"t. $2,50 per Year. BY TELEGRAPH. FUNERAL OF SENATOR MORTON. Indianapolis, Nov. 3. Tbo folio wing per- sons bavo given notice of tbeir Intonllon to bo prostnt at the funoral on Monday: Soo- retaryof war, secretary or tho navy, attor- noy-general, first assistant postmastor-gen- oral,acommlttoo of tho U.S.sonate, com- mitteooftho houco of representatives, tbo gcvornorsofOhlnand Illluota, state offlcors of Illinois, Mayor Morllnnd, ox-Mayors Davis and Johuson, of Cincinnati, com mittees of tho board of trndo nnd ohemborof oommoreoof Olnclnuatl, board of aldormun and common counsil of Cincinnati, repre sentatives of tho Judlolary and federal offi cers of Olnolnnati, Hon. Win. II. Smith, Oon. Anson Stagor. Hon . Win . Fcnn Dixon of Chicago, IIon,Itlnnd Dallnrd, Hon, J. M. Harlan, Oon. Jno. 10. Kun, Hon.Jtmcs Speed of Loulivlllo, Col. It. G. IugorMilI of Poor In, III., Col. Jumna II Kids, of St. Louis. Largo numbers of prominent men of this ntato and olowlinro bavo also telegraphed tbolr intention of being bcro. Tbo Cincinnati olty com ell and various other bodies bnvo been hut fori to-day paying respects to tbo memory of tbo lato Senator Morton. Hlsobsrqulca will bo largely nt- totaled by promlncnl Cltiolnnntlnn. Louisville, Nov. 3. At a meeting to lake notion on tbo death of Morton, Judpo Maud IbillBrri,Geuontl John Ilnrlan, Colonel A. G. Hodges, Goiibrul II. II. Ilrlstow and Thomas Speod drafted resolutions psylug a boautlfultrlhuto to tho memory of the do coaseri, dosing as follow: Mourning his loss, filled wltn grtoflhat hWgrntt heart no loncr lhrob-ln sympathy for all that Is good and ricjlrnhlo, and that 11 groit counsellor nnd ndmluLiralor bun puis oil iiway. wo resolve: - Tint o tender to hi rfil'otori family this nxpross'ton of our rrnoot fir Iho memory of uov. morion, ann 011-r in mrin uurueepesi wympUhy In this liotir of tbolr grlor. A coiumlltoo wan uIho nppolnlid loattond tho funoral. St. Louis, Nov. 3 Miss I'l'robo Cousins will loivo for Inrilunapnlh to-morrow Inst tond tho funer.il of the lalo Senator Morion Sho will tako with herahisiitlfiil floral ol'cr lug as a tribute of grtitltuilonnil rtfrpeot from Mm. Francis Minor and herself fur his linn advocacy of woman suflnign. Chicago, Nov. :t. DlepalchrH oro coming In from all otor tho reunify giving accounts ofmeotlngs and tosoluiloim of respict to Senator Morton. Indianapolis, Nov. 4 At 10 thin forenoon Senator Morton's remnluH woro escorted to tbo courthouse by tho JlghS Infantry and , pall fcoarors, tho Infantry forming around tho hearso, pall bearers and a few friends on foot, some of whom ourled lloral offerings. The boarso was handsomely covered with flags. Tbo arrangements at tbo courthouse bavo been admlrablo, and tho Immense crowd was bandied with but little oonfuslon. Tbo corpse was exposed In tho renter of the rosin ball, on either side of which a contin ual flow of people bavo passed each day and evening. At loam 50,000, some say more, have viewed tbo remains. Contributions of flowers aro In great profusion, some of them oomlnK from Washington. St. Louis, and .elsewhere. Stands nf colors composed of Indiana regimental tugs aro placed about, the floor. This evening an Impressive scene took place. At half past seven the hall was clear- 'ed and further Ingress stopped for tbo tltno to admit the relatives and near personal friends ol tbe sonator. They numbered per haps 60, and marched around tbe casket two or three times, the orchestra In a remote gallery playing an spprnprlatn election whllo they remained. The committers of the senate and houss arrived to day, and during tbe alternoon viewed the remains iu com pany with Gov. Williams. Tho draping and decorations of tbo oburcb It being done under tbo mpervislon of Qen. 'James A. Kkln, assistant quartermaster, who 'had brought froai tbe post at Jefferson ville flags and ssalstiuts for that purpose. Itepre eentatlvesof the president's cttilnet will ar rive at II o'clock tonight. Special train t have been run to-day, bringing in large numbers. Indlanapsli, Ind..Nov.5. Italnfell from daylight to noon. From noon to dark it fgrew cold, with considerable wind. Tim peraturo had f.tllen 12 d,rwi up lo sun down. From the opening nf tho court houo -doors this morning until 10;:l), an uuinter ruptel throng moved throiuli viewing tho honored remains of Senator Morton. At thai hour the pall betrers took their last look, when the ctket was taken to the hearso and thenco to tho reslJanoa escorted by'lbe mill- try. Tbe first room at tbe lf. from ihehall waagMcefullydrspel with fligsaud mourn Ibr emblemi. In front or tbe m'rnir be- tween tho front windows of thlt apsrtment atooda msgnlQ'ont bpray of white flowers. inOmmniiirnf the room, fronllns lbs en- iraneo. blood a floral pillow with a group of white and a secondary purple bonliir bear- "Ingnnonlha center. In violets, the word IImi." Immedlttelvbfckor tltl. taestb tbe mnnlul was a Unrsl medalll'Hi havlnc In- ...rf.i t it. tnn a ihMf of fall rioelwhest. rrhU wes bordered with whlU reaes, having SALEM, opposite tbeahoaf, and on tho bottom of the clroloas It lay, the letter "M" In blue flow ers, the wholo bordered with a wreath simi lar. In tbe second room, on tho right, standing on tho piano, stood a floral harp bearing tbo motto, "Our friend," and tho Initials O. P.M. flanked on on the right aud tho left by two broken floral Hlmfts and in tbo rear by a portion of the decorations used at the court housn. In this room was also placed a floral pillow bearing tbo legond "Indiana's pride," from Judgn Manlndalii. In tho third room stood on easy chair, more eloquent In Its vauancy than nil tho lliral tributes, urapeu Willi tnn statH iitul stripes and mourning colors. In thU rnom was also loctto 1 n shaft of laurel and Ivy lcafos surmounted by a wblto dovo trom whnn dpiik was suspendo.i a wrettli orinila;c and Ivy, and tho motto, "rt slight testimonial of tho gratltudo wo bear to ono who was the uuawervlng advocato of woman aulir-tcn," Mrs. Francis Mlllor and l'J'mo Ci)77.n, St, r.oulj. In thN room wns nUo dpnIlod a pillow compos'd principally of tube rooen, In tho ranter of which nnpoared tho motto, Tho Nation Mourns." The ewket was !n. posltid in tho fourth or ca(.t room, tm,ilnt tho mantel of which rented an alienor nf tubo ro-esnud riiri.nilnns wbli tho innllo, 1 K.st," In ptirplu Immnrlollrs, from the I'rovldout and Mr. ILiyes, brought bv Ititrchard Hayes. This was Hanked on one sldn by ashli-ld of wblto rrs's b'lirlugiu tho center the IiiIiIhIh "O. I'. M." In purple Immortelle, nnd on tbo othf r bv nn nnulinr fiom colon d rlil7ens of Philadelphia. As soon as tho prater reanpd tho houoii was olearrd nnd the foully lelt lor n brief hour wun tlK.lr ImuI. Uvm opening tho doors tho time b'mo rupltd pilor lo tberfinovnl of the rrnirilnstii iho hotrso by romnutlres of the cabinet, ntmatn and hniuo of represen tatives, dlstliigulslied guoiiU and loiiirrar rhrs In taking n last look, after which Iho funoml corteee wns formed acroidlng to pro irrnmmo. Tho chnruh ikcoratloiiM were elalorato nnd striking, morn so than tboe st the houeo, but ero I iter ImHglnod tliun detcrlbed. At l'J:C5 the great oririm round el tliKopenlng notes ol the fouond miirb on thodimth rf ilie lisro. 1 hi n ramo the Fare well from Jeptlia by Ilitiulel; Match Fiiiiq. title, by Chopin; Ijaobrsnu.se, fiom Ibn IKqnlei of ilnzmi; Fmn'tul .March, by Msndfls'ohn; Ulepvof-Tret.b.v,Roliibori Funeral March loth Memr.ry.ci.OsP.'iMoiv ton. by William II. 'Chirk. 11ml 'Istlhti Hiulnnte, from tho Seventh Svmphonv, lv llontlioveii. Tho rholr of 1M) voIcom tilled the space blween tho ore ui end putplts htretchlnt; around iho turn into tin. sllmlo nbovo. While iho Frowi II Iron) Jepi ha wbh walling out lioin tho orusu. the letter car riers, gisy uiiirorined and wlilio ploed, runiiiniit tbo nldo door, rich benrli'glho Ibiriil tributes wliloli bad bfeu vent to tbe Morion honiHi-tcHd. on two htaiulu, At tho brad and fool of the bier Mood a broken nil lar of (lowers, the gift of .Mr. Il'llnnd Mrs. Ingram Fletcher. Around tho altar rs'luud on oMoh side of tbo pulpit sIoimI I bo (lord an chor from President Hayes, and the l ro end tho pillar from Mrs. Hates Iho anchor from Iho colored citizen of Philadelphia, under the pulpit, tho star from Air. and Mrs. Km melt, the pillow from Mrs. Miirilndaln, end one from Chauncey I'll lev, of St. Louis. At 1 o'clock Iho remains wero brought Into church, preceded bv tho oMcMiIng clorgy men, and followed by tbo pall, bearers, fol lowed by tho family and relative. Then came Senators Davis, Iiurnside, lUyard, Mo D3iiald, Cameron of Pennsylvania, Ilooth, Itepresentsilves lUnks, Cobb, Town! end, Uurchard, Davidson, and Hanna. Then fol lowed the Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Attorney Oenoral, Ibirehard Haves, ex Gov. Hendrlck, Gov. Williams, Hon. It. II. Brlstow,Gen. John M. Harlan, Gov. Young nf Ohio, Gov. ('ullom nf IIIInol, Col. Ingersill, M u rat Halstead, Mayor Moore, Theo. Cooke, Judge Cox ol Cincinnati, and many other dUtlngulaaod vMtors from abroad and from every teotlon of this State. Washington, Nov. 5 As the funeral of Sena'or Morton takes place today, all the Government departments and oOlresof the District government aro olo'ed. FUirs aro at half mast, and bells are bolng tollod lu honor of tbe dead. The House today pasd, under suspeu slou of the rule, Illaud'a bill for the ro colnagoof sliver. Washington, Nov. 0. The overwhelming majority by whlnh the silver bill paised the hoim nearly Ave In one, surprNed loth lib friends and npponnntf. Tho programme ar ranged by its principal supvorlers at aoon ferance thh morning, was merely to move a suNpensinn of tbe rulei for Its SAhlgiuiient to somo day next week, Subsequently 1 hoy became convinced there was a poxalbillty of its obtaining a two-thirds yoloou the ques tion of its passage but the etrrts were made with eo mo mUglvlngs, and tho ronult asvon Uhd liHinmt sanguine friend. New York, Nov. tlIt'oe, Kepnhllcsn, Is re eleolod governor of Maaachueo'.t, and ptobably by an lucreasrd mJorltv over last year, wbon his plurality wa III, POD. At this hour tills statu Is oloot and doubt ful. The result will depend on m-Jirltlo In New York and Il'Ooklyu, lUpublnuus are guinlug in New York. From New .Isreey there Is nothing but a ru mor which says MiX'lollau will ho 10,(00 majority, Monmoth couutv give him WH) m-'jiritv, n fallliigoflbiiiro hmtyesrof 1..1U0. New York, Nov. 0 ThoTirrts' Wshhing ton t-pecUl .iy Henry S. Stuford has been ugreod upon as minister to lUlalum. The ciisln will tomorrow r(f-r tho Hland silver bill to the tl nance committee, which will f ndeavor to restrict the amount oj silver coin which should be a legs! lender. It is not believed either senate or bouse will agree to amendments. It is deemed inevitable by tomo that (be President and tbe Cankllng faction will lock horns and begin the content of strength after tba result of lections U known. OREGON, NOVEMBER 9, 1877. F0REIQ1. Constantinople. Nov. 5. It ta reported from Orchanlo 011 tho authorltyjof ItusMsn prisoners that Gpn. Gourko wis wounded during a recent fight, and has slice died. London, Nov. 6. A dlspalchibaya recent successes has renewed tbe war agllitlon in Dttluaria, ' Ituslan reports Indicate contlsedsnceeM on tbo Plovna and Orchsnlo and Iovala roads. Terllren and Titrklo hays bon 00 cupled, snd tho infantry and cavalry de tachments bavo pnnotrated Yaledantr. paes In pursiiitnf tbo lelroatlng Tiuks. A Turkish fmo numbering a,W)0 or-i.OCO men Irom tho eolith of tbo IttlksussttHcked ho Huhslsii force ut Mablmnr lotitb of H'ena. After four hours flghtlntr iho Turks rolreatcd, leaving ICO ilcnd snd -100 wounded. Krzernuin, Nov. (). A nevetn attaok was made tr.-day 0:1 tho Turkish positions. There was Upbtlog nlonj: tho wholo lino. .After a ten hours' engagement, the Turkish 'cooler was driver, nnd tho Turks cotnmeohtvl to fell hiMik. Mukhtar Pasha was elltbilyw'uuud ed. ItiiMilun jorcre from Anlnhrin fmyo on tered Wesieru ICnphratos valley," endanger liirC tho lino if nominnnlcatlon btv-en Ila toum nnd Hrxeroum aud H.7.i)routu mul Trl- lll'Mlllo. f liOiidon, Nov, ft. A !tiialati ofllelal tils pa'cli, dated VsKlnky, Notenibrr 4lhMtVHi Khih Is cloMily invtsted, To-dsy wo com mouciMl tlio erection of slcgo batterbs eppo sIIm tho toulherii fort. An Krzo'Mim telegnun says tho llusa'nns nro consiriteilnu', lo tbo m rtb of Mnlthtnr I'rtsna'N posuioti, a rnui leeiting 10 1110 pieiu hi fore ItiB'iioum. Tho Turks are geueially mroh moroniiiilldenl. lly occupation of Iho heights nesr Duhr'b tint ItilNslans cnniinnud thoTutkUh titntln ;ieii( over tlio Vld, which is Ihoctdy menu ofegre"s from Plevna on tlio ninth nnd west. The investment of Tlevn.t I com plete. Tho ltuH sua mo olecrlng not only 1 ho Snlla loud but all eppioiieht ' frooi the lUlkaiiH, ATutklxb relieving arr.iy would bavo to tllit Its wuynpto Pietnit step b n'ep. , A speclil from SnlU eays OhHkelT'asl'.s at tbe head of aMroug fores, 'ajisHi lug to Urn relief of 1'Htns, Ostein LVV-tJj erfov Is amply provlhlnned and iimUv rMnrdo falrconllllIon,lllwltht.fJ'fflT',fl('''lW, provrtts WH.lwUrd.':'Thtf.Turk'? f.ro nil cun tfdMtit lb u liviin Will IMA 1 ut- P.irl, N 'V.O lloportn my Mehntnrt All him nrrlted at Sotl.t 10 orcsnlsj and com uisnd tbonrmy for tho iIA-ii.ko of tho wis tern p.tes. Gtitniral (Jrnil received to-dey Midninn Msc.Mithoii nnd miii. TsIIviaoiI Preregurd, and Admlial Ulcq lul Duo Toituhss, inluistcr of miirino. ltd urns lo this hour show f.07 It-publlcans and :m Lont(rvatrs elected 10 llm council- gcnersl. Tint Iteptibtlcins have gelued b5 mmIh. Twenty-iiliin tecond Imllots nro nro en-ary. Five humlrtd and sixty-flight d's trlcts remain to ho hrard Irrui. It Is not known how Iho Itepubllcan ulns am dlstrl billed slid all'ool iiirijorlths In vstlous couu ells Fencral, It la expiated when complete returns are In tho publicans' triumph will bo consldentuly modllled, . w . 1 1 .ii m 1'olani Chlualloc. As cur roa tiers do not attend thn "Amnrl can Institute Farmors' Club" of New York or generally read tho Llvo Stock Journal, tbo following may be of some Interest to them: The Magle aud Pulaud-Chlua aro one and tbe same. The breed originated in Warren and Ilutlor cnuntlos, Ohio. Tho common hogs o'thoio countlos waro crossod with various Imported hogs, beginning as far back as 1810 with the II) fluid and ltustdan stock, and In 1810 tho Spotted China was In treduced and later the Irish Graxler, this Is ono account. I). M. M agio's account Is that tho Poland-China bog was produced by crossing pure and dlstlnot breeds, ibreo of which woro Imported, vis: Spotted China, Irish Orsr.ler and Ilyfleld. Tho drooping or "lop" ears indicate tho Grr.lor brood, tho color from tbe Spotted Chirms, tho size and ahapo and thrift aro a combination of tho lai-t Hjuslillesof ell tbo bes, qualities of all the breed j Intermixed, nnd a good (urge Healthy hog Is tho rrsult, not t.o much of blood as carulul breeding and good crnsM-s. Coiihlderliig the above correal 111 the main we aio Mill at a loss lo ibid how "Poluiid" bfccuuio a part ol tho iihiiie. Amount of iluud KomUtod. Somo time since George Anderson of Al bany, untl well known In thU city, u.iriiiilt tod fovorul llltlo thefis for which bo was ar reted snd bound over to aivait the action at tbo grand Jury of Linn county, ills fit I, or, Ws'ih Audersou, went on UU bond as surety aud tbo young man was set at liberty. I!o foro court met ho rat. away aud the ball bond was fotfuitod. There being some fivorlog clrouuibtancos, iho best ci Uacn nf Albany united In a petition esklng tliaOoveinor to remit tho bond. Mr. It A. Irvine jo.i'crday brought the potblon down und laid It beloru bis Kxcrlleticy, Gov Chadwlck, who fivors- bly considered it. and n milted Ibo loileltnro In accordauco with tho prujorof t-o pell- tiouers. Couaty Clerk's Dotucs. Daputy County Clerk, U t N. KJe, birds us tbe following Item. Number of Odds recorded in October, IU; mortggew, 4S. snd the number of msrrUgt) llcsuses Issued dur ing mo uionio, iv. Wawawa. Wawawa Is tbe uarno of a steamboat land ing on Hmnke river, whloh at no distant day la destined lo become ono ot tho largest towns ou the river. Tho Jioui Qatette In speak ing of this place says : The lowu silo of Wawawa contains .100 sores of tbo tin rat kind of land, on which can be grown neatly ovrjp plant Indigenous to tropical climates, ui mo remnrKsuie veg oliibleurowlhs. wo haw Loiubuid popular. pianicn is spring irom cutungs, uowoigni leet tail, n pencil tree, ono s oar irom pmuiing raised this vcur ono bushel of Douche. MUiflhliKH weighing fifty pounds each, nstalk ot tolunteor hemp eleven foot tall, cotton, hop, elc. Or tho bulldlnuH alremly built, are thn o dwelling bonnes, blacksmith shops, uud somo minor one. Hawley, Dotld&Co., will commcuco ibelr wurebotise immedla. lely, It Is to bo OtlxIOO; other buildings will mhiii follnwr A fcbool trill nlso bo tu pro griKs during tbo winter. Wiiuiwu Is iho naiiirai point lor rceoiving itnl liM3iinri;ing I'lolgtitnnd ptsininr4 for ihoSouth Paloute couutiy, and 11s r-cmi HNboatn begin to run iu tho Hiring tli u'e tvbl tin a r nuhtr p'lKt-ongei-linn IVom iho boats to Pidotuu City 11 ml Cut fix. Stevens County. Thin count vconslitutts almost an ouiulro wllhlu lleelf, einhiBcIng aliuost 1111 ami ol 10.US0 Kiimio mllis. or inoro lluiii tun mllllun nmes ot pnilrlu uud table 1 mil. ThoColuiti niiiuvcriiiiwsitiroitgn iuiniiiecritt'SM)tat I tgo tilbularle ns It pios. Slock islolug Is tho urlnulnal iiulustry Jus now, but Ibn tlmnwPI cimi when litis trimly will boa rtcii iiiiti- iih i-opuious us tnn rstitto or unto, i hot leld of w licit, o'lts, notiilocs sod onions. uiotquul tothstnl any country, and Iroiutho dUplsy of tho Mora a orobaul, llvo nilbm tcr appbi cciiuliy can bo lound. Tho rniin ryaix ut Four LnkiKlsopcclallvnihiptcd lo iitoik mlslng, end tho oilulato Is no colder Ibiin New Yoik. Tho picducis of tho ttt Joe. Pdi d'orli-l'o and Cour 'd Alotto vallitjn andHRrlcitltuiiil lauds, lit Idd.o and Mon iBHa'riiild Ibelr way tu tho ColumhU vU. ol v'Vana '.ijt;-.'riiiiuuni's .of ftcres ol ilcb (U'UcuHitl sHsswsltsaiIts who wlllo,'- xy -Tlienrrlhwt,lHi,wutril'S m Ij.itti i.iriiik si.uiiiu jU'i ill lay looTIOUl", ss Oinli nis r:uMlfj,hvllLrn3tlophst,F(H foltlllo Is lboooiiiityti.-n:ioinK-'xi'rr.' P.Aii.uoAii Mi'.ktimi at Am 11 v, Wo have wailt.d lor n report of tho ratlitnd iinelliit ut Auilly, but rccelvli'g mum, to tikolbe lullnwlu I run tho Reporter: Tim clilv:ns on the piojcled loutn from Dtyton loSlieildaii met si Amity i 11 Satur day, tho "IhI nsi , to titlto lino consbleri 1 in nut ii'iis.uiiiity or running u iiunow gauu ritlroiid from D.vj t u loSherldsii via, Auiby Ibo utieniiiiuuii whs fair uud nrocnedlugH (jui'O Hiiluialud. Hon, Joseph Gi-iloli, ol miiriaii (iiitiiuuiton on 1110 went mum. hiiciiii ed tho mitlliig and gate tho people a lew ileum from his Morn of luf irmuiioii 011 rail road mutters. We utidomisud (hat ho pbiced Ibo estimate 011 the cost or building uud equipping tho road at (S.COO per mile, or 8100 000 lor tho cnilro uUtiincn of twenty miles. A coiumlttun was appointed to repre sent Iho eul'lect throughout tho county, with a view of finding out bow tho piobci will be received by tho people to ho betietltled by It, snd to do v Ihh soma sptoltln plan for ac tion, lo Imi kutiuluid bt a meollug to bo called by lliem In tbo future, Tito commit tee consists of llenj. llruuson, Sheridant Capt. Lafolletto, Grsud Itondw; Oprus Smith ami UotiJ.Syruu, Amity; aud Capt. l'ovsoll, of Uny ton, An Orogon Made Btove. We yesterday saw a largo heating stove at Strang's tin and stovo store from tbe stovo foundry of Paltorson llron.at Gorvais, that 1 a beauty. It Is a large stove suitable for churchsiind public balls, Is cast In everal plocos, and stands three or moro feet high, VVuhavureeu no Ktin work uny moro stylUhor subslsntlal, and tbo cost Is much more teavoiialilo than the Imported article. On Winter lime. Tho O. fc O. Stage Company on Weduos. day, tlio first of tlio month, cdnpled their winter clieilule. Asa general thing they do notooniuiouci) running on "long lling" until Ditcemhxr, but wo iindirhlunil that In older in curtail 1 xpi tiiis, they ridoced, H'uuolimo uliu'i', tlio h mount of stock formerly out ployed upon tbo line, and cousiqiicuily run not maku fasMlmo with the toads lu their pioioul condition. NoTlIIo Miniti'oi iiuiiiisiuKitilo brunfllH coniun.Ml upon lout of ihoiivtuds of sutlur eis could niiglnaioHiid mslntiiln thn repul'i tlou which AVKii's Sammi'aiiilia enjoys, llisaisiinpoiiiul of tho t.-t vegetnblo ul 'erttit is, wiih tho lodldisof Pnlstlum iitul lion, and Is thu ii:ol elloiiusl olsll renin (lbs lor si'infnl'iiis, iiieii:urll,or blood til s ordiT.i. Uniformly Hiiccisyful mid wrialii In In rbiiuiuul elfiois. It nroduces runtd and comploio curhH of Sciolult, S'iri4. Doll, Humors, l'lmitles Krutilious.hklii ObeuntH Mil all disorders srialiig from Impiirliyof tlio 1.I00.I. lly its tuviuora nig 1 iiecis 11 strays relieves ami often uiikh Liter Com idslnls. Female WeaUnes.ts and Irsuiilari lies, nnd Is a notiut renuwerot vitality, Fur purifying the blood It bus unequal; It lone, un ibo ivkkiii, ntorrsuiid preserves ibo Iiim1.1i, and luiprM vlnor nnd energy. For Tiny tears It Im bniiti In exUioslto use, and is to day the mntt avallublo innlldne for the suffering sick, everywhere, For sale by all Dealers. Volume IX. Number 39. ATxmklt Warnino. Cutting timber o Government Uud Is frequently Indulged la, alihougn there la a penalty attached to It. Tho authorities aro becoming atrloter la the observation of the law prohibiting this, tad It will be well for all to take beod. Three pon-ons found guilty or thle offence In Cali fornia were raoh recently sentenoed lo pay a lino of fCland be Imprisoned rnr ten days Is tho couulyjsll, In passing those aentenoea Judgo Hofliiiau said ho did not Intend lo be severe In cases whero tho offending parties wero bona lido settlers and making valuable Impiovoments on their laud, llo regarded, tho destruction of limber on Government land a great an ollsnso as If thn laud be longed to a private Individual, Ho ohurno-toih-.sd tho cutting of limber on publlo land us stealing, which should bo punished with fqual Mwmily a In CJsusof thn theftof prl vu'o property. Tho offeudora woro warned that if brought bororn the court lor a HUo of loiiso the Hcnud time they need not expect so muchleuluuuy. WotiiiuwuN, Oct, 20, 1977, F.D. Faiimkii; In your nrtlolo lu tbo Fau mijiioI tho Itxii lust, entitled 'StatoFitlrof 1877 you notice Vi varlollcnof KrapoabyS. I.uilllngvt a .in, nf Mllwauklu, Including tlnlilack Hamburg grapo eooxoollent hi L'all'ornla, but not known to rlptnluOr o.nu." Tho iiImvo Is cnloula'.cd to mislead; pooplo In regard to this lino grape. I bavo had them lo rlpun well, nt my plaoo, 011 nn iitonigool ubjitt two years In threo. They tiro ono of thn bmt. I had rlpo figs lu my nurxiry this season In tho last of August tho Hrorn Turkey J wool nnd rich. J, H.ti.iTi.i:iiii:n. Uotober JM, 1877. The following nlllcorn worn oil ctctl at La blth Lodge, No. lOrt, I.O.O.T.: J. W. Parrl'sh W.l'.T.; Muttlo MoNary.W.V.T.j Nina Mo Nary, W.T.i F.mroa Fisher, W.Slj Wm. Goodrich, W.F.S.; LouUo Hubbard, W.O.f Andiew Fisher, W.M.; Delmor Jovolyn,' V.G. Nelson Mtsioy, W.H J Xj. O. FJshcr, P.W.O.T.J V. D Ulargotl, L D. rnrnituriiprJoUHO.Frtaioflt.anderSherlit'at1;' - Vulc t(cimly,".hn hardly attmcted a'piMiMugi t . IcifuianiNiw,.York,' vet It js'piie'iif, tiiejiad-j. J ,v IIOHIj IIWIMI. I1IH lUtMtl(MNK.UlMt iiosh. Kllnd Ileliriitrlu'iiit I he itati an obolus Is bnnlly 11 n.oro iinOntii.'to -pctiiHCIo limn tbo hlilorlu " rnlblliidir" of America lulling 10 nun inn pun in oivni'oy, mul witching his household tilukotn knock ed down fnra song lo Iho puwiibrt'kcM, If Fremont dcxervoa no rMpecial rrcogublon for listing opened tho pithwny across tho con lltiiiOt, bo him osruod nil coemption Irom IHivnrly by thh that ho wih on en thought worthy lo bo tho candidate of a grmt put for tbo Pdseldciiny of the United Mlates, Canmnii IIkki'. l)r, Aug. O. Klnnoyloft stouroltlco jovtrrday. eays the Aslorlun, ono of the llrst umu nt comprofHf.it corned li'jof iut up at Kinney's Astoria utnuery. Wo aro 1101 a conllrmoil followerof Fplouius, hut from tho lliulliid opportuultles atrordod ut to Indulge, In tho luxuries ofthotablo, we urn very willing to admit that we bate never soon a i-tuple article of diet appronoh mora cloely toward genuine luxurlut than the contents nf that oil! of meat, It Is a splendid aillclo, and should bo In every house lu the land. Boneless, and niopared as Ills, we think it will 13 Inuiid ob caper for family usa than meals usually purchased at Upmarket block. Tbooauuory Is uow lu successful operation, Nkw Patknts. Through Dewey ACo Patent Ageuls, San Francisco, wo reoelte the Ibllowlng Hat or U. S. patents, granted to Paclllo cost Inventors, vis: Wm. S, Plummor, Portlaud,Ogn., fruit drier) Louis Hlvers. Auburn, Ozn., washing machine; Theodore 1) Culler, Wes'mlnstHr, Calrod coupllugi John P. Culver, 8. F , forming and lining ditches, flumes, etc.i J. P. Culter, S. F., piMrvlng wooden piles snd timbei 1 Jerome Has snd Jas, Manning, Siocktnu,Cal., well boring spparaUn-j (re liioue), Jas. Tullock, Jamestowii, Cal.,oie stamp fjeder. The govorniiientsusghoai has beiu tied up for in n whiter, the appropriation being ix luustnd. Over 1,00(1 auag-i, HtuiupH, uto., h-ivo bhiii romoviHl from ine WllUmotto by this craft tho past season. TMPKANOU DOING3. Gkhvaim, Org., Nov. it, 1S77. J send you tbo list of api ointments ol otll ceri of Gurvals Ixidgu No, '.'OS, I. O. (J.T, elected und lust.illod for tboeiibulng term; W.C. 'I'MHauiuolIlrownj V. V. T Mis, Jiiiim Pitman; W. S, M. Mitchell; W, A. S,, MUs ItoisLondiiHti; W. F. S., John M. Pltm.m; W.T., Mls Sadlo Mrown; W. M t'. Jseks)ut W. I). M MNsVInu Taylor; W. 1.0 , Ml- Kota Mitchell; W. O. CI., lb a lijiulliou; W. O., Mrs, Sarah Gaines. Kl Itt.r of Ti.iupernnieStar, U.Jscksuu, IMitor Gem, II. Kamlmky. Tho olllcers wero publicly Instnllml by Mr. It. O. Ktmehv, ol Kllvrrton, Dlstrlot Dxptuy, who pti for moil the ceremonies In a inuit excellent mtuuer. During llio cxer olhtstho choir furnished vikxiI and insiru menihl music, whloh wss pruuouuuod by all present to bo "way up." Thn llsll wss well tilled by Ihsoltlxsns of tho place, who ste taking an Intenst In tbe noble work of tempersnoe, and are flgbtlng tho roa band to baud lu this v'du"v M, MrrcHLL. .A ;i$ia4itr l ' mm frrtwti- - . vijaaBfB&. Vs. " ly J1laWJ9fci vZ v.fc .. .Hi -",' - Tryrjw- em! -a ' UajWiSfo Lm