SSaaarj TizjiwwuxwmirjmtneiK1H'Xatftll 4 WILLAMETTE FARMER ., I U ! l! '- r. S ' V I i1 i k i Lil i ? i : y. ) "V I "; ' s ! b-i V WfeJ iteuco ETenr rr.DAT, ar CLARKE & OBAIG, ruBLisiirns and rnorntETom. H. A. Cfi.lltKi:. I). XV. CltAIft, TrrniS) or .Niilmri-llitloti. Ono copy, ono year (54 number) $2.J0 uno copy, six inoiim rt numocrti One copy, thrcn tnnntli" (13 tinwhi-rs) . 1. ,1h SAL.KM, 1'HIDAY, NOV 1877. THE LESSONS OF THE YEAR. It htrilccs us thnt n useful subject for tho farmers of Oregon to discuss through tho columns of this paper is to consider tho looses of tho year, caus ed by delay In harvesting tho crop, and apeak plainly of the valuo of tho different harvesting machines and their approved uses among our farmers. Many denounce the headers as cause of all tho loss, becauso the timo lost waiting for thoin could liavo saved tho crop if other machinery had been at hand. Jy this time experience should have determined tho relative valuo of various harvesters and shown tho good or ill oll'ects of their uso. For Instance, Jt is a vexed question to decide wheth er tho header really causes tho ground to become foul. Many say it does, and others as stoutly ak-vtt that they use tho header and preserve their ground clean, or comparatively o. We aro inclined to believe that waiting for weather in which tho header could bo used has caused loss that would have been avoided if other machinery could have beon used at the time when the header was not available. Wo confess to huvo entertained a (hut Oregon farmers have gone wild In tho purchase of agricultural nmchlnory at times, but late experience warrants tho conclusion thnt one fault of tho Into harvest was tho need of more machinery than the farmers had at their command. No doubt tho next tmnunit ivlll ui.i ti fprjtfif ii" nvitntullritrn nl1" "" "" .........,.,.... ihiiimh nroiooiod uv n for thnt purpose than In any former United States, and Is on m iirm n footlne in vnnr ...i.l lllfnlv iuiiNlinn .MV Uio m callod OlIror'H Patont. Tuo jv..., ...... ,..., ....w... ,... ,-......., j.. josonh llsnnor nntl Manhlnn Oomnanv ........ mZIl .. ". "... .- ,- .. . " Attention, Farmers 1 SOUTH BEND "CHILLED PLOW To tho Front! SLANDEirREFUTED. In a clrcnlnr letter, Issued somo tlmo slnco by James Oliver to tho plowtnon of this country, ho sooks to ltitlmldato them by threat and Innuendoos toucbln the mnkorH, users and sollers of tho now South Bend Chilled Plow, warning thorn not to handle It In any way. Wo tako lids niothod of rotating hl wholesale onslaught on us and nurChlllod Plow, and to show up tho lalslly of his statemontH, which aro so brazen f.tcod ns to aiorlt a vontllatlon baforo tho public In tho first placo. James Ollvor Is mlng a process for chilling which ho dahes not put lo a test, M far as his ownership Is con cerned, for ho very well known that Mr. Illssol, who is with us, nnd Geo. Milburn, of Tolodo, formerly of Mlshawaka, (both form er partners of Olivor,) aro Joint ownors, and T.M. IlKscll is Inventor with him In said plow. Jbs. Ollvor made, oath that ho was tho solo Inventor of tho Oliver plow, and re ceived his patent on thoso ground', which Is rendered void by tho abovo montlonod fncts. Now, wo hereby ouaiiantek ourai?onts orusois of our Chilled Plow apalnst any and all damagos that Mr. Olivor or any othor mnti may sustain against them. Mr. Oliver has threatonod us ovor and ovor again with prosecution for moro than a year, and as yot ho has not carried out his threats, and lio rutins not do it for reasons very woll Known 10 nitiipoii. And now, pontlomen. wo will say In con elusion, (hat Jamos Ollvor has dono us ono fivor, nnd thnt Is In acknowledging tho superiority of our plows bv his bolng sc con cerned about II, whllo other chilled plows linvo bcon manufactured for yoarsandthoy go unnoticed by him; so when you want a Pitiable-chilled plow that will n-otir in any soil, and Is waiuianti:i, call on our agents ora-lilrost tin South llKKnltKAFfiRAHnMACHixr: Co., Octobor 12, 1S77. South Dond, Ind. To tho Plow-Purchasing Public So perslHtrntlo ami maliciously havo Jamos Oliver and bU agonts circulated reports and circulars dorozatory to tho South Uond Chillod Plow, that I deem it high timo that so mn attention should bo glvon them, that tho St. Joseph Keanor and Machine Com pany moy bo sot right nnd sustained boforo tho public, tho ptibllo mind dlsabusod of tho utterly fatso, unbuslnos-liko and malicious statemontu of Ollvor and his agents, who by their seltlshnoss, tho spirit of monopoly Hiiuwn uy lumn, nnu inoungonorous con duct toward buslnoss rivals, show them. solvos not to bo frlonds of tho fnrmors, or of uiosouojiing in plows, but grasping cor morants, capablo of resorting to tho most unprincipled means to decolvoand browbeat tho plow-purchasing public. Now, this Is to notify tho public, that tho South Uend Chill ed Plow Is nof an Infringement on Ollvor, but It Is protcotod by a patont from tho OREGON MILLS, North 31111 Creek, Salem, Ane SOW IK Complete Running Order, AND INVITE Custom Work. WELLER & WALDO, SAI.K.TI, Nov. 1. 13i7. SMf Good Farms FOR SALE. aqn aches op land ix maiuon county. DO I Orciron, ten mile north or Salem, on tho Dayton and Wheatland roai; l a hcnntllul location, ana I tho yet j licet lan.t In tho Htnlo Can lju olvldcd Into hrco cood fitrmf . Wo havo on offer fr a part or this placo at $1') per ncrc, which would leave tho bal ance of the land In a Minaro body of COO acrca. 200 of which Ik under cultivation; 100 acres rlathctl, Joining the cultivated fields, that could bo catlly got r ady for tho plow, having been tlathed Torn flvo to ten years. All tho bntldlneu aro on tho COO aero tract, and for which wo only ask 30 per acre. Thor who arc In search of good land should go and sco tbte place. For particulars, call and tec tho proprietors. alo, aosAcnnt op land in maiiion county. urcKon, two and a hair mile from Oervals, nnd abost tho samo distance from Woodbtirn.lylnann thoDutto vlllo road. In a dctlrabla location; U tho very licit quality of land, arknnvlcd?cd to b) ono of tho best larnii on French l'ralrlo by nil who nro nccnialrtcd with tho country. SUncicsof thin tract Is under cul tivation; tho balance of tho tract. CO acres, Ik timber. There Is a tolcMblo eood dwelling house on this place; two trood birns, with plenty of shed room for stock. For full particular, go and (ct 8. 1), to 9. T. NOTHCUTT.. On tho promises, or addrcf s them nt Wheatland, Or. Nor. 8d,la77. Ira p'd. oiti:;o. am) Washington MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (LIMITED.) OIllcc In I'ortlnnil, SAVIIVGS II.l,Bi DUILDIXG, k'1 Flrct street. President of Scott It h Hoard of Directors, ALEXANDER GOU1ILAY, Es(..ahlpbuUder. Dundee. Head Ofllce, 27 Dank at., Dundee. 1'rcsMent otOrcpon Board of Director', DONALD MAULEAY, iJf( (of Corbltt A Maclcay,) Manairln Director, WILLIAM IIKID, Eii., Fortland. This SavIdcs lhnk receives deposits not only from urc rely I ially HAWLEY, DODD & CO., I?oxtlnutl, Orcjrou, OfiFer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Pull Line of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. WE AHE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEDUATED OF 0 M'OLINE, IJLIi. Which coinblno tho L'ronlcst strength, oxtroino llj,'htnqs3, ami uumblllty. DEERE Is the solo Patentee of tho Wrought JJIock tint Woltlcil lu-og, and their Plow Is tho only Plow so nintle. Tho Plow's inmiUlbniiril nntl shnro aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEERE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PL.OWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attaohmont. ''jsfcfjf" vti i j?pNiHBUKfiiispll .Tlio grenteet Lftlior-SavInK Imple menta yot Invenleil. Vastly Improved for Fall oflS77. GOO ISiolcS. Ixi. Orogou ixx Ono "SToxx-. pSS" Evorv KHrmer Interouled. Tlie Drcro Sulky In tho only Hlnglo-LtfVor Plow mailo, EASILY OPEUATED. Ho cotiBtructid that by fllcht motion or the Lovor llin Plow Is run out of tho ground and raised clear, by liort-o- liiHilpd of iimn-powcr. It Is strougurand less comidloatod than any other. Solo Agents for tho wolMtnown SOUTH BEND OHXLZJQE-1RON PLOW5. BUCKEYE.'DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. tlio InduitrUI anr; Uttanu classc of Orecon but also tato Mortcaecs secured over Improved Farms nnd from Hrotlacd, lor tho purruso of safely Imcstlntr the d (alone with Its capital) principally on Ileal Ks .iioncagc) mtiy result. Whllo there must havo been great losses In tho w.'L'i'Wtc; from damago to wheat bccatino (it tho mint!, and also to llnx and outs, still wo aro Informed that losses, whllo they boro heav ily on Individuals who wero iho unfor tunate) victims, form an Inconsiderable portion of tho wholo crop, and whllo nothing can componsnto tho persons who nro losers for their losses, it is stilljnoro than probable. tlmt tho bene lit resulting from the raliw will amount to H8 much as tho stun total ef lossos, for tho pastures aro refreshed' nnd tho hoII Is being turned over by tho plow weeks In mlvanco of tho time when fall plowing can bo luually dono to ad vantage. Wo Invito correspondence from nil qunrtors, in relation to farming meth ods and tho valuo ot farming Imple ments of uvory make. All these things must stand on their actual merits and it is right and proper that tho results of experience should bo contributed to u farm Journal. Wo seek to mako this paper useful in tho most practical senso to our readers, ami tho most useful way wo can suggest Is for tho farmers them selves to contribute tho results of their oxporlonco to our columns. It is no doubt true tuat Implements suitable to somo tedious and somo soils nro not adapted elsewhere, and such facts are of ureat importance) to deter mine, (live us facts, then, front your own experience, friends, ami wo will be glad to publish them for tho general Kootl. ,, ..., Js'r.w I'Yot'itiNn Mn.i. Our readers in tho vicinity of thl city-will tako considerable Interest In tho fact that .Messrs Weller V Wnhl have erected a lino (louring mill for oiiitoui work which Is now In complete) running or der. Mr. William Waldo is woll known as an old citizen, ami Mr. Wol lor Is an experienced miller. Thev In vito business from tho farmers who want their wheat nunlo Into tho beat quality of Hour. Wo Intended to gUo this week omo further results of tho State Pair, ami especially to notice tho machinery that took thotlrst There wore many objects of Interest that iloervo atten tion, but wo havo been a groat part of tho tlmo absent on buslne.-s matters, and aro therefore uuiuilo to attend to many things wo intended to pay atten tion to. Goen Fakms ton S.m.ix Read tho mlvertlsoment of the Northeutt broth ers, who aro amour tho most prosperous ami sutcessfal'r of Murion coun ty, and they oSl'er their llu farms for flk, nnd wo on tnfoly aver th it there ii no bettor land in Oregon. manufacturo their plows under this patent, pnyinB mo a royalty tor mo riRUt, ana ovory portion who buys thoso plows Is as unfa In Ills Investment as If ho bought an Oliver plow. Why thoso attompts of Ollvor to do oolvo tho public, to frlghton tbo fariuors. but that ho conshlors tho South Bond Chillod Plow a (lunperous rival f Tho farmora havo, In his Idlo threat, tho best 6ndorsemont of tho South Ilond Chillod Plow thoycan possi bly havo. and wo aro sura that intelligent pooplo, when tho fncts aro understood, will pay uo heed to throats ns Idlo as the wind. Tho publlo will bo sustained and protcotod In nil purohABoi. As woll mlht I claim that Oliver's Chillod Plow Is an Infrlnsoroonton my patont, and warn his patrons according ly. I have upntont from the satno nathorlty as ho, and wo stand on an (quality beforo tho law. and if tho publlo hnvu boon Intimi dated, t hoy may rost assured that thoy aro ns fully pro! co tod la tho purcbasnnf plows uindo by tho St. Josoph Hoapor nnd Machine Company as In thoso nmdo by Olivor. Oliver's threats show tho spirit of tho grind ing monopolist, who would ileeco tho publlo by drlvlug out all rivals by tho most un scrupulous moans and f.dso statomonts, whlolinroan Insult to tho lulolllgonco of tho people. Very respectfully, T. M. Hisskll, I'd ten too. South Ilond, October 1-', 1877. To tho Merchants and Fanners of Oregon and Washington: Tho abovo facts spoak for thomsolvos. Wo advlsoyou to pay no attention to tbo circu lar that Is bolng distributed by tho Oliver Plownconts. Should any ono bo so foolish as try to molest you In using tbo abovo cele brated Plow, you will bo protected In nny Court In tho Stnto of Oregon or Washington Torrltory. HAWLEY, DODO t CO., PonTLANn, Solo Agonts lor Orogou and Washington Torrltory. I'ortlaad C'lty Properties, and to assist Its Depositors and others In ttoencllon olUulldlngs nnd Improve, ments within tho sinto. Loans made on Ileal Estate, 10 r rrcciit. WOODBURN NURSERY FRUIT, KEnrs Full Stoclc i i i riti'arTTiT A .'i-JJsa Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons, i FARM GltlST MILLS, nil styles nnd prices. FAN MILLS. Eond for Special Circulars. Moutoaoi: Savings Dank. Whon at Portland, rccoutly, wo vUItod tho now build lugs nnd otllces of tho Mortgago Savings Uanlt, Win. Kohl, managing director. Tho omcoswlll bo olegaut In nil thoir appoint ments and tho safetv of IuiuIh and pnpors is cirod for In a mou otuplote mauner, n largo tiro-proof vault bolng constructed ns nbso liitodofeusoiigalust both burglars nml tire, and n burgulnr proof safe Inside it construct i'd In tho most perfect tylo of tho modern looHxinith. Tie advortUomoiit of this batik will bu found In till Usuo. OREGON STEAMSHIP COMPANY For San Frauoisco, Diroct. Carrylutt thn TJultcd States Mails nnd Wolls, Faruo's Express, P.isni;e-Ciitil $7 3) I Stcowwe ,ii (0 Tliroiuli tickets for snlw at tlio It. It, Depot nt re duced rates, TilUOItlCaON STKAMSUIP COMPANY'S Sl'KAMKK MACK IE,. Oommsmler. Will leavo ttii 0inpsny'4 whuf nt fjot of K ktrvct, Fonlnud, (or tho abovo port ou Kor frfUlit arpv.see npvtly st th Ortle f the e'Hmixny. wtn'rof K and Knuii tr''t, or iu nlHneat the Depot, UkO. W. WtlPl.Klt. ooa.f .Mieut, Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. milAT OU) PLOW OK YOURH CAN" HE MADE X r.xvj as u;w at JOHNNY KNIOHT'd Usee smith Shop, on CVmmcrcUt t.. twlow Wade's tar t re tore. for a trail eaUay of coin. llrlDj; In xoir ol i 1'lou s, and ice tr 1 clon'i i'o 1 av. wl'.Vtt JOHNNY KNIGHT NUT vuio and SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AND,... TREES, ixrixsotoory. Send for Price List and Catalogue. Address J. II. SETTLK.TIIEH, octlSmS Woodliitrn or. ZMRi YOUR FRUIT! PORTABLE PREMIUM FRUIT DRYER, Heat, I'licapest and most Economical. llcnulrlnj; but utile rvzv. Dries all kinds of fruit or vck'otiulc. and produces ralalns ciaal to anv mido under tbo run. or )v any other Mitem. The tiro Is surrounded by Mftter, tlivreby niaklni; Is safo. It can be left to do its own work whllo yon sleep. Tlio dryer 1 mido of different capacities, and is torn irom 75 to H00. Thcro Is ono of tho Dryers in operation 4 miles cast of rjaleru, at Swarta's placo. Those wishing Dryer should not fall to examine HAItltls' before purcliis. mirciicwQcre oiaic aim vouniy Junius lor saio on re.isonable term. Kor further Information, address NEWTON IlltADLnY, rialem, Oregon, RAILROAD Nurseries. I linvo tlio Lnrgcsjt Stock ol Fruit TrceM lu Oregon! 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, THAT WILL AVKItAOK SIX FEET IN IIIGIIT and I will sell them from 10 lo 25 per Hundred. ttri call spoclalattentlon to my AM3DKN JUNE l'KACll TltKKS. 1 bad reaches of this arlcty rlpo Jiuyo, 19,1. mm iney arooi fxcciieui quality, i navo als'i soven other varieties of Teaches, and a ceueral arietyof ether Kralt Tree and blirubs. Also, a lunio lot of TEACH SEEDLINGS, at fJO per ,W. AOGNTS roil MY M'llSEUIES. D J Malarkcy, Tortland S llcrry, McMlnniille. E W Whipple, Cottago Mrs E. Judklns, Eucene, Orovo, I. Michael Wheatland, W M bteele, Turner, N. Lacrolx. rjubllmlty, A Jones, Ktayton, J Motrls, Meharua, L Ornbo, Ilalsey, A Wheeler, ShedJ. W bbumau, Sluron, W T D W Klledk'C llowel Tr, Wm Harris, Urooks, W 1! Drake, rillvcrlon, Dr 11 D Oden, llanliburg, J A Hunt. Oakland, D Morris .t Mn, tclo, A Irvine. WiMlen Mill Co., ' It Itohtid, Jefferson, llrownsvllle, Jones Totter. Salem, Jason ltoal WashtnKton Co Wm V Creltx, Traveling ai'cnt east of tho WtlUmt tte river. II. W. rZlSTTVXVXAIV, octMtf Troptletcrof Kallrsad Nurseries, EAST TOltTLAKD, e. 33LO: i l T7r . -m. is. i e iUKSERY. SETII LUELL1NG X- SON, PHOl'IllETOnS OKTHF. ABOVEN VUED NUR. sery. b leave to ci'.l the attention of Krult men. and all others who wish to procure tood, heal thy Trees, to their 1UMENSK STOCK OF FRUIT TREES, rossisTiN'd or Apple, Fear, Peach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other miscellaneous xarleties. the prices of whleb we have reduced to suit tbtimes. j bead for a catalogue. 8ETU LVI.UN'r A SON. octl'J Mllwauklo. USE THEB IN THE WORLD! Be not Deceived.! See that our Trade Mark is on eaehlPackage! ? SV i PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; net xjiaoir j ana Jl,L, COJjORS. jSUsigL DFl.eca.7- fv-fcf AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sale ly tlio .ipentn : and J0HN HUGHES, Salom, UVMnU, SiELrLi & CO. WltolcHnle Druggists, and Dealers lu PnlutN, Oils, nml r.mH wn wiinvn ktrpph W If itIVSli tt4Ut, , XJs, '? EDWIN 4LDENO rADVEMISINlXXNCyyJ 174 ELTVFSTREET. , CINC1NJSATI. OHIO. Advertiscmenta inserted in any paper. Before advertising acnJ for my catalogue. FOH.TIJAJJP, Or, JOlt.VW.OAKCJCEtl. The Old Immigrant Route Acroa the durante nouutala. MOW OWMID BT TUB Cascade Xoadand Sridre Company, Runnlns via Sandy, Mt. Rood, and Barlow's Gate, IS NOWOPKN, and trarel of aU kinds baa bc Bun. 1 ha road Is la Rocd repair, extenslva Im provements are being made every year. The LAU REL HILLS are all traded. 6heep.brldes are on all the streams. This road never received a dollar sub ndy.and jetlt lfthehorl, best, and cheap est route over thn mountains. Distance over tn mountains, 44 miles. From Tortland. over the mo2.'U,m!:. '8 "M'- Fro Palera, 100 miles. JfATETivl:on'';i; 8ddJcs,Wc; I'acks, 25e; Cat tle. 10c: bbeep, 3c. t,Kr.u F?lnK nd eomlne from or Into Marlon, Yam hi I, Washtaston. Linn, Denton, and Tolk countler, this Is by far ice best, neatest, and cheapest route. lUALMAa, j'retdnt. lelml IUrvet E. e?n:, S. D, Sec. IsRAEt. W. mtrnvrii jt k ' --. WAKDJNft BROTHERS, WIIOLTSALS AND ItETAIL Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHEET MUSIC, And Musical Merchandise, Xo. 1 HO San Pablo Bu, Tottcr'a Dlcclc, OAKLAND. CAL. CflauoldU Block, ststn KALB.TI. Bet Your Boots! .Jon bo hrve never tried I ir.HTrp h. -.".V;..":. '" " tnitss nut rinii'rtKtF'flZ m iim nv. -i a.--. .;. : :: lWI'l'ICCB IUSI iu tnuo a fire in the most boisterous weith er wtnd, rain, stonn, hall, snow MatcitLrM, iu ajw.?. nlSj for uVe.' A eVptr.Uh SS for travelers, nmnm r.r r .- w :'.". just .. repreienud. Price oalf 75 ceuii AGtw fAu. MirZ, U. H. HALLOCk! Sol Agent, Salem, Oregon. 855 B 877 Wt:giaiS fYu Malre, -.('. 3k JJfe'