Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 02, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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Having deturmlncd tit inrtiutuin tho position liurotoioro occupied by me for (ho
largest Stetail House in Oregon,
I hfiTO fnkon this means or timiniinofng lo (lie nubile Hint I tun now (lisplnytng
UioLAHOKST mill UKST STOCK of Ot'iii-rul MorehuniUMj itortli
of Han I'VatieNeo, consist lug of u finu stock of
lEXcvixs. Onjara,. 1373.rtra,Tt'ls.a. T7"r.,lloi3, oto.,
which is surptifwd by iimio in tho city, and will be sold tit prices to
suit the tinu'S. It .luill continue to bo my aim to give
tinb most c;oois for tijk m-mst m't:v.
And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found
in any other hou.e. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
advertising goods which 1 cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
value l'oroivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, IM: iMrO'Yl'jIt.
uristn - wtnwm
-svawvsk vfi
t&i&i EA ti3 cS Ca A to3
II Is prepared rc:uly lor Immediate nsc, and or
It Is easy to' apply, and It will not crnck, peel or chalk off.
For durability, iicunty, and brllilnm'y ol color H Is
For sale In any quantity by
... DKAL.1SUS IN....
BALKM, : : OUEOON. may2:i
jmm r mi mi juauiu ;
unim trwTJgFMiiMi'iiMi"a'i-rrFiwjMi-prT1iaftlBlWOintril
BuforcO Ganggjs. Bron and Wood
Krt SIS,o - Boam
Champion ' Jirowno " Kulky,
(S'cver been beaten In the fluM.)
'Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Thu McSberry Grain Drill and Broadcast ticoder.
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
104 and 106 Front Street, - - - PORTLAND, OR.
Weatherford & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
3Z erfum oay
Etc, etc
for Medicinal pnrpoeet.
Medicines Compounded, and
Prescriptions Fiilod.
Weatherford & Co.,
Taku Notico.
JM. ihalipay nodebuof bi eontractliw afl tkU
Werton,-6fpUlt,JWT. S3w4pd
tdh dSui ria ban ma
8-Inch (o 10 -Inch.
Little Giiiut
Wo wish to inform the people of Oregon
that wo lime purchased tb patent of "The
Little Olunt Grubbing Maunlno," and that
we aro now prepared to Mipply any number
ol them at a v.iry reasonable price. Tho sub
Joined toHllmnnialrt or tho superior qualltleM
of tbeso machines anil their comparative
cheapness should recomondod thoin to all
thoso desirous or clearing otrland at hut til
fling cxMnso, For further particulars apply
to Frank Cooper or Wm. Holauoy, Halem, or
Albeit Urig, Sclo.
Hero, March 10:b, 1877.
This Is certify that wa have used 'Tho Lit
llo Giant Grubbing Machine" and found It
superior to anything of tho kind overused
In itilu part of the country:
Preston Muukers, Win Ireland,
Honry Isley, J H Morn,
A DivIh. J H Irvine
K Uiltlwln. JJ K IJrlggs,
Henry T Hare,
Wo the undersigned have keen "tho Little
Gia.;t Grubbing Machine" work und can
ssniirn the public that til the het niHchiuo
of the kind mo have ever mii working,
M Alexander, (i W Hainlltnu,
J t) Jolni'.nn, 1'eier Hinltli.
M nrown, Win II McKnlght,
V nilyeu. I) I Masoa.
Few. May 85th 1877.
B. K. comer, at bead of ttaln. fcl
. & CO.
A Young widow.
In nature or rut, whero onn bo fdund a
more In to resting otjeet than n young
widow? Sho Is czporiencci! lint woara
her own linlr nuil tcolh, ntul In ml nun
wrinkles. I Tor rffciitborcnvcmentBlvi
Iter a clnlin tiiMti tho ymiuthy of man,
I.lho nil jjooil tiling, bIio etui only bo
created ut n k rc.it wicrllloe. Jf rn lirowti
lnHnysii mini must bo pretty thorough,
ly bpoileil licforo lie can lenvi tt widow.
TliNliliickHivnn tills mournful pliomlx
rtr8 only out oT tho f.iitcm! uiiitlint
liolils the inlitHiiftlio luifiliMiulM In-nrl.
All men, hmvuwr jrrent nr vic, h-ve
felt the ludeilnnhlo Itilluciicnof wlilow
hood. Jlenry VIIT vn so fond of them
Hint he took two, tnnl Kins David washo
fond of Aliliriill, the widow of Nnhul,
that hu mndt her IiIh wife, und he lui-ncd
Ilmhshelm Into a widow on purpose to
mtirry her. When Judith cencca hereof.
ttntloiiH over tho virtues of the late
luuieiitcd Mannsoo, of Uethtilln, pnl.i oil'
her mourning, ami ndoniH herself in
hnweattlro to set out for tho uimpnf
HnlnfcniLH, wo feel Instinctively that
Mie will cniue Imuk with IiIh heart, IiIm
crown, or head, whichever she poos for.
When tho old widow Naomi eoiiunels
the young widow lluth how lo lay her
ounrcH in thu harvent Holds of her kin-
man, and fprlug her not on the thros.li-lug-lloor,
wo know at oneo that the
wealthy bachelor Hon?, might an well
order the wedding garments. Allan
KmtiFity wmto a song telling how to woo
a widow. Ho uiluht as wull left dlroe
tiotiH how to got struck by lightning. It
comes on man like hl.s futo Inexorable
and inevitable.
A whimsical problem has been propoun
ded. Hut under Its absurdity lie tho key
to many n question where tho assets of a
(Inn have disappeared. Two men, on
tho way lo a raee-oourHc, convoyed a
demijohn of whisky, which they bold in
parlncishlp, and propjscd lo vender on
tho grounds. A romlitlnn was made and
kont In all good faith, thatiieitherHhould
think on the way without paying. One
soon drank, and paid (ho other the stip
ulate dime. The oilier grew thlrly and
drunk, paying IiIh partner th 'Kiniedlme.
And so they drove u prosperous ti ado till,
when they reached the race course, they
found thomsulvoH In possesion only of
the one dime, and tho empty demijohn.
I.Ike many other absurd Jokes, t li Im has
thu germ of truth in It, and expresses
oiio of tho causes of "haul (lines" better
than many a labored Muauetal treatise.
Theastoiiished firm had no more need to
bo astonished tintn many a bankrupt.
The sales were matters ot facts; and the
payment for eauli drink no Ioh i-erlaln.
Hut tho insets were nowhere. "Liquida
tion" bosytn with the beginning of the
trade; mid profits and capital ran away
together. Ho many mi apparently active
business Is only thu cousiimiitioii of cap
ital stock, or, more commonly, thodlsap
pcaraiice of inen'bnnillsi! obtained tin
credit. The dealer swallows Ii'm own
capital (if ho has any,) and wdiuIcih
what has become ol it.
A "Collcg" profussor" who spent his
vacation In Maine Informs. 1 1 1 o Spring-
Held (.MacH.) union that l.p tevcr saw
ho much tlrlukliignuddrtiii.Mnort'Jii tlio
same time elsewhere in New Knglnud.
Liquor Is kept In private houses, and al
nnuu everywhere else it Is furnished "on
the sly." Tho Union, upon this state
meiil of the "college piofcssor," boldly
remarks : '
Tho prohibitory law Hiicceedft" In
Miiluo as everywhere else, not in dimin
ishing liquor tlrluiUug or drunkenness,
but maklugsneaksoftho peopl,lradlnga
good many to drink who woi.l-l not other
wise caio to tlo no, lieeam-o It Is smart
touvado tlio law, and eiiontirnglng private
tirinitiiig, which is always wormi tiian
drinking In public. It sterns lo bo the
height of the ambition of a great ninny
modern reformers, not temperance re
form alone, to make people tlo surrcn-
tloiisly what thoy have been accustomed
to tlo openly, umithcy scum to think they
thus ure making the vnrld butter. They
are Justaboutus thonitrlch, which hides
Its head In thu sand ami thinks it Isctm
ccalctl from the view of the hunter.
One of tho greatest trials of tho news
paper profession Is that Its members aro
compelled to see more of Ihoslmms of tho
world than any other profession. Though
every newspaper olllce, tluy after day, go
all the weakness of the world; ull vani
ties that want to bo puffed; nil tho re
venges that want In be reaped; nil the
mistakes that want to be corrected; nil
thu dull speakers that wanttobo thought
eloquent ; all meanness that wants to
get Its wares noticed gratis In the edito
rial columns, In order to save tho tux of
tho advertising ; nil the men who waul
to bo set right who never were right; all
the crack brained philosophers with
stories as long us their hair, and as
gloomy ns their llnger-nalls In mourning
because bereft of soap; ull tlio horH who
come to stay live minutes but talk live
Whoever has written a single
graph which has strengthened tlio weak
or Improved tho Ignorant, or encouraged
the faint-hearted, given hopn to tlio ties-
p tiring, or Mificned the hard heaited, or
cleared the mists from the doubting mind,
brought a happy smMo Into the eyes of
the Midi-ring, or tin noil a wanderer from
the paths of first ruttllon Into the paths of
life, has eerlalnly done a good work, al
though his reward may not be here. Ills
work mitysecni us nothing In theoyesof
those whojiiilgo of work simply by the
niimliiT of dollars and cents which it haw
eanied, or at which It may bo estimated.
Nottbal itslioiihl Im Inferred Ibut good
work does not detervv niuiineratlon; L,ut
whether rewarded or iint,our work should
bear tho test of ourowu scrutinizing con
science. Ml
Now York, Oct. 21. A strook Jury has
boon on'erod In tho suit of tho Htato ngalnst
ox-Comptroller It. II, Connolly for to-i mil
lion dollars.
Chicago. Oct. 24. An Indlannpolli special
s.iys lrs. Illlss, Thompson and Wonohuin
niHtlu a thorough examination of Senator
Morton today, and In wtoi t respects find his
omlUlon more favorablo than at any time
hIiho his return from Oregon.
Washington, Oct. lit. Kstraots printed
hero IhU ntieruoon from tho Journal of tlm
r.tiincKKioHeimto In tho Spring of lSrtl, shot
that Milliard, lately iituniiititttl lor nunlMor
to llrasll, wasnpent tif tho Coufsttoraiogov
ornuioat nt Nrtshxllloafief 'ftmiiepo hed
Vi'tidagnlUAtiirt-eu!-ston,'vud IiuIuca tlioleg
lUtori.ioiiUeriuto mllliary loaguo with tie
Coufodnrncy. Alcxautlerll Stophens, Islmtu
(J. Ilnrrlsnntl other ptnndnent I)niucrat,
c.illidnn tho PreDhleui to day and uekiiowl
(Uitl Ilillmril'M reeotd, but uigoil tho I'ros
Ulont to ptrtiul lv hint.
t'hluugo, Oct. ill. Tho Tlnirs Witshlnutoti
special says: It wnt rutnorod last night that
Secretary tJlienuan hitdtir would rtslgu. Ho
bad a short tulk with (lonural Hhciitmn In
the itlttirucoii, but the Ueuoral proTo'sos to
know nothing of Iho matttr. Too report Is
not well authenticated, although humo facts
glvo It color.
Chlcico, Oct. 25 Tho Inter Ocean's Wash
ington spoolnl pays: It is painfully apparent
that tho President's nominations aro not re
ceived with great cordiality by tho Senato
and thero is it grow-lug doubt of coullnua
lion of many ofthoinost hnportai.toi (hem.
This Is expctlilly lliociuto with those w hleh
havobuKtt relerretltothnJiidlclHrycotumlttru
whoso meiuliJiH aro giMiirally oppofod tir In
dill'etcntto tho PrcsUlcnt. Ktery nomina
tion of OouiocrittH will, It Is sue to cay, he
rent htek lo him. Mouthers say In dolctu-o
of mttisitl to confirm them that Southern
negroes and Uepuhllaatis have lost ovorv
means of dufrnso and protection except ft ti
ertl courts, tiud they Intond to InMst that
nlUcers of tlio.io courts ha men whtm-iloyrtlty
lo lhitciuo of human fieodom cannot lit
questioned. The names ol a number ofstteh
imd appointments in Iho South aro ut hand
Mtmhers of the cabinet s.ty tho rciit-on the
President dhl not advise with members of
iho Hoiia'o on appointments wrui (hat Nona
tors wero ubsmt. Tlio l'roldcnt will not
hodlsippolutcd H soino of his nomlnatluus
aro ri-Jceted for this eauso.
Ohljsgo, Oot.iU linn, O (). Howard, who
an I vi (1 trout tho wait hut night, having
elthtr pnrNonnlly, or through an ollleer,
given nut, without tho consent or knowlcdgo
of fion.MliorhUn, a report tuado hy himself
to that o Ulcer concerning tho Ncus forces
war, which at lo tit gives a moro II tttrrlng
amount of his share In tho hohtlllllrs than
u.n given In other reports, and Iho 'ivihuuti
hnvlng puhllslied thai report this morning,
(rut. Sheridan has culled attention to an old
order which mtkta such action it mlrdo
mennor, punlihalilo hy ilUinUsiil, and (hut
upon a tastlllon of tho "IIoiino the fluo nud
iuulshinnt will bo vlsitetl upon tho head ol
Iho trausgresHor.
ltud Uiotnt Agency, Nb , Oct. M Tho rn
movnl of tho Indites iiennn In tlio vicinity
of Iho Mhaeurl river lit'itfti yesterdny morn
ing ami was dually completed to day. They
too cs".orlt'il hy C.tpt. Ltivsoii's nod Lleiu.
Cuuimlngs' companies nftho Third Cavalry.
Noitlsatlsfactlon Is shown by tho Indians
On tho contrary, all move harmoniously,
Tho march will ho along sr.d tedious one,
pinhah'v ooaunylug a mouth.
Nuw York, Oct. 2.1 -Tim Trlliunnsnys Mor
ton's recovery Is seriously doubted, and ll Is
tdmltied Im constantly Millars great palmtnil
seldom sleep without llioalil of oneiful
Itspnhllesii Journals dniioii nrtn tho oirtllda
tuioof (Vtiixron for iho ICngllsh inllim
I'heTilboiio's Washington nprolul d)-ri'.res
llio jirrldciil Is not hoiintl hv Iho notion ol
linui 1 vaula rnm.'reifiiiiitt. II Is llk.y iho
oi.'Uti r will bo held In hboyauco till after the
I'oiiusxlvanla t Potion,
Tho Han's Washington eponM aysox con
cr'nooiinn OiN-.il of l't Ik in faxorof with
drawing tho Itopiibllcan statu ilc'tev'in that
.tato If Hutii dixdltii-s lo !ho uWf.ttno-i In
tho t'aineroiiM. Thu matter hits uoinplloutul
Tlio Trlhiiti't'rt Wnslilnrttoii nrsioIiI nays:
It in not to ho a Mission of iuvit-ihcitlnn
.'Johody dl-tnverhhlo who wntits Invontlga
limn (or polltliu.1 inpl al.
Sen.itotN tf both partlei no prostlv annoy
ed und Impailuut ut Ihu ilnlny of iho Iioiiko
ah they o tu tin nothing till iho hoiino QrM
4iHs, Tho delay la not hotvuror unusual,
and tins many prcrodent.
Diiibllfss tho Pennsylvania da'flgtllnn
wero In good fallh In hrluglng ftirward
Simon Cameron for tho 13 igll-di inlsxlon
1'hfi iniilro ftralr atems lo have been a ails
tnko on nil t-lde'.
(leo. Ktlpatrlck predicts MoClellan cannot
carry now jer ey tieoauso or mo -m,wo lauor
totes that will bo polled.
New York, Oct. lift-Tho Tribune's Wash
Ington t-neclal says: A weatorn ronrcnonu-
tlvo who was oppoied to sul)sldlKliig the
Texas l'aclllo lUilroud, and who bus taken
soiuti pains to canvass the Iioiino on tho sub
Joel, says the prelect H wekr In Iho present
cojigros than In tho lust. Ho does' not be
lieve thero Is thu least prospect of tho pas
sago of any bill extending further aid to this
Washington, Oct. 3.1. Among the bills In
trodttced In the tSeuate to-day was ono to en
able bona lido settlers on publlo lands of the
United KUloa to locuto upon and purchase a
trsolof tluibor laud, not exceeding forty
acres to each sotller. This Is for the btnont
of settlers on agricultural land lo Oregon
and Wellington territory eapcoiallv, many
of whom bavo lands, but not ent.ugh timber
thereon tor r.nciiig unit otuer note -nary pur
poses, The limber lands hi tho mountain
oils districts lows been visited In a number
of lusianres for tho pnrjKixo of st curing fuel
and tltnLor, and a number of ai rets have
been nmdu far trespass by government o til -filuH.
Hhould this bill becouio a law, uny
settler ciiu purul'HNO forty acres of such tim
ber land on pit) iiieut of f l.l'.l per a'lro.
Tuft other hills wero Inttoduot it, onn for
tho ptirptifo of clMti.'liig tho nsmo of Iho
sltuiuer lino. W. Khler fo Colunitda; the
o her to appropriate f.'S.CltO for thu eon-lrno
lion of a llrt-t class IlKhthouso at II e luoutli
ot Wtupqoa river, on UieOrriioncoiiMt. All
rf-r.-in-il to api'ffiprlata efnnniittees.
Klehinond, Va., Out. 20 Tlio programme
for Iho rn epilou und enierlaluineiit fit I'teal.
dent H.tjes learMogHl, and tho ulfilr will
bo idahoiatc. lasting three flava.
Fernandliia, FU Oct. 20 Five new (rtsr
to-day. 'Ihe weather Is tiufavorablo. Kitod
It rurnlsi-ed loHK) Nmlllei.
Nhw Yfirk, Ofil. 27-Tiio Tlmos' Washing
Un speolul Ihluks the United Hia'us nude a
gt)cd bargain lit the Kltlleg Hull matter. We
uot rttl of It It ii , und will no longer fmrt or
light htm, while Canada Is hound to kuu that
liHtlots not violate tho froutlnrs,
New York, Oct IM Tho lleruld'sHan Ad
looio speulal sas: A largo bind of Mexlotn
raiders urn fjepiedsiltig near Catrovlllo
about 30 miles wt-xt of liete. Tho late; now.
r-iim Fori Sti ekton U llmt the aiawo between
Ibereuetl Kl I'aMi bus Ihxii c-tpiutod and the
driver killed Preparations aro going on
quietly to relnfortsi thu rangers wlttt at luakt
1 .f'OO rnt n , as ,tou vu Iho word la glren.
Washington, Oct. 2H. Tiiird Askiatani
I'osttnasier-Oeneral llaztn has eofiipleted
thu Oilluiutts for appropriation tor uikoluce
Itarls, Oct. Jl.-1'ro.klent Grant arrived
tills evening and waa revived at tho rillwav
station hy Noyes, American minister, th
Amerlran coio.nl go tie ml and vlco consul at
Pari;. I'artrldgo J. Meretlfth and many
leading ret-ldoiits. Koon tho General an
Mrstiraut were eonduultil by tnemhMrn of
he lont'on, and M. Mollard Introtlupo
them to a salon epcelally prep trod for them.
whom they wero uortllally nod repeatedly
ohecifd. Thotlenerul was visibly moved by
ho warimh or his reception and shook
tianiN withe large uutuber of his country
inoii. Ills French woloomtrs pnuenttd a.
Iwnut.ful bouquet lo Mrs. Grant. At tho con
elusion or thu, informal leceptlon, Iho 0,tn
.'ul nud puny drov . 1 1 If ,ui It Imoi. Oen.
Grant will vMt Pnsldunt .Muu.Muhon to
moriownfiernnoii, Paris. Out. 21 -A sniH-omolal nolo Is pub
1Mteddi.tryii.jr iho ilst ion hi thu Now
oik Joiirnnl thai H Freneh govermnent
lud noilllctl tl.o Unl o.l HtittriH tltul parllel
p.tlon or Amorleitim In thoixhlbhlous could
bolell to prlvelo ofdeiloklng. Tho nolo
styslorelguers wishing lo participate In tho
exhibition oulu to b.. lepiei-entid hy thu
ojinuih-stctier epeolally tloleaultil by their
government. J
l':rz..roum,Oo'. "I -Tho following IntoHI
Bonoti has btsun tojeitfd from Kar: On tho
10 h Itict. tho HiikKiuns nttaeked Fori A hue-.
ueiorti unr-, no. were reputed. Imul lvlm
nm ven ih -, Moeaan on lite JJi
I h.vt
llo It
nxpcuirii in join Aiuicuiar raslut ut
General Tiirgukaaoli Is pursuing
Pasha. A Itushlan dottitcluueut Is
haull Dngli.
. oilll.
Lndou, Got. 21. Sovoral arcoiin's concur
m uliului; that the Turks have c muieueed a
vl.oiousl'oinbirihneui itKalustS'lilpku I'.im
and -have already slloncod ono Uusslan bat
tery. Vienna, Oi't. 21. Accenting lo iho news
front tlm host Minion at Cttnaiamlnoplo tho
Grand V'Kiir cannot agree with Matuotid
Dtmad fasha on tho quoHtinu of an annls
tleo. TliuOiiusd has urntil nn orinMIco
wlttt alt his tiilliioitce. The Grand Vl.er ro
cenlly tondcrfd his rcslguuilon, but urier
wsrds withdrew It.
A porii-iipniitlniiriint Utsgr.id shtlcs that
the 1-J.vpif.tns, lieioro ihelr mmovtil lo Varna
still'sn'tl iirrvitlfnll v-ittltl or KJO going Into tho
hosphal dally with tiM"Ulary.
Iterlln, Gat. 21. A oorrospondoutsiiy-i It Is
asserlt d that 1'rlneo GoaUcltakol)', In aooni
iiiuulctttlnii lotlio ItusHl.tu itmbaxNador here,
Piuplitslitutl tlio tlu'eriiiliinllou or the Cr.ar I
coutlmtolho war mull the condition of tho
Christians la It.iinln, llerr.ogovlnn and Itul
garln aro finally ami ih-llmtely luiprovod.
Loiiilon, Oct. ai-l-'lvo thoii-and culllers
aro on a strike, and 2,(X)J moro go tint .Satur
day. Thu Nutlltr-Milrn colliers are voting
whfthorlhoy will accept tho redtiullon hi
nlstod on by tho proprietors,
Hat llu, Out. 2.1 -Semi ollh'lil Journals nn
unuiieo It likely that tho rololislag may meet
furllt'rtlinu usual bcuausu of tho illiquid
slate of I'Vituco.
Kusslanlos.es to tho 18'.h are ulllulally
stated at ( 0,100 men.
London, Oct. 21 I'rlnooS'orgln. ofLeunli
tenberg, kldo ilti oanip or tho Kinperorof
Itussla, who killed in u rucunt noi,iiiiohuia-o
of Ihec.irowltith.
Now YotlJ, Oct 2T, Loiters rroinCoottr.il
tltioploif.olaro thst tho Tinltsaro Mill. ring
for want ofsuiiuttulilon, being without lead
eiiuiigh for bullets, or iiotiuywlth which to
buy Uitlirotd. Thlsoxlreino poverty, which
wiin oxptoed to mJiilluM Ittullmumhuogo
la now ery spparciit.
Const inliinplo, Got. S.I All menus ol
ir-ftiHjKinsUon haro hreti nqiilsliiiiueil ut
I'hlllippollsand Mdlt for coiivoilng threo
inoutlih' piotleloua loio Plevna, On tholUdt
lust, litem wtie i GOO wouuiled III Plevna.
I'rlvaln Iioiiass h..vo bum eouvoit.-d Into
hofjilislH. I'huwuutot Hut nud moilIuhicN
Isgttmly fill,
lyimhio, Out. M-A Kulin nlllelul dla
pveii d.ttd Totreellai, boltire Ph.viui, Oclo
U .i tVitlt, shim: Yu.teriltv, uiier mb.-poruto
egsueiiientnf ten hours dura' mi, Hnerel
G.iuikiv'a ilhliiihii.outs, operutlng with a por
tion of tint Lupnriil G.itr.l, i.. .,iu a
strong sltlnn hetMin GuriiJl D.ilmlU mid
I'liiehrt. Gou'iii.titien si..iiiiutTITf.p'-tilfnn
litiKolli rnutl slroinihonlug lilv'pusltloil
with iiij.v lorlllln.tii..iiH. Tide ouua.eincut
alo rtHtilled lii tlio caplUM ol A. tumi I Iras I
lslu, logether Hlili Ids ehlettil Mull' slid
nciiiy nihor ruikMi nilletrs, Ahou :i,tKH
fool snldlnis, nu eiiilro l. glint hi ol cavalry,
foiirfVthii.il suil u qiiiuiiiy ul ill-iiiid
lUimitnl'iou wnro a. mi osplurod, Our los
in not ktiOAit, hut luu.t have bton consider
able, III regit rd to Gen. Gt uiko'u victory Cher
ko. Pitsba'sfifllulul dlMpati-li from Gruhaulu
claims that Iho attack on Tolloliu was r.'puls
oil, hut adiiills lliattue Itusslsu cavalry Im
po.led In-ell'ut Ouhrlvk and tlt-nlroytd tho
lelourspli lines.
Nuleliiotu I'a.hu (olographs under .Into of
rtfi.iuii-..ti. uu 1'ittifii.u. 'i....iu. i I,..--.....
battalion, with otvalty und artillery, Ht
lacked tho works of Ittistuhuk. Tho Turks
tnado u sottio and fond tlio HiMslaim to ro
ute into uirireuin uuiiinouihui icjrgos with
it loas of 4M killed sod woiiml.sl. Four
Itti.slan dlvuloiih uttHcked tho Turkish Hue
ou tho Lout, JavauolUtleui , near Kosovo ou
tho right, lo.woleuek on Hit. It-It. 'I hey were
repulsed with a lorn of HOO killed and noma
prUnnuis. Tho lurkl.h lo.s waa 100 killed
and CO wounded.
London, Oct. 27 A correspondent gives
tho following account of Itus.laii opuratlous,
derived from a llu.blau oillclul Just relurued
from I'levnat No convoy has entered Plevna
sluoeGon. Gourko look cniiituaud of thu
cavalry. Tho Invts'.oient Is now complete.
Imperial gunrds. as they arrived, look up
positions ou the Ilooalan left, thus gradually
prolosjilinc thu llnool luvtu.lmeutituio,'tiho
txivai. road to tho Holla road. Tho Invest
ment by tho Infantry extends iroin the
Itoumaiilan pnnlthi.s uotibwestof lMuynalo
the HnfU road nn tho went. The oltolo Is
rotiiplMotl by Geuersl Ootirko's cavalry,
whluli eauciitcn al( Mjpiillt-s, but tho litis
slsns aroover day receiving relnlorcemenls,
and I hero Is every itppearaiica that Ihey In
.end to HurrMind I'levna hy a series ol
wotks, km Iho neruiatn. did I'ails. The ltus
slans will M.on hate lnsq-s i-uoiigh locum
pielo thu Infuutry tuvestiiit-ut. Tim etirres
jionileut thinks that Iheiti Ih every r.-on to
iiellovo I'Iovim Is not victualled stilllolenlly
tos'-Hiid asloro mull eprlug, and ihat up-(Haram-AsaietliutO.mun
I'aslut Hiliut'empl,
probably uuU'oeeslully, lo llubt bis wav
out. Iho Qirruqmudeut conclude : "I
must say now the ijiiM-tJuu of u m ootid ciin
palgu Is ro-fiuily factsl, and the project
looks lowro liop-liil for llm HuM'auH than ut
anv llum elurtt Oou KiiiiIhiot'm il'ea.
Vienna, Oct Z'K-ri h been b.iiuln riled
and ptrtol ihuoity Istiu lire. Too place Is
provi!otiel Inr fuir moo'li-
Cfnsiautlooilo, Out, 20- l.l.iclions for tho
Fnrl.l-.li i)hsml-r hao hi-tiin.
Paris. Dm. Uil. (leu (ln.nl to doy recrlved
v..Ih trout a Urgi. tiiiii.l.ert'f Aiii.tIduii hii.I
wtllKiiouu l-'ienn, iiifii, Inelmlliig Lion
-ay, I'rrhhfeiit Ittieitahfiii, w In n rtcelt lug
Gull. Grant fet.,riay, Mld hi. waa inili-li
jratllltid in nmUo iho uitp alniiUHti of to II
nntirloiis us- Idltr. and t tiered It open nil
the military tsiabllshmtmsto his Im-pootloit
slid to furnish hlui iihhon of suouiug v
orythlng ctiucernliig military HI. Ins, Gen.
Grunt ucot.pusl tliotHnr, with ihauks.
0 euileux, who waa a member of the gov
err uneut or nation. 1 dufeiiN,., during thu late
War, calkd ou Grant yesterday.
jkitm .jtt.
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