I- WILLAMETTE FARMER: Circle. CoiMncted by Mtf IIaitic 11 Clajikb. SJALKM, Kill DAY, NOV. 1, 1877. THE WOODMAH'3 CSAFT. - 0, 1 1)0 wooJiikiii'h PMft Is Rnodly craft, UhcIhk through sun mid nlmvr, A, Mtrtmx iitid brown hi hi balulifl'n baft, As lui 1-t in tbo UnwpfM ( 01 il.istirn nrtnil ho iinthlnir laik. Am Ii caruN IiIm snutr, nixl .swings his &x In spring decltod foriH, bower. Wbon nil t'.'o wind of Mnirh nro blown, And Hip'it 1) iiitis trn Ipii'MI'jk; Wllol) RW'UloU'S IMIIII ll)Mllllll liHVO lliwn, And Unit :luui)lelN hcii1iIIii Aortm tliH huh, BOnroB dim hN riiyi, Pull tnorryauilf.ilriirntlmwioJlariu ways When April streams tiro UjudltiK With throRlleoockn tbo grove ring out ; lion ml but Hnd byre and slilolltiK, High, low, end near, and round aboil', Ilio blue-bucked birds are whelirnr ; And oauolly bonsllng hh robbor namo, The cuckoo prion, nor atluta forslmtne, Wbero egfcfl are for the stealing. Boneath theaab, whose borren head Billl looms all dark nnd frownltm Beneath thi gracious green and red Tliat, makes tbo young oak's crowning Last Autumn's leaves an scarcoly lildo Tho I u ft h of prlmroHO, tiiornliig-iiyod, With clonk of Winter's browning. Then morrllv ring the axes keen Wbsro htalwsri anils ureswlnglnpi And goodly blioN tlie brcwl hlade'a sluoi), Tho sunlit-Sinn bt!k'Hril lllnulnir, As llilckt-lV nmro nutl hlildeii uIfiIoh King olt'iiror tlimi ttu rlnuiiig bludea Willi woodman' j.)vlal singing. A Roodly OMft und b genllo craft, And n cmfi nit evil lesrlnir, Is Iholrs .vho llvo by helve nnd bnft Whoro tblcUetN tun for elcailng. As tho goud nun's Imtnhet swing nlofl, And the good wiroslngi from tho bind ing croft, Whou Summer dnjs aro nrarlnt;. My Visit to tho Fair. Hai.km, Oct. 23, 1S77. Mr Dbau M ai'.v Ann: I got your loiter yesterday nnil in answer say tliat I ahull continuo to rIvo yoti, now and tlion, my Impress ion of matters and things in Oregon, rwyou seem to bono much interested. I will kuoo on tho subject or tho Stato Pair, although I Raw nnd heard bo much I Hcareoly know whoro to he Kin ngaln. The cllnpluy of butler and oheoso was not, large, although all that I saw was nice, which is more than can fce said of what I gonerally huw while traveling. Now, thU seems to ho n country uncommonly well adapted for dairy purposes, and yet cheoso ls'.y centaii pound, and butter 371, and will bo ilfly in tho winter. Oreiron need-, an immigration of thrifty families from our Kastorn Status whore tho women folka know how to muko good huttor. Why, imro you aoo plonty of It for Halo, all pattod out and worked by hand, with finger murks Jt over it. It stands to ronson that ov ory particle or glohulo of huttor that contort In contact with tho him 1 must be molted a llttlo by tho warmth, and no by tho timo tho buttermilk is " kneaded " out, tho butter is soft and waxy. I always uso a wootlon ladle, and keoplt and tho butter bowl well scalded. Perfect cleanliness is neces sary to mako good, Hwoot, firm butter, and it Ls no more troublo to make t no, If one is systonintlo about it, skimming and churning with regularity, than it in to mako tho bitter whlto Muff of which I am told tons Is shipped to mar ket. I talk of what I know, for your TJuclo John was propor proud or my butter and I always got tho best prico far It too. Thoro seemed to bo a small showing of Jellies nnd canned fruit, not near so fine u.s I had oxpectcd to see. Thoro was n mighty poor batch of bread on hand. I should think moro of having a good exhibit of these and ther articles of homo comfort and lo.-s of tho fauey work department, though that is well enough in Its way, of course. There would bo ono argument In favor of the.-e tablo comforts they could iot well bo exhibited moro than ono year in succession. 1 am told thi.t thoro aro tho samo articles entered in tho fancy department year after year, and regular attendants at tho fair say they nro suro of seeing tho samo old things hanging up; thus creating a regular boirwxa for tho ownets, and lovylng tribute on tho depleted purso of tho Society, nnnunlly. Article., too, that aro really deserving but of so llt tlo real practical use that no ono eleo oamo to enter into competition, and so drivo it off tho field. Timo was when Ono hand-sowing and stitching was considered a mark of skillfulness, nnd brought much credit to tho seamstress. Bat bo thankful, sisters, that timo Is ow past, and your poor aching eyes and precious timo and health need not be spent in such useless hemmiug and felling; for tho sowing machine does it quicker, and If it is not quito so neatly done on tho wrong fide, who cares! Llfo la too short, and thero aro too ma ny beautiful thln3 to onjoy, to spend It with bowed hca J, thlmlla, and need le, etitch, stitch, stitehlnT. isw some very old fashioned gar-1 TljE H012 ments hanging up ilml 1 wus told wore hung there at tliu first Stato Fair, and took tho first premium for hand t-ew ing from that timo till now, though for several years, the ladies of tho award ing committoohav) protested that they ought to be ruled out; yotthomon who manage thoso women's it (Hi 1m lnsl.it on keeping them In. OnotU'iiallilo woman on that board of managers would 41 equalise "thmgu im iiu'iiboly. While I was oating dinner at llui "Aurora" to-dnur.inl tliore wastotne la lies at the .vtme table, dicttssing affairs, and they seemed wen potteu too, and it was from their talk that I got lwm ideas; they Bald thoro was other women who Just kept a lot of things nu hand to bring to the Fair every year; why, it's Just like having something out at inter est. I heard about tho 4I Aurora," nnd about tho settlement of Gormans on tho rail road, and somehow Dutch folks and good eating always seemed to go together, but thLJ time I was mistaken, for the only thing I liked was that tho victuals wiih set on rather clean like, but the victuals thcmolvcs was miser able poor, and ho was the tea and coffee, tho chicken was tough, and so was tho pie srust. seems to mu fifty cents a meal was too much for Mich unnmnn doings. They have had Iholrown way too long, no doubt their table was good or.ee, but they have got slack. Tho old haying was, when I was a girl "Get your namo up and you can lie abed till noon." I s y llvo and let live; you would not catch ono of thorn butchunn paylg out n cent to nnylxxly, why, thoy don't even take newspapers, lam told, which is tho bono and sinew of tho country. Then thoy work their poor women nearly to death. It did make mo feel tired to see them wading about in tho kitchen In those heavy quilted petticoats, no plump, rosy cheeks among those Dutch girls. Well, good bye, for now. Aunt Hrrrrr. C011UESP0NDEN0E. Duainh Station, Oct. IB, 1877. I think if women would discuss sub jects of nnro importance than have lately found room in tho Homo Circlo, wo might reap moro benefit. Bupposo wo advlso each other in the cultivation of our minds, and do not devoto nil our timo to corsets, graceful forms, nnd the like. If a woman has a kind true heart, nnd an earnest thoughtful m!nd, sho Is admired and loved u great deal more than If sho had a faultiest form and not these other attraction ; I think tho other box would prlzo womun higher ifbho would cultivate her mind und heart more, nnd certtinlly it would bo better for her own happlncsi and those around her. Lot uh strive to keep our selves cheerful, agreeable, and ready to lend a helping hand fo tho needy, and always be ready (o llston to advice if it bo ut all worthy our attention, and cheerfully give advice whon called upon to do so. As for women doing men's work, it depends a groat deal on what ! called men's and women's work. If a woman has timo and can assist in some light out door work, she will bo better und handsomer for It. Kxerclso in tho open air brings color to tho cheek, brightness to tho eyes, and everything seems bettor, and health is moro certainly secured. Being closely confined In tho houso is tho causo of much sickness and. Ill tompor, nnd ma ny disagreeable and Injurlons effect:-) could be traced to this ono causo, It is much harder to bo good natured when not in good health, and It takes less to annoy, this, an who have neon sick wl.l agreo to. Tho moro wo give way to angry feelings nnd words, tho more use wo Und for them; and if wo choke them back, mid try to bo cheerful it is Caller next time toconquor, and happi ness instead of misery is tho result. What do you think, Jounlo Squash, and the rest of tho Garden family? i'leaio give us your Ideas. I am g ttlng interested in tho numerous letters that havo been written for tho Fa km tin. I think it a hplcndid paper and would like to draw others out If possible. Wo need not be backward even If wo aro not able to wrlto as cjrrcctly as wo could) vribb, wo can understand each other'and that does not matter m much. Wo hope la gain benefit from our ex change of ideas. Mrs. J. IlKirr. To Tkain JJoyh. Owing to their home education, and the fondness and often unwise indulgence of doutlng fe male relative, nineteen youths out of twonty enter life with a surplusage of seir-concou. miio sooner tnoy aro re lieved tho better. If in measuring themselves with wiser and older men than themselves, thoy discover that it is unwarranted, and got rid of it grace fully und of their wn accord, well und good; if not, it is desirable, for their own sakes, that it should be knocked out or tnem, a ooy who is sent to a lurgo echooUoou finds his level. Hli will may havo bjon paramount at home; but school-boys are democratic in their Ideas and If arrogant, ho Is sum to bo thrashed Into a recognition of tho gold en rule. If worthy of being it leader, ho will soon be installed Into tho xisl Hon of n leader; If not, whatever his opinion of his abilities, he will ho com ix Hod to fall back into the rank nnd lltc. I?y tho time that he has found iii-t legitimate position, tho probability Is that some disagreeable trills of charac ter will by softened dawn and worn away. Mot likely tho pneoss of abra sion will Im rough, but when It Is till over, and he begin" to see himoclf :h others see him, and not us reflected in the mirror of self-conceit, ho will be thankful that ho has run tho gauntlet, and arrived through by a rough road of knowledge. Oar Cantry' Origin. Our fathers camo hither from a land to which they woro never to return. Hither thoy had brought, and hero they wero to fix tholr hopes, their at tachments nnd their objects. Somo natural tears they shod ns they left tbo pleasant abodes of their fathers, and somo emotions thoy suppressed when tho whlto cliffs of tholr native country grow dim in their sight. A new oxlstonco awaited them here; and when thoy saw thoso shores, rough, cold, barbarous and barren, as they then were, thoy beheld their country. Ileforo they reached the shore they had established the elements of n so cial system, and at a much earlier peri od bad s tiled tholr forms or religious worship. At tho moment of their land ing, therefore, thoy possessed Institu tion;! of government and those of reli gion. Tho morning that beamed on the llrst night of tholr re pew, saw the pilgrims already established in tholr country. There woro political institu tions, und civil liberty, and religious worship. Poetrv has fancied nothing in tho wanderings of heroes so distinct and characteristic. Horo was man, In deed, unprotected and unprovided for on the shore of a rude and fearful wil derness; but it was poll'ic, intelligent and educated man. Everything was civilized but tho physical world. Insti tutions containing In substance all that ages had douo for human government wero established In a forest. Cultiva ted mind was to act on uncultivated nature; and, moro than all, a govern ment and n country were to commence with (lie first foundations laid under tho divine light of the Christian reli gion. Happy auspices of a hupp; futu rltyl Who woull wish that his coun try's existence had otherwise begun ? Who would duslro the power of going back to tho ngos of fable ? Who would wish for other ombluronlng of his coun try's heraldry, or other ornaments of her genealogy, than to bo able to say that her llr.-tt existence was with Intell igence; her first broath tho Inspiration of liberty; her first principle the truth of divine religion. Chkai' Gikls. A girl who makes herself too cheap is tho one to lo avoid ed. No young man, noj ovonytho worst, excepting for u base purposo' wants anything to do with a ciioap lady. For ti wife, none but a rascal or a fool will npproch such a woman. Ctseay Jewel ry nobody will touch if ho can get any better, Cheap girlsaro nothing but tho refuse; and tho young men know it, and they will look In ovory dlrcu'lou for u life-long friend nnd companion before thoy will give a glance at tho pinch eack stuff that tinkles at every tuin for fascinating thoeyoof any that will look. You think it quite the 'cor rect thing' to talk loudly aiid coarsely, be lK)isterous and hoydonish in all pub lie places; to make yourself so lx!d and forward and common-place, every where, that people wonder if you over hud a mother, or homo or anything to do. So bo It. You will probably lx taken for what you are worth: nnd. one of those years. If you do not mako worso than a shipwreck of yourself. you will begin to wonder whoro the charms lire that onco you thought yourself imsscBsed of, nnd what evil spirit could havo bufooled you. Go on, out rcmomoer, cheap girls attract no body but fools and rasetds. At Hom!'.. Tho highest stylo of bo iug at home grows out of a special stato of the affections rather than of the in tellect. Who has not met with Individ uals whoso faces would be a passport to any society, and whoso innuuers, tho uusiuuicu anil sponianous expressions of their inner selves, mako them visi bly welcome wherever thoy go, and at tract unbounded confidence towards them in whatever they undertake. They are frank, brcau-o they havo no thing to eoncoal; affable, becaiife their natural overflow with benevolence: unflurried, becnu-othey dread nothing; always at home, becauio they carry ullliln t louisMvestuut which can trust to itself anvwhoro and everywhere purity of soul with fullness of health. Such are our best guarantees for feeling at home in all sociuty to which duty takes us, und in every occupation upon which It obliges us to color. They who llvo least for themselves aro also the leant embarrassed by uncertainties. Dear Old Homestead Is the tlllo of a very flco now f-ong, by Mas Anna U. Hilts. This 'onx lias taken aatrong bold ou tbo s)jiuUr friuiy. No doubt thoro so thousands who inter forgtt the "Dear Old Homestead," where mi many happy hours were spent in Joy'ulne and glee, during their childhood Uiys. Price 40 cents, with eplendld lithograph of a country home stead. Ti a plane I shall ever roroember, (Should I live to be lify yoirs old; Twas the home of us all in our childhood, Aod we prise it, yes higher Ibun Hold. Address all orders to P. W. JJelmiek, pub lishers, No. 60 Wist Fourth .St. Clnolnnatt, O N. ii. Over 04 (.tcond band pUnoa for tilt) cheap. I CHOICE 1U2CIPE3. FrtKNCit IIoNi'.v. To ono pound of white sugar put tho yolks of sis eggs and the whites of four, the Julco of three lemons and tho grated rind of two; of lint tor, one quarter of a pound; stir over a Mow fire until the consisten cy of honey. IlAiaiU) U iuk Ono pound oNiuttoi two pound-, of sugar, three pounds of Hour, one ntitmoir. one toast) loufiil of cloven, one tabkponarul of cinnamon, one cup of yeast, one tea-poonlttl of foil a, milk enough to mako It as thick as you can stir it. Spongk Cakk. Sift Willi four cups of flour (wo teaspoon fills royal baking lumilor: bout six ousts, whites una yolks separately: stir in threo cups of whlto sugar, ono cup of cold water, the Juice and gratod rind of ono lomon, nnd lastly tho Hour; mix nil well together and bako in a quick oven. Bun& Two cups of milk, throocups of sugar, two cups of butter, two eggs, ono-hulf teaspoonful of soda, ono-lialf cup of yeast, a littte nutmeg, und flour to make it stiff onojgh to roll; lot it rise over night; in tho morning rol , cut small, set them closo together in a pan, lot them s'.and and rise again. Hake in a modorrtu oven. SWKBT Al'lT.K rillMKUVKS. Tako part quinces and part apples, say about oiio-tuird quinces and two-thirds apples and white Migar the same as for other preserves, pound for inhiihI, you will haven splendid sweetmeat. Cut tho apples in halves, und the quinces the same, tako tho core out, boll them ten der, llrst, In water enuugh to cover them, iind dissolve the sugar in It be fore thoy are mixed: then add them together mid boll thoroughly. Thoy will keep well, mid you will want to try It over again another fal'. If you have good success. BfiEVITIia. An ovll nnturo wants an occasion. Ilctlor tho feet slip than tho tongue. He begins to die who hath no desires. Few of us are fools always; all some times. A modest woman should ofton neith er seo nor hear. Why this paragraphic war upon cats? It is pussy laiiimous. It Isonly for ii-mows-mont, you know; not from uny doslro to wound tholr fe lines. A Clergyman of ordinary abilities asked for n llconso toMnvn ch. 4,i grant you permission" said his bishop, 44 but nature refuses it," If your neighlxir's lions nro troublo Home, and steal across tho way, don't lot your angry passions rise fix a place for them to lay. Tho most Interesting thing In nTolo do gulden wedding was a dance by the bridegroom's father, aged 10(1, and the old man's great-great-grand-daughter aged sixteen. Many young pooplo who fancy prose nnd poetry of lasting fanio, can bo pro duced without days and weeks or ear nest thought, need to bo reminded that Goldsmith considered four Hues a day good work, and was sovon years boat ing out tbo puro gold of tho " Dosorled Vlllugo." Pitlu. Kut slowly. Ho content. Love lightens labor. Never start your flro with oil. It Is fie-hloiiablo to economise. Try lomon Julco on eticumhiirs. Fruits aro delicious for breakfast. Uso a cloth for washing otatoos. Qulot workers accomplish the most. Varloty is the very best culinary spice. Air pillows In tho wind, not in tho sun. Uso bluo tiasuo-iapor for wrapping up silver-ware. Tho wnrk-lsiskot Is often a spectacle for geds and men. Hub your kitchen tablo with u ripo tomato to .remove the grease. Make your homo ns bright mid choor ful as possible on rainy days. Do not uso silver spoons to scrapu kettles or silver forks to toast bread. Neves starch napkins; thoy wjio In tended to wipe the mouth, not to scratch It. Wash matting with warm salt walor one pint of salt to two-lhiidsofa pall of water, mid dry with a soft cloth. To sweeten a sour sponge; rub thor oughly in lemon Juice, then rinse sev eral times in warm water. First boll ashes in a now Iron kettle, then scrub with souinind sand; fill with clean waternnd boil twoor threo hours. When servants do not wait upon tho (able, lot the lady members f the fam ily lake turns in serving, it is much pbtiisautcr Hum for this one, that one, or all to jump up every time an article is needed. l":tIKNfSIIII AM) CIVILITY. Ho ci vil and oblitrliiir to all, dutiful whero God nnd iiattiro coiiiiinud oti; but friend to one, and that frioiidiliip ki'cp sucrod, us tbo Krcatcst upon oaitli, and bo suro to ground it upon virtue; for no other is cither happy or lusting. Tho growth of a plant h sim y tho ntrgrogato rosult of tho onlar;oinoot and multiplication of tho cullw which comiKMoiu In most casis iho collu attain their full size In a shoit timo. Tho continuous growth of plants de pends cli Icll v ou tho conituiit forma lion of now colls. The value of tho Hiblo and tho ex tent of Its Inlluonco must bo learned by ts history. Hy it the Upgraded huvo been elevated, enemies have been re conciled to eiudi other, profligates imvo been reclaimed, drunkards leformcd, and Inlldels converted to the faith or Christ. Domestic poaco has been re stored, (ho altar ot domestic, worship reared, tho Sabbath consecrated', relf-gl-iiM congregitious gathered, and churches of tho living God planted, Give us the Diblo ami let all the peo ple read. Whon tbo flowers nre full of henvnn desi'ondod down, they always hang the r heads; but men hold theirs tho nlghor (ho more of the world thoy receive, getting proud na they got full. A wash composed ot lime, salt nnd lino sand or wocd ashes, put on In tho ordinary way of whitewash, renders n shingle- roof much safer ngiiin.it flro from sparks and falling cinders, in enso of flro In tho vicinity. Established 1840. rrt. A. Q. &IMMON8' Original Liver Medicine. HOU ALt. DISKaSKS OK TflK UVKIt. SOUIt- NKSS Ob'THK STOMACH, LOSS 01' Al'I'il- TITK.StCK IIKAD.VniK, RT( ETC. PIIIOIC, Olio Dollar. T. A. IMVIS, A: CO. WholcMlo DraK8lt,7t Front HI. I'urt'and, nmjtt-lm. Axrutu fur Oruron. MORTH SALEM STOBE. W. L. WADE, 1 T TUB imiCK HTOIlft. HAS JUST HECXIY-w- 1 a full auottrai'iitof Crozxoral Merchandise, Dry Goods. Grcoories, Boots &, Shoos, Hardware, ' Clothing jAlcnUtvd. for the Cltyand CountnrTrado. Ilonrht it ow. and will ta lold ftt SMALL A I'Hoi'iT. u Jicmo wlio H3LL AT COST. (W"Uool detlwcd to mr part ot Uiu cltf freo of ctuuvo. NoyBr Nonas TO PKUSONS IXTKXDIXO KMiaiUTE TO OKKUON. TO Direct Passage from New York to Portland, Oregon. Lixd DirAhTttrnT 0. A O. It., I TIM OUKOOM .TkJK 'iSSaRSF A. lullt at Olxitcr I' , by Julin Honch A Hon. nixm ttr4,l riimpletlnn, pu or uiwui the istb U of Jimny. IWW lcri pMneor Irrnn Now York to IVrtUtid! direct, vlii tbeHtMlttiiriUircllaii, t lira curemtlj low rtt of 75.00 tutruncy, board luotudvd. TnliPltnmerMlllboIha btt, rlrmiKnt nl molt imfutthlyirnifd Khlp wt-r rnllt In tha United iSU,Tr' JiW1' ! kn"tJ, Dimension! M iwtln 0 ""iW'Mblinii.l ti Mfcr'o pWiiurll! I lieu tlii uii n ! Iho Mi;rKH will rccolrtt upcrUI M loiilloiij It will boprmldoi with all nnxltriilmproyc muiiUind It vcnilLtilon will bo prrffrt Kvrry t tviitlui will bo paid t nu comfort of pn.tuir. mid tnefAiu willbMiirtliplx-M qoult'. Vart of Hit! Ivck r om will bo fluwl op for icrjlcrralliirf patpon im. wltli nvliiw H lurnUb uniPtm frimu rami du rlnjr Urn w bold vnyacti, Tho ym n.t III ho tnarin In nboiit Uty dir. "."""'I ,periMin wboikvlra loniiUratoloOrcson. nKilciilliireUud other tuiplomut will bo taken at tinr low rate For irra-iii liero wlio liv Mend In tho AHanllo . Hiatrn wMiliiif to co.uoio Oro:ou IM ofl'cra n raw iM'P'trluiilly. ay tbu nnno) n,c and fiUlutia of tho urvr'aii'l nulls by rail aro avoided, an J tbu bae li conrldi'Mbly . , ,!',".l'"i!.,M!!Ur ,nf""nl!l' dJrr F. 0. Scl m'Ct. .-wi.iM ...maul riivri. ni-w luik. or IJiinOI Laud Aitnt O. 1. SCIIULZK. A (?. It. It, (Vi . I'mlldi'l, tn, Homo-Mad o aud Hand-Made B O OT S . IK YOU WANT A OOOD-FtTTINO FINK HOOT you can bo accommodated by citUlui; Ai AriiiNtrong'N Mil op, On Stain Slrcft.oppoMlo WILLIS'S HOOK 8T0IUL All Wiiiik Waiimntu. ltc IUjlwabi k. Irimlruiic matty mat irotniilu limit. Oiyk Ma a Vxu.. laclBlf) wm; AitfltHIUONU. P1DMMER FRUIT DRYERS. I'atentrd April 1877. millIS MAOIIINKH AltK UNSUIIPAPHRI) 1IY I. any n.lir fjr llryliiR or I'rirtrvlnif KrulM md ivrtablr ut all kliuU, and ore ciialrnclcd atd .ur. nUlitd compliu- In four illtTori-iit !, nninolr. TIih Tom Tli ii nib Iiryi-r-ciuiclty of V boihi-l of m,!f. prr Iii.hi- price .Y.t W riiri Ninull I'mnliy Dryrr-caprclty of JM bjhliulapirli.iur price fUB Tlio I'linilly llrjur-tupullr of 3 bulul pir bimr prlio jKX) Tim I'lirtury lirycr- capacity of a tuihtlj per liour-pilco .... Tbiatliryrrawtrnnwardcil tlm LVa'cnnlil JlnUI "I'd "p,iii,aatl'illalipblaln lrl. aim, thiOold SI llu' thoMiluor Or.i;oii for IKS. fjr cxultineg ufnivor, clumnd comtlllonof fiult All lm ujiiitanlly on band nnd mmlrhcJ onjlicrt onluotltv, 1'uriH nd fount)- Illshlw for suli. For further particular and dtKrlpt're cu'alozuo ""llrw , W. M. I'LUUMIilt, , ,, , J'tttciileo ami) Mmufjiiurvr. JolStf iwiit I'urlUii'i, o n'ua. A COMPLKTK LINK OK 3E2C uA. n. PO ES J3, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, . Spars, Etc., Etc. DEARBORN'S, ON COMMEFCIAl STIEET, DUlMIIN'rl BLOCK, SATEM - - OREGON, pr2!4! i V '. X .i. CS A . 7.U 3 ;f. - i43ih.j