Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 09, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    H-,ili. ..- fc.
Having determined (a maintain thn position heretofore occupied by mo for tho
Largest Retail House in Oregon,
I hnvV,"iTAite tho pulille that I am now displaying
tlio JjAUOIvST and ill- bT STOCK of General Merchandise north
01 ban ItmiicUco, consisting of a lino stock of
events' a,rxc3L ESqt-ei' Olotaujas,
33Cn.ts, Oapa, Tx-vuhlLcih, Vollaoa, to.,
which is surpassed by none in the city, and will bo sold at prices to
suit the tinu's. It shall continue to be my aim to give
And to place before my patrons n variety of articles not to bo found
m any other house. It is not niv intention ih iiiihWI i1n rm11? i,v
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
value receivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
'Olutsor, at my stnnd, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER.
It Is prepared ready for Immediate nsc, and or
It Is easy to apply, and It will not crack, peel or chalk off.
For durability, beauty, land brilliancy ol color It Is
For sale In any quantity by
WE am he
w SAAumuimii ess
BALKM. : : OREGON. ,nnv2t!
Buford GanerA
Black Hawk Single
rtNlySFK-xftrv -
iron and Wood
Beam Single
S-iach lo 16-lnch.
ws wjiitrts?! ..v '
Champion Urowno" Sulky,
(NcTir b;cn beaten In the field.)
Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Tho MoShorry Grain Drill and Broadcast Becder.
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
BEiORi: ruitojTAMjra, call ojv
JfrEuXyc Brotliers c3 Oo.,
104 and 106 Front Streot, - - PO&TLAND, OR.
Weatherford & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
Etc, etc
For Medicinal jjnrpo.ea.
Modioinos Compounded, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
Little Olant
Wo wish to Inform the people of Oregon
lhat we have purohawxl the patent or "The
Little Giant Grubbing Maculne,"and that
mo aro now prepared to supply any number
ol Ilium lit a Yiry reasonable prlco. Tho sub
i)li)od lesiltnonldlsor tho superior qualities
u( these manbliie and their comparative
cheapness should recomended thorn to all
those desirous ofolemrlng olVland nl but til
lllncr oxpeme. I'or forther particular! apply
to Frank Cooper or Wm. Delanoy, Salem, or
nmoii, uugg,i:cio.
b'cio, March lOlh, 1877
Thlt ! certify that wo have used "Tho Lit
llo Want Grubbing Machine" and found It
fcuperlnr to anything of the kind ever uted
In ibis part nnho country:
Preston Muukora, Win Ireland,
Henry Isley, J 8 Morris,
A lUvls. JItlrvlnH
Kltalilwln, IJF Ilrlggs,
Henry T Haro.
Wo the undsrslsrned have soon "tho Llttlo
Glaut Grubbing Machine" work and can
attire the publlothat It ix the boot machine
of tho kind wo have over M'hm working.
M Alexunder, G W Hamilton,
J (.'Johnson, I'eter Smith,
J M Itrown, Wm II McKnlgbt,
P Illlyeu, D I' tluov,
frcio. May 25th 1877.
Indianapolis, Oct. 01, At midnight Sena
tor Morton awoke km rostless than befoio
nefiiopt. i)r. Thompson ana a portion or tho
family have retired.
Chicago, Nov. 1. The Times' lndlnnpolli
ppeclal says Senator Morton h nUrmlncly
worse. Ho U wakeful and resile, hlc.
eottctilng bnrtly. The phyalcliin Ktatra ll-at
he will bo Rhlo tit lour n'olorlc to cltalde
wbolhor tho Senator can llvo nctll inorulnir
or not.
WaMliinnton, Oot. 31. Tho following 1
thn Miioclcl Senntn Conunltteo to o otivtil.ir m
Hulijcot nf Hftoortnlnlnn andlprlarlngthe vote
for l'rexl dent mill Vloti-l'rldunt or the Un"
t'd .State: Mosr. Klmimd, f'onkllnut
Howe, MoMIUhu, Teller. Davis, Thurman,
Ilri.rnrd and Morgan of Aiabanii).
Tho Sun's Washington epocinl suvhj "A
rouferenceof niomtneiit Demncratlo Honn.
tnraand roureiuniatlve from both Eittn
West. wh held vestordav in nnllnlnatlnn nf
Senator Morton's dcatb. Gov. Williams of
Indiana, being present, indicated tils roaui.
ness to bo gulaod by thosontlraent expressed
at the conference relative lo Morton's sucoes.
porlntho Senate, and It was determined
that tho vacancanny when It occurs, shall be
tondered to Thoman A. Hendricks, who, It is
said will accept. Dan Voorheett' name wh
pro'ented, but Williams is understood to be
plodgod now to Hendricks.
Chicago. Nov. 1. Senator Morton died at
5:20 p. ra.
Senator Morton died at 6:20 p. m. The
fmquont bullotlns of to-day rendor It un
necessary to recount his suflerlngs and tho
measures employed to alleviate them.
About noon Mrs. Morton and her sons, by
her roquost, wore left alone with the Senator
forHbout an hour. What passod bstween
them is not proper to Inquire Ilafnre five
o'clock It baoAma ovldent lie had entered
upnn his last hour on earth. He had rested
a greater portion or tho day in a half lying
and half slttlnir position. As ho arow weak
er the supporting pillows were withdrawn
ho tbat lto lay prono upon tho bed. A drop
siiui.i- iinw I'revancu mo room nna rem-lin
ed unbroken exct-pi by an occasliinal nues
lion to tho eying man. Unco hiu tho
Nenator exclaimed "I am dying," ln bltcr
Inlaw, Mrs. Hollowly, Inquired, "Yeu nro
notBffald to die, OdvuiT" ho Indicated no.
by hhaking hit head. Soon after n similar
exclamation, question nnd niuwerfd pus km I
between him mid Dr. Thompeou. AtGilO ho
exclaimed "1 am dying, I nm worn out,"
nnd tlmxo were hh lust worda, From tills on
It was dllllciilt Is dhcover that life rriuilned.
On tho doclor'a Hiinouiicemcut, "llntifto
lng,"tlie ptro of his wlht and ton became
llxed on the face of tho husband nnil fn'hcr,
with now nnd then u pIleoiiH look of Inquiry
towurdu tho dio:or until his fur.lur nn
linuticomnnt, "It is over." 'Ihq widow
claHpud liorxunH to her, oxclulmlugqiilotly,
nn in iniiru never to no iiirxmiui,
"My darling boja." Tho frletiiln with,
draw, leaving them Torn lime, wliru tliey
were loil from (ho rouin. Thla evening,
by direction of Ibo mayor, tho city
hulls have been lolled M ntrnVcai, Intllonllng
the (Ifiul Snunlor's iige. The bulla will
also 1k tollod each dav Ht itoin up.
til filler tho funeral. The family' have
iiciiiiica en .iionuii.v, ni nuo i'oiici hn
tho time lor tho liincrnl ecrvlcin at ltnb.
erl's 1'iirk M. H, ohuro'.i, nnd llm Inlor
uieut take nluco at Grown Hill (CMieierv
Sirvlots are to bo conducted by Usv. a 1C.
Hoshmir, Mis. Mnrlou'H former ptulor imd
the Heimtor'rt preceptor, rtfrslftul by ltevs. J,
it. Cluver, liuniy Ji.iy imtl J. II. UhvIIrs.
I'ho body will lay In unto diirlngSmid.vy In
tho corridor of tho Marlon county court
homo, now uod iu a Unto houVe, glvlngiho
lireplo of the Suite nn opportuuliy lo view
the roniitiiH. For their itroiiuiiodutloti
sncalnl trnlns will bo nut nn tiultday nnd
Monday, Tho Indian lU:u.t.nftiitry.nriir
lli(IrMirvooHnsni;u'irilnr tir.nir. 'flin Mont
gomery Giianlbor UrHitrordhvillo hinonluo
lotuliued tholrf-orvlccH, Tho 'family Lnvo ro
qm.iHl Hon. H 11. MurtlniUlc, lion. JmnrH
(I Wlldmaiiiiud Hon. Jiunex A. Wlliliimn
nnd ex-Gnv, Conrad ltikur to ieireont
Hi cm unit net for tlit'in In nmkltig ull rurthor
nrraiiLemeiilK. Tho Mayor has inllod n
mt-eiliigof cltlr.niiH In tho U.S. Cmiri loom
lo mono? morning at t o'clock, when It wPl
do uocuicii to invito i ho l'nhiilciit and t'ulil
lift and CioveriHirH cf tho owriil StuteM to
attend the fiiniial, MumbiiiN of tho bincli
and bar of thocliy end Slate nre riieh:ed
to meet ul 2 o'clock to-motiow. H-q-oria
Irnin inauy towiiH in iheSrateiinnouiiut) tho
tolling of bolls. Oov. Willlami will nlo.o the
State olllcuon Monday, and Mayor Cuveu the
olIiccMof tlio city uovernmuut. Thev will
Jointly rtquost tho (illlr.uim to cIim-o thi.lr
uoutea irom noon to;i o'clock on that dy.
Wimhlnctoii. Nov. 1. Tlio il.k of Senator
Morton was mnrkod br a bouquet ol plain
whllo flowers placed thero by sumo Irlend.
'I he chaplain In tho opening prajer alluded
to hla illness. Tho Senate couimltioii on prlv.
lieges and elections met, and luimedlwU'ly
adjourned on accoantof a moinberrecelvlng
a telegram announcing tho death of Senator
Uastons, III., Nov. 1. Hammond's ex
tenslvo Hour mill was almntt totally wreck
od at uoou to-day by tho oxploslon of a
boiler. Henry Wilson, fireman, and John
ny lliown, a lad fifteen years old, wero in
stantly killed. LohsIZO.UM.
Gen. Sherman. Adit. Geu.Tnwniend.and
bureau oQloeri of the war department, met
the house appropriation oommltlee to-day
and dUouwed tho reduction of thearmv.
Towtifend stated that tho army has now not
over 20,000 men, and the regiments will not
average over 160 man. Gen, Sherman and
associate thought it was wWer, to out down
thn reglmontal organization than attempt lo
reduso tho rank and Hie. Thn committee
will report an appropriation bill upon thn
basis for the four months that are gono and
eight tbat aro to oouio of IJ.COO
IiidlauapolU, Nor. 1 Governor Williams
has returned fiom NathliiKloii and diiilis
haying had interview with Indiana oongrtM
men or expressed any preference legardlug
Morton's successor. Ho has tun tuucli in
specttortheSMiaiorJperhonallvand too much
regard for tho feelings or the fuuliy to mau
Ifest indecent haste In tho nutter.
Morton makes mo wlh to be counted among
thoeo who feel In his doith Iho Krlnfnfa
personal bereavement. R. 11, IIatim,
Washington, Nov. 2. Tho following was
Issued at ii lato hour thlsovoulng:
Kxr.enmvH Mansion, WAsittNcvroN .
ov. ::,t877. j
I lament tho sad occasion which makes It
my duty to testify the publlo respect for tho
eminent cltlr.en and distinguished 6tntcamiui
whoso death yesterday nt hla homo In In
dlauapolN linn been made known to the peo
ple by lelngrrtphto Hiiiioiineemont. 1 ho ser
vices of Ollvor P. Morion to tho nation in n
dlllloitll nnd responsible ndmliilHlra'loii nl
thtuirfalMof Iheatnto of Indiana ia ltn gov
nrunratn critical Juiictmo of theclvll wnr
(hii never IxMivervnluod lirlil.icnuiilrvmni
Ills long hoi vlcn In the senate Ihs htiuwn his
gren: powers es u legUl nor nud as leodi r
and chief counsellor of tlio political prty
olmrgetl with the conduct or Iho government
during that po.lod. In all thltiKH nnd nil
times ho hud been able, strenuous mid faith-
ful III tho IHlblla Air li'(H. and IiIh f.tmn ulth
his countrymen rests upon n sorttra founda
tion. Tho several executlvo doDartmonti
will bo closod on tho day of his funeral and
appropriate honors should be paid to the
memory of the decesed statesman by (ho
wholo nation.
It. D. Hayes, Prosldeut.
It liprobihle the sonato will attend tho
funeral of Morton In a botly , adjourning
nuvuim uny. jur IUO purpose.
Tho senato chrmbor, before and during tho
uriiuaesHion ea-usy, was one or marked
solemnity. Senators converged togothnr In
hushed tonos, tho single topic of remarks bo
Ing the last great Inroad of death among
their number. Not only instances of the
power nnd ability but also numerous of the
personal warm hoartodness or thodecevwd,
werorolatod, and during prayer by tho
ohaplain, many mold eyes were soon on tho
iiooroiiuosonaio. uov. iMoth goes to In
diana tonight ss ono of tho committeei ap
pointed by tlio senate to attend tho funeral.
Tho Times' Indmnanol Is correspondent In.
torvlowrd Gov. Hendricks lo-ulght regard
Ing tho f-onatotlal auccesslon. Houdr'ckM
said ho had not the allghleot Information n
gaiding Morton's suueensor. He thought tho
subject shniild not !) mentlouud during Iho
lirs or decoded. Ho liad, however, notitiubt
VoiirhetiH would boiippolnied, but doubtle
Gov. Williams would exerolmi no undue
hasto. His (lleudrluks) uamo would cer
tainly not be considered In conncctlou with
tho appointment. He hud no tltblro to ro
turn ui the senato.
Iudiiiim polltlclims nay Oiy. Williams In i
recent Interview with Tllden wnsttrongly
tirgod to nppulnt HendrlckH lo Mitvcod Mor
ton. Tlldou thought It who very Important
to tho IntercMs of the Di'inocr.iey loliawi
him thero mid lliorn was n party ilciinmd lor
It. Williams In reported lo luiorcpllnl
llemlrlckn had already urged upon him I lie
great party nccei-nlty of appointing Voor
hrcs, mid had Mild It was it parly deiiuuiil,
etc. An an explanation of Ihero lendiie' tin-
sires, Tllden iliiuks It wctild be well to force
lliitulrli Its where hu would bo oblli.-ml lo
shoulder n good ileal of the Kift mont'j lot I,
nnd Humlrlcks thinks Yoorhti' i;uld
dr.iw the flio of the tinmlliirr nni.H n mil.n,
than hltiikulf.
London, Oot.3I.--A special from roredla
coutalns tho following : Tho Turkish lota at
.uiiiniiiirnuriiiouuwinii or tho position
JtwMi-iir f"Vt,clc Oot. Sllh, wasat least
..!. 'iJUwl, besides wounded and prisoner.
tUO Iltl'H HUM lllllV Bliri.nuiln.1 I..
Plltftblirir. Oot. 31. A Nnn-lAl lo llm r(.,..
mri!iniw.ir.oitofri)m Ket Liverpool, Ohio,
wyt.: Hitneen -1 and fi o'clock tliNar crtmuii
Italph Wintirglll cut hla wifoV ihioat with
IV rPXUr. CllllSlmr death In it lVm i,ilnmu
Then giihlied hit own Ihront, tovnrlng the
wlnilplliuHiiil Infl'clliigiv wound wliluli will
piolmbly result r.ttally. Ctuto j-alousy.
Tciro Hati to. Oot. :il...-A horitUIn murder
WHseoinnillleiUia o'clock Nut night uluhl
ml Ion Wist or this city at llm roldoin:o nf
llurgonoTrllte,ii wealthy Mrmer, TrlltuVt
lilinl iiihii, Hi IvoniiH iliiri.ljiiin.und i voiing
man in the iielghbnrhmid wnie Milium lor
Uoha lliirgnyiiu'Nliund. Sunday night lluru
iMiuqinvireliil with hla rival, mid u account
or thelulicr's Imvlng visited tho girl ana
ihrinteiird her violently. IhI night theold
peopln weio imakened iy (he liiirnlng nl'tlui
ui per pirn of tho Iiouhj, nnd the btruntiirti
was fiiitlii.lv (onsiime.l. The i:orpMi or K-ina
wim found in (ho ruins with murks Miowlin
hut her thruitt hnil bten cut, Hint thin Im
Imd Ii on hUtil ml In the hide. Hlio mm itho
MIHKtmicd In a lflrgufjrped,Milliuttu luilv
"i-, iiiueii iiiirue i. iiurn nttti ii.il nm
iiiiiiit id mis cny, nut naf. not boon dl-eowr-ed
l-iiliudelphia, Oit. 111. ThiiolllcrrM of the
United States mint Imyn lilteovtr d that
MiimoillNhoiKht pineilt'CH liavo been gohuon
In iho reliiioi'M department tor muiio time
pint. They are oonlliieitiiM faras known, lo u
kliigle employe, at 1iomi lioii-euboilt h linn
drod ounces of silver wero dbooyered. Tim
dlnctor of tho mint, Pollnck, refutes to
lllrtkn nubile unv fauts on liin ui'iiiiml il. ui
his doing MimlKht deleatthn emU of jiiMlcu.
Coiihtfintlnoiile, Nov. I. U l.ollluUllyuti.
nouueed that 122 UK) men nre lo l.o lmmi!.
ulely called out fur active lervlco. A nut.
lorlty ortlieMinrn ineiiilieiH of thoiosorvo
Tho draft will havu 333,100 regMcred mem
bersorthe reserve.
Ixmdon.Nov. 1. A Ittisslnu eifllcUl tils.
fays I he total uuiiiberol prlnoners captured
at Dubrlk nud Tllcho was 7,000, liii'luiliiig
two puhliHH. 2MJ elllcera umt an KngllNh
colonel In thn TurkUh Kervlco, Alter the
victories at Dubrlk and 'iVIhcho the HusiiUii
(woiiIh upproaohed lUdoiulrza, mid Clmvkut
Paaha, w ith tweh e batiallniiH, lied from thero
without waltluu to dent mi' thn lirhluo. whleh
is now In ract In our hautls. Our cavalry Is
pursuing Chovktil Pasha,
Uiichareht, Nov. 2 On Wrdiienlay Chev
ket Pasha nd van red to retake Tellt-clin. He
was deloaieil aflert-everal hours i'niHL'ninni
by thn Ituimlans at Itadouiart, and lied In thn
KreaiestuiHoriier. J'lovna luiiowcomplulely
CosxmercUU tret. SALEJI.
plry, BtMttut4Urnor
Z !Z Ulnui. A. GKAUT CO,
J, t, I U-i 6U, Cutlmll, W.
B, X, comer, at bead of stain.
Washington , Nov. 2. The family of Sena
tor Morton have received a large number of
telegrams of sympathy from prominent per
sons and pergonal trieuds, Including the
WAUti.wrojf, Nov. 2.
To Col, W. ft. Jlollow-iv, IniilrtiiHioUt:
tour meMaKH received Ul evening, JI
sharo most fully In tho i-orrow which our
whole country frets In tho loos of ho em.
uent, patriotic nud wIko urate, nun ss the
late Senator Morton. The stuinto adjourned
immediately this morning on iho hiinotince
iiieut of Senator Morton's death, limltm Ilrkt
appnlulod h a cominltloo to attend tlio
funeral obsequies. Senators McDonald.
DavUof IIIIiioih, lluruside, Mayard, Came
ron cf Pennsylvania, and llooth.
W. A, Whi;kli:ii, Vice Prodldont.
Wamh.noton, Nov. 2.
Col. W. It. Hollowey : I dtslre through
youtootrcr to Gov, Murton's widow and
ramlly, my warmest sympathy In lliulr great
fM (lllnl Inn. Amlil I liaa tHttMnit nm I kl nfiirA
mariifustatlrms ol sorrow by tba publlo at I) la
Ilunorluu tba Timid.
Upon tho receipt ol the Intelligence of tl'o
umiii iii .loiiirar u. r. Morion on rilday,
Itie Kxecmhii nud Di partmeut oIIUih, hi
the H lite House wero closed torlhn day, In
lespeot fir his memory, Tho eiihu uiioti
the Stutc.liiiii olllco wits uUu set lit lirflf
A fjt'iiot'.sij nutiiod (loroliimo Cnvtiii
cliiliiisto huvoiii.iduiKlI.ic'ivc'ry whuro
ly Witter power limy ho Hulistllulcil fur
Hteiitn In fill niilInitIofiH, ovon for lo
coinolivo mid iiiiiritio otigiiK'.s. IIu
tihhurtrt Unit lio Is ulilo to ihu ll(til(H tor
tlio iirlticMoii of poworful iiii'ciiiiiik-il
clle'els, Ills liivciilloti riHllutr, Umt upon
nm in tixiti o i in (lto tirfniiiro irom
lite liottotn to tlio HiirfV.co of ituy llqiiiil
inns-", otiitblliiK- him, with tho on tiny or
hut it hintill uildltioiiiil forco, to cloviito
Unit mil; nnil, hi.toiki, iiioii IiIh ullll
zlner this iiiiiK.sii.su heavy weight, tho
lircnntito of which ih ronvortt'il Into it
(lrl inij or other jiowor.
rc!oM'0 niiikcH wot'ilerlttl fttridca Jti
onr duy. It Is now found Unit tho lor
tiifiitiiiion of mnlt, tlioitlcoliollziiiiun of
thejtilfo of thot,'riip;j, tltoilccityof iiiciit
thu L'iiiiL'rono in wounds. Iliomireiid of
hiiiiiII mx in (holK)dy iiudofiu.stilunco
iiirDiign a city, n ro iiiiko tlio iniiivoi
,. ... . ".r ..wx'm.a aaa run uiiit
urn poMUott at tho third attempt. Theya
cue tlio Turka or having lured (horn under
it dentrurtlvn flro by dlplaylng n whlto flg.
A lliit'hireat enrrespondent favstho ltus
Mans aro fotlllylnplposltlonsnt Dubrlcl: and
lolr&cho, flstheviuo Ihrnienpd with ncont
liliind Hteck by omnn and Chofket Pashas.
on n '""7 lUu'A Athlnimple. Oct. IBtli.iav
-0 tim rerugeo uomen unit childion wero ElllI
Ittteiiftlii enrrntinii.l..ni n...i..
of tho bomlmrdmnnt of PjilgorPj-.e Is expect
Ml in n n.w dv, ttie Prlnoj of Montonearo
uaviiipnrriveii at heiidquarlers nt Orcluk.
mH1,'."'"0,1'?1- A" n,reioum fflnl eaya
Mukhtar imd ImiihII Paclms have rellrod toa
strong position near HsMau Kaleh. Tho
Hum, an oppupv a iKisitlnu behind Koprlko'.
Ill 1h riitinrlml In ihuih...i , .i '
,i r ,r . . .un auuiiuiiio iiiai vir-
ehailio had been captureel with Chefkot
Pashn and several thouand troops.
St. Petersburg, Oot.3l.A special Kurnk
darn ilalod yesterday says negotiations with
ho Kars garrison are brokon oft and the
bombnrdmont recommenced. The district of
Kogysman Is placed undor Itusalan admin Is.
trailon. Gen Hoyndnman and Turgukas
soiriiavo circctod a Junction near lliMin'
A Servian communication to tho Porte nya
Servla's mlllury measures are solely to pro
tect her frontier, and Servla hopes for the
maintenance of good relations with Turkey.
IlolKrado, Oct. 31. In consequence of the
violation by ClrcasslatiH or the Tliilnk fror.
Her orservla, a Sorvlan brigade loft Gradls'a
for Saltsuhar.
Hagusa, Oat. 31. Tho Montenegrins have
occupied Iho holshls commanding Pod bo
rllM and Its bombardment Is considered Im
minent. Tho Turks aro battening to tho do
feme of that place.
Constantinople, Oct. 31. It Is ntllolnlly an
milium, that thn brigade which wns ea
trenched nlTelUche hns been dlspmce! by
tho ItUkciaiH. Chevket Pasha it tortlfylnrr
In thn neighborhood ofOrchaule.
Siillonmn Pushna loleuraphs conflrmnllon
eiflho repirls that the Itusalan Army or Do
brtitUoliu U mirchliig to Kugghen, nearSllla
trli, IjOiuIoh, Nov. 1 A concupnndent whet
was nn eye wltnc., telegraphs from Ktr.ei
iiiin that iheTtirks wero evacuating Unv.au
Kaleh ou Tuesday night tlio llutslnim Htir-prl-nl
tho rear gnnrd, Hiking two b.uulllnii
prlhoners. The ItuxRliiu lots wns Inslgnlil.
rant. Thn enemy's approach wns uitirly
iiiiKJlKiutcd. The Turks now occupy a fonn
hlnblii position nl Devo lleiyitm, thu latt tic
fvnslvo position Mist of HrReroutu.
finudnn,Nov. I Anell'ort Is being mnilo
lo gab, pihseislnu or I ho Plevna nud Itahova
rosdliytlinUouinanliius. Theforeo bolwecit
vidimil Iskr.iye.tnid.v m.ulii n rrcouiiuln
MiM'onloiigtiin Danube In thn iHuetlon of
itmiovo. At Vsdeii llioy louniliiTurltlsli do
liicliiiHiiil eceupyltig neiiin eatlhwcths, nnd
nno-o brlfi viiriiouiulotlio TllrkUli tnngiislnu
tr.pliiduil ntiil thogairlhdn letrinttd in thn
direction or Itiihovn. 'Vva crwiut:.r.i of
Koiimniil ns o-cupy Iho redoubt,
Ixiuiloti, Nov. a. A Ktiosliin ollUlnldl
pnlelnMtcd llogot, Nov. 2, hajn Ucncrnl
Kauzcirntitiounoos tho uapturo of Dun Tote,
wen, norlhouit of Orcliaulo, whero Ihero
weioanveii largo and thirty mull rcrllflul
piihlllomi. Tho Turks left upwards of a lino
tired dead o Iho Hold. Our Ions wns IiihIr.
iiilli'iiiit. Wo siilwd nl.irgo quanlliyofpro.
vlstonv, tools for oiilrciiclimcnlH, cartridges
mid a herd flfoattlo.
Veetcrday Grand Duko Nlclinliis Invpcotod
Urn prodlUms wo Imio occupied nt Gorney
Dubrlk, from which Iho Turks, outhonp.
premoh of the lhiH.lnini on the .tint tilt., w lib
drew duilttg tho night to I'lovtm. Thus thU
mportrtnt point has p.vted into ourlmiida
withe nt lighting. Tho ntnhilay woiidvAiirod
from Dublin, two icn.tH nror Plivnn. Wo
nreiiIs;eiiircimhInr;luour new p t.liton to
wn rd Orehiinle. Our Infantry ot voided l.uk-
owliKnutul tho cavalry uintlo further ad
vanctt. Chiivkot P.ishn U lotlrlntj without
tlhtliij; toinr.lii Ornhniilu.
I'ons'.iintiiioplo, Njv.i A relnforcniieiul.
o(2U bitul! inn nas been sunl toOichaiilu.
Hi. Pelenil.urg, Nov. -1. Tho Idea Is rnjild
!y ginning ground hero Hint norlmps tho war
may bo tluMiod this year. CVrtululynirrcnk
Ul'ortwlll hu jiiudo, uud It Is i:rm rally b.
Moved that to tho ovent of succevs, Itutfaln
will demand frto pastngoof the htrulia and
tlioiiutoiiouiy of Northern lliilgmla under
kiiiHo Gorman prince, with n guarantee of
the great Hiwers.
IOildon , Nov, .1. A Itii.slau ofllolal di.
pttiliilntfeil VMuJol lho2.Uuyr: Arior Ilia
iiliiio.'it uureHlhtvil occupation of Kaprlkai on
tlio 2iilh ult. when Uliu.l, Miikhlnr nud
Ismnel 1'ai.haK' rear guard hahtlly rotiealed
to Iliiiihan Kaleh, ou- cavalry coiulnuml tho
purnilt nud two hours nfier midnight attack
id Ihoon'imy'a bivouac, Alter a Jdiort eklr
mlsh wo (iitnrod tho blvouno, cut down 100
men and compelled others to take to flight.
Tho pursuit on tinned six vend when it was
discontinued becauso of tho r.xlremo futlgue
ofboth nun mid horses. At Iho in tho
morning our nivalry ociuplt-d JUsnau
Kaleh. Meaiillmu nlher ivunlry nrrlved
near Kuriidyhiik, eighteen versls Irom ICrze-roiim.
loss, of which no one can'be more i-onslble ouely rapid growth of Itilliuto plautH or
than myself, my long frlondeblp for Gov. ' living- lurmouti).
Tim Intent reports ithoitt (ho tiotnto
crop tt J'lnnl.tnd uro tho wor.st of nil.
Acfordln to tho Loudon 'flanleii,' tho
ifhitlt Is "total de.strnutinii," Kur twon
tyyeiir.s thore Iitw hoott no nttsiulc of
dl.seaso ".so Hwirt, bo Koiiurul uud ko
coiuplete: l.iiri'fiiilotHDl'iml.ttous.Miiiiiil
utKi iiu.-iltJiy to'd.ty aro converted into
mtiBMi.i ot rotten fitein.s uud putrid
tuhor.s to-morrow." Tho eioos looked
very Jloiirlslilnt; llvo woolen hjjo; hut
tho iili:io.st Inccvsiint r.tlnn htivo heim
de.striiftlvo. Nothing hut it Novum
drought cim fa vo polittocs onmigli for
eed. Tho prospect l.s gloomy in tho
Hands Kl.iincd vlth ulienileaN mnv
ho cleaned hy jitililut,' oiio.riuirti
pound chloride of lime uud fourotiuucx
of wuler litlo n miiiill widiMiioitth hottlo
nnd when rcooliod for u.se pour out
.sonioof tho thick Hcdluuint luio it miu
cer, imd ruhlt well over Iho luiuUs
with pttinlco Htonuorit nuil-hrii.sh.
Wo know of no other whom tho
following axiom l.s 60 very Important
us in tlio Workhlion: "An uco foroverv-
Ihlug and everything1 In Us place."
1 Ii
fettix ..a-4rC & .
r.ji.. n Ji -n