SSSJKU .1 -X r wwmwMMiawiw 5HwR.i ,U1. 4 WILUAMETTE FARMER ; : V4 ! : , )' ' ! I t I i h - U Sv uivtD Kvmr pnmAT, nr CLABKE & CBAIG, runusiiETis and rnorniBTon. H. A. CliAttKU. . AV. C'ZIAIC. Term of Sulmcrlptlon. Ococopy, ono)car(Mnnmhcr) $2.() Ono copy, Mi month (l number) l.iifi Onncoiif. Ilirpii motitli(ia nnttihr 7A HAliKM, FRIDAY, OCT. 1MJ, 1877. Marlon County Fotnona Qraogo "Will moot on tlio first Frlduy In No Tcmbor nt 10 o'clock in tlio forenoon, at Cfrnngo Hall, Turner's Edition. A full attendance Is desired. G. W.Hunt. In Memoriam. Wo rcolvod llio following proamblo from Jordan Valloy (Jrantfo Hall, Linn Co.. Hep tomi)erl4,1877: WliorcftH, tlio linnil of death 1ms viMtotl our community nnd tHkoii from our 1'rnlornal Olrclo our beloved hiiter, Kliztbeth UimlMvr, wd, with nnd hoarlH, coiinIkii to llio ijrnvn dor bomillful form, her iilrlt retimm Id tlio Uod who itavo It, to Join tlio Frnlcnilty iUkio. "Within tlio pri'Honco of llmt Hupromo Mnslcir Mho tiwullH our comliifi. Hit tliornforn Ilr-Molvcd, Tlml wllo wo mourn tlio loss of our bt'iowid winter, wo how villi I'liiiHlonod nplrltNln IiimibloMiljiiilsMon tollils liiHrriilii liln iirovldfiico of Almhihly Ood, IciiowhiL' Hint ho doi Ih hU lliimu well, lit) It llirlliiir Unsolved, Tliiit In thndimtii of winter (lurd nor wo ii ro iuIiiioiiInIiihI of llio grunt Imiior tnnco to ho ovur ready to clone our Inborn In earthly iloldi to oritur upon tlio riiwurd ol tlio Just In tho brighter lioldn of tlio Pumice or uod. KoNolvml, Thnt tho Rrnnpo hits loRtn filth fulnnd olllolont MHtron, tho community n kind friend, tliobrotliorn nnd Muter it holov od ulster, nnd tho paronlH u most nlluctloiinlo daiiKhlor. Itusolvod that (his hull nnd clmrtor br draped In rriournlmr for thirty (lay.i. Itnnolvod: Thatthoio roHolutloim boHtireitd uikjii tho record ol this Untune, mul tliHtn copy bo Hont to tho family ol tho deceased its it token ofour deepest eyinpaMiy, nnd n copy bo fiti-nlahod tho Wn.iiAMirrri'. Kauukii nnd Oitionian for publication. A. M. Hiiki.ion, T. 1. OOOIIMAN, Oi:o. F. KkonT, Committee IN MEMORIAM. Noiitii Yamiiu.l, Oct.'Jd, 1877. At ft spoolal Meeting of North Ynmhlll (JnitiRo No, S3, tho following loxultitloim vroro roid unci udoptod: Whereas, It him iiloaaod tho Dlvlnn Ruler of tlio UiiIvoiho to hike front our midst our beloved brother, John K. ljaui(hlln, whoso vigilant fttirvlcat n galo koopor of our Gwngo endeared him to tit all, and WhnroaH, Wo fool with force tho vacancy oatiNod In ourOrango, therefore, bo It Hoanlvod. That thta O ran go foul dcoply tho loan of brother John 13. iughllu, nnd that to tho family of tho doooaod brother wo ton dor ourdwtp and heartfelt aympathy, nnd commotid thorn tothnoaroof IJIm whoiiooa all IhlngH, and that tho Halt bo drapod in mourning for thirty daya. Itoaolvnd, Thatthoso rosolutlona bo aproud on tho mlniilos, nnd u Hipy bo glvon to tho family of tho duco.mod brothor, nnd ulso ono for publication. Jour Dhmphi'.v, (). NTKWAIII'i T. 0. lillUKINtlllAM, Com. Muou Aki'Mutkii. Woilo not know ofn ntdor oitMO of allllotlon than hai occurred during tho Hat two weokH in tho family of Mr. David Dolanoy, who riwldna near Ttirnor. At ouo ut tu-k of that dreadful dlsomo, dip thorln.hoHiiddmily loat tlireo ohlldion,nud latrly u Mill, ngud 1!, aiiffurodn rcl.ipoof tho aamo nnd diml Niiddonly. It la not oaay lo Imaglno gronter aorrow than mimt nttend n family thua uuddouly nnd tdrribly borouvrd nnd Mr. nnd Aira. Dolany liavo tho hlncoro vnumtliy of many friend in thti hour of Kflef. (Joi.n Mkii ;., M(mara. llodge, Hnoll V Co,, of Tortlann, wrllo ua that w hilo In rtort of Fair wnok procoedlnga, wo ay that tho ItubUir Valnt'Co,, " olalnuMl lo hnvo tho cold modal," they now havo It In paihCKMlon, whloh Ii u good deal batter. Tho paint con trove rny wna n atinrp ouo, and tho wlnnrr n Morally feela proud of kiid'oca. Tbo Hub bir pulut ban becomu n very important artl cloof trado. Takh Noth'K. It la very likely that atato. nieiilH of Fccfliinla havo bona or may bo Nout to pcrxora who art to bo credited for gsltlng up oltibii. To all Ktich wo axy that they need pay no Attention to duiia in hucIi chhh, and ( will aoon (lx ti (heir lux'ounta and kIvo them duo credit. Nwi'UT PTA'ror.s. Mr. S. K. St'ott, of Hiiloiii, seiid.s tua siiinplu of swoot jHitatoi'H nnsod on his pliu'o ntnir Lin coin. Thoy I'tmiparo woll with Culifor uii potatoes, both in tlitvor nud n Mr. Scot I Intends ndsine; them iiulto oxtonilvoly next year. Tins Poi'l.Titv Poultry f.tuoloM nud farmers who raise fowls for intiiUet will find thin iimiMzluo very useful as it is devoted exclusively to the dUciH'dou of mutters pertaining to tho brooding and rearing of poultry and mielt other matters as aro connected with tho pursuit. Us appearance Is vory nttraetlvo, as it is adorned with numerous lino outs, and, in addition, the publisher furnishes to his subscri bers ttt u nominal price, welve magnjf I'mif t'tiwmo'j)ltfs of modem vnrietles of fowls Sulisorlptlons, $l,tl,l per year, or $2.0D with the ohromo-pUies. Ad dress. H. II. SroDUAiin, Publisher, Hartford, Conn. Mm. l'annn Mirtln.efHalom Ptalrlo.liM gons to Jackonvlllo on a low vrotka1 vlalt, oauMxpiontl John at d tlo boy havo rough liuiD ''batohitiKi" THREttHING COMPANY. MACHINE Tho Pacific Thrashing Maohlne Company of I lila city, have leaned In circular form the following pi-capectus. Tlity hayo n llmltod amount of atock for salo, nnd they now place it on tho market, a much better plan than asking for nubsldlos. Our buslnoss mon nhould tako tho Block oflorcd nt once nnd thua help establish ono of tho most Impor tant Industries on tho Coaat In our own city. Wo ni-k u caroful perusal of the pro.p(Ctus, and any cthor information thEt la wanted will bo furnlshod by calling upon Dr. II. Cirponltr tho Set-rotary of tho Company. I'llOWKOTUH. Wishing to dlaposo of a limited nmotint of stock for tho purposo of enlarging tholr bust-nei-H, tho company tako this monna of plan ing boforo tho public a fowof tho prominent feoturos of tholr business, nnd tlio Induce monla thoy nro ablo to offer thoso having means to Invest. This company was Incorporated October 7, 1870, with a capital stock of 8100,000, wliloli wuHMibsequontly incroasedto 120,000. Tho principal buslnoss In which tlio company propo903 to ongago Ih tho manufaoturoof IIoiho Powers nnd Separators ofan Improved liat'ern, under tho Polton palonts. During tho past season aulllcient Powtro and Separators havo bcon put In tifo to thor oughly domotmlrato tholr huporlor tiiorlta. Ah proof of this, wo will moiiliou tho fao' tint In numerous instances parties using other Powers hayo sot them nsldo nftor run ning thotn a season or less, nnd purchHhod thorn of tid. Again, Heparntorsoi lCnstorn mako have, during tho pastseuson, beon rebuilt atour shop, and nftor receiving tho Polton Improve ment, havo dono from fifty to onohundrod por cent, more and bottor work thau boforo, especially wlion drivon by n Polton Power Wo nro nwaro that Interested parties will toll you Hint "hcmoiiiMiufrtoturos" nro n fulluro in Oregon; that thoro Is not Hufllclont do maud, etc. Ilut in regard lo this branch at I oust wo beg lonvo to dllTor with nil nuch In opinion. During tho pas' season not loss than two hundrod Threshing Machinos of Kistorn mako havo been sold in Oregon and Washington Terriloiy, at an nvorago of atloast (7fi0 oach or $li0,000 In tho aggrogalo, and tho dotuand Is still on tho incroaso, and will so continue. On each of those machinos b frolght bill of about ?-00 must bo paid to land thorn in Portland, and this alono amounts to u very handsome "protootlvo tariff" to tho party en gaged In manufacturing horo, nnd much sufor than any ovor Imposed by Act of Con gnss, or if cannot be removed. Slucu tho llrst purchoso of tho exoluslvo right undor tho sovoral patents uon tho Power nnd Hoparator for tho Paolllo Coast, Slatea nnd Territories, thoCompany havo also lately soourod tho control of all tho romalnlng Territory, which will doubtless luuro greatly to tholr bono".!, through aaloa of right to parllea In tho Kast. Whou brltly' coiiHldorod,our rooaons for oxpcotlugaucotwsnnd nmplo romunorntlon for nil ir.onoy invostod In this oulorprlso nro as follows: Wo linvo tlio exoluslvo oDiitrol of tho man ufucturoof tho Champion Horso Power of tho world ono that rapidly dlsplacos oven now ones of other patterns, nnd ulso tho Rnmo control ofn Separator equally ai good, hav ing taken tho llrat protntum at tho Oregon Siato Fair lor throo years In auccosslon and that too, nftor an actual tost, tliroshlug upon tlio Fair (Iround in compotitlou with n stoma throbhor In li70, Wo hnvo n homo mnrkot for n vast number nfthoso uiaohlueant largor priceH thau nro pihl eliuwhoro in tho Unltcil States, nud tho opportiiulty of selling nil the rlghta undor tho pttunU In tho Territory wo do not wish to occupy. In addition to tho direct bonoflta (o bo do rived by way of dividends uHnlnvoatmont, wo nntiolnato tho usual amount of Indirect benefits growing outof the ea tabllshlng of nn Important Industry In any oomiuuulty. We hopo nud trust that those considerations will hoouro a fair subscription to tho capital slock ofour oompauy. PACIflO TllllKlUINU MAC1I1NK Co, 11,1877. A Wisr India Huhkicank. St. Thomas advices state that a fearful hur ricane vlnltedL'untcoa and nel;hboriupr i.-liinds on Hoptcinder ";!d ahd caused great damage. Thu wind blew from nil quarters. The sea washed away the Miwor nan oi tno town Known as wu liemstant. Nearly every house In what is known as tno rotrimuy iiuarter was destroyed and tho fortitlcations are in ruins. Many families are destitute. Tho damage to property Is estimated at ovur half a million. A man-of-war and two Dutch schooners were wrecked; several lives were lost and all salt ponds in tho neighborhood of the island of Poualuu are ruined. Organs. If you want a Rood, round, smooth, sweet toui'ii UrKau ouo that la nude of tbo brat of uiMterlil, ami will laat a lifetime Ktt tho Wliltnoy ,t llolmoa, ot J. II. Itobblua, Port laud,'1. AislcBBiaui. Mr W. O, 'Adauu, proprietor of tho IkiU lrxiort, baa mada an aaslKument for tbo iMiiftltol tiia crfdltori. Mtar. Qeoriro P, l.tohllolU and Tho man CunnliiKbam, aro ashlKiiHH. Mr. Mart L. Cbamberlin has u niHirary cbargo of tbo atore which la belug run aa uaual. . MILLINXRY AMD MOTIONS. llaviiiff bought largely in our line, wo are now prepA'od to furniau HATS and HON MEM, with all tbo laloat novelllo of the -oou, at prioea that defy couiitetilion. Call and eo for youraelrea. Nest door to Hrcyman llroa.. Commerolal Street. Ma. ft Mrs. WM. MI LUC AN. oo'.'h) ml. FACING Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. miUT old ri.ow op vnun can hb made JL n jrnod M ue at JOHNNY KMOflT'S niack milth Miop, oa Oomrocrtlnl ft.. lctnvr Wadc'o bard Harcftore. for a unall outlay or coin, llrlng In jour old rlwi. and co If I don't do n I av. octaiti joii.vny knibht. SAVE YOUR FRUIT! CrSOUCE 2IAHRT&' PORTABLE PREMIUM FFUIP DRYER, IZvhI, CIicapcM iiixl moot t'coiioiulcitl. inquiring lint unit rt'r.t.. Prlc am.kikix of fntlt of wguiA'ilef, Rt,a prodircn h11im t-qn 11 to any mado iiucIit llio hip, or by nny oilier i-jntm. Mil- Urn lr unrounded by water, thereby inaVlnj; I tnti!. It can ho left to oo lln urn uork vhllu )n ulccii Tlio dryer Is made of dlflertut capaclllce, ntd Is eold from Sri,7'r to jr;JOO. Thoro Is ono of tho Dryprs In operation I miles Ctrl ' ttalotn. at Swartz' nlacp. Thnxi wlrblni; Vtfttl rlionld not fall to eximlno HAHHts' before pnrclns- In:.' cluewhcro. Btatc and Connty lights reni-uunuiu lermF. Kor rurtber lufurmatlon.nddrcri) NKWToN IIKADLBY, Salem, Oregon 3E. uA. I ! JEZ. O 2l 33 "Nurseries. I litivo tlio nrcKC Mnclt of Fruit TrocH in (irct'im ! 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, mi! AT W1I.T, AVBltAOR SIX VIV.T IX HIOHT JL and I will Kell Hum from 910 lo 823 por Hundred. WT I rail jpeclal attention U my AM3D1W JUNK I'KACi! THKHH. I bad IVactirn of HiIm variety rife iiuro. ion. nnu mcy nro or ixccurlil ipiJiuy. i nav nlwi feven other vtrlctlen of IViehw, and a L-pneral uiy a. itm. and tnev nra nr ..tnih'tii mni variety or i tlier Krnlt Tteci and fclirnbu. AI'o. a tro lot or 1KAC!I SEKUUN(l-). at $30 per 1,1)00. AOENTl roil XT NUtUCIIIK. 1) .! Malarkry, Portland H IJcrry, McMlnnvlhp, w Wlilppu, Collar Mrx K A .Jinlklns, Enucno, drove, W M fttcoie, Turner, A Jjuea, Htaytou, I. Urahe, Haloey, W Hhnman, Hbaron, W T I. Mlcliiel Wbeatlan N. I.acrolz. mibllmlty, JMoirla, Mchama, A heeler, Slicild, I) W Klleilijc. Ilowcl I'r. W II II mh ii Hlltprlnn. .. ..... ,-. . . .. r a . . nm iinrria. urnoKr, in ii u uuun, iiariuouri;, J A mini, iiaaiann, II Mnrrla A Hon. Hclo. A Jnlliir, Woolen Mill Co., i ii jiumnu, Jtuen-on, iirou iisviito, Joiich A Potter, tialcm, Jamn Itnyal WanMni-tnn Co Wm V Crellr, Travellua ai-eul ea,t of the Wlltamato river. H. VOt. MXTTYIVIAN, l'roprlctor of Itallrrad NiirKPilcv, oclMtf KAST POKTLAItl), 0. llct Your Boots! You who lino never tried the MATCHLESS FIRE LIGHTER liaont tho flntt culiniition nf ItH nupo rlotlty. Just think of It a liull(ul, nlcklo plated Utile piHket-iilrco mat will rtrlko a lire In themo.'t Ixiltterouavrotth. rr wind, rain, t'inu, ball, anow makea no dKTvroiino ulthtlio Matciilkks; Ita alw)a ready for uhu. A capital IMnn f(ir tr elrn. (iiiukth. or Asr (ink. Wiimnted to do Juatiareprciifntcii. lrlru only 7. t-cnl. Auknt Wamteu. Addrea II. II. HAI.I.OOK, Bolo Acelit. Balcni, Oregon, WOODBURN NURSERY KEEPS Full Stoclc FBUIT, SHADE, 0ENAMENTAL, ....ANU.... NUT TREES, Send for Price Lift and Catatoguo, AiUrecu J. II NltTTI.K.TIIKIC octtemS Woutlburn r. 3dC 1 1 -7SJr a,Xl3L'lG NUKSEKY. SBT1I LUELLING & SON, PII0PHIKT0H8 OPTIIK ABOVUNMIEn NUlt cry, Imj leave In call Iho attention of Frnlt men. and all other who wlh In procure Eood, heal thy Tree-, to their 1MMKN8K STOCK OK FKVIT TREES, coniutimu or Apple, Fear, Peach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other tnltcellaneou varletlef , the price of whlvh wo havo reduced to unit theuuic. j bend for a catalogue. 8KT1I LUELI.INO A SON. octia .IlllwauUtc. S. FRIEDMAN, Is ngain at his Ol'dL Stand DUUDIJN'S COHNEK, Vi'.lh an Immense Stock or Dry Goo!$,Clotliiii, Iliits,cniis, JJoots tind Slioes, Yankee No tions, (Jent and ladies Furn. bluug' ood,Tobuceos nnd Clears, Trunks, nnd Va lises. In fact, Every tiling: In the Dry Goods line you wunt, at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION! (oct'.U HAWJLEY, DODD & CO., l?ortland. Ox-orou, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Line of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. WK AHK SOLK AGENTS FOR T1JE CELEBUATKn 'OP Which combiito tint urontcstslrcnglU, DEKIU: l.-i the miIo Pit lonlt'o of llio Wn tlicir Plow is llio only Plow so mntlp. Tho IlowVJ n"H IHouril nnd Hlmro aro luirdcncd by u I'litented 1'rocew W3CULIAU TO THE JJKBUE PLOW. THE EEKE SULKY AND GA1VG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. iTiio greatest hnl-nr-Savlnp IinplPinenlH yot lr vented. Vally linprnvpd for Fall of 1S77. COO CSolcl iai Oregon 'xx Ono "2onr. sT Evorv Farinnr InUiroateil. Tlio Deuro Sulky U thu only NiiiRlo-lAivor Plow made. EASILY Ol'EHATEl). Ho corifrtrucltd that by h slight aintlon of tlm Lover tlio Plow Ih run outof tho urountl and raised clear, hy horFO- instcfd of man-power. It Is strongorand loss complicated thuii tiny other. Solo Adonis for tbo woll-known SOUTH BEND OHILLTJE-UION PLOWS. BUCKEYEZDRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FAItM GIUST MILLS, all fctjlesnnd prlccB. FAN MILLS, fc'ond iorSpooial ClrcularB. USE IN THE not Deceived.! See that our Trade Mark is on eaohlPaekafge! I l&-i JLJL t lt3l4iCl Jfcr"rjr4 I II M-t Bad 03 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Jot Black ; and ALL COLORS. AND EASILY I'or Salo ly thu .ipcuts: JOHN IIOUG. SIVELL & CO., Vlioli n;Uc DruprslstN, and Dealer in Paints, Oils, and Cila-, I fl UllnVT (1T11PPT - U ' DWIN 4XDENC JADWRTlSINGiClAGENCY; y a ., "K 174 ELM'STREET. CINCINJN'ATI. vOHIO .' AdrertlaeaenU Inserted in any paper, Before odTertuing send for mjr catalogua The Old Immigrant Route Arrona (he Caarade nouulslns, MOTOWMKU BT TUK Cascade Xoadacd Bridro Company, Itannlnc tI Htndr, Ml. Hood. and lUrlow' Gate, T8 NOWOPKN, and trotl of all kind has bo- M. RUU Tho road la la coed repair, extrortro tm- Rroemrota aro being made tren year. Th SLUILUJareatlKrdl. fihwjiJbrldjjcii Ibe itrcam. ThU road noer rcled a pot: The LAU- !" are on all nuj,iuMjmi ii uicbbumom, Dei, and cl ap- rojne otcr the moanuina. Dlnanco oer ibe raounulna. 44 mllea, Krom Portland. OTer the raoumaint. 78 miles. From Falem. 100 ml'ea 8."iisjKs,,; Miii !. ",srcit fciK01 FlD nd eomine from or Inta Marion, Yam K 'iWy,,PX.ti?uVUM lnto. nl I'olk counllS. tnlt U bjr far the be.i. nettwl. and cheapest route ' iw S. I). COALMAN,reldnt. ,niRTr K. C . 3ec etm , i. i.Vw i. -" ".. I'VMIII .HU oxlrcino IIl'IiIhcs', nnd durability. rotiKlit JJIot'k mid woldpil I'tor-, nnd fcl rl WTTrl C I T HES WORLD! XJe, APPLIED. HUGHES, Salom, XOIlTIaAJWI), Or. JOHX W. OAnilNEll, IkRABl, V. (JAItl)NER. GARDNER BROTHERS, Jthu 11ITAII. Dealers in Pianos, Organs, SHKET MUSIO, And Musical Merchandise. Xo. Uio San I'ablo St, I'ottcr'a Block. OAKLAND. CAL. ZfUvoltI IIIocU, .ttfj HALE!I. Administrator' Notice. NOTICE la hereby KWen that the nnderalgned. , " br order of the County Court of tho county .,'J.D ibe M,,e ot Oregon, on Ibottlu day of Ausnt 1ST7, duty appo nted Admlnl.trator of ibe fctate of U. J, hhawl. deceaaed. All peraons hay Ing claim agaUitt faid eitate are required to proaenc the tame, with the voucher, to the underlined at the office of J. J. ehaw. In the city ol Salem, U eud county, within tlx month from thl date. , . WM. COSI'aH. AdmlnUtrator. Piled. AdcuI 87th. 1KTT. T. o. anrxiirv, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPKIU. HOD8K, 6ALMM. 8. K. corner, i head of talra. H v. ""-MCaHttM-J iLmw m &.