Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 26, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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i )
I K.
tilfanufcU Swrnur.
rtrauKHBits axd i-norotxTons.
H. A. CliAIlKK. I. W. UUAIO.
Term of Ntibnerlptlon.
Ono eopy, ono year (53 numbers)
t)nucopy, six months (2fl numbers)
Ono coot, thri'o months 08 rmnvhws.) .....
... l.'iS
... .If,
bAliEM, Fill DAY, OCT. 20, i77.
Waldo IIii.i-h, Oct. JH 1877.
Tho present v. uok BlPinli xnoh Ixnutilul
wcathor that w may hhv the Fulr wnb
ono week too soon. It In, howovpr a illfJlctilt
mattor to sctttlo tho qtiwitlon, as to what tlino
1 .1.- --ll I.. l,tt In Iwilll tllllSlnt1 I-Hlf. I lilt
in iuu inn ib utmw - ,r ,oii.
equinoctial utorm varif.s from tho 13"'
Hont. up to tuo juiu oi w.-w "" -u , vt;
cuplod about ono month, and cloel out with
tho last days of tho Fair. It would ho Jinnl
towllmatowkatlhlH Ulalo Pair might havo
boon.lfcloar woathor had pro vailed for a
week beforo nnd durltfRthe conllnuanco of
tho Fair. Many thousand of persons were
provontod outrlKbt from attondlnc tliol-ar
And a Rretat amount or filpek and valua h
articles did not arrive, on Iho Rrodnila In tlino
for rcaular ontrlos lu tho novnrnl classem and
.llvlMutm ortbo Hoclflty. And lu i many mw
thoro could not bo that rloso ecralny and
esamlnaUonor article, whlob mRblha,vo
be-on iincciHary to mako Judicium awardy.
Thn oniccmand hiiporlntPndonlH nnd award
InB oon.mlttroH.dl.l all llify ootid to iiic o
out lo nil. trlct JtiHtlci and fair piny. hrrora
ZyimbctnJcoinmlttt.d. To rr Ik hn-
IllllU, Olfl. KITA1.
Tho rollowlnc proceeding wero had at tho
(Jlrcnlt Court for' Marlon county, on Thurn-
monFordvH 0 W febawj verdict for
. . .... Slid I
' State vH II HaHjdlHmlMed on tho motion
of tho DMrlct Attornoy. ,' (i,mn
JITbotnp"on vhOoo K Hholl; juumpn.
paid and nalo by Hhorltl annul'Hl.
P cjaihorlne Kagon tb Patrick Kagem; divorce
B8UtaTaJeaio Applegato; aa!o of land by
HhertVr not confirmed and mho dlamuuod lor
want of prosecution.
Jjoard of Hohool Ind Oommiwlonoro v
THUIckey: decreo or forooloauro cranteU.
"...n or Hohool I-and OoinmbHlonorj v
Itolinrl 1 old; decroo of JorwloHuro Rrantod.
Stnto ' m Frank Oormani arranKed and ploa
of not i iilltyoutorml. , , ,
HlatoUuoono HarrlnKt Nontencod to ono
vear In ihc I'onltontlary.
y HW lo " Oorvala lUynondi Indicted for
iw. Jult upon Kato White with Intent o kill.
ArnlKi.id and ploa of guilty onterod. Or
durvd v appuar for sentence Oatoboraotb.at
U o'c!ocl: A. tt.
IIOWKIJ. l'HAHtlK, Oct. IP, IS"7.
.. - . I... Inn rurilllll BH lO 1110
eond II , "o ft VdBrain'Vhi, fall. Wheat
and oala "hat havo awollaj! or .rou Id n
the leant should not bo aown. 0 """J
havo rcHulted to how,; of dofte l;e cod
cram. Itnasooon iui "" ; ,i
bouvlU bM roaultod from onBriRlntc !
brain from ono firm to nnother. Indeod,
H.r.a!I!,v"' ".i- .hxnh tin nhanired bo bh
notloHOWonthQWUiolund moto than two
"wo!" JTOlenlaii. M bo
rich rlvar bottom ioll. yet ibojIcUw
down to thirty bUHbein pr acre, fromonn
hundred and Wen tho Ural two yuara. It
iHlo mhoiaulthatuniatcaro will bo oxer
Swlthlairanoii In tho ijolacltor i ol awd
Kraln, and lu hucIi as nhnllbonoM ror lor-
""huoU F-ll Known o havoiiow.la ouroui.
UKlnKtoiillftrinerHiind .took men. Web
foot U tho country yet.
Wluandlft Bottlo.
Mohuh. Weatherrord A- Co., of Oil city,
havo perfected arrangements with a tlrin
l'hlldelphla for tho mnuf.cturo of bollli In
whlrli lo pul up iholr rolohratod prop.irrttlon,
"wKandia." Tho tlrnl lot was received In
thJlratorooii WlmUy. , Ty havo tho
word "VVlRaiidla" aunkon In two aldiw mid
a monoKraiii of W.utherford k Co., Halem,
OreK , on tho front, which li really a noat
iiiVninlutterltiK. On I ho reero hIiIo Ua
ank Scoef!.rKth. label. ' WlMnd ,'''
Juilly oiuibraledcoiiRli iiilaliiwpl tl li llrn ,
inada from our own mountain halm la at-
uteHlby hundmda, who havo used It, to bo
tho boat voukIi and raid remoJy ovor Inlnj.
duowi In OreRon. IVrum auinirhiK with
MdVahouldiiunt a bottle of It immediately.
Inoreaaa or Crime.
TboOratulJury, ul tho pmsfnt termor
oourtherohaa bad an uniwiul amount of
batlncKi bt.roro them. About a doaen men
arolnJlUndaveraUr;.out on ball. Now
"mom liro precnted, and It Im doub fill ir all
thoeaiMNi can bo paadiipon thaniihlawcrk.
Tho court will iiillourn on to-morrow oven.
Inir.uaJudRoHolNO holds raurt at Albany
next week. UurKlary, larceny, and other
unlawful actM aro becoming, alas, too com.
urn In our mldat. And Yt tho law wero
fully unforced aKaltiHt all hiwcIiw of Ram
blliiR. whUky hmIUiir without llcenio, unit
rowdyUin Rrowlni: out of tho tralllo, ca-.es
would multiply ad tntlultum.
Preiulnm BUnUetn.
Tho Statu F.tlr In no doubt a ROnd Inlnii
aayn tho OrrRonlan and tint iimimRHiient
worthy or ooiumeudallou for tho liberal pro
inlauiN which tlu-y otrer to enraurnuo homo
inanuUeture", butthohocl'ty i-hould adopt
homo mpAiis to protect Itwlf iroiu imposition
of thoko who aeein never Atllled witli tlio
HtK-ral premiums they receive when their
nrllolMHarollrht exhibited. It U iMaltlvely
iunerttsl that ono jalrof homo made blanl;otu
linvoiM'en exhibited nnd orn tho blue rib
Uin annually for tho lvt eleven year, never
havlnx been usud for any other purpose. A
MTlety brand would Mop that kinder work
and bo an Inducement Mr others to eouie In
competition with aoino prOHiwotof nuinxwf",
H awinstliat tho av or thnHtaUinr Oregon
va UreucoUall forlorRKry, wiisdiMnUM-d
voftfrday, at tho if ymM of tho 1'roM-cullni;
Attorney. It I presume.! that the age and
Ignoranraor the tniy m U tho crime, and In
regurd to tils klndroJ ami Irlend-i, and tho
amount or the roweiy bolug but Uvo dollar,
nwroy leaned toward him. It l to b hoped
that h will take warulmr. hereftr aud learn
that "honetyJstliw htt ivillcy.'
Haaa Scalded.
A little child or Win. Ulatl'a In thlaclty,
. .... U....I.. Ii.ll.. i..mIi1ai4 Ua.tAhl.V.
irot one in iw iiami uii; wniN-.m-i-v-lla
mother had luat taken a pvt or boana otf
oriuo ttroanu piaoeti hoh mo iimir in""i
utovet tho little young-dor, who U Juatblg
.....I. a 1. nidiMIiinnta ili)k tnVtlWWlll1ir
around tho i4ovo and undlngtbe not.Udrovo
It liana into tuo uuov uuuiuk u
i.i.. . ivimiilal.lv .-.-uikiwl nil llallUlollind
.n,t wtu tin imnv da) a U'foro It will b of
Report or Oracd Jury for October term ot
Circuit Court for Marlon county for the year
1877 .. .
Orand Juror?, with Mr. J. M. Uarrlaon an
foreman visited tho Clork'n offlco, and found
It lu good ordor, clean and neat, ana an ap
rinitnit. i.inirn'u ndtpn rlPHti Htid carefully
kopt, and a Runoral appearance of order uud
neatness throughout tne wholo bulldiog.
Tho sou th sldo of tho Court If ouho noar tho
roof, noeds repair to prevent damage from
rain. Iho Penitentiary, K far as we wero
nblo lo fee and learu, Is kept In Rood ordr.
'I he only thine wo -) to rticiet Is thatH'j
many nbl bodied men r.ro Idlo. If employ-men-
coulil ba had for thntii, wh think It
would b better for tho oflicers, the State nnd
tbo prIonorH. Tho City Prison is email and
perhaps InHdequiiUt to the necosslty of tho
city. Tho Capitol Iluildlnjr, la In Rood order
lnnldo; tho outnldo needs protection from tho
elements to prevont damago. Found tho
Poor IIouso and lands proporly kopt
building HubstanlII and properly taken
caroof. John M. Uaiiiimon,
LrsI winter Mr. D. D. Prottyman of Polk
countv. received IntelllneucH that his wife's
Hlstor would loavo Arkansas In tho Spring,
ovorland by wagon, for Oregon. HuppoHing
her to havo atartod but not hearing from hor,
Afr. Prntlvman wroto. SontomborKKb, to tho
Postinabtvr at ClnrkHvlllo for Information
and has Just rocolvod tho following reply:
Your lottorortho 10th nit., concerning
M.,i Unnti.ni!. Ill vfinu u-li nrnH linlltH WJlM Ml
I'll-- n-'.i.-y.iin i'i "..-" -
celvod lnduotlmo. Altor many Inquiries I
liayo Mictfouco in imuini; oiii mm "i'i ii.u
i..m t1ttiir.lit.ifii ami itntii ntartnil for Orecotl
ou or about tho 16th or April In Company
with Itov. Jeifo Marshall and others. It has
been reporteU horn mat Minister nas iiBiaiion
tho party, but nothing definite ctn bo heard.
i'.i uui;i..ii. j. i-i.
Mr. Prottyman Is of course anxious to
hoar farther newa nnd any Intelligence relat
ing to his alslor In-law or of any membor of
Iho llov. Jeso Mnrshall'H party will bo
gladly recolvcd by him at tho Salem P. O.
Other papers pleaso copy.
Saturday last Mr. Frank M. Bowloy re
ceived ono or thoso aurprlsos that don't bap
jKiii every day In this wicked world, and ono
that dooH our heart good to record. About
five years ago Frank signed a note as en
dorser for a particular friend of his who was
starting In buslncca In Hast Portland. Mis
fortune overtook tho business affairs of the
IS-tst Portland mechanic, and when tho nolo
matured Frank waa called upon lo pay It. It
oost him $320, a goodly sum that Frank had
Kcraned togothor by bard work, but ho paid
It without growling nnd charged It to "ox
porlenoo Bccount." Frank's friend droppod
ant oi hIruI and for fctir long yearn never n
word from him until lait Saturday when
Cal.Bcovlllo, or Well, Fargo fe Co.,drovo
up and got Frank's receipt for a packago
"ontalnlng J7&0, and a noto from ills irioiui,
tlatod at Philadelphia, Pa., stating that tho
balancn would be forth. coining at an early
(lay, Frank couiulorM that money aa "good
tU found ,
Tho Tellurium Mlaei.
Mr. I. N. Munoy, of Canyonvlllo, Doug,
las oounly, has boon In tho city during tho
wast weok for tho purposo of Interesting cap
ital to aid In the development of the aavoral
riort'lfuROS oi ma leiiuriuiu h"""' miun
Company. Theco mines aro only about two
...i .. i.nii ...IKiu ivmn fan-nn vllln. and urn
nilU II linil iiiimn .ii... Bf w-. . -, ... ....
Mid tobo or urest richness nnd extent. Thoro
aro six won ueunou iouo-. nptcimaiiH in
which have been Hswiyod nnd found to yield
i.. l....r..nlil ttllfi.i- .ml niinnAr. HnvAriil
hliafts havo been aunk, ono to tho depth or
! v..ur t iiriiHRiii iiin-fi in tnaiivci iiiiui
aro eiiKBgrd day and night In working theno
mines, and already ono hundred tons of Iho
rock havo been jsot out. The fur unco has
been completed and will aeon bo In working
That Enrturjunldi.
Under dato or October 11th, Mr. It. V.
Short, of Hooii'h Ferry, hhihIs us iho follow,
lug, "I thought I would Mind you a little
nolo of tho earthqiisko yestarduy. At ti
o'clock 1 wnt plcklmr npplt'rt at my house, I
Ileum i iioiko rowiuuuuu; un. m "in
i. ..li. il... r..lll.i. 1-Iiaii (lin trfiAM nnil hnllHnM
lllllllllllh II.IIIHI. ..--. " ."v ""'- -..."-.--
aliook ho as to shake tho apples o.r.audtho
plasterlug out of Iho chimney. In T. A.
fre-eloy'a Held It shook abeaves of oats down
ami nearly hiiook unwn mu ii-ut-en. uu m
cullarltv about the hhock or concussion at
mypUco was, It did not etrect tho water In
thorUer. I havo not beon able to find any
effect of tho shook In the ground yot.
Hont Stolen.
I.at week, while Mr. U 0. Koyt, who re
sides at Perrydale, whh attending tho State
Fair, two men he had left at work on tho
farm In bin abseuoo, stole two of bis bost
horses and decamped. Mr. K. had been
t .I.... iv... i.imiu ni Itmin fnr nnnrlv n otaaLt
and only auccoedod in tludlmr nny clue to
tllO direction ISKOII la-il -unei-uijr, wnt-n
ho went to Dallas and got out warrants for
them nnd again started lu pun-tilt. They
weroHeen near Dallas by Mr. Hubbard. Mr.
Koyt has Kf it unforlui.ato In losing horses.
Ono ot hlsaulmsls wa-t rode off last rail, but
recovered It aft era IirloMt unt.
Truo n Goipel.
Tho I.atighorno, Pa., Heacon pointedly
Rahi "Wore ft man logo ton bank and get
a llltlo HfiMiiiiiiodrttl.in for Instance, n
fottplti or hundred dollars for thirty days
ho woulil havo to pay h dollar or two for it.
Welti ho to object to piylng on the plea that
It cost the bank nothing to lend him money,
and that tho ourtoncv woald probably le
Idlo iinv way If ho didn't tako it, ho would
Imi-et down as a fool, without ceremony.
Yet, KlinllarolJuotloiiHaro niniln by heiit-lblo
praplo w hen a newnpaper asks pay for little
orv Ices rendered,"
Ofilcors Elrotwl.
Union Iidn" No. ldl.I. O. O. T., at Tur
ner's Station on the '.'Oth lust., elected tho
follnwlnu ottlo.Ms fr thoent-ulng term, vls.s
11 i:. MclClunay.W. 0. T: Perullla Hlelu,
W, V. T.; O. K. Plaits, W. S.s Jinwph Miller,
V. F.S,; Alma Klches, W. T.: Fones Wll
bur. W,i K'slo P.lches. W, M.j John McKln
nev.W. 1.0.5 W. A. Howell, W. O.Q.,aud
Johu SvrtttUur, P. W. C.T.
"Wfelt-Hu.il Mine.
The nianager-iofthU corporation met In
Portland a few day alncx and contracted
with Measra. Kaudolph ttll3deckerto com
plete the tunnel already commenced, their
contract to oloaa whenever they aulke the
,i.in lAilim. and aa soon aa this la accomplish
ed partlea will bo aont in to lake out a ton of
rock, wblon win cx orounni io i-oruanu to
unuargo too prop-" n iiiiiriiinuu.
A Large Fllley.
Mr. John Humphrey who Uvea In theOeer
nelKbborhootl about 12 miles K-tt or the
city, weighed his lien Koy dllyou Litchfield
A Manning'. cle this mornlnn-. The ani
mal llfte-1 the beam at 1 ,210 pound,
olo prevailed throughout found SJierlU 'h
nHtrvi In nrflnr Inll nnnnretltlV Well Kept:
The Now York Tribune lins tho follow
lowlng remarks Hint Bliould bo regarded
na rather suggestive toOregonlans, as we
nro situated at the gates of tho Orient:
"Japan Is one of the natural markets for
the products niid wares of tho United
Stutcs. Of tho civilized Industrial no
tions of tho world the United States Is
the nearest. She Is only 0,000 miles dis
tant, while Knelmid is 12W and other
ttidtiftrlul Kuro)icati countries aro from
9,000 to 11,000. The United States lias .the
ml vantage also of two linen of otenmers to
Jnar,M Mint there Is no bnr to trade for
lack of direct steam transportation, ns
thero is In the caio of South America.
Nevertheless, look at tho position of the
United StnttB In the trade of the Empire.
Of tins exports of Japan wo tako only
seventeen per ccnt.,and of her imports wo
furnish oniy four per cent. England,
0,000 miles further away, takes thlrty
Hvo per cent, of tlio imports. England
havo scrutinized tlio market of Japan
closely, and have sunt there tho things
thut can bo sold. They havo mado
thorough nnd sustained eil'ort to capture
tho market ami havo sticceedei!. The
Americans In their free and easy style,
are waiting lor me jiipaneev i .-wnn,-hero
as buyers. They will never come.
Ami that is not the way a trade is so
The Assoclllon met at tho usual place
Contral Kchool bulldlng-at 1:40 p. m. nnd
was called to order by tho President, Miss
MatlloL. Powell. , , .
Roll oall, Miss D'Aroy was lardy. The
Secretary nothavlnir tho minutes of Iho pre
vIour mooting In his possession, they woro
not read. . .....
Mr. ltandlo appointed oHpfolal critic.
Undor tho bend or Oenoral Uualnoss, Miss
Curl Inquired It pupils coul.1 go from ono
Rohool In tho city to tbo othor at their pleas
ure It was thou glit thoy could not. Some
discussion was had In regard to dropping
nesllgent scholars a grade In their studios.
Tho regular dlaouslon or the subject
spelling was openod by Miss Warrlner of
South Salem school. Sho loaches spelling to
beglnnora from charts and black-board
oxerotsea. ,
Mr. Randlo, of North Salem sohool. fol
lowed. Thinks each word In tho spol ing
lesson should bo placed In sontonoea by thn
pupils that they may learn tho definition or
caoh word. Children should not bo requlrod
tolumburtholr minds wltlr words that they
do not usa and cannot oomprehond. Tho
reading book should bo need as a spelling
books all difficult words thero should bo
spoiled and defined In nccordanco with tho
regulations of the ocursoof study.
Mlsa Powell followed with vory ablo
paper on this subject. Sho thinks children
should learn to spell words In sontencas
lnstoad of In nornoniiicnlar columns. Pupils
ftuonirJ KnoW how touso a word boforo they
aro required to poll It. Spelling books
should bo prlntod In crlnt, as wo Invariably
apell by sight, and In script. It Is absurd to
require pupils to learn to spell long columns,
or worda that they cannot nso. Spelling
should bo gradi d that studenta may learn
only thoso worda whtoh they uso and under
atand. i i , .
Plillilrnn ahmild be tauclit the moanlntr of
prodxes and roots of words or course not In
alncle grade, but a few In each grade, and by
the tlrao they havo finished thn courso of
study, most of them will bo ablo, by this
moans, to doflno nearly every word In uso.
Spelling should Invariably bo tannht by
writing exoroisni. urni npniiinK riiuuni inn
receive that attention which Is gcnorally
given tn It.
Mrs. Curl koss ovor tho spoiling lw.on
with tho pupils explaining and defining
ovory word, after whloh tho pupils study
ami roolto It. Uses tho milling book, giving
dictation lessons from It dally. Thinks writ
ten spelling should bo mod almost oxolu-
Miss Taylor thinks tho written nad oral
exercises should go Ingothor. Tenches tho
mcanlnirof sutuxos. In oral spolllnir re
quires tho pupil tnpronouuentho word dis
tinctly boforo spoiling It, that ho may learn
tho correct pronunciation or worda aa well as
orthography. In writing, each word Miould
ho divided Into aylsblo. that tho pupil may
learn to proporly syllabify. ...
MesuH. Sleeves and Gregg joined in tho
General discussion.
Hendlm: was selected for discussion at tho
next meeting and Mrs. L, O. Adair, of to
Central sohool appointed leador.
Mr. Handle, the critic, mado somo valua.
bio suRgestlons, Somo gonoral criticism fol
lowed. . . ,
On motion adjourned to '.moot at tho usua
line and plaoo.
All friends of thosobools nro cordially In
vited to attend the meetings or tho ossosla
tlou. T.J. Onvno.
Pnlafnl Accident.
Mr. P. J. Newburg met with n painful ac
cident at the Capital Lumbering mills yes
terday morning. Ilo was working the edgor,
when lu lifting aboard and In tho act or
tnrniiiirnroiitid. he mado n misstep. dUlocn-
tlng his right loir at iho knee Joint, IIowbs,
convoyed to tho olllcii or Doctors Hall tV
Hevnolds, who proceeded to reset tho Joint,
and at thn present writing ho Is renting us
comfortably as could lie expected. Mr. New.
burg crttno to this city Inst Monday, for tho
tlrat tlino and went to work for tho Capital
Lumbering Company yesterday morning.
Wo understand ho Is entirely out of means,
nnd has a family In Portland, eovoral of
whom aro sick at tho present time, nnd who
are depeudent upon tho husband and fathor
for support. Here U certainly an opportu
nlty for Christian ehar-lty to bestow Its Rifts
and lalxir upon a worthy object. Who will
be the first to speakT-Yestorday's Mercury.
Soar Steak.
Frauk M. Rowley, at LiFore's market on
CotMiuerolal streot Is cutting upbear sreak
this dato for hU numerous customers and this
U whero his bearahlp came from. For a
number of davapiwt the grangers In the vl
olnlty or Mr. Iwls Savago'a form have hut
a number ot sheep by the nocturnal visits ot
this Mr. Ilrtiln. Yesterday afternoon Mr.
Savage had lime to attend to Ms bearahlp
and cm mo to town for Hilly Andersou and
hi dogs. The bear was started in Mr. Sav
age's pasture, and within five minute he
waa up a tree. Two or threo well directed
hots brought him down, when he waa dis
patched and brought to town.
Set far Trial.
On Taeaday UsU in tha United Stat-M dis
trict court, JutUe Dady fixed the time fir
the trial of W. 11. N. Styles, now under In
illotmentforprjury,on theSUt of Novem
ber. Thn time for lbs trial or Win. 11. Illgby
Indicted for aubordtoaUou of perjury, ia en
tua 23 of the eatne month.
Notice or tluardlan's Halo or Ileal KsUlc.
Notko Is h.rebr rItcii tbatpanasnt to an order of
nT,i. rvwirt ol th comity of Marlon In tho btate of
Oretron. mdo at tho Octobor term thercor 187T. I will
offer for "ale it public auction on tho loth dar of Nov
ember, 18T!. atono o'clock tn thofmcinoon ofMlddar,
at the Court Hou door In the c ty or Salem. I; airt
SnnSflhi. real Mtate of Kdward Don ot and Alfred
Doallfot, minor lielMot Atnta Don Hot, dcccatcd
No. lftl!. runnlne thence Eaetuny a odr mo une oi
ui,l rlnlm. imuhIh tbonce north to tho north II n of
Mid tUlm of Johu i; I'nujaac: merc
43 rain V. to the NorthweM cornarof mIi! clthn;
.!....... a.,n, li r.n rl..ln- ilii-nrii at tl.ES chnlnN,
Ibunco South tn tho plicuol hrirlnnlnir contilnliw I'M
.r.n.in...iirVu. Al-o (i ccrwln tract of Mtid. bolii!?
tho North halfof the llonatlou 1-iuil clnlm oi .tiiliii Mc
Kny an't wlfd to ue cl ilm No 4'l, nad tielldritlon No.
K73,lnT BN It. 1 V orthoWIIUmettoinerrilUn. con
tftliiliitf Mi ncru of land nioro or hn" In lheliolo
claim. A 1 eltunto In Marlon county, Oregon. Xc-rnn
of falo cah in hau!. cold coln 0LUVAN
Qasrdlan of tali tnluur holr..
OcMS, IrfTI. w .
Administrator's Sale.
N'otlco la hereby Riven thut pur-unit to an order of
inullonoraniououniyonrioiinuciuniy in jinri'ni in
tho Btato of Oregon, mado at lu October teim, 1H77. 1
will offer for tale at public auction ot Hnturday.thu
llltli oay orNovcmber, 1S7T. at ono o'clock In llicaltcr
noon of raid day, at thoci-nrt bou'cdcior In the city of
bak-m, In ealil com ty. tho real eslnlu belonging to iho
etale of A. V. Waller. deceaHrd.ilefcrlbcdnB follow,
towll: A part of lioi atlnn clilm No. 4C. Notification
No. 77. lu T. 7 B. h. 3 W. of Willamette meridian,
bounded bv hcgloulntr on ti o rnuthlluuof tho county
road liaddii: easterly from tho iat end of Sialo
i-trcet. In Halem. niton county Otccon, at a po M
S.TOileif. CO rrln. K. I'.'.WI cknlno friim whcrnlhc
pouth lino nfunld county nail liusiaocla tho Went
hniindiirv of the llunatlon J.nrd I'hnu of A, K. Wal
ler and Klfplm Waller hit wife, mm rnnnlnft theiitu
S. Ill dec 8)mln. V. S.1 rlinliii, n utoorli'fc to Inter
net a due uupt and w erl line d vlrtlnn .aid clMni Into
tuocqiul parli-! thencutai-t I. 'I i'lchil mnurcnr lesn
to tutiri-rct tho iaii-rn boundary lino of nci-rtaln
tract or land ilet-dril by A. 1'. Wa ler urn! Klephn
Waller bin ulte, to apMicI U. Wnller. by deid
datid the 2 Jlli dty of January. JStt), and record
ed In Marlon comity record Hook nf Dccd-i. To'unio
No. 4, on pu-0 331; tbenco N. lOdii; rimln. U.
along paid lai-t meiulonul line, about aiW chalna to
the wnitti lino ol paid county road, thinco N,7'Jd'
:nimln, W. ulocBIhe pouth Imeiif i-aIiI county mad to
tho place ot beginning, and all altnate In. Mutton
comity, Orccon.
TKItMH OK 8AI.K-Odu third cath In hand, ono
third In plx month, and tho I alanco In one yiar from
the data of aalc, all In cold coin.
octl3wt AdmlnUtratorof raid potato.
Administrator's Bale.
Notice la hereby clvrn that, puiruant to an order of
tlio honorablo Cnnnty Court of Marlon ce unty, tn tlio
Stato nf Oregon, iiiado at It October term, 1877. I
will offer for rale at public auction on HaUrday, tho
10th day of November lK7,at ono o'clock Initio ar
te noon of paid day. at tho courMioaea door In tho
city of Halem. In raid Marlon conntv, tho real ertato
belonplni; to tbo ertato of James KIcKey. dcccatcd, do
rcnbcU aa fol'nwa to wit: A part of tho Donation Land
Claim of raid Jamca ltlckey and wife, In T. 7 8. It. 3
W and In T H H H.8W: Dfclnnlnn at tho H. W.
corner of Claim 1(1, and tlio 8, K, corner (f Claim C2,
InTBH. It 2 W, and runnlne thfncoN.Odcp. ISmln.
W. 4, 60 chain: thence N. 40detr. aimln. ., 30 SO
chain; thinco N. 4 drg. 15 inln. W, 1.43 chain;
thinco N. 40 dee. Mtnlu. B, SS.12 chain: thinco N.
71 dc? 00 min. K 6.W chain; thenco N. B dec. 30
mln. W AM chalnr; thenro N. 43 dec 90 mln. K. 3.M)
chain; thenco rarterly to Inti-rrect tho routh lino nf
raid Claim 81, at a point 8. 49 dcp. 63 mln. K. 0.0J
chain from an angle In raid routh lino of raid claim
HI; thenco 8 4lder. S3 mln. W. 83.nn chains to tho
piaco ofJwclnnlnc, contalnlnR aboat 30 acre, and all
eltnato fri Marlon county. Orrunn.
TKItMS Or aALK-UoW coin In band.
octllwt Admlnlrtratorof laid citato.
In thn nutter of the Ouardlamhlp of KJward Doa
lllot and Altrcd DonlUot, minor hiln or AUKurtua
Doulllot, deceased.
NOW. ou tbl day. Heptcmbor 4. A. D. 1S77, enmo
V. O, Hut.i.iYAN, nutt'Ulan of raid minor heir,
and prvrentcd hi petition praylnc for an order to rull
tho real ertato of raid inlnoi In Marlon county, Or
egon, dercrlbfd In hi aald petition, and It appearing
to tho ratlifactlon of tho. Coatt that It la neccrrary
and for iho bert Interert of tho raid minora that tho
m'iI real ertato thnuld b fold. I; 1 hereby ordered
and decreed that the next of kin ol paid ward, and
all pcrroiiH inicrrrua in ra-ii o'i!, appear netoro
meat tlio Court llouo In thu city of Halem. In Marlon
coatity. Ort-con, on tho Cth day ofOctober, 1877, at tho
hour of S o'clock p. in., -audi h'tweaure. If kny they
have, why alleenrorhoul'l not bncranttd for tnuralo
of raid rrtale. Servlre uf I hi ordi-r rhall bo mado by
publication In tho Wilimp.ttu Kaikkii fnr th re
week rnccerie)y belom paid Ctn day of October,
County Judgo, Marlon Co., Omkn.
Hilem. Bent. 4 1S77.. roua
In tho nutter of tho Onardlantblp of Deo Wilght,
Orr WrliPhl. and Kiln Wilght, minor beln) of Jo
reph A. Wright, diceared.
TWOW, on lhl tlxth fay of September. A. D. 1877,
J.1 caino K C. Itamrby, cuardlaii of raid minor
hclrr. and presented blr petition praying for an order
tore)) the rial crtate of raid minora In Clackamar
county. Oregon, described In hla raid petlllou, and It
appearing tu tho Mtlrfavtlon of tbo court that It la
uecc a y nnd for thu btrt Interert of the raid minora
that tho raid real trlatorhonld bo void, It la hereby
ordered -nut decreed lhat tho next of kin of raid
ward nnd all perronr Inure rled In raid ertate appcr
bi-furo me, at tho court-hnuro in iho dty of Halem, In
Marlon county, Oregon, on thu 13th day ofOctober,
A. 1). lM77,at tho hour of It o'clock n. m , and ebow
dure, If any they have, why a llcenio rhould not be
granted for tbo ralo of raid crtate. tiervlce of Ibla
order rhall bo mado by publication lu the Willam
ktti: Pi it m Kit for three ruccerahu v.'ceki prior to tho
13th day of Uc.obor, A. D. 1-77.
re!4wn Connly Judge of Marlon county. Oregon.
Notioo of Final Settlement.
In tho County Court of the State of Oregon ror tbo
couuty of Marlon.
Krtato of Ilezeklah C. Dayton, deccarrd.
I' EWH O. DAYTON, admlnlrtrator of raid estate.
J having this day filed his final account, arklig
tint tho romo may bo allowid for rctllemanl; there,
fore, all persons tntererteit aro hereby notified that
ihucotirtha set tho bearing of raid anp'lcallon for
Monday, the fifth day of November 1S77, at tbo court
hnu'o in Halem, tn wild connty, at 11 o'clock a. m. of
raid day. when objtctlon to raid account Of any ex
lrt) III be heard and determined.
JOHN C. PEE1ILBS, County Judge.
Halem Bept 13, 1ST7. &U5
-Cfor the house.
Tin- Aiituiiiu No. ul'Vlck'a Floral iiulde
ccntalulngdr'rlptloii4 of H.iacloths, Tulip. Lilies,
slid all llulbs and hi-etl lor au. 1'mmtiso In tho liar
din.and for Wistkh Kuiviisna In tho llnurcjnit
publirlud, and s'i.t IreJ to all, Addters, (
n3lH4 J A JIUS VICK, Uocbeatcr, V.Y
Capital. $300,000.00
Assets, $568,547.45
Income, 1875, $465,904.29
Losses paid out since organiza-
Uom, . $1,137,367.60
anStt 72 Flrat St.. FOMTliANB.
Said real oilate la douuuto uu """',, ,V, i. V.
. n.ii..in.i. in H W. rorticrtif John 1 . 1 ou
".".v ., L'.."f :;;r;i.rm. n t. b a. u. a w. or
iSi . "Jr....7..MIn K, (no Vlallli No. 41. Notllll
Aeeuta for ttoe Willamette Farmer.
Albany ;l?J&tDa
Amity. HIiHImpi-on
Cottago Grove JHHhortrldge
ltetlvno. Jelf Davis
HnenaVlrta Wm Welle, J W Hobart
Urowuriillo t ....w It Klrk
Iltitteville J Vi Itachekler
Canyon City Dltllhlnehnrt
Canyonvlllo ;.W T Urigga
Coqiillfo City : P Mattesen
Colo's Valley ..W 11 Clarke
Clatsop It J Morrison
Crawfuldaillle Hubert Olarn
Cove 1) r Kttntnll
Corvallfs K WiMNiwnnl
Cn-iucll Hoiih- Knox
Cldrhtuna W A Mills
Ccmp Creek l)Kllat'itiierili-y
Dnllu J I) Iho. D M (Itttlirie
Diuttcr ..8 II ii tni.nl; it
Dialtrs Krciircii .V Utnln
Dmnni..u K I-'otheM
lin ton V, C HadniTtiy
Hlktou A II Halncr
KngetiR..... John McClttng
Pox Valley A 11 llardner
Korcsttlrovo BHngher, W I. Cnrtl
(ohen J llaudrakii-
Oen'als.... ..8 M Gaines
llalscy T J lllack
Harrlibutg Illram Hmllh
HIIIboro A iJielllnc
Ilctincr Morrow & llcrreu
Independence W I, Hodgln
Junction Smith, llrarlleld it Co., W I. Lemon
Tackronvlllo M Peterson
King's Valley Conner A (,'rtrno
Jeffermn John W ltoland
I.cwUvlllo 11 OMcTlmmonds
Lafayette Dr I'opplctntt. A II licnry
Lebanon 8 II Claughton
Monroe Jo Kelrey
McMtnnvlllo JDtotrt. A Held
Monmouth W Waterhnnso
Mill Plain, WT Datid Stump
Needy Wm Mnreland
New Km J Cnato
Kcellvll!o I'V Captleinan
North Vamlilll DOHteuart
Oakland 8 K Kiiyrnnud
Orwego A It Hhlpley
Ott...'. J II Sehroeder
Oregon City J M llncnn
Pcmlleton W A Whitman
I'eorla Dr J II Irvine
Pilot ltock K Oilllain
Portland 9 1 Lee, Agent Slnto (Irango
Ptluesvllle OM Pilngle
Perrydale MrOrrw's More
ltlckrenl VA I'attcrron
Koreburg ThorHmlth
Srlo K I' Jones, Thn Mnnkers
Sllvcrton THIItbbard
flheild's WM Powers, O It Wheeler
Springfield AO Hovcy
Hnbllmtt; John Downing
Sweet Homo Hen Marks
Bhcrldan , ,
Tangent K8 Ilarzco
Tho Dalles 8 L Ilrooka
Turner W M lllllrarr
Vancouver B W llrown
Wlllamrtto Forks M Wllklns
Walla Walla J P Brewer
Waliln ,,,, J O Kldcr
Voncnlln J It Elllron, ItSApplegato
Hides, Furs, & Pelts.
21 Commercial St., SALEM.
Tlio Light-draught Steamer
Will lkavb ricirtc WiiAitr,
Portland, for Salem.
and Intcrmedtato Points,
On jIondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,.
At 0 o'clock A. M.
Tho LlRlitMlrnaglit Steamer
Will make Trips to tho uppor IUvor.
'.. J. HATCH, Qcneral Manager. anl7
For Old and Young.
Far-Sighted and Ncar-Sightcd.
Nliootluc-Utosae for iportumeD.
I AM prepved to supply Hp"etacla to fit all ever, at
prices to rulu V. AV. ITIAItTIN,
Jeweler A OptUlan, JJauk block, Uuto St.
Solcm, May 10, 1876. si
For Sale.
mi f IlltckrmllhBhop. three linnrrs. two bam,
fourjoko oroXBN. Situated on LONC1 TOM, In
Lano county. Tenia lary-half caih. balance ou
time. Tllloood. For fuilbcr particulars, addrei
u?lm8 Clicrhtr, Lano county, Or.
will pay a GOLD PKEMIUM for the
best ten
npiea or rrnlt drkd by
tho "IM.IIITf mtRlt
Pit OOUNN" of Ave pounds each te bo delivered w
mo in Bast I'ortland, In
In time for tbo Oregon State
rair 01 ion.
1st PREMIUM 910. 2d PREMIUM 820.
ad PrewluM fll). 4th Premium S5.
tST- Thero Samples wUl boxhlbltcdt the Pair
marked with owner, name.
BnEEUEn or
rilAKES plearnro In offering to tbo Wool-drawer of '
a. Oregon and the adjolntni; Territories tho chance
topurcharo THOUOUDHUltKD MhltlNOS, am as
suring parties Interested tut they can, and wl' en
deavor to, veil Sheep of tbo same qnallly and va.Ue at
I1IPH l'111'AIM-ll IJATlfrt h... ..... I.'. ..,' Ik,..
im Imported, kxamlnatlon and comparison with oth
er Sheep offered lu tho market are coidially Invited.
w Address JOHN M1NTO,
N. B. The Hams and Item Lambs of tha flock can
bo seen on tho ISLAND KAKM, adjoining Salem.
1 he Kwes can bo sien at the same place, or at the
HILL PA It M foumnda hall miles sooth of tho city.
Salem, September 10, lb75.
Farms and Land tor Sale.
1(10 acres In coltlvat on, good orchard, iltua'edon
the Plearant Hill road, abont !4 miles from Kngene
City. Al'o, about 1-100 arrea of M1XKD LAND,
tome of the best valley and beaver-dam Land In the
county, sut rounded by bill and brush land. Three or
four very good fums (an be mads out of It. Good
place for a colony. Want to sell tho who'e lot togeth
er. This Land Is altnated In Lena eonntr. about It
I- miles from Kuireno City, and six from Crvswell.
jeo Aaaress r. n. uunn, auovjis viiy.
Trait InTCitment GompanT'
mina Companr if preptred to negotiate loans
M. .urn. Irom aauo tu iw,wo
Mini OTr 1HPSO-
axed periods of yeais, or repayable by half -yearly
atAlbaenta. Wot terns, sddit to
BOTltrf First Street roruaad.
ly la- lj
une to It again.
L,wrt-u'',,--'ll,,",,- -r