HTL.2We2j: : WJswwr 'tiMwn-"i(!809Br fc WILLAMETTE FARMER. i -( r, M 1 .t ' n I l 4 T l i u 1 - i m .B y 1 jh-J .t-r 13Y TELEGRAPH. Tbo World'fl Wellington special lys: Tlio forolRn appointment nro virtually et tied ni follows: Uouzuton to Itusflia,nnu Collector Arthur to Holglum. Harlan Will havo tho Mtproino rourt. The Sun 1-as tho following: Tho Rrnln crop this year In tho United ytatcn h n vr l tncrua'o over uny preceding year In tho his tory of tho country. Itriimiutila In two pr'i c!m1 coroiilN, whoat and corn. IoI52j,COO,OGO IiuhIioIhoI the fortnorand l,'.,50,OOOOOOol tin latter, uuerirdliiK to carolul (rtliiiatn ol WiOWfir.Htn Nln'htlclaii ol tho Now York Produco Exchange low llriven, Uol. 15. ThiHOvnninsr the Htoninrr John Mldillotou, mIkIo'-ii days from Glasgow, rtuohed thU pjrt, IiavIiik coiuu (or n loutl of uminuulllori lor tho Turkish kov ornvnont. Tlio utoirner .. 11. Waller lies at the eutraticuof tho harbor, a waiting orders. Shu li fully loadod with 12 lOOtoun ofninniu nltlon.iitc, the cari;o uplng valued at nearly two million dollarR, TtidliinapolN. Ojt. 15. Sonator Morton ro movod from Ilichmoud to hi roMdonee in th holly to-night without unfavorable re- BUltfl. Leavonworth, Oct. 15. John M. Crowell, npoolal allent of tho pnstofllco doparlmeut, reached thin city laat ovonlug, ImviiiK iti harRO Chat. W. Freopott, assistant post uiastor at Uroat Bend. KantaM, whom ho - roatod IrmI. Haturdap for rllllnx roKlitorod lettcm. I'rrKCOtt confeMod U taking hovoral hundred dollars. Uo stood hihly In the cointnunlty, and baa ninny relatives atnouRdt prominent reapoctablo pooplo in that portion of tbo Stale. No YorK, Oct. HI. A Washington ape fllal any: ExPosldent Grant, in a loiter Just rocolvod by a relative, filatM that bo ban found the labor of aooptlni; tbo hospitality of bin KuglUb friends uioro arduous than tho aaiTatrsofAtate. It haH. In fact, bocomo no groat n tax upon hi health thatlrom October 1st ho had determined to retire to .private life and the first thing ho would do would bo to avail hlmsolf nfthe courtesy ox lemiod by tho8ccrotnry of tbo Navy to visit tho Mediterranean In one of tbo vrsselsof tbo Kuroponn r-quadton and spend Homo tlmo In tho watorH of Italv. lie docs not ex pout to return to tho United HtMos until Dopomher noxt. Provldonco, Oct. 10. A largo crowd to-day witnessed the Impressive dedication of Kosor Williams' monument. Now York, Oot. 1(1. MoseH A. Snyder, tol lor of Merchants' Kxaliangn national bank, fur iiriihozzleinent of $1,000 from this month's Ht'connlH, was arrested. San Krauelsuo, Oot. 1(1. Tho su-iponsloii of the Market Htroot Savings IUnk Is announ nd owing to the wlthdrnwHl of hccoiuiIs dtir iug tho past week. Tho nllleorM stuto that the assets of tho Imnk are Milllolcut to settle till tho claims ofdeposlofs, which thoy pro. lioi to pay hi two, live and night mouths. Tin amount duo Is about &)().( 00. Illrmlugbiim, O.-t. M Utuo'iiUIOrnnt and pirty rerelvcd a llitlnrliu lucupiion nero to day. 'The Uouerul N u guest of Uliambor lain, M. P. FOREIOn. London. Out, 15 Dosurtors from Plovnn roimrt Oiiimn F.tihn'H army duitltuto of clothing and iimmuulllon nod pcintlly pro vNlono.l. Men and olllcor.s are tlrul ol light lug mid sulfurlugMud dlxpced to surrender to the lltissiaiiH. tuikiiii hii vices innicmo tlut ItiiHplaiiM b.ivo occupied Yngiil IIIIIk, Hrl)!)Uiii(i and Ktsll Tope, abandoned by Mitkbtar I'asha, and nro nmuoiivorlug for mi advaiitugeoiii jkisKItii fnxu whloli to iiuUn mi attack on thuTurlclsh lino cononn trated about AIaiIJ.i. (loruey Studeii, Oct. 15 limwrtal flunriN liavo all gor.o to Plorna, Tho tv.rovltoh will not command them, 1.1 avoid cla'ihliig wl h thi 1'rliu'ii or Uoiimaiila. V.irn.i, Oot. 15. The captain ofaateRinor which arrived hero reports that tho Hut. hUii llontlng batteries at tint mouth ol the D.wnibo havu boon bomb.irdtug Kullna for tbro.uhx.VH, Loudon, Oct. 15. A uorrtspoudentnt His tovaglvet a fwnribl'i account of UiinMhii Iirnp'iratlotiH for tbo winter crtinpalgn. Vast utnrosiifiiorii and fortgo have hoiwi l.ilil In uloiig tbo riillro.vl-t the mil I Is Irlghtful. On tho road two iiillei south of HIuuiIIr.i lirldgo It tubes eight borsi s, and twenty men punhlug behind, to gel a Unlit tuigon through. Tho railway from Tratoiun to H!uuillr..v Is progressing rapidly. I'urls.Oot. 15 I'ho evening p.ipors point oiltthat botli tho opposition and the ov em inent aro disappointed, the former having hoped to ret ii in 100 ileputit-s. while tbo hit ter reckoned on gaining 1(H) Mints, The Mo'Hiigcrdo I'.irls -ini,.-, tint, tho govern ment lias gained 10 heats mid may obtain 10 more, end suggests that the government's auccesK Is aumuloiit to afford an opportunity or terminating the crisis by mutual coiicih hIoiim, Porfcut iramiulllty continues to pre vail. Now York, Oct. 15. Paris dispatcher ro port the elooilon of three hundred anil IK teen itepiiblloaus and one biiudrod and ulnety-llvo CoiuervalvcM, ICIeveu anon dlKsemeutarriiulroa fresh ballot result. In twelve It Is Milll uticerlalu. The goveriiment gidus tbtrty-iieveu seatH, New York, Oft. 15, A presi illsiMtob says the election In Fmucu paksed oil cjulotly; uo UUturbanues reported. A disputed or this fotenoon slates that return trom :173 arron dltsemcntti show the elisitlou nl'JIS HspublU cans and 117 MaoMahoulteri, In eight ar romllHsoments a nccoud ballot will be re iltilred. Thus far the Itepubl leans lofe.10 Meats and gain II. Among tho deputies elected are Oambetta, Clrevy, l'aul do Uas bautiau and Iiula Hlaun, 1'arU, Oot. 17, Acmiraoyof oflloUl returns which rejHirt 3U Hepubllcaun and CO I Con. aervallves elected U confirmed (roiu tho ltu imbllcan nlde, Ioiidon, Oct. Id, A Itusslan olllulal dls patch, dated Moadqu inert Army of Can-ti-tsiis, Oot. It), s.y: Ymtird.y tho Una hUiis gained a great lclory over MuUblar Pasha, capturing many guns and prisoners, TheTurUH have been driven rroui the road to Kant. A dispatch fruiii Mos-ou dated to diys.iys prUate telegrams receixcd there stat that on Monday the Itu'slnns attacked Mukhtnr Tasha'a new positions, fuucaslan ureiiadlen tormed Allvla bills, forming the Key to tho Turkish position, A two hours engagement ensued, re.ubiiig Inthelllght ot MnklitHr I'asha In tho direction of Kars. Tho ltusa!aua are In pursuit. The Tuikh tost many prlsouet, cannon and rules and uiiuxutlfy of provisions. An olllolal dU patch nvelved at Constantinople to day o cates tbo bttlo at Agada l)ab, which Is probably the Mine ss AtivU. The dispatch fvs tba"t the Husilaiu attacked trom four eldoH. 'I ho Turks weto fallliiir luck at the tlmnthe tilemm was mjU otf. Th dual resell of tho battle was iiiomv'.ilarlly ex- lcloil. .. , . , A corivsiwiuient at St. IVtersburj; tele praplm thai the fitoot Mouday'a battle was decided by a Hank attack on Muktilar Pasha' position Irom the ninth ThtUtua nUiis iMptnred saute thousands ot prisoner. The hleco of Kats w 111 luuuedW Hiiebitret, Oct. 111. Tbo IHuk have with drawn their artillery from I'm Urlvltta r doubt. Tbo Uusitauei rour the ndoubl U lultied,' THE flfifKETS. ' uuat ISr'Uiu oultlvatw U,30J.,01 acre In barley. ' Iho Wheat Market. During tLo prst week tho wheat market has been rather txcl':tl and an advanco ba tien p!aco, so that buyora aro paying 1 10 par bushel horoat Salem, and corresponding pr C3i olflowL'cro. Tho rl3o occurrod Saturday, 0:t. 13, Ijasod onexcltomoutln tho Liverpool market l-'rl-day. Wo learn u'om piivato ud vices that thoro was a lurther advouco of a penny por cental at Liverpool on Tuosday, and that thpro was actlvo Inquiry. The nuoiitloiri irom tbo Marl: Lane Ft nreai hhow that tho crop of tbo lirltlsh is lands has genorilly boon saved In good con dition and' Is of excellent quality, and also that Kuftsla ia trying to force as much wheat aspnsalbloon tho market boforo winter closes tbo ltaltlc ports. It further appears that re ceipts fronf Amor lea aro largely on the In crease. From tho tonor of iho Ma) I: Lane Exprcsi I'oius it would appear as if the mark et was uncertain and likely to droop, but nov erthelea'woaenan actlvo and improving de maud, and wo loarn that corresponding Im provement in orders for immediate ship ment show that in England confidence ia folt In thotnarkot for the luture. In San Franolsco wheat advanced to 2.C0 per cental and then dropped to J'-'.IO for beat itrados. and this (Thursday) morning wo learn tnat tbo tnarkot was a littlo off Wednes day in Portland. Mr. ilorreu, at Farmers' Warehouse, In fonni uithtl hn Is piylng from 40 toG0cu, for oats according to quality ; somo oats being ' ilored by oxposuroaro not so salablo, and bring but forty cts, Two weokH ago tbondltorof tho Farmer wps absent at tbo usual tltuo of making up market reports, and It was erroneously stated, by a typographical error, that Oats woro 60 cents a busbol, which wn rogrot, e.s It c-.usod somo annoyanco to our ft lends. European Grain llarket. I union, Oct. 10. Tlio Mark I.nnc ICrpresa says: Tho English harvest is now finished, and tbo main bull; ol ceroids In Scotland lias beensooured In good order; but In tho north districts atlll s'ludlug grain will bo but puss able' Tho t itato crop must certainly provo afalluro. Huppllosor homo grown wboat In the country and at Mark Lane havo shown by their Improvod condition how general tlio lino weather has boon, but In epltjof moder ate nllorlngs, thoro hri bonn no advance. The yaluoof imt iris of foreign wnoat lu'o London Is not Icrgo, and It W nvldont that UiimIh IsHtialrglng every nervo to turn as in null of her whou as slio can Into money hefnro wlntoroloios horiors. From tho fact that last weeks returns show tho at rival of overlirty thousand qu.u'3rs of. St. 1'e'irsburg wbni'i this nrocets nas br n litproaaed bv the uupiocedeuted lowrato to which Kuaidaii ex change has billon. Thuso Mip)llH, coupled with very heavy shlnmciils Voni Amerlei. must mcetsarlly deprcs trado for n while, and It Is neopssary t: bear ciro.ully In mind the enormous coiisuinp' Ion ot tliucountrym well as tho possible iqu remonts of tho con tinent, to avoid falling ui'o iho crrnnc )us Idea tliMt wo are threat aned with n Kiut of irn, An amount of Hirullncss chirad irjzod tho wheat trade at Mark Line, but traifautloim havo been limited and there li uo quntiblo oliaugo in prlc-i. Tho itlioiitlnnof mtllrr.Sils almrst exclusively ilircitid towards Amori can wbott, so much ho that Indian dnncrip thins .which have been regarded with bo much favor, havo boon almost entirely noir Iect.d. Mood Itusslau varieties, howover, btill bold Ibolr ftrouiid. Tho Salem Markets. Tho following prlcs nro paid this day, Thurddtiy, Oct. 18, by haloni buyers to pro ducers: Wheat, $1.10 per buMiel; oils, 1S3 to 50o por bushel; buttor ?"o jor lb. for frtsb rolls; eggs, ."On pnrdr.z.; potaiofs, o'H cts. fiir good; apples, :t5o pr liushel: pfius.COc: tlinotbv Hied, $1 Wn $3 per bubel: bacon, hIiIms. 11 to 11,'fci hams, 11JJ - Vic; sboul derK.K toSJjo per lb.; lard, 13 to Ho; Hour, wholcMtlent mill, ?: pur bbl.; brau.15 per inn; ShortN, $."0 p r tin. Ft.x Si:i:d. Tlio nssurtiou that llux huetl wlioti onco wot ciimiut ho iis-ed for oil wo aro kIiiiI to loarn error. Mr. (?(.(). T. irolintiii,(f tlio PlonoorOll Co., .Salt'in , Inforius us that last year thoy tisod it groat deal of llux that was dam Hjrod In ICastora OroKon, and that tin k'.ss It Is too hadly aprotitcd, all seed can ho used, and will tuiiko u'ood oil. k W.Gilbert OFlfEnS TO TlIK COUNTRY TRADE Hayward's Gum Boots The 15Nt visr tidu. AN FXTI'AijlAMTY OV Lacliea' Calf Shoes, Jut tUo thin; for ear Ois-n liter weather. Fine Kip and Calf Boots, WliUUarcxare'yiadafuenr fate. ofduTervut HUMtU, to i;lt cuitoii t. oods wold by tuu arc CUAH A.TKi:u tu bo what 1 recom- 4uiittl Ihcm, or l will at ny tlmo tttuUo It kooU to tku pur cbHiier. J. W. GILBERT. Snlent, Oct. Vt 1S1T. II. New Goods I A.'wui'clccl Tor tlio V -AT- BR mil BROS.' AT TUB WHITE CORjNtI3R. Rubber Faint ! J3RY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, Etc., etc. Tliln Stock Im.M jiimt been pur clinNcd by ?U: YVB:it.ER I1RI2Y HAS in Xcw York mid Snn Franclnco, and, on lug to tho extremely low price in OoodN nml Frclelits, tvo nro. able to glvo belter Jmrgultis than ever. WK ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY O? Carpets, Oal-clotlis, Ciirttiliis, ZMattlnN, vS:o. FARMERS' PRODUCE Taken In lixctiuniro IV) r Oonils. osr Call at tho Whito Cornor. JSREYrvIAK ISKOS.9 Oct. lu JSnlosaa, Or. Carminatives For OlarrfitBa and Dysentery uso nr. Jiijiio'is Cnriiilnntlto .Ibilsniu. Ah cliangcs of cllmnto or water, nml In discretions in citing onoti jiroilueo tliosocotiiphiliit.s.travolerHniHlothern Hliould nhvnys Ucop n liottlo of thin remedy liy tliom. It nover fulls to Mihdno tlio most violent nttnvks, nml it is equally ficrvlceiihlo for Cramps in tlio Stomach or IIowols, Orljilngl'iiiiH, tVc. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and ColiC uso r. Jnync' OiriBluatlvc liulvnin. It removes nil Kironess of tlio nbdomon, nlhiya tho irritation null calms tlio action of tlio Stomach. It may always bo rolled on to glvo Immedlato rollof, anil bosldes bolng olfoctual, is a pleasant nml hafo remedy, easily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel . Affections uso promptly lr. Jajwe'a Carminative Balaam. It chocks tlio Diarrluva, suppresses tho Cramps which generally accompany rittaeks of Cholera, and conquers tip) diaoaso in its Inelpionoy. It has frequently boon administered in nolghlwrhooils whoro tlio Cholora has been raging epidemically, and it has Holdout failed to glvo i mined lu to and permanent relief. Tlio Carmin ative has maintained IU reputation ns a Curative for noarly forty years, is equally etlectlvo In nil latitudes, and as a Standard Household Kemo dy, should bo kept in every family. T A. DAVIS A eo..Who!ow:a Auent. Voit'und J.W. GILBERT Pays OunIi itv Hides Furs, &J Pelts, hfJl uinircUl ht., S.M:m. Iv Tlio Llglit-draught Slcamcr CITY OF " SALEM Wiu. ihvb r.viric Wiunr, Portland, for Salem, and Ir.urmiJ'itJ Voliit, On Moodas, WeJiieidays, acd Fridays, At 0 o'cukk A. M. Tho I.lglitMlratipht Steamer 03E3CIO Will uiak Tilp to tho upper River. U. B. SCOTT & CO. 'X. J, HATCH Ociur.-il MtcJUtr. aut7 SALEM, Orroiitit Utii, 1877. Your Committee, appointed to inquiro into the merits of the MIXED PAINTS on exhibition afc the 17th Annual Fair of the Oregon State Agricultural Sooiety, beg leave to report : Thai, after an examina tion of various speoimens of PAINTING, we have oome to the conolusion that the XC'U'Ba'toeX JFailXt, exhibited by the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY of SAN FRANCISCO, is, in ALL re speots superior to ALL OTHERS exhibited. Respectfully, T. B. ODENEAL, A. II. JEWETT, G. W. WALLING, To W. P. WATSON, Committee. President Orejron State Agricultural Society. Upon tho above decision, Messrs. JESSE IIEiXY ACO. received the Of the Further rclcrcnccs cnu lie given to nny part of the State, by JOHN HUGHES, OREGON STATE ACiRICILTITRAIi SOCIETY, for the 3VTl3zd Paints. Oct. 3.O. -A-Corxt, SaIcm. IVEW GOODS. Mammoth & Turn-Table Apple-Parers, Fletcher Post-Hole Augers, Meal-Cutlers and Stullers, Blacksmith Drills, Tiro-Bondors and Up-Sottors, J?ruuiDg-Saws, Knives, and iOKTIIR1JP & TIIOHIPSOX. VllnllCAI.B AMI IlETAII. IS Hardware, lronNSteel, & AVagon li"il CiirriiiEc Material OK ALL KINDS. 120 ,V 111! Trout St., I'OKTL,7ID, , Oldost Houso in tho Trade. J. B. COiVGLE, MANUKACTUltKll. Wholosalo and Itotall Do.ilor hi tU kltiili of SADDLES, liltlDLIJS, FALL TJRADE, IS77. Great Bargains for Cash ! Harness. WHIPS rlashcsl'runks o. 7S Front Street. POETLAND, - - OREGON. Having bought our Foil Stock tit Great Reduction on Former Prices ! Wo iro prcparcl to glvn oir eutomcr tho l'cncflt of tlio rciluctluu, ami offer a full lino or GoiiIn' nntl Hoy.-!' D 2L, O T 3E3C Z 3NT CS-, nt Ices than ever before. Alo. BUY GOODS, DRESS G OODS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT To iilt our LaUy eajtomon, nt xi'S onalily low prices I BOOTS AND SHOES, ITiitn and Cupx, Alro, keep (oiiftactly on hsiil n h'c n'foitracnt of XJ253.1":EE:E3 35L tND SADDLERY HARDWARE. jBiJ-Solo Aitont In Orion for the Cnrbollzed : llosi), .it y.n Kr.iuuliL'o prlcch, . with Frellit nildtd. Slcimlrlnpr Ei'omptly Attended to PILES ! ! PILES ! I ! A HEW DEPARTURE, IN THE "MEDICAI, TSKATMENT" OP RPE cUI IUoc, It In plscluv In the html of tb uf krer tlio "Cure and l'mcntloii." ttie lettois I am permitted touuhllrti from John M, iUcos, l'ottma ter at Ureou City and Grand secretary of the Grand Uiftce of I. O, U. V., explain tho roMill of th " WlQHTMAN l'ItOCK8S.'r Uo y; ' I tried ev erything, and no doctor gave mo relief, and I thought they were Incurable. I would not luvu tried jonr ' 1'roceti.' but uiv friend U. M. Wnlto. of Pnlern: rec ommcudedjou to highly. Ieuclooyou pottal order loramouni; ana puae ecnu uj cipren. nero i hit letter after la dayt' me: Onroos Citt, Oos., April 3, 1870 Pu. T. F. Wiqiitman Doirblr: It U with pleat. uro that I luforia you that no appearance of pile hove thown theintelvet tlnco tho reccud tlmo that I uea yourrnott t'taluableprocett." It It now two week since 1 commenced, aud It U the nrtt two weekt that I have linen free from thlt dreadful d! eao for twenty-fiToyiar. I am truly grateful to my friend who rtcommendedyouto me. Yourt, etc., J. M. Bacox. l M. In anrwer to a letter from San Francltcn. atklng If be had tho tame cood oplnlou of the " rroceit." he rltot: Oheoom Citv, May !. 1STT. Un. T. F. Wioiitman I will Inform ou It I nomo flfieen month rluco I nied lour "Proeen;" aud I am pleimd to Inform ou that It cured me entirely and permanently. I neer ttpeut money to to corn! a pur poe hi hen I procured your valuable remedy. (t'o;)y.l Vourt, truly, J. M. lUcos, I'. SI. Tbo bove ho, with ths "Wlghman rrocett," t'ley can be ciued entirely. It glut a rbnrt hlnory of onncatoof a inau tlut It well known tu beabote deceptlou. I luvo rainy tertlmontalt lnn'ir. 1 heru It noueof kulfe, ligature, orcautttc, ur any iuln ful operation. K. M. N'alte, Ca- Secretary Stato Agricultural So. ctety, Salem, iA)t "la ten oay Ui completely cun-d. I ri-comtuer.d Ur. Wlghtmai. to Mer. 'lhaatoToho that wltn tho " Wibtiaan IVo ce " WW cau bo cnrvtl enure y. The ' 1'iocvtt" can be tent b Exprctt (aot mall). Direct all letter. Ult. I' V WIOII I'MAN, (kvlittntat IloM, .wi 17. l'OHTLAM), Ul.EOON. OStco llonr .1 to 4 p. ni,; fjr lAdle, t to C p. in., aud 10 to 13 a in. Cuucltiilo'i f. ti. DU. T. T. W1GIIT31AX. J. .. STK.1TTG.V, Attorney at Law, SALKM. OREGON. Offce en Mate binetjwpoaltu tho tlennetl Hcuie. OOO ' O i 4 V. O. VICKKUY, A3sat.MJUe. At Prices that defy Competition I GROCERIES, OaOOZERT, HARDWARE, A full slork of I'nosfi Rrttrlii, to cult tho Couutry trndo, In both pneos and quality. CARPETS AN? OILCLOTHS. Wo will close our stoclc of thoso good out AT COST! Wo Invito our frlendt to Exchange Country Troducts FOR OUK GOODS, And wo will not only sell nt roduced CASH rate?, hut will allow tho hlKhnit market rate for all tuoy havo to dispose of. Call and See our Stock. Ii. & K. HIRSCH, GHISWOLD'S BLOCK, acSiaJ Commercial Street, SALE. SALEM FOUNDRY, & AXacliluo Shop, SALEM OUKGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. 1T3AM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, GHIST'M1LL8. O Heapei, Pnutps, and all kind and rtyle of Ma ealnery made to order. Machinery repilred at a thort notice. Pattern-maklac" done la all lit various forma. and all kinds or lira mid Iron Caitlura furnished at ihort notice. Alo, nyinufacturer of KNTKM'JtlSS WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Feed, 3?oi' Ono-Tontli Toll. ....Also.... Sasli, Doors, Blinds, aionicii-iis( Turntngr. Slulr ivorU, ItedstcadN, BltircauH, Slautlii, Tables, FANNIKO MILLS, AbU all UlntLH ot Furullure, At nKD-KOCK I'WCES. Shop t AflcnUnral Work bullilss, fraletn. I'tOj O, P. BKMMSt mmi &.Jfia JSmmi wmvl '" " '-'n ' W