1 '' fMsT''w"" 'r -T "-., v, I I I I VJtV " --r, '-' 4 i u M 1 53 WnjLAMETFTE FARMER. illiimrif Jfarnur. IKIOBU KTJSBY 1MUDA.Y, lir OLAUKK As OK.A.IO, rtmumiiui and rnormiTona. ft. A. Cli.VKKK. . W. CK,11. Tornta of Miiharrlption. Oti6(yi?y, imn jriar(ft flllKrl) ?BtSCI Onoropv, fix motilu(?liioMlicr) l.U. Ono ropy, trmv month" flit nmotier"! .. .1 "hAI.KM, FRIDAY, NOVfll, 1877. TUAKTISnAVIITG PROGRAM ATJOi;. y Tin l'wwnr.NT oi' tiki ii;iti.d JirATEaOl'AMlMUOA'-rilOOMMATION. Tlio completed circle of Hummer nnil "Winter recti tlmo nnd hnrvi'ttt lian broiiKlit im to tlio nccuntomed bcosou nt which rellRlotB peoplo celebrate with prnlsonnil llinnltfglvln;: for tho enduring mercy of Almighty God. Thin devout anil public coiifcrwlon of ho constant nt tcntliMico of mnn unon tho DItIiio Fntliur for nil good bIAh of -life nnd health, of pcne and imppincB. no cany in ottr iiih tory mndo iv linbltoi by our people, fiudH in tho Hiirvey of tho pwa year now ground for IIm Joyful nnd jrrntoful mtinl fcntfltloii in nil tho lilcMnga which do pond upon beiiltriuuit fensonn. Tills lina liocn inomornblo year over the whlo ter ritory of our country. With nil lti dl vcrtd'ty of coll nnd ollmnto nnd producle, tho earth Ii.-ih yielded n bountiful return to the labor of tho hUHbnudman. Tho health of tho pcoplo ImH been blighted Lv no prevalent or wi'iuipruatl UlHoiiHcn, Ko ijruiL dhaKleru ofrililptvrcet: upon our Oontiiii or to our commerce mi tlio .seas Iimvo brought Ion and hnnlahlp to iner hauler or mariners nnd tho tiiioloudcd hnppincKH of community with nympa thotlo sorrow. In all that ooncerriH our fltrriiKth nnd jwinco nnd Rreiitno-H as n na tion In nil that touches tho permanence ami pecurlty of our govern men t nnd tho tatilflocnt InfttUulloiiH on which rest; lu nil that af lids tlio character nnd dlxpo mIIIoiih of our peoplo nnd le.stn our capac ity to enjoy nnd uphold tho eqtiHi nnd frco condition or noeitiy im now perma nent nuil unlvcnml throughout tho laud. Tho exnerlenco of tho lnnt year Ih con- eplcuoiihly mnrked by tho protecting prnvldi neo of Clod, anil Is full of promlxe and hopo for coming gonoratlonH. Under nnouHeof thcM3 infinite obllgatlonsto tho Jrcnt Ituler of tlmen and Hcn-sons and uvenK let uh humbly iwcrlbo It to our own faultHnnd frulltltH, if any degree of mat pcriect concoru nnn imppincM, pence and Jtintlrn which nuch great mer eleM hhotihl ilimiBu through tho hearts and liven of our. peoplo do not altogether and a I way h and overywhero prevail. Lot in with ono spirit and onu voloo lift up praloo anil thanltpglvlng to (Hod for IiIh multifold goodnctw to our land, and his uinnitct care for tho nation. Uw,lhorefore, I, Uuthcrford D. JTayoB, l'rrtddcut of tho United HIuIch, do ap point Thurwlny, the 20th day of Novom Ih.t next, an a day of national thnnkeglv log and prayer, and I earnestly rccom Mcnd that withdmwlng UiemselvcR from Menhir cares antl Inborn tho peoplo of tho United Hta tea do meot together on that day in their reaped! vo places of worship, there to glvo prnlHo to Almighty Ool for 31 In mercies, nnd to duvoutly bcwevqli thitr continuance in wltntNt whereof, etc. 111. I1AY1CS. TunjrusmviNQ YnociIKixA-rion. T thn Jcoplo of the Stale of Oregon: In oompllancu with nu honored custom, nni in nctnrdiinca with tho 1'roolamuUoii fthol'rrhldentofthe United Ktntert, I, H. lf. Chadwlck, Governor of Oregon, do hereby appoint, Thurnlay, tho laith day ol November, A, I). 1877, to bo obmrvod by tho peoplo of tho Commonwoaltti nn n Day of Thnnlcglvlng and I'ralho to AN mighty (IihI for tho munlfold bhivdugs whloh Ho has bellowed upon our favored ftlnto during tho year, for the nbiiudnnt fanrvrHtfl that our Holds hnvo borne, for the plenty that illln our homec, for tho general proHpority nnd health that wo enjoy, and for the bonlllcent l'rovidenro that linn prei-erved our iHirdcrs from tho threatened deoUtlou of n ravage war. And do ar neatly rceommentl that the rcplo of the Htnto on that day lay Mdn their UHtial unploymentH and aicmblo thomHelven together In their necubtomed ylaroof publlo toorMilp, to glvo tlttlug IrYttlmoiiY of their rratltudo to tho Puttier of all for tho tender mercy lth whloh he hatt overnhndowdcMl im. i In witness whereof, I hnvo heroto Hft ray hand uud eaunisl tho Heal of tho Ktato of Oreim to bo n nixed nt tho l'.x -iutlvo Ollleo, in tho City or Hnlein, thU let day of November, A. 1)., 1H77. AtteM, H. K. CUADWICK. . 1 Cuadwiok, Mtcretnry of Htntc. UEA1H OF EMMA k'. GILBERT. Lat ovenlnK wlion tho chnrch bolls finish ed their Thorwday ovonimt call they olianged the peal to Iho Kolemn tolling for tho dead. One, many of us loved dearly had boon wait ing I'or days nt death's door, and neldum Iihh ono moro lovoly and truly beautitol In both mind and fenturo pained down tho dark val ley nnd croHHod tbo dim portal. lOuiina Ullbert wum born and grow np ntnong us horo In aaleni, nnd tho oPolo or frleuJH who mourn for hur Is wide, and their rlbl absorbing. To tbo wrilor of ttily, hIio nm morn, than almot any otboronlHido his own I'unlly, lor nlm waj tlio doar oonipanlon "f bin children during all tho yoru when il ny ail?nreu from Inianoy to womanhood, n irfiiuHiit nn over weinoma gtitst and u ; ii'oiind iinnelilsh lifyiid. Itlsthot'reqiint itoiy of iJi)iirniillstlop.iy rert-et to tho dH (tirted, but it hr.conK.s tnoru a duty whan warm frlandiblp Is parted by ileath, and wo only hnvo It loft us to pay tho Uit tribute of rexpeotandhirertlon toooo ho dearly boloved. It wa-s but yesterday that wo mot hor at our o n door, blooming with the charms of per foet womanhood, for alio woa very lovoly and tbo enthusiasm of hor naturo and hor unselfish character deeponod tho charms and Kracos luai naturo Had Kindly bostowcu upon htr. To-dav wo wait for hor burial. Thn nnlrll we lovod has flown baa Bought tho aheltor oi umnipuant Liovo. aim nor doatli lias left us a lemon of christian faith ntid trust that oven exeols tbo beauty of hor llfo. Knima Gilbert wan horn Marnh 13, 1851, dttiahleror I. N. nnd Marlotto Ullbnrt, wbo aro among our oldest and most nispcotod res. Iilonlw. Only IntolyMio became wlfoofFrank N. Ullbert, and tliolr homo was n happy one that ro httd roiion to oxpect hIio might long occupy, hut this Inserutlblo dtoroo has gone forth, h bo has nuddenly fadbd and passed from among no, wo may hope, lo realms of purer bllH and greater blnnu'ducas. Ah thn year? pas on nnd bring uh Into moro lutlmato rolallons with tho nngol wo term " tho dectroyer," wo Icolloss drod ol his coming, nnd why tdioold wo U&r It when ho many wo havo loved hnvo gono bafnro 7 Tho good of all tho agon have boon transport ed to that "but'.orland." Relieving hucIi a lire and Huch n death as hen, wo may vr oil any: " Oh, Death, whero Is thy atlng I Oh, Grave, whero la thy victory." And how fitly wo aro romindod of tlieno bonutlful linos addressed by tho poet liryant to ttio doath of ono llko her: 'And then I think beauty dlod. Sl'ATE FAIR 6PECIAI. REfORTS. of ono who in hor Tho fair, meek blossom that grow up and filled by iny ldo, lu tho cold mofst earth wo laid hor, whoro tho loroMs cast tbo leaf. And wo wept that ono so lovely nhoold bavo n llfo no brief; Yet not unmoet it was that ono, llko that young friend of ouw, So gentle and ho beautiful, should pariah with the (loworn." a. A. C. LEBANON NOTES. , OcTommSl, 1877. Woather loyely ivlth cold froaty nights. ltoads from horo to Albany aro lu atorrl bio condition. Col. llou'c and oartv aro raklnc somo aur voth on the W. V and O. M. road, nt prenmt. Thol'ostoinco building oaught tire tbla morning at half paat coven, tho flro origi nated from tbo atovo plpo through Iho roof oulto a lively blaco for a few momenta. Nu damage, bowover. Pork paoltlngHoason hascommnoed at Al bany, fro notlco qulto a number of wagon loaded with pork puna through horo for Al bany. ' Tamed np MImImc. Wednotday morning about 6 o'clook, naya tho Albany Observer, Mr. M. T. Llndtioy. living lu tlio lower part of tbo city, lea homo with tbo lutontton of going to tbo farmers' VVarohnuKe. to tranxaot koioii buslnt'ss, Jiiht beforo atartlng ho oomplalnod of not fooling wall, and remarked to tils u I To that he would ba back In n short tlmo. Ko nnonelnimi was felt by tlio frinlly tiiilll noon, when, becom ing anxious they caused Inquiry lo he made, but up to Uat night no tldlui; of the mlsMug man had tieeti reonlved. Any lufnruutlou ciiuceiiilulng bin whoreabouiN wdl bo grate fully recolved by lilndlntraotod family. Strntnni DUnbleU. Yistenlay afternoon whllo thn stramnr "City of Saleni" was on hor way up tho river aud noma miles Imlow this olty, she bad the inlsfortono to twiHi tho wrist from oirtho crank aud thereby allowing the pUton to coma back with mioIi foroo as to mnuh tho head of tho cylinder lu. Tho ateamor Ooil dent eame along side of her and thn freight was transferred to her, the Salem then "put about" and oUrted for Portland using ono engine to drlvo her. U Hot Scott will have her all 'hunkyxlorl" In a tew daya. to the J-li;)t Silver Itloh StrUt. It Is iriwtod that Iho prty now Faiitlsm district woil.leig unn of tho rwnnlty tholUiiai tr tc Oohl aud Mining i.'ouukiuy of tills e'ty havo n.otntly trcek a otii f ipiarta eflulalulug who K"ld in rleh nluiiiiUiii. Ur, U. I. Tnoru, i tin tfmmrinttinileul of tint mluUig pJ'ty, Mill lomrii hero Khortlv with a ton or foot tbo rook wtilch will ba worked up In .Mr Fink' mil and tho character of the lodn (ItitnWiprd, This is a very enrgllo com ranr.aud It Ik now pretty evident thsv tint tl Pork twlaiare both riol aud t iimi. aivu. Portland Columbian. I'rtpAiluu fur ItluU Watr. W. J. IJoireu, Superintendent of the Tarm rt wstbliouMi lc prepatlug far tlio IiIkIi watrrexptuted this winter. The outer erlb on tbo npsr end of thn wharf, I being Ailed with bruNb, Kravel aud stouf, and tbti uter plllnc U tug protootint from drift 'Ki by ati outklda oattug of heavy rlnk. tlio barf, mure tmtore, will now bv duubly o. Don't Appr. Of the 7i pMsngrH mi left tbta city ob WatunUy lm for Hin Trouolseo. not a alrtgU ueof tbtlr nmicn apr la the paneager rtxtof vltiivrthv AtKOO or Aim. Uowb IbUT I. O. O. T. Tho O. W. O, T. writes uh that on tho 10. h nil.. Dr. II. II. King, agisted by A.N, lluell. J. It. Miller aud Mary lluell, all ot Looklntc (lUsi IKlge, organlrad a new Lodgo lu Camas Valley, with eighteen charter mem bers. A.J.Jarnlgan i W. O. T.s MhT. A. Martlndalo, W. V.T.; J. W. Cor, W.S.; Mrs. v. ai, jjim, r. w. u. x ami v. a. King, Lodge Deputy. Sad Bereavement. On Mondiv last. Mr. V. W. Ilaev. whosa ft. her Uvea mi tho Orphan Jiomo road, ami whobasbeenat work near lltnler, on tbo Columbia river, brought np Iho body of a child who had died of dlntherla. fur burUl. Lust nlrfht his only romaliilnK child dlrd of the mmo terrible scourge. 1 ho rsinily bavo tho Njmptthlcsor their frloiuls In their cad bereayemont. Contiiiot Arnrdfid. The contract for furnishing tiecf to the Penltuntlsry for thn ensuing year wa an ard il to Mchhim, Ninlth, Thomps.)ii (V Co., they brine the lowest bidders, Tho contract price i f- W per hundred pounds and la counM erud low. Wo lllovo tho clieipest rates iHirr-toforo obtained on like contracts was J3 -10 Kr hundred poimdt,. The Wet Shore. This hplendid monthly, pobllihed by I,. SainneU, of lMrlland. lor October Is at hand, repleto with information, particularly tbosa wlmaroM-uklng nana from tbt far o if Coast, No twttcr papers than tho Wtat Shnio and Wlllatiietla Parmer -an bo hent lo friends la thn Staten lf you wnnt them to learn of the taai reaouicy of our great State. Good Selections. Prof T. V Campboll, of Moomo-jth, and Prof. I. V. rrtt,of Portland, were elected, attliH last meeting of the State Board of IWucatlon, luvmbora of the Buto Board of Kiamlnatlou, wbwh meela aeml-aunuatly at Salsm a the drat Monday of Jannary and July. AJiwUtdl Charlea Shrader, of Polk county, baa boeo dudgd Inatne by Jadga Trultt of that county, and ordered to the Aaylata. J.J. WllltatUM, Sherlffof that county, went dt wa on yeaterday aftcmoon'a train on hta way to Hut Portland with thounrortunate uuui. hbot ExmntT ov twrntt-onk vAnnrriKs or OATS AND WHEAT UHADS. Theao wore placed on tho West side of the South Pavilion, and woro the wonder and admiration of boboldorH. To say that tbeso specimens wore auperlor Is but a poor word. In short thoy aro just what Oregon can pro ducouudor tho care and culttiro of our go ahead friend, D. D. Pretty man, ol Polk ootintv. Thn rmnmittpo awarded htm a col ored diploma on the foregoing, and on ten varlotles or grasse", n plain dlploin. Tho tlnincfisot tho -Society nelng somewhat d prosHod on account or tho extremely b-ul woUher, durii.ir tlo ti'vt fuir dajsor the lfalr, low preuiiimis were generally awarded. , LAintuivrAuon. ThlaniroUent wagon was on exhiblt'eii by Prank Ihuihers t t:o., and look the blue ribbon aud a colored diploma. Tbo work manship and general appearanoo of this wagon enllilo It to command goneral sales in this country. oumitsii BDOAn cawk akp on.KD nion. Theso articles woro on oxhlblilon In tho South Pavilion, by our worthy and osteemod friend n. p. Tturkhart. of Linn county. Ore gon. They prove that our valley lands and climate are suited to tho production or those valuablo articles for homo consumption. Thoy boroofl tho blue ribbon. 1IHD nOTTOM. ThlH now Invention Is claimed by onr fel low clllr.sn, James Msore, of Oervals, as de signed to supercede Hprlng bed bottoms. It Is constructed with cords and fcupports, so that tho cords can Im lightened by slides In tho ttteads. It appasrs to possess considera ble of moilt. It took first premium and col orud diploma. UAtA.'a vim: raooi' nnnar.VM-Arua. This oupnrlor and very popular wafo was Dlaoed on exhibition, by our ci-teemed friom! I). Klebards. So groat Is tbo Importaucoof lheo admirably contructod finrea to Bll can. tallMtsand monlsd men, who dcslrotjhold their funds in hafoty from bnrglar.s, that it may not bo out of nlaco that I trlve. In this ronort, an accurate description as my limit will permit. The Prosldentortho Safe and Lock Co,, of Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. J. L. Hall has been praotlcally engaged for tbo last twenty eight years, In the art of safe making nnd In locks wnoro great security rrom modorn burglars Is required. The company claim under Mr. Ilall'H patent, dovotalled, tenon and groove. The dovo-talllng of tho plates around tho odgeaoftbodoor whloh abuta Into corres ponding doro-talls In door-Jam, noenroly prevents tho use of tho most powerful Imple ment or too ntirgiar wmen is mo weugo. in this case tho moro tbo wedgu Is drlvon iho more compact tho work Is forced together, Tbo tenon around tho door which closely tits into a corresponding groovo arouud tho ooorjamo, securely prevents uiosuceoiuui uae of tbo wodKe, and tho introduetlon of tho powerful compound nltro glyoorlno.or any othor explosive Ingredlont. Tho traverse and oaru hinges move tho door squarely in and out of tbo tenon and groovo and dovo tails, beloro tbo door will swing which com bines tho door and door-Jim together equal to solid motal. The solid steel bent or au dio ooruors t ravent also tho use of the bur glar's wedge, or any tool ho may choose to uso. Tbo walls of tula Bafo aro constructed ofaltornsto plates of Iron, welded Iron and steei, cirnotiixeu ana aocaruoniseu ateei and crystal stool. The plates are combined to getbtt liY Mr. Hall's patent conical twisted Iron dudstoel drill proof arbors, and success. fiAlyioiC tho safe from bolng forced apart by aledgo hammors, Uck-ncrews. or any Implomonts whloh tho professional bur ?;lar may see fit to iwo in their nefarious call OK. The patent concrete, used in theso safes, rendor them absolutely damp proof, which alwaya ramalns hard and dry, aud nover rusts tbo Iron, and tho aafos will remain good al nays. Tho recommendation of theso safes nnd tliolr locks Is, that they have nover been burularltod, though they hayo stood tho lo.-tt ofnlnudavH duration by an accomnllshed oxpeitlook pick, without bolng opened or ms oiitntning i,cuu piaceii uoiiimi it. Ouo of thonisaloa at our Statu Fair lmd been oHiiiod thruugh thn Iron wall and con crete but whon he got that fsr ho could ko no farther, and the $l,700and othorvaluables further In, the burglar could not obtain. To wards morning, tired, discouraged and dis appointed, bo fled, leaving all bin tools bo bind. The finish of these safes is splendid and beautiful. Thoy aro in luolnmanyof oi ousinnss nouso, hhijim, morcaiuiio nousis, banks aud othor places whoro large numsol money aud valablos aro deiosited. Though only a silver medal and the Ulue Itlbbon were awarded this xafe, yet theso wore lar below Its merits. I have, tberef ro, no hes itation In rtcommendlng this nafo to all per sons needing a Burglar Proof Safe. OONCMldlON. My report must end, as my limits will not admit or glvlUK any farther description of articles on exhibition In tho Miscellaneous Department of the Society this yoar. A uumber of artlolea whloh wero placed In this division should bavo heeu othor divisions. Tho multitude of articles and stock brought to tbo fair, mo excessively wet weatbor be fore and at tbo Pair, and a lackofa sulnelent number of clerks or other asslstanta to a. sort, Horo away, and enter those artioles In tuetr appropriate uiyisiona, would explain why ttiere seems to bo some contusion In Hoveial cases. Many, who did not arrlvo lu tlmo with tbelr articles or stock, and many moro wbo turned back and did not romo to. tho Pair, may bo much dlsapttolnted. But thoHooltoly did all In tbelr power to male tho Fair a success, uud If through bad aeath er they failed, they aro not to blame. Many arodltMatlrfied with tbo premiums mi race and trotting horaes, iald In cash by tho So clety, as tomparod with premiums an ateok, train and mechaulcal work, fruits, garden ing nud work of art and skill, by ouruoble Oregon women. It It to bo hoped that this so much needed reform, will l duly dis cursed by our now board of ottlcars at tliolr annual meeting lu Salem. I would most ro KHVltully urge ujiou the now tMiard. an in creasaofat least lllty per cent, premium on thoabovnenumerated articles, aud udtcreavc of that amount on race aud trottlnc hones for pri'mliima. And I would further re apeciiully suggest that a duo dkcrlmluation a.s to premiums lo had between all Oregon stock and artlolea and those brought from the State Kan or the South Pass, All or which is repcctfully submitted. KAMI) aBWSOMH, .Rapt, Miscellaneous Dittslou Begin tho cultivation of tho heart, nnt. with tho cultivation of noblo pro- peusitics, but with tho cutting away of tllOSO tnat aro OVll. v nun uuvu inn noxious horbs aro withered aud rooted out, then tho moro noblo plants, strong in themselves, will shoot upward. Tho virtues, llko tiio body, become atronjr and healthy moro by labor than nour ishment. To mnko thl1? world aprmtdlso re nulrn.q no clmti-'H in tint essential Btrau- turo oftliitiKS. What hinders now that it is not a paradise? Only that men do not know nnd keep the coition laws of health; that they do not know or Have not know or liavo not learned to keen tho common laws of justice and kind nuss and brotherly iovo hotwoon man and man. Just tho common ovory day matters of right and fair living and dealing, and earth would bo a heaven. Pkbskkvino Eaas. Tho secret of preserving eggs Is in oxcluding tho a Ir, and scaling tho pores of tho shell. This may ho done by dipping tho eggs in melted tallow and afterwards pack ing them In bran, layer upon layer, covering tho uppomoit well with bran; or salt may bo used Instead of bran; wa ter oatur.ttcd with lime and salt is also good. An English lady, an experienced poultry breeder, has preserved eggs in tiiis solution, keeping thorn for several years without u single failure. Fan ciers1 Journal. It I said that, of all crouturc, tho honnilus the smallest, stomach relative ly to its size. Had ho the complex ru minating stomach ol tho ox ho would not ut all times bo ready for exertion. Tho stomach of tho horse is not so capa cious, oven when distended, as to im pedo his wind or speed, and tho food passes onward with a groator dogroo of regularity than in any other animal. In eight or ten minutes after a ltor.so drinks a bucket of water it has pafcsed entirely out of his stomach into the largo Intestine Draw castings will bo fonnd to shrink onc-elglithof an inch in tho cool ing, and copper castings one-quarter of an Inch in tho cooling process. Iron shrinks one-tenth of an inch in tlio satno process. Aiceuw lor the Willamette Vurmre. Albany Jn nannmi Amity ..ItLblmpfQu Cottawo Groro JH Hhortrldgo Ilolhuo Jell Datls HiienaVleta Wm Wells, J W Mohan llrowurvllki W It Klrk lluttwlllo tlW llacliclckr Canyon Cllj nil Itblm-tinrt Cunjimvlllu WT brlrae Ouqnllle City FH Mattc?cn GWs Valley W II Clarktt t'latpoji It J Morrli-on t'rawfiirdisvlllu Kutait OIa.m Covf 11 V Kviulall Corvnlll!) .1: WoodwarU Cre-nell I'.ovoi' Unvx. ClA,l.liimi V A :,a (coi Crick ..(I It Hue n ir.lov IMI.k J IM.it.'. 1) It (.uibriu I)c-. r S lljriilrnlicr litniti- KnMM',i .v- Drain Dntiinfiiif , v Koibev l'a,,,L "J lluilnwny h.Kn A J Hntaoi KuiP-iia. Jobn Jlcriaiiit Vat Vnllcy A Jl Oartlncr KorctUrure H Ilnglice, Wl.CurtU Ooflien J llandjnliEr Nervals H M Oalnc J!1"";- TJ lllack I arrUbaric lllram Smith HillMboru ALitclllDp llonncr.. Morrow A Hofrcn Inifcpcndenco w L Hodcln Junction Smith. IlraHli'ld & Co., W I, Lemon JckMnvlllo 3i I'etrrtoa Klnu'n Valley Conner A Crctno fcffc1r',!5l, ...John W ltoland bcwlfvlllo HOMcTlnimondi Ijifiiyctto Dr I'obtilctiin. AHUvnrr '""""n 8 II ClanehtOB Monroe J09 Kclrcr McMimiTlllo J II Motrin, A ltchi Wiinninulli...... W Waterhouno Mill Plain, WT DmlilHiarni. Nly- WinMotebaS tievr KM , ....J rnrtu Jowcll.vlllp... w anlcinau North Yamhill DOHtiuart Oakland g Ifitiinond "'"IKO Alt Shipley " ;;,; .HI Kihrnider Oreirmi City M Macon I ciiitiin W A Whltrnau lint Ilnck g nttllan """"" o -i.ee, iigciiisiainiirnrtev i'nncilllo OM I'rliiaki ''"fj'liilo MrOrcw's htor nicKrrnl v 4 patferrnn llrHiebnrg ThnnHnillh gf,10--; VI' Joncf, Tlios Mnnkere S'hVI"n V.'.V.-V TIMIihbart ghd'-V, WM 1'owew, Olt Whoeltr Habllmlty John Unu-nloi gwejt'lorno ucn Mark. If1"."1,4, 1'Hnar7oe Tlio DMIck fl Xj Urooke Tnrncr y uiijMnp yjU'ewiver. 8 w lpiliIIanU.,t.l rork Wilkin. Walla Walla J F Mrovrcr akld , j fj jjldcr YoiifAlla.... iieIIImiii, II 8 Apolcpito Lot tho Peoplo Bejoice, For tho bountlfnl harvest of 1877 ha now placod In tbo hands ot tbo people tho golden coin, that they may tlee to W. P.Johuot. it Co. and necuro aucb plotnresaa will pleaso them and their friends, and bo n bleaalna in genorallnns to come. Itemoniber tbo place, I oyor Willla' Hookatore, Slato St., Salem. Or. J. W. GILBERT X'tiyM CiinH i'or Hides, Furs, & Pelts M21 Commorolal at., SALKM. iy 3EUEicK3aNr 33HAivo3a: Organs. If you want a good, round, smooth , Rwoot toned Organ ono that la made of tho beat of material, and will last a lifetime got tho Whitney & Hoi noes, ol J. H. Robblua, Port land, Oregon. Notice of Giardlas's Kale or Krai Estate. Notice la hereby clven that pnnnant to an order of Cruat) Court ol ihu connty or Marion In thn futo of urejroii, made at tno ucUiber term thermr 1HT7. 1 will olTer for ealo at pablle auction on tho lOIti clay of Not ember, 1877. atono o'clock Initio aneinoonorpaldday, at tbo Coart Hoaee door In the city of Halcni. In ai.t eonnly, the run! eatato of Iftlwanl I)inll ot and Alfred Dtimllut. minor hslr of Angiutu. Duulllot, decoa-od. Hald real oiKitn It hennded and described a fit Iowa, lo wli-llcilnnlnj; at tnn H. W. corner of John J. I'on-U-to'i Donation fjuid clilin, In T. C H, It, S W. of tho Willamette meridian, living claim No. 41. NiiUlraUon No 1010. ninnlnir thenei KAHfiplv nUim. thnl1iu.if iuIiI clilru, IMkiJ; thenco north to thn north lino of eiu naiui oi wnnn i' roujiur; merea W. 71 dee. 4S ruin W. to l tin NorlhH ct corner of aalilcliim; Ihonco Hnath 13lid rhllin: Ihrneo tattl.U cl'alnr, thence South to thu nlaro ol tiivlniilnv contitnlnw 1W acre moro or leu. AlroaCTrtalu tract nf land, boinL tho North Imirortho Oonatioulamt claim or John Mo h.iy ami wlfo hvme el ilia No 41, and sotlCcatlun No. H75, InT. Bn It. 1 W orihoWlllimclteincrrillan. con. Mining tM tut of lanil moro nr lr to iho whole, claim. A 1 ultnato In Mirlon county, Oregon. Yunua nf 4lu c,h iu hand, cold eolu. 1'. O. HULLIVAH , .. . uuardiaaof Mldialuorhelra. Oct. 18, 1,-tTT. w4 AdnlnUtrator'a Hale. police la hen by t-lvcu tl al i)pr-qnl to an onler of Iho liunonhln County Court orthoonnty o'Marinn lu thii Matti of Oregon, mado at ltn October teim, l!fJ7. 1 will offer rr miIo at pnhllc anctu-n on Saturday, I ho Mth oar of No ember, 1877. at una o'clock In the niter liiwu of raid day, at Iho cnrt houtodnor in tie city of Hulem, In aahl com ty. tho real mate belonirlii" to tho otateof A. Y. Wallr.ili-ceael.detrihedafoIliu. to wit: A part or Hoi ntlon chlni No. 40. NutlCcatlou No. 77. lu T. 7 8. I(. U W. of Wlllamctlo mertJLn. bounded by beciuuInL' on tl o Kmtb Hue of Iho couuly mad Ifadfoe eatteily from tho aat end of State f."l!f s ,0 a,u. aiten county. Oregon, at k iio.nt 8. 70 dec. i win. K. UUlcLaln fmui wheruiha ... x. . "v u'Hii n, hid dame lima wnereiaa fonth line of aald eounly road Interaecta tho Wet boundary of iho Donation Lard Claim of A. r. Wal ler aud Uleiiha Waller hU wlfe.auarunnlni; thenco 8. lu de. 30 mlu. W. US chain, irore or Iff h, to Inter net a due vut and wet line d'tldloc (aid cWlm Into two ttinal part ; thoncoeatt 13 ttch more or 1km to InUrMtt tho Cfutcm boundary lino of a certain U?CJ of. !"d tetea by A. V. Wfc'ler aixi Klepha Waller l.U wlte, to .rhbcl 11. Waller, by ilil ulu the aath day of January. lbCrt, anil reeoid ed la Marlon county record, llook of Ucixli, lo'uino No. 4, on MRU XU; theiKo N. IU drj; l mln. K. aloni: raid lat lurmloncd lino, about SJW chain to the wiuth llnu of Mid couuiy road, thtneo N, 7U de ;Wmln. w.aldntcihOMiutrilinenr ald county road to tho plac of belnii!nK, atd all vltuato in Marlun county, Ortvou, TH1JM3 Of 8AI.K-()no thlrU rah In hind, ono Ihlrd la lx tuonttiH, and iho halacco in ouu year from tho du ivr ale, bU in sold eolu. .,., . . J. A. STIUTTON. et!i-l Admlnl.tntor of raid cclatc. Atlctlnlstrntor'at Sale, Prltom Luor Utilised. Mr. J. B. Congle, of Portland, visited the Capital yeaterday, and while here aucoHeded In perferflofrarrangerneatawlth D. P. liarcb, 8operlntendentof the 8Ulo prison, for opdu IngM ahopatlhe prtoon for the manufao tare of harneee.eto., with convict labor. We andenuuid that Mr. Oongle will open aome time next week, and will work some aU or eight prleoawa at the abut, the force of baada to be Increased from time to time, aa clroumatADOM will permit and the buainaa Juatly. Mr. J. I. Jordan, a practloal work man oi inn eny, w vt superiatena ine woxk tug tore employed la the prison thopt. Nol'ca 1 lureby ulv u that, fnr.nanl Ui on order of lh hoiiMiablo CouaiT Court of atari, n irnntr. In Hi.. fc'tato of Orcsnn, uu.lo at it Octub.r term, ltf!7, I win oner i.t aieai puuue auctU'D un otirday, tno Itllh ds of November 1--77. al oru o'cljek In ihnnf. lu noon nf raid liy, al thu court honra door in Iho ei'y of r'alem in klit Marlon tonniv, thtrtsl ctato folnw to wit! A triiiflhoDenntinn Laud Claim of Mid J nu a If t key and u ,e. in T. 7 b. It 2 W, and In T H 8 It. 3 W; ifelnidua at tr. 8. W. corner of Clilci C. and Iho 8. K. conier c f Claim 8. InTSX.lt t Vf, aBdrunnlislhencaN Odes IB mlu! W, . (, chiton: IhiLic J!. 40dti.-. f.tmln. H -aii cLain,; thenco N. 4 d s. 15 mln W, 1.4 clitln: thraco N iVClog. Wnilu. V. 'JXU thiw. iIihucb N. 71 dei' U) Bin. K 6.MI rlmlnr thonrn N k a.,.. w . uln. W 4.10 chain-; tteuo N. dir. mln. K. 3.KI chain.: thitiisi eartvrly toluurrccl UiomuUi lino of luuwiairaei,!! a pviui n. J atg. cv nuu K. tl.OV chain fntu au anclo in atd enuih Hue of Mid claim hi; Ihditee 8 4 de. U mlu. W. h.1 im chain to Ui p aeo of brirlnulai, routalnlnu about 26 acm, and all idtuato iu Marios county. Oretrou. TEHU3 Ot 8ALB-tioM culu in UnJ. JaMKtl M. ItlCKBT. oeilttH AdmlaUtrator ot laid mate, j omt Mxxtmxl F IKE X3XT JSTT:R..A.:iNro ES COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, - - $568,547.46 Income, 1875, $465,904 29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - 61,137,367.60 HAMILTON BOYD, MANAOEn. arjlf 73 Plral M.. 1'OIITI.AND. Tho Light-draught Steamer CITY OF SALEM Witt muvm Pacirio Wiaur. Portland, for Salem, and Intermediate Point, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, At C o'clock A. M. Thu Light-draught Stcnmcr Will msko Trips to tbo uppor Klvor. U. B. SCOTT & CO. . JT. HATCH, General Manager. autT t SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sightcd and Noar-Sighted, NbootluK-niaaaca for Nportamen. BTKKL, SILVKR, AND QOU) PllAllKa. I AM prepared to aupplr Heetacle to fit all eyo. a) irteuiinlt. W. v. fflAUTIN, a-t, !,",,Sr 2,tUlaB Uuk ulDC". suw 8. -"' , IO(U tm JOHN MINTO, BIlIBUIU or MERINO SHEEP, .,-M.u. ...ui.uuuuuiuiu .UMtinii?. anil aurlLGPirtlec Interested tnat they can. and will , a- iv- MUCH CIIKAl'Kll IJATIJM ,hHZX' .u '"SR.S be Importeil. Itzamiuatlon and comparinon with nib- . i i "" i""mi arocomia ly invited, v Addrc joiin MINI'S, N. n.-Th nm..n,i n.r.-v"te r!??n'.- bofeenon Iho ISLAND KAHM. adiolnlriL- hikrn.- 1111,1. fAHM fourandahal ml ok .nth niA.,11. 'I Bwcm, Hcjitember 10. 1.v "' ParmB and Land ior Salo. T ?Vm V.Qn ?.UE 0NK PA"". 3'JO ACHES, ih. w5fES ,,nriU"lYit ',n' Koca orrbtrd. ltnvloB U e I'leajant Hill rort. about 14 ihIIck from iiujreno City, tome BaV. m. V. CMASK, BRVaW LMJol., tate Bonreon U J. Vofatc. one. Darbln block, ap Kalra. ,tyr 8. IT. CLAUGHTON, N9TART POHLIC Hoa.1 Btat ana, and Vollaxxor or CtaUaaa, will pronpuy at Und to ail boa-oesf enlraatd to Ma care. Ma.KU UUMYKYANCK4 A bl'aCIAUV. Offico at aba IVat4 OtBw, Xioisaxxou, Or. Al... .K.,n. I.IAII ..- ..1. :".". fUAV'" 01 tliO bt ft Tallev Itld llr.nrr..m I .,rf in .k. coouty, aoirourded lj hill aud bruh land. Ttro or u. ivii Fwiireu tan 00 maii'i out of It. Good fi?rMr . ro,?V' ..WD! 5 "" tUo wh,'e Jot tofretli ! 'il1' H'"1 u '"iI In r.ene county, about 1 mile ftom Kiin-nv City, aurt alx from CrvJ Veil Jta Addm Y. II. UTJNK, AiM Cy. 4 HEAL ESTATE LOANS.' BEGON 1KB WaSBIXGT! Trnit InTeitment Comptnr 4 r SCOTLAND. ' itm rnilS Oonpaay Ir prprrd to nroUU loana a flied prioda of y ai a , or wi ayabU by Ulf-jcatlr to- 1 ttaluaoita. Tvt lm, apply to ' .... WaClill MID. VaMccr. aom? KltSuct ForSftA. ' v,f Jj.-