Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 26, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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heb 3WsraEEi9
Having determined la maintain tlio position lieretoforo occupied by me for the
Largest Eetail House in Oregon,
I liavo lakrn this moans of nnnouru-iiiR to the public that I am now displaying
the LAJIUKST and UEST STOCK of General Merchandise north
of San Francisco, consisting of a flno stock of
CSrOiatsT and. Boys' OlotlxjLELS,
33Cvtss, Onpa, JPjrtxxxJx.mf mXTtCL3umomt oto.,
which is surpassed 1y none in the city, and will be sold at prices to
isuit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give
And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found
in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
Talue reecivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
. chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER.
It Is prepared ready lor Immediate use, and or
It Is easy to apply, and It will not crack, peel or chalk ofr.
For; durability, beauty, land! brilliancy ol color It Is
For sale In any quantity ty
SAW3.M. : :
Buford CangA&AW
"" lMSLwrmi 7v Beam SinIe
plows. IMkJMmkmA nrA..
niTTTlnnmri ' l H
JUi.Jjl UltXMXU. i mi tJ.
w .xex&mvmjs
a i kUr.ui.iT ,v. t n t'ai.u.vv. r o'i. ii rjT'n-T'i.M "" n ist t. n
Champion JJrowno " Sulky,
(Never btcn beaten In the flcld.)
Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Tho McShorry Grain Drill and Broadcast Seeder.
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
BEioRE rujicirAurxa, call ox
FranK Brotliers ess Co.,
104 and 106 Front Street, - - PORTLAND, OR,
Weatherford & Co..
Whole, ale and HoUll Dealer In
Patent Medicines,
X erfumery
Etc, etc
For Medicinal parpo.
Modloinoa Compounded, and
Preucriptiono Pilled.
Weatherford & Co.,
Commercial trt. WALKM.
Talco IVotico.
thall pay no debt of net ?'"f"mihU
. Hate. AAaOM IIlHUT.
uilverwn, sept, lit, tflrr. a4?d
Iron and Wood
U-: ;" 'It R.lneh in ll.lnoh
i--it 1?JH1K XS -WSrMEia i-nnw
- vjtv- ?ii iiamrjLi
m SfPfcr. WiJ.MJnWrKKMf
Little Glnut
Wo wish to Inform tho people of Oregon
that wo have purchased thepttent of "Tlio
Little Ulant Grubbing Maunliie," and that
wo aro now prepared to mpply any number
ol them nt n vzry roaonablo price. Tho Mile
)Iiih(I testimonials or the superior qualities
of Ihoeo machines and their comparative
cheapness should recomended thoiu to nil
those delrouH of clearing otriand at but til.
fling expense. For further particulars apply
to Prauk Cooper or Wiii. Dolaney, balem, or
Albert Hrlggs, Kolo.
b'cio, March 10th, 1877.
Thin !b orllfv that we have used "The Lit
tie Giant Orubblnff Machine" and found It
superior to anything of tho kind overused
in thin part of the country:
Preston M linkers, Wm Ireland,
Henry Iiley, J N Morris,
A DivlK, Jlllrvlno
i: mid win. 11 F Urlggs,
Henry Tlfaro.
Wn the indirslgnod have seen "tho Llttlo
Ola.it Grubbliic Machine" work and can
assuro the puhlialhat it id tlio lo-t inachlno
of the kiud we have overseen working.
M Alexauder, W Humlltou,
J OJohusnn, Peter Smith.
J M Hrowu, Win II McKnlght,
P Hllycu, 1) P Miibou.
fr'cio, May 23th 1977.
8. B. corner, at bead of (tain. UVtf
nr OA11H MAC.
Well, You see the old folks had rodo to
tho contort a Mir rnstlciUo and left Hill and
I to ruauapo Mia lr ns bst wo roulrl, liirlud
Inp tho culinary depirtmont, besides divore
other linuHohold duties.
Unfortunately, howovcr, wo knewnothlnp
of thonrtofw-ookltiit, save, pcrlmpa, ilmtof
roasting Rfqtilrrtd on a aharpanod slick: but
when tho plr uud cold bUouite disappeared,
which our pnod mamma had Mnred In the
pantry, to realized tbu'titartllnf; fnot tlmt tlio
time was nt hand when nil our skill wr.uld
be put tn the lost, viz : tlio bread-haklmr
period. But the emergency of the rate ml.
mlttod of no equivocations. It had to bo
Having procured a larpo pan full of Hour,
with fcleevea rolled to the elbnwe, asked.
Bill how much oream of tartar I must put In
tho broad, ho laughed and said It was hot
cream of tartar that made the bread raise
butsaloratus, I asked liltn If they didn't ueo
both, ho (said no, an aclda and alkalies bad
euoh a wonderful affinity for oach other, that
by uniting they generate an entlro original
chomlcal, Bclentltloally known as carbonic
acid gas, would rapidly sublimate and pass
away like a Rentlo zephyr, leaving tho
broad the o jntlstenoy of a dry cod nib.
Being as dumb as a (t post to euch "os
tenalve elucidations," 1 asked him what the
usual proportion of saleratus was required.
Well, said he, beginning to figure on tho
sldo of tho dresser, aa thero are about throe
gallons of flour In the vessel let mo see
throe multiplied by four equals VI, being the
aggregate number of quarts, and allowing
two teaspoonfula of saleratus to oach quart
or flour, S multiplied by 2 multiplied by 0
equal 24, whlob. gives tho proportion re
quired to mako good; nutritions bread, re
marking casually that it was vory ossentlal
to liavo plenty of the eifervetcent quality
whlob coming In contact with tho gastric
Juices of tho stomach, had a tendency to pro
mote digestion,
Settling down upon the foregoing hypothe
sis, rigorous search was mado for a oloan
spoon, which could nowhere be found, I
tbon asked Bill If wn oouldd't tnoaiiurti tho
Ingredient noma other way, lie uaid ho
thought wo could. Now, said he, thoro aro
about 3 spoonfuls In ono ordinary handful,
and (ogalntho old stub of a pencil camo In
rontuct with tho cupboard door) 8 In 21, .1
times, and accordingly tho three handfuls of
saleratus woro duly admlnlslored. BUI then
said tho second modus operandi was tn sub
merse the approximato iihimps In a bath of
rurltled hydrogenated tluld termed hot
water, thoroughly Incorporulnjr tho whole
with u common ntiddlDK allele. Tlio dough
was kneaded at last and n good siied lump
was yanked oir rouudtd In tho shapoofa
full moon, sloshed Into n largo liHke.pnn,
half full of melted lard, and shored Into tliu
ovon, by which tlmo the stovo waecool
onoiigh for u refrlgonttor,
Brenkfatcame, of course, at a Into hour
and such a lion c.ike ni tbas was, atildo from
being docldedly unpalatable, wo could tiflth
or break, blto nor mimtlcato tlio hlddotiH
l hi ni:, and o wo were compelled to eubbtU
tute txttntOfiM lustoad. lor the time bnlnir.
Ariur bnakfitht I told Bill I didn't liuliovn
a dog would eat that hoocuke. Ho said ho
would try It as his eotlor w.i lookltiK ratlier
nun; no iiiotigiir, no wnuin get around It
nlcnly, and siiltlng tho words to the nation
ho throw it Into the front yard calling nut,
"lioroHiiHpl" but Snaii merely imvo It a hii.
plolhiiH glanno and looked knowingly, as
iiiiicii as to nay, "wiiai in inuuuor do you
tuksmo for? think I don't know mind whole.
HOinn hiirap from mioli a mean Imitation of
urcHii uh itiniY rot union, uon'i lool this
Jack JnnfH rodo by In (he afternoon and
lookd over tho Iront uato snd Unwind out.
"Ohl what a lion cakol" Af'tTlin had muand
outt.f hiMrlng Bill pltoho.l It Into the linuve
kiki tnht me to Hunt It up. "Burn the niH
I'hlcf." salit 1. "It would nut out all tlio creek
lire Hint Glllinoru ever threw Into Clmrlet.
ton." I then rolled It iiiicW the bed. l'rnltv
poiiii, In came Tommy Hiyk'8. In hltili giro,
iomiiow uh nis now rtui'xir dji wiuon no tin
uhii boutiulriuoviir llm Iloor. and at lunt fnl
lowing In the wake of our et bhcuit, under
wo n i lummy tuier tho imii. mil and I
thought of tho lino usbn nt tho miihi llitluut,
but it wan too late. "Yio-poo I" orhul Tom.
my "I'vo-I'vo found i-omothlntr." BIIPh
face grew livid, uud bo oro either of uh
(ohm utteraKentonre, out rolled that con
foundoil, omnipresent lino cake, anil Tommy
after it. Uh ho, ho ho; Its a hoe calce. Yex,
rHpouried BUI, making h slight elmrt to
rouuh, "wo have not been very eucccsuful III
baking bread Hlure theoldfolkH I ell. and I
HiippoMothlslsonoof our biMcults which tho
mice tiavo stolen llltlo marruudlng urea
tnros, they aro always poking themxelvcH
Into place whore they aro not wanted."
Tho next day I told Bill thoro was no uwoln
trying to doinnllHh that boo cake, and ho
had better go and burry It. Ho away ho
went with spade In band and I soon had the
satisfaction of kooIiik the funeral rites nald to
that Invincible cookie, over In one corner of
mo garden, rrnm whence we fondly hoped It
would never return.
But not so, Indulgent reader, for as our
paternal ancestor was plowing the garden
tho next spring, up came that detestablo
slapjack aa sound as a dollar. "I say, BUI,
Inqulrod the old gontlfinan at dinner that
day, "you've had considerable of readln, do
you know whether the ancients used ealara
tun In bread?" "I don't know. WhyT"
"Why, I've just plowed npa pttrlflod hoe
cake as sure aa a guu." Bill and I wero not
long In comprehending the mystery and
Iwifl. llAfln lai.alilnre ITa liu lin f nottnu
hsvm Bill, "do you remembor whon you old
folks went to the onsHt last Pall, and lolt us
Iiovh to batch?" "Yes." "Well, that was
our 1'iiw.t Hok Oakk,"
Uklah, Out. 20. Mrs. Belle I.ynoh, edlt
rrhHof the Dlcnatoli, was knocked down and
boateu on the sidewalk In front of tho tele
graph otllce at noon to-day, by T. Ml. Car.
others, Mr. titallord attempted to Interfero
and whs told to keen away or ho would be
nhot, CarnthorH at tlio same lime drawing
and exhibiting his pistol. Tho marshal at
once arrested C'aroilicr, who entered a plea
of not guilty. A jury trlsl was demanded;
trial fret for Monday. Intense exo'tement
prevails. It ht thought shooting will rotult
before nlchr. Ausrticle In the Dlsnateh In
relation to Mrs. Carothers, was thocatibo of
X.noky Queen.
A mco Ing of the directors of this cein.
pany was held In lloseburg on thd 10:h ins'.
It was ordered that work on tho in I no be
commenced, and tho water token from (he
fclmft preparatory to sluklng to a greater
depth, and getting out oro from the mine.
That m&'erUI lt purchHscilJiror (irr-oilng n
roasting and chlorUluu furnace. Prof. J. M
TIernan, mltiliig engineer of Portland, has
Ijotn engaged to inpct and work tho mill.
fcantiaia Mines.
Mr, Frank Glover of tho Capital Mining
Company, arrived In Iho city yosterday and
.iiimju urrl n.nHrntablnn runlilltr n ,lin
Hhaft which Is being unk to give vontllatlou
being dona in the Noopariel mlsjea which lie
a short dUtanca frctn tae Capital lead.
Olenn Falls, N. Y..Oct.20-Cllntonvll!o
Ih devastated with smallpox, Twonly per
sons liuvo died within a few days. Travel,
era aro prohibited from entering tlio place.
All the hlghwav are blocked.
Now York, Oct. SO Tho World's Wash
Initton tpeslal enjs: Booiuho of Morton's
illnes, the commlttoo to examine into dro
ver's case hns not been able to leport. Ma
Millan,of MlnncBOta, has been preparing a
report, which It Is thought will be signed h1
the members of tho committee and whloli
will completolj exonerate drover. The re-
Cort will not bo submitted until tho Dt-ccm-ersesblon.
Chicago, Oct. 20 The Journal' Washing
ton special snvs: A Southern Republican
eouator who has Inquired of the prcsldont
regarding his vlows on tho admission of
Spoflord, was informed that Kellogg and
not upouoru zsiiouid oo aamittea, ana mat
ho considered Kelloecr lecallv elected. Ho
had. howovor. no disposition fo foroo hli
opinion upou tho sonato or Interfero to influ
ence senators' Judgmont. Tho proaldont has
decided to appoint only demoorats to fedoral
otllces In states whoro Ilepubllcana have no
represenution in congress.
The Times' editorial says too course on no
tdmlnlstratlon In regard to appointment In
the New York custom house has been from
the first one of lnoxnllcable hlllv-shallv.
and certainly not Improved by yesterday's
exhibition of Irresolution. The delay In ar
ranging nominations oouiu nanny nave
been greater had the old system of conciliat
ing aa many serviceable politicians as possl-
mo boon sun in vogue.
Pittsburg, Oat. 20-Judgo Klrkpatrlak this
morning allowed tho application of the
grand Jury and directed that attaohments bo
Issuod against Gov, Uartranft, M, H. Quay,
secrotary oftho commonwealth, Adt. Gen.
Latta, Gen, Bronton, and MaJ. Morris of the
governor's stalT. Thejudgo in announolng
his decision in court closed with the follow
Ing words: "Tho learnod attorney gonoral
bavins stated unon tho araumont that if the
decision oftho court should not bo advowo
to bis views, an actual service oftho process
would bo unnecessary , as tho wltdosses
would rospond without suoh service and he
would bo propared to take such othor and
further Mops vt might bo doe mod advisable,
wo will during tho day communlcato to him
tlio rofiultoi'our dellborattous and tho con
clusion at which we have arrived."
Philadelphia, Oct. 17 To day a warrant
was Issued for tho arroit of J no. H. Morton,
ox-prosldcut oftho Market stroot rallwny, on
a nuargo oi porjury, complainant is uoo. r .
Vlokers, Morion's socrotary. who on Mor
ton's testimony wni placed nndor ball for
trial, Tho chargo Ih lmod on Morton'rt own
testimony given before (ho inaglclrnto In
which ho admitted that ovor-lr.suo of stock
by him dated b.ick a number of years, Vlck
ers says Morion committed porjtiry In mak
Ing returns to tlio auditor, saying thero wero
onlyB.COO elmroH Isuied and outstanding,
when, by his own admission, thoro wero
outstanding 10,000 el ovor-Isxuo.
Now York, Oct. 18 Tho Trlbuno'a says (ho
regUtry yesterday looted up 41,000, making
71 270 for tlio two day, at against 117,000 lust
year fir tho hhiiio tlmo. Ono moro day for
registry remains.
Chicago, Oct. 18 For tho p.ist two days an
Important case has been on trial In tho IT. S.
court here, Involvluit, It H wild, emriuSJO,
000,000. It Is eiitliltd "Tho United Htates vh.
tho Bi;ef8loiigh Log Driving and Trminpor
tallon Co., the MlsslMlppl Logging Co. and
the Clilppowa Itlvor Improvement Co." A
bill wits llled nt Madls'iu Inst Juno lo enjoin
the defendants from Homing logs down tho
Clilppowa river, over which tho tederal gov
iirnni'Mit cIiIiiih Jiirlsilletloti, Danuirrur to
tlio bill brought ttuKMsobiifiiro Judge Drum
uiDiid. who lo tliiv deulded tlmt tlio ii:.vIk:v
lion of tbn Chlnnowa river was free iiiulnr
the enabling nut of congroN admliilug Wis
oiiiihIii mh a itato. Ah to wlielher thernm
p.Mili'H above named may dnm (he river,
voiiitruct booniH, ctu., to too injury or n:ivi
irotlon. tho (ImiIhIoii ih nworveil.
Tlio lloruhl'rt WiKtlilnglon Hjirclal aiKnrt
that Hay ns is without a piny In either
lionm. and iio diulres to liavo It ki. All ox
pre.loiiM madiiln convertistlon by mtinli'o-H
of tho admluUtrallon conllrin this. Tho
prosld'in'N theory In that hohhall oxeoutn
tlio Ihwk, liuttlul Iio will ajsoliitely rerralu
rrnm tlio least ai'empt to itiiiiiofon too ho
tlou ofcoiicrcxHor of any memberon iiuy
Hiibi"oi: that ho will make apnniulmitnts
ami removals whoro the good of I ho public
Mtrvlco nqulresit. lnitieao tlio question oi
continuation absolutely to the eimutu with
out the slightest attempt to Inlliiencn any
body's concliiMniiH. Tlio sumo correspond-
eutttilnks Ilarlin's iiomltiatinn abloval
Iirlhtow.nnd that Blaine, Conkllug and oth
ers aro ehuckllug over what they regard as
Brlstow'N defeat.
Leavenworth, Oct. 17 J. H. Trneker, presi
dent of tho First National Bank of Wychlta,
Kansas, was Hontousod to live years In tho
penitentiary to-day for embesxleuient of
bank funds. Wright, boon keeper, convict
ed of fraiolulont alterations, Is notjeteen
tonoed. Kldrldgo, cashier, has had a trial
and tho Jury aro now out. Trasker, beforo
he wassentencod, made a full confession of
uullt, saying Ills trouble! wero caused by
flnanolalombarraeHmonts In 1872.
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 10-A meeting of
friends of tho admlnlttratlon was hold at
Tweodale hall this evonlng and was largely
attended. Henry II. Martin presided;
Matthew Hale. Bradford It. Wood and
Henry H.Umlth made addresses. Itesolu.
llniiM u-nrn adontod annrovlnit Haves' civil
service and reform policies and denouncing
tho action or the llochostor convention.
Cincinnati. Out. 10-Tho Commercial's ro
turns from ail but threo counties which In
1870 gavo Hayes -1,213 net majority, show
the following ilgures: Bishop, 2rtl,10t
WeHt,2l'-',07tli Bond. 1.SI8; Thompaon, l.W'Jj
Bishop over West, 3S.12.'.
Chleai'o.Oot. 10--Tlio Times' Washington
special sayu: Tho senate elections eommittte
tonight egrced tn summon Kptdlord and
Kellnvg to appear before the committee next
Davis' remarks, made to day in rather a
bush ful way and In a low conversational
tone, rather MirprUetl the Democrats, who
expected he would go witli them on all polit
ical questions. He pleaded entire lunnrauru
of the Hnstls cine. Thero is $25,000 hack
pnyand mileage duo with the eeat whloli
Hindis claims. . , , , , ,
New Orloins, Oct. IO-Plnchbaok has
written Mitchell, chairman nrthosonateelio
tlon oommltteo, ronewlng his idainis to the
Minatnrsbln.uud culling attention to hit ore
ileutlaU ol January i:i. 187.1, duly prtxeutid
tiyHoimtor West nd reterred, but never
acted on. He fays .Senator Morton, early
lui-t t-osklon, promised to luvosHgato the
matter. These credent!) are valid as IUomi
ii I Weht or Kellogg, and should receive imo
ful coiihlderatlon.
Chicago, Ool. 18 Tho Inter Oiohii'h Wrsh
Ington epoclil mhh tho war department I in
a quandary concerning tlio diioOtlon to lis
msdeofthe Nz Ponies. .They will bnqu v
lered somewheru nesr civiliztlon, under
guard, this winter, snd lit tho spring bo din
posed of permanently.
There h no possibility of a short extra see
slon . There are claims and contests enough
beloro the senate already to occupy It until
It .-.l...- ..n.l a llnnA txt I k 1 1 1 1. tff ll. fftrlll.
eofiiluir. Nearly every western member has
a bill lor repeal or me resumption act uuu i
- -'."' r - .t - . . i
for the remonetlsatlon of the silver dollar.
I,ouUlananu hero oxprosn thomsolvps ai dls
cnuraced ovor tho condition of SpolTord and
Ktistls' cases, thoir only hope bolng now to
prnvontthn seating of Kellogg, whoso ad
mission would reawaken tlio whoIoLoulsana
trouble, as Packard will then tost tho legali
ty of his title lo tho KuhomatorlAl honors in
tho courts. The president declines to uso
ills Inlluonoo in tho ois3, leaving tho wholo
to tho t-onato.
Washington, Oct. 17. Tho President has
sent the nomlustlon of llailan as Associate
Justice of tlio ynpremo Court to tho Sniato.
WnHlilngton.Oot. 17. Among tho Prenl
dont's nouilnatlone to tlio Hennlo msdo to-dav
w;oro tho following miniature: Kdwnrd V.
Noyes Frances Jnmes HtiPi-oll Lowell, Hpaln;
John A Kassou. Austria: Thomas A. Usborn,
Chill: Henry W. Willnrd, Brazil. Minister
resident of tho United HtHto: John L. Ste
yeui", Hwedcn nud Norway; James M. Corn
ier, Uswall: John M. I.hiil-hIbh. Hnvll.
Now Aork.Oct. 17.-A Tluics' Washington
special says the pnwpeol of a short session Is
now considerably brightened. Two weoks.
or llttlo moro, will probably elapse before
adjournment. Demoorats aro not anxious to
uudortako any buwlnoss oxcept that placed
by tho President borore Congress. Besides,
general legislation Is hardly possible with
out reports from the heads of departments,
wbloh will not bo sont in until December.
To attempt legislation on currenoy at this
time would be to forestall the views oftho
President and BeoroUrybf tlio Treasury,
whatever they may b and the message on
that toplo In Deoember would be both ludlo
rous and usoless.
A special from Bitting null commission,
dated Milk rlvor, states that Information
readies thorn that Sitting Bull Is now at Fort
Walsh with 30 warriors, awaiting tho com
missioners. Tho commissioners will proba
bly reach Fort Walsh on the 18th Inst. OK
ting Bull's vlllago Is somo forty miles from
Fort Walsh and comprises threo hundred
and fifty lodges, representing about ono
thousand warriors, somo of whom aro es
caped Nc7. Purees.
St. IjouIs, Oct. 17 About three weeks Hgo
Auditor McGrow oftho postofuco dopartmont
at Washington, doleoted through tho new
system of keeping hccoiiiiIs, inaugurated by
himself, a swindling nporatlon which had
boon going on for several years by or through
connlvauoeofan employe or tho department
named O'Brien, and liy which It was thought
tho demrtuumt had been robbed of 120,000,
F. 11. Lllloy, deputy auditor or tho dopnrt
meut! wan Immediately dU patch ml to this
eltv, where he litis slnco boon engaged with
Chief Hpooliil Agent, F. W. Hohwaunto and
his corps of detectives In working up tlio
case. Tlio peculations woro all iimdj at
paints remote from llilu city In tho wait and
southwest, and Mr. Lllley'a mlMon has
boon no successful that ho left for Washing
ton to night with over (20.000 recovered from
various persons who had bien In collusion
witli O'Brou.
Chicago, Oct. 17. A Washington special
to the times, by iv warm friend or Brlstnw,
Hayn Hitrlan'o appointment would bo dis
graceful as It would bo tho result of a lying
lutrlguoaud dtshotiOHl betrayal nru friend
who hasuomr linen ii(jlit but tlio kindest
man to General Idtrlan, Tho correspondent
then alleges that Harlan Iiiih given tlio Pros
Idont In understand tlnoimli friends that
BrlKtow would not accept tho position him
xoir but personally dastrod hlx, Ilarlin's
appolutmeut. By these reproKentatlou Brls
tow has ben grossly botin.ved but Ims been
prevented by pride from uiivelllui; lliirlun'rt
Nt. Louis, O.H. IS, A spoolnl from Mexico
(Mu.) hivh: .latum Berry, IMelllo It. it. rob
tier, dti'd hern to-dsy fnmi wotiuds In Hinted
by Mherlir Gliissimrlc In the attempt to arrest
htm, Hoconfdsand ho helpod rob tin ex
ureNMorat Big .Spring-", nud said tliHt Col
lins who was killed In Kaimis, plaunod tho
rolibsry, uud that the tinmen of the others
werooorreotaf known by tho otfproaa otnu
pny. Liudon, Oct. 17. According lo a HuHihii
olllel'il linllmlii Mukhlar Piislia wasdrcls
Ivn'y i!ofe!ed Monday and the Turkish
army utterly dMtrovu.l as a lighting body.
On Sunday, Lint Itussliu division turned
Muklitxr's right, hiiiI nil Moiulny General
Heytuaun, with lil.OM Infantry, currltnl Olgi
Tepn, tliu key of the Turkleh position, by
HH-niilt, cutting the TurklMh army In two.
Tho cenler snd loft w (maunder Mukhtar him
self, retreated npn ICars, and sutubodnd lu
training Dm cover of the rortllkutlotiv, after a
fearful rout, durlnj; whieli tho Turks lostn
great number In killed and wounded, mvoral
ihoiiHiiiid prltoners and four guns. Throo
divisions, coiiHtltutliig tho Turkloh right,
had meautlmnlieeii surrounded ami atlacked
and driven from their fortified camp with a
great lost. Finally at H o'clock, Monday
night, u remnant of Mukhtar's army sur
rendered with aJpinis and a great qumitlty
nfmaterlal, Ainuug tho persons captured
are seven pashas. Mukhtar Pasha Is In Kars.
Tho Itusslau loss Is stated to bo relatively
Llftis, Out. 10 Tlio itusslans moved on
Kara yesterday. Hlogo material lef. Alexau
driboplo lor Kars, Ismaol Paeha'aarmy
retreated Into Turkish territory followed by
Dun. LorKukasNolf. Tho Itiisslau uarrlaon
of Ardaham and tho Itlon corps have been
ordered to oo-opeiato in the general ad-
Agram, Oct. 10 Tho Hungarian govern
ment has ordered the stoppaue of the relief
hlthorio granted to ablo-bodlrd Bosutan fnul-
tlvos, Great distress and mortality prtvail
among them,
Vienna, Oat. 10 It is announced from
Varna that l'rlnoo Hassan threatens tn with
draw the Myptlaus In comeiiieiieo of their
Igiiomlulnus relegation to uarrlsons.
It Is cakuIsKd Dial within lLo lust II vo or
Ix weeks the. Hioeluim In AIh received
about IQ 000 fresh troops. The Turkish lorce
opposed lo Idem on Monday wasr-stliuated
at about 30,00) men, which Is probjuly cor
rect. THIN, Oct. 10 A column has Iicm.ii sent
southward to keep tl o road from Kars in
Ki.ernum. Largo reinforcements It-fi last
nUhtto nln Mukhtar Paslm. It I nlo stated
that reinforcements started from Bi'oum,
Forty Turkish holdlorn dmnrttil Oiman
Paslia's oamp to-day and iKolara theru wsh
in little food at I'lovmi tlmt the men only
got bread on co In Iwontj.fiiur hours. Thero
were I HO, W0 nil u In Plnviu who could only
be made to surrender bv li.ingor.
Loudon, O -t, 17 A Vleiiiii correspondent
states that Oro.ve duiiuuds that I lie Greulau
I' ig Hhnll bo liinnilly Msluted mi the oiliidel
at LitKd.irs, -is am mill lor tlm recent at
tack ou Iho Greek tKiosiiMto. Tlio portoob
Jk'Ih to this Ixicaiisoof tliotx'fl enieni whieli
Ktioh n Nitliito would cun-o niiiong tint 'I'm It
lib popu hit Ion, In f-pltn of this noapprii.
hotisiou N outer iIiwkI of tin lui'iimlUlo col.
IImIoo which, as In Servla's caa, drpeuds
upon events at the unit of war.
Ou ThuraiNv tho Iron wo'lcin in tint
Clyiloship huildiim yards donaii(bd In
crfUeof wairwi, Matois luvo res )l veil on
a lockout which will Involve 2 (KM iii.ii
liuulMrou, Out. 17 Tho b'liiiliardment of
Plevna lias reoommHiiued at ing llm wholo
line and decisive action Is imiiilneiit. Bus
elan advices rcirt large mimbers of Turks
(It-Kdrilng from Plevna, It is Waled that Oi
nun Pasha'e commiinicatlous with BnphU
liavo been out Niiluiiiisn Pasha h concen
trating all bla furoes at Kadijul,
I s
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