Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 02, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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    ifi&ftJit. 4
i1 ! -
1 M
' 1
OFPIOEIlSorthe NATION A li flRANfltt.
Matter John T. -Tone, Dirton, I'hllllpe, Ark.
OerierJ.). Woodnun, I'aw l'aw, van llarcn,
JclitrtrA. n HinciIk-y.Crciico, Howard, la.
NUtMnlA. .1. Vaughn, Miinpbl.Tuun.
In' ttotpmf-Moriiniur WlilUlii-ad, Allddlebnah,
SonHTmt, N. !.
Uifip a a 1. It Kill". Hp-lni:Wnnj;h. Warren, O.
Treavinr -V M. Mcl'mttll, Wi)iic, 'liiilioii.N. V.
(xcitttinjl), II. Kijlluy. l.otilitiilc, Ky.
fluff-h'e-ixr O. Dinwiddle, Orchard ifrote, Iml.
CVm M . .1 ihn'l'. hic. Ilirton, I'IiIiIIvk. Arlt.
';. -Mi. r-aniitid K, Mlinii", Mtmllci tin. .Minn.
l'ouvtM Mr lliirvi') OniMnrd, North Or.inby. I"t.
W Ui'-iant .ittuiird - ..II I'jrullnu A. Hall,
IiuuidilU, ny
l).Watt Mkmi, (CiitlriiiHii.)' ..l.celjur),S. C,
1!. K. siniik'iiuii. Dud kjiiu lnwa.
lludlcj T. rime, Cltrutu nil S. II.
Altitun (I dclir, Hod: tyll. Whln-ldc. 111.
W. il. ciiitiilKrH, Uiwcicliiu, Htimll. Al.,
Oillccrs of OroifDii Jitulo (JriuiRc.
Matter Win. t'yrit. Helo.
Ootritt- It Hliiiluy, 1 'im-cirn. ,
oturcr-MM. I".. N. Hunt, Hnhlltnbjr.
kcrttaiyM W. Ritidilt orcion City.
SUtvartf-W It. TIioiiu. Wall 1 Walla, W. T.
Aitl'lant Sltuarill W. Klddlo, I'aoyoiulllu.
CmJilitW. II. (liny, Alnrla.
TrnuiirtrM. I', huu. I'iriUiiil,
(Idtfi't'iur-l) uilid (l uk H.1I1 m.
Verm Mr. II, A, .M III r, .lavkriiiivllla.
ISimorvi Mr. S 1. Ihirliiiti, .McMliinvI'lo.
A'rti-Mr. I!. A. Ittdly. INi I'urt'niid.
IMl Am'I titttcJiityUe. (luorgli Smith, Hood
IIIvit, Wii"Mifii'iii jr.
JJeecutlNl VoimntUtrWm. ('ynt, Hcliij It. Clow,
Dilln; 1'. I, .smith, II I Itlwir. . .
Mute IIilIichi Atjuit-H. t .,.it. Portland.
Stato Gratio Uoputiou for 1B77
lni let.
A IIld.'.-
Ilnoch hMrvlnu 11 llt Croelc ...
N Wlttnilill Uriyoiclty....
.1 WIIiyiH Myrtle Creek-. .
UM Hi ilner Drain's btuium
I'lymutiMi Kully
..Cmt Portland ...Kait I'ottlind
..auriiiuiity Slm
...ricUnnnlllo J.id.i-tiNllIi
I I'Cii'tt mi in..
(1 W limit....
JN T Mill" .
rni.it. ,
I'A I'atlunxiu lllckroil Halcui
t.AKi:. . .
J JCtiarltiti flomn fjilte Inrl.fonv.llc
jotrviituK. ...
Daniel KlnMr Kcrliyvlllc JAckMitnllln
Junn'H W MHlojk (Inrltrn
HA Ifvlnii I.olnnon.... Allmtiy
.Inliii did 'Ij-rIi 'Hi" tll'
X A t Ml tl
1) (J Durham MfMlnuvllli
. Hii,iiliit'in tlniiin
U II Illti'iVtiiri.'. finyim Clly Canyon Clly
llV tin er t'liliinitilaClly
II V Ilidlur TllliiM'xik North nmlili:
JH Wnlui Wftmi WiMiii
J lltiiry H'lPKHlor.... 'Hi
wamiimitipn TKiiiiiriicr.
H W ttni'vi Vaticomrr
Ill'Hii'in Dayton
I.hlltii-r Colfax '''''
I'll Ml Mil1.
M ', 'lutlilu i:inia
HH M him n flit'lullf I'ti'tit
Tllllll'T'lN. . ... ,
1,0 Altlmit ntyiiihH OI)tnila
K I.nn(inlii .ii
Jull.tt II nun' tknll'o HcMtii
I. M IMonmit Clurjimli
(j i' () Kiininn:
liiMtyiKMtntv wliertt Hio nimty n, intltitiit In itl
thu ntiml i"illWii ! l ttiv (Imiiku. iif lit Iim ullly will
moii'.U MittiiAttliii'.i'Vc . t IHlH'lin iil.tm
(utiiiiiy litititMiuK I liiniNi'ti iiiilliial In iimu ai
IlliUltflltl vulUinlll SU0tUli "i .""'":'",.,
II M lll'f,
Mti-lsr OriVm. ritntiitirani;!, I1. of It.
Mooting of gubordlnuto Qranccs
llnp't.NT 21. litMOlH In AHmny.oil tl'n !
ixiiil IMAiiinl.n-t ill milt iiioiillii 'it 10 t. if.
()l 1'itiii, Ni . In H.lfy. iSiiil imiHiii
H.tlllllt)Hll' II 1 111.
llttiiiHr. N'i. I'i l" Urnwroril.tvillti, lit
Mini :lr.I SiUil.t hi i i. m.
Hvri!iiin No. iiB, t MlttoM million, ltt
KatiiriUy.iil I p. m. . ,
Nitimtnii N . Ul, tit !.ob mull, U I tun! lilt
aniHilny. til H "in .....
(Inir.if I'riililo N.i. 10, I'll Hatiinlrty.
Kutix llutto No. IS!, lit uml Urtl htilnr.
Sititl-iitt No. :i, ami mul -lilt KnlurdiiyH,
Ht 10 .1. 111. , , ,
HrtiiiiiHvlIlu No. ll, lt "J "'l s'tr,
' 'fmixuut, No. 7, Ut nuil !lril KrlilHyH, nt 10
... 1 ...
UnrrUbnrK, No. II, lt nuil 3rd batur.
iUvm, nt 10 k, in.
Hlunlil, Nu. U, lt mul Il.l HaturdiiyH, nt 10
....... .
lUnny Ut inn No. M, lit mid 3d SuturdayH
in OKiiu ittomli limn Oololmr In Juno, mid on
ttin litSiilunlKy tlin lulKiitwof llto yiir.
lUriiiimv No. ail, 3rd btitnnlrty, M'KtiUrly,
tipt In Nov. Duo , Jmi.. Ft.b., mul Mttroh,
wtiou tltoy moat I tin lat Friday.
onp Crook No II, MNiurdy ut 10 , in.
WllUuuditi No. 6'J, lit 'I'liurxiUy, t 10 it 111
riillouiutli, Noia,d'liKtnrdy,i.t 10n.m.
Orovtwiill. No 01, 1 It siiirdy, 1 p.m.
Knin, Nu. Wl, in UtiK-ino Cliy, 3rd hut
4 .y, ut 10 it. in.
Olurlty, No 7(1, a I Hturdny.
(I01I11111, No. IOI. lHS(urdi,it lOo'olook
J.t'i.ition City, No. 43, and SaturiUy, Ht I
P'lJakonUi, No. 107, Cmnp Crock, ad Satur-
Oak Pjlnt, No. 3, lit mid 3rd Huturduyw.
HaIoiii ilmui, No. 17, lit nml 31 N.vtir
liyi In ool iiionili, t.xi-rtpi In Aiikuhi, Sp
to nltrtr. mid Ooinlifr, wlmn U iiiiIhoiiI.Voi.
Uli l'Stnri4V V tnnir nail 111 oium.
AWtim, N 1 131. Pit Hiinilny.
Ui.k I'.il'tt, N H ni.Simr.Uy, ut I p. 111
ililtu Cnxik, Nit. 8.', 3rd K.iltmUy. t 10
Hrtvrtiton No. 100, mt'otn lit, Ssturdiy, Rt
V o'olook.
Har'.on uimiiy i'otuoim Oraujo
WW meat 011 tlio llwt Krlclny In No
vt'mtier nt l o'clock In tUi foronoiin. nl
(IrtiiiKO I rt'l, TiiriH'r'.s Sttitlor. A roll
O. w. Hunt.
It tlnosM1 tin iiu, j;iu.i tutiill n nmn
Mn 'ortl of 0 fi tlun" mul tlion kvoit his
Ulnt.cr wilting htilf tin hour.
From lltno lmmotnorlal tho farmer Ims
beon too muuh nnooncernod about IiIh ocou-
nation as comoarod with other olascos of
biiHinoHM. HoIibh cortcelvod tho lilca lliat
IiIh duty lieu only In ooolng that IiIh labor 1
wellHpout, that hit laud ylulds wtll, and
that bin Htock Is well cared tor. Ho li3B lnM
Hlfjht ontlroly ofotio srait fcBttiro of IiIh bt."
tifiHH. Tho pnrchaxM rtrjulhllo to hint ten
pulnn nnd tlio waloH ol tho production t.l
ItiM farm No'itn to bo mitlerH In which he hut
doitlod long ho tiot to moddU". Tito troiln
nud tr(itlio,lho hnrliratid i'lmnho, In v. hah
in it of i.thi roc 'iijiutl .nu nru m sl.ioAtl ur.d
pi njlrK.ir..rijnr. Uo Io'j1;s ulti.u'oudir
mid hi orilVjniwit al tho praatluo uud covbtu
tlio ability tliipliiyod, b'lt never onco 111
tomptH to onic-r tho Deld which U Holnvillng
to hint. K-cnnlzltiK thoo laiiiontuble f)fi,
wo fuol tint tho fiitttin Ih brliib'lni; a rcvolu
tlon,"! olitrijo for tho bettor. When tho
frtrni-iM IhritMhout tlio Stattn bci;iu tho
movement that roultod in tho Orango or
ginlatlon howho utilvorajtl, tho Urot btcpi
woro taken thut If ooutlunod will brlti(,'Rre.st
and listing liomll't nml plaoi tho farmer oil
n lovul with otlinr moil of tho bti'ilneHs
world, Tho commodities ol tho farmor m
q ilro no luit manipulating than thona cf the
morohntit, tho uiauufactiirer and tho banker
Ho iiooibi 11 fiytlc m of tv.mtziunluiitiun with
other prudtit'orH from tlio toll th.tt will nt
iiblahlm tojiul(o tho most fjvonblo tlmo
t-j pi too hi. Tirol tico on tho mrUet. Wr
hoptlhlH Hini'j iryaul. itlon will In the
m?niHof nlvliif tho Ijtnitr omo volco at
lo.t't in htytiit; what tho markoMblu vnluo ol
hit (,'r.ilu r. hull bo.
Thero linvti nlwaya lion lir;;n profile
ariiln In tho Ir.iiHlt of ;rnin from tho pro
(Incur to tho ousuuier. Tlioo hnvo leu
ofttui lallctt 'mo Iho cblleiN of iho cunulnt:
Mptaiihttor uIiIIh Iho poor f.intur Um hearco
ly nmll.-.etl itiounh to uovur thooxpi'tnitHof
tho year. My tho liilluouco of (ho Urat)i;o
tli'.ii men of wo.tlth aro compullod to Hhiirn
tho kiiIiih with tho Itonti't t-nn'i nf toll who
havo uiado thorn rloh. I'atlouco, pemver
ttticoantl determination will brlnuu royoltt-
tlon that will work f,'rout good ntnon tint
tllltirHofthoMill. All Hum Hoi within tin Ir
ponor and must ho tlono bv tholr own
hituil.i. I.nt t'xo union of hotitliuont antl
fuotlni; wltlcli lias ltltliorto benu nminouri
bn preserved iuvlolato. S'pctinl euro inns: bo
ttkon to lui'ri.jno tho Inoreut iu IhoUruiiKc
ineullniH. Mom wo htiould Dud tho 1iI);!ich
oU'iiu'tit of hocIuI Intoroanro. Let tho feed
liof brotltorhoid bo Inorcasod nml tho
bititl( of union bo inmlo fctiotiyernndhlroiiK.
or. W'hlla thnorKUi Union rcMrt on printil
lilesof bimlneai there Is no reanon why
thoro Minulil not 11 5w n current of Micml en
joyment und ploaHtiro through each meet.
Iti, Ahovoall, nud tho moU Imporirnt
feature of Ihetto mi.otliiv.M, Alinuld bonfire
and li.iP.rty (INoiiihIoii of toploi oksely con
nected Willi ouch iiwutlior'i fjttnlmrtinerrft.
Let tho t'Oltmiio't nti'l practlctM which
havo to I 0110 (o HuccttiH bo royoiltttl mid uu
(lor..toml by all. If onu by I) hi taut and tub
i:tt li.ii Kttitlued n i;roler ptollcloney tliun
o Iiii-h In antno p.irllcutir Lratiuli, let uli bo
cittio aitpKluieil with tho tntoni, to lltnt
ihu btJHt poHNlblo mnnnut of labor muy be
iixponUrttl In oxperliniiuiIiiK. Tin ft) dluiut
HlUIIKOt 1.0 ninoli VitlllO tililHt bo of wldthl
rii?.! mid moat rotroliln ariiinuutH. Itj
tlniMi., the i;roat otjiota of tho Uinii'oaru
ronli.til, ihu nvperhiueoM of nil mo merged
tiinotto uriu.rul fund of Ittf.irm ulou, tlio
f.trn'ciH iutereNt l.i promo ed, nud nrlettl
turo U oluv.ited to n dignity whcruiito
prntideitt hoiih of honor icuy ciij;h;o In Its
purxiiit. H.ll.
Indliinnp'.lli. Ind.
A roinpitiM ,11 1,1 Iho ptleos of iommnili!lns
which mainly tlotormliio tho cent ul livlmr, in
lba, llioyt-ar Ixitoto tho panic, with tho.o
iow currnnl, rnveali Iho fant that, with tho
oxeopilnn of bread Hud meat, overvihlui; l
now mitoli cheaper limn it was live yours
uu. Dry Koods have lx.ea reduood thirty
llvopor cunt.; coal, titty por cent.t rent,
hlrly-llvu er cent,; dtitliliiK, lift v lir
cunt ; Iioiihii fiiruWhitii; koc!h, forty wr
CHiit.j furniture, thlity lit o per cent. j and
most of the uccoHHarloii of Ufa from fifteen to
tlilrly jut cent. It la notpenMlblo Ingot nl a
very necurato niatetuout of tint ooitof IIvIiik
m any time, an prices aro more or lew. Iluclu
atlutr, and tlio proportions in which ditienmt
inalerlala enier Into ihu mibsUteuoo of I'aml
Ilea vary Willi their Unie4 and hablta, and
can bttdolluitoly ascertained only from tho
actual bllla incurred, Hut it general Idea
can 00 drawn from wholeaalu prloea of Iho
different article of ordinary rouMiniptlou,
mid lliee abow a doellue equal to tho reduo
lion of waKea. Wttether it la a hardahlp for
a man to bo reduced from f-"0 to f 14 a wetk
In Iho courio of live year a dependii altogeth
er 011 whether tho latter 111111 will procure
the name, or marly the aamo, amount nl
ihoMiiiiliiKH which hiipport life, ami uiako It
pitdiiralde. Tho Miirrlm; clam, tho ntilv
claaa that need a'o suffer, ia the unemployed,
wuti Maud rcaiiv ami anxious U laktt aui,
vacated nlnciea In tho milks or labor nl Dm
nipa which tho condition of htndueiN en
ablm tho em plot, eta lo offer. They have u
claim tiH)n the conMiieratiun 01 1110 piuian
ihroplc, but ihot-o w ho have uleady employ
iiieni, ut w ituea ten lo II I teen pin out, bt-lo
huso of ilva yeara ho, aro lobe counted
nmtriitlvely fbrimuto' AVj York 7Vicra
San FrmioUeo, Oct. as A heavy for; hunji
V rthe city this morning wliloh, alxnu
11 hi. o'clock, cbatiKed to tlno dritllni; rain;
wind lUlit fiom MiutiieMHt.
Ciimntiiy II. 1M Cavalry, nud companies II
snlK.iah InUutry. Htrlteti ihla tuoruiiu
from Mount Idaho The cavalry will no Into
qnnrUisMt lite Frt-sldlo antl tho Infiniry hi
Alcalras. Oeti. lloward'a t-timmKud tauoik
ntr It way from the MUaoutl ritor, uml
lll prolstbly tako Iho train utOmihaf.it
Su Frauciaisi.
Oltloora Elrotod.
Cap'.tsl UdgtI.O. (. T,, it their meet,
lug last S. turd ty ovenlr jj, ltld Hip follow.
JtK lllirrs 'or tho piimu n 'trm, W. O. T.,
JohuathanO'Danald; W.V.T., Mm. Mary
Coopirj W. S., Ira K:bj V. F. S., O. W.
i.rlbr; W.T , Jatnra CoflViyt W. M Hitch
llarilmms I, O,, Mia r06 ItaynoliU; O. O ,
Itobert HarriHoti; V. )., Mr. Dr. A. L.
Davla. The ollluera will bo luatal'od next
Saturday oveulug.
Many of our renders hare doubtless no
tlcod during tho patt year or two, (ho rapid
Increase on tho vacant lota and allevs of out
city, of ho weed known BHlhedHRgercocklti
bur. It It a ppneloa of weed Bltnot na thrift
and hh bad to root out as iho Canadian this
tie, nml lla rapid spread will onu initloit
vAiiy to tho farmltij: landa utilru Bomethltiji
in none lo ntop lia fprad.
IJeluw wo putilMi tlio Uw ttimn tho suh.le,
pjiMtlhy tho Oroon Iy-L'llalliro In 18(51,
nud iho proper olUt'orn ol thin county nhoultl
ecu it rigidly euloireil nl onco.
f'lCTION 1. Thai It hhall 1)0 Ihn tlntv
II 0 SiipBrvNdtH of t),r, mrral nuutiiHlu
thlMHiKtr., In nildl'lon In tho dut'ei 1.1'licrK
pioi'rlb .1 l).y law, to ctU".. tint d'HtMH'Moti,
in the m.tnner w,liii'i tOFitld Uoad Supnrvl
orathiiil rol)l 'mot etliictlve, id tin. wtl
l.nown as tlm il'Kr cochlebur, whrrn Mich
ucnl Hhall ho h.und Kioin; upon Ihu .tilt
ilo hlclnvnvM nml c untv roatis of 'lii St-tlo.
yio. a. Tlio Coul Suppril'or ivlmll iiitio
tint now or to until out lanorpri upon tlio
ptibllohlnhwnyn, for tho e.rtirpallm of iald
weed, as In case of repairs of Mich IiIkIiwua a.
Sic 3. Acy llrnd Sup' rv Nor, in pinclina
(o perform lilt, duly undtr the pm l-tons ol
this ant, Hhall bo Utthln to 11 tlno of not mom
than twenty ilvn, nor loss than live dollar,
lo bo recnvorttl to tlio ti'oof the county ho
foroany .Itm'.h'oof tliol'oKCC, bywult in Iho
nau'o ot tint county.
Six1 4. Tho owner nrofonpniit of latttls
Mmll (Mrofully cxtirpnttt mipIi weed, wi en
the h'ltuo Ih fiuui.i 'oln upii't tho land t f
such owiu.r or ctcnpatit shall fall ornfniie
to tltH'rnv Mielt wei tl,lt(r Iirtnjr tmtiuVcl bv
tho Uoad Siiporvlanrnni'iv nthf r person, 1 1
the c ::lM(4ti(.( of mipIi weed npin his hind,
then P shull lo li f tlti'v f Hi" lloatJ Super-
vianr to canto Mtlil w t d to I n den ro ctl npin
mid land, mid at tho e.xteiiM' nf tho ownor
Ihert'df; Ihn cxi cmmi nl nidi Jabi.r In tie
N'royltiKMiuh wiptl t- bo r.coverol by .sub,
In t lie iinmo of tho county, buloto any court
of eonmtiicnt JiiiimI clou.
Hio A tf Mini) bo Ih'i tJiPv of 11M ti.unlc'.
pill corporftlotH nud enmity niirhrirl In In
thin htiiln.to jiroviilof.r tho ix ctiiiliui'ti.ii
or tho Mtld daKer ceokh luir whliltt tho lim
Itnof Midi corporation, or on tho vacant
lands within Mtolt c'-iinty, Mini tiny cllv 01
loiMi corporal Ion wlllun thin Sain tirglict
lull orri.tiitlnic to comply with tlio provls
1-itiH of llil Bi'dfon. Mliall bo liable lo n for
Mturo to tho State o' 11 Mini not Ipi than
flity, nor morn than live hundred dollars, in
ho recovered by HUlt, in Iho tiaiiio nf 1 In
state. In any court nrrninpelont Jurisdiction
Htn 0. Itahull bn tlieilntvol ihot-ovotal
tllstrlotnltnrno.vHof this.S'.itp, to prosfctiti
all nulls brousht under lha provinlons of
M'c'lnn fi, wlihln their rnprcilvp countleH,
nud illicit intntnov.s tdinil ho enlliled to a 5e
ol twenty-Ilvn tlnllan for every Judgment
rcnitiTcii in tarnr 01 1 in mhito in hi en as
mid Hhall bo eutlllod ton fie of Ion dollar.
forpvery litilt lirrmht under the p'ovmlop
of tlila net, when judgment la rendored
nfjalnst thoSlalo.
Slnco preparing tho foreKoiiiR for tho prrH
woloiirn-thnilhli noxious and ttoiiblesoine
wood lltiPH tho H. It, truck in t-otno plaeeh
fur noveral hundred feet lietwpMi hero ami
I'orllantl. The illvUloil Iiohm's t-honlil bo
luilruettd liv .Superluteii.'ont llrnndt Ionip
'o tho matter or imM yiar our larmpra tin
iwei-ii horn hiiiI Poillatni will Mill' r iiiuity
dolUra In const tpn nco of tho cimtmiiyV
uooura,;i titrajicnn.
TI.o following curac; tr.nn Ihn T'alli"
Wit'l-e itotesman Is orihy of reprojiut Ion
I'lio words npply loSatoin as wolliii Vsll
Wail. ThttH ati.inaiiHxy: "When Mtran
U-ra comtt liero Willi rneana ami provi.o n
ojiKik'tt in limdiutw, eutoiir.mn them In nl
pii-sitihi'aH. Jfthey deairnu lot lor bnlhl
Ini; purtioses, well it lo thorn at u, roiuoiialil.
rate. IlliioywlHl, lo plst)llsli a iiiauufsit
urliiceitleipris, and r'tpnro w lO.r iwr.
don't Kvk llii'iu lino.. tlititM in tnticli its tin
privtliwi. Is uotili. If i nu no Urn oitatit'ii i
that ihoy will hot k MiniM oihur I'M'ilUy, mm)
le.tvo yon wtilt nnproiluciivti pinpHriy uv
lour IiuiiiIm. () vnn to want ' l'.ni.O'ht ili
tni'i. 11 tnills ffH 1lrlvt.11 10 liiyinn and if
thiuitid li'ivo hivti tho incMii of tnill.liu it
a rimtilaldo rival to Walla W.t'lt. Tit
oriinainrH of lliHt Mttcrptl.., ibaired to in
no, 1 hnrc, tut (tiltlhiK that water powir
could tuny bn L.nd nt it 11 enor'iinns mrlai
they aio.plnl tho doiiitlnu nf 11 null lluf nu
Jo-so l.o mul built their Ian nry at 11 tuwt
mat itinu only inul mi existence on paper
(o deal
Thu htiri-ht way 10 tmlld up a lowu is
liberally wull hiraiiiriirs I.i the oirlv cm
iletmiut nf tho North est C,i.i, Oregon Cut
hail Hut load, and promid to bo tho oh lid
mwii In H10 country. Holders oftouiilo.t
laklng Ihu ndvautatcp nf this, held their prop
iirty nl ex ratauut tlKiiroH. Tho remit wa
tho location of n town named iMrtltnd, and
Orecon City hPtcuUtora woto lelt out lit the
tsdil. I.lko ht.H n like, and If a bullish (Millet
killed Oregon City It may prove ipJ'irlotiH To
oilier town. 'Wnluntne thu etranner within
your Kate,' is an old Injunction, tlio wisdom
of which Is Just as apparent now as when
first uttered. Lit 114 welcome new comers
and in all Mtiltatilo ways tuaka them feel that
woarojolned with ihotu in iho bouda of a
colli utou uuuiaulty."
ThonuiB Ita who wa arrestsi by Chief
lhtsaur of Portland and Hie Shnritr 01 Woco
county recently at tlie l)las, oUarged with
hleullmja hnrso of John Casldy, of thl
county was brought before II. A. Johnson,
J. P., for preliminary examination yettler
day. It was shown that Iee Is a farmer liv
ing about ia miles above Vancouver and baa
lived there a number of years and that he
endeavored lo get Chief It-ser lo Mop at his
landing and havo Itlin IdenllfKl and al
though tho Captain was willing to land, the
chlel who was playing c-trda at the time
would not consent, but brought his man
along, thereby costing Marian county usuog
sum. Of cntirto ho wa disonargeii, Chlel
ll.4i-eriif I'ortliud, has his foati, the man b
out lltno and money, aud this county loot
IUO Ulll,
An Aliuott Fatal Blow.
Yes'erday afturinxin a tiov liy iho immn nl
WiIhou, tnadeim unprovoked attack upon
Frank Connver, near Governor CbadwlekV
rtsidence, 11s tho lltr lad was relurnltiK
Immn Iroin ohool. WlUott struck Conovei
wllh tikituk, ttio blow NllliiK iiism hi let
temple felling him in tho ground aud re 11
during htm uncoiucUms, in which conditio
Counter was taken Into tow OnvernorV r.s
Idjtuv, where prober ro-slorativtsi woro ad
iiiluUtereit, and the boy was taken home
but pasMst a roUloss anil leverl-.li nlgh
Wu learn that 11 warrant has bton lasned fot
dto Artrst of ynui'i: Wrn,
Novr Ulvor otiimar.
Mr, Seoley of thu ludtip-iiU mi htnsmora
Ohio nnd City of HaIhii, went Itelowou tin
AutMii for iho machinery frtotiHw hosU
or the WllUtnetto river. U. It. Scull t Co
iiavo proven themselves Hiemo.sieuiceeful
sleAUiOoat niHii In Ortfon
Ituuai-rtb.y Aiuiuad,
Dtvld Swans a well known aud wealthy
ciiiaxu of Salem I'ralrle ha Jim brt-n o-
(xltedof amaltoloiu ohartre of larceny In the
Circuit Court noar lu ae-dou I11 Albany.
Compoaotl on roadln Dr. Dick's Philosophy.
Ho Rrand nnd awful la the Bight
Of whirling pl.meW, vutlod In light,
Altbotmh our oyu roveala them not,
Yot, fixi-d In each nppoln id spot,
Itevnlvim: planolH go their rntiinl,
Whore eaolt nud all by magnet bound.
The comet, with blsfdtlnliu: hand,
Formed l tho mainM Alufphiy llattil
rliMcanH.) tho river Irniti itsuniiruo
I'd sprend sbroad lie mlichly eoutHe,
Who tiiti.ti alrnsh enoh hhij I'm ioiiuo,
And mighty worlds on noihliiK Iiuiik.
rite plnttelH fir nbovo tia senm
As l)ioii).;h ihev did hut faiti'ly bum,
Yet when wo iltlnlt how ety far
Alovn us is each flitter In Mar,
ft mi in 1 it iMi-x .., us whv
Thoy 'ro nt t so Inrgo to naiced cyo.
And inviv (hunks ho In I It" innn
Who II rt conceived thu wotidrt us plin,
An ius.rumi nt, to view on liiIt
Tiin tohir HjHit'tu In thtthky,
IIIj hairt'a ilihlro, his bosom's hop;,
That mighty thln tho Teleicope.
And wi'li Its old wo view tlio Sup,
And count tint plaut, 0110 by ot e,
Wo htndy laws of dlll'.reutfttim,
llornchel, Alnrcury, Vitnu, Mars,
Tho rliiKa of -Saturn plainly sen,
And tell when utxt euilpiu will Lo.
And unto him who brought to view
'I ho MIcroM'opo, to aid us, too,
To In in bo thank ; to him wo own
Our kiMwIftliintir tlio plants that Brow,
Tito Iliwor nnd f-jrus tli.it MiMy mj;1i
Unto iho bretzj thm'j pj.isiui; by.
And Insiots, 'twill nnt,pvm ihem by,
runi'H not porcntvoa ny ttiKoti tyo.
Vud iieib nuil llower. nntl 1 1 ti It nml tree,
My help of tlist, 'twill aid lo ago,
in J beauties Ih it can nt.'or b ' lolil
Found In ouo llttlo pit co of mould.
And ontllc'fl prnlfo to Him bo
Who fornt'd the wontleis that wo Fft".
rim mlulity worltis, this pomleiotiM globe,
Tho aliiuisplicro that (tot li It rolie,
Arouutl tho myrl'id tiiunlni: hiiiih,
riiousiutdaof millions of nilllloiiH of tons.
When wt Miryoy our wouilrou fiiimo
Wo Uml Ills wisilotu Is tho Hum) ;
If viti nut wish in 1 novo our hand,
-'ntuo mtiisoltH br.ire, otheis expuid,
While tluoti(;h(iadi vein tho throbbing hoart
D01I1 bbtttl tho blood to overy p.irt.
And ill tlinso tliltiRs nro bv ITiiri undo
WI10 dotheil tho Ireos.und WI10 nrrayod
Tho hills ami 1 1. les in llvlnc err on,
Whore blrdnnlniriwcet anil llnvers aro seou,
Who moves tho planets nnd tho Sun,
Who spake, and oicrythluu wns done.
Nm.i.ii: M. Ckiciir.
Miiblltnl y, Or., Sept. 10, la77.
Hero Wo nru Apiln.
OroRon nKainst tho world. Anothor pro
"'not heird from. Just listen: "At Hip
Dilles, Ojtnborai.totho wlfo of H Pontlund,
trintriu, noo 1.011 und two thiuuhtorH.
Tho P. . T. Co.'.s Slcamcr
WILL, liuvi:
JSlKMtll, "VlNtO.
Way l'oi-iN,
PatroTiizo Your 07n Boat
rrotoclion UKUlust DZIIa
Jiiui'iintcc(I I
Ucccsor to J. M. Kkelkh Oo.,
5 Clborly (., - - hKtV VOUH,
OoiltllliMMloil jVtJOIlt
rro mrviNU and rouwAituiNn pitoii
V Now York via Itliinux, Taclflc Knllrtsjil, unc
i- Hom, all kind of .di-rchandle, mil fur tho salt
f 1'ro.lucts from U10 Pacific coait, fur tlio collet tlm
if money, .to. wte,f
Sorow Worm.
Foot Hot,
Parasites that infest Sheep.
Improves the Health
One gallon la mouth for one hnndtrd to two
ban ins) Sheep, accordtDf; toUelr ag, ttrengta, and
It la put up In FIVB-dALLON CANB-Prlco, 1S
ier cau.
Scud for clreular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co..
Wholesale Agenla lor the Mate,
Or to Tonr iiean-st Hftll Dni.-i.'lft. ntTt
lYLrs. Rohrer's New Romedy
no eiial In tha relief and rnro or fonL-hs. OM
VitUm. llronchlU', Cn;up, Whooplmj Ccach, Mt
4f, Ac. It hta rrodaced some n-marxtble rnrea.
Soli hT ilrirsttU renrrallr. Irprsi only by
JOHN . NUHPIIY, Monmouth. Or.
tn whom all letter nf hu.int-. .tmull Ke tiWriceU
tmrXTLUCW., ItteSonrecoU.f
Otnrii, nnrMn' hsv.k. sn Matm.
IP-AAM . Spring UU fre. F W.
A Lirn.i; Behind on nir Nkww.
A South Curolimi rosidont etimo down
out of tho innuiituiiiH 0110 cluy, lately,
uml nnked or tho flrnt uiiui ho met:
"What's Iho hows from tho w-ir?"
"Oh, It's booming right along," tuitl
tho Htritnn;cr.
"Ulclim mil k'prw holdln' hor own,
tlionV" queried tho motinliiin man.
"Hlcliinoiidl" yelled tlu htrntiRcr;
"(hero Inn't any war in JUehmond
It's on l ho D.mulio dtid around Huiotim
ami L'l.eroinii, and iioJutlnt; on to
wn ids i'oustimllnoil(."
"Oli, ynsi," ohsiM'vt-d tho mnuntnla
1 1, hcsltniinuly, "It'rt drlfled roil ml
to llieni 't-u pl.iei's, tins ItV"
An ' us lit. tins, i.ii uu armiiid ti clIlT,
thinm!iiid.siiMtio;pr he.irl that moun
taiiieor iiititterino; to lilinelf:
"1 hain't read tho p:ipcr.s intifh late
ly, that's .'0, and I reckon I'm jriltin' u
llttlo behind on tho iiewV
A wommrlfl fur mom honsitlvo than
it man. Khe inn liner ieeliuys antl a
mojodoliente mind. There are very
fuAymen who rcalizo this, uml in con.
M'tjuonco womnu is inatlo to etiduro
much tinnet'e.-.sary suirerin. One of
our merchants was jjolnir to ehureli
with his wlfo onu Suii-lny morninjr,
when bin btidtlenly mojiped and put
horhantl lo her head. "What's tho
matter?" ho asked, Htartled hy (ho
look 111 her face, "Oh! I'vo uot on my
brown Iml." "EhV" elaetilated tho
astttiilslied mini. Klio hur-jt into lean.
"why, aiiirlhii, what i.s tho matter
with you'."' hodeniaiideil. "Ooti'tyou
see what is iho matter ?"ho returned
in a foniiiiiL; v(i;eo. "i'vo yot on
brown hat with my stripnu r-Illc.
what will people n.iy?"
'J'lioi'p is no greater olwluelo In the
wiiyofHiiiTCns In life tli. 111 triHtinir for
.something to turn uj), iiisteud of yoliiu;
to wt rk and turnlut; up .snniethlno;.;
Very JJcsirablo iTopexty ior Salo.
Nitioty-threo ncros of bind on Salem I'ral
rlo, neur tho Fair U roll nil, will bo Mild ata
great bnrgnln loti rsslt pnrchn'or. For termti
mtl other Information tlinitilro of S. A.
Cliirko, at tho FAiiMi:ttolIici,.Salmu.
33 313 TT "X" X
Odea moTCd ovir IIKIZYMAN HltOS.' NKW HTOllZ
.. -.. OfU :o hours from 0 a. ru. to 5 p. nu
EJiTAItitNIIKIl 185:.
Willametta STnTserv,
Oawogo, Glaolcamao co., Oregon.
'Xlio Ifullaii l'ruuc.
And tlio lieit tarletlca of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills.
Oonatautly ou Iluutl.
Olfglxomt Prloo In CASH
Paid for Wheat
Agent 8. F. M. Oo
Xaiboral Torroa!
Tie erfson and Caliiornls null Oregtft
Cculral llallroud towpaniei
OFFER their Land for alecpon th) folhwing libe
ral term.: Old tenth uf the 1 iu In ca,h; Utcrvtt aa
lie iuUi.ce at the of , etui per eent. ono rew
$?rV7' a,'1c' following jef ,.oe tenth oflta
lrliicl.al and lnierrt un the balance at the rate 3
uivn p-r crnt per nnu ... Hoth principal and tnlsX
i.t ljah 0 In U. S l-urrrney. --
)H"J,nt of '? ,v"' er"' h allowM for eaak
. " Lettera to be addrvxl tn p. bCUULZK Ia
nl u. O. R. h.. Portland. Ortcoo. '
NOTAUY. IIIM lt,c' - A-e
and CMlleel.tr rialma. will proantth
iciiu !- pmrnfMi in tii u:-
. --- vw, rrffllTTllr
Vr Mm i -. - -, --