m3, rwjp-a-j,i m n-) wnwwiM, fmmmkmw WfX&BtfiSXfigitB :mtiaaznJiW(wm.Z3i-?iin-maxKu.iMir!Mrtvtniu Wk. I f i , 1 ,- A I , I I A Q, W1LLAM FARMER tillatiuilje Mnrmix. IM-UBD JIVBUT WIDAY, BT c3la.tch::e: s& okaig, rum.i-.ii mm Ann rnormiTous. H. A. OliAHKK. . W. OttAHJ. Tormn of Mtibaorlptlon. Ono ropy, one yenrIM number). $2. ."I) Oneropy, rlx inmitn Ct im)bcn) l.'l'i On f rout, Ihr.-i' month" fta?inrilr) Draw Inn-rooms de-ill t. ApurUuooUi of o UAliKM, Kill DAY, NOV. 'A Jb7. OALif olmxA "associated ruriis. Tho ("filllornla Amoclattd Pruw, nn rrjmn isullon formed tor tlio purnoAo of collttHIri;,' iwwriby ihomtabllBhraent ortf!mc)(at Hie principal points on tbo Pacific Cuant, 1h np xosonted In thin State by Mr. J. M. lUlti more, tho olty editor of tbo Oregon ln at Portland. Tho papam forming the aowcln tlon aro tbo Call, Bulletin, Alta, and Pout of San Francisco; Ileoord-Unlon of . Sacramento and other leading papers or interior Cantor nla, and aliw the Vlrnlnla City paper. Mr. Baltimore'! duties aro to oollcct and forward to these pipers, by telegraph, all newa po llttoal evonts, commercial matlerf.oropprofl poo, accidents, disasters by flood or tiro; in abort, everything that Is of Intoreatto the genoral rosder of thoao papo""' Tlieao ro ports aro prepared and nont oir dally and most of tho new from tula Btaln that la pul ltohoil In California jmd itorn pupoK uro Kent by Mr. IUItlmoro. Wn Iiavo watohpil bis d'a-iatoiiM- eloHoly dmlriK Ibo pant yrar, nod urn inuro than plimscd to nolo tbo fact Hint In Tory rtwnrl aont lio Iihh iinulo fair nnd ImjutrtlHl Mato niiints of mnttprH lhatiini cwno iindnr bin oWrvntlnu, mid am sntlt.nml that ns lon iih lin coiHlriiicN In net In Iho oipeclty of I'n-m aj-ont, Ori'i'on will Kola fair aliakolu tho ills mw iiiih lo i no aasormiH'u prta. Mr. lUlllrnnro has been at-vera! yenrs tho Hyndllorof thuloailliiK nuwrpaperof tho Nirlliwont Coast, and Ik n rarcl'nl rcpcirlnr, mid n pHlnstsklnK wrltw, and wo hope ho iny lonKoontinuiitoropr'Bnt OrKm and Iih ovontu In tho nri-iw of our alatcr gialv. A Lively School District. Thny aro liavin miih lino IIiiich In n cur tain rural i-ciiooi mainei not n iuou-shhu miles from Half m,thli l'll. A enrrenpon Jut wrlte.H iih followa : "Soliool dltfrlct Nn. .In in full tiltifct t tho toac-hor bliwdlnu; iho pnnplo nnd tho pimple blaxtlnjr tho ti itch or. Oniiof tho bin girls salil tho treolicr tried to Iclsi I or : Iho teaober ald ho didn't. Ono ortho Mliolara narri tho teacher explained thi topography of Illlnolw on tbo outline map or Texas; the toaeher ays he didn't. Onn visitor says tho toncher mailo 21! iilx- takes In nrniiiinti atlon. In -toolalmlllE "On Mnden whon iboHun wusIOW"lhotflieber mivH ho didn't. Another vMlor mvh bo spent ilflrpu minute In trj'l"Kt docllnn a nonn and finally decldod Ibnt It was in the pritentlnl' inoo(l Iho teaober nays bo didn't. And n It kch. All parties aro In hot water and likely to remain ko. Korno of tho chil dren Hro Knlnj; to other schools, nomo aro slaylnK'U homo and others think that bo ii Iho licet teaobvr that over lighted id i!6m PBttn. and vice Teres, elo . ato. Tho coneral opinion of Iho lilgtily intolltKonl people of UiM 'truly rural' uutrioi in mat mo aroionwiu toucher wouldn't inako it fonrth vims In structor In an olKbth class Hindoo school." To fee lUbaUt. Tho pnrtlra owning tho lets on which stood Iho Cosmopolitan hotel, nays a lurt land paper, aro naklnu preparation to re build next Bprlnu and Hammer. To do this Iho fetnna found atlon, at leaaialontt tbo river k)k, ban lo bo laid tills Tall whllo tho water la low. The now bullrltnx U in have a fiotil ayoof IMfrotand a depth of 00 fast. One year Irmu this dato wo would UUo to drive up In ChHilln Kolgler's lilrlo and And Dan Jloltnn Inolmro, with J. It, Duller In tho olllro, Vai Cotklov, nlht oleik, Tommy llnltnn bohlnd tbo Wr nnd Peter Maaehtit In IhndlnliiK rrxnn, It wubld aeem llkoold llujw), don't lit A BltbaFiJAYSRk'0W. Tci tho thouRhlloiui, fnm w1kmo stony )ierU only nilllrtlnn alrlkm thopTksof reflection, tho world icai a bard mil ntormy round, nnd llafaTtn and udvantauos most unopully distributed. But to lilm wliokoaoullsa elear founUIn that rr Hoots Iho Hiinnluosi and purity of heaven, drink In tho wlslumof ll(litonly to pour it out In ontiRliteului: rt flection apon tuuto creation around tilni, the world in a kind mother that haiteneth but noter refutva siutenanao. IjookliiKdeep Into tbo soul and mytiteryof od'a dvallnK with tbo things of Ilia crea- lion, bo finds objoclsnt inirrel aud admira tion fore re r widening und ouUtretoblui: bo ore htm. "HermoiiM In KtonrM; Ixwk In running brooLM, And k0,k' In overjtlilnfi." Ho eos nverywliora wrltttn upon tho far- over o!innlni; yet never varying works of ld tbo Kreut law of t)mpenatlon. With Kmat rlnlios, r Kront urt; wltki crownc, diuiRur.i nnd kindly learn; with iKipuUrity, pepioiml servitude; wllb offloo, rnry and cle traction; with t;ruat talents, grot view; lih Keului, Intelloctual mid physical InflrmHli-s; with tho eleptintit'N bulk un.t utreiiKlb, tbo timidity of deer. ThoMwett vlolutii grow In Kleim wbero the wlnti r'd wind blow coldest Mid Ibo mow lien tU'opi H. Tho white Wvunucd Illy bloouu iencefully iijHm Ibo hlioreM of lnl.es wbote doptbu beao witti gloomy uniQlloiiM, The kteiLlr r ferns ImiuI bsfori tho w birlKiud. yi i ln ilt when tliei.tnrtn Ii over; whiNi the iifMi.d, uulmndliin iiitiniuulm of ibo frtl luiMiipluii in fuluii (;rfAiiit. Tin) little iiiuittliiN spiiwtlM lil.i sail in tho numiiUT ss, Itut hiul.ii to din It. ooevn ravui btu ttnriu wrnoii tho iih i les of nation. An bumbli), il)icimi virgin U-j-h a m m(io tumri.Ht u Kii-st r )iiou und obmii:sl itiu diKMiiy ut tb HtirU, wbllu tbo tuoiider V,.auiv t iUloit lobbid Diviiiof ths ilower cf her youth Mid delimi-U Truy in 1Iivk1, And it Is not too tiiun'j to thy, Ihtt tliero mo ih'iiii to vkhoin I'roviJeoco hn tvsniid unkind, wbu hve nut received, in earno on, H)ujtiiuUoii for tholr biMimlnc mis firltnie. Who tbstlit poor but inigbt ImII Mi pot of ureonMurul 1m bonet and lude prndenlT Who tkut bad nothing vrnf lfr-U thrtnKvilib orfiar cf iobbryf Who thai l ilmptu and boneat was over tmtrayml into the compintoo'hlp of karrn.r who thai la Imue bnfhatli a memo heat t"T Who that blind, bnt tvavvi Kielnc the fulta of ofbU neluhton.T Wtw U.at ia humble but hatk contontT Lea's Earrender. I remomLer and it was recalled ta mo to. night whin the namo of General Urnt ctmio up In tho course of cunverballon tho Mnderfiii scene that tronRpirtd In Unit llttln ;1hco In Viriiiula, on tho (Mi of April. IBoA It wa lte In ttio afienioon when ii beomiiH known Unit Oeueml Loo bnd scut for Unt to Miinonder to lilm. It ch bottreen U nnd 3 o'clock when wo met In tbo llttlo room In llm lnKf-o wborn th surrender of Lsm'm army took ptaco. 1 know tlioro In it lH)llf llitt the i-urrender look pluco iindnr nn iippln treo, wluroOranv and fu met und o.xt:lmriK"!l a fow woids. iVi-mrn nilr to'il: plauo in the loft band 1 1 on) of lb it o)d frtsliloned double hoi:n. Tlin bou-o bad it birpo plnr.M wtileh ran KloiiL'the full lei'iilb of It. It w.m ono n I I luo ordinary Virginia hoiweH with a pns KMe way running throiiKli tho center of it. In that little room wbero the meotioK took placn sat two young inon ono a (treat-grand-son of Chief Jnstlce Marshall. of theHuprcme Conrt, reduslng to writing tho terms of tbo hutrender on behalf of Robert E. Lee; the other a man with dusky countenance a ureal nepbow of that celebrated chief Bed Jacket actlnir under General Grant. They. too. wero reduolng to writing tho terms of tbe surrender of the army of Northern Vir ginia to tbe Army of tbe Potomac. Gather od around tbe room were several officers, of whom I was one. At some distance apart sat two men; one the most remarkable man of bis day and generation. The other and older of tbe two wa tho most striking In bis apppearanco. lib bnlr was wbltn as tho driven snow. Thero wh not a speck upon his ooat ; not a spot upon lliovo gauntlelM that ho wore, whlobwereas bright and fair ainind' glovo. Tlnit was Ilobert 1C Ijoo. Tho other w.im Ulysrvi H. Grant, whoio apjwaranre rontrtM'ed trAiigpy with that of Iio; Iiih InolM worn neatly covered with mud; one button of bis con. that If, tbe buttonhole, wa not wboro it should hiivo been It bud olenrl.v i;oim ntrsy, and ho wore no sword, wli'lo Iio as wiililoHily nnu fully rqulppi it. Tbo conversation was not rapid by any iiiPKtiM, J'Jverjbndy felt tho overpouering InlliiHtier. of tbo fchiic, Kverjono priicut ful t they Tvern wiinrnNlng tho prooMdings bdween tho two ohlef nutorn lu ono of the moil romarkablo iraiisHotloiiH of this nlnn lonnth century. Tbo words that Msed tio twrod Grant and Iyo wero few. General Grunt, endeavoring to nolngleo for not bo nig fully fqulppnil, and notlolng tbo fault Imi 8tponraurn of Leo, whllo tho serrelarin wero I)iht, fnld: "General t-oo. I liuvo no sword; i Imvo loen riding all night." And Leo. with Hint coldnca of ninnnrr and nil thn pride, nlmnxt haughllnof'S, which, Hftpr ah, booatnn him wonderfully well, never inndo any reply, but in nonld, formal man ner, bowed. And Genoral Grant. In Ibo on deavor to tako awny tbo awkwnrdnoss of tbo Hoono,sald: "I don't always wear a sword, b"oau-aa sword is a very InoonvonUnt thing." That was a romarkablo thing for lilm lo say, oonftldorlng that bo was In the iircMinN) of ono wbn was about to surrender Iih sword. Leo only bowed again. Another, trying to relievo tbo awkwardness of tbo oo OJiHlon, Inquired: "General Ie, what bo enmoof tbo whlto horse yon rodo In Mexico! tin might not bndead yet; bo wasnntio old." General Loo bowed coldly, and re plied: "I loft him at tho White Honsn on tbo l's m u n key river, and bavo not seen lilm slnco." Tlit to was ono momont whon thoro was a whispered conversation between Grant and Lee which nobody In tbe room beard, Tbo surrender took the form of corres pondence; tbo letters wore all slgnod In duo form by tho chief aotors, in tho presenoo of eaoh other. Finally, when tbo terms of the surtcnier had all bren arranged, and tbe surrender made, Loo arcso, cold and proud, and bowed to every pert on In tbe room on our aldo. I remember eaoh ono of us thought he had been specially bowed to. And then ho wont out and passed down the square In front of the hnnve, and bestrodn that gray hnrtothat had carried him all over Vir ginia; mid when be bad gone away, wo learned what that whispered conversation was about. Genoral Grant nulled hi office r about him, and mid: "You an to the Twenty-fourth, and you lo the Kifih,"and so on, naming tho rorpi, "and ack every man who has three rations to lurn over two nftliem. Go to tho oommlsiarlett and goto the qiiitrlrrnianiers," An; "Genersl Loo's nrmv U on Iho point of starvation I" And 'J3 OOO Mtlons wero carried to thonrmyof nor'nfrn virumiH from miterni ucorge ii, nnuijxs irroruidin wj juirc.i3, Foot Pada Around. Illchard.aonnfMr. Win. Havago, of thin olty, says the Hinlottnan, wan accosied by a oouplorf foot pads, on the road a abort (its tsncH beyond tho cemetery south of this city Wednesday evening, a.i be was on bis way to tho farm lu Iho country. They camnoiit Irom opposite sldet of tbo road and ordered lilm to utop. iUc.U was armed wlihnolub, and young Savage, not liking tho looks ot thing, spurred bis horse and dashod patl them and as he went one of them struck at lilm with bli olub. but fortunatelv mlnsed lilm. Ttwy then threatened to shoot lilm if no u Ki not stop, nut Deeming It unwise to obey their commands ho kept on and was soon out ortholr reach. Dlok will bo ready with a little eix shooter for ktho next lot thnt attompln to slop him. Stolen Horaea Heoovtred. A short time slnoo wo nntlrod in tho IUii.t t(i:(V)itii that two horeei wero stolen from K 1C. Kojt, of llethel, Polk county, tho thieves iHiluirlun Kroiiuhiuou named Diirsud und Hlley, who had been In tbo employ iiiont of Keyi.nuii iuanmrf(i hi inosanio iiitouio lior,(-M ;vr iiiinmmI. Keyt Hnrled South ai onco, and whtlo irnveling on tho unto bo len Jnckfoii villi) aud Ai-blsnil last Xnii div, iio overlook bis muit. Miort diatumn Ihli sldoof tho latter plnco. Tlio men to OPgulK'd K1 a h'i phid thun on the m:'i,o, iitul ttmy lutii'udUtHly sinned lor the b-'iub, whom thi-y bid ttio borres,aiidNiart'd i iT'ii finit. Thn lioros wero rooered u short lima nftemardri, but tho tblovi3 are wllll at latga. O. W. lu Vermont. Iti a recent number of tho WlniWor (Vt ) .Iniiitul m otiervn tho following pirag'spti: "Mr, Goodwin dlktrlbutud quite n Imgo quantity of Oregon wbe'il at ttio Wlnsdor iMiiuty ftlr Ukt wr'k, vxbioh win pluocd at bUdlMiHtt.il, u Pre-.ilont of tho Soointy, by Mr Giorgn Woodward of that State, which add inuoli to tbo interest of wbott-growlttg ill tbU Htato, Mr. Woodward dfnervea tho thanks of tho farmers of Windsor county, (t Ibo lnten-.t lie ha taken lu their behall. Wo boH to fen every town In the Stale nils tog luown wheat." Two Kor. Sherlfl K. J, Jetfrey of Multnomah county, brought up two mow prisoner this morn ing, sentenced in Judge Hhattuck'a court, twtli for larceuy, aud each aent for a great Atnerioan VMr. There are now 113 prUon- era in the Penitentiary. rr Flv Yaan. Sherltt Noble of loogliM conaty, came down on the afternoon Irslu yeaterday nnd dollwrwl to tbe anthtr'.tl-aat the Htata Prison, Hellrlngsr, eutfi oxl from Douglas oouulv to flva yr In tbo PtBlteaiiarf for uiicAlaughter, A CHINESE LOllXUY. Wo nrotold n fow tya oro, Hint n C.ilnnumn Jitid drawn $2,000 In u Clilnt-su lottery on nn InvietiiUMit of one bit. ISverj'lnwn mi tlio const hnsn br.vcli of tiiis or Mimootlicr suliemo, and it Is kept, ooiiHtnntly ruiiiiln(j, tlio (Iniwings bchifj ninde every mglit nt 10 o'olouls. Tlio mnilo nf operation iBfts follows : A pleco irp:nxr N innrkwl oir into 10H Miiiaree, and liunibert'd from 1 to 100. Tlio jier-iin "burking" t tlio gnnio Iuih Hip privilege of putting down uny sunt of money hu olinncH-llie prl) being jroverned by Iho iimotttit (luttinwii.1 Then yoti liuve the privilege r ninrklng ten tit the iiiiinbi ih. A duplicate copy is then five" 1"' ""' the original Is kept by thengent. When 10 o'clock iirrlvtf, 100 numbers are put into n jug und ten drawn out. If three of them correspond with the numbers you marked on your ticket, you get your money bnck ; If four nro drawn, your money is Incrensed fifty per cent ; live, doubled, nnd so on, nnd if tea are drawn you have n bonanza indeed. One gentle man in California on a four-bit Invest ment, drew $.r,000. Ho was told that; if ho had put down $5 he would havo bro ken the bank, bo grcnt would havo boon IiIb winnings. Many Chinese and not n few whiles Invest in it, but somehow n prlro striken about rw often an lightning does. Iletio Journnl. VHOT. TVNDALIVS WARNING. In concluding nn mldrcm It the Blti- detitHiif the Univcrnlly College, Ixnidoii, Prof. Tynilull, who l niiquiHtlniiniiiy one of' the most indefatigable bruin workerHof our country, hIiI, "t.ik" cure of your health. Imagine Hercules a oniHinun inn rotten bout; what enn lie !o thero but by tho very force of IiIh stroko exnedlto the ruin of bin craft Tako care of the timbers nf your boat." Tho dlatlnguished uoli'iitiHt'H udvleo ! equally valuable to nil workers. We are apt to dovote all our enorgb-B to wielding the mire, our strokes fall linn mill fast, but few of uh examine or even think of the condition of our hontn until the broken or rotten timbers Hiiddeiily give way und we Ibid (itioolveH tho vio.tluiH of n calamity wliielt eould ltavo been easily avoided by a Utile forellintight. What begun with ii slight fraeture, or pcrhiipH even n cureless exnosure or dlboriiunlz- ltif; Inllueiict-, emit) In tho complete wreck of the Ilfe-bont. "'JO THEY SAY." ThoKmpcror Nlchnlns, father nf tho prcHent Kinperor of Itu-nhi, wan a man of very quick temper, and on ono occa sion won stung by nn nbeurd contre temps into a trometnhintiH outburst of pnaolnti nn Eustcr morning. On that (lav it is the custom of tho Onr to go forth from the palnoe, and embrnolng the first man whom ho tneetH, who is almost Invariably the Hentlnclat the pul ace gate, ho cxelalms: "Christ is rlscnl" is wlilch tho reply is: ''He Is risen iudecdl" uttered with great manl ftBtittioiifl of ley. rioou this partloular morning forth hUI led tlisCir, Uisseil the ftcntlnol on both cheeks, ncoording to custom, and uttered tbe Invariable excla mntlon, "ChrUtb rlscnl" "So'UUnatd" atiflwereil tlio soldier in a thoroughly stolid wav. The man wan a Mohniurne- hollio ot Guardian's Sale or Ileal hsiaie. Nollcu li h relij klvtii that pnr mut to an order of Osni) Comt nl tin- county ol iail'n In lh" Mato of (irririin, nurte at U uctnlisr term thir-of 1ST7. 1 will t IT-r Mr -nla at I oti"o aoctl n on the lll'h Uv of Nuy cmtor, 18'. sioti'LliK-klnllioniniiiiioi-IUcliiy, ntlhvOuu-t Hoif d. or In tliecllv ot'Bolini In i ; ciiniitr, ihireal rotate t,T Ii wM I) uil o hikI lfntl U'tiillliit, mli.o-hslr-of Aiiuuriu lliiullliit.drefa-ed. (llil i'Hl o-iftli I liflliiil'd iml I'tffrCilbMl n In lows 1,, ..ti.tlaulntili if nt Inn .s W. C.IKMTI I Jlitlll 1 l'ull j fie' Potiatltin IjiimI eUlln, In T. 6 H. It B W. ot Iho llmrn t ineriunii. im in-ciniiu mi i i.i'tnt' uumi No J0I9 run ilnir th'ticn Kartvrir sli-ng t!ia lie ol ulit claim, 1W o.I; Itn-i -e luirtli to tlio north Itno nf Mid ilalm of .t.i'm I' I'nojidi; iheico N. 71 eeg 4.1 mlii W. to the Norlli(it' corniror .M tl liu; lie to Son'h 1:1 CM dialnM iheiirt- i nt Il.Mu.iili , thence H.mth tn ilioplo u ot h HLUlnt; com ilnlti ' W vti- noiro m lc" Al'Oaoorain tiait of lulii), htfilijf llwiSo ih i dli.l tlio itoiutiniilftliri c'lilwi o J' Im Mi Kht an -vlfd'iu licl Im Nn 41, auil noil 'cnth n No. sT.lnV On It 1 V ollhoW'lil'imi'tiein-rritlaru con tj'lnlii.' GO) ai'NM nf Hind laorq kt l s. i llioMboltf r aim. A 1 pltnnto In Mir Ion county, Ort-jjou. Turuii of salo cash In luc, told cola. V. O. HOI.LIVAN Gairdian of Mid tutour liclrn. Ot. LJ, IOT7. w Admlnlitrator's Sale. Notice la hereby glveo tl at our u:itt to an order of the Honorahlo County Court of too county o Marlnn In thn Htate of OrvKon, nudo at Ita October teim, 1STT, I will offer for pain at public auction on Paturday.tbe inthoay of November, 1B77, at ono o'clock In tho niter noon or raid day, at thecrurt hoaaedoor In the city of ttalvra. In aald onoi t. tbo real rotate bulomrlni to iho en-Ate of A. F. Waller. ftpcpftM'ri.ri.'-.rrlhtd a fnlloirA. I to wll- A nnrl nf lin' allnn rl tint Nn. 4C. NnllflMltnn I I.OwlfVlllO No. 77, In T. 7 8. It. s W. of Willamette meildUn, Lafajctle Drl'oppleton bounded by becl'inlni- on tlo routh llneof tbo county I Lebanon Aueotx for tbo Wlllumetto farmer, Albany ,-J j1 "anriM Amity ....KliMmpMa l oUjku Grove.. IU Slortrldne llaltin- ,y."7 .'; J.,,..,'ll, llucna Vita m Willi1, J U llntian Urowiieillu W It Kltk Uutti il!o J w Iw-.clii'ldtt ronyon city Dil hhtiKlion Cnin1llf W 'I' UrlR t'uotilflo i U) V H AlMtceon CuluV Valley 1 a Cintko C!alM)) It J Miti-imjh ':rjf.irdtiHlo ! turtula-e Ciic I ) Kwulail Curvnlll- I-V iKiil'ierd Of-Ml'll lil.." i l;...s ClnekaniAH VV - .Mlhf t'lUupCuwlt (ilDlanin.iih'i Oiillai J 1) 1 re 1) JHlulhrU HcXtlT K iKIid-llklT DthIiiV KrM.fia ft lntn I)aimiican l. l'uiti. I'a'tot ,IC lhOnuny KIkioo a II llalliev Kniriiie. John AtcC'ImiK Fox Valn-y A n Gardner PoreatUrovo Hltof-bra, Vt L CnrtU Uoohcn .....J llnnd-akrr (iervala ,,,h M Galnea llalaey. A....T J lllack "arrhiboiB uirom BralUi Hlllaboro a Ladling Itcpner Morrow A Ilcrmi Independence W L Hodsln Junction BmlUi. Ilraifleld A Co., W L Lemon fdckocvillo M I'eU-non Klnc'a Valley Conner A Creano .icnerpon Juhn W Holand ii UMcTlmmond A u M enry road hading rarivrly from the iu-t end of Hiato ptn-ot. In Malum, ailmi ennnty Oreuon, at a port B.TOdrg. 80 trln. K U.W cfealua (torn wbero iho ninth line of Mid county rad Inleraecln tho Wmt tHiund'irv of ihe Donation Laid CUIra of A. V. Wal ler and Kli-pha Wallir Ida wlfu, aiM rnmilnp tliciiro 8. lrifr. ltnln. W SSrhalBa. oreorlcfe. tn Inter-iHCtadnie-pl and wert llni-d t Mini; raid cl Im Into MuixlimlpHrta; Ihui.ciiH-t ni.Tclil einorenrlcra to iniiri-ict the tan em boundary lino of a ci'ttnln iri-ct or Mm! Uri'UiHl by A, I'. W Ii r ai.d Ulepht Water hlr win-, lo fhbfl II. w aller. by Olid ilat.d tin- SU'h dsy rf J unary VJHK and record -d In Mnilmi cimnti ncorda limik of lleoiN. Mi'mno Nn. t, ii pKU!i!Mj thnco N. l!l ! i; Jtimln.K. .iKniU paid but nn nloti.d line, iitxiut &I60 rbalun to llic iMitilh ILn.i ol cnldcnnny mud, Ihnico N,7inli .10 mill W.aloii liuroutlilinoof mid cinin'y romlto thu plica of heKlniilnj;, and all altuato hi Mai Ion conittv. flriH-nti. TKUMS OK 8ALB -Ono third ca'h In hand, nno third In fix mnntha. and Iho ralacco lo one yiar from ttio dat J of ealu, all lu L'uld coin. ., . J. A. STIt.TTtN. octlHurt Admlnl'lnlor of n cfio. Adnilnlstrator'n halo. Nollco I hereby U u (bat. ) nnnaiit to nn onlcr of Inn liiinoinhl-i County Court of Mart1 n crnnty, In Iho Htato of Oregon, n ado nt It October term, 1077. I wlllofTi-r furaloat public auction on Hut inlay, the lOih dy of November 1M7, ai one o'clock Inihoaf to noon of raid day, nt tho court hncrn door In Iho el'y of Halem. In raid Marlon counlr, thereat ratatn bpionj!lns'to th) cntatu of iTamealtlckey. drceaaed.de- 'cnwu nn mi nw hiwm; ,-v pan orinuiioiniiou Land Claim of en I it Jamea UUkey and rlfo in T. 7 H. It. 3 t. ami in r n n ii, i w: iieRinnin at tho H. W, rornernf Claimed, nnd Ibo H. K. corner cf Claim M, lnT8S.lt 3 W, aurlrunnlnjtlheiwaN. Odfff I5mln. W. . 00 ctuilna: thenco N. -Wdec. Mmln. K. .10 90 chalni; thenco N. 4 dK 15 mln V, l. chalnr: th.noo N iVdcg fit mln. B. 31.13 chalna; tlunro N 7ldvr 00 mln. Ii b.W chalnr; ibenco N H deff. .1) mln. W 4.W cbalni; tlienco N. 4S dejr, at) mln. K. 3.(0 chains: thenco easterly totnturaect tho routh Itnunf Id Claim 81, at u point H. 49 drr. 53 mln. K 0.09 chalnr from an anjtlo In raid rnnlh lino of raid claim HI; thenroH 40 tc M mln. W. M.ril cbalna to lin pxcuof bi-alnulnK. containing about 30 acrer, and all rlluatp In Marlon county. Orrvon. TEUM3 Of HALK-Uold coin tn band. JiWKH M. lttCKKY. oct!3w4 Administrator of tald oatalo. Notice. In tho rai'tor of tho Ouirdlanhlp of Edward Dna Hlot aud At red DoulUot, minor hilt of Auguatua Poulllut, dcccaird. NOW. on thlr day, September 4. A. D. 1A77, catno I'. O. KULirvaN. irua-dlan of raid mtnur hulrr. and prerenlrd hlrpeiltlon praying for an order to aell Kullivah, uua'dlan of raid minor hulrr, the real tatata of tald minora la Marlon couuly. Or- ejcon, rie-crlbisl In hla raid petition, and It appearl-ii tn tho ratl.facllon of tbo Court that It la neceraary and for I he bi-rt InUP-rt of Ihe raid minora that tho had real erute ahoild b told, tela hereby ordered .Ian fmm nnnnftlin TnrUr nrnvlllflcs of C- rteereed that tbo ni at of kin ol raid wardr, and (Ian f;om oneoftllO Jr"r F rl" averona tntere,t,id In .ad o-tate, appear tJoforo the ejaiplre. The wrath of tho Cttar waa iae m iho Cortllouae lu tbo city of He.n. In Marlon uimnwn doxy h( nded, and alnvo thnt day Iho ortho- f"ou,r o-.iron.no i f tho apntlnel who Is to Limn (fiir -ff'' AftS .? ....!.. u. o i -..I..:..... .,... "?". r""."'""!'.. iuiuru ll jxioiri rjuuiiojr iniownjn rtij carefully ascertained beforehand. PIIOPANI1Y. If fwf Wo re emphatlcallv tn the nro of pro fatiltyV,rtml It HeoniH to tho true eltlvion that wo are on (ho topmnit current One einnotco on thoHlrccts niiywhere wlih out havlnp Ilia or her enra nileiuled with tlio vilrf-t wnrdH. and bin reverence Hlioek ed ly the moat profane tt?e nf saereil namea. Is'or doea Itcniuo from tlio old or mlitdlu aged alone, tor It Is a fact that the younger portion of the community are moKtiirotlitlent inthede'-mdiiiKlangunRc. ltoyHuavoan idea that ll Ih Kmart toawear; that it makca them manly, but there never watt u greater mlriiukn In thn world. Men, even those who awcar theniHclvfH, are illnqmted with profanitv In a youncmnn, because they know how, of nlihubltft tliiHclitiga thetuoHt cloaely nnd IncrcaieH with yearn. It Id the mont iiiBlduouBof huhltj, growing on ho invis ibly, that almost before one la aware ho becomes nu accomplished cursor. YOUTH. Youth, Ilko everything else, must bo cherished ; and if we wnstolt In frivolous dissipations, ago will come before years Tlio faster we travel the sooner we will get to thu end of our Journey. Knjoy youth In every reasonable way whllbt we Imvo It, but alwayB remember that every tlmo you overdraw on it you aro contract ing a debt that must be repnid, with lie.tvy Interest in thu future. Ke'.aln youth r long as you can, neglecting nothing which will iiadst you In dolut; ho, but M'ornitig everything which is false aud deceitful. POLITICIANS CUr THIS OUT. Lying abitBO nf a political opponent caii'bm re-act upon Uioki who indulge In this ijuestloiiable modo nf polilleal warfare. Those thu in-sailed aro not In jured. On tho contrary they gain the sympathy and support of nlldultiteresieil ikTi-uiiH who cannot countenance or up hold such iiHuitiHof computing tlio ilofcat of a candidate whoso otlluial record iasw clear as tho noon-day aud which invites the krouittt scrutiny. A good way to make friends for a man Ih to abuse him without stint, and In thu nio.-t reckless and dirty maimer. Naw Staamahipa. A dlapstc ,datHJ Now Yurk, 0tober'J3J, say!): A eontraot haa Just ben elossd here wuh John Hoaoh t Jon for two urait'lasa iron ttea.uorsof a, 000 tons aach, for tbo Oro gonStoamahlp Company, to run between Man Franclaoo and Portland In oonnectlon with the Oregon Central aud Oregou and California railroads. The nllpi are lo be ooaatruoted with apeclal referouoo to carriage of wheat and other heavy freight, and lo be ready lor aervloo by the J5;h of July next. The new iron paaeeuifer ateamer Ortpon.for the aame Company, la about ready to lauuoh front Koach 'a yard, and will aall hence for Sau Krauolaeo about January I5th, FagUnd baa tkpeat raclnu thla atuon, 113,000,000 la bone- the (V b day of Octolxr. 1T77. at tbo nwcanrr. It nr ther rbonH not bit trantiil 'or IIihmIo m , and of raid relate. Heivlntcf Ihlrordi-r rhall le made by pnkilcuilou In Uia Wiludhttk Faiimeh for thro weeioi rocccwlvily belo.n raid Ctt day of October. A.D. lbTI. m JOllM C l' KHLK-i, County JlOko, Marlon Co., On jib. Bllftn. Seot 4 nrrr.. noa.1 Notice. In thn matter of the Onard'anibtp of Pee WifohL Orr Wrlht. and KIU Witht, minor bitra of Jo reph A. Wrhjhl, dice-taed. NOW, nn thh rlxlh 'ay of asptcmber. A. D. 1KT7. ctnie It C. lUmibj. amrdlan of Mid minor hrttr. and pre-entiut hlr petition praylni; fur an outer inrvll Uie real irlata of raid minora in Clickamaa couuly, Orr hi n dercrlbrd In hla rata pttl'lou, aud It oppi-arlui; to tlio Mttrfaellon tl tbe touit that It la vwri'Ma y and for the bvrl tntercal of tho raid minora that the mM rent trtnto rhonld bo aold. It la hereby orotrid iiul derreed ibat tbo next of kin of raid waid and all perronr ItWrcttcd lu tald ertate anpv,r ifforo me, at the court hourc In Hie city of Haltm, In Marlon county, orison, on ibo 16th dy of October, A 1). 1H77, at tbo hour of II o'clock a in, and chow canae, If any they have, why a llcecao rhooJd not ho tpanltd for the lalo of raid ertate. Henrico of thla unter rhall bo nude by publlcatloa In tbe Will arra Pahhiui fur three rucee.alio weikt prior to tho I iih day of ociober, A. I. 1VT7. . , JOHN O. PRKI1LK8, aeHwS Connly Judo of Marlon conaty. Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. la tho County Court of the Bta'e of Oregon for the county of Marlon. Ketato of Heaeklah O. Dayton, deewwd. LRWIS U. DAYTON, admlnlnratorof raid ertate, havluA; thla day tiled hla final account, arkl-iy that Iho ram may bo allowid for netilemaot; there fore, all rirxooK tntcrrrteil are hereby not 1(1 til tbat ihecourthaarrt thotitarlnt; of raid anp'lratlou lor Monday, the flnh day of November lhTJ, at Ihe court-tii:u-ti in Halem, tn raid county, nt 1 1 o'clock a. in. ot raid day when objictloiia to raid account Of any ex Ut) wl'l b- In ard und determined. JOHN C. 1'iIJ.tlLKS, County Jndsio. Bakm 8pt 18,1877. aj5 W f ALL PLANTING, bOWKtt 1 1 IILFJVY - CiFOR THE HOUSE. Tlio Aliliiniii Jiu. of Vlck k1 lor ll I Guhle ccntatnli i.-Qa rt tliu of Hjriliill", imllpa, Ullea, nnd all ll.illia and r. tor aiu I'i.intino lu Ibo our din.HuJ Ut Wintki; t-'uiwitra in the tlosao Jurt iiihll-UiL and 1 1 ire id aii., addirra. i m21m ' J 3liis VICU, Uootu-.ter, V V Ona2Q-02X Tf-rr yx -ryrr-TT fovat Mnhml r i ic j: COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Astets, - - $668,547.46 Income, 1875, $465,904 29 IiOMeipaid out since organiza tion, - . $1,137,367.50 HAMILTON BOYD. UAJUUKn, arjtf ri Pirat hU, POBTLAND. 8 It nlnnohtnr, moorue ..Jo Kclrey McMinnvllle JIlMoirla. A Held Monmouth W Watcrhoom- Mid Plain, WT David Biamp Needy. , ,Wa Mortland New Kra. ......................,..., J Cas-u Nowellrvlllo 'P Cartleman North Yamhill , I) t'HIewart Oakland H it llaymond Okwcjo a It Hhlplrt 0" J II KfWdiV OrcironClty ' M Itncoo l'cnilelon V A Whlt-ran i'eorla;... Ur J II Irvine Pilot Hock K O'lllam I'orlMnd H 1 Leo, Apent State riranito I'rlnnrTllle OM I'lliiejo IVrrydnle MrOnw'r More Hlckreal '. HA I'atterron Hoehur, Tlioa Hmlth fclo V 1' Juno-, Tlio- Mnnker b'llvertuti T II llibbiird HluiMV V'M rowrrr, CHMhcele 8irlni-fleld A O Hove Hnhllmlty John Donnlnu Jweyllleine Ucn Jlarka Hheiidan ZWn!. VH "arm- Tho Dallcr 8 t, Ilrooha 7.nnil!r W Ill'irarr i..'.,.coaver " W Ilrown WllUmettr; 1'orl.r M Ullklnr JVahi Walla JK Itrewer JJaW'V. ' JC Elder VnncalU I IMilll-on. II.S ApoletfaU J. W. GILBERT Hides, Furs & Pelts, Ml'l CoiTunorolnl at., SAIaEM. ly The Llglit-drauglit Slcamcr CITY OF SALEM Win. Levr I'Acino Wuaiu. Portland, for Salem, and Intermediate Tolnh, Ob Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridajs, At 0 o'clock A. M. The LlRhtdrnuKht 8tcamcr Will mako Trlpi to tlie tippor Rlvor. U. B. 8COTT & CG. SE. J. IIATflU, General Manager. autT SPECTACLES, SPECTACIESI For Old and Youner. Far-Sightwl and Near-Sightcd, Nbootlua-Glaoaea for Mportanica, BTUEL. SILVKK, AND COLO l'KAMEH. I AM prepired torunplr Mp'etacl-ato fit all etc. at prlurtorulL W. IV. BIAIl TIN, Jeweler A Optl. Ian, Daut, lllock, bUto St. fia'em, ear 10 1876. era For Sale. QOrr ACHKH Of TIMIIKK LAND. HAW-MIDU p t i HUck.mlth bbop Ihreo boorw. two bainfc fonryoko U OXKN. Uliuatrd on Lo.so TOM. la Lane county. .j.4.r, ar -bair carl, babr.co or. time. TlU-jKOod. for lu.lher partltulara. addrva . . . v- H.- I'UTNAJt, "P Cherht r, Lane county, Or. PLDMMER FEU1T:DRYES. PrciuinuiNt '111 par a GOLD ritRMIini for ih r - .. . . ... T- . ,..... , lampiea or rrun orwu hat Im bv tha "PMIMMiiii fUOOKHN" of Ave noanda rarh ( lu. .i.n. .. roe la Kaat fortlaud, In time lor the Orej-oa buu 1st PUKHIDM $a0. 2d PIIKMIUM $30. ad rremltini -alii. 4tltFremluai 15. ty There Haraplca will be exhibited at tho l'alr marked with ownera uame. JOHN MINTO. DRBEUEIt OF MERINO SHEEP, m. KKS plraanre tn nffcrlnr- to the WcolOrowcra of I. Oregon and the adjolnlnir'lcrrlp.rlr tb0 chanco orurchaM T lOltOUOlltlltUU MMtt.NOS, and urluRiiartlwlutcr-atriltui they can. and will cn- MUcil ,&i,?if,tl,iyS2 ?pe 'quality nnd value .MUU! tlltAl'hlt KATKB linn ruch can noadbh lo Imported, l-zaiuliiatlun atu) companion wllh otli tr Sleep otftrtd la tho market are roidlnlly lnltcd. AlUrv" JUUS MlNlo, y. 0. TheRAroracdltamLamhanf thi n,.w Tt Kiin n ri.it '''""wn iaiisj, aajoinirj baJem. JJ1LL r AltM font and a hall miles wuth of tiocltr. halem, Septcmbir 10. lb5. Farma and Land ior Sale. T SvIPEU Y,on !VLE 'NE pa-'m. sao Acnis, .. .! CK l?.c.D,tlt on. toed orchard, rltBaedcm the I'tevaet Hill rotd. about U n-llea mim SnplSS City, AWo. aboal Ullll M.rAM nruiVLn T .un Miraeof the h.nal ky aim bearer dam Land lu the eiuaty, ru-rounded by hill aud brurh land. Ttree or roiireryRoiolfiiKa can bo mad out of It. Good r. .J,,T '. ol?vy . Wl"l,. "' u8 "' lot tcveth- trn Ti'lh Lua 'ItnaieJ In Lena concty, about U m lea from .nren City, and atx from CreJIiell. Joa Addrcra V. . UUNN, Aitya City. REAL ESTATE LOANS. ORKCOS AXB WASIIXfiWN Trust InTeitment Company V WHTIitlll. TOW Comr-asy lr prepared to wyntllte loana ta .. .f"nia&r9tojnyjiOteauraa orer lMPKO- yuD ctrv rhovmrx -t tahh lahds. iS M-a. 12iJLlH.sw.. csrtOr I Flnt Street PorUanl. ' I! L ) v''J-i- - pmmm yniejiii i)f- i '- PI 'TlMMal1aMIIWa-fl(apBJ