Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 26, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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Matter John T. .Tone!, Barton, 1'hllllps. Ark.
Octrtoer J.J. Woodman, l'aw Paw, Nan llnrcr.,
Ucturer. B. Smcdloy. Crrsco, Howard, la.
Httwanl A. .1. Vnughli, MamiihlH.Tcun.
Ati't HUncanl-Xotllmcr WulUbcad, Jllddtcbueli,
Somerset, N. J. . ...
(Mapluliv-4. If Ellis. RpHnj:1ioroujh. Warren. O.
rrtatttrerV. M. McDowell, Wayne. Htcubcn.J...
fkrrtlitiu-O. II. IColluy, Louisville, Ky. . .
Uate-h'e-ixr-O. Dlmvfddlu, Orchard Orrrtc, Ind.
r,V;.-Mrs. John T. Jones, llarlon, I'tili1liit. Ark.
77om Mr. Samuel K. Adams, Montlccllo, Minn.
Hmmvi- Mrs llurrey OodiUrd, North Uriinuy. Or.
Lilly AtlMant SttwartllUt Carollnu A. Hall,
Louisville, liy.
1). Wyatt Alkon. (Chairman,) Cokcsbury, a. C.
X. II. Hhankiand. Dubuqtto. Iowa.
Dudley T. Chase, Clarcmont. N. 1(.
Atonj-.o Q jlder, Hock Falls, Whiteside. III.
W. II. Chambers, 0wcwUcc,ltu(ecll. Ala,
Officer of Oregon State flrnuco.
MfitttrVtm. Cyrni, Sclo.
OeermtrA. K. Shipley, Oswcio.
curr-Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
S'tntaryH. W. Randall. Oregon City.
HUtoardW. 1). Thomas. Walla Walla. W. T.
AttUtanl Steward Q, W. Itlddlo, Uaoyonylllc.
Chaplain W. H. Oray, Astoria.
iTfoturtr 8. P. Loo. Portland,
7afc.AV7wr-lanlol Clark, Hslcm.
CVr-Mrs. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville.
Jlnnona Mr. 8. I). Durham, McMmnrillc.
a-Mr.K. A. Kelly. East Portland.
&iV ' Msirarrf-Mrs. Gcoriila Smith, flood
River, Wasco conn y. ... .
KrtcMit Vommttto-Vfrn. Cyrus, Beto; n. Clow,
Dallas; K. I.. Hmllh, Hood River.
tftofo Jliiflnat Aqtnt-H. V. I.co, Portland.
State Grange Doputiea for 1877
iit ojfla.
A IImM?.' Corvallls Corvallls
Enoch Hklrvlno Butto Creek
NW Randall OrojronClty
douui.as. ., ,
J W llaym Myrtln Creek
O M Oaidnor Drain' Station
1'lympton Kolly East Portland.... East Portland
I'KCnMluman Tlnltcvlllo 'L''"
O W Hunt.... ....Sublimity Sulem
J N T-Mlllnr".' Jackionlllo Jacksonville
FA Patterson. Illckreal Salem
J J C'bnrlliiti...". Oooso Lnko Jacksonville
UnulU Kiroi"r'.. ...Kerbyvlllc Jacksonville
JamoN W Matlock Goshen
RAIrvliiu....'. I.ulmnon Albany
Jdhn KiM.""'. Ty:li The Dalles
IX! Durham MrMlniivllh
.1 Hii,iliiKtou anion
1)11 Itlmhiirt.'. Canyon City Canyon City
I'lll.llMlltA. . ,,
K W ifimji-r.. Columbia City
II K MoMon""."' Tillamook North Yamhill
JH Wlilm
J HciirySliroodcr.... Oil
wasiiiniitun TKiiiiironr.
H W Itrmvn
J.h Itluor
... .D.tylon
Colfax t'olfox
MZ (Iiioil'iln I.lint
BH Ma-klium ChelmlU l'o'nl
LCIAWmlU': JP Olrmiata
li I,oiimlrn ult
Jullua ll'irloii Heatt'u Hrnttlo
I, M PU'rium Cluimto
YAKIMA. .. ,
OP Co.iK Kllennimrs
lnnnyroiintrulioru th l)ti'iity l,,,l1","!1.1 "!',i
tho moil K-iltnliln. ncil tlm drniicu. tit Ijo lonillty ulll
tiloiKiily Inilliwlo m me " cliokv, I wlUliuiiliii t.l.r.ir
In ill my liMliinroK I lion turn iiIiII.msI l nuVo ap.
iiiiil.iioiitit wltlimil kimv. lelK Utiiyj.,
Mui'ler tlretfiui Hlnto (Imiiso, P. of II.
Mootinsof Subordiunto Uraucuo
Ilnivi, No Ul, ni'UilHln AllmV,oii llm It
Ikinl IMUmUv tr tioti iiioiilli, til 10 h. m.
Otic I'InIii, No. 0, hi lUUny, Jml iuul llli
HiittinltyHiull i. in. , ...
lUiiimr. So. I"''i I" OniwfiirilHvHIo, It
iuul anl S,liiriliiy. l a . m.
SymmiMi No. Kl, nt Mlllim Htiillon, Ith
Hrttunliy,nt I p. t. . , . , .,.
IjhIiiiioii No. t!l, hi Lubuion, i!l nml ttl
Hatiiriliiy. Hi 10 ii. m.
Omiiii I'rulilo No. 10, llli H.Uur;lny.
Knot llattu No. IK!, IhI iuul aril Suttir-
' lB7iitUrii No. :7, 2ml mtil Hli HiilunltiyH,
at 10 .i. in. ... ....
llfowinvlllo No. 10, lHt mid 2ml Htur.
tin VM
TaiiKont, No. 7, 1st mul Ilnl FrMityH, t 10
"'iTuVrWitirK, No. 11, lt mul 3rd Hatur-
iUvh, Ht 10 H, in.
Hlinilil, No. 0, Ut mul :il UnlurtUyH, ut 10
'llViipy Udiio No. 10, lHtiinil llil SiUurilHyH
lu wuii iiioiilli I'roin Dototitir to Junn, hiu! oh
tint 1st Sitluntiay tlio Imlmintiof llioyumr.
lUrinonv No. 'i, !lnl HiitunUy, ri'Kuliirly,
oet In Nov. Duo , Jmi.. Kuli., ami Miiroh,
wiiriii Itiuy uiool the Ut l'rldiiy.
Noun Crook No 1 1, IhI Sniurilny t 10 a. m.
WllUiin't'o No. W, M 'VltiirniUy, t 10 a in
aUilloumtu, No 12, MiH.tunUy,t 10 a.m.
nmmwull, No. til, Hli Hutiiriliiy, 1 p. in.
Hiipniii, No. M, In Kimono City, .IrU tiat
iliv, at 10 a. hi. .... ,
CMrlty, No. 70.21 SUnnliiy.
(iiv-hmi, No. 101. iHlS-iUiriliy.at lOo'oliwlc
Juiiolloii City, No. 13, 2ml Satunliy, nt 1
'''.MolCoitilo, No. 107, Cuiip Crook, 21 Satur-
OA l'.ilnl, No. a, lit anil 3nl S.hiriluy.
Hilmii (IratiKO, No. 17, M ami 3.1 S.ijiir.
liy In oniili iiioiilli, i0i)pt In AUKtiHt, h'P
tamlHir, mul Ootolitfr, ivlioti It iuhu only un
llio MS.itunl.iv at tlmlr hull In S.ilotn.
AIiUhiii, No i:w, I'll Suluriliiy.
Haiili Point, No H 3ISitiinlay,atl p. in
iliilto Orojk, No. 2, ilnl S.itunl.iy, t 10
llnwoiton No. 100, nioou tt, SaluriUy, at
Loil;: Orr.alsl'
W.U. n'inl'ir. . W.P. T,nn Urn ISIli
lnitiiiilixl Ijiiltftuif Uooil TonuiKirH nt
Aii'iitvlllrtivilhtwoniyo'clit into. . llm
OMwHHUII':! ttlllllWHt J.nuiw II MHclUluy,
in.(!.T: Loiilnr. llimlor. It. U.8.5 Mrv
O IMrtKr. li. II. H Janii Lmicwortliv. .
V.T.i W. A. UiiiHor, W.S.J T. A. Wari,
W. a! S J A. T., LVok-rlln. W. C;i W X.
Hlnw, W. M.J t"irU It. lMrfer, 1 M.J
Mary . MaitlU'-V, W. 1. O I a.T.iiiji.
wait. W. O. O j Hon. Wni. I'or'er, V. W. C.
T. and A. T. '.uuiwtlt, Lodgu Deputy.
The following is a copy of the bill In
troduced In the leglslnturo of Welling
ton Territory to regulate the taking of
nalmon in the Columbia river tmd trlbu
tarles :
Si:ction 1. lie it enacted, etc., Ilshall
he unlawful between tho llflei'tiih day of
April und tlio llftecntlidiiy of . Inly of any
veiir. for any percon or por.-onsin any
nitinmrto uupturo wilmoti in Hii- Haiti
Cnlimiblii river or any of Its trlbutiir Iff,
for tho purpose of Halo or coninioivo, Iji
tween the hours of six n'clwu In the
innrnlng of Hntunlny or any week untl i; lx
o'clock In the morning of Tupjilny ;f the
ensuing week. It shall bo unlawful alo
for any pereoti or petftona to purchuau pal
mon ho unlawfully captured.
KC. 2 For the purposes of this ac .
HiiyllHh trap, or other like device, hIhiII
be inaltitalned open between the Satur
(Iiivh and TucstlavH nforefitild, iinil tlio
owner or occupant of hucIi trap or device
Hi, .ill Bee that they are empty of aalmon
on each of the aforesaid Tuesday morn-
"bi-c. .1. Tho provisions of lliifltict shall
not apply to Indians in tho Indian coun
try of this territory.
Skc. 4. Any person violating any of
the forgoing provisions of this act, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall bo lined In unysum not less than
twetity-llvo nor nnro than ono hundred
tlollarsor Imprlsloned In tho county jail
not exceeding thirty days, or both, In the
court, and hhall pay Into tho county
treasury whoro tho olVenso Is committed
double tho value of tho llsh so unlawfully
captured, for tho benefit orthe school fund
of said county, to bo apKirtloned among
the school districts of tho county us are
otherschool funds.
8i:c. n. Tills act shall take efTi-cl and
ho in force when a like law shall be made
und In force In the State of Oregon.
Wo are Informed thattiulto an amount
of wheat lu shocks, during the long rainy
weather Just closed, has been dried out
and threshed, iuul a fair proportion of It
will miiko stock feed. This will save
much of good wheat which Ih often chop
ped for feed. There never was a better
time here, or the ground In a liner con
dition lor plowing and sowing than now.
Karnurs are now busy lu sowing wlua',
tlljrglng anil fakli.g caroof potatoes, gath
ering In tipples and otherwise preparing
for the misty season.
It seems that our friends In California
had uoralnsto trouble them up to the
HHli lust. If wu could have divided
rains with them, anil wo hud some of
their flue, clear weather during and be
fore (he State Fair, both would have been
lietielltted. Hut we must put up with our
lot. Fioni p:ist expetleneo It N to be
Imped (hut ii largo acreage of Fall wheat
will be sown In the valley this Full. All
should lemember that much depcudii on
deep plowing, much harrowing nutl
thoiotigh draining iff tho Full wheat
lands. ThN lino weather may yet last
f.ir a mouth to come.
special UEPorvru.
Ah our old friend and correspondent,
Uncle Davy Nowt-om, Is preparing a
a special report upon many prominent
itrilclcM on exhibition at our lateState
Fair (oipi dally those- which eitnio too
late, on account of bad weather for fair
competition) for publication in the an
nual reports of Iho Soelely, ho deems it
e.xreilieiit, its Hntieiliiteiiileut of the Mis
cellaneous Division, (o id uft un online of
the report for our paper, which will ap
pear time to time. .Many exhibitors will
therefore, be greatly benefitted by having
their in (lelisoiiexhlbltloitticenrately de
scribed and their merits set forth. Pro
prietors of such articles or their agents
would do well to address I'nclo Davy
Nowsoni and give an aceuruto doserlp
Hon of their articles entered In tho Mis
cellaneous Division.
And we, In giving room In our columns
to their notices, which indeed are lionu
lido advertisements, and will bo worth u
great deal to tho proprietors, respectfully
ask of one and all of those gentlemen to
subscribe for our paper, which Is In the
Interest of all our mechanical, manufac
turing, stock und farming men.
Lovers' quarrels nriso from dill'uront
causes; sometimes from mere Intensity of
nMeetlon making undue exactions, and at
others from causes which, properly un
derstood and appreciated, would warn the
parties of the lmposlblllty of their ever
living happily together.
For Instance, a young man who is en
gaged lludi his ulllauccd very iuloin
Whenever they meet other ladle- In so
elety, she treats him with gtvat coolness
This chills his ardor, and makes him ills,
contented, so much so that ho Is In doubt
about marrying her at all. Ho has in
fact, eonie to tho conclusion that If he
believed she would treat him after mar
riage in the sumo way that she does now
he would never marry her.
As a general proposition, It may belaid
down that persons will not change essen
tially after marriage. A belief that they
would has been thoouuseofoountlosH mi
happy inurriugoj. They will lujiist the
s.iiiio niter us before, and, If anything, a
Utile more likely to glvo way to strong
natural proclivities, or peculiarities of
If vou would not marry tt young wo.
man, provided you believe she would
uontliiuu to bo as she Is now, without any
marked change lu her dlspoUion, then
you do u perilous thing to marry her tit
tilt. . ...
The same rule, on tho other hand, ap
plies to tho young men. Many nnd many
a girl has mado shipwreck of her happi
ness for life by marrying a young man in
tho confidence that ufter marrying Mio
would wield such an Influence ovarium
nt to reform his wild habits. Bhe finds
her Influence diminished rather than in.
creased after they aro married, and dis
appointment, disagreements and misery
necessarily follow. Marry no one with
whom, without any chanze of character,
you uro not satisfied. Never marry n
iimii in hopes of reforming him, that part
of tho proirrutnmehus long since been de
cided a failure.
"It was one of thoc pretty houses, sur
rounded by shrubbery and flowers, about
which almost every p.isscr remarked, 'O I
how I should like to live in that pretty
liotiso T " Buch Is the description of a
house wo havo In our mind's eye, and It
could bo true of almost every farm-houso
In tho land, did the occupants only will
It so. A few flowers, a little grass and a
few shrubs, nil well cured foriU n trifling
expense of money orlabof, alnl the thing"
Is (lone. A little care each day would
keep everything neat and In order and a
Httlo thought each week would rcmilute
that cure to tho bcHt advantage Wo do
not live In this world for ourselves alone;
but for tho whole world. Upon this
principle, wo know a womun who al
ways keeps a light In tho front rooms of
her house cyery winter night because, as
she says, "wo not only ltuvo tho warm
nlow of It ourselves ; but to every passer
by It gives out n cheerful message which
produces In his Imagination a picture of
comfort and happiness within. Bo It Is
with tho adornments around the house.
They not only give enjoyment to their
possessors, but Jo everyone who passes
they send a message of thrift, rcllncmjiit
and happiness; which should alone be
HUfllclcnt compensation for the little la
bor nnd expense they cost,
Wo remember once or passing through
a llltlo vlllugo In which almost every
house was surrounded with llowew, vines
and shrubs, und which left upon our
m lnil tin Inelliiceublo Impression. Thnueh
nearly twenty vetirs have passed since
then, wo Htlll think or it frequently with
pleasure. Could the occupants of those
pretty village places only know of this,
they would doubtlcM feet rep.ild for all
their trouble. In all your calcula
tions on the profits of your crops, by all
meutis full not to Include your crop of
household adornments Tlio profits on
vour grain may be lasting, probably will
not; but tho profits on your pure Clod
glven pleasuies, though not counted In
dollars and cents, can never vanish.
There Is a tiiugte power in gentle words,
tho potency of which few natures are so
ley as wholly to resist. Would you havo
vour linuiu a cheerful, hallowed spot,
within which may be found that peace
and hupplucpHatiil Joy which the world
iteiilelh to Its votiirlis? Let no haish
words bo uttered within Its walls.
Bjiuuk gently to the wearied husband,
who, with anxious brow, returns from
tho perplexities of his dully avocations ;
nnd let him in his turn speak gently to
tlm eiire-wor.i wonvii and wife,' who,
amid her never-ending round of little du
ties, Mini rest and encouragement In the
synipathyol him sheloves. Speak gently
to the wayward chll.l ; and a pleasant
smile and u word will oltoti restore good
httmoraud playfuliios. Spo.il; gently to
thedi'i en lent who llghtitis your dully
toll; kind worth. Insure respect, while the
angry icbiike provokes impertinence urn!
iHsIIko. Spiral; gently to the aged; many
tire the triii's tluoogli which ihoy have
pKeil, und now In u Utile while Ihoy
nlil lu iiiisi.il from their aectistomed
pleas: thespirlt will havopis-od to its
r.'t. The reiuomberance of mi unkind
word will then bring with it a hitter
siu-iils gently in (ho erring one; tiro we
not all weak and liable to err'.' Tomp'u
tlous.of which wo cannot Judge may have
surrounded him. ll.irshueSH will drive
him on thuhiufiil way; gentleness may
win him h:ick(to virtue.
The Plato Agricultural Society did a
wise act when It elected Hon. M. Wil
kin, of 1.HI10 county, President fertile
ensuing year. The Society has no better
friend, and there Is no one who has done
more to build up and advance tho organ
ization and tho agricultural Interests of
our State. lie is u mini of excellent
Judgment, a most successful and practi
cal farmer, und a man of unblemished
character, Ho has held (ho position
for two or three years before. His elec
tion this time shows that he has the full
eniitldenco and esteem of the Society.
When ho was elected before, tho Society
was heavily lu debt. He finds it so this
time, and while ho may not be able to
extricate It from its present lluauciul
eiiiluirrassmeiits In ono year, as tho debt,
so we tire Informed, amounts to about
$18,000, wo feel confident ho will before
the Society will trust It allairs to the
tnanageinoiit of other hands. Wo say
unhesitatingly, that Hon. M. Wilkltis is
the right man in the right place, and wo
I'flueruttihito the Society that he has con
sented to serve it again in the position
which he has honored before. I'ortltui I
All exchange say: "A properly con
ducted printing olllce Is as much a secret
hiielety us n Masonic Lodge. The print-i-rs
tiro not under any oath of st-ereoy,
hut always feel ihemselve as truly In
honor bound to keep secrets tin though
they had been put through trlploo.tths.
An employee in ti printing olllce, bp-er.-ts.
would nor onlv bo scorned by the
brethren of tho eralt, but would loose hs
poMtlou in the otllce. Wo make the
"tatcmeni iu-o.iu.se ic bomeumos uuiqiens
that a uoitimuuicatlou uppours In news
papers under no assumed signature,
which excites eomnu'iil, and various per
miiis irv to Und (ho author. Let all bo
saved the trouble of que.-tloning theem
ployesand uttaclusof a printing otllce.
t'hoy uro know nothings on suuh points
is Uumo. Of buch matters they have
eyes and e:ir., but no mouth, and If they
fall to observe this rule, let them bo put
down as dlshououiblo members of tho
1,000,000 BOTTLES
hive been roll the luet jcar, nnd not one comulilrit
hss rciched iu that they have not dono all that Is
chimed for them. Indeed, i-clcntlflc eklll cannot co
beyond tho result reached In thejo wonderful prcpa
Mtloni. Added to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Bcco-c-Olt
and Witch Hazel, aro other lnsrcdlcntu, which
make a family liniment that deflcn rhal-y. Ilhcu
raatlc and bed ridden cripples hayo by It been enabled
to throw owy their cratches, and many who for
years haro been afflicted with Neuralgia, Sclatlea,
"iked. Drca?U, Weak nacks, Ac, have found perms,.
llonl relief.
Mr. Joslah Wcstlakc, of Marysrllic, 6., wrlte4!
"For years ray Hhoamatlora has been so bid that I
have been nnahlo to stir from the honso. I have tried
ererj remedy I could hear or. Finally, I learned or
tho fentanr Liniment. Tbo first throe holUcs enabled
ma to walk without my cratches. I am mendinj;
rapidly. I think your Liniment simply a marrcl."
This Liniment cures fiurni and Scalds without a
scar, extracts ths iiolson from bites a'ld stings.
Cures Cblllblalns and Frosted-feet, and Is very cmca
clous for Ear-ache, Toothache, Itch and Cutaneous
Tho Contanr Liniment, Yellow Wrnp
per, is Intended for the toujh fibres, cords and
muscles of horses, mules, and animals,
Iicv. Geo. W. Perrls, Manotkltl, Schoharie Co., N.
V. says:
"My horso was larao for n year with a fetlock
wrench. All remedies nt'.-rly failed to enrc and I
considered htm worthless until I commenced to use
Centaur Liniment, f tilch rapidly cured htm. I heart
ily recommend it.
It mko very Httlo difference wl.cthor tho ca'obe
wrench," sprain, spavin or laracncfs of any kind,
tho effects are tho sumo. Tho rcat power of tbo
Liniment Is, howevor, shown In Poll-evil, lllR.hcad,
Sweeny, Spavin, KlnR-bone, Oalls and Scratches.
This Llalmout Is worth millions of dollars j early to
thaSiocki-rowcrs, Ltvery-mcn, Farmers, nna those
navlnj: valunbla animals to caro ft r. Wo v arrant lis
rfect and refer to any Farrier who has ovir used It.
Laboratory of J. IJ. Ilosi: & Co.,
to Drr St., Kw Yours.
A complete snbstltnto for Castor Oil, wlthoit Its
jnnlotstnttvtoorrcollln tho throat. Tlio ro-uit
of 9) years' practlco by Dr. Ssui'l 1'ltcliar, of Massa
chusetts. I'ltshor's Castsrli Is partlcilvly rccomincmd'rl
f.ir children. It destroys worra, nvlmllitos tl.o
fthxl, and allows untural sleep. Wry etllciclmis In
Croup end for children Tectlilii. I'or Colds, Fever
Ishuess. Ultordurs of thu l!au!s, and Stor.uth Com
pi lints, nothing I so effective. Ills as plr.trant to
taku as hnucy cotts but & cents, and cm bo had of
tay Dnti.'jjlot.
This lsune of manr testimonials:
"Coiinwall, Lkuasok Co . 1M.. March 17, 1S"I.
"fl.tir Mr: I imvo used tiitr Casino i In my jiiic--Jcu
uiri-oiuu tlnio. I tnko ;rrst pleattm- in ricwn
mendlni it In . prqfiflon a n nfe, iill.tliln. imt
tjri'i-ibli) iiu'illcliio, It U imrtlcularly tulaptM tt
hll'Iruii wrmru llm repiuimnt t.utu of Ctttor oil ren
der! It so dtClcull ti oduilnliti-r,
i:. A. RNDBIt, M. ."
Molhorawho try Castiriii will fin I tint tiny cm
sleep nights and that Oielr habits will bo healthy.
J, II. UooB .VCo., No.v York.
ZiTJonra usiiir,
Successor to J. M. KsrLSii A Co.,
35 tlberty at., - - NKW YOltK,
OumiiiiNsiioii Afxant
New York via Isthmus, I'acifie Kallroiri, ast
'ane Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, nnd for tlio f.ik
)f Vroditcts from thu l'adtlc coart, fur tho colli rtlnr
if money, Ac aps
.t-PMbbr' OHUWERS !
Screw Worm.
Foot Rot,
Parasites that infest Sheep.
Improves the Health
fW One gallon Is enoojh for one hundred to two
bun in dsocep, according to their age, strength, and
It Is put np In FIVE-OALLON CANS-Price, $18
Xt ton.
bend for circular, to
T. A.. DAVIS & Co..
Vholeal Aueula for tbc Mate,
Or In vnurjieirest R'tatl PruiKlst. iav
Mrs. Rohrer'a Now Rymody
ron the r.usras
no wiwl lu ilia relief and rnro of Couch. CM,
islhma, llniDChtti. Croup, Whoopin; IJonh, Me
lo. Ac. It has produced some r-nmlktMw cures.
olS hr dm"irtts evnoralW Prera-iHt oatr by
JOHN J.. .liUtXPIIY. Mnamnalh. Or.,
ro whom all letters of tiiirerhonld bo i"rtrstfl.
Oil. K. V. OUASK,
UEVET Lt.Col., Ute Burgeon U.S. VcJi'.w.
times nnrwn' n.oct, so sturs. TT
ITtrkria ! "prtnj UiU trw, F. K,
1 IS 03, I'uixsn, BoomlniUnNiiWr.nl.
iaSWid' M41UNCKRO0T iid
W. J. Herron, Keq., has purchwoil the
pretty cotuigo resldonco of li. P. Williams,
situated on tho bank of tho nvor ono block
below tho Farmois1 warehouse. Tho prlco
paid was ?2,C00.
Jamos Wilson and Wra. Marshall were
broiiKOt In court this mornlnjr forBontence.
They pot thrflo years oacti In too Stato Pon
Itonllary. Very Desirable Property for Sale.
Nlnoty-threo ncros of land on Salem Pral
rlo, near tbo Fair Ground, will bo sold at a
groat barg&la ton cash purchaser. For term
aud othor Information Jluqulro of S. A.
Clarke, at tho Faumku otllce, Salom.
From N. Flnmmcr, M. D., Auburn, N. H.
"AltbouRh avorso to countenancing patont
luodlcluos, I choorfully moko an excoptloa
of your voryoxcollont lung preparation Dn.
preparation I have used la my practlco for
more than ten years past, and have always
found It to be of moro effoouol sorvlce than
anythlog within my knowledne. I rocom
uiend it with the croatoat conlldenco to those
sublect to coughs and pulmonary com
plaints." Sold by all druggists.
One Moro Unfortunate.
Almostevory day tho papors chronlclo tho
suicide of some poor unfortunato whoso
mind has boon enfeebled by dyspepsia, over
whose earthly horizon a lioavy gloom has
gathered from tho untold and untenable
agonies of this oruel complaint. Dyspepsia
Is ono of tbo most depressing diseases ailllct
Ing humanity. It Is cosmopolitan in ita
tntuio no country Is exempt from Its visita
tions, no family free from Its attacks. There
Is a balm in Olload; It come in tho shape of
tho PiciiovfAN Syihip. For years It baa
boon scattering lu blessings abroad. There
Is, probably, no dlsoabo which experience
hai ro amply proved to be remediable by
the Pkhuvian Syiiui' as Drnoepila. The
most iuvotorato forum of this dlxenso have
been completely cured by this medlclno, as
ninplo toitlmnuy of many of our tlrstnllt
7.uns prove. Sold by nil drugitists,
Salem, Oregon, denier In Stereoscopes and Stereo
scotiic Views, and Scenes of Salem nnd tlm surround
ing country. I.lfe.slzu Photograiibs, In India Ink, OU
or water color.
33 3E3 JXT TIST,
Omco moved over HltKYMAN BROS.' NEW ST0R3
...-Ofllco hours from 9 n. m. to 5 p. iu.
03WCfjo, Olaokamao co., Ororjon.
Xli Italiiiii PiMino,
And thu best varieties of
Nut and Shade Trees.
Send for Dosoriptive Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills.
CJonwtuutly ou Hand.
KUjOrhoMt rrloo iu CASH
Paid for Wheat
Sept 1SU Axent 8. F. M. Co
IL.H)ornl TorniHt
I.01V lMtlCHM
long Tinni
Tno OrCRon and Tailfornla and Orrgea
Central Kallroad t'onipanlt-s
OFFER tholr Land for satecroa th fnlhwlne llko
ral ierai: One tenth of tho nice lu ca.h; Interest on
ins balance at tho rato ufunn per cent, one irar
titer salf: ami sch following Ji-ur duo tenth
principal and Intertst on the balance at tho rale U
iteiinr cent icr annu-n. HotU principal and inler
Llpajahleln V. 8. Currrncy.
A iliiC4iuiit of leu per ce ut. will e Movritrt eak
V'" LetUr t b addreed to V. hCUULZK, Lasx
AimuI O. a C. It. h.. FottUnd. Oreuon.
NOTAHV tlHXiq.Real Ette Area,
and C'oltcclor l CUInsi. IHprompllrf.
lend lo ail lint.ncsf entratled to bis care. MaKLNS
cONVKYaNiKS A 8f jtt'lALTY. Office at ksj
Post oaace, Xieloxi.oxi, Or.
mm f 1
' if ' n ii,rf''rfw1rtra)gW.ltirfilnnirwr"---"''"'i"",'-,-ii-iM-"-
Jtmnm; S ! w
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