o inailo by Olivor, Oll et'a threats show tho spirit of the grind ing monopolist, who would Hwh-o tho puhllo by driving out all rivals by tho mokt un-t-crnpulcus means and filsa s'atoinent. which am un lMilt to tlo Intolllgouco of tho eople. Vrry reapoclfully, T. M Hikskix, Palontee. South llond, Oj'ober 12, 1677. To tho Merchants nnd Farmers of Oregon and Washington; Tbo abovo laets speak for themselves. We Hilvlooyou to pay no altcullon to the circu lar Unit U being distributed by the Oliver Plow nuen's. Should anv one be ao foolish as try to molest you In us'ng tho above cele brated PI w, you will be pretexted In any Court tu tho State of Orexoti or Watblogtou Territory. HAWIiKY, DOnOA CO., PoRTLAwn, Soto Agema for Oregoa and Washington Territory. LETTER FROM SAN FBASCI8C0. San FnAwaeoo, Oct. , 1877, Two days of rain the paat week, gently ushered in tbo "senson," laid the duet aud sproad a f.iw (ranHjlent nmbrellax, then the shn a era matched on probably to Oregon. Tho teachers have ueen holding a Stnte Convention several days, with qullo n lrg delegation In attendance. The best niothods ol' the educational syslem hayo beau largely dlsunssod. DANCnOPDB.VTIt, Sonio montbH ago a sensational literary stranger anchored on Iboshoies of publlcu tion, and fora lltilo cralt, tiling moru illih It oin itssinoko stacks than uuy tbiiK that has drilled Into this ort lor iiieuy itars Aud whutoier nlt-nch Is loo o lorotis lor tho iiverngo CMUorilan to tolerate, must be, to fay ttio least, a voty loud mell. ho this "Oanco of Death," lathered by Kuloisoti tbo' not originating with hltn. sjiread lis scarlet mvntlo or obscenity over tho over curlons publlo, who bought aud bought tho book, and so great were tho profits on Us sale, thata reply or sequol to U was stluiti latod, somo say by tlio sanio author, but under tho titled authorship of Mrs. Dr. J. Milton Bowers, with anothor claimant for tbo"slckly effusion" In Mrs. Louisa Ara bel a Imbaus, who claims tbo MSH, to have Oeon stolen from bor and gatblod to appear new. After Uguring in tho courts to a sut tlemont or tbe tnattor, Judge Wheeler, faithful to Mosalo codt s of law, accepted Sol omon's ctratagoii), and literally divided this unwholesomn literary child of two mothers In twain, giving tho first four chapters to Mrs. Bowers as her legal possession. Tho sale of the book will go on and an account bo kept of tbo sales, for further settlement. MANY A l'lTFUL BARK . Will flit along tbo restless waves of sound, tbo present week as tbo great convention of ncos that has Its session as tho "Bench Show," ut Mechanics Pavilion. Many or tho "first families" will bo represented, both In ca nines and tholr koepers, and a general out pouring ami a great awakening Is anticipated and doubtless much f'ollug will bj ex pressed among Iho "blgb-lonod" (toys of course as It tu tbo ovuulur ovtiits look for ward to. Two littlo girls that woro kidnapped somo two weeks uxo,on tho streets, at ml iriay, hao Jjil beuil discovered lu un Orphan Asylum, alter having been dtooicri uml then aban doned; afterwards found by gennious bauds who placed them under this shelter whore thoy remained till discovered by tbo olUcur lu toatch. ci.ut.v uuisi: icni.tKio Was tendered a butiulltou last Friday even ing at tbo liuld a in. tbo event being ouo of tho most it'ohcrctio nltalrs over presented hero. It was her last njtpcaruncu hero. She was overwhelmed wlm tesilmoulsls of ap preulxtlon. Tim bounuots of rarodcslgu unil tarolloivurs, mnro limn lllltd an expnss wngon when tulioti to Ilouseworth's to bo ihotographed,sho was nrtmnteil ulsowlibn very bimuilfiil broncho lu the form of u Ivru cro'imi by u harof gold studded with twuuiy ouo iliuiuonri, and a fitting Inscription ou tbo reveiho side. joi: nxiMirr Is tbo nttrnclloti that seems to draw nt tho Bush htrcot Theatio. In " Frl'S!" nothing could exuded his uhuriiolerlstlo re nuHtntii' tloiiMof thti natlxi Ourman. All bis movii mollis uro easy, however eccfiiirlc, yet his grace peisouiilnd never overdoing aud al ways onas'.o In speioh, song or motion an ur itit, " the only man I ever loll In love with," said my mutily escort. What must be t-x-peeled of women then ? Oi:.N. O. It, I.AOItANOIt, Huperlntenduntof tbo Mint Is tho last victim of iho press. That much 1ms been said with prejiidicn Is evident. I,a (raugo bus been iiuknowlodgod us tho bust Superintendent the mint has had, uud tho Han Frnivil-oo mint Is said to bo tlio best muunged lu this cminlry, ir no'- lu the world. Uo has refrain, ed sedulously from porsoual pattlcljatliin in polities though a natural orator, and has eutuestly been solichud lo enter tho cam. pdgus. Ills error lies tu his Inability tnsay no, when bis sympni hits iiroappHiiled to, In the ins'.'.or ot iipiiolntmeuts, and In giving such n man a.. Plnticy n chance, and wnrda lu courinolug by not txposlug tho of-I'.iu-eho ihiovcred lelallvo to on traii-Mo-dons In 0d inuierial, when bo undo Piutiny raiiiud. Thorocoul luvesilgatlon slioived ho did ik t know of other train-actions, Li Oratigo i only niodt.rately well m do having made a few thousands In t-pcutilatlous. Ills weakness Ilea In his homo sllectlous.-tlie fear ho bus bud of n renewal of sciudiil as to u former marriage, which Brick I'omeroy made himself notorious lu the circulation ut through IiIh pipor years ago. Tbo I)d YouugH, who now so bitterly nt tnck him in tbo rehush of old icandals re vamped, as a family do not bear tbo most ouvlublo reputation, yet tho publlu havo auk- iiiiiitHi too emur proprieior oi ttio unrouiclo, unas. ua loutig, in mo uoki action ho took lu suppressing tbo Sun, tbo paper which as- sailed h'.a mother and Msteis, aud it Is possi ble ho may turn n publlo sentiment lo tbe butter lavor of La Grange by overdoing bis puuitu consuro. m raxing up private matters lung sluco stiffs red and buried. It was In tended to remove ltfltange, orglvehlai tbo opportunity lo relgn. Mr. Alvord, of the Bank of California being selwted to fill the plaoe, this, La Orange's frlouda at Washing ton have got reversed and ho will stay. A story Is told of La Orange and Senator 'Jones wbon Iho lattorwa about beginning his ca reer as a millionaire, he was Sujierlutendent of Crown Point, and knew what was coming, lie had been a Itepublloau candidate for Lieu tenant Oovernor of California when Cortisol was uomlnatod for Governor and got to lik ing La Grange, whodurlng the canvass tnado his duhut in California politics. The Mint Superintendent and tho coming Senator were friendly acquainteuances, nothing more. Tho latter sapped into tho mine one morning, having corns dowu from the nity, altera little bo askori La Grauga If ho had any innnoy to spare, tho latter re plied ' but a small sum, a fw hun dred." Jones I old him to buy Crown Point, all ho could get at a margin of .V). TboOaueial want hooieaud told his wife. Ho had then about f 1500 In Savings Bank, alio dlisusded htm Irom tbo spooulailon. Had be bought then at usual rata, and ou tho margin Indloued hn would havo netted St ooo, so much for a lost chance and a list cause. AnniK L. Uallou i S'udJiB Death. On Thursday lal Qoar Billard. son or Or Billard, or lixnon, died suddenly In Ins chair. Ho has besn an Invalid for a long time, and had Juot asked his mother for ii spoonful of elder, which Inlne kIvmi him, ho remarked 'ihat'a iiiongh." Inolliud hla hold slluhtly to thn right, aud instautly ex tilred. Ills death, nt tho mouieiu, waa eu- nrwly uuexeoied,a bo wasapiiaieutly, as well at ma moment as no naa teen tlmo during tho piM several m nths. any Upaolatarlag. Mr, John Grav, uit wtn-Kuuvn fcrnitnra dealer, baa lately swiurd the services of a tlrst-clasa uphoUtorer from San Francisco, aud will lu future luiii out btttf-r work in that lino than can be done eUewbero In the city John keeps an excellent io k, of fur nbure, carpels, etc , and Is bound to Mil aa low a any house lu the city. Nitttirul plionomonn Homotlmcs occur by which whole countrlt'sbccotriodosa liilc, and tho momory of things past is erased; accidents may Intcrvono to occa sion tho loss of tho arts themselves ,but thooxlg-oncicsofmeti in process of tlmo cnuso tholr recovery or rovlval byt ho samo uso of natural iiieans, and by tho necessity of man's lmvln? recourse loart for ndminlslering to his wan te; and, notwithstanding theso Interrup tions and rovolulions.yotthp mat'hinc ryof tho world Htibslsts without ia fringenicnt. Arittotle. M. To3elli prop 'sos to establish waterlti'r plncos forsliiiis at pea. It I well known tlmt in inmiv nlaeoHHiirlntra offreih water arJso from tho bottom or tlio ocean. These ho proposes to utilise by mentis of flexible tubes held nt tm surfiico by suitable buoys. M. Tosselll, it is said, has given tho subject enrofal stutlv, and mudo provision for tlio prea ervation of his apparatus ngulnst storms. A good chnrnctor Is In nil cases tho fruit or personal exertion. It is not created by external advantages; it is n necessary apponuugo to ulrtn, wealth, talents or station; but it is tho result or ono's own ondeavors, the fruit nnd re ward of good principles manifested la. a courso of virtuous nud honorablo actions Smokors who fancy tho now style f cigarettes 'without paper," should un derstand thattheyarorsoverodwith ,, per nevertheless, colored by nicotic and Imitating tobacco. ESTABLISHED 18S5. Wiilasaetfco Nnrserv G. W. WALLING & SON, PKOriUETOHS, Oawogo, Olaokamao oo., Orogoa. ' walUng'S ,FEACH PLUM, Xlto Xtnlinxi Prime, And tlio ht varlctks or i'linn. t'ratic, fcncli, Alplc, tor. Cherry, Wist anc3 Shado 7i'ces IS PULL ASdORTMliNT. Bond for Descriptive Catalofjuo. Salem Fiourixig' ISills. UBSf FAMILY KLOUit, UAKKIfB EXTRA, XJC. SUPBUFINB ANr UHAnAM, MIDDLINf.B, 1IRA.N, AND bllOItT! OoiiHtmitly ou lUuutl. KII;liOMt Prloo in CASH Paid for Wheat O. KINN'DY, Acent 8. F. M. HoptlStf 00 ATTENTIOM tSHEEP GROWERS!! A 8URS CTJIIK FOR Scab, Screw Worm. Foot Hot,. AND ALT. Parasites that infest Slioop. TT 13 8AFER. BnTTEIl AND VASTLY CnBAV THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR TUB TREATMENT OF 8REEP. IT Improves the Health OF TUB ANIMAL, AND TIIK QUALITY 03? THE WOOL. 1ST Ono gallon U cnouglj for one hnndredto v nun irertblieep, according toUclr age, etrengUi, an It la put up In FIVK-QAJ.LON CANS-Prlco, SIS Bead for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.. l'ORTLAND, OREGON, Wholeaale Aetata lor Iho Mate, Or to vonr nearer t Retail Drocsl't. hit Lmnj gacceMor to 3. M. Kuui A Co., 5 Liberty at., - . NRW YKS, OommlwioH isvfrent FOR BUYING AND FORWARDINQ FBOX New York via Uthmnt, Paclflc Railroad, aM Cape Uorn. all tlnd of Merckandlae, and for the aala if Prodacu from tbe FadSc coast, for tbe coUectiaa iuuut. sc. mm w mm 1 I $fe V & rWf "ANurACTuiifoBl 4JUWNCrR0DTd ,5WUSU0UI8,M0J ii v -9 sy- r 2? T'a C2 A T fUyyu 1-. ! mm mnl n i ipii i i -