VjL "'' J-t-w-w,, mniTmt.- n BH r - "x f&- Jt1 "" 1 v i r.'" " ""i . " " TOithwitwcnn awsirfl .. "e WILLAMETTE FARMER. "' -ntcjrw -m . Xi. ti I n i .jJT-yr. - ' '"mjnnniiMiinjijin ..,..- -- 'aay T-- wyiwwii hm-jm... J f si s v r n ft r i u . ,f i k ' l.fi I: 4 wnpKS turxn svsnr piupat, bt iTBLtfiitM ANn rnornirToits. H. A. C!J..VICK. 1. W. CtXAIU. Torwm of Siibinlptliuii ruAMn nun viki fVi nnintiurfl .. c..r Oao copy, "It mint'iiXSimnmlitTf) Onnronr. threo miirilhaflJIniimlierA) ........ 1), lSl',7. ';f. HAI.JLM, KI11DAY, NOV. 1PALFA. KD,FAnMr.: 7n your Inst Imuci I notico m rtqnwt of "Farmer," for Iriformntlon nliout alfalfa oulturo In Oregon. My anxiety to promoto tho advancement of eBrlculturo atrwoil mo to notico tbo oulturo of this valua bio grata in California, and perhaps my ob aorvatlonn may bo of norao io. Tho Kng llihnameof thU ru In Lucornn, and Ita fdltonliiKqnalltloiaro highly commended by omoof tho old votorlnnry(ISiiKlimi) writers. Vhe marked foaturoof thlugrHHS In Callfor. nla In Ita rapid vlnoroun growth tlirnugh tho long dry soiwons; but it nepilrwi Intid whore tho noli and Hiibwll are Mifimlontly jioioub to allow tho longhlondor lap root to go down to living wator. They havo liuen trw.-ed on bottom land, In dliw'nit wolN, to n depth of 20er!10iant, with HORppnrcntclliuliHiiloii hi lilcknim. I noticed onn fluid of iilfiHu, on upland, In (ho noith pirl of Colunt county: The Hull was n heavy leinni, hiid, whin dry, vaBvory hard, lho piirmauciit water was twolvo foot below tho Mirfcje. Tliognsu bonlthy and producud iv laro amount of food, yot Iohn thrirty than on alluvial bottom land, whom tho roots can o.islly ponolralo to living wator. On (ho latter mill, In hot weather, It can bo mowed for hay overy BO to 05 deya, yioldlug from two uud n half to throo tons por aoro, to cum cultin-. Us growth In rnlny weathnr Is miioli idowor. block thrlyo well on tho hay or piuturo, yot tho hay la not goad for drlv Ing horMis. Tho eod MlK.ulil bo howii In IhoSptlug, on thor oughl ! Iverlzed noil, after all daugor of frost la pihnd,BH lho young plant Is killed by a Hull' front, yot tho nl 1 plaiilN htand tho wlntura ol England and HwUzerlHtul llo na- tlvo boinr. It will require eight to Iwelvo quiirUi of reed Hr euro to niulci a thick growth. I havo Hren but ono patch of this (run In Oregon In Mr. Kliinoy'H front yard onourUalom gravol, It ih minor thin, and hardly n fair (oat for bettor iioIIh. I trust "Farmer" will mukon trial and report lho retult, for (ho bentllt of tlionn who wlah green pantuna in July and AttgiiHt. They havo killed nearly all lho wild oatn In California by ulon pasturing, or by cut ting for hay before lho Hood In ripe enough to hell. Sow early barloy and out It early for hay, and lu a fuw yearn wild oata will disap pear. It would hurry malteru to oulllvata and harrow the atubble at boon an tho hay la out, to Kprout the oala In tho ground, and ihtn panturo olonu to keop Ihom from heed ing In tho fall. H. 1'hi.tok. Crohn, oapoclally when ho has lho talent to make an much In ono year, dealing In tho Eastern pork, an a common fanner makoa in two or throe years hard work. All credit to nuch men as Cross, Iteed, Wllklno, Htowarl, and othors, but all men aro not capable of making flno stock a spoolalty, or making It piycllhor: but Mr. Cross ban good Hork nblroH. and no person would liko to soo Hum Tilly appreciated rnoro than mycelf, but ro ftct la ioro fully established than thus tho UrstcroHU Is host for tiio praotlcal farmer. Au old frlendof mlno with much experlonco told mo that for stall foodlng ho pioferod the gradnl h'oor, but I am only nnxlousto learn mid If wrong I would lido to got right. a, w. iiuuc Xateit from Lucky Queen. Frof.Tiernoy has Just returned to Portland from a visit (o tho Lu'kyQucon mlno In Southern Oregon and Is nt present maklnp adetallod report of Its present condition and futuro prospouts to presout to tbo Directors. Wo understand It will bo of a most favorable oharactor, and stockholders aro aaln on the tlptooof oxpnn'anny. IiUAVEIl iit.V.S A LT, 1NTKVH1NO TO ITiNT THIS SIMOON XA. pli'i'Jld cjII lit Hit Kt) C'y, n l ivi tin CO .tV Cuiiunlii.luD, n7ia a-. "US", JlZ.XJTST'Z.-, oi is uiiri, u' HAWIEY, DODD & CO., Fortltnid, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Lino of AGRICULTU R AL . IMPLEMENTS. WE AHE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CETiKMtATKD mlMmw ja s&r mmau Seasickness. Graded va. Thoroughbred Hogs. DiiWKitCli.K.M, Marlon Co,, ) Oct. ittl, 1877. 1 waamuuh Htirprlned at tho position (alcon by friend Cross (u relation to graded hogs. I tried, In n former urllole, toglvoiiomn ot my oxperleiuo In fattening hogs fur market, and If 1 havo erred I am aurry for It. When I oamo huuiH from tho Fair and went In look up my Htook, I found my thoroughbreds, bulh llorkulilimuul I'ol.vid Chine, equeallng around the b.im lot fur food, but my graded bogs, or pigs, as Mr. Cror.s hnn it, went thieo juartora of a milo li in home, doing woll on lliostubblu fluid. And hero Hot tho glut of tho matter for tho paying part of tho busl tiesa. As for my rationing ovoryililng, oven tolholato Spring plga, I pload gulliy, nud Mr, Crous Htrongly advised mo to thlt course Mho well kuoMM, and mypigeworoso nice that bo rodo all tho way from Malum to buy thorn, as hu said, for breakfast bacon. And tho nest year ho tried to buy my plga again, but I was otbired more by other parties, and Mr. Cross was so cros ho would hardly apeak, ul lea t thought so, Now, hero is ttiopAylngp.il.: Fatten in ory thing that will weigh (Illy pounds. Wintering hogs gets away with tho protll, and uiyexpuiluiioe is tills: A graded hog ploks up lho waste of (he farm better than n lull blood dws. Now for a liilto experience: A friend ef mine bought a line miiv and pigs, fed liberally, charged for all the feed) fulled (o sell any p!g at fin ny prices, and finally Killed (or pork and found tho li't'd account tho large;. Now, as to my espeileuco In fattening pigs, my nolgbliora, homo of them at l'.im,glvo me tindlt lor miking sointi iumi(i.v,or rather n.tlug Kiiiihi in lho bog bnluiH. Can Mr. Ores say ho makes money from his thorough. brml. mlnr than by Helling his plgiivt tiuey prloosT N person Is a tinner bollever lu good blood Ih.Mi lUVHoir. C'riiiu uud I only (iUinr as lo how (o um It. Mr. Crehs has good hogs, liutn fill ml looking at his gtnd. ed hoKsat thoSta'e Fair, uld mine: " those grade I pigs aro tho woiitt wllnexses Mr. V, could have brought (otho File to prove his particular brood of hogs a good otio (o croas with," Now, li is quite common for firmer to buy fane' block without (rut know ltdgo ueckvumry for the business, and romo out at 4h lllilo end or tua horn. So far as my knowliHlgo g m, very few men havo made money, In (ha West, brooding IhoroughbreHj lock, yell Mlevo lho ordinary farmer Is too shy of buying full hloo' males to lm prove his stock with, but wnen a farmer Hints himself lu postraklon of good r.athe look, li would ba well for him to psiuo bo fore tOllnu his preanit stock ami pushing iuto Hit tin" Htoek tiuklneta. It will do very Vflll f- ui'h publlo spirited nun a Mr. Eu. Faiimku: IJow strango it Is that per sons golog on the soa never have a word (o nay about that dreadful Illness, eoaslcknoss. On tho Oth or September Inst, wo went on board tho ntcamor AJax, bound for San Fran cisco. How woll wo felt an we floated down tho Columbia. Suppor was ready at six, and all orowdod to bo at tbo tablo first. At daybreak wo roaohod Astoria, and there ate another hearty moal. I will leavo my unb Ject ono lnomont, and "do "Astoria. I wns surprised to seo bo largo a clly, imagining It to bo about an largo as Turner and Marlon united, but our fair cliy of Balom d?eo not rival As:orh much In slr.oaiid grandeur. It haiitt (loo post olllco,and aoyoral other nice publlo buildings. I am told (hat If tho rail road over comes lo Astoria. It will rhul I'ortlmd. Tho sloamor lay at Astoria until two o'clock. Another heniiy meal at din nor, and (lion wo woro ready for anything. One joung lady, In particular, said she was not going to bo sick , bho felt too well. She sang beautifully, and It pained mo to think iiho would havo (o ohangu hor luno no soon. Wo started over (ho bar, but it was too rough nud wo turned around and caino back to As toria. Next day wo tried It m'uln. and went over, but wo had a foarful time. Tho same day, nuuppor.lhla young lady fe-ltull rl,ht, hut Just as alio wan finishing her meal, somo how orothor tho good things turned against her, nud sho started for hor stateroom. Hor strength, which had novor before failed hor, gavn away, and tho door caught hor. I was tho flrst ono to hor, for you soo my " tlmo " had not yet arrived. Poor thing I Hholook cq up Jn my face as II to say, ' Put mo In my lllilo bod." mid wo did. A aeaslck person has no ambition whatever. Ono woman prayod (o dlo. You havo no fear of going down after tho first day. Tho only fear Is that you won't. Arrived at San Franolsoo, wo visllod all tho places of amusement, had a n loo time, and arrived at homo all safe and sound. D. M. Mouius. OREGON MIZ.LS. Korlh Mill Creole, Salem, Ant SOW IN Complete Running Order, AND INV1TK Custom Work. WELLER & WALDO, HAXKW, Nov. 1. 1817. 3'lf OKEGON STEAMSHIP ItKOUi.AU LINC Between Portland am San Francisco. As fv r hlch roiiiblnt' the irrcatcsl pfrencili, (i.vlimiiu IIi'h(ii(.s-, unit ilurubility DEKitlO is Uio solo I'ntcnte'o of tlio Wrouylit Llloi-k mid Wohlcd Froir, anU lliulr J'lowld tlioonlvPloWhomiidi'. Tlio Plow's inonlilhoanl and Hlinro aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEEItE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY ANB GANG PLOWS, With or "w-lthout Broaking-Plow Attachmont. TIIKOUrm TIOtCliTN Caa bo puicharcil nt tlio tirlialenl Hutloug of the o. & i' i: k , nt Xtoc3.vi.oocH. 2-tn.tors. Steamers Icith IioIIi 1'onlniiJ and Han Francisco nlicut Evory Five Days, currlnit CafuriiKPrc nml I'lili'lil At lnj I.OUT.KT ltTKs. If Ullmnflvlln'ciriyltKMhoU. H. MAILS Tho HtcanifhliiK r tliln I'otninny uio ratnl A 1, rd aru new, olcMit aiid cou.pleto In every I'urtlcutor. undcuatlniuftlio State of Oregon, (Mow I ulldlns ) '-! 090 Ions li'ir.lon, George W. Eider, (ITiX) touf.) City of Chester, (IS.V1 tuu.) AjaX, (l-'M tour,) for freight nr iimih, npply nt the Compinr'e of lice, comer V and I'runl fljcilu. 1'oiiTLANn. noatr nno, w. wkioi.kh. Agent. oo. rssByBKv- --2rr nUxHWBHCl tJ- ,,V. Mall VA'-MIfitrSsK fa r Tho greatcht Lalmr-Savlnp Implementa ye( Invnilrd. VruMy linprrvrel for Fall of 1877. COO JEJolcX isx C3i-oG03x ixx. Ouo Yonr. $r Kvprv Farmer InterLnted. Tho Deere Sulky Is the only Hlnale Inor Flow mado. IUMIiY OI'FKA'IKD. So ronntriiclid that ly a hllRht motion or tho Lover lho Flow la run otitof tho ground and raided clear, by hori-e- InMend of mwii-power. It Uftlrongoraud Iets complieattd than any other. Sole AgeiitH for lho woll-kiiown SOUTH BENS OBILLEII-JXION FLOWS. BUCKEYE;DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tlio mostHueeessful in use. Too well known to need comment. Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. muvr or.n n.ov of vnuiw can hie madk Ml. an (rood t nu nt JOHNNY KMCIIT'S niack imllh Bhct, .u C.ontniTtlnl ft., lii-t'ivr '(0 hunl wr turo. for rn'all onllny A coin. Urine In jour old I'lowf . and tuo lr 1 don'i do m. rar ociWJli JOI1N.W HNIUI1T n.V3.iiK , ,'" . " ??UL ! &im n- 'sgs&m Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. , FARM GKIHT MILLS, allelyleannd prlcta. FAN MILLS, fc'ond lorSpooial Clroulare. CloHSAMHii LAniua ItunnuitCoATs. If you uo Into Ureyman'a atcro, Salem, you will aoo kouiothlDK new In tho way of a water proof ovor garment for ladles mean. Thoy havo with tholr uaual onlerprlso, brought on tho latott atylo, aallk and rubber watorproof ooat that will mako tbo wosror Invulnornble to Oregon winter woather. Tho beauty of (hem is (hat tlievi nro i;ossamer lu toxturo and oan bo carried In a small aatohel. Coun. try ladleH who wlah to uttotid lho Orange In wot weather ehonld call and soo litem. CitiiAM OiiKKUK. Wo havo recolvod eomo of tlio premium cream ohooeo exhibited at tho lato State Fair, nud must prexeut our thanka to MosHra. Ilopf and Clementa, of noaheii, Lauo county, for (lioeamo. They havo been manufaolurlnf; cream and Lhn burner cheesra at (loshrn for two or three yeare,hiid aro doing ipillo n buhlness in that lino. Tor Three Years, Oharlcn Starr writ known in thli city, where ho has relative who nro rcupoo'.ed In this etommunlty, wiu eenlenced yesterday, to three yeara lu tho Fonltontlary, from tho Miillnomah Circuit Court. Ho will bo brought up to.nlylit or to-morrow, Good Farms . FOR SALE. CQrf AOJtft'H OF LAND IN M.MtlON' COUNTT. Ut I Oruiron, ten mllcit noilli of ealcni, on tho Dayion nd WliiHind ro i; U ieiutUul location, nnu If the t i J uet lainl In tho Htlo Can h olvldcd Into Iino vood fMi. W'c htonn (ifTjrfr apart nr thla pcu t (I i our aero, ulnoh woatd lesvt. th- hl ance or tho Urd In a iiiiaru body of BOO inn SOO or which I li a lor culllvntlon; 10U ncru vlaihrd, Joining I he cultlTiilcxI lltliU. Hut cHld be rlly);ot r dy for tlio plow. IihyIiij; brun rluabwl mm Uru'o tnu yuara. All iliu billdmi ar on tlio too ncro tract, mid for w hlch wo only ak J) per acio Tbon( who aro In eichir vihiiI land rhonM comih! k-o ihtn place. Vot laiutuiarp,baii aim rcc iliu prvpriliora. AIJ0, aOOACltlM OF I.ANI) IN MA1U0N COUNTY, etii'on, twouiid a hjlfiiille from (IitvuU, and about Iliu ramo dlaiancu from Wo dhurn, lylin; on lho Itutto vlllo road, la a (ii-plrnltli; lodllon; ii lho vrrybvrt qnallly or land. n kunwli'dvd to luone or lho beit Urma on French 1'inlrla by nil ln aro acqaairted Bllhlhocouriiry. SUacnaofthlii tract la undtrcnl tlvntlon; thy t.alncu or lb" Irut, W acrco, Utlnlnr. There la a tu'erablo coikI dAilllne hoii'O on thla place; IwuL'oodbirna, wlili plenty of thud room rur Block, For full paillcular', lmi aad ict Ou lho promlfcs, or artdrers them at Wheatland, Or. Noy, Sd, l7T. Im 'd. TJ St US THE IN THE WOULD! XXCt; TQr5lT7-afsrtl t - " ' aai aiiBBai w - aWWat M See that our Trade Mark is on eaehPaoZcagef T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, Aii !' I'attoa'a Illock, tilalo atrcct, Halcni, Orcou. 93UTl('iri.MJ ATTKNTION (IIVKN TO I'HR. trrlyllonr, andallurdera bytualloroiproai fllled proni II) aud arcurately. Vlivrlclana and Country Dealer will rare raoner by owmliiliii: our to k, orprocurlOKourprlcra, bvroio piinhiMlni: ilitlnre, i,o5-lf. DH. SlUVILU iVJATHIEU. This eminent lYawh Physician and Surjicun, unit inventor of t.'m PAJIIS&'PI HUMKTM!, which has ulvcn relief to thousands of wjj'ercrs in Kuropc anil the I'ntteil Suites, has treated Nevcii,y unral hundred cases in Qreyon, the mutt remarlal'la which was that of Mr. J.C, Atl;i, (i well-known lttstncs citizen of Salt in, who has been wjjerlnu for years with (i jnn Hal paralysis of tho riyht hide, and was materially improved by a few days of Dr. Mathleu's treatment. The rl'jht tide of the face and rlyht shoulder, in which there has been a constant sensa lion of coldness, and the nerves partially paralyxed, have frccuniti warm and re sumed their natural action and feeling, iVrj. Adklns, who has been ajjllctcd with caiarrh in the head, has been entirely cured by ti few days of the Doctor's treat ment. Jfe has testimonials from a number of persons well Aiiowi in J)rttand. DJi. MATJllKU has permanently lo cated at tho corner of Third and Morrison streets, lrtland, Oregon. OIIIGON AND WAMIINe.TON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (UMU'KI).) OOlco lu I'ortlaHd, SAVINGS IIAMi IIUILDING, v'J Flrat aired. l'rfaldfntorHcottltli llrard or Wrretora. ALUXA.NDKU OOUIII.AY, Kaq.. Shipbuilder. Dundee. Head OQlee, 37 Hank at., Dundee. Crealdent of Orrcon board of Director. DONALD MAUI.KAY, Kpq (or C'orbltt & Maclcay,) Manacln Director. WJhLlAU ItHID, !:,., l'ortland. Thla Sitrlnca Hank receive depoalta not only from mi ..u..if, wiarrt'R ui J lorlbopurpoavorrarrl tho Itiduatrlal am finnlnj; cUre or Urt'L-on but alao iron nrouacu.ioriou purpuavorrairly luveHIni- Ilia n nroiiaca, lor inu purpoav orrarrly It ranir (alob with It capital) principally on Ileal K late Morliracra rtcurtil over Irauiovtd Karma and Portland Oily rropurllea.and to alt tla Depotltora and other li. ttoencllonoMlulldlncaand luiiuuve. menla wllhln tho Biatu. ' Loamb mnile on Ural lCaUte, 10 r erceut. WOODBURN NURSERY FEUIT, KKRl'S SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AM).... NUT TREES, Vinos nncl JSlxart.xTT3oxy. Scud for Price Mat and Cuta'orue, Adhraa J. II hKTl'I.KTUKU, ocltSaiS Woodburu or. SAVE YOUR FRUIT! PORTABLE PREMIUM FRUIT DRYER Heat, tlbrapcst and most ICcoaomleal. Kealrlns but nnu reiu Drlea allkimui or rrait or vesreuula. aua projurc raltloa equal to au; inado under tbo run, or by auy other eyatem. '1 bo Bra la rurronnded by water, thereby making la Mfa. tlranbeltll to Jo I la on work whllo you aleep. The drytr la mtdo or different capacltlea, acd t oolJ trout r.-5 to IriKtOO. of saJeai. at Mwarla'a placo Thns wUhln Dryera o purcnaa for aalo on Than ll one or tbo Drrrra In operation 4 miles east sh)ld not (all lo etamlno 1 (All III -i txforo parcaaa ucwHwuvrv, otatv w .ubnij uunia rviaouaoio tcrnit. lTor farther luformatlon. addresi NKWTON IIHADLKT, baleai, Urrsoa, ! i o O o m I B J? If a o 8 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK? Jet Blaok j and ALL COLORS. 3tXi3Cc3L HocaLsr for AND EASILY APPLIED. Tor Sale by Iliu Awnf: JOHN juiu XJsof. HUGHES, Salom, E20BGE, SNEKiI. & CO.- Wboleiinlo KimpglstN, autl Uoalcis In PaintN. OIIh, and gi-hh - m.7Ts "",-J-' - NO, aMaWirn." o T7BWIN .4LDEN JADEimsiNrrXAGEiVcry; ' 174 ELM STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Admtiaementa Inserted in any papor, Before adTertiaing send for my catalogutv The Old ImmigranTRoute Across lho Caacade .nouutalua, hor owned nr Tin Cascade Hoadard Briifo Company. Kunnln via bandy, Mt. Hood, and Barlow's date, i. gun. "lueroad lU gotd repair, extensive lnj. It hi. HILLS are all KndeU. bheep-brldi-easreonalj aidy, and yet It tr the sttortskt, bl. and cheap est route orer th mountain. DUtance oer the mountalaa. 44 miles. From Portland; over tbo ffSSi,n!!. '" mU"- Froo P'"". 100 miles.- IhlTorMlSjj? &' 8tddl".5i rickl, S" ckt, kinvi? Fi'ln5 nd Letn? rrt-m orlnto Varlon. Yam. W l,iWK"I"fnVUni, tlw. snd I'olk cointiur. this la by far tho beat. neaut. and cheapeat rosTo. ' JOHH H. OAIIIISKII, IBIUKL W, (linilNSli. H It COALMAN, ProMc'ent. liARDlER BROTHERS. WIIOLKaAI.E ANU IlKTAtl. Dealers in Pianos, Organs. SHKRT MUSIC, And Musical Merchaudiso. Xo. 110 San I'ablo 8t., 1'otter's Dlcck. OAKLAND. GAL. rUrod Block, (aittf) NAI.K1TI. lfcl Your Boots! i iX?.H-rh? krTB neTfr ttif ,he MATCHLESS FIRF LIGHTER have net tbo falutett inr"i"tlon or ?U iupt ' rtortty. Jnattblnk or U-a Uautlul. Ulckle puKf a Are in the moat bolaterous areatb er wind, ralu. Hrm, hail, anomr nuke no rflffn.... ..... v. MATcauaat 1U always ready rr nao. At.ilt.UbUi for travolera. caunxra. or amy n w.l...a .'T i,,.. ....,.... i - - -; ""'" w u Aourrs WamiU), VlT' jpk ?.3., Ulo Ageut, Balem, Oregou. $55 8 S77 aa. Uastst K. Csosa, Bee' tm tV nmnaimiu