WILLAMETTE FARMER. i KEEP BUSY. The man who lms nbthlng to do is tho most niiscrablo of beings. If you have no regular work, tlo pliarcs, as fanners do when It ralus too hard to work In tho field. In occupation wo forgctour troub les, and get a rtKptto from sorrow. Tho innn whoso mind and hand arc huy I ihnls no time to weep and wall. If work isHlack, spend tho tlmo hi .ending. No man over know ton much. Tho hardest Ktudents in tho world nro tho old men who know tho must. It li estimated that three-fourtlnof all the fcliccp in California died during the Into widely- pprend drought. A consldcra blo business lsdonoln that State Inbreed ing Angora goats and mniiufacturiiig out of their hides mohair robes and gloves. Heretofore the flesh of tho animal which makes palatable food has been wasted, but a company is now formed who have commenced canning it and tho preserved meat will soon be thrown upon tho market. AN OPPOlilUHITY EOR THE AFFLICT ED. Dr. J. M. Hlnklo, of tlio Nnllonnl Sure.lcnl Institution, with a competent corps ofnHUt mils wilt vlHlt I'ortlnnd, Oregon. Itoiima nt St, CharloH lluittl, Ootnber IKd, lo Nnvriubur Iht, 1877, Inclusive No other Itmiitutlor. in Uio world 1ms Mioccuttilly treated so mtiny 0AeH ol Splunl Curvature, Dim-hro oftlio Joints, J'arnlyalH. Club l'Vt. Piles, F.Mula In alio, Scrofula, Nasil Catarrh, etc. P.Utoats irom uiniosi ovory country m mo uniiou Slate liavu applied to It for mllor, nlthorHt tho homo Iimtltuto nt Indl.iunpolix, Indlnnn, or to ono or ItH Orimd DlvUloim at Philadel phia, l'a., AUhiiIb, Oft., orSauVrauulbCO, Ual. Tho siilloted enunut afford to in 18 this opportunity of bolng eurod nt homo. Tho Doctor innkcs no oharfsn for consultation sud examination, utul bin lermH for treat weutaro within the roach of ovory ono. Lot tho Feoplo Hcjoicc. Vor the bountiful harvest of 1S77 has now plaeod In tbo bands ot tho poo pi o tho goldon coin.tliQt tboy way lloo to W. P. Johnson A Co. and hecuro such pictures as will plooao tlioin and tholr frionds, and bn a blofudnn to KoncrHiloiiH to come, llotnombor tho place, oyer Willis llookstoro.Hlato St.,8alom. Or. Hyatt' XaX-To XIalaaxn. Ah n conquoror of Ithoumatiom, Gout. Nou ralgln, and euro forKcrolulaand all dlsensos mrlhliiK from Impurity or blood, tbo old mid reliable Family Modlolno, Hyatt' Life Hal turn, Htandrt unequaled, as proyon by ovor 300,000 ureal ourm during tho past 30 yoarn. Is a radical vegetable Compound of Saroupv nlla, Dock, auaUcum, ko., nnda porniaiiotit euro. Hold by nil driiKulsta and country groeoM. Tnko nothing nine, and ir thoy bavon't It wo Bond by oxpreos, boxod, every where, at$l aud 81 25 per bottles $5 00 and $0.60 half dor.. Hyatt A Hyatt, 210 Oraud St., Now York. Notlco of Railroad Meeting. Tboro will bo a moiling at Amity, Yam hill Co., on tbo 20th day or Ootobor, 1877, at 10 o'clock a. in., for tho purpoao or taking intocoiiMdorMlon-lhbulldltiKOf narrow guaun railroad from Davtou, by way or Am ity, Hroad Mead and Mill Creek, to Grand Jlond, with a branch lino to DallnH, In Polk county. Many Citizknm. A. L. ST1NSON, Book and Job Printer, yviid JJoolcUlulcr Bolman'o Elock, Old Senate Cham ber, Salem. xoo-a. low. Tho Only Strictly Wholesale Drug IIousc In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Htreet, HnnTL.ANl. OKKGON, OFl'KR TO TUB DkUO AND OENBItAL MSB chnndUo trade a completo amortment or Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all lze ud qualltlei. WHITE LEAD, Or tbo leading braadu, in tin and kegf, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Bod Load, Gluo. VARNISHES, Includlnc the fiucrt brand fcr Coach raln.era' we. ralnt, AVhltcnash, Bd Varnish Brusbc, lilNSKIIU OIL, In barrels and caar, f rntntUie, Conl Oils, Castor Oil, lard Oil, 1 Neat's'foot Oil, Flsn Oil. .A. 1 o o H. o 1 , In barrels and caeca., Blue Vitriol, Sulphur. Castile 8oai, C'onccni ruled Lye, l'olasli. 3Blttox-M nil IclTirti. Quicksilver and Stryohnine. In Cart. naUOallon. One-.allon, and FlTe-dallca jn iart, m CM( tai Dlejii etc , etc -W.ar. Acenu;forOrTnd.W..hUMJto Terrl- THE AYERILL PAINT, THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN UBE tor aaixkr4fa fa rfc. t 9i'J'Tut9 rar- We bnT oir eooda from flrt baud, tbnt en- a wmpMUonor our price wlU proTe. nr A Sclolta Viotlmlzed. A man named Ireland, who rosldes In tbo vicinity of Sclo, Llnu county, wont to Porl Und a few dnys bro, and was victimized by two confidenco nioti out of a small sum or money. Ireland wan approached on tho stnets by ono or tho sharps who desired to seeuro tbo loan of a small sum, ottering us security lor tbo money, a Inrgo ring. Appa rently tbo ring was of solid gold, and to all ain'parMioes worth about $2.. The man wrs n total stmiger, aud Irehtul hesitattd about lendlnt; hint any moniy. Whilo the two woro Ulklnir, tboy were ppproaohed by a third parly who noted ni If tbo pcraon who dolrod to uegotlatu a loan whs n total htr.ingertuhlm, Iiuirhigihat hodoslrodto put up tho ring ns security, tho third pirly oiftred to glvo him ?15 for tbo samo. This ollur was at onco rofused. Iroland suppos lug that the ring was a valuabloono, and that bo bad a good thing, banded ovor fS CO to tbo stranger and took tbo ring. It Is noodlcss to add (hat tho ring Is not worth a 25 cent pleco. Ireland has not soon his stranger friend alcco bo loaned bun "that llttlotum." and It Is extremely probablo that ho never will. How long doos It require one to loso all conlldnncn In human nature? KCW MINING COMPANY. Articles of Incorporation were llled yf ster day In tbo Secretary nf Mtntt' oihYe, lucof pirating tho "Cci an Wave Tin Mining Corn jnny." Tlio Incorporators wnro Frank f'oopor, A. IJ. Farrier, Win. Manning and T. 11. Jncksou. At mooting of tbo Incornnrntnts last von- Ing, John Hughcy, Win. Mnnnlnv, Frank Cooper, T. II. JaettHun wero elected Dirtctors. The Ho ud orgnnl.ud with the following olll rers: John Uuglie. I'rosldout; Win. Man nlnn,Sccrotary and 11. F. MoCauloy Treas urer. Tliemlnols located in Douglas county; the principal place of business, Salem, aud the capital stock 8200,000; shares, f 1 each. Open on Saturdays. Pof. 0. 1). Johnson, Cura'orof tbo School and Col lego Natural History Society, will throw open the Soolety's rooms In Ibe Capi tol on Saturday afternoons, wbon ho will be ploasod loauo tbo inotnborsof tko secloty aud tbelr friends. Tlio curator has recently recolved oomo rnro specimens, additions to bis already largo collections or moths and buttorflles. In ilioroonisaro to bo seen throo ars or llsti eggs and young fish rroin tho Clackamas hatchery, wo know or no placo In tho city whore an afiornoon can bo more pleasantly spout than In tbo Natural UUtory Uocloty'a rooms and It will tako in nro than ono visit to thoroughly examine all spool menstoboaoen. Dr. Mnthton'a Pnria Spirometer. Wo oonRratuhito Dr, Souvlllo Mntblnn, for havtiift vlnltod our city. After havini; hoard no many poopln talklnx of bis wonderful In vontlou, tho Paris Splromolnr and having loarnod tho many euros porformod by bis colobrated apparHtUH, wo vlnltod bin apart moutH In tbo Chemokota hotol, tosatlifyour Holf, and bavo rorelvod treatmont of tbo Dno tor. Wo are fully ocnvlnood that Dr. Mathlou's Invontlon la a bouotlt to tbo nub- 1Io,biii1wo contddor It our duty to lot tbo tact uo Known thil lie tins norrnrmou a num ber of radical cures in tbla vicinity an oin bo attostod to by roino of our bott cltleoua. Tbo snaR toat haa arrived at Portland and will bo IaIcI up for tho wintor, owing to tbo appropriation bolng exhausted. During tho paht working Hoahon tbo Miag boat baa ro movod from tbo obaniul In tbo Wlllainrtto rlvor l,02.r) trcrs, stumps, olo., bosldus out ting from tbo rlvor many trots whloh would bavo soon, fallon nnd given trouble. This la tho largest ninount ol work ever accom plished by tho snag boat in one reason. Brought Down. Mr. John li, Noblo, Sborltr of Douglas county, arrived In tbo olty Monday, having It Iclmrgo F. O. Iogan, convicted at tho prexontlorm of court of that county, of homo stoallng, and Bontoncod for throo yoars. I. gau Is tho man who aomotlmo alnco, wbilo In tbo employ of Mr. Fen Sutborlln of Wil bur, stolo a epau ofhorsos and loft for parts unknown. Immigrants Coming. Many of tbo Inhabitants of the dryor por tions of California bavo suffered sevorely from tho drought thlssoason, and tbo couso quence in a continuous march toward tbo Webfoot Stato. A large number of this do alrablo acquisition to our population are ar riving on every ateamor, Intending to pur ohaso farms and resldo permanontly In Oregon. Gobbled. A fdw days ago Mr, John Cassldy, of this county, lost a vuluablo maro, Tbo oftlcers have kopt a sharp lookout, and wo learu from tho Orogonlan that tbo tblef, Thomas Loo, has been arrest J at tbo Dalles having tbo maro In his possession. 8heritT Maker went to Portland yesterday to rocelvo Leo, and oscort blm to Jail In this county. Largest Day Yet. Last Monday, tho 231 hist .Dllss D. HIckey, money order clerk, issued .15 money orderx, being the largest number ever Issued In any one day since that brannh of the P. O, service has been isUbllsbod In this city. Postal Change. The following postal changas aro telegraph, ed under dale of Oct. 21st: i'ostoltlces estab lished Althouse, Josephine county, Oregon, Cha'les II. Jieaob, postmaster; Hummer Lake, Lake county, Wru. II. Averill, post master. Postmaster appointed Win, Melz gar, Dayton, Walla Walla county, W. T. A Smart Boy. 'If you don't let me go to tho theater I'll break the bead of slxier's doll right off," said a smart Utile Piety mil boy to bis mother Fair week. His mother couldn't see it, and the smart little boy carried out bis threat, and off went the doll's bead. Then the .mart Utile boy was smarter behind than be was before. Tlio New York World's Fort Walsli special of October 20th, says that Sitting Bull has no confidence In President Hayes and curses the Americans bitterly. The Canadian police are anxious to got rid of him and will line every endeavor to have blm meet the Commission. Trajan's Wall. Tho events now tmusplring In tho neigh borhood of tbo Dmnbo bring Into curious promlnenoo tbo unmo of tho UmperorTra J4ti,ihe huttrosses of wboso bridge, wobr llovo, still stoiut on opposllo hanks of tbo Diuubr, aud wiioto fimous wall ssoins to bu tho lino along which tho tlilo nt war Is rapid, lv lolling. The brldgo thrown over the iMuubn by tho groat monaroli was, In touio rjs-pcots at least, tbo most remarkable of nil Ihnntruuiurod that uccosslvn btlligorouts bavo created for tbn Jnnfie or their troops. It was not n mero lln-ittDg bridge, but k por mtncnthlMUMiro, carried on piers 150 feet hltb and sl.x'y hot wld", unlit Kmiprld twhiity kioIiih, oxlnndiim uliogrtbrr four thousand suveii hundred and cbvon'y ltomiin lift. This giant struuiure, limn which unci nt histniy records nntbliig of lliu kind eimal to it, senna to linve been In'enilcd ns u fortress an well as n brldgo. Standing chthly leet abnvfl tho wator, II Is sntiposod lo liavo ntrordod tbo command or tho uuubo naviga tion, a garrison posted on it bolng, of course, ablo to damsgo or destroy voHsels passim; under, while tboy would bu nbovo tho roach of retaliation. It was destroyed by Hadrian, and Its preciso locality bas Loon tbo subloot nfsomo disputo. Hulua, whloh evidently might have formed tbebuttrcssosofabrldgo, occurring on the lino of au old Ho nun road, nowevor, seem to leavo llttloronm lor doubt. TrpJtu'H wnll Is another rollo of this terribly onergotloold Roman. It Is, siriotly sposklng, a rampart or earth about thirty. live or tony miles lung, and extends from ILvsova, Just nt tho bend In tbn Dinubs. to thosburusnf tboDlaokSu, Though only nn o.irthwnrk, It Is w lunnldublo linn of dufouto It Is eight or icn triii high, with u ioimi in Tr nt or It, whllntho woteru portion Is mllli'irthor fnrill'.id by chop lakes mid tbo s.Mimpy valley of Knr.i-Su. In nddlilon to all tin-, nnntlicr rampart of a similar ehnrscler lies Just in Urn icarof it. This is known as the south wall, tbo spaos between tho two ram parts bolng from 1,000 to 2,000 fcot, Small Things. l.vory intra or slioulu liavo a small room, tight and warm, whloh he can lock aud wiierohocan koop bis small tooli, Then bo wants a good, solid work-boroh, with an Irou vlso on one sldo, aud a woodoii ono on the other. For Iron working ho wants a solid nlooo of Iron for an anvll.a sovon pound stcebfaoo hammor, a riveting bnm mor, ono largo and ono small cold chisel, two or throo puuobos from ono-fuurth lo threo-olgbts Inch, a rluuuer aud counter sink, to bo usod wllb bit stock, n scrow plate llmt will out u screw from one-fourth to three olgbths Inch; thon,wl(b round Iron of the various slzis, nnd ready-made nuts, ho can mako any bolt bo wishes. For carpoutor work, bo wants a square, a shaving horso, drawing knife, a sot of illos, auger from one half to two Inches, a lino hand-saw, with coarto cross cut and rip saw, lurgo cross cut saw for logs, and a grlndstono. Tbo Kngllsh mako dollolous Hlllton chooso by tbo followlug proooas: To tbo now milk of tbo cboosoanaklmr morning, add the cream from tho preceding eyonlng. tugotbor Willi tuo rennet, watouing tlio mil separa tion of tho curd, which must bo romovod from tbo whoy without breaking, and plaeod In a slovo until of such consistence asm boar being llftod up and transferred to a hoop that will rocolvo it without much pressure. Tho chooso, as It dries, will shrink up, and must thorefore bo plaeod from thus to time In a tighter hoop, and turnod daily until it acquires tho proper dogroo of oonslstonco. A Vienna Journal romarka: ''Most botani cal students must bavo regretted the oh anno of color whloh Hants undergo In drying. We aro hero Informed that this Inoonvonlonce may be obviated by dipping tho plants In a warm mixture of 1 part hydrochloric acid and COO alcohol , shaking theui to get rid of suporiiuotis num. ami ttien laying them in wnrm blotting-paper, which ought lo bo ohangod ut least once dally. Ity this moans. tho plants will uot only dry quickly, but win aiso retain uioir natural color." Tho cultivation or lUx In tho Wost Is in pressing, nn It should. Tbo Northwostern Klaxtjooloty roitortH tho average value of the orop iwr aoro to bo $Z1 OH. The II, S Import annually 10,000,000 worth ofllax, hemp and Jute. Improved processes aro steadily diminishing the cost of harvesting, preparing and manufacturing. Jule may bo grown in tho Southern .States; hoinp in Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana; lurtnor iiiirin uax laaiiiome. Tim two lav torero extensively grown alroudy. threat ami aiream. Internal parasites acoompany hardly any but deceased conditions or tbo animal. In perfoot health tho nutlvlty and force of tho uuernai processo lonu almost or quifo In Ulllbly to broak up and expel all forolgn aiiltual forms. Wo do not even except pooiui anunai lorms imrouuceu uy extra ordinary causoe, as crostures sucked up In drinking water. Knilnf.nl mod leal authority expresMM tbo opinion that hardly any sunh forma of animal life can siicoesafully teaUt uio nigesiivo ouergloa or a perroolly healthy systom. A Qoon Countky. Mr. Ulrk omol, writ- Ing from 1'ataha Pralrlo, W. T,, nays: " Wo have a good grango hero, and some fifty or sixty members, and moro coming In; good farming land r.nd good pooplo." Mr. .omol fiends us a club of cash subscribers, another Indication of a good country. In domostls hanpluoH, tho wlfa'a Inlluence Is much greater lliau her hUHhands, ily her management ol small sum hor huHlHiid'ri rospeotabllily snd credit uro created or do Htroyed, No fortune can stand the tbo oqti stuul leakages of extravagauco and nils management; and more Is spent In trlllos than woman would easily beliove. Tho one gre.it expense, whatever It may be, Is turnod over aud careiully rellbcted on ero Incurred j the income Is prepirod to moot it. liut It is iwnnleH iuipreeeptlbly sliding away which do the inlschlbl; and this alouo the wife can btop, lor It does not couie within a man's province. There is often au uiiHuipeeted irlllo to bn laved In every household. It is not In economy alouo that the wife's atten tion is so netkicHiry, but In those matters which mako a well regulated bou-o. An un finished cruet-stand, a missing key, a but touloss shirt, a tolled table cloth, a uiiMard lot with Its old contentH slicking hard and brown about It, are really nothings; hut eneli can raise au angry word or cause dis comfort. Dispatches from Victoria dated Ooto ber 10th, says that the deo. 8. Wright murdererx havo been dischurged Tho Government wan unable to secure evl deuce to corroborate that of Coma, the Indian who professed to liavo been on board tho steamer when sho blew up, and to have seen tho captain ami five otlieru murdered. Bo muoh for that pot, Indian peace policy. Ths Pope recHlvert on bis seinl-eenteiiaiy an offering or ?5,G2.r from the cllocesoofHan Ulao nno, In Ohlll, whoro mauy yoars ago bo labored as a missionary. Tho immrnsi crops in Minnesota have producod an ixtraordlniry demand fur land, and hundrods of pcoplo will open now farms next year. MARRIED: In .Mlrtii.r, Oe'obor ISUi. nt Mie reslitcnconr Tho. Mnuliillh, I'Mi.. t.v llev. tlownnt W. Mml ton t)r. J. 11. lfv aud Jllss Mlliulo UlUtou-liolh of CorvuilK In MbntiT. rctolor tSlh ts:7, H'.lhn reslileiiee O! Ilin liride.by llev. II. '. HII . Mr. N V. Kiirrebii! to Mr-. Jl iry Ahreo boili or Llnu county, urcot. DIED. (' N'PIV. Nesr.Mimsvlllo.Octotirr JMIIi, 1STT, HeiHlemon Coiullt,onof8'lvanus Condit, nged UiUrly l yinrs. GOOD CAMVA8BSR8 WANTED. Wo wish to mako a thorough canvass In the intorostof Ibis paper through this .State nnd Washington Territory, and would llko to havo, after harvest, or during tho wintor, aotlAo canvassoiH in each county, aud If pos sible In each prnnlnct. omtits to Tim COUNTRY TRADE JEei,-y77'a2?&.'& Gum Boots Xlio UoHt ovei' IVImlo. AN EXTIIA tUAI.ITY OK Ladies' Calf Shoes, Jmt tlio tiling fur our Oregon winter woathcr. Fine Kip and Calf Boots, WMoliaro cxoreljr msilo for our tiale. of different quaimi, to uu cutioiLsn. All RootlH Nolil by mo nro CUFAIl ANTt:i; l bo iint I recom mend llicm, or I will ut tiny time make It good to the pnr- cliuxer. J. W. ClIIiDCRT." Salem, Oct. IS, ikTt. it. FIRST PREMiUM! For Visiting Cards I 30 Ca'di with any naino nvaMy frlntnl tlirrenti tant to any adilrcr ueon rucclnt of 25 ilcnta. and a !l cent rtntnp. AdilrrM, v. J, Claiikk, falcm, OnKin, $1200 Mpt lo-Ji Udflri. i vailltu(. KiprHri4. rtrnaiiiriUi bwbU iui4r- H. A, (HUNT Cti4 I, 4, tt 4 IUw bl.( lIMlbUtU, U. Great Reduction ! HARDWARE 1IKTAU.KI) AT Wholeialo Prices, for Cash MyHtnek onnNl! of HlilCLP nnd HUILD- K1W HHrdwaro, MeclntnlcH1 TooIh, Shovtln. Nitllx, llopo,oto. JTOIirV KriOSTIOH, cDOmn cur. Hlailc X I'ront .!. IOUi;i,ANn JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco aud Cigars, COMMERCIAL. STHEET. Halcm, April 90, ms. dftwtl I ofTor for h!o French, Spanish, and American Tloroullroci MERINO SHEEP. AI.80 Cotswolds and Now Oxford shires. Au. I'KitnoN. d(lrlei; to inwove Itieir rtpek; from the bro liirnlt, or lo procure llluti Urait KWKH from tin m. uru mvlttd to cll nil VJ"po u7 flock, at mr Urm, four inlle iuiii of ll.l. ilmlpl . n. UHTIIIUB. U. A. JUku. auUijp 1 ubllc. i II, Cox. im:i:d & cox, Real Estate and Insurance AQ-iarsixs. Loans nogotintod on Favorablo TormB. Buy and Sell Gold and silver. Stale, County, and Ci'y Warrants. Agcuth lor Heed's Opcrn House. r"OCIce, uSs nt tho coiner nf ItcntV Ojiota llnme, N.U.Kir, OH. Myl JNO, CRAN & CO., KHONT ST., 1'OIITLANU, Ilnvo Now Opened Their NEW FALL STOCK ....or.... Staple mid ITanuv DRY GOODS, ANI) Drss Goods, An Immonso Varioty. EVERY DEPARTMENT Koplolo -vitl NOVELTIES. Oct. ; 3m L. IUIINAIU). B UNARD s. i-. i r.r & LBB, PRODUCE & COMMISSION PnOT NTISUVT, lOUTIit.IVD, WcKt Ulo Dock, corner Salmon aud Trout St. Hprctal sttentlon ghen to Krmeri' l'rmlnce of am, kinuii. Cut f It'iiiiitnit J rultcltml. Ilnvo cotiurcllons In rtm I'rnnclKO which enable ns to xvt tlio bolt umikut jitlc. octS NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE 11KTWEKN San Franoieoo and Portland. The P. C. S. S. Co. Jh. UKUKAVrtM HVN A LINK OK HTKAM- 11 iii reitiitnriy, v Kriincthcu niul l'oitUtut dip reitutnrly, tviry 0 divn bctweuu Han AT GltEiVTLY REDUCED RATES. J. M. .TIcdltAKBN A: 10, Agoilts. t Ticket! for i-alo by II. It. IIOON, A rent. 8AI.RM. MUSICAL NOTES. aARDNER BROTHERS Aro wliolosiilo nnd rotll donlem In rUnos, Uriciim, Bbool Murtlo, VIoIIiih, Accordloim, iiarninnlciiiiH, Hiid iihikIohI inerolmndlBo Konerally. OitkUnd, Cullfornln, Imvorocent ly opened n liriinoli htoro In Hulnin, Oregon. GARDNER BROTHERS I'nrHiinnlly nniierlntond tholr buslneitn In I bin Slnto, n h well hi CnllfornlH, nnd will bo prompt In rtmklni; Rood nil contrnctH. GARDNER BROTHERS Ilnvo iilroxdy Mild nearly two hundred in NtriiinonlM In lliU StHto. GARDNER BROTHERS liavo four iitithorlznd HKonti nolllnjf from their Iioiimi In tlilHH(iito,lo.wlt: A. li. Moyo, Allmny: U. II. Hluck mid Frnnlc 11. May, Miilomt I'. A. lttlrd, Ktiotio City. GARDNER BROTHERS I'iuno havo Hlready beoomo n favorllo on tlio I'oiiHt, It In iimdn eHjieelrtlly for I ho trade, nnd Ih ndaptod lo tho clltnutn on UiIn Count, and for renmlnln In I tine, In It adajitatlon to tho parlor there U nono bettor, GARDNER BT0THERS liavo dovnral dltrdront iiianufaoturoH of Or uaiiM, KlvInK tlio public a varioty to aolect from, GARDNER BROTHERS Havo a llrHt-eluxM tuner In tholr employ. All order attended to by nddrcMltiK Oarduor llrotborri, MalPin, OroKon. GARDNER BROTHERS Olvo a guarantee for llvoyoara, for nil I'lanon and OrK'anM, If dealrod. GARDNER BROTHERS I'ay tholr oinjiloyuuH a talary, not a comnint hIoii, GARDNER BROTHERS Vonlil Nlato, lii ii ii Mir or to imiiiy IniliilrlvN, that tliulr llraucli IIoiinv lii Naluiii In u iivriuaiiiil limtltiitioii. rHatf.l WOOD PUMPM. Tlio Kent nnd Moit Improved rumps now In l'o. iney are ciiKAi-Kit ana moro iniiuiii.i: than any fiiylo of Chain I'ump or water drawer ICvery inun who haa bad expo rhneo In thudllbiront waya of drawing water kiiowa there la no way nn Cheap, Durable, Coaycnicnt. and freo from linpuriltiR un 'ixaltliy elomonlH aa the plain wood mi in n. Thov are takluir the place of all other tneaua of nlaiiiK water for domm! In pnr-nn-M. or for UAItN or STOOK WKLLS. Water ripe and EmoBpouU Wo manufacture 1'ipo of va rloiMNiet for oonvejIiiK w t"r from tprlii, atreiiiia, Ac, It N uheap, but aubatantlml. For further par loulaia, apply to or addrcay teSttai A. I'UKH'bTT, ralem, Or. J 41 ,1 J nt 4 V 1 ,1 i ' -