Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 09, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Annual Election.
Tho stockholders oi tho People's Protec
tive Transportation Company mot nt
MoMInnvllle, November 1st, andlocted llio
following Directors for llio ensuing yrwr.
Henry tVsrron, W T. Nowby, Win, Col
lard, .1 . U. Cooper, J K. Sampson, Wtn.Sav
ago nnd K. 11. Fellows, 'llio Ilotti I llicn
rg.anlsud and Hon. Ilenrv Warren was olio
en PeMclenl; J. U.Cooper Soeuhtry, and H
D. Follow a, Agentut fori hind.
ICEyfVtt'a ! nlrsn.i.
A e. conqueror of Hlieuma lun.Onut. Neil
ralgla,niid euro lor SerMn'a and el! fiiiM
nrlslmr frnm Impurity ot hlooil, tho old nun
reliable riiinll, Medicine, Jlyutt't. I,fe Juti
sum, s anils utuqunleil, tin proyen liy or
300,1)00 great curis during llio pint ,T0 yc.nr.
1h a radical vegetable Compound nfSarsnpa
rilla, Dock, Oualacum, fco , bikIo permanent
euro. Hold by all druggists Bnd country
grocers. Tako nothing olno, Bnd If thov
aven'l It w send by express, IioiacI, every
where, atfl and $125 per bottle: $ 00 and
0 CO hair dor. IIyatt & Hyatt, 2M Grand
8t New York.
Book and Job Printer,
yvml 13oltlliiler,
Bolman's Slock, Old Scnato Cham
ber, Salem.
ummobm mi , i btjuiuuuw
L J&. X X 3FSL 0 3v. 33
I linvo lite IVargcsl Slock ol C'rult
Trees In Oregon I
200,000 Plum and Prune Trees,
una I will tell I lit in riom
if 10 lo $23 per Hundred.
rTM cull medal allenlton to tnv AMSWKN .Il'NE
PKACH THKhH. I bail l'mcbr i.f IliU vrlctv rlpo
Julys. 1S7I mm tnoy are or fxcciM'tiKitimny. i nave
alu'i rovon otli'ji vim-ties of lN-ncbc, iiml a cticrul
nrlnvnr , ilirr Krnlf. Tice nnd bbttih. Al-o. a
largo lot of PJiAUIl HliKDI.INdH. nt -JO per 1,100.
jiotxTii roil tir Minasmrn.
II 5 MiOfirkt-v. I'nrtlatiil H llerrr. McMlntlvllle.
JS W Whipple,
vouago ,,r" K A '''''i1"". ''Wi
ii rove,
W M Mm r, Turner,
A Jjnii, Ma) ton,
I. Urn'x', llalrfy,
W Hhumoi, Klurnn, W T
it nncnici iviifaiiniiu,
N Lit mix. Sublimity,
J .Miurli- Mi-hnma.
A W heeler, Hlii il I.
I) W KlkiUv, llowel IT,
W II Drake, mitcrlon,
1)r II II (Irion. It.nlilmri- J A llllllt. Olklftllll.
wm nam iirnoKK,
II Mnrtlii A son Hrlo, A In Itiir. Woolen Mill Co.,
O II Ilolntiu, JtlTorKOD, ll-nwiiviljc,
Jiinci A 1'iiUcr, 8lcm, Jimon Unjl Watilnston Co
Wm KCrcllr,TrveIlncai'inttnilof the Wlluumtte
Proprietor of Ilnllrmil Nurn-ile.
ioo4. aow.
no Only Strirlly WholMnlo Drug Home
In Oregon.
T. A. DAVIS & CO.,
71 1'ront Street,
cbtndleo tradu a coaiileto anortmcut of
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, nr.a
Druggists' Sundries.
Of all tlit aod cjuhlltlcii.
Of ll tho lcadlnc brsndc, In tin anil kcff,
Putty, Lampblack,
Rod Load, Gluo.
toclniIbiKtliofiucitbrndiifor Coach ralulera' we.
Faint, Hhltcwasb, and Varnish Erusnw,
I.1NSEKD OIL, In barrcli and cam".
Terpentine, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard 0U,
Nrat'sToot Oil, Fish Oil.
In barrel and wet.,
.Blue Vitriol, Sulpliur, Cnslllo
Sohp, Concent rut cd I-ye,
QiUoksilvor and Strychnine.
In Quart. nalfOallon. One.;.l!on, ard Flve-Clallcn
Can aud llarrel. etc . el.
Wo are AgcnU .for Urrou and Wanblnstcu Tcrrt-
BalU on qul rtl f-hon, "?.''' UBl1
Jajuea lrtfi-rlet.ry MrUltlBCJ.
tvr Vfe buy our E"ol from flrct hand'. '.'
t'lnB ut to compile with any inarVet on the loaiu
51 i tonipa-Uon of our ptlc-n will !''" '"
3L i 1 "7- CL "VL J3L i e
F W.TOW3. BoV a
COkillTINO or
Apple, Pear, Peaob, Plum, Cher
FJf rv. Prune.
.. many other mlKclUneoni rarjetlM. the price of
?.? 175! w ; reduced to .alt thetimM. ,
8eod for. catalogue. 80N
TlieOreKonlansbaveltad a good year, a
appoars from a rilcpatoh In the Sad Franolsco
Dulletln of the 21th. That Journal says:
Tim fuels nro patent onnuith. Tbcro lias
neon no dry woatber In Oreuon to n(lupi
crops. In fact rain Is tho Mron Milt of Ibm
Sinto. CnllfornlrtiiB hnvo ttoniMlniPM Irlid to
bo lacMtouant tho expensoof Orosou, Hut
tho Whbrool Sinto la alt rllil thla ear. The
roinoli'iib4 of Orenon has urndually illnnp
posri'd. Thero l nn iiverno of turn (.tnuimi
or(uarerliHed vtcid deparlliii? from thl
fori Tor Orison dlly. Tlo nrrivnN, oi
(' 1 1 f, li I iiIikIII tin sJtiu, ('niimilllil' u 'on
'Xi'ilatiil uud by water l.s cheap nnd i.xpidi
il' Ik. Fretuht arn romiwrltiMly low. Ito
I't-ull a pietiy laro biixlnens hiiti benn d'Uio
In htat fiollitn. Not only Is h larao
amount ot wheat Kent down bv steainots, but
nailing vecelH of tuoderato alzn hivvo beeii'
brliiKlnndowu a Rroat deal of wheat for
transhipment. Tho freights ranvo fi-Dtn f 3 a
Ion to a fow Hbllliifra abovo thai llmirn. Tbo
fact that much moro wheat la sent from Uro
Hon to this port than formorly, indicates a
pusslblochanpo In tho direction orahlpnients.
The owners of large ships do not llko to send
thotn Into thn Wlllamelto rlvor. Tho largor
ciass or vessels uraw too mucli water, and
they must finish loading at Asto'la or at
some point below Portland. It nnlly makes
nodlfTarencoto tho grain men. Tlieygetnn
much for their wheat in this market, with
the freight added, as thoy can get In Oregon.
in mci iiinvMU mo halo. are inatto tlmre,
buyers pi-JVrrlnit to nimil It down for ship
ment from San Frincltco.
Oreuini this ytur not only lins tho nd van
ingHiifH Urgii wheal rrnpnnd jrood prlce.
but llio rtirtimrailvHiilaunuf Inw frelghlH. It
Is (lobular (hat with ubund.iut ruins nnd
grumes that mo poitiiinlat, Oregon iiuikos no
prouiliK ut fU'iiru in thn dairy btislntH; nor
do tho btel caille of I hut Stale apt ear horo In
verv gii'itt numbera, TliN great Slalo up
poms, however, to havo entered upon anew
earcer of prosperity. Immigration has boon
Inrg(, tho crops ore certain, nnd for (ho InM
tvkoyenrs hao brought good prices. Our
connection with Oregon is no close that Its
nro-porlly is In a largo neno our own, The
Interests of tho two Slates aro Interblended.
An Itnmenvo amount of merchandise soea
up every week from Sau Francisco to Port,
laud and other places in Oregon, and tho
cnpl'nllMH oft! is Slato have largo Invest
ments thero. We ran therefore sflord to
conuratulato our neighbors on their pros
Wo mako thn following extract from n
communication rent to tho Portland lteo
from QuarlHvlllo, which will bo cagorly read
by all interested in tho Santlam mining
In duo lime wo arrived at Quart8vllie,nnd,
on the next morning in good nemon, wero ai
the IlKiuiitnn lodgo whero wo woro heartily
weleonieil by Mr. K, I). Thorn one of the
Innori orators of the Canal Fork Mining Co.,
who, with two emplojoes, was prospecting
some ol tho proporty el this comiuny. Mr.
riiorn is a nam wonting, onorgetio, nusinons
manager. We louiul tuat in llio snort time
ho had boon here, several shafts and tunnels
had been started on the o.impiny'a claims,
and over a ton of oro packed out on iiiulos
aud shipped to Portland for working tests.
A substantial and comfortable log homo Is
erected for himself and men. In fact, every
thlmr has to go when Thorn la driving. The
company omloyed your scribe to Investigate
the tiiimpiou lode. Wo did to this extent:
We run a cross out at right angles across the
vein a Olstsnco or OH foot to the point of tho
drill, striking, what we had aurmUed at first,
when in OK feet from the starling point,
a splendid appoarlng, grayish black
ore, similar In appearance in Wash no
ore, and resombllng strikingly in
some characteristics the alomimenUl of
Kastcrn Oregon. Wo wero compelled to
Mime out lo o-imploto further arrangements
for tho Winter, mid did not cutolesr through
tho lodo. At leaving olf wo hsil n full two
foot vein of IlimH appearing rock. If tills
oro (or which Mr. Thorn takes out about 100
pounds for milling (em) works $10 per ton hi
thisallltudocf tho mountain, wo consider il
tho (,'oint lock ot Orenon, a inter with tho
mines of tho world. Had Intended In start
log, that brovlly should bo the chief olmrao.
terlstln of this cominunlantlon, Having
failed In this, will proxy by a Itesect-
fully, 1U. HUM..
K01.A, Nov. 3, 1877.
During Ootober, 1877, thero wero 10 days
during which rain fell, with an aggrogalo of
2:47 Inches of wator, 10 cloar days and 11
cloudy days, other than thoso on which rain
fell. The moan temperature for tho mouth,
was f2-9 deg. Highest dally moan temperu.
turoCOdeg., on the 10th, lowost dally mm-poraturo-IOon
the 31st. Highest thermom
nter for the month. 75 deg. at - o'clock I', m.
on tho 17th, lowest thermometer, 31 deg. at
7 a. m., on the 20th. Mean temperature for
tho month at 2 o'clock v. m., mj-7 Heg
Frosts occurred on tho l-ith.29'b. 30th. 31st,
That on llio 20th, being the llrst utreotlng
vegetation lo any extent, Tho prevailing
winds for the month, woro from tho North,
during 111 (IrtVH. South 10 dayu, N. W. ono
dav.H. W. four days.
During October 1870, thoro wero 13 dayH,
during which rain fell with an aggrogatonf
8-10 Inches of water, 0 char days, nnd 12
cloudy days, nthor than thoso on which rain
full. Mean temperature for tho month f0 to
71 deg.: hlguibt dally, 73ou 1st: lowest dully,
ItoniWth. T. I'kaiiiik.
P.M. Itonort delayed by absenco from
Gkiivais, Nov. fl, 1877.
Tho munlclpsl election of tho capital city
ol French Prairie, vMuieoll'yHtHrilay. Thtro
worothroo tickets In tho field, and in llio
afternoon things wero "red hot." Tho Poo
pies' tlokot wns oler.tod (oa man,
The following olllrors wore elected:
Tm'bTiiKs It A.NathiiiHii, J. II. Cooley,
O.Ktuwurd.H. lu (lalnt h, Ij.tiegulno.
Ithcoiuihii-J. D. Taylor.
Maumiai.-U. h. ICoenter.
TitiCASUiinn S. M. Vaiieleave.
Fverything pssodotr nulotand pcaroahlo.
A full vote was polled, liuieed thoro wire
two more votes cast Hmo there are voters In
tho city. Hut the commotion tho fact created
Hoon subsided when Sam Ituunols, from
Sjilom, claimed In be a resident of tbo buru
on the ground of having neon In tho city nt
two successive elections, and had oant a. vote
loreaoh visit. UiuhsuciTDii Jim.
Snpt. Rico received an order for five tons
preserved apples, from the Albany Fruit
Preserving Co., the first of the week, from
Sn FrancUco. Our fruit dryer Is rapidly
acquiring a reputation abroad for thobuie
rlor manner in whloh It pressrves fiult.
Our Fruit Drying eslablisbmont has al
ready acquired a reputation of being closed
up tho year round. A dead losn lo tho Mock
Lo'iers and fruit rauara of this section.
In n enmp meeting In New Yorlc n wo.
innti related her experience In giving up
rertnln nrllclesof oriutment nnd giyuS
tiro thut slio lin.il lovctl. She s.ild tlmtnt
llrat flhercMolveil to wenr no luuruartiU
elul llnweiH, guy colored ribbon, imitiN
somesllks, ear orimnientP, nor hreoches;
tint one Idol remained. It wns her wed
ding ring. At Inst shn resolved to throw
thut away too, nnd when sho did It the
blessing of BiiuutlllCiitlon u:inie. Hie
Methodist pnyw:
"As hIic stood In tliotuullence, relntiui;
Ihegieat elisingo thtit luulvonii' over her,
ahe (llsplnycil an Inunenae muss if fulso
linlr wound up on llio buck of her head,
upon which una mounted a tip knotof u
hat nt ither protection from sun or cold,
nor ornamental to behold. She dlsclo'eo
beneath a half etiBt oil' shawl a corseted
waist, which was reduced to Mich dimin
utive proportions as to appear painfully
abnormal. Bhc supported paddings, pur
(Itigs, punier anil pin-back, and a dress
skirt sadly bedrnbled to a depth of several
Inches which It dragged upon tho ground.
As she snt down after hor testimony and
an exhortation to erring sNtere to re
nounce nil pomp and glory of tho world,
alio piled her fan and punted very like a
ball room hello who hud waltzed too long
and was dressed too lightly to breathe
with case. When at the eloso of tho
meeting the woman walked away, she
had a parasol, a fan nnd u hymn hook In
one hand and tho other was employed
In gathering anil holding tho front
brendth of her skirls high enough to en
able hertoutep, whllu tho limit of her
inlnelnggnlt was determined by hor con
tracted pin-back mid btllted boot heels.
Ami away sho went, a sanctllliil wo
Tho chemist on board the British ex
pedition ship Challenger, makes some In
teresting statements relative to the cil'cct
of the changing seasons on tho tem
perature of tho sea water. He p.iya that
during the whole period of heating of tho
water, It has, from Its increasing tem
perature, been steadily becoming lighter,
so thnt tho communication of heat to tho
water below convection has been entirely
suspended; It lins uIhu by evaporation,
Income denser than It was before at the
same temperature. During the approach
of Winter tho superllolal water, having
cooled, sinks through the warmer water
below until It roaches the stratum hav
ing the Biuno temperature iih Itself.
Nor docs it stop there, hut continues
to sink, owing to its density, carrying Its
temperature witn it to mo lower comer
layers. Tho result Is that during the
Winter tlioro is a neuiing eiiect going on
In tho lower regions, and during the Bum
mer a cooling cil'cct : so that tho greater
the yearly range of auiWKnhcrlo temper
ature, the greater the depth in tho oceu.i
to wlilch iw cllect win do leit. lie tiius
explains the presenco of the largo body
of comparatively warm water In the
North Atlantic, tho existence, of which
litis been usually ascribed to an assume 1
liacK-wuter or mo uuif Htream tills
warm wuter being In fact duo to no such
extraneous cause, hut Is the actual ellcel
of tho conditions of Ihu climate ut tho
It I? estimated by an exehatigo that by
the recent fumlno In Minims the number
of Angora goats that perished or wore
slaughtered for food Is not far from half
a million, and that tho ocople arosn dis
heartened, over famiiicr pestilence and
Hood, that tho number will still farther
decreasuuiid the mohair product bo great
ly led need. This is a Mill state of allalrs
for that country tinda heavy blow on the
factories and laborers of England, hut It
Is another evidence that this Industry
must continue to grow and expand In
this country. The (Joust or this State is
wi'l! stocked with Hue-bred and high
grade Angoras, and tho mohair which
lias been shipped to Eastern factories has
brought from 7 cents to ?la pound, ac
cording to quality, with tho nearly as
surance from the mnuufucturerH that
every pound that can bo produced will
llud ready market. Thero Is room in tho
inountaiusand hills, without encroach
ing upon iigilculttiral land.'! at all, tor
10,000,000 Angoras, anil as they are a
hardy animal, thero will ho no Inconve
nience so long as thero are any leaves on
the trees or sage brush on the hills.
The English arc beginning lo awaken
to the belief that women lute not only
as good right to hold olllclal positions as
men, hut that whero their capacity for
thu discharge of duties In certain spheres
has been fairly tested, they havo proved
themselves the equals of tho men, and In
not a few cases llielr Miperlors. Thus,
Lord ManiieiH, tho English Postmaster
Uctieral, has appointed MIm C'resswell,
dutighterof tho lute postmaster at Olh-
raltar, the sticceh.or to her fathei, ut a
salary of $.'1,000.
In has been very clearly demonstrated
In this country that women liitvit made
capital managers oi'poU olllcer.H. No case
offemah) "Irrepiilailly" has yet heon re
corded either In tho Post Ollico or any
other department. Their accounts are
always neatly and accurately kept, ami
hi their settlements they are as exact us
the moht exacting head of a department
could desire.
A young man of twenty-otto named
Uoyor, lately drawn In tho army conscrip
tion at llcaiine, In France, was Indlspalr
at tho thought of being separated. for live
years from a young hewing girl lo whom
lie was Dciroineii.anti retired witu tier to
Venus on tho river baone, wnero tne
uurecd to drown themselves. With
cravat lie ilea nerngiii urm to ins leu,
her left arm being thrown around his
neck over his right shoulder. The hand
kerchiefs of each wero then linked togeth
er and tied round tho bodies of both.
They walked steadily gtoward tho center
of the stream until the rapid current
curies! them away, and their bodies were
found, btlll enlaced, at some distance
Albany College.
Thnocond term of this school year be
gins Mondav, November 12,h. From pres
ent Indications thero will bo a large attend
anew. Tho foliool Is at present In n prospor
ou condition, owing lo the popularity as a
toaohor, nnd bnslness qualifications or Its
Principal Itev. L. J. Powell, or the Wll
lametlo University, of thin city.
A Fluo Sppclinon.
Mesr Jankosskv Ihiuat, proptlolors ol
thoOermanln, on htsto street on SAturdaj
lst presented the Natural History Hoolelj
with the lorgeti nod tlmst spcolmen ol tin
silver grsvtqulrrel mo ever saw on t ill
roast. Mr. O. It. .lohtiaon, thn Curator, hn
"inxideniiimd" the pfoltui'ti nnd It now or
naments i In rooms of tho society in tho Cap
itol bulldnnr.
A Cold Winter Predicted-
Deer and elk liavn mado their appearance
In the font hills anil valleys at a much ear
lier period than usual, which to the old
mountaineer, augers n cold winter. Tho deer
especially are said to bo moro numorons and
in bottor condition than yoara before Every
body gels deer moat that goes hunting this
Boh White Quaili.
II. K. AnKotiy, K'ii , rrolved to-day. a box
of tho "Boh white quail," which he will turn
looo on Ills lrgo larm on the Santlam bot
tom. Thoy worn n present from F. II.
liitub, Kq., Superintendent ol tho W. II.
Telegraph Company, who rccolved thorn
from tho States.
Peruvian Syrup.
llrooks, Mn Snpt. 7, 1870.
Dear Sir From early youth I was In feoblo
health, troubled with humor lu my blooil,
weakness and debility o tho system gt acr
idly; was tumble to labor much, and only at
Kline light business, otid then only with
great caution. Seven jours Hgo, thn past
spring. I Iiml usecro attack of Diphtheria
wiiicu leiliny limns piraii.-ui ami usoio-h,
so I was nnablo to walk or oven sit up.
Notldhnr thn aiherlhement of Puiiuvian
Syiiuii, I ixjuchidud to give it a trlsl, and to
my great joy soon muiiii my iiniun improv
ing, I continued tho use of thoSYittir until
three bottles had been used, ami was restor
ed to com pleto health, and have remained
so lo this day. I attribute uiv present
health ettlroly to tho use of Pi'.huvian
SYiutf, and hold It In high estimation. I
luunoi speak too highly In Its pralso. 1
have In savers 1 cases roenmmonded It in
eases very sliutUr to my own with tho same
good results.
Yours truly, Ohaui.kh 12. P-AROT.
From 8. Thatohcr, M. D., of Hcrmon, N. Y.
gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure
a cough by loosening nnd cleansing the
lungs, and allaying Irritation, thus remov
ing Ihoeauso, Instead of drying up the cough
aud lot v log tho oauso bylilud. I consider
the Hausam the best ootigh inodlclno with
whloh 1 am acquainted." Hold by all drug
gists. Jno.W. Gilbert
?lio Hunt vr Alailo.
Ladies' Calf Shoes,
Jur l Urn thln fjr our Orison winter wtatber.
Fine Kip and Calf Boots,
Wbteti are ez!irrl j inailo fir our lrale, of Ulffcrcut
quallllva, to aultcuatomara.
All goodM hoIU by uio are CSVAIl
AKTti; I lo wlitit recom-
ineiiil I lie in, or I will ut nny
lime iiuiko It good lo tho pur
chaser. j. w. uiiii:rt.-
Knleiii, Oef. I'i, 1H77. II.
Great Reduction !
Wholesale Prices, for Caeh
My Stock o'limlsts of SHKhF and HU1M)-
Kltb' Hard war, Merhanlcs' Tools,
Shovels, Nall, Itujie, elo.
joiiiv iiTfostku,
ct)m1 cor.Htaik Kroutrtn. lOIIIIIN
Dealer la
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobaooo and Cigari,
Bale-, April , 1&T5. dwU
V. il. Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Loann negotiated on Favorable
Euy and Sell Gold nnd Silver, Slate, County,
and Cl'y Warrants.
AgcittH for Iteiit'H Opern IIoosc.
fior.'ce. nl tho cm tier of Itml'n Opera llrimo,
teas H.it.Kir, OS!. 831
ln Now Opened Their '
Staple iiml Fanny
....AND.... 7
Dress Goods,
An Imnionso Variety.
lCl;lo -vtlli
. 7. am
i L. in us a in i
P. 1'. LK8.
BftHNARD & L13E,
Fito.Mr Miliar, I'oiiiLi.nin,
Went flito Dock, corner Salmon mid Front fit.
Special attention kIvhi in Karmcta' Prmtuco of ALU
UIMIli I'm aliNim.mtj u.1l-t.l lf... ..-a
III Matl Kmiirl1 afllf1i anaU.. . a.. .. !.. t k
market jirlcii. 0cia
San FranolEoo and Portland.
The P. OS. S. Co-
J. OT. OTcCnAKBx! V0,
TV Ticket fur aalnb
II. D. BOON, Arcat. BALRM.
Are wbolenala and retail dunler. lu Planoa,
Urgaus, Sheet Muslo, Violins, Aooordlona,
Uarmnnleanii, and iniihlnal merchandla
generally, Oikland, California, haverocont
ly oxined a branch storo In Salnm, Oregon.
Personally superintend their bunhiens hi this
Slate, as well as California, and will be
prompt In making good all contracts.
Havo already Mild nearly two hundred In
struments In this Stato.
Have four authormd sguuts selling from
their houxi in tills Stale, lo will A. h. Moye,
Albanyt U. II. Slack and Frank I). May,
Salem t K. A. Iltlrd, Kugeiio (Illy.
Piano havo already become a favorite on the
Coast, Ills made especially for thn trade,
and Is adapted lotho climate mi this Coast,
and for remaining hi tune. In Its adaptation,
to thu parlor there In none better.
Ilavosoveral dllfaront manufactures ot Or
gans, giving tho public a variety lo aeltet
Have a tlrst-olass lunar In their emnlnv. All
orders attended to by addressing (Jarduer
iiroiiiorM, niiem, uregon.
Olvo a guarantee for II voyeurs, for all Planoa
and Organs, If deslrod,
Pay tholr oinployuus asahiry, not a commis
Would state. In answer lo iminjr
Inquiries, Itmt llielr llrmicli
IIoiinu In Salem In a iioruiaiifHt
IiinIIIiiIioii. se'JKtf.l
Tho Iii'M and Most Improved Pumps now
They aro on HAi'Kii and moro
Imiiiaiii.k than anv sivle of
('hiln Pump or water drawer
Kvcry man who has had expe
rience In tho illirurent wsys of
drawing water knows there U
no way so
Ciicap, Durable, Conrenient.
and freo from Imparting un-
leuiuiy elemonls an the plain
oud pump. They are taking
tbo place of all other means of
raining water for domes! lo pur
pneH, or for JJAKN or SVOUK
Water ripe aad EacGpouU
We maiiiifactiini I'ipeot vn
rlnus fclxes for convening wa
isr from springs, stiekiiis, dun
It Is cheap, but siii-atantlal.
Fur further par Iculaitt, apply
to or add em
C. A. lUru. Nuwr l'ubltc.
MSI cat
' k