Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 02, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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A Word for Oregon.
"Dora Dnrtnorn," of the Mission Mirror,
San Frunolsco, concludes a letter to her Jour
nal, descriptive of a flying trip to Rosebuoc,
whlloou a recent visit to thin Stato, as fol
lows: "In conclusion,. I can trulhlully sfy
that Oregon has more natural advantages,
and a combination of picturesque landscape
attperlor to any State wo have over seen.
Her lofty, snow-capped mountains; her In
oxbaustlblo forest; her green and fertile
valleys, traversed by such great nnd beauti
ful rivers ns tho Columbia aud Willamette,
tooming with fish; hor moist Rntl equable
climate, uud fruitful soil, uialto her one of
tho most desirable States in the Union, In
which to make a huojo."
What Jim MoCiilly Says.
.Urn AlcCtilly.formerlvof tula city.hfl'jtist
returned iron) the cinnabar mines of South
em Oregon, nnd report, says tho Aihlntid
Tidings, quito an interest lu our ulster town,
(Jacksonville) relntlvo to tho extensive mlti
lng operation lu tho vicinity. Tho cinna
bar mlno9 of Kllppel, Hanua, Manning, Ca
ton and others on 'Beavor Creek, havo proven
n decided success. Wlt'j tho limited means
of rotortlnjr now omployed by tho company,
over 200 pounds of quicksilver nre realized
dally. With tho Impruvod facilities which
tho enterprising firm proposos to employ,
this mine nlona will prove no unimportant
Bourco of wealth to tho country.
Not Guilty.
A young man by tho nnttio of Haruos was
nrrostod by olllcor Mlnto on tho charge of
Mtoaling clnthiuK. v.'im brought boforo Jrt".
Coffoy, J. I , last S-UtmUy, and lin.il n Jury
trial. After bearing tint full ovldouco of tho
caso tho Jury decided that tho younis man
was not guilty, nud tho prisoner was lmino
dlatoly released.
Butter for Cnlifornin.
Mr. Cottle, on Friday last, purchased of
Messrs. Litchfield k Manning, 200 pound
nf thn Hiiltnv rHiiclwi butter, to bo shinned to
San Joso. California, for family mo. This
butter Is f-isi obtaining a cood rpmitatlon lor
Its sunorlor uualltv. Messrs. L. it M. aro
sole ngonts for Its salo in this city.
A UnAUTiFUr. Uouhult. Wo rccolvod a
vory handsomo bouquot, tho otbor day
from tho Uowor gardon of Mlsa l'loronco
Garrison, who lives in East Salom. Tho
lady abovo mentioned took forty-elnht
protnlums on hor nnworH at tho lato Stato
Fair, tulrty-turco towg nrsi premiums nnu
rllteen sicond. Sho bIno rtcolved VIck's
lorty dollar promlum for cut flowors.
On tho 7th day of Oot'obor, 1877, at the res
idence if Wm. 11. Munkora. by A. Stcbblnr.
J. P., Mr. Lovl M. Iiorreu and Miss Fannlo,
IS. MUUKors. All or aiariou county, uru
gon. This notlco was handed us during tho hur
ry of Fair week, and won mislaid or should
havo appoared at thotlmo.
BUCHTEL-At rortland tlilo (Tueida.vl morn
snif, Joaopti, yoiinitcut nou of JOBCpIi Ductile!,
K.,nt!ca atout live ycr.
3EXyAtt' Xilfo 3Qn.lHn.xia.
An a conquoror of ltheumatum. Oout. Nou
ralgla, and euro lor Scrolula and all diseases
arising from Impurity of blood, the old and
rollablo Family Medlolno, llyalC JJfe lint
sm, stands unequaled, as proven by over
300,000 croat cureB during tho past 30 yoarti.
Ih a radical vogetablo Compound ofBarsapa
rtlla, Dock, Gualacum, Ao., aud a permanent
euro. Sold by all drugplsta country
Hrooarn". Tako nomuyr j"e, . u iuoy
haven't it wo Bond by uxpfunn, Ijufd, every
where, at $1 and 81 25 per bottle? 800 aud
80.60 hair dor. Hyatt x u vatt, jiu urauu
St., Now York.
Book and Job Printer,
j.inl J3oolc1iu(lcr,
Holmau's Block, Old Kcnato Cham'
bor, Salom.
O.OCS low.
TUo Only Strlftij- Wholesales Drug House
in urvgon.
T. A, DAVIS fc CO.,
71 Front Slrccti
cuuidUo traae a complete aetonnieoi oi
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, end
Druggists' Sundries.
Of all lxc aud qualities.
Or ill the Jeadlnz branCt, In tint and kts,
Putty, Lampblaok,
Red Lead, Glue.
Inclndlns the flaett brandu for Coach I'Mn'.cn' ni e.
Palat, Whitewash, and Varnish Brushes,
LINSEED OIL, to barrel, and canr.
Turpentine, Coal Oils, CnstorOIl, Lard Oil,
Xeat'sToot Oil, Fish Oil.
In barrels and case,,,
Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Castile
Soap, Concentrated Lye,
-tt-ttarrm A.11 lcdxxclfli.
Quicksilver and Strychnine.
In Quirt. niUGalloo. OnHiallon and Flve-aallon
H Can. and Barrel., etc . etc.
Wear Agent ;for OreKon and'.Wa.hlngton Terrt-
iuiiiifkrri fartoMr hpl. Wrteltel itt
JaVael fwrltury UUMutu
rtr We bar oir cood. from flrtt band, tint eo
abnl to compete with any Barket on the Ooa.t.
', complioo.of onr price. wlU piotc bj9
Further, in my Special Reports, I will
briefly refer to dome npeoil articles on ox
hibltlon r tour State Frttrof 1ST7.
Mr. V. Volney presonteil a splendid vari
ety of ylK Iratnos nnd oil paintings mado bv
him la Eisl Portland. 1 lenrn that hU U
the only reizular manufactory o'mich articles
In Oregon. The work eertalnlVHpoakshlghly
ot the artistic skill of Mr. Volnoy. A first
premium and sllvor medal wan nwardid
film hy tho Society. This, however, Is bo
lowthenuirltHof his work. I would highly
recommomi him to a gotierous public.
This article wa on oxhlhltlon nnd obtain
r! thy 1st premium nud bronze medal.
Dr. Mnthleu show extended reoumitmda.
tlous of his ' Spirometer," nnd Its wonderful
euro. Tho Awarding Committee, whonutetl
with mo lu tho awards on the Mhcelliuicoim
Division, woro not, llko myself, much In
structed lu tho sclotK'O or medicine, but
pltlti, practical mechanics nnd farmers.
Henco wo did not. perhaps, set thnthigh os
tlmatlnn on tho "Spirometer" which it pos
sibly desorvos.
Tho nward In this caso camo from aspeclal
committee, aud not from us. A pold medal
was nwnrded tho Rubber Taint Company of
Man FrancNco, California. Tho othor com
pany received no nwnrd. Of tho merits nf
tbnso paints It U not lor us to say, Let tho
publio dccldo thocaso.
iik?t niftri.AV or rim: ams.
Thi?, by Mr. Win. lleok k Sons of Port
lnud, is certainly a credit totheSmto and
to the umuutAciurt-r. Thu flrt premium
and n bronze modal were fir below tho mer
Tsof thcKfl nrtlules. I ranuot speak ot thmu
tiro iirms, but In terms or tho highest com
niemlntloin. An appreclntlvo public will
8 u rely extend to thou conllomeu n llbcrnl
pntrounRo. Let in encourage homo Indus
try aud homo mauuracturos,
'ALTi:n a. wood's UAnvi:sTi:it, and s. i
This superior artlcloof farm maohluery on
exhibition by tho proprietors, rocolvod n
sliver uiodil and second promlum compet
ing with MoCnrmack'i Improved linrvoalor
nud Self Hinder. It was n dlmcult matter
how to declda betwoou arllclos of such hti
porlor merit, bs both of tboao tnachiuos pos
sessed. Not having this machine proseut
boforo mo now, I cannot minutely uVcribo
it. Suillco it to say that it is worthy of high
coinmondnllou, and should command ex
tenslvo sales, whorovor oiler to tho farmors.
Ihopothat thoro will bn a full supply of
Improvod Ilvrvcstors and Solf Hinders lu
duo tltno for noxt year's crop.
This grand Invention was on oxhlblton nt
the Fair Grounds, by Mooro's Urotbers.
We taw its perfnrmanee nnd was highly
pleased with ft. It is Just tho thing for our
wide prairloi, whero tlinbor Is scarce. It Is
portable and cAn be run by horse or steam
power, togroat advantage. It Is worthy of
high commoudatlon.
midulimis runiKvnn.
This mncblno by Wm. Edrls, Is nn ndml
rablo Invention, and worthy of exionslvo
natrnnnge. It ex tracts a vory psssabln fam
ily flour from middlings, nnd can bo run by
hand or ono horse. It is valunblo to minors.
Tho Asbestos material usod by this Com-
?any Is known to bo Indestrucllblo by tire.
t is theroforo, of very groat Importance In
coating steam boiler pipes, and for other pur
poses, when a combuitlblo nrtlolo would
ignlto. It is worthy of high commendation
nud ex'.ecstvo patronage.
This apparatus oxhlbllcd by our ontor
priding citizens of Sllvorton, Oregon. Is cer
tainly worthy or high regard. It was
nwardod tho first premium nnd n diploma.
Spnco will not permit n dotcrlptlou or It.
Cooper tk Mcintosh aro tho proprietors.
Thoao camo undor tho Jurisdiction nf
nuother committee. Wo, however, passed
upon a lot of drlod potatoes, pulvorled
nnd prepared for market by his tlryor.
Tho potatoes are roducod about throe
fourths of Its weight, nnd can bo canned uud
souttonll countries In perfect condition,
nud In fifteen mlnutos tho cooks cau havo
fresh potntoos out of this potato mcnl. I am
Informed that the demand for this drlod ar
ticle is unlimited nnd enduring, Tbero will
bo n domaud fcr hundreds or thousands or
bushels or our Orogon potatoos annually, for
this drying proceta In foreign markets.
This will lusuro not lets than four or tlvo
bits per bushol for our potatoos at homo.
TIih Plum mer Dryers nro too well known
and appreciated to rcoulro much eclat at my
hand. It Is certain that n now era has
dawned upon our fruit nud vegetablo Inter
ests. Tho time for setting out nil kinds of
fruits In orchard, Is now. Thousands of
dollars can be mado by our pooplo outsldo
of whoat raising, by tho the extensivo raising
ui Hoinruus, appies, poors, eto. I navo ex
amined Mr. I'lumraer's Dryers, and bo
Hove that they cannot boexcolled If equaled
by any other dryer in tho Unltod States. To
sco the in Is to numiro them.
rim: and nunaLAit moor baits,
These were on exhibition, under :tbo now
shed, by Messrs. Raymond it Wlltshlro. of
bantranclsco. Thoy woro shipped In duo
tlmo but ,tho excessl vo rains hindered tholr
arrival ou the grounds until It was too lato
for their regular entry, ns a competitor,
aalustanothernafo which wason tho ground
nud regularly outerod. It coH thoio pontic
mon above five hundred dollars to land their
articles on tho Fair Grounds, Wo examin
ed these safes, minutely, and woro shown
overy part of thorn, but not having tholr
description now at baud, lu making out my
report for the Stato Agricultural Socloty for
niioucaiion, i cannot give mo uescr n lun or
them in technical terms I havo seen and
examined many safes within tho Isst forty
yours amljcin &ny that I have never seen any
one bate that Is suporlor, if Indeed equal to
ihee safas. They aro truly burglar proof,
ns well as tiro proof. Wo awarded thoo
safe a gold medal but consider the award
far balow tho merit of the articles. I would
thcreiore earnestly recommend tbeso sifes
to all bankers, merchants, ship and steam
beat owners, treasurers and capitalists at
Those articles were on exhibition In tho
new Mechanic's Hall, by McLeran JJro's, or
Portland. Muelr oxulblt whs truly most ex
cellent. These enterprUiug gentlemen of
our Metropolis, are too well known to need
any highly wrought encomiums or me.
Their works praise them. Their splendid
articles, made of our grains are known all
over Oregon, and much of Washington Ter
ritory. To uke their articles Is to esteem
them, We should raise enough corn in this
valley to supply their factory. And thus
home manufacture and homo Industry wonld
be materially rewarded. We awarded them
the first premium and a silver medal, This,
however, was of small moment when com
pared to the merits of tbe'.r manufacture.
This Invention, by our esteemed frieud, A,
O. Kocktellow, of Ashland, Jackxcn county,
Orogon, was on exhibition, and deserves
honorablo mention. It is admirably con
structed, will suit our wet nnd dry scnaons
cqunlly well, nud is worthy of bolng exten
sively used. I nm not prepared to glvo a
full description of It. Buyers can see it, nnd
no doubt will patronize Mr. Itockfollow.
These are of homo manufacture, nnd nro of
much merit. They nro miwou and ovenly
mado. This la n branch of business that
should 03 uroally oncouraged, ns wo Intro
vast quantities orsuporlor while llr nnd en
dnr timber thnt can bo profitably worked
into shlnirles by steam or hand power, nud
thereby will glvo employment to many In
dustrious, worthy men. We should encour
age nil branches of bouost labor lu our own
belovod Oregon. 1). Nr.wsn.Mi:,
Sttpt. Mldcollaueous Division.
Nnwnsiia. Oregon, Oct. 23, 1S77.
Undor tho Invigorating influences of n
"senile mist," slanting from thoSouthwnrd,
I loft your plnsnnt city nt tho hour of one r.
.M., on tho 22.1 Inst., In nu opou bugey, to
look for this placo, which I had heard was
fomo where "In Yamhill county, near tho
Wynooskn liindlng." Down tho river wo
wont to Spong's Ferry (Lincoln) six miles
away, nnd wnro "sot across" on tho west
bank of thn wluding Wlllamelto, bv n ropo
ferry, which, under tho skillful maungometil
of tho present furry nun, works to n chnrni,
upon tho completion of his labors wo ndded
to his stnek of worldly wealth, tho Mini of
twenty-llvo cents, ns n alight lokon of our
grn'.itudo to hltn tor hnvlng unroly brought
us nvr,!iud thou diovo oll'thtough tho mud
dy streets ff Lincoln, nnd look tho Dayton
road runnliit down thn rallnv, ntul on pint
whnro resides nu old frieud, IS. F, McUlcnoh.
Tho roada lending lutn Lincoln nro fright
fully bad on nccouiit of being "cut up" dur
ing tho latornlus by tho lnrgo number of
heavily Udou wheat teams dally paslng
over with whoat for tho warehouses.
L'ncoln, nn n town, will norer nniount to
nnythlng, but ns n locality for storing grain
It will always bo quito popular.
Wo spent tho night "adown tho Dayton
road" nt tho resldouco ofn farmorbytho
nnmo of Scott, on thn old donation claim of
WilllamS. Coopor. From him wo learnod
that n considerable amount of grain wns
rulnodby tho rains this Fall, on account of
tho ownors waiting for tho bonders to got
Ou tho morning I ho 23d, wo drovo oil un
dor tho dripping o .' tho dark clouds hanging
oror uo, nud al Dayton, for tho llrt
tlmo, got ou to tho track or Nowbtrg, which
wo found to boaslnglo houso with u Post
tnaotor and Post Ofllco lu It on tho Portland
road, nomo ton miles below Dayinn, Tho
Iccallty was originally called tho "Grub end
of Cbobalem."
As wo camo through Dayton wo found
that It was gottlng a good washing from tho
henry rains, paltering down In n stylo to.
minding us of tho iquoousjovs In store for
uswhen Wlntor.mco gets "fairly sot in."
Tho ronds round about thoro aro oven worio
than at Lincoln, nnd heavy freighting still
continues. Onco this uldo of Dayton, tho
roads are very good.
Wynooskn Landing Is soinn two miles
from this placo on tho West bank of tho
Wlllnmntto nnd is tho shipping point for this
locality. It Is some fouror tlvo miles abovo
Chatnpoeg. Tho grangors havo two ware
houses there, ono of which Is run by T. W,
Mackoe, and tho other by Jacob Halnos who
nlso has n ttoro on Iho Portland road about
ono half mllo distant from tho Nowborg post
This placo Is changing vory mtioh and
many of the old settlors who have Idled
away their time and autbrod tho "brush to
grow over thom"aro selling outto emigrants,
principally from Iowa, who" aro fulling ties,
digging up stumps, slashing polo thlokots
nud other aIso clearing up and putting In
cultivation many seres of horoioforo idlo
Inuds. Some fifteen ftmllles bolongltig to
tho sent called Frlonds or Quakers Hro bow
ing out homes in tho llr forests horo, nud nro
working a vory favornbloohango In ths com
munity both morally andothorwlso.
On last ovonlng I organized n Lodgo nt tho
Nowlorir school house with thirty-alx mom
bers. Sam Hobson, W. C. T.j Anna Hob
son, W. V. T.j John T. Smith, W. S.: AN
bert Hoator, W. M.t O.J. Davis, P. W. O.T.
and Henry Austin, I .oil go Doputy.
Yours in hasto, W. 11. Duniiah.
Not n Fnllnro.
Any ono who could entor and Inspect with
care, tho wing of tho grand pavilion nt tho
Stato Fair, sot apart for tho display of friii:,
cereals and vegetables, nnd then declare that
tho exhibit was not as good as In yoars past,
must either bo poHSPKiod of a treacherous
memory, or n disposition to provarlca'.o. Tho
long array oftquaslies, boots, turnips, toma
toes, watermelons, onions, potatoos, cabbago
cauliflower, pumpkins, rutabagas on tho
right, tbo grains, plump and goldon upon
tho left, nnd tho annlos. rears, nnlnces.
grapes and plums, tiuilvated In their hugo
proportions and bright huos, that were ar
ranged through tho confer, could not fall to
causo old Uregonlans a throb of prldo, nnd
now. comers n sensation of wonder not un
mixed with delight. Thon tho Jollies, atns
and preserves, tho bread and buttor nnd
oboeto and cako. It was an ndmiroblo dis
play, coitnlnly. and ono of which house
mothers might bjjuxtjy proud. Tho exhibit
m this department nlono was sulUclout to
declaro Oregon tho land of mammoth vegeta
bles, lutclous fruits, linn grain, and thrifty
housewives, nnd this declaration being mado
and proven by Incontrovertible fact who will
daro to proclaim tho Snvonteonth Annual
Fair of tho Oregon Slate Agricultural Society
a failure, oven though lor tho most part of
tho week old Sol withhold his beams and tho
clouds wept In torrents because of his obstl
nanoy? Now Northwest.
Ploninut Rounlon.
October SOth, tho sixtieth anniversary of
the birthday of 8. I). Melson was mado
pleatnntand mcmorablo to tho various mem
bers of his family and friends who met nt his
residence In Kxfct Salem to celebrate thn
nyent. Ills family consists of eight chil
dren two sons and six daughterw. Fournf
the daughter aro married : Mrs. J. II. WIN
i-no, T. L. Divldson, Mrs, T. II. Wilton and
Mrs, S. P, U wlgus the husbands nnd fam
ilies, six grand children were prevent, mak
ng, with the old gontloman and lady, Ju&t
twenty in all. Jus', before slttlnir down to
the sumptlnus dluner prepared, the family
sang tho old familiar hymn "Nearer my Ood
to rnee." anu jnme-i in prayer wim tue uev.
A. W. Bower. The day passed otr very ploa
antly, and will long be remembered by all
present, not so much on account of the pres
ents made and received, as from the fact that
the large family will perhaps never all ait at
the same festal board again.
If you want a good, round, smooth, sweet
toned Organ one that is made of the beat of
material, and wjll last a lifetime get the
Whitney & Holmes, ot J. II. Hobbles, Port
land, Oregon.
Fall Chop of Bekiues. Mr. Ual.
Geor informs tis tlint In tho Wnltlo
Hills ho seos wholo patches of wild
strnwberrios lu bloom, nod in somo in
stances hits found blossoms, green fruit
nnd ripo berrios on tho snmo vines, nnd
nlso thnt tho red raspberries nro ripen
inc for n fall crop, which shows that
our fall fonson has been mlttl aud tho
early rains havo mndo us a iocoml ber
ry crop.
Flro in a Dry House.
About onn o'clock Wednesday thn lum
ber houo near thn Asrlctiltunl Works, be
longing to O.F.Dennis took lire. Thn llio
deputtnont were promptly on hnnil butow
lng to thocnnllncu spacn In thn brick house
containing thn lumber, It wns dllllcult to git
ftnod Kjuaro work on tho blnzo. Tho Urn
iowovir, wns put out nnd tho damages can
bo tot down nt about S'JOO.
A Fluo Stenmor.
This Is tho tltifst stenmor in tho (loot of tho
Oregon Steam Narigntlon Company Is now
running on thn routobetweon Portland nud
tho Cascades, Sho Is not yot finished, but is
placed temporarily upon this route In facili
tate tho transportation or a large quantity or
grain from iho Uppor Columbia. Tho Vldo
Wesf, when complotcd, will no doubt proro
tho lluest rlrer stenmor on tin Paultio Const.
reruvmn Syrup,
Urook8,MoSopt. 7, 18T0.
Dour Sir From early youth I wns In feeble
health, troubled with humor lu my blood,
wrnkness and debility o the system gener
ally; w.ts tinnblo to labor muuh, and only nt
nomo light liuslnesH, oml then only with
great caution. Severn years ngo. tbo past
spring, 1 hail n sovuro nttauk of Diphtheria
which left my limbs lurnllzed nnd uselos,
so I was unable to walk or nvnu sit up
Noticing tho ndvortUemcut of Peiujvian
Sviiun, I concluded to glvo It n trial, nnd to
my grunt joy soon found my bolih Improv
ing, I continued thn uso of the Smut' mull
three bottle had been used, nnu wns restor
ed to com pleto hoslth, nud havo remained
so to this day. I attrlbuto tnv present
health octlroly to tho uso of Pkuuvian
Svnur, nud hold It In high estltniuion. I
cau not spvnk too highly In Its prnlno. I
havo lu sovorsl ensos reenmmended It In
enses vory similar to my own with (ho sumo
good results.
Yours truly, Chaiilks E, Pkaiicy.
From S, Thatohor, M. D., of Hormon, N. Y.
"Wistah's Mai.sam op Wild Ciieiuiy
gives universal sallpfaotlou. It seems to cure
a cough by loosnnlmr nml demising tho
lungs, nnd nllaylug Irritation, thus remov
ing the cause, Instrad of drying up tho cough
nnd loavlug tbo oiuso behind. I consider
thollALHAM tho bust otiuli medicine with
which I nm acquainted. " Sold by nil drug
gists. Jnol Gilbert
Tlio Best ovor 3Ilo.
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
J nit tlio tlilnj for our Orecon whiter UMtlivr.
Fine Kip and Calf Boots,
Will oh aro cxprcly made fur our Ua'lc. of different
iualltlv, u null cmtoiLirK.
All Roods hoI1 by mo nro (I!AR
ATi:t:D to ho ulml I recom
mend, tlicin, or I will nf any
time innlio It go oil to the pur
chaser. .1. W. GIM1CKT.Z
Salem, Oct. 12, 1877. If.
Hulnry. HtlmttiBi-IU11tr
hiiiuiitl iilflr. i'4JilMfr
l!ibtnM-tf jM rrutttbifftu4
it,ttu Uri H. A UUATU)
, I, 0 4 !!(. Bl., UbtUutii, U.
Great Reduotion !
Wholesale Prioeo, for Cash
My Slock oinMsts nf SHELF nnd HUILD-
KRS Hardware, Mechanics' Tools,
Shovels. NaIN, Itope, oto.
joiift rTfoster,
KHJinl cor. btark it Frbnt U. I'Olt IILAM
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Balem, April 90. 1679. dftwtl
C. a. IlSKii. Noury Public. r. !. Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Loans negotiated on Favorable
Buy and Sell Gold nnd Silver, State, County,
and CI y Warrants.
Agents tor Kent's Oppfu Iloosc.
tSOnicc. nt tho comer of rtoof'.'o Opera Heme.
.SM.AM, OH. SJyt
riiO.NT ST., l'OItTLAND, 7
Hnvo Xow Opened Their
StflDlo mill Pmw.
i...ivn 7
TT ici.trl "i rzy
Drs Goods,
An Immense Variety.
JRojleto -Willi
0ct-'- cm
J l. niriNAiii), t , ,KB
Wet (Uo Uocls, corner 8!raon and Front Kts.
...,)?..eln!.,.,cP"on Kl.rr" '.? Vfpo" 1'roOnto of At.t.
i.. rft.. I'i-V u'"""""? 'ouciieii, imvo coiinectlmin
mkSi ,HC."e0 WWeh cn,,to lo K' '"t
San Franoi8oo 'and Portland.
The P, C. S. S. Co.
Frnncircu smfl'Drtlnml
J. Jtl. iTIcCKAKKN A; ,
IW Tl:kct for lo liy
D. IIOON, Arent. 8AI.BM.
Aro wIIoIohhIo anil rotll donlont In riao.
Or.inH, Hhpot Music, Vlolltw, Acoardlom,
ilKriuoalcnnN, nml mimical moroliandliio
uonorally. Oltlnud, Cnlirornln, havo roconU
ly oponod n br.inoli htoro In Salom, OroKou.
I'orHonnlly Nuporlntond tlielr bimlnoHi In thin
SlHto, kh well ni California, and will bo
prompt lu mukliiK good all contractH.
Havo alroidy koM nearly two nundrod In
HtrumonlH In thla atato.
I'lauo Imvo already boooino a favorltn on llio
fonut, It In mado cupooinlly for llio Irado,
and IN nilnntfiil Inilin illimi n. ii.i., ...
and for rmimlnlnn In tuno. In ItH adiiitatlon
to tlio parlor thoro U iiono belter.
ITaVO hovorill llllfiirnnt mnnnrantiirnu ..( 1-
traiiH. L-lvliiL' thn nulilln n v.rli . u..i...
Havo ii llrHt-olauM tuner in tholr omploy. All
ordei-H attnndod to by addreHsliu; Uurduor
ilrothfirn, Snlem, OreKOu,
Olvon Karunteo for IhoyoarH, for all llntioi
and OrKitiH, If donlred.
Pay tholr employed a halary, not a ootiimis
H'uiiln Ntule. In answer lo iiitiny
liHItilrlcs, i lun tholr nrauvli
House in Salem In a iioriiiniieat
Inxtlliilioii. Ho'.'Stf.l
Tlio IH'st and Most Improved rumps now
In ISo.
Thoy are ctii.'Ai'cn and moro
dijh.mim: than any mvIo of
Chiln 1'titnp or water drawer
IWtty until who ban had e xpo
rliiiico In thodlllerent waya of
drawlm; water knows there la
no way to
Cheap, Dnrablo, Convenient,
and frte from Imparling un
'losliliy elemenfN the plain
wood pump. They aro taking
tho placo of all other meaua of
rulNlutc water for (louiCHilo pur
tw. or for IJAItN or STOCK
Water Pipe and Eavo Spouts
Wo manufacture l'lpo of va
rloiH wze for conveyltiK wa
r fiotii juItkh, atreainu, iVo,
It f)ifp, but. uttantlal,
Forfirttitr partloulara, apply
to or H(!:lca
trtim) a. riti sco-rr, .nicui, or.
Hayo four atithomod BRonts Nnlllnir from
tlinlr lioiico In tlilMStalo.to.wll: A. 1,. ftloyo,
Albany; : U. H, Mlark and Frank H. Way
aalemi K, A. Iltlnl, Kukoiio City.
va i
f M
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Ii. Ml
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Sw . ,A.Wi'iVj 't -..tJiuLiwifc. V Oi