Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 19, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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Patw3 f HJ880
Ataattr John T. .Tnnrs. llnrton. Phllllos. Ark.
Owner X. J. Woodman, Paw Paw, Van Unrcn,
tscturcr, B Hmcdlcy.Crcseo, Howard, la.
HltKitnt -A. J. Vnujjlin, Memphis. Teun.
' iVrii-rf Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlobusb,
Boinorsit, N.J.
CivtphitnA. II Kill". Hp'lnjrhoronsh. barren. 0.
Treiuurer -V. M. McDowell, Wayne. Steuben, N. V.
U'crtltiry 0. II. Kcllcv, Lmilstlllc. Ky. . ,
tfafe-AVy' O. Dinwiddle, Orchard Urovo, Ind.
fr Mr. John!' .tones. Ilarlon, I'iiIIIIds. Ark.
Plom- Mr. Samuel II, tdsmi'. Muntlccllu, Minn.
I'nmont- .Mrs Harvey (Iwldard, North Oranby. Ct.
I.nlij AnMant atttcartlMltt Caroline A. Hall,
Louisville, Ky.
I). Wyntt Aiken, (rhalrman,) Cokosbury, S. C.
K. It. rtlnnk'nud, Dubuque Iowa.
Dudley T. Chase, Clirnunr.t.N. II.
AlotifiidjldT, Hock Hall. Whlteslds, III.
W. II. Cbtmbire, Oswcicbco, ltusecll. Ala,
OtUcor of Oregon State Grange.
Muter Vim. Cyrus, Hclo.
Otertter- A. It. Shipley, Oswego.
I'dunr-yin. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
Kfcrttaryn. Vi. llandall. Oregon City.
HUtearU-W. IJ. Thoma, Walla Walla, W. T.
Anittant Steward-O. W. Kiddle, Canyonvllle.
VhaitalnW, II, Gray. Astoria.
Trtaturtr 8. 1'. Loo, Portland,
OaU-Kftixr-hinM Clark, Salem.
ikm-hU. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville.
J'amona Mm. 8. D. Durham, McMinnvltle.
'tora-Mrs. K. A. Kelly. Kaat I'ort'and.
Tatty Am't HteuardMn, Georgia Smith, Hood
Itlver, Wasco coun y. , ,
Kxecutlve VommllteeVim. Cyrus, Sdo; IX. Clow,
Dallas; K. Ij. Hmllli, Hood Hirer.
HUM IlU'tnilt Aqima. r. i.uo, ronmo,
State Orange Deputies for 1877
I'ott OJkt. Kiprtu.
Hslde- Corvalll Corvalll
Rnor.h HUlrrlaa Hnttn Creek
N WItatidsil Oregon City
J W Heye Myrtlo Creek
O M (laidnor Drain's Station
l'lytnptmi Kully Kart I'ortland. . . . Eart Turtland
1' KCaotloiiiHti lliUUivlllo
O W Hunt autillmlty Halcm
JN TMIIliT" .TackKonrltlo Jacksonville
V A I'alttrittin. Illckroal Halcm
.(looso Laka.
. Jackfoliv'.llo
J J Charlton
Umilcl 1'lcMir Kcrliyvlllc Jackronrlllo
Jamo) W.M illock flohcti
It A Irvlni Lebanon Albany
John Kwl. ....'. Tyli Tlio IJallcn
II O Dnrliitni McMlnnvllU
J H.'Vilri:im (Untoii
iiiust. ..
Oil Itltielnrt Canron City Canyon City
IC W tnyerp Columtila City
II 1' HoMmi..,., Tlll'imonk North nmMII
iDiArn.n, ... .
J H Whin Wimlon Wenton
r 'Mil.
J HeiiryHiiroi'der.... Olt
SI Wltnmn.. ..
I. h Killer
MZ OoimUIu Klma
I)H Mi'kli.ini Cliebilli I'o'nt
1,(1 Abbolt Olympla
U Loiimlri Yelm
Julllt ll"i l"i' Seatt'o
. .
TrSl I'llTriMI...
At7r. m. IIio nwri! of Directors, of Uio
Stato Ai?rlculturM Socloty met In tlio pavIN
Ion. I'roRlilf nt Watson In tho cbalr; K. M,
v aiio, secretary.
On motion, r resolution wa Rdontcd to tho
efluut that nil ontiea ttnuJo nfier ihn llrat of
May lor tuohtnkoUyr-nrMoltJ bo Itelcl void,
hscortby thotonont of all parllm making
On mollon It was onlorrd that tho mini of
f 12 1m rerundrtl to F. It, llovor, tho amount
of forfeiture on entry.
Tlio l'rmltffltit annotinced Hint tho llmo for
rnaklnp ontrlfH would bo extended till 12 it,
to-day, Wcdnesdny.
On motion, It wan ordered that tho Donf
Minos of Hulem MutoUehoul bo admitted freo
to day.
Tho Hoard adjourned till 8 A. m. to-day.
Tho anntinl meollDg of tho society wn then
called, I'rcHldont Watnon In a noat npoeoh
leudored bin thanka lo tho Socletv (or tho
honor confored upon him aa tholr 1'roldent
and tor tho conrtestea oxtended,
lion. John Mlnto Introduced resolution
InntructinKotir Senators and mnmbera of
CotiRrew) to favor the extension of tho tltrio
of the land grant to tho Northern Pad 11 o
railroad with nuch modification aa will pro
tect the bonafldo eottlera within the grant.
The Seorotary, K. M. Walto Introduced tho
following resolution which was adopted by
a rial ntr voU).
Wiirrkam, In tho death of Mr, 11. K.
Ntowart tnia Hnciety baa loat from Itn nioni
berahlp a xealoua and faithful friend or Its
bent Intorodt, the Stato a sootl olllzon. bin
family a kind and indulgont father; there
fore, Kk.soi.vf.ii, That tho Society la Instructed
to placo on a momorlal page of tho proceed
Ing of this Socloty tho fjrogolng resolutions
and forward tho namo to tho family of do
ceased. On motion tho Society ru'Jnttrnod.
An Informal meeting whh then hold In
which nomltrntlooH wnro made of candidatea
for thn various ofucors of the Soolety to be
voted for at their annual eloctlon to bo held
lo-tlay: For President, M. Wllklns, J.N.
T. Mlllorand Joel J'.ilmer; VIpo Prosldont,
J. N. T. Miller, John K. Miller, Joseph
lliimlltou nnd Ilobort K. Mayes; Tor Hcoro
lary, K. M. Walte; for Treasurer, Ludd fc
Colfax Colfax
, Beattlo
.l.llUAtll . .. .
CT C'oua IIIIennliiirR
Innnyro'intv whern tho Deputy n, pointed l not
llio iiiot K'lliiililo, ncd tliu (Ir nm of ho lorullty will
iinipnily India tin to mun rlmlce. I will builfn'i'il, Tor
In tinny In.taiifen I luvolM'Cit ohliril lo maku ap
iuliitiiitnli wlih'iut kiiowledtto as t till 'jm.
, M. ( ItllH,
Matter OrnvoiiHtatiilraiii;u, I'. of H.
Irlootingof Subordinate Graugoa
tlopn, No.'JI, miHilHln Albany, on tho 1st
unit :iSitiiritiVH or niiuli mnntli, itt 10 a. in.
Oik I'Ulii, No. it, In HiUoy, 'Judutid llli
HinirdtyNHt It a. in.
Ilinimr. No, Ih7, In Urawfordhvlllo, 1st
multlnl HMunUy.i. ntUp. m.
HyrHi'.iiMi No. Kl, at Mlllors Station, Kb
Hiturdiiy,nt I p. in. , , , ,
liUtiatiou No. 'Jl, at liOb.lliDtl, 'J.1 and -Ith
Saturday, at 10 a. in.
llMiid Pralrhi No. ID, ith Saturday.
Knox llutto No. .', 1st imtl !Ird Satur
d.iyH. S.intUm No. :t7, -ml and Ith SaturdayH,
at 10 a. in.
Hniwnsvlllo No. ID, lit und iTiul Satur
Uvm, Taiitfont, No. 7, Utandllrd Fridays, nt 10
llarrUliurg, No. 11, 1st and 3rd Satur
tlavs, at 10 a, uu
Shtuld, No, tl, 1st and ad Saturdays, nt 10
a. in.
Happy Ikmo No, Id, 1st and ad Saturdays
la oaoti moiiili from Oototuir to Juuii, and on
tho 1st Saturday tho h.tlatioa of tliu yoar.
llariuonv No. il, 3rd Salunlay, regularly,
oxoopt la Nov. Doo., Jan,, Fob,, and Maruh,
when thoy moot tho 1st Friday.
Soap Creok No 1 1, 1st Hitturday at 10 a, in.
Wlllametto No. Hi, 1st Thursday, at 10 a. in
Philomath, No li, tilt Saturday, at 10a. m.
Oroiawoll. No (II, -till Saturday, 1 p. m.
Kiilitinni No. 00, In IJugtmo City, Ilrd Sat.
dtv, at 10 it. m.
Ohtrlty, No. 70, 12 1 Hiurly.
Ooslitiu, No. 101. IstSatiinlty, at lOo'cloolt
Jtmoiloii City, No. Ill, 'Jntl Saturday, nt 1
MoKoiulo, No. 107, C'jinp Creek, U Satur
day. P01.1C COUNTY.
()Ak Point, No. a, 1st and Urd Saturdays.
Stloni CniiiKa, No. 17, 1st and ad Satur
day In oioti month, exoopt In August, Sop
lambor. and (U'lobtir, when It miWa only on
thu lt Saturday at tholr hall In Salem.
Ablqiui, No tat, Uli H.iturttay.
. Knew Point, N' -H. 8 I S tturday, nt 1 p. m
tluttu Croak, No. SJ, Hal Satunlay, nt 10
. in.
lluviHton No. 100, moots 1st, Saturday, nt
10 o'olock.
riugari Ghopnatl Oft".
A HttleiUuBiit'rofa Mr Wult whoboupht
tho tluiiiituuluut pUoH a ti'w mlltvs from
tho cltv. hd thnm tlngcra of her left hand
choiipid otr by her llttla limllitr, .vwdenlav,
while t'liytng with bliu near a woodpile.
lira. II ill t Itn Holds wool out and ampu
tated ami drekted thn Hokum, un.l Ilia child
la KUlit aloonas well h ovill tie expected.
Only 6B-quar(r of ttio aro'of SoolUud la
Ofllcor Elsotnd.
Thn nnntiAl olontlon of otlloers of tho Sfato
Agrleultural Socloty look place yosteniay.
M, Wllklns, of f.ano oonutv, was cbiwen
Piesldunt, IC. M. Wallo Sepftarv, slid l.add
it Hush Treasurer. A full list or tho Hoard
of Dlroctors will bo publlsliHl to morrow.
DiitEcxorls i'oii ihii.
Tho following persons wero (lorliul Diroo
tors, on Woilni'xl.iy. ortho Stato Aurl-niltu
ral Soolety for tho rnmliigyeHr:
ii iKer county win iirown,
Ilt'iiton Jhiiici ICelMiy.
Ulatsop' K J Morrison,
Olacksiuiis Wm Harlow,
Cisis-DrSO Mattlion.
Columbiit-TIo between '.. Ilryant and J,
8 Collins.
Dnuulax Thnuise Smith.
Jackson W O .Myers.
I.nne (Jeo IMIslmw.
I.lnn-'J P Hiirkhitrf.
l.ikn I) W CliHiupmati.
Marlon -T W Dtveuport.
Miiltuomali II Hamilton.
Polk -J (I HaskM.
I lllamook Clark tleroly.
Union W J Snodgrass.
UwmMllH 1 1 il'ttt Klr.liU .
Vam Win lllugliaiii.
WaslilnKlon A l.iiollng.
Yamhill 1 tJStowart.
LFAin Giioonds, Oct. l'J, 1S77.
mitfnn nnrmlnlorl In nn-rrt (hn
I apsclal premium of $200 for tho best family
of draft liora to bo shown at tho proBont
Fair, beg leae to mako tho following report:
1st. That tho only family entorcd for tho
fipecla' premium, was of tho Perchoron
stock, consisting of the Htallloa Whlto
Prlnc?, tho fult blood maren Doll and While
Hose, tho fotmer with a filly foal by Glen.
Fleury, tho full blood joarllng '"7(1," tho
li filly Hortcnae, with colt by Uon. l'leury,
and Ktslo X blood filly, nil ownod by W. C.
Myor. Also ton hnlf bloods two yoar old
and under, owned by other parties. AS no
other family catno In corapotltlon wetnko
thin opportunity to say that wo consider tho
abovo montloncd stock or horses fitted to
fill tho wants of tho farming community for
a boavlor olau of horses, to an omlnontdo
grco, and wo mention tho following points
In which they excel.
1st. Action we noticed that all of tho
animals on exhibition, from stallions weigh
ing 1,800 pounds and over, to colls by tholr
side, moved with a free and easy motion,
and a considerable degree of spood.
2d. In carriage aud gonoral symmotry of
form thoy are scarcely surpatsod by tho boat
class of driving itorses.
3d. In dlpos.lon they aro qulot, kind
docllo and tractable.
4th. We notion a striking similarity In all
tho individuals of this stock that pasaod un
der our notlco. The grade, ovon to tho
quarter bloods showing the form and gonoral
characteristics of tho stock in a marked do-
Asnnother poltllof special oxcellonco wo
montlon tho clean limbs, full alxed and woll
lonnod foot so often alaoklng in largo horses,
Mautin Pavnk.
W.K. PlltCK,
A. llACKLKMAN, Slipt. CuilimlttOO.
1,000,000 BOTTLES
or nn
I'nrolioroti Stou!c bold.
John Savnuo sclil, yutiterdnv, two-year old
"Prliini," of Oregon, to Mr, Coniuit, or
Whsoo oiinty; inro, S.'iOO, W. C. MyeiH
sold "Hollevo," slinking colt, by 't'ltn,
Flnury," prliMi. JSOOi l John IVrltliiH, of
North Yamhill. Mr. Myers nlo sold
' Loon," u yearling. Hsviin-Mixteentlis Per
dlicroii, in Mr. lVrklus; iirt?' not given.
Mr. Myers ulo, ivrier exhibiting "7(1," snil
drUliig It t nt in tho team of vetrlluuH, and
tor whliili ho wasawitrdod tho Urt preiuliliii
'or puro bred yearling Peroherous. deliv
ered Ihn sunn to .Mr. Trilnor, or I'matllU
(Mtinty, who iind iiiado tho purohasotiomo
ilnys hlnro,
Statu Paiii OnouND.Oat. L.
We, tho commlttoi) appointed to award tho
spoiilal procjliimi oil'orod by W. O. Myer ror
tho bestcollHor tho Porchoron stock, roport
tho following nwards:
wimti! rniNCR'a cor.Tn.
Willi tin Townsond, Salom, oolt, first
promliiin $20 00
S. Wiitsoii, Polk canity, colt, second
pretiiliim io 00
Oeorgo W. Dlmmlt'k, Hubbard, Ally,
Hist promlttm , 15 00
rni in: or rmtcim h olts.
A. Hovendon, lltibbnrd, colt, firs', pro-
mum $20 CO
A. llovundou, Hubbard, cull, eeooud
preiuitim 10 (0
OjorKO W. Dlmmick, Hubbard, lllly.
Hist premium 15 00
A. llftANDON, Supt.
A. l'ilWAN,t
JoNr.rit HAttitiNb.v,
harp been fold the list year, and not ono comillnt
has reached u that tbey hare not clone, all that le
clilmcdfor them. Indeed, fdentlflc skill cannot ko
bcTond Hie reeult reached In thco wondcrftit prep
rttlons. Added to Carbolic, Arnlct, Mentha, tfeno-ca-Otl
and Witch Hazel, are oihcr Ingredients, which
makes a family liniment that defies rhaliy Ilhcu
matlc and bed ridden cripples bare by it been enabled
to throw'awy their cratches, and many who for
yean bare been afflicted with NcuruUla, Hdatlen,
Caked Dreasta, Weak Dacka, Ac, hare found perma
nent relief.
Mr. Joslah Wcitlake, of Maryirllle, 0., writes:
"For yeara my Ithenmatl'm has been so had that 1
bare been nnahfeto stir from the hon.o. 1 hsretrled
ever remedy I could hear of. Finally, I learned of
tho Centaur Liniment. The first three bottles enabled
ruo to walk without my cratches. I am mendlnc
rapidly. I think yonr Liniment simply a marvel."
This Liniment cures Darns and Scalds without a
scar, extracts the notson from bites and stings.
Cares CatUblslns and KriMtcdfeet, and Is rery e files
clous for Kar-acho, Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutancoss
The Centaur Liniment, Yellow Wrap
per, U Intended for tho touch fibres, cords aid
muscles or borscs, mules, and animals.
Rev. 0)o. W. Ferris, Manoiklll, Schoharie Co., N.
V. says:
"My horse was lame for a year with a fetlock
wrench. All romedlo nttirlr tailed to cure and I
considered him worthier until I commenced to use
Centaur Liniment, which rapidly enred him. I heart
ily recommend It.
It mke very llttla difference wLcthcr the caeba
''wrench," sprain, spavin or lamoncrs or any kind,
tho effects aro the same. Tho crcr.t power or the
Liniment is, however, shown In Poll-crll, I!l;r-hcad,
Hwccny, Spavin, KlnR-bone, Oalla nud Scratches.
This Llnlmont Is worth mlll'oni or dollars yearly to
tho SlockrowcrA, Llrcrymon, Farmers, and there
tavlnc vr.liwblo animals to care U r. Wo ucrr.tutlM
bTccU and refer to any Farrier who has ever used It.
Lnboratory of J. H. Jobi: & Co.,
Har St.. Nuw Yom:.
Oregon Figs.
Kobert A. Mlllor has Juet received some
large, rlpo nnd luscious looking Hits, grown
on his father's farm nsar Jacksonville. They
fully demontitrnto tho fact that this delicious
fruit ou bo successfully grown in Southern
English liorsomcn aro gonernlly diBcard
Ing tho chock-rein.
England baa spent 812,000,000 In horsc
racliig thli eeavon.
Very Dsslrablo Property for Salo.
Nltioty-threo ncro's of land on Salom Prai
rie, near tho Fair Ground, will bo sold at a
groat bargain to a cash purchasor. For terms
nnd other information "luqtiiro of S. A.
Clarko, nt tho Fakmuii olllco, Salem,
Portia Kulitht.
TIi'h beautiful lllly, owned by (lenoral
John I''. Miller, won Iho two-year old rac'o
yesterday, III a lleld of eight liorses. Tills
colt la iiamrsl for Miss Portia Knight, Ihn
pretty little daughter or Col. N, II. Knight.
Alter tho race llltlii Portia was carried up
into mo Hiauii anil intrnuucoti lotim juuges
aud tho surging inaai In front of ikoatand.
They will probably remember thU day lor
many a long year.
Dent! lame.
In exercising the king of tho Oregon turf,
"Hyotmw,"yeHtorday morning In llio brush
grouiidH, East of tho enclosure, he some way
strained bis oil' foro leg, and In euoh a man
ner hh incompletely tiisauio mm anil throw
him nut of the big raeo to-day, a raco which
ho has won for two succesalvn yoarti, and but
for this misfortune ho would have probably
carried otf the honors of this season also,
In trial of lady eqtiesirUnslilp yesterday,
tho following ladles won tho honors and pre
mium. Mra. Saekett, of Hiiwoll Prairie,
1st premium; Mltn Ella Klnnoy, Turner's,
l!d premium, and Mra. linker, of Turner's,
tho 3d premium.
A Noat Compliment.
Tho Stato Agricultural Sm!oty yesterday
iliroiiuli tho Si'oretary, Mr. E. M. Walte, pro.
sotitod Iho meiubera of Mr. John Jack's
liiiipauy with tcatoit tickets Tor tho Fair,
then by acknowledging Ihn servlcxn of Mr.
Jack's royal theater baud ror enlivening the
orowds on thn grouiuU with aholco iiiiihIu on
thn oH)iilng days and dining tho afternoon
Lours of "damp yesterday."
A Mn-n'fltaat Turaant.
Jack's Theater H uul, (Kvery muto!an lu
It a pMleiklonat) paraded thW morning on
thn Fair ground! '.iidthroti,' llioi'ltyilru-.wi
In their tlno band xSaj'on 1 f i r ot ".',('.
Myer't largo Pe.oheron I n ; "White
I'rlnco." "Whlto Uom," "P. ' i f Forclie"
and "Dill." Twtuty Ihousar ., larsMorlh
of horso tbslt In one Iimiii Is bo -. o hlng not
ncvii every day on lht- coast,
Ikfulo k'.cl.oilLfr; Broltcn.
An Intllxldual laM cynilng, whoevldeip'y
bad a full mnu ol benxlue, sod was on tho
hurrlotiiiidtuk of a iiiiiIh shllii on lh way
to town Horn Iho Fair ground", collided wlih
a passenger hsok, when ono of the hones at
tache.) lot ho back kicked the mule on the
right foro leg below the knee, mid bnaklng
It tqiuro otl. Tho rider was not hurt in tho
.hi. Till la tho tlrst InataiH-o wo over
hoaid or, whero then wa a mulemlied In
o trouble that be did not coin otf first
n.v AWAY, tl'AKItOW.
All who I iln (tils tttnin must untlier around
a table, and oitoh player must plaeo n linger
on tho table. When llio leader of Iho game
s.ijv, 'Fly ivy,sp trrow,'or nny other crov
turn that Ill's, oioh player must ralso Iho
linger placed on thn table. If anvthlm: that
does not lly Is mentioned, mid tiny pluvor
raises hlsorhr llngor, a forfeit niust be glv
en; also If ho falls to ratio It after thomimo
or a bird or insect lb it lllei.
When a pnllivonan mtrrlos ho Is in a verv
short llmo courroiited tiv tho great protileiii
of his lira, vlr.: Wlmni to hide his club bo
that his wirootu't tlud It.
A hny at St. Alb ins, Vermont, shot nt n
c-.it and hltn girl nt tho wlndiiAT, Hsho had
been doing boiHusork alio would have es
caped Injury.
What Is that which was birn without n
soul, lived and had a htuI, yet died without
a soul? Tho whale tnat swallowed Jonah.
A complete snbttltuto for Castor Oil, without Its
mpleastnt tato or recoil In tho threat. Tho rouil
of SU years' practice by Dr. 8m'l Pitcher, or Mara
chuselts. I'itchur'e Ca'torla Is partlcula-ly rccommomdrd
for children. It dutroys worms, assimilate tho
food, ami allows natur.il sleep. Very cfllciulou In
Cronp nnd for children Tcetnlng. For Colds, Fover
Uhncss, Ultorders nf the Dowels, and Htnniich Com
plilnt, nothing Is so effective. It is as pleaanl tn
take as hnncy cort but X cents, anJ can be had of
X3J Urncglst.
This It onu of many testimonials;
"CoiuiVALU Lanxsos Co
Ucn iorso'00 time
ii iu jiny;ai a a saio, ii-uniiic, anil
aafj'iuoio inenicii.e, it is parilcultrly mlaiiletl tt
children wnoro the repiianant lQtuof Castor Oil ton
den) It so difficult to admliil.tur,
L. A. RNDKrpi, M. I)."
Mnthori who try Cast irla will flmi, thtt they cau
tdeep ElR'ats iuiJ thtt their bablca will bo healthy.
J. 11. ltosa A, Co., Nciv Vol I;.
i, Lanxsos Co , IM.. March 17, 1MI.
b. I take great plen.uro in rnvtn-
lltlCKtl-WAONON-ln luUrltr October i:fh,
nt ilia rood enco til .Mr. Wm, HirUor, by llio Uev.
Hiker, Mr Jjmo Il.ik.r. of l.luu county, and
Mlm AiiiiIhWu iioii, of this oily,
VlNl?t"NT-HONI..-At Alb my. October 12th,
Ijn.hylt V.H.O. Irvine, li. l).,.Mr. Onurles It.
Vlneeni.of Walulmrx, y. T., und Mrs. U U.
Iriiiid of Seattle, vV.T. . ,tl ;
WiijiiN-Ovxiiii'ii.SKit, lu ihlsolty, Ootober
10, 1877, at Hie ru.Ultmeu of A. Fraier, Ko., by
nw. ., V. Miwtr, Mr. Uxorxo l. Wilson and
Mia8uilOverholsHr,Hll or IJnn oiimty.
Knccci-sortoJ. M. Ketitii & Co.,
Su liltcrtr ., - - MV V02XK,
CoinmiNsiion Afyont
2: Hew lork. tla Mhmns. Pacific llallrcid. unc
Cape Horn, all kinds of Mrrcunndli e, aud for the rait
or Products from tho Pacific coart, for the collection
if monev. Ac. rwi"
From N. Flnmmer, M. D,, AnBurn, N. H.
"Although avorno to countenancing patent
modlolnos, I choerfully mako an exception
ofyour very excellent lung preparation Dn.
WisTAn'n Halsaji ov Wild Ciibrhy. This
preparation I havo used in my praotlce for
more than ten years past, and havo always
found It to be of more effoo.ual aorvlco than
anything within my knowlodge, I recom
mend it with the treatestoontlaenco to those
subject to onugus and pulmonary com
plaints." Sold uy all druggists.
Ono Moro Unfortunate.
Almost o very day tbo papers chronicle the
suicide of some poor unfortunate whose
mind has beon enfeebled by dyspepsia, over
whoso oarthly horizon a heavy gloom has
gatliorod from the untold and untenable
agonies of this cruel complaint. Dyspepsia
Is one of tho most depressing diseases sflllct
Ing humanity. It Is cosmopolitan In its
nttuio no country Is exempt from its visita
tions, no family free from Its attacks. Thore
Is a balm In Glload; It comes lu tbo shapo of
tho Pr.nuviAN Svnur. For yonr It has
bocn scattering In blctslngi abroad. Thorn
Is, probably, no dlsnasn whluh oxporlenoo
bai ho amply proved to bo romodinble by
tho Pkruvian Syiiui' as Dvanepsla. Tho
most inveterate forum of this disease have
beon completely cured by this medlolno, an
nmplo testimony of many of our llrstoltl
zsus provo. Sold by all druggists.
Salem. Oregon, dealer In Htcrcorcopcs nnd Steroo-
scopic viiwi, nun rtceues oi enicm aim nic rurnntiu
Ing roantry. Llfe.slzu Photc'iaphi, la IudU Ink, Oil
or water toi
r Color.
Omco moved over HKUYMAN IHtOS.' NBW STOUS
,, ,7,OfilaB hours from 0 a. m. to S p.m.
Willamette HursBrv,
Oowofjo, Glaolcaznaa oo., Oregoa.
MlLj-stM.In Ihls city, Oetolwr 11.1877, Oer
riidB K. Miller, wifmif ,n M, Miliar, Ki..
ml iliinitliterof Hon. J. II. Moores, lu tho'JoiU
esrof herHKe. - -;- ... n-
yesror nerHKe. j
i)m.ANKr.-.NerTurnet'Btatlon. tliirinc Hie
w-kpait,HireaoUlldrcuor David Doluuey ami
wife. '
In IhUolly.Oetobernth. nt ono o'clock A. m.
Mrs A H. I.IK wlf.. or (I'orite l.-lle. uivi
ilauisliicr of Win, mul llirbury Drives, saeiiao
yur,S inoiilh.iiint IIoiij-n,
T tlio Ailllotod-LuUIok lu
Why nsHl you suif-r with ParalvMs when
you can ba cured 7 Why will you sutlVi
witfeHheuiusthm when you oin Ihi cured?
And why havo eo uiMiy aches and paint
when It Is within your roaon tobocurod?
I am now establlihed lu t.ale-n, prepared to tna'
all Chroale Dliettes, men ss Ilhouruatlsm.NeorVg a,
Consumption, Kidney dlfiafs, and lo faetalldlstas
is lht human Uefh la heir to. PptcUtailentlna ild
U 1'vmtle Veiknea ana ncryom proitrttlon, Mcti
IssoMmmoaloLadlrs, ChllJrcn's dlseates net rx
ceptiHl. In connection with my practice, I have one
of the celebrated Medicated Vapor Llshtnliig Crvam
Uaths, which aid .t!ytn removing all chronlctlle
cau . It opens the potes of tho sklu, and thro off
the slimy, raorbli mttier.vMeh Is one of tho groat
ciimaof minneU mirulri;. When wo onco think
tfcat two thirds of all we talc Into orr sjMo.ti pams
otf thmuKh iho por of the skin, wo netd nit top
long to wonder why wo aro rtck, when we pay to
little attention M the most Important ercnnctoiy ol
our bodies. Durum the eatl nice months I bate bid
this Uih in operillon, and many en tollfy lo Its
efficacy. I treat patient by the week, or bv alinte
UdleswUldo well to give tna a call. nldene,
soulheaii corner or Center and 8ann;er htrects.
Salvia, HUD, U. W. OHA1G, M. J.
fir lf
Sorow Worm.
Foot Hot,
Parasitos that infest Shoop.
Improves the Health
One nllon la ennach for one hundred tn two
hnntrod Sheep, according to their age, strength, and
Itlsputnpln PIVS-OALLON CANS-Piice, $13
por can.
Bead for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
WUalesale Aceuta for tho Mate.
Or to voumeanvt Retail Drucslst. mft ,
WEra. Rohrer's IsTov Roiuody
Ton Tixa iiTjNas
's xtESTixa mm woxosRyur. sucexssi
Tins nntsi-Y veoktarle remedy iue
no wasl in th rrlief and enro of Coachs, OeMs,
Nstbina, ItronchlUs, Cronp, Whonptnir Constj. Uu
des, Ac It has rrodcevd soma rmarkab'.t cure.
Mild hv drueslsta iri-nrllv. Prensrvd onlv bv
JOHN .. WUI111IV. Monmoulh. Or.
r wh.ua all letters of battness should be aJdr-md.
OK. JK. V. UASE, "
BHKVKT LI. Col., iitefiarxcon U.S. Volaatr,
ISIrw. llnrhtn's h nek, an atalrs. Xt
Twaaci ai. prlnc LUU frc. T. K
lxiJUp rautttz, B oomlnjtoa Nursory, IU.
Tho Itulluit Prune,
AnJ tho best varieties of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Bond for Desoriptive Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills.
CouKttintly ou Ilmitl.
HUffltoHt Prloo In CASH
Paid for Wheat
atall Trains.
Scot IStf
Airent 8. F. 51.
ILlluial TorniN!
LONG Tl'llt!
Tno Oregon and Callrnrnla and Orrsoa
rent ral Kallro;td Companies
OFFER their Und for latenpoit the folbwini ilbc
rl if nu: ui o tenth of thu pnec in ch; luterejt an
the lvtljr.ee at tto tale oftoren per cent, ono vrar
after rale, au t eaci following yr luotctith of lb
prlnclpil and interest on the hsUnre at the rate of
uven per ctut pvrannu . lloth principal and tntor
wt pajabldln U. S. Uurrrncy.
A dl.ojBt of ton per cent, will o alio .vet f r citt
Vf Letlera io ts addressed to P, hCHULZE La
Awnt O. A O. U. h.. PottUad. Oreion.
NOTARY PUBLIC. Ral Estate Aenu
and Collector of Claims, will prompUj ".
rend to in bas-nea rntraitnl in hi. r-. uitrL,.
Poet oaea, Xjebaxion, Or"
. V