M fi&SSSilflHFa "M Hfl Kill 1 k kpS22 82,50 per Your. BY TELSGRAPH. Tlio socond assistant po3,ma,torgenornl has madQadvoril-oment Inviting proposals for carrying the malls on nil routes in the southwestern states and Pao flu coast states and territories during tint lour voarn to com mence next July. It Is dr-td November 1st, mill ulll bo sent shortly to all the postumsi. cm lu these :clions, lo bo onspltiouly posted fur r.t Uat .'10 daya before the llmo for receiving bids. Tho-so advertisements are no longer undo In iiuwpapi.s as heretofoiei. Now Yorl:, Oct, 23. Tho registration of voters in t hi city closed tonight, nnd tlm total ! 1 l'J,'37."j, against 1S3.0J1 roahtiuod last year. Chicago, Oct. 27. Senator Morten' phy elclan, Dr. Rllss, is in , thin city. Holms hopes ot tho Senator's iccovery, bat consid er tlio case u must roniurkablo uiui compli cated one. . Philadelphia, Oct. S3. IMwin Aelatrr, nctor, dlod at 11:15 this morning, nt tlio rol donoool Dan Gardnor. Ho was conscious until within an hour of his death, whon ho called his wife to IiIh bcdsltlo and b.ldo her itood-byc, The funeral M-rvIeos will take plaeo In St. James' Episcopal church Thursday next, and tho iutortuout in Mt. Morlah L'omotorv. Chicago, Oft. 27 Tho Woman's Christian Temperance' Union, eftor (our days sosslou. ndjourucd to-day, to moot next October In lUltlmoro. Indianapolis, Oct. IS-Tho condition of Honator Morton Is not ro hopolul an It linn boon for a week past, ills Hoinaoh lias ro tallied nothing that has lit on taken Into it for tho past SI hour, and as a confluence ho has grown weal:or. Ho has been kept up lu part by admluMriulJU of opiates and nutritious aids by tho hypodermic process, ills attending physlc'iin, Dr. Thompson, does not think there U any probability of hi) Immediate death. It Is evldout that ho cannot last long unlcn thoro Is u change In tho coudhlon of his stouiaiih. Now York, Ot. SO-l'ho mayor ori'er iiandlna, tcloinnphs that lio iiftuls 37,000 to lieop tho well from Murvlng and Btipply tho nick with nccesKailes. Wnnliliigtmi, Oct. iu WlUlnm Sioughlon ol Now Yoik has I (.en np jointed minister to Itutisla. Tho senuto, in exeoutlvo wslon, rontlrm ed ttio following nominations Wn. W. Upton, cnul comptroller of the treasury: Jumos OIlfillBii, trenHiirur of tto United State: Albou U. U'yman.HR'jlKtiinttrAaRtirer of tho United Suto; .lolin i. Hoyt.of iimiiipuu, governor r.i Arizona. A hurriuiimi which roonutlv nweptover tho Island of Cur area caused aloBOi' property estliutrdaiS'J.OCO.UCO Tlinlosaot lil.i mis laruo. In the oily of Cuuicna many of tlm iiHMt Holid ntructtucs wete erunhed hy waxen nnd many pBmons bin led lu tho ruin, 1'eoplo were mado piuietH In an hour. Washington, Oft. 'J') Tho Imprenilon among n:onibora of '.lioniintojudhtlurvootn. inittooiH that tho uoiuiiMtlun of Onnoral Harlan will be favorably ruportod and con. Urmed. Washington, Oct. 31 Thn Prosldont and Mrs. Hayes, S.-crotary Kv.irlH and two daughter?, Secretary and Mrs. Shorman At torney General Devlnx, and others, left this morning for Hlchmonil. Tho I'losldeul has nominated Jnn. Wolch, of 1'enusylvsula, envoy extraorulnary and uilcUtor ploulpotontlary to Great Itrlt.iln. Now York, Oct. 30 Stovons' battery lias boon sold to a foreign government; name and amount not announced. Tho original cost was nearly, ?U,000,OCO; prlco much umallor. Tho Inter Ocoan's Washington sppcral says: Gov. Williams, of Indiana, is hero, and has sUlod openly that ho Intends to ap point Dan Voorfteof, in taso of Morton's death. Chicago, Oct. 29 Tuo Oroenbarkorn, in conveutlou to day, nominated a full ticket for oftlceu, headed by David Hammond, for treasurer. Memphis, Oct. 29 Gen. IJed ford Forrest, the great coufudotato cavalry ottlcer, dlod at 7:30 this evening, at tho rosldenco of his brother, Col. Josso Forrest. St. Louis, Oot. 30 Case of Mutcalf vs. Frost , to compel deTondont to isiuo a certifi cate of election as congressman troin the dls. triot to Motcalf, was decided by the supremo court this morning In favor of Metcalt. Washington, Oct. 30 Representative Ilunler.of Indiana, has lntrodiiCMl a bill au thorizing an expedition ti the Arctic seat. Tho bill embraces tho llow-gato plan. New York, Oct, 30 Ono hundred and tblriy-fcoven Mormon converla arrledyes terday, together whh 12 missionaries, who lead tho 1,503 romerts landed horo from Kuropo tho past vear. unica'o, uct. su, mo rimes' lnuianipo. Ill special says H-tuator Morton is rapidly binklng. lie does not experience any vio lent paroxysms, but grows hourly weaker rallying occasionally, but after every effort change for the worn, is apparent. This af ternoon tho senator Ins.sied on being In formed exactly as to his condition. Doctors Thompson and Woodbury, hU attending ftbysloians, knowing that it would bo ure as diigulslng tho trutn, told him ho mutt die; that life could not bo sus'aiued mu.v days. 'Die uows wsh received quietly and without emotion anil nf-r h pu tin re marked tkat ho would rather die than live In his helpless condition to le a burden to Ills friends. He is perfectly conscious and dUplaysuotthosliKUteot uuujsiuessai tho near approach of dtth. Postnl Changes. Tho following postmaiters have been ap pointed: Jobnathau h. Diktr, Pole's Valley, Douglaa county; Wm. J. Welmer, West Union, Washington eounty; Chas. T. Wil Uamion, Wheatland, Yamhill county. SALEM, FOREIGN. Chicago, Oot. 23 Tho '1 linos' Lnndon spe cial say. A Duch.trfst unrrcspondfUt Miys tho eastern Turkish arniv is every wliero on tho dofenslvo. The way Is now open lor the Itivosttue in or Uustchuk, wuleh w 111 proba bly be duno nl once, as the Utihliiiis h'vo sutHclont forco to nnnk Hti'-tchnk and mno aR'iiust the ieutr.il Turkish poMilon ut I'.r.s gr.id. Tho UiiHstau intention diuii to be to maslc HiMtehuk, to ineinco Unjr.nl, hold Itaoufiii check and tlir-n pii'. every uvullablo in in antl gnu to tho work of captuilng I'lov mi. Tho retreat ol Suleiman reveals tlio tin espooied woaknest of the rwHorn Turkish .xrniv, "o ttint rolufDicemeiitM uro being .ent to l'levii.i from tho army of thnrr.irowlteh. It Is tho evldout Intention of the UukUum to llelit unwheiein llulgarla except ut Plevna, wlileh position more than all else bara the road to Constantinople. Tho Investment of I'lovna 13 not coniilotod, although the ivcu mulatlnn ofHiisalun cavalry Is making tho Turkish ctinmunlc.itlonH overy day more dilllcitlt. Despite all tho rosvaVoniuts from I'era.ltls beilttvotl that Oiiniu l.s now well bupiillodand tho capture or ovacuatlou or the placo Is notdUtaue. Ohlc4go, Oct, 27 The Times' London spo cialsaya it Is almoit Impossible to get facts us to tlio situitlon south of l'levna. Most reliable accounts u;reu tlui uotumunhatlonj Willi l'levna have been u.tt, and the Invest ment of Omitti practlially cntiipleto, though the Itussiati loruos wot of tho VM havo not come near enough to oporato against the do Tenses of I'locim. If his coniiiiunlc.iilons are cut, as HHserted, Omian is most unqtics ilonabiv In a most preculous contlltlon. and will either surrender or attempt to tight his WHVOut Tue best ovldoucii of Turkish de feat nud loss ol tlielr line of supplies Is seen In the depressed comments of tho Loudon Turcophllo Journals. Tlinv udnilt that If Oourko has iioeomplished all that Is claimed lu Utuslan otllelal reports, the fate or I'lovna will bo settled within a few days, There has been hoivy lighting along vari ous portions of Sulelmau'rt rrout, ltidicutlng the central mlvmrfoof tho Itusdin nrntv on the east and a largo r e 3011110 1. H.uieo to discov er SuIoIdihii'h position, '(here has noon no thing decisive In these movetneuts, but tliey nroinNo spcedv operations of considerable magnitude. Tho Itussbu effort to mask Itustohnk Is sure to bring on general en gaomout. SuIelman'A right Is 01 tho Loin, below Kadlko. Tho Turkish jkisIiIou liu very strong support in tb rt-ar In casi of n ilofcat. Suinlmau has olios' n ih on' posi tion, and has (intrenched himself on ground! ni tuo most irtornbiectiHrM(!lor lor dofeiiMt. A battle, i" la thotiglit. will ho in progresato disy. In any caso, it does not utoiii piobablo that a great, an I porhapi doalslyo, engago inent can be Ioml delayed, Iondon, Oct. 28 It Is reporlfd that tho ItunslaiiN pursuing Mukhtar havo advanced as tarns Khiivossan, end that Mukhiarhas retreated to Iipraknl botweon Klavassan and Hassan Kaloh. Krzoroum is preparing for a slego. Tho lntiiibltants aro aruiimr. and rolnforcomeiits a ro hurrying up from Trobkontlo. Mukhtar however reports that tho Russians havo not advanced farther than Mollldoo oil tho west ern slope of Souglar Dauh. A Husslan olllclsl dispatch from I'orodin says Grand Duko Nicholas inspected Thurs day the battlelleld at Gornoy Dubirlsk. Tlio ;roops are olatod by tlielr victory. Tho Rus sian loss l 2,000; tlioTuiklsb loss Is near) v equal. ICI.'hiv Tutklfili otllcers were taken prlsonors, ami a lligaud four guns captur ed. rarln.Oct.27. Tho following aro Kx-Pres-idont Grant's definite arrangements, He dines Nov. 1st, with United Suttes Consul General Torbort, and on the 3:1 with Prosl dentManMahon. A grand banquet of Amer ican residents will bo given on the 0th and an extraordinary performance or tho Italian Opora will be given In his honor on tho 8th. Ho dlijes on the 10:h with Danker Sollgman. At tho end of November the ex-presldentaud family will vllt Spain and Portugal and tako tho Amorlcin steamer at Malaga, conveying them to Gibraltar and Tangier and skirt the coast of liirb try . Disembarkrng at Alexan dria General Grant will stay some days In Egypt and return by way of Malta to Italy, hero lie will stay some tune. Paris, Oct. 23. President MaoMahon visit ed General Grant Saturday and invited him to Iho opera. Vice Admiral i'othuau, Count Du I'arls and Duohoss do Cazos also visited Gen, Graut. London. Oct. 27. Parliament has boon further proionuoJ in December 19th. Constamlnoplo, Oat. 23 It Is olUclally confirmed that Ismail Pasha with 10 battal ions oftacted a Junction with Mukhtar Pasha's army, which is unw concentrated in a strong position at Koprokol. A dispatch from Lrzernum savs It is ru- tnored that Rii'hians from Ardahan aro ad vancing on Oltl, London, Oit. 23 A snpolal datnd Hrza- rotim, Saturday ovenlng, reports tho situa tion verv erltlcil. A groat batllo is Immi nent at Koprokol. Genoral X'tuuiermann, commanding tiio army of the Dobruveh, Is bringing a havy slrgo train frein Mejidjlo to Lo uted atalnbt SllistrU. Herlln. Oct. 20 Tho debatn in the Prus. slan diet concluded Saturday by rejection of 1110 vow 01 censure 01 tne government pro posed by PoKPSsUt and Center in relation to tho neglect of internal reforms and Insul floltnt responsibility orthe ministers. London, Oct. 23 A telegram from Con stantinoplp assert that one of tlm Geshotts Is still Imprisoned st Phllllpnnolls, though as a prisoner he has been appointed U. S. consul. Maynard, American minister, has upported Ltyard'a representations In his favor. Tho affair will probably be settled shortly, but the Porle toiufes to reropnlze Oesholl 'a nomination as consul, as be Is an Ottoman subject. Moreover, hn did not rw celve bis nomination until after his arrest. H OREGON, NOVEMBER 2, IS 7 7. 1'arls, Oet. 29 Tho following will bo pres ent at the dlnnor to bo given by M'ultter Noyoa In honor of General Grant:, Duko do Cases, Duknd" Uro? lie, M. do Fortoti Hen. liortlmul, M . ntiRono Callcattr, VHevunt do Nam, M. Druiirt, MiikjuIh dn'-Ab.c, tltst aide-de eamp, I'loshleiu Maolahon, I'ro fori of Seine and ikiIIco. Duoho.srto Ooi04 and Vrtlsln, Grant nud Noyos,' and Mlssos Lincoln nnd Stevens. , S: . rettersburp, Ojt. 0 Kars" Is pomplolo ly luvpstod. Gen. TergiiknsArJir'has cceu pled Hiyazld. HnrH'irost, Oi't. 9-YeUerthxvnbndvnf Itutsliuiscarrlid a'lurltWi poilon nt'i'ol hello. wet of l'levna. Ono puslun fovrral oilleersond sven compinlos of.Turklh troops wero takcu prhonors. Turcenjammns worooiptgrod. , London, Oi"3-Complelo aeeesThss boon obtained tnJf? , pit-, of tho Hlgh'IIlantvr oolllcry, aif ' ,as been ascertained that 250 Iiersons rOi. t Sllltr )l i Tlio Uus'iaiiB nro con structW' i:..ery on an 1d1hu1 a faw miles east iIntlls pliicn. A,- Consttintlnoiile, Oct. 30 A detaohnieut of IliiHsIans tiro ntSlatitei. south of tho Ualknns, lu tho r.nr of Orohanlo. Mukhtar l'asha, telognphlng Saturday, aunouneod that the Russians wero encamped within throo hours' march of hla headquarter. amnion, wet. ;iu a coirospontlcnt at Hoi rrade telolitnlm that tho irovnrnninnt.nr Rosnl.ihas Informed tho porto tiirt most of uio members ni tuo isosnia provisional gov ernment aro now on Austrian soil, nud ro quests that the porto apply for theft Intorn ment. Russian onilNHirlos aro notlvo In Bosnia and have succeeded in inciting frosh liiurreetions on the Austro UosnU" frontier. Vienna. Ocl.30-A dispatch says tho rails supplied by Vienna merchants to Mm Ron mauUngovorntuontfjr a rillwy In WalU chla having been seized lu transit turouuh Hungary, the Vlonua cabinet ashed for tlielr Immediate roleasn. Tho Hungarian cabinet refused, alleging the rnlln aro contrnhmd. London. Oot. 30 Tlio hnidquartoiH or the I'rinco of Ronmanla aud deii Todltben nro moved to It'ig.it. Tho r.ouinaul.in division cnminsutler who lod tho assault on the vecond GrlvltzA re doubt, lias I won supersede J, Tolicfco iviih surrounded on lho2S(h by ono cavalry and two Inlantry brigades of tho Im perM Guard and ono brlgatlo of JOMifks, and bombarded two hours by 72 gutUvwhen ;-. u,u,l "'l,ur!il,,1 Itarrljou siirre'dbrod. Iv.Iia IK11I rntifwlrwl wau lnJla.lu..liwt.' I'arls. Oct. 30-Tho banquot KlvrlTj-iiTtt .--- ia-i 1 villi IliriUIIIIIITII fc its . AirrouonTriTimihicrMU honor of (i-el. Gran' this evening, was a very brilliant nfl'alr, and tho reception which followed was uttended by President MaoMahon, who woro a grand cordon oftho legion of honor. The marshal remained 1111 hour. A largo number of Americans, tlio enllio diplomatic corps, and tho ollto of French society wero prosont. Tho rooms worn beautifully docoratod, and build ings illuminated. LnironiAbCuAHUK. Dr. John Folkmann arrivod In this city about two weeks ago, and has assumed edltorhl charge of tho Or ogon Deutsche XcHh,mj. Dr. Folkmann comes among us highly recommended for his sohohstlo nttalninonts nnd exnsrienon as u Journalist. Formerly ho held tho chair of proressoror modern languagoand literature in thoStnto Unlvorslty of Kansts, but more recoitly Dr. Folkmann has rosldod In Colo rado. Orcgoniun. Worecotvoda call from Dr. Folkmann tlio othor day and find him a very pleasant gou tloinan.and hopo ho will find Oregon sum cleutly attractive to mako It his future homo. Tho papor of which he has assumed editorial chargo Is published nt Portland, in the inter est of tho Gorman population of our State, P. P. T. Company. Tliofitonmors of tlio Peoplo'8 Protection TrnnsportiUlon Company tiro udvortlsoil in tho Farm er, This company Is co-operative, tho atock holntj owned by tho furmora of Oregon. Mr, I. C. Cooper, tlio Portland ogont, H n vory pnerjjotlc IjuhIhoss nitut and tlio onterpriHo thrives under tils inanoKement. Tnls cotnuany has prov en that an Oregon fartner can own nnd run boats to advantage. Farmers' Warekouin, The Farmers' Warohout.0 rocolvud about eigtiieeu Hundred tmsliels of wheut Mon day, Hnd the farmers havo not yet fairly coin meticl hauling, Mr. Herren entlmates, provided the wettber Is tavorablo, that ho ulll roulvo during tho next week on au av erage of two thousand buahela daily, I.V Tint WHOLE ItlSTOIIVOl MKDICINK, 110 preparation has ever performed such msr- vellousuurei'.nr maintained so wldoa repu tation's AYitn's Cjikui.v ri:erroitA!., which is ri cognized as the world's remedy tor all diseases of the threat and lungs, Its long, continued terles of wouderful cures in all climates has mado it universally kuown ui a ald and reliable ageut to employ. Against ordinary coldi, which aro the foieruuuers of morn serious disorders, it aots spoodlly and surely, always relieving suffering, and often saving llf. The protection It un'ord-, bv Its timely i si In the throat aud lung dhorders of children, makes it an linaluablo remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No psrsou can otfjrd to bo without It, and thoio who have onco tifed It never will. From their knowledge of Its composition and effects, Physicians ue the CitKitiiY Pkctokal extensively lu their practice, and Clergymen recommend it. It u absolutely certain In its remedial effects, aud will al ways euro whore cures are possible, For sale by all dealer. i Stab A Plain View of tho Question oF Cheap Freights and Fares. Llltnr Willamette Fanner : While at tlio Slato Fair ou Tuesday I saw tho posten of the opposition Steamship Company put up, heard the boast ful promises of the agents of thttt company, and tho romarhs of bystand er., all of which led to a ttaln of thought within my own mind, that I shall tako tho liberty to Jot down. Wo have cheap ocean freights ami faros botween Portland and S.m Fran cK'O. It is acknowledged that .Steam ships cannot tlo tho business nt these rates ami that comebotly Is losing mon ey, which leads to the Inquiry, is there any corresponding good resulting to the public. Tho animus of tho opposition is not by any means benevolent. It Is simply contained In tho assertion and throat nudo by tho California company thnt they havo a lot of old steamers on hand and that somebody " has got to buy them:" which onlv means that they will run opposition until they forco tho Oregon Steamship Company to buy the rotten hulks that will no longer answer to run in thelrCalifornia coast trade. Thero is no motivo but sordid gain contemplated by such an opposition and wo havo before our eyes tho fato of tho twin of these hulks, the steamer Paclilc, which wont down, crushed like an egg shell, and whose story of wreck sent u thrill of honor through this whole community, and through tho civilized world. It l.s neither unkind nor unjust to say aud bclluvo that us tho winter storms swoop this northern coast a similar disaster is muro-thnn liable to oct-ur to tlio OrIaabar Aticon, los Angoioi, op. any other steamer now owned by 'tho Califor nia company, while tho same cannot bo said of tin steamers used by tho Oregon company, which has laid up and refuses to run bettor vessels hotter than aro now u.sed by this oppo sition. Hut wo havo cheap faro and freights, you say! Wo reallzo that ma ny Oregoulans tiro visiting San Francis co to spend money there that they need for improvements, nnd to pay their debts at home, nnd wo also real lzo that hundreds of tramps, bummers, gamblers aud good-for-nothings, aro brought to Oregon that wo must consid er a curse, and It is vory rjucstloimbln if the legitimate immigration Is at all Increased, which leaves Oregon deci dedly loser, nnd even If tho producer reaps a smad advantage from cheaper freights, that docs not alter tlio propo sition that tho producer can niways af ford to pay tho actual cost of transport ing ills products to markot, and mid thoroto a safe margin for tho ship o iVtior. It cannot bo sensibly urged by any ono that ocean freights nnd fares should fall below running expenses, nnd senslblo men must recogul.o that whenever this rival warfare is overbite successful competitor will havo to, 'mid .mure to put "up prices to compensate for tlio period of loss, f;e tlm louyer it lusts the ivorse oj' we niall be. Such competition Is like war, that proves a posltlvo loss, whoever gains. It woultl bo appropriate In this con nection to reel to tho ago and history of thuso opposition stoamor.s, that bravo tho storms of ocean at the bed: of greedy owners when their ancient his tories nnd rotten hulls make It a crime for them to lin.attl the lives of confid ing passengers. If tho facts needed proof dud recital they could easily be given, but they aro not needed. Tho public know as well that the steamers of tho O. S. S. company aro now and staunch and insure saiety as much as human skill can accomplish it It seems to me that it will bo an ad vautttgo to recall soma facts relating to tho (Jorinan capitalists who own our railroads and steumers. In tho first place they purchased tho railroad bonds uud wero ultimately compelled, in self- Voliimo IX, Number H8. I (1nfnti.n ii tti1i ii wind titwl tilt wilmufk tUII.,V t lltltw II V Wt tlllt 'k.lll 7V7 the .steamship lino owned by Hen llolladay. They had been heavy losers s far by their investment In Oregon enterprise, but they wont to work im mediately to doeryo tho conlldenco ami good-will of tho people of Oregon. There has been no meddling with our State tillitlty; no attempted corrup tion of our legislattues, the railroad has been conducted In n safe and in u strictly business manner: thcstcnmshlp line ba been transformed from tho old hulks left by lien llolladay to now, a No. 1, Iron steamers that mako ocean travel safe and delightful, nnd show conscientious tegard on tho part of tho German owners for tlio people whoso trade they teek. Wo know, too, that another largo and elegant ship Is to bo ordered ns soon as tho grand ship .Multnomah arrives next spring, and we see that highest consideration, both in regard to steamships nud railroad, in manifested, which strikes mo its unus ual and littlo to be expected (though much tobo desired) in this day of greet! and corruption. If this opposition had not enmo on wo should havo seen tho profits of tho Ocean tratlo used to extend tho west side railroad (In which I, for one, havo an ospcclnl Interest) from St. Jo6 south, at least twenty-llvo miles bofore anoth er full. In short: wo havo In theso German capitalists men who identify themselves with Oregon prosperity, nnd wiio recognize that their Interests nnd ours tiro uni. They llvo where money brings only small earnings nnd won't grumble If we pay them only it moderate inlurosl ou capital invested. fThov nru dolour uvei'Vlhlnrr to draw I v r " ---,--;--- -"... ---" , , . Immlgifttio i, vflhottMtUtmU toOregoiij "TJriVf nun wuni wcniccus mom weapons us. All sensible men must recogulzo that wo havo n great Interest in their suc cess, and my own view of It is that every Orogonian should, from princi ple, give his patronage ut this time to tho old Hue, ns u mark of respect and good will. In conclusion, let me call to niliitl that at the timu this opposition started these men charged no high rates to speak of. Iloth ou tho railroad and on tho ocean their charges were moderate aud left no ground for dissatisfaction. Had not theso Germans advanced their money to build this road wo should have proba'-ly had no railroad travel through this valley to this day and have lacked tlio development, tho pros perity ami tho social improvement that follows It. All I claim is that in prosecution of their own business cntcrprUcn the Ger mans net reasonably and honorably by us nud do not show tho corporate greed so comiuou to our country, and so long as they Identify themselves thin close ly uud liberally with the Interests of Oregon, I, as an Oregonlttn, propose to identify mvr-olf with tho enterprises they control, mi far as I may. An ()ri:gon Puodl'ckr. Tim: Xkw Stramrus. Speaking or the new idenmors which are to bo built at Philadelphia for the Oregon Steam nhlpCompAiiy, tho Alttt Californltt myni The day Is fast approaching when tho trade between this city ami Portland aud other nhipplng points to the north ol'uswlllbuliiimenho. When tlio Statu of Oregon shall havo been settled up with an industrious and thilvlng ixipu latlou, bringing Into pnfltablo ttso her many uilllloiisofs'jlentlld wheat land., where tin almost certainty exists, that all the iiiolvturo needed toeu-ureciops, will not fail year after year, the cany ing tratlo between her shipping ports and points uud this city will bo Im mense. Let tho Peoplo Rejoice, For the Lountlful harvest of IS77 lias now pUued In the hands of (he people the golden coin, that they may II ee to W. P. Johnsou iV Co, ami secure such pictures as will please them and their friends, and bo a blessing to generations to come, Remeuibsr the place, over Willis' Uoubstore, State St., Salem, Or. - i J. I it ! Jfi