mess ""iffc-. , a ipwWtaMttiiMBwaitif.;iB omssiamiiei8aiinias'KV! . (F J- rX- ... --P-V1M ' " -T""Pl'"IWl ' JT1fl ,i,iMM i , rn ' ' i IW.I1I...H..M..I I V I' I ,.., " I " -"-"MMiaM.MMi ! i i V J , W t t fc THANKSGIVING. President Hayes lies issued a procla mutton, rccomniondiugThursday, Nov. 29tli, to bo obsorvod as a day of thanks giving and praise to Almighty God. Handsome Monument. Auothor vory ologant moniimont lms boon turnod out from tho Mnrblo Yard of Win Stalger.Salom, nnd niloniH tho burial lot of tlio McKltinoy fami ly, In tho I'leMRtit Grove I'.ural Cemetery, noar Turner, In this county. William V. McKhiuuy. well known ni on old citizen nnd nn oiiturpiiBliif and prosperous inun, died Oct. 0, 1173, okciI iliiy-ilvo ynnrs, loavintr won, K. Ii. MuKIuuoy, of Tumor, nnd other moinbor'i of tlio family, who do thomndyeM oroJit wlii!o tlioy honor tho memory of tho (lecwHod frttnor nnd huslnnd, foylhisoreo tlon of mi tlo:int ii:onu lout to show thulr tjineinbrntico of bli virtues. Tho first Imso I) of Oregon Oity Mono, )7 Inchei tquawj; on this Is ii Moind btvoof I'onryn Cnlirornin Kralilto, SO Inchon it-two, on this n;-ui a t'lltd has (i or Itjdlan tin rblo"l ino'io.i squa.o, nurmountod by dlu tud cap, and a splro nx lent IiIkIi, tho 'light of tho wliolo monumanl IioIiik uliont thlrlr(i) feet. Mr. Umlpor dnr nlaruo IiuhIihimn, turiliit,' out iniiuy ttlnlnur but Lsi'-tofn 1 tablets mill hnadstouc, noeid cccailoimlly u li'iuilllul obullMt or oinnnt I'.ud costly mouuinerit, Mich (! raprei'iiit IiIn i-klll Hi tho iri-oiil tlniu In tlio cctiK'terli'M ol tills Stitto mill WmliitiiT'ou T'-rrllory, fi-he lms won rrpiilniloti nnd n laiwer titis.iii-s'-than iiiiyntlitir Marblo Yard In this Stute, In diiliiK irnod .'rl "l rt n.ililot'ov. Tho iiiuiiiimcnt lo Mr McKl-i-i-y tmic'i rt-ui bltiH that wo hither ii h-vo ihocriheil n orfoled to our Into towustiniu, Mayor Mou roo. ltAir.uoAO Nt;ii.ii:v. Among our mlvortl.H'inuiiH vl 1 bo fottntl Unit of IT. V. f'rottymun, proprietor of tho Railroad Nursery, at Kt'.st I'ortlatid, who lms, thu present seiwni, 'JO.),Oiin trees well grown ami rently for wile. Wo visited Mr. I'reltymnii's miriury liistMimnu'r and can bear testimony to tlio Hiilendld growth his trees have made. JIo has a lino assortment of pcaehes and a great snpjily of plum and prune trees that were grafted last win ter on the poach root to avoid stu'her ing. Ho has worked up to a vory luge htisl less and his nursery Is situat ed on high ground, once the homo of a incur two ami a null miles irom l he river, lie gave good NttNfactlon with his trees last staon ami has earn ed a llrstclass reputation. Oiti:i:.vii.i.i:, Oct. so, h"7. Will koiiio Oti'KOii MiUHir fclvo Ms oxpor Ituico In raising Alf.dr.i in this i-tnto? What U'ud of vol! Is iiccosHtryT When must It bo Hiwud? How treated? r nd Is It n micccj.s? How doo it do for p mtu-n ? What I i tlio best way t drslrov wild outk? Any ono who will givo fmlr oxporlonco with olthorof tlicahovo prolloiiH will cott ier u favor on nn Inluri'Mod FAHMIMI, I.aikm: Yun.ti. Mr. K. Molnttro, living four in dot Miuth of N.ilciu, on tho Jltioim Vls l.. ro til. this wrok brouulit usufmv potilscN, us Npiuluisiirt, ono of whiiili wolg'uid lliroo pounds, II vo two pounds oaoli. Tho whole lot i.ih: (I fioui to oyoH, wo'uhH 111 piHiniU. Mr. Melutirn nlo ntlnod pluluy busholii of elonn whlto wlnijr whrit, Irom nn ucro nnd hl.xty iiimtu rodh of (ruuuU, which ho naved lor no a. MILLINEHY AND NOTIONS. I laving bought hirgoly In our lino, wo nro now prup.irod to lurnlxii 1IA1S nnd HON Nl.l'S, with all tlio bitosi iiovoltliit ol tlio Miiion, at iirlcos that ilnlv oouipiitltlon. Cull nud run for yourHnlv'H. Noxt door to lsroyiiiait Ilros.. tJ.iiiiuu'rcliil Stroet. Mil. .t Mas. VM. MIliMUAN. oci.'Jtl nil . Nonui:. Dr. II. Hlicll ili'lns to Itiliuin his frh'inU In anil iittmil Xiiloiu thai owlliir In III honltli ho l t'liiiipollisl to wltlulr.nv fimn pracilru for the pri'Hont. Iln liii(M that all thoMi liulvbtoil to liliu will niiiltu cttl"iiiuiit liy c.ih or notu with In nnu mouth from thlmlatf. Dllicrwlno hu ac count, will bu pUcvil In tlm IniiiiU of an iittnr. ucy (nrfollfotliin. Wlion ulilu ho will lio f.mnil iKlimiul nt hU Hotel, hut If nut iri'.i'iit, mi iiuthorltcil pi'tion will Lo tlii'in toroprt'Montliliii. V., HIIKIL H.l.KM,Ootol)or3l,17?7. Im TE PIrKEJS. Tho Whoat Market. A dopresslon oxUta In tlio whoat market ps U liidlcKtsd by tho quotations from Mark J.uiie Kxprtss, but Is doubttess cutsod by tliH groat olt'ort nmdn to punli grain Into tho Ku glUh nmtkot boforo tho whoat porta of north orn Kuropo uro olomul lor thu winter, txiul, uy lt Murk I.iine l-.v tsi Intluiatcs, prices will no itoutit iiiljui iiHiiiisiilvm wliun tho pres ent glut from thul causo sulmid.s. Tutiro Is n ilrop Iti llgurcH, rortisuii iiuyorx iiiiiuing f-Ui"i pur it'uuu ts tuu ruling ug irti. mIiIUi tlm Sibi in quo minus during tlm wtk p.t riiiiijed froui Jl.Oi U J1I0 iHir tin, Ooemi Irt'lithts siiin to havo dropped also, oiiough to otlot any M In wlnt, si wo do not oxpiH-l any poriiuuumt doclluo. Ton intgo is In full supply nud protuUts to ru main o during ih poison. Atlho lini'i of going to press, Thnrsdav nitirnlu.', Sciltiiu buyers nro paying $1 07', por biiithol fur whuat. Oils aro duller, quoted nt -lOo to 13a psu binhol. European Qralu Market. Liverpool, Oct. IM. A losdiug grain clr. oulur hays! At pioxliionl markHts thero liiu boon a dull tuuto In whoat durlnu tlio past week, though thorn Is no alttirntlon In thu viihio ot good hamuli's of homo growth, At.iorlimn wiioikts, uiulor iiniuro of Uro urrlvnls, conilnuo to tihllilt a downward toiulonov, and p.-loos nro gouttiiilly six ponce to a chilling pur quarter lowor hero uud at neighboring markots, Klnco Tuoaluy h fall liUkluoii Inn bisjo iIouh In win Hint about tho currencies day, ,ihUh Iimm bofn vory llrm, with utondeiicy in favor of asll ois. At this market Unlay there was a kiiiall bunlueas In who!; whlto dt'sorlp'.loni. us well us a no rtd about kupiurilng provl ous pricis, but Atnorlcan spring wheat was1 penny to 2 pence por cental cheaper. Flour Hlowofselo. Corn loss active at a reduc tion of 3 i enco per quarlar. London, Oct. 30. Tbo Mark Lane Express Rays: During Intorvals of sunsuluo during tho past week good prof-ross was tnado with towing winter wheat. Tho heavy miow fall wtiloh occurred In tho north of Scotland en tirely prevented tho tiponlnt?of out-standing crops, which havo been cat In tho green state for cittlo. The present season has been un usually disastrous to hlqhlaud agriculturists. A good doal of Knitllsh wheat lms been threshodoullatoly wltn a result which whllo con firming tho nonoral shoitnessoftho crop, scarcoly brar out tho unusually low csilmnto ol 0,500,000 quarlors.nt which tho yield has recently boon placed for all prnrtlrul pnrpos os. Our own computation of 11,000 GO quar ters tnado In August, Iscorrrct, and fi'slng thonnnnnl rtqti'remontH of tlio country at U.'J.fKiO.tOO quar-or, wo must still b JmiBbld 1 1 foreign importation l- thoetont of 12,000, 000 or 13,Ci i. (JO nrs. bitween this and I ho ilrst of August, 1S7S. As rosorvos of old wheat In farmers' hands nt tho ooinmpii' o niont of hat rod weio qulto Insignlllcant shoii'd Importitlon contlnuo nt the ).i'o It lias necn uotug mniy just grounds misuc im found for anticipating n glut of whtat, but tho prtsant tltno Is tlm hpavlpst In tho year forimpo''ls owing to tho largo ou' waul ship mont which takes nlnco during aunmin from por's which nro (cobnuiid in wlnty . Our tuttiro rcqulrpnienfs no doubt wdl l;o mot, considering tho quantity mid quality of tlio Atnorlcan crop, Mid Ihoioliisof prices will doubtless la a lnro moasuro in tho liands of that country, but it Is d'llleuU to forionny nicitorliil nltorutlon In pNsmit value". as oven If h l.tll or 0i ler qr. tok plpco ps Is not nn likoly Amorlci would nhlp m'v. lustuul of wheat, nnd prices wotdd rrndJusttlionuelvtB under milt r minors nnd locrna-od winter nnHUinption. TJim weak point In tr-do Is hollllllnir to show Pssll' In tho ludliin pro duct, which h'.III mac'i' - ns in ciuiMu'or.ihlo (pinntliloi, and tov Amsilci ha.s losiimed her tild nipri'inp'iy In the- van ol mtloiis to whom wo look for wjunt India U comes an oMra soiirctMif supply. Without a coores ponding outlot inllloiH forn moiimtit Hjipoar to havo lost Mimuihluc; of thoh old prodllea tlon for til's clrs of ginln, nnd its holders nro lncllnrd to fclio uty, tho recoiitly small decliuo of n shilling r quarter bus been oh It II v lolt upon ('alciitt'i and AinorloHii produce. Tho supply of ir.nlnrccsnlly lirt been mull, and nNharji upward inrnoinont Iihs been going on in prices for both round nnd I hit coin in nil pr-lllons.liOi.'M having bt -ti paid lor mlxuu Amorlcui fur Novoui bnrn'ir inbsrNiilpuioiits, St it trade Is ' pinlly stront', nud com, which n iniith ngo could havo U: n liouglit ror'J7s is now easi ly saleablo nt 30i ox-gi.iunry. lUrloy s s ady IniticN r-tlvo than iuh".', nnd nil up ward tfiiduncy Is ohervnho. Tho uuiiibor of nrrlvdil c.irgces of wheat nt tior's of call tins bot'ti i I'llly lucienslng (luring tho pat wonk with modoralo ilonuud. 1'ricoi rr :od oil (Id por quarter in nil oilllons, LlVEi'.t'JOl., Oct. 30. llrciidMUII's dull, ex r3pti ii.i, which is llrmornt !.J.s3dCt2y (!d lor new mixod w rn. WLci' IO.CIGHh S I tor nd vfi stern spring. Sjm 'raiiuUco, Out. till I.r t night tho wind wi s strong nottliwst; this forouoou It lips I yj blowing n pnlo liom tlio north and now It aiq nrs lo im liati)lngoislward with ovldoiit iiitenlloti of blowing up n soiilhenxt Child ruin. I AngclPN, Oct. CO-Ilnln enmmonced falling In good volumo this morning, and proinUos to noiitlnuu all day. It Is tho lirs which lias fallou in this valley during tho present season. Nun rrniiclnco ."Uurlici. iBV TELEUIUl'll. Bnn r'mncifco. Oct. D. Wa-at-SMpplliz, $1 SOU"-.; mtlllm: $. 3JlJ) ST. Whoat nuil ToEuasio. The wheat market opens this weok in a .some wliat o.'.citcd condition in lo cal eiules, hut holders an I .shippers are Ht III wide apart in their view as to the future, ami we mlghtsay as to tho pros out value of the cero'il. Quotations fur it1 died i's to-day, and from actt'al sal range from $'2.1(71 to SJ.10 percental, while it is intimated that some round lots have changed hands within the past three days at an advance ou the last tlgure of IJoi'JJ cents. However, wo do not deem quotations above $-.10 per cental oxactlv descriptive of tlio market. The number or vessels at hand Is now larger than ever before, ami shippers are kept unusually busy to got them oil' without being compell ed to p.ty demurrage. Tho dispatch, however, which vessels have so tar re ceived this season has been encouraging and it is thought that .stilllcient wheat is In the country to load all that may come, mid though this is probably true, it is likely that some dilllculty may bo met in securing cargo for all that may ut.'ivo this winter, as many farmers cani'ot well haul to tho lines of trans '11111011 boforo Spring. A great deal, lowovor. remains unsold alomr tho riv er ami railroads, and should that bo sold freely vessuls would continue to receive good dispatch for some time to come. There nro now 29 vessels In tho river, regarded as of tho grain tleot, though throe or four of them havo not vet clos ed their charter. Of those HI aro at this port: fourhavocleared but not sail ed, ami live havo moro havo about tin- islied loading, leaving 1:0 yet t .takoon most of their cargoes. that is If the fowyotdlsongitgod should Uud employ ment. These HI havo a carrying capa city of about lUi.OOO tons. In mlditlon, tho vessels about duo from San Francis co and likely to arrivo within a week, will make the quantity up to :i7,o00 tons. When wo add to thl- the vessels that will probably drop in from time to time from foreign ixirts, it will readily be .seen that no lack of tonnage Is like ly to occur very m)oii, hut on tho con ttary, tho supply will bo ample proba bly for tho whole season. (hvyontan. You Havo no Excuso. Havo you any oxouso for sufl'drlng with Dynpopsla or l.tvorCoinplulutT Is tntre any rtasou why you should no on from day to day complaining wltn Sour Smuuoh, Sick Moad-auho, Habitual Coilvoue8,palplUtlou of tho Heart, Hoart burn, Water-bush, llnawlugai d burning pains at tho pit of tho Sioinaoh, Yellow Skin, Coated Tougue, nnd illsagrtHsiblo taste In the mouth, Coming up of food altor oJktlng, Low spirits, .Vo. No! It U positively your own fault It you do. Goto your DrutiKlst nd get a ltottla or Ohkkn's Auoust Fijowkh for 75 cunts your euro U eortslu, but If you doubt this, gt a Simple Mottle for 10 csjnta and try it. Two doen will relieve you. WILLAMETTE S. FRIEDMAN, Is again at his Old St.i3.cii AT DURBIN'g COBNEH, WJtli an Immense Stock of Dry Gcotls.Clotlilns, Ilnt1c.iis Eoois and siiot-v, Yankee ?'o tlons, Gent jiikI ladles Furn ishing goujfs.TolJueco.s and Cigars, Trunks, and Va lises In ihef, i:very V.ihig in the Dry Goods line you rnn1,at prices Hint vill DEF-Y COMPETITIOM! irt'tf -AT AT THE WHITE COKNEB. CS5 3L C3 -t Is. S. as. 5g9 DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, 33 to., "to. TIiIm SfocK IiaM just been pttr chtiNcd liy 31 r. Vi:i:xt::r lUtl'.Y MATi in Sow Yorlt and San Fraiiul.-.'jo, and, otvlnp to thu eMrcMiicly loiv priccH In Goods and 1'iclKhlvi, wo are alilo to gli'u better lmrnliiM than ever. WE AIJO MAIC3 A 8PECIALTV OF CarxJots, Oil-clotlis, Otit-tuiiiM, IVIittlnN, &e. FARMERS' Titkcii lu Kxrhan: PRODUCE o for .ootl. c" Call at tho Whito Cornor. BREYilIAIV HKOS., Oct. lu Mnloui, Or. JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Durblu' niocV, ht ofCDCil a Larie and complete Block of Carpets, OIlcloilis, Mailings, AND Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to Ditryinple it Hrowu, ST.lltKKY'S IILOCK. - M.1LEM. Oil. WHICH WILL Ul OLll AT Lowest Cash Rates! OLll'L.lTF.DATCIIKH.CI,rii.vt thu known wcrlt. Sampli K'aiclkt'rtt ui AiUkU. Addrcu, A. Cocltsb i. Co CU.'tso. fi9Rnnii J.YKIU Avenux anted, Ilutl. nets e;ttlmtti'. INnlcuUr fro. FlHHiVlr.JgnTIHCO,IUli J. A. STRATTO.V, Attorney at Law, 8AL13M. OltKOON. Office on tluto btrvot, opposlto the lleucftt Hnue. FIRST premium: For Visiting Cards ! AA C'dwUh any ni nwlr Tlntei theiv.iri -Jlltent to any addreM upon nvelpt of 85 Cut, illad 3ceuttmn. Addre, . Ww W. J. CianKK, Salem, Orcon. Hew BREYMM EOS FARMER. A-ivm-dccl Rubber SALEM, OcroiiEii 11th, 1877. Your Committee, ajijointod to inquire into the merits cf tho MIXED PiHNTS on 'eshibition af; the 17th Annua! Fair of tho Oregon Stato Agricultural Socioty, beg1 leave to report : That, after an esiamina tior: of various speoimons of PAINTING-, wo have coxno to tho conclusion that the E'rOL"&2'S3tS?3K" SL'tL'tr, exhibited by tho RUBBER PAINT COMPANY of SAN FRANCISCO, is, in ALL re- spoots superior to ALL ItiaiM:cTi'L-Li.Y, To AV. P. WATSON, l're-iklcut Oregon btttte Agricultural Society. Ijxin the aliovo dcclNloii, ."ilcssr... .IUS.SSu XIU tLVcV CO. received tlio OS llto 01i::0. STATE AUICUli'l'l!tA3i SOCIETY, tor tlio rnrtiiv:' rclcrcsiccM enn lie glvuit toasts part oJ the State, hy J O H N Oct. 3.3. NEW GOODSt Mammnili & Turn-Table Apii!e-PaicrstFASiJj TMABE, IS5't. riL'iciier J'osi-jioie aiii-j, Mcat-CntleK ami HluU'er.s Blacksmith Drills, Tiro-Bondors aiid Up-'rettors. Pruning-nws, Knives, and ey-7;r.3. NORTIIRUP & TfiaOMPSON, WlKinKBAI.E AND IlKT.MI. Lr.M.KIl IS Hardware, Iron- Steel, & Wugun Imii I'.irrlaw Material OF AM. KIM'S. 120 .V I'M front St.. J-OHTLAIII). Oldest Hotiso in the Trade. j. is. congle:, MAXUl'AtTUllKn. Wholualo nud Hotall Uoalor In rll kinds of SADDLES, P4 imuir,i:s, jJgWIWI'S f LasiicsTruiiks Xo. 73 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OHEGOK ,A'.-o, k-'Cn comtsntly on Imnd a !agj aottmcut o( AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. iTSolo Auont In )ron lor lLo C.irbolUetl lloan, Fr.uioii'o prlcos, with I'rclclit uddcil. JtopnlrliiFT Promptly Attended to (Carminative) For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uso nr. Jajue'a Carminative Ikilsaiu. As changes of cllinato or walor, nnd In dlscrotlons In eating ollcn prodtteo tli09ocomplalnts,travelersnndotlior8 ahoiild always keep n lwttlo of thin remedy by thorn. It novor falls to Biibduo tho most violent attacks, and It Is equally sorvlceablo for Cramps In tho Stomach or Bowels, Griping Pains, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and ColiC uso Dr. Jayuc'ti Caruilnallve Ualaani. It removes all Boroness of tho abdomon, allays tho Irritation and calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always bo relied on to glvo lmmedlato relief, and besides boing effectual, Is a pleasant ami safe remedy, ooslly ad ministered to childreu. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affection8 uso promptly r. Jayue'a CarttUnative Ualsnui. U checks tho Dlarrhwa, suppresses tho Cramps which generally accompany attacks of Cholera, and conquers tho discos In Its Incipioncy. It has frequently been administered lu neighborhoods whoro tho Cholera has been raging epldcmieallv, and it has fccldom failed to glvo iiiiiucdlata and permanent relief. Tho Carinln ativo has maintained iu reputatlou as a Curatlvo for nearly forty vears Is equally etlectlvo lu all laYtudea! and as a Standard Household Nemo uy, suoum bo kept in everv family. Orria. n.,j3a.l Howwae muwik km Tor tlio Paint ! OTHERS exhibited. T. Jl. ODJ2Ni3AL, A. H. JEWETT, 6. W. WALLING. Committee. II U G H E S , iLCoiit, Etxilc'2:. tniAiiJjaiatfrsvajLv.uauiKaBBm Great Bargains for Cash!: Havlug bought our Fall Slock nt CJreal Reduction on Former Prices ! Wo .aro prep'rod to rIvo o-jr cutorauM tlio Jicniilt of ' tlio reduction, and orlVr a full lino or Gontis' mid Boys' O Ij O 37 DE3I X 3?r CSlv at 1cm than over before. A!o, DRY GOODS, -AND- DRESS GOODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, To nlt cur Lidy cutotno, nt rcaonatjly low ptlccs BOOTS AND SHOES, UlltH JUKI Clips, At Prices that dtfy Competition I GR0C1EEIES, 0E00KERY, HAEDWARE. A full stock of thnso nrtlrlos, to suit the Country trade, in both prices and quality. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS. Wo will close our stock of those Roods out AT COST! Wo Invito our frlendi to Exchange Country Products FOK OUIl GOOD3, Aud wo wi;i not only soil at reduced CASH rdu, but will allow the behest market rates lor all thoy have to dispose of. Call and See our Stock. Ii. & E. IIIJRSCH. GUISWOLD'S HLOCK, cJ3m3 CoamercUl titrect, 8ALEJI. SALEM FOUNDRY, & ivxacliluo Shop, SAXKM. OltEGON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. JTCAM ENOINES. SAW MILLS. GKI8T MILLS. 3 Kv4?i i-arup. snd nil kli.a and Tiylee oi Ma lF ..u ,0 ord' Mchlny rvfUcd at a .tort PlTv" nU Ali1Vr?SF.'?ctor,,r of 1.NTEHI-BI8S .Mav4wii WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Food, ZPov Qxxo,I,:sitla. "3?oli. Sash, Boors, Blinds. MoiUcUiish, Turolng, Stair work, ncdNtcndM, liureauN, taiiftH, Tablet,, FANNING HULLS, Aud all kind ol Furniture, A DSD-ItorK PUICXS, Khop AsMcut-n-al Wriki bttlWUs, Iew. cO.J O. F. DUMS. . , ' X - -' t. -1 rti&m: f j M.- f . ,f , ;j