i "w"iJ.i wwnswPWrnjrwwmfeHWWBessS) L m Y 8 WILLAMETTE FARMER. 'wV&SteiHaSpi i . Ii ( s I ( ii: .1 i ii u : i ,v BY TELEGRAPH. Now York, Oct. 22 Tlio ilorald'8 npoolnl from Fort Walsh, North wot territory, Out. 18, vln lrMnna, Montana, Out. 2lHt. eiiys. TlioU.H. cotnmlhBlon wont out by thi;ov erntnont to find nml trout for tienco unci good wilt with tlio Hloux clilcrSlllliiK Hull him ill length Micci'i'dml In coining f!i to laco with tlio rr-doulitRulo Indian iiIiI&I'ibIii mid havo failed lo iirliijr him to any tormn, nnd, In short, tho commission him tnt Slttlnir Hull and Hlttinit Hull has diMiilHrd It alirunUy and disdainfully. Tlio (xtiridlllurt l:n Iiillt d In ltf jinrpofn,Hiid Urn huiiix (jiichHoii Is nt V.rfrom u MilNfm'tory wMtnltn hh whoii 'J'orry u..'J hln hro'hor ojinmlHxIonurH llrnt milmiu.n Miolr lon; itnrl tedious Journey to tho tiorlhVf.t. lMlthfini, I'll , 0l.22-T!inip!oycBof the rovuti tr,ll'or'tn UiHt runtime d lioruRtHii i;d vhmco (il 10 pnr cfciit. havo hun nn.llliid ol a reduction In wntins thin nmouiit. Tl o miner aro at work to-ilay, but under protest and niMuifY'slailnnR of pluHHiiro. I'ltlMlidd, Mass.,, Oct. 22 Throo eoni of Win. Downey loadod an old frun barrol with powdor and diaounrend It. Tlio weapon burnt, klllltiK two of tho boys and tearing oir tlio band of tlio other. Ohlcaito.Oet. 21 Tho Intor-Ocoan's special says: Tho Bitting Bull eoinmlBHlon In no more surcoHHful than was Konerally antici pated. Thov wore wont at tho earnest hollol Utlnn of the Canadian authorities, who ro Hard the hostiles aa a perpetual menanco to their frontier, and tho pollco niuwt bo aug mented if they etay. This government would gain nothing by their return. juaucn ununic, r , voi. iii u.o. inmim stationed here since tho riot troubles, leave to-morrow. ... Man Krauoisoo, Oct. 22 lUIn has fallen bore at Intervals throuKhout tho day, with a aoutliwest wind and proHpootofrioniliiuanco. In Sonoma county enotiKh has fiillou to start tho plows, lu tho northern part of Maura inoutoyallov tho rainfall baa boon quite copious, and In tho vicinity or Grass valley and tlowhoro in tho mountains the rain, ao coin pan lod by ball, has exteudod as far down at tho fcUcrainonto and lowor portion of tho rlvor. with Houthtasi or Kouthorly wind, ard Indications of a continuance of tho storm, in tno central piui unuuioru por tions of tho Htato tho wealnur hits boon cloudy andsliowory to-day, with warm lompora turo and Houthnrlv wind. F0REIOH. London, Oot. 22 Advices from Capo Town to Got. 21, Htato that ii war has lmuii In Trauski botwoon Oalnskis and Ilrltlsh and tholr natlvo alluii. KIkIiIIiik occurred Hep'.. 21th aud2!lth nt Month Mi passu and Iboku. (lAlekas In tho uumbitr of H.OIH) iittacknd I lw Jlrllish , but worn ropulwid with n lomroNlK) on Hunt 2llh. I.okh on tlio 2II.li uukiumn. n-llfili Ii.li. (inn Itiutl If llli'il mill falv IVflllllfl od. Ili'lnforcumeiitH bavobmu illspali'linl from SImiouh b ly, and vnlunttm'.i uro buln enrolled throughout tho colony. An (ixpn-li)ii In ii colliory at Hwh itliin tyr, iKiar (Hhmow, took ilni: to-day. Four humlri'il mom worn In tlio initio and a laifjo iiiiiulior killed. dlascnw, Oot. 2.! I.a.ost nirllculirs from HIkIi llluulyr shotv 2:i:i killed. That num ber ik'Mioiuliid Into tho mlno this mnrulmr, mid noiinnf llioMi, oxmiptonn who was work ing noir thohlial't. at Iho llmo nf thouxplo nIoii, hud h"U roMHiMil up to a Into hour this nvoiilmc. Tliiiro Ih very lltllo hopnor roncii Iiir tlio men. , , ... Tlio r.icu for tho (Mtorlon (.talio at imiw. marknt wan won by Joaiiuntio, Clciuomluii lM,l.irl(Jllv,i.ll. tjoiistiintlplo. Oct. 21 Siiloltnan IMhIiii tolnuranhs that tho ItuxthiiH Iuivh liijorpn rated IH,()ih) IluluiirUuo lino tholr urtnv, mill liiiuxpnciH to bu nttiicked. Mo has entionoh od nlnis'df ho hh to cover U'luUtliuck. Am If i'aslia, tho now Turkish (nubiistilor Inl'arls.lH Inutriiutuil to htato liniiii'ilUu.ly on his arrival tho tntiiia on which Tuikov woulil uiiiko poai'ii, If tho ixtuurs wlli tit inoillftto, lu I'ousupiiuicu of Mukhtnr I'.iiIi'n dliatr. All thotronpiilii (ViiiHtniitluopln inn IkIiiu Hotit Im-illv to I'fobi. H.il, Ai'liiiiet r.yiuil) I'.tshawlll t;o Imtiiudlatuly to tr.ko com maud. Kierniim, OLt. 23 -Huh lunn I'lrislm Ik uboiit to t-niitl Col, Vali'Ulliin llJker and t It or Knglixli oIlUierN luck to ('nistuiiiliiiiilii. C.uol'Ji, Out. I7 (ifii. lioyiiiniiu ihiiiI vanoluK on ICt.otouiii. Km Is Mirroiiudtd anil ui'Kollstluus for lis nirremltr Imvii In hi iipouud. UtiHslau bosil(imi(M aro now at Voilnoli'k. (icn. KiviKir U inarchiii): UKtliiHt Ismael 1'iimIiu. 'Iho positions ut Holiiflcaud Kl.nlokoi nro alihiuloni'd for tho pri'Miul by tho Turks. Il mioniMovlilunt, liowover, that a letrocruilo inovoiiieiil has boon (si.iimiinced. Sulnlinaii 1'aHha has nono to mako por-oiml liiNptctlon of tho firllllcatlons of Ituxtchuk. Ituoharest, Oot. 22 A r port Is curri'nt that tint Itouninul'ins riuitptured thoHicniiil (Itlvltr. rmloiibtoit Saiurility, but tbU is not iaiimUy ivtniliit) confirmed. A inomlier of tho Hod Crots soololy aajh orders have been rutnlyed to prepare lor tun roueptlon of tl.OOO wuiiiidtd. Thla (ililenily In KniHH oxaimoratlou, Thoro U probably nbnut rUK) or IHJO. It In said tho Turks had mined tlioOrsvIt ca redoubt and wallluit until It was toll til HouuianlaiiB tnrxploile I', and then insko anaisitult. It is thought tlKhtliiK is still Kolng on. Afpwital from Tor Ink, dated Satuidny, itaya tho Turks liavn oVHeuatHi ICadola for fear tho Kusnlaua would block up their com munloatlons with lliutchuk itud have tu tlrod to lUsjtrstl. HussUn cavalry from Dobrudsoha have advanced as fr as Knvaniia. A late teleuram from lt'tHKrd says a do taohmentoftho army arrlveti at tlntt place. I)iidon, Oot. 2:1 A ourrtHponilont in i'lov. na teli'KraitliM that tho Turks aro actively coiiM'.ituitliiK new Interior Hues of foruildablo def'iuns. t'SHtts or sicklies uro lompsra. lively writ. Provision never tailed, but It is ImitoHhlhto to net fodder lor the thoutaiiils of oxen nml home. A correspondent tt'lu ursittm rroui SolU that (1,00.) piovUlon csilf are now on tho rotd to IMevua. Omiitn 1411.1 lu ordered nil ('luis.au IrnvuUrtt, -Unitarian nml non oomhutuma, and Ma hammed.tns tomtit riovita. A hihioUI tlalfd Shiiuilit, Monday, tay tint Uutalrtiis sttaoked tint TuikUh llloiinl Valerick totlay. 'Iho rt'stilt iinkuowit. A doiuttilt fom ('onMitullroplttsiaii'MliMt Aohtnixi Kvoub's nppolntnmnt to the o ut iiHiul of l'tRMiouin has boon ivtiiiiteiiiMtiilcd 1,'titdon, tK'l. '.:l A foiiHtanlliiopltttlls. patch Mtya Hut Hui.hl.tn fiout Mtdjldl aro iimkimi'tUrlni: rfcuiiitownww as far ISi. J4k aiitlMiloiilrlt. , , ... Vienna, Oot. 23-Uiih-U bits ordered the inoblllr.tlion of all lt.scl.s not yet lu actlv ervnt. Thtxo will amount to nlnetx-ono reul neiits, Unnioti, Oot. 23-A corrctponi'ent tele, iraiitis to Itiuusa Uitt tho Inhabitants of WsH-wvleli dUtrlot, Monteiit km, iiuiiilierliiK tll.txv, tun hirlt'ktii vHh f.tmino. .Mi Kijw- mini illHUh thtttil riii-sday, ihmiIsiiuIIio ndlowlmr: Mukhtr I'.tsh.t Ut-sf.t. llftvou. itloMiMrtit iKisltlnn at Yeulck, westof risK'tiim Dtuh. lsimifl 1'iishit'a retioat am) junction slth Mukhtar uro itilously A tvritispfludrnt a' IlleU roiwrts tltst the cKintw hull I pushing forwuitl iKliibt K ucm! IahvIuk t'Utt wrps to operate against (JlatKOV, Oot. 3-2 p, m.-Tliertclal train to brltiK in tho injured from tho col liery explosion to the Glasgow Inflrmatory has returned. No one has yet been ot out allvo. Twenty doad bodies havo beenro oiverod. It Is feared tho eniiro four hun dred In tho oollkry whon tho explosion oc currcd perhhed. London, Ool. 23 Tho work of exploring tho colliery at IJlKb Ulantyr In which tho oxplndon occurred yesterday proceeded throiiKhout tho nlRht. Four miners were discovered allvo about 11, hut in sorxhttist cd a condition that nun died b fjro iiiurniiu:. Another is hopelessly prostrate. Mining ex ports nay nil tun men In tho pile huvo perMi ml; but oven ifany are allvo, no rf.ouj prty can rf neb thorn 8 or 10 days. The work nt br.nulnjr up tho dod wa required llil morning. Itcdles aro burned nnd niaugled. 'iho exph slon was of terrlllo vinlemo. Paris. Oct. 23 Tho Monltour ('(inl olllclal) siiy: At tho cloH'i of this tnornltiB's council IVesldetit. MaoMahon plainly ltifortned Messra. DellroKllo and Fortou that tho Idea of ministerial changes cuuld not bo enter tained nt present. Lending American rosldonlHof Par's mot at tho AmorJcaii legation to-dav and decldi d toglvoGon. Grant a sptondld subscription oauqueinn ctniuruay, rivu niiiiuruuiiiiniH, Including ladles havo boen Invited. Minis ter Noves Informed tho meoilng that Presi dent MaoMahon would not bo present at the dlnnorat the legation on Monday, but would bo at tho subsequent reception. Gen. Grant will probably visit President MaoMahon Tuesday. Wedneaday President MaoMahon will give a dinner at the Elyaee to General Grant and tho American legation. Constantinople, Oot. 17 Suleiman Pasha on Tuesday made a reconnolssanco In per son as far as Tlrstlrlk. A battle with the cxsmwltoh Is momentarily oxpeoted. Hnow In Sohlpka pas Is ono metre deep and ope rations there Immpnsslblo, London, Oct. 17 An olllclal dispatch from Mukhtar Pasha, dated Kars, Monday lSib, says: Ourcentor, aflor bolng cxnosod for four hours to an overwhelming cannnnado and Inccfsint astaults, was com pel led In rotront, loavlmt A wallas bill In the hands of tho ono my. Tho Husalansthon occuplod all stra tegical points In tho direction or Kars, to which plsco wo withdrew wlh onodlvlsnn toproparo our rovongo. Another division, Including cotps commanded by Ksnhid Omar, Klazln Moussa and Chovkot Pashas continues to hold Its positions on Karadagh. Mukhtar says his less in only fcCO, which is nbvlouly untruo. Ho claims that a regi ment and n half ofltusslan cavalry and four battalions of Infantry wore totally destroyed. Mukhtar attributes his defeat to a Itusslau reinforcement and tbo ftot that they wore ahlo to plsco In position 200 guns uuiinod by skilled artillerists. A correspondent nt Vienna (olographs under (Into of Thursdny night that It Is rumored that tho nssmilt unun Plevna was recommenced to night. Vienna, O-t. Ill I'lio storming of Plevna will probably be altouipvjd Friday or Satur day. St. Potnrhurg, Oct. ID On rccolvltig In formation of Mukhtar Pasha' deloal, iMiiael Pasha withdrew from tho iiolghborhood of Igdyr to the hclghta of tr, near tho frontier. It I belleyed that ho I on tlio point ol com pletely evacuating our torrltory. tlhlcitijo, ().t. ill Tbo Time' London cor respondent at JiiiclinroHt thluka Ohiubii I'.tslm w near tho point of nurreiidur, n Ing lo tho vi ant of food and medicines, and that ho will ho forced In CHpltulato without n Itin-sUu nsfmult. All report from Turkish deNiirters show that Ostuati I reduced to ureal MmUs, but no great rellaucocan bo piscod on tliolr stntomnntH. A corrospomiont at Pora nays Csmnn lms supplies for sixty days, aiiilevtiryconlldnco I tolt lu his ability to hold his pofltlou. Osiur.n Is iinnhlii to uinvo, iiud tho roitjiounl bltlly now rests on Sulelmitu. ltepori finui Shiimla nsiort Hint Kiilel. iiinii'a advnnce bits felt the Uiifstans and ulll givo littlln without delay. Heavy lighting lrxm!t(d from him, but no mm net-, hh tho HmMitu euiipyn pohiilou near I) itsHlroiigK ihutof thoTurksat Pleviin, Tlio lluskliius l-eturo Plevna bavo rocelyod reluforci uieut of lii.OWl Ini'.uitrv. r.'.srniim, Oot. 10 Tit-dnv Ur U huM to lot already prtlidly bloekaded. It I rumnr ed iIih lliisslnim luivo(U'cuilcd Pereck. Loudon, Oot. 10 A (lUpnluh from Tilll It I esliii;tteil (hat tho Uiis.iiih I'spiur cil lu tho battle on Monday last .'12 Imtli. lions ol Turks, 4 lirlKiideH of artillery, II'iOoIUomh and 21MI0 boiho. Among Iho killed urn tt hoii oftho (Micaohl.tn chli-f rhnnryl,attd tho TurKlxh general nf cavitlry, Loiinui PchIui The HiissIsii latlmated lint total Tlirklnli lo at lil.CMK) men, together with gtoathtoxh or iiiunlllons ami provisions. Wanti:i. A man Miiiis to rent a form, or work lor wanes on a larm, Hiwn small family. Apply at lid olllco. TE PlrKEJS. Tho wheat market remain without mate rial uhnugo sluco last week. Halem buyers aro still paying $1.10 per bushel, butthocon dltlon of tho roads pro vents much wheat a in ing In from tho country nt Iho present time. Portland figures ant Iho same as last week, O.tta urn a trillo weakor at 8411 Francisco, which effects tho market hero. Tho stock 011 hand in this oily Is Increased, and as they oaunot bo Immediately shipped, Mr. Horren desire us to inform these, who havo sacks, and expect to bring oats lo him, not to haul them at prosout, as be has not storago room. San Francisco market. Isv TiLKanini. Han Krnciiro, (let. 31. KUtnr Shipping cxtn, 0 irt7 HH bakvr and family Jutihlni; at (7 37.7 K7i n;vrlln, f J5 73, Sli-t-shlij.lii-, H 3J.S,37t; mllllm; ft Six U l'ltit(H'-!tfft). The Salem Markets. Tho following price em ptld this day, Thurxdty. Oot Ui, bv Salom buyrra to pro tlinttp.; Wheal, f 1 10 er biiNhel; oils, 4.t to fiOo per bushel: butter 25o per Hi. lor tn sh riillii; I'gtth, nki perdos.; potatoes, 37'i oi, ,..w ...v.k.l . umilurf !tV t.r Imali. 1, luuru fjl... II'. b.r.1 .l . U ...tl.kd 1111 n ii'n"i .. ,- " -.ivi'ii. .1 .1... - , J1 ... Ct ....a I....KU1. I. IIIIUHIIY !. c w 111 v' 1"' 'i-i-i, tintHiii, xlde. U'jloli ; bams, 13 to Mjj bhoul ders, 8 tot! So in1" lo.; lard, i:io. How it Is Done- The first object In llftt with the American psoplit I to ' get rich" : the t-eooud, bow lo reusln isoott l'.eallh, Tho rtrot r.sn Ut ohtslu. ed by energy, lionwdy and stvlng; tnosco 0111I. (joixt hjitlili) bv using (.hkkn'h Aro itTl'i.tw'KH. Should you b a ilVMHtndeut Mttlarer from any of UiHemioUof Dyhpensls, Liver I'omplalut, Indlgtts'lou, Vi, hiieh Slok lleadPho. Palpitation of tho Heart, Sour Stomach, lUbltutl Costlv.tmvss, DUsl neh of the IIodi Si-rvou Pwstrath n, Ltw Spirit, Vo , von uettl nt nill'.r another day Two dose of Auouvr Fi.owkh will rellave you at dno-t. Sample Hit I', lOtens. Hei;. tilar alte S cents. Potltlvelv gjld by all first clwa Druf gUU lu the U, S. New -AT- fill BROS.' AT TUB WHITE CORNER. DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, JEmtc.f etc. Till Htock linn JuNt been ptir clitlHcd by Mr. HKUXEIl DREY MAHT in Xcsv York and San FrnnclNco, nml, osvlng- to the extremely lutv prlccn In GoodN and FrelKlitN, we are nble to give better ImrgalriH thnn ever. WK AI.90 MAKB A BPnCIALTY OP Carpets, Oil-clotlis, OiirtuliiM, 3ItittIiifM, &c. FARMERS' PAODUCE Tn lien In iSvchnugo for (ooil. B" Call at tlio "Whito Cornor. BREYMAW BKOS., Oc. lu Hnlom, Ox. Carminative For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uso nr. Jnjno'n Otriitliiiitiso Italintn. Ah t'liaiigo of climato or wider, nml lu diHt'rctlotiH In eating oflou produce tlictocomplaliitH,trnvclcranndothorH Hhotild nhvny l;eop n botllo of thl remedy by thoin. It novur f.ifl to Mibdiio tlio most violent nttnek, nnd It Is equnlly eervlrcablo for Cranivi in tho .Stomach or llowols, lirlpln l'nliia, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cholora In fantum and ColiC u0 Ir. Jnyuc'M 4nrsulniitlve IinUam. It removes nil aoronoa of tho alxlomou, id lay tho Irritation nnd calm tbo action of tho Stomach. It may always 1k rolled on to (lvo Immcdlnto relief, nnd boaldoa bolng cffcctunl, 1 11 pleasant and safe romedy, easily nd minltitorod to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections two promptly r. Jnjrne'a Carmlnatlte Balaam. It chocka tho Dlnrrhoi, Btippreiuea tho Cramps which gonorally accompany nttack of Cholera, nnd conquora tho diHcaso in It luclplenoy. It law frequently boon administered In nelKhborhooda wbero tho Cholera has lioen raj-liiR cpldomlcally, nnd It ha eeldom failod to givo lmuiMiato nnd pormunont rollef. Tho Carinln allvo hit maintained It reputation n n Curative, for nearly forty years, , I (Viually offoi'tlvo In nil latitude, nnd a a tStniidard Ilousebold Hemo dy, ehould bo kept hi every f.isnllv. T. A. DAVIS 'cO.A,WhotMle Assnta. I'oitUnd O retfen. nrlBmt JOHN GRAY, Foraietlj in Durbln'a UlecV, h- Ji'H opened a Larje anil ritniiileto StiKK of Carpets Olloloihs, Mattings AMI nouso - Furuishing Goods. Nest to Uilryinple ,c ltrown, STAUICUVM lILOCIC - - NAM!?!, flit. allien ttiw. win at Lowest Cash Rates! .i:ttt tAi10LDP8VlTKOWATCnjBM.CI.nrt Qk'SVitnV "i! orl.a.vl WaKkFntU W fA9tnU. T AiareS A. CouitxbCa, CUg. $2500) A.-wii.rtlol ibr tlio JcCn -uhber RALI-r, OcroiiKit 11th, 1877. Your Oonimifctco, appointod to inquiro into the merits of tho MIXSD PAINTS on exhibition aft the 17th Annual Pair of the Oregon Stato Agricultural Society, beg leavo to report : That, after an examina tion of various speoimens of PAINTING-, we have come to the conclusion that the JEIXtotoI UPaJ.M.'t. exhibited by the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY of SAN FRANCISCO, is, in ALL re speots superior to ALL OTHERS exhibited. ItEsrECTFULiiY, T. B. ODENEAL, A. IL JEWETT, G. W. WALLING, To W. P. WATSON, Coratnlttco. Prcsidont Oregon State Agricultural Society. Upon the above dcclalon, McsHrH. JESSE UEALYdcCO. received the Of the OREGON STATE ArUlICa7Ir(JRAI SOCIETY, for the 3VIls:ocl Xilxx-ts. Further rctcrcnccn can be given to an) part of the State, by JOHN HUGHES, Oot. 3.O. J.aoxxt, SalcZ NEW GOODS Mammoth & Turn-TAblo Apple-Parers, Fletcher Post-IIolo Augers, Meal-Cutters and Staffers, Blacksmith Drills, Tiro-Boudors and Up-Sottor?, Fruniog-aws, Knivoa, and jvortibrITp & thompson, WlIOIlUSAI.E AND ltBTAII. IlEAI.KIlil IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, & "NVagun hM t'urriiico Material Ol' AM. KINDS. flit V i:il l'routht.. l'OKTEj.lTin. Oldoot Houeo in tho Trado. J. 15. CONOLE, MANUKACTUlti:!:. Wliolo&nlo mill Hytall Dualor In fll kinds of SADDLES, ;l iti:niii:s, 'Lushcsrruiiks R'o. til Front .SI rent. POETLAND, - - OREGON. Mffl iiW29$? mm mm Alfo, ki-opi contautljr oa tmml a Urgi nofortmrut of AND SADDLERY HARDWARE. rSjlit AKant In Urnnn for tho Curbollzeil llosn, Aty.ui FriinoUi'o iirlcex, with l'roli;bt ridded. Kcimlt'liiK l'roitiptly Attcmlctl to Tl'lH. AernUwuitrU.HuiU ndlii.lllnttii. 1Hnlru1arrn' itin t wottrn a co si Uiu. ii PU.ES I ! PILES ! : : A NEW DEPASTURE, IN THE "MEDICAL TSBATStKNT" OK BPK clt dlf , I lu p'tclnit In tho lundi ot Ihfl mf fercr tho "Curo and I'revrnlloii." tho Ictttia I am H!rmltld lopuhllfb from Jons M, JIacon. I'ortnaf. tcr it Orcfoii city and Grand Mcrutary of tbo Orund Uxtca nr I. O. O. K.. explain Iho rcull of tlio WKlllTMAN PHOIJKSS." Ha y: " I tried ev erything, and no doctor Kve mo relief, and I inonRht they were Incurable. I would not tuve tried your 1'roceaa, but ray frlcrd E. M. Watte, of Salem; rec ommends! yoo 10 hUhly. I enclose you poial order for amount; and pteae ond by oipre." llere U bit letter alter Vi daya uie : Oiiioon Citt. Obm April S, lTfl Dr.T. K. WioiiTMAN-Dearblr: It U with pleat nro that I Inform you that no appearance, of pile hv ihnan thmelTo ilnee the cecrnd time that I utedyonrmott trainable proce." It It now two wetkt ttnee I commenced, and It to the flntt two week that I have been free irom thla dreadful dlt rao for twenty-nro year. I am trnly erateful to my friend who recommended yoa to me. Your, etc., 3. M. Bacon, 1. ,M. In antwer to a letter from 8aa Franelfrn. atklns If be had tbo tame good opinion oftho "Proceit," be tilett OBoosCiTV.May9,lsrr. Dr. T. F. Wiuutmav 1 will Infurra yonll I mnne flfieen month ilnee I ued our I'ruce;" and I am pleati-d I" Inform you that It 1 ured me entlr-My and permanently. I never iieut money tn to iod a pur lotn when Iprocoretl your valuabln remedy. lOv'y.l Your, truly. J. SI. Uacon, 1. M. Tho above thow. with the " WlRhmsn Proce," they can bo cnied entirely. It clre a lirt hlttory I'fiinocaroKf amaithatU well knowu to boahovo deception. 1 bae many tettlmonlal tlmilar. 'I'ber' U no ue of knife, llawro, or cautilc. or auy pjIu ful opertt'on. .... ... K. SI. Watte. Efq.. Secretary State Acrlcnllnral So ciety. Salem, tayt "In ten uj I wa comnletcly cured. I recommend Dr.WlKhimiL toother." iho aiove biiv that wltu iho ' Wisbtman Pro ce " I'll can be cured en .te y. The " Procir" can be teut by Exprei (aot mall). Direct all letter. UK. T P WlfillTVAN, (kxlJt-ntal IhUl, Jloom 17, l'Ol.TLAMI, OKXI.ON, OSIce Hour to 4 p. ro.; f.i L.ille, I to 6 p. nt., and 10 to 14 a. m. lHnuluilon f.'. M. U. T. F. U'KJIIT.M.l.Y. J. A, SVtt JLTTiSS, Attorney at Law, SAUKM. OHKON. Offf on Bute StKet,Joppoelto I to tienne'.t Ilostr, FALL TRADE. IS77. Great Bargains for Cash ! Having bought our Fall Stock nt Great Reduction on Fonnor Prices I Wo aro propiroil Id clvo o-ir cutomcm tlio henrdt of tlio reiiuctlon, nnd oflW- a full lino or GoiltN' XlMtl IJoj'N O Xj 0 1? 3E3C Z IKT Gr9 nt left than cvor before. Aim, DRY GOODS, DRESS "GOODS, A SPLEN3ID ASSORTMENT, To ult our I.ady cut!omcr.,at reasonably !uv price BOOTS AND SHOES, ZXntx itnl Cjiix, At I'rlcea that Uofy Coiiiii&lltlon ! GE00EBIES, 0H00KEET, HARDWAEE. Afullntock of then nrllclHrt, tn m It (he Country trade, In both pricey and quality. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS. Wo will closo our Htock of those goods out AT COST! We Invito our frlendt to Excliango Country Products FOU OUK QOOD9, And wo wi'.l not only aell nt reduced CASK ratot. but will allow tlio hlRhost market ratea for all tbny bavo to dUinuiu of. Call and See our Stock. L. & E. IIIRSCII, GKISWOLD'S HLOOK, teS3ml Commercial btreet, 8ALKK. SALEM FOUNDRY, & AXaoliluo Shop, 8ALKM. OHEGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. "iTEAM ENQINES, 8AW MILLS, QUI8T MILLS, 9 Itisapctf, Pnmpt, and allkluda and rtjlc ofMa :nlnvry made to order. Machlnerv repaired at a rtort notice. Pattern-raaklni done In ail Itt varlont forme, ind all klcda of Urate and Iron Cattlnca mrnlrhoiat hort notice. Alto, mannfactarcr of KNTEKI'ltlSK PLANKH an MATCUi.lt. and bTlCKEltb and SUAPhltS :iav4wu fCrr O AVPf aWeeVtoAcntt. $10 Outft Fr OOO t" P 7 l. O. VICKKSY, Attt,MaUe. WHEAT AND OATS Chouped into Feed, ZSPox' Ouo-7outli Toil. MtiAU()ti Sash, Boors. Blinds, PJoTxlcl 1 r gei , Turulnir, Slalr work, HedstcaiN, lliiicaus, StutKlN, TablcM, PAMKINO MILLS, AuU tilt UIiidN ol Furniture, At TJKD-HO'K PKICSS. Shop a Aplcnl'na) Work ballil-c ftaleia. l-rtj O. F. UiUvNlS, -- v -.HDSr'.Tj ,'Vt .1." II II lit. i iiww.rnriKii,MiiiiiitLmiinm ammin'i" Sjp. iinmiliaiHMi-Wl.ll'8iiil"iHl.i' fLUl I Will H Ml. .Inl ...MMHIMW M 1