Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 19, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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M ,, , C-v---"?
ED Dr.J.M.UInklo, of tho National SurcJcal
Institution, with u, competent corps of n.sisl.
ntswll visit Portland, Oregon. Kooms at
St, Charles Hotel , October 22d, to November
1st, IS, ,, Inclusive No other Institution In
tho world has Bnoi'osfully treated ho manv
cases of fcplnal Curvature, Diseases ot tho
Joints, Paralysis. Club Feet. Piles, FJslttlti
In nno, Serolula, Nasal Catarrh, eto. Patents
from almost ovory country In th0 United
htatet have applied to It for roller, either at
tho homo Institute at Indianapolis, Indiana,
or to ono of la Grand Utvi-Iuns at Phlladel!
phla.Pa., Atlonta, Ca , or San Franelvco,
Cal. Tho r filleted cannot Hllbrd to mls this
opportunity of being cured at homo. Tho
Doctor makes no cunrpo tor eonMiltatlon
nnd examination, and his lerum for treat
ment aro within tho ihp1i ofeveiy one.
Let tho Pcoplo Rcjoic9,
For tho bountiful harvest of 1S77 has now
placed in tho hands ot tho pcoplo tho h'olden
com, that thoy may lloo to W. P. Johnson
it Co. and securo such pictures as will please
thorn and tholr friondy, and bn a blessing to
gonoratlnns to corao. Komember tho place,
oyor Willis' Hookstore, Slato St., Salem. Or.
Tho Grand" Jury uflor apatlontand full
Invostlcatlon of tho charts analnst Dr. S. D
McCauley of Stayton, arrcstod somo time
hlnco charged with causing tho death of Allen
Townseud by nriiultilMorlng a wrong done
of modlclne, thl mornlnp catno into court
and roported "Not a Truo 11111."
An Anciknt Oiisi:iivi:u. Wo read thft fol
lowing qulto notablo paragraph In tho Lou
don (ISnuO Agricultural Gt:ttla Mr. Hob
ort Matsin,ot Windham, now iu hisCJd
yoar, writes as follow: "Having been born
In 1785, 1 havo scon a fow harvosts, aad I do
not remember ho unproductive a one since
181G." Tho worst harvest lu 01 years! Such
a thing In notable.
S. Friedman, opposite tho bank corner, has
lots of goods, and proposes to soil thorn as ho
alys doos at llguros to suit his customers as
well as hlmsolf. Friedman is n llvo mer
chant a llyoly ono at any rato.
Tho City Council of Portland havo forbid
, tho omploymout of Chlnamon on tho public
works. Dully for tho City Council.
In this city, at P: 13 a.m. ou tho 17th Inst.
In tho 10vanftollc.il Church, bv tho Iter. J.
Jloworsox of Albany, Itav. W. 0. Ksnlnr-r of
Corvr.UI&audMhsAnuloS. Whlto or Polk
Hyrttt'is Xiifo 33n.lnn.S3a..
As a conqueror of llhoumanstn. Gout. Neu
ralgia, and euro lor Scrolula and all disease
nrUlnc from Impurity of blood, tho old and
rollablo Family Medli-lno, HyutC JSf. DnU
mm, stands uueUlod, as proven by over
300.000 ureal cures during tho past t0 yoars.
Ih a radical vegetable Compound ofSaraapa
rilla, Dock, Gualacum, ifcu., and h permanent
euro. Sold by all dniKpIsm and country
f;rocers. Take nothing eUo, and if thoy
mven't It wo send by exprers, boxed, nvery
whore, at $1 and $1 '- per boltlo; 35 00 and
W.60 linir liox. Hvatt it Uvatt, 210 Grand
St., Nov York.
Notlco of Railroad Meeting.
Thoro will bn a meeting at Amity, Yam
hill Co., ou tho iUh day or Ootobor, lb"7. at
10. o'clock a. in., for tho i;urposo of taking
Into consideration the bulldmK or a uxriuvr
cuapo railroad rrom Dayton, by way of Am
ity, Uroad Mead i and Mill Crcok, to Grand
Kond.wlth a branch lino to Dallas, lu Polk
county. Manv Citizens.
Book and Job Printer,
yviul JEJoolcliImler,
Holman's Block, Old Scnato Cham'
bor, Salem.
IOGa 1077.
TLo Only Strictly Wholesale Drug House
In Oregon.
T. A, DAVIS & CO.,
71 1'roitt Street.
cb&uUUo trade a conplcto aortmezit of
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, a
Druggists' Sundries.
Of a'l lf aud qmJItle.
Of alt the loadlnc breede, tn tin. and keg,
Putty, Lampblaok,
Rod Lead, Gluo.
Inelndlnc tfce (hurt brand for Coach rnin.eri' me.
Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Brushw,
LINSEED OIL, In barrel and eanf.
Turpentine, Coal Oils, Castor OH, Lard OU,
Xeat'8.'foot OU, Fish Oil.
In barrU and caiet.,
Blue Tltrlol, Sulphur, CnNtlle
Soap, Concentrated lye,
Sitters All llxxcla. ,
Quioksilvor and Strychnine.
In Qsart, HalfGaUon. One-Gallon, aud Five-Gallon
Can and Barrel, etc . etc
We ars Aenta :for Oregon and WMbltgtcn Terri
tory for
MalUmtknM't rrfcle ikeep Blp. WakclMl sheep
If We buj oar cooda from flrtt baudi, thna en
aMne n to compete lth any market on the Coaat,
a cooparlion of onr ptlcei will prore. my9
Wonld'at bo Hobua.:
A gentleman, formerly or thin State, bus
laen living In California forflvnorl3CoarH.
His son, ayoiilh of 10 started ftw davs aco
to yUlt bis nativo liKatu on Hownll Prairie
ami havo a good time at tho Stato Fair,
vv lien the Meamor waa about two days out
from ban Francisco onr vouur OrtVonlan
found thereabout 30 blacklegs on board;
and pongctiuoiilly kept an oyo to bis. Ooo
aveninff two suiio!oii4 lellows trlrt
to steal a march on our Wobfootor and tap
blm tir what coin ho had. Ono iU them
struck at him with a slunp shut but milled
his Mine. Quicker than lightning our lad
took him a clip under the ear and knocked
him epntwilnirs then whipped out nencked
dorrluKer, shoved It lulo tbo other mil 's faen
and niambbd tho two Into the Slato room end
had them sfcurelv ironed, In wkhsh condition
ho bid thotn dleu at J'ortland.
To tho Honorablo Fn sklent and onicors of
tho Oregon Slato Airrlcultural Sooletv:
o, tho underaicnod ronlors of booths on
you. uround, deslro to roturn to vou our
boartl'olt thanks for tho klndneal aud favors
shown us during tho pat week.
A II Coop, K Mathlat,
J rinnon, J Verdler,
Kelfer it Webber, Strontr A nlu,
.ttiiiot i i umircn, iiM uottreii,
-Smith Maynos,
Wostacott it Co,
O Haub it Co,
Ktm wells ,t Orimtb,
Louis Hyrne.
City Directory.
WoaroInfonnwI'hatMrs. J. D. Snydor,
of tluibctok bindery, contemplates IsmiIuk i
Directory of Salem tor 1878, and to this oml
will lu a faw days commeuco tho c.invags of
tho city for advertisements from our busi
ness men. Wo aro glad to soo this uiovo
made. Salem needs a directory, and that
need Is tho morn keenly felt from tho failure
slnco tho year 1872 of tho publication of such
a work. lory business man should feol
an interest In tho work and contribute their
advertising cards nnd subscrlbo for the
work when Mrs, .Snyder calls upon thorn.
Vocal Mutlo Clnsr.
Wo are tnoro than pleased to announco
that Miss Ellon J.jUhamberlln will reorgan
ize her class In vocal musln next Saturday
afiernoon at 2 o'clock at tho Uulvorslty. As
a teacher in vocal muslu Miss Chamberlln
has no equal and tho superiority of modo it
teaching was attested by tho largo classes or
last -eaMon. Tho terms of tuition will bo nn
nounced at tho mooting of thn class and will
bo within tho reach ol all. Now is tho timo
tor (uroiitH to glvo tholr chlldron a golden
opportunity to acqulro tho rudiments or tho
dlvlno art of vocal muwlc.
Four Gonorntioua.
Mr. F. A. Smith yesterday, took tlio pho
tographs of Mrs. Ani'ellno l'lainomlon, who
also celebroled her W t birthday yesterday;
alximfher ton, K, M. PlRinondou, 1.,
aired 3; of Mrs Kvellua Uarlaud, daughter
of H, M. I'lainondon, and grand (IaukIiIt of
Mrs. A. riaiuoudou, imed SO ami of Ilttlo
MaIioI HarUnd, daughter of Mrs. V.. liar
land, grand daughter ol Mr. K. M. l'lnmon
ilon Htut grent grand daughter of Mrs. A. I'la
mondon, aced 3 vears. Only think of It,
four generations of tbo saino family In ono
Aooidentnlly Shot.
I.tst Saturday morulm:, Hoyal Cottle, a
bro'.her-ln law of Hon. J, K. Weatherford,
went to n buroau drawor to get a Mrlutr, anil
as it was drawn out It aliu drew it pistol with
It, which full to tho llcor discharging ono of
tho balls through his left lee;. It Is, how
over, only n very slight ilosk wound; tho
ball Just barely pasting underthoakln of tho
leg and out again, btrlking n bod (tost near
at hand Tho Urol !.. .,1.. thai lio UdiI
of being hurt, was when ho taw tho blood,
as at tho moment It was douo ho did not feel
tho pain. Albany Observer.
High Clone Poultry.
Luther Myers of this city, has it lino
"poultry yard," probably tho tlnest In tho
State, and from tho first of February until
Juno ilrst, ho will furnUh tho following va
rieties ot oggs at reaeouablo prlcas. Golden
Spangled 1'ollsh, Silver Spingled Polish,
SII vet'Spanglud llambiiri;v. Golden Spanp'.od
Hamburgs, I'lymouth Hocks and Aylesbury
Uitckf. At thn recent Stato Fair no had a
number ot fowls on exhibition, nnd took
fjulto a number of blue nnd rod ribbons.
Narrow Escape.
D. F. Wreun, tho sawyer In Woodworth
Urn's mill, on Howell l'ralrlo, had a closo
cull voMenlay for his life. Ho was grinding
taw tooth on an emery wheel, making about
'.',00 revolutions a minute, whon tho wheel
burst, ono small pleco striking him on tho
foroheadnnd making hltn sea moro stars lor
tho moment, than Is usually laid down In
our astronomies. A narrow escape Indeed.
Attempted Robbery.
Last night a Chinaman entered tbo house
of Gen. J. F. Miller, on Stato street, with tho'
evident lutention of committing a robbery.
Howover he woko up a gentloman who was
stopping in tho house, who inado chase,
caught the Celestial by his queue, but it was
too "sllckor ," and tho nlinund-oyod "son of
sea cook" mado his osoape.
Put 'em Out.
The question ol smoking in tbo pavilion
State Fair neek was settled by the Marshal
D. V. I'reltyinau, f Jectlug from tho premlhos
several rural obaps who rather Insisted upon
iudulglug In that habit whlloexamlnlng tho
articles, uinhl a crowd of ladies. Wo are
glad tn note tho fact that Mr. I'rettyman had
tho sand to nut n stop to tho uncentlemauly
conduct of tiieso "smart Alecks."
An Owner Wanted.
List Saturday night, policeman W. J. Cox
found n horse and saddle In front of Bean's
Hvory stable, which hn put Into 1'rlco it Co's
stables to await tho ordsr of tbo owner. Up
to this tlmo no owner has been found. It is
hoped that ho will come forward and identify
property, pay expenses and tako tho pony
into his poioviou again.
Postal Cbaugos.
A dispatch of October llili notes tho fol
lowing postal changes for Oregon and Wash
intttoii. I'ostOilices established: Ore town,
Tillamook county, Oregon, Christian Chris
tUmon, l'ost Master; Fulda, Klikitat County,
W, T., Stephen I. Whltcomb, l'ost Master,
l'ost Majter appointed: H. H.Tibbets, Tren
ton, King couuty, W. T.
ItAsrnEnniEs. Mrs. E. L. Corner, of
McMlnnvllle, sent us so vera 1 clusters ot
ripe raspberries, the other day, that were
grown on this years' stalks. We are tola that
the vines have borne two full crops this sea
son. This Is bomothtng uncommon, but we
could not expect anything else of Old Yam
bill. The raspberries were dellolou. Mrs.
Corner alto sent two of the largest heu's
eggs we ever saw.
If you watft a good, round, smooth", swet
toned Organ one that Is made of the bf at of
material, and will last a lifetime get the
Whitney it Eolmes, ot J. H, Kobblns, Fort
land, Oregon.
The Aitlk Maukut, A friend
risks us about tho demnntl for Oregon
npples In Snn Francisco, rpmnrkinir Unit
ho hoars thoy tiro worth $11.00 per bush
el. Wo find In the S. F. Commercial Iler
nlh of last Thursday, ns follows:
"Oregon tipples continue, to nrrivo
on every steamer from Portland; low
frieght will bring large nuantitlos of
good keeping varltles to thU market,
ns they can ship them now as cheat) as
tho-sancroH tho bay, -o that our Cali
fornia growers cannot look for fancy
prices latel in the season, as tlto market
will be largelv supplied with Oregon
consignments through the winter."
Thcro is nothing in this to indicate a
high price, r.t tho present time, for
Oregon apples.
G. V.Wallit & Son, of Oswego
Nursery, send us their catalogue fur
1877. This old established nursery lias
had a liberal patronage in tho past ti'id
it is ovident that the proprietors do not
intend to loso it in tho future. The list
ol trees includes all fruit trees and or
namental trees suited to this climate,
also small fruits, and vines, nnd shrub
bery. Any person desirfng to too their
oxtenslvo catalogue fcan send for tho
same. Tholr advertisement will bo
found in, our columns.
An Oukgom Patent. Mr. A. G.
Rockfellow. of Ashllind, shows a mod
el of n gate, of his own invention, ad
justable and solf-clqslng, with hinges
nnd fastcningso arranged that it can
bo set to suit expansion or contraction
caused by tho weather. Ho rocoived a
llrst premium and Intends to mako
them for general uso in this varlrblo cli
mate, for which His especially adapted.
J. IL SettlemlerJ of tho Woodburn
Nursery, sends us specimens of Llack
Walnuts, Mack Spanish Walnuts llttt
ternttts or Whlto Walnuts, of which ho
says that tho parent trees all grew in
this State; also of English Walnuts and
Persimmons, which last tree boro 10
bushels of fruit tho present yoar, as
did also the Dlack Walnut. Sco his
advertisement in this issue.
Tho Iino County Business Council
P. of U. will meet at Eugono tlto sec
ond Tuesday in November and n full
attendance is dcsiml. Mr. and Mr.
G. W. Hunt, of Marion County will bo
present. It will be recollected that Mrs.
Hunt is Lecturer of tho Slalo Gr.ingo.
S. Luelllng & Son, of Mllwaukio
Nursery, havo their advertisement 1 n
this issue. Thoy sot forth tltero what
they havo to dlsposo of and wo can say
In .urliHUwn thai tUvy Imvajwuilintd ll
roputation for being reliable and care
ful growers of all trees nnd' plants In
tholr line. Their oxhihlt at tho Stato
Fairspoko well of their success, both
as orehardtsts and nurserymen.
Fon Scotland. Mr. 1). Urlerson , former
owner of tbo bono "Don l'oy" that has
shown such good stock, goes to Scotland Im
mediately to purchase two Clydosdalo
stallions, nud will bringthoin backtoSalem.
In this connection wh may mention that
Mr. Manly Martin, ol Folk Co., lately sold a
two-year.o!d lien Koy horo colt tor S500,
weight 1,326 pouuds.
M. Myor, Griswold'd Corner, Sslem, has
an Immenbo stock of good on hand, recent
ly purchased nt Sail Francisco, and ndvortis
ca " grent reduction In prices." This adver
tiscmlnt wilt to found elsewhere nnd do
servos notio9 as M. Myor Is n thorough mer
chant nud buys (as well as selU) to tho best
Uroyman nros. havo n larger stock than
over and their Immenso store Is piled full of
goods and crowded with trade. Notlco their
advertisement elsewhere and call on thorn
to sea what bargains tho white store can otler.
A short correspondence from Slicdd,
will not appear In our columns became
It has no responsible name signed to it.
It bocomes our sd duty to nnnouncotlio
dojth of Miss Illrdle K. Gardner, aged 10
years, 0 months, and 0 days, daughtnr of
Kev. A. 1). UarJuer, of Fox Valley, Linn
Co.. Orngon.
That fatal dlsesse,' consumption, did lis
work In six months. Same two months be
fore her di nth she was taken io Scio for med
ical aid, but without relief. She sank rapidly
to her grave on nor return homo fromaclo.
Sunday, Sept. 9, nt eleven a. m ,sbo breathed
her last, and her puro spirit uns set feo
from the tenement of clay. Thus, In her
bloom of youth, she is removed fromtair
midst to a boiler sphere, while friends mourn
hsr abneucu aud tier asioulatos are deprived
of herexomplary iulluence.
Yet though thou wear'st the glory of the sky
Wo know thou'lt keep the tamo beloved
Thosamefairtboughtfiil brow and gontleeyo
Lovelier in heaven's sweet climate, yet
tho same.
6 Oone befjro us. Oh our sister,
To the spirit land;
Vainly look we for another,
lathy place to Maud.
"Gone to a laud of pure delight,
Where satuts Imuiortal reign;
Infinite day exclude the night,
And pleasures banish pain."
We only know that tbou hast gone,
Aud that the same returnlets tide
Which bore thee from us, still glides on,
And we who mourn thee with It glide.
I shall know the loved one gono before,
And loyfully sweet will the meeting be;
When over the rlyer, the peaceful river,
The angel of death shall carry me.
Stayton, Oct. 8,1577.
:&!, V
Tho Sisters of tho Academy of tho Sacred
Heart feol themselves attain Indebted for the
llboral pitronniio afforded them during tholr
Fair, nnd hereby gmlofully acknowledge It.
Special thanks aro due to iho laily managers
who labo'rd with such energy and devoted
nes to mako it successful', to tbo several
voung ladlos who r.ssUted them In tholr ct
foil; to Mr. S. J. McCormlek, of tho Catho
lic Sentinel, for his prcsonco and aluablo
assistant!) during tbo ontlro week, nnd to
soveral other kind Mentis of Salem nnd Fort
land whose Konprou donations will bo long
uml evor uratrfully reininbnred.
Thn crosj rerolpts of tbo Fair nro $1007 -10;
nf thN, tnblo No. 1. nrnsldc-d ovor by Mrs. 1'.
D'Arcy ieallr."d $333 SS; tuhlpXo. S,presldnd
over by MiIiups S. C'ostfllo, nnd H. Martin,
rpnll.od :?0 60; tablo Xo. :i, presided over
by Mdmus 12. Kolty, I. MrMnnus, V. Can
non, and Lynch, $i1l It!. Other receipts
?1 1 1 ft).
Tho reduction of wages has been found to
bo absolutely uecss'ary In nlmnstoverv one
of the European cities nnd iu nil linos of
Splendid weather In Ireland has done
great sorvlco Io tho crops, nud accounts from
nil quartora nro oxcollent.
Thotntnl ntnnunt nf hair Imported Into
Franco lait yotr h ostlmatod utl-Jtons;
vnlve, J000.O0O.
Wo wish to mnko a thorough canvass In
tho interest of this paper thrnuuh tills Stato
nnd Washington Tortltory, nud would UUo
to lmo, hi'ny harvest, or during thn winter,
aollAC ranvasois iu oaohusuuty, nnd If pos-
sioio in men precinct.
O. A, Jti:ni. Nettty Public.
V. ". Cox.
Real Estate and Insurance
Loans negotiated on Favorable
, Tonus.
Buy and Sell Gold nnd Silver, State, County,
and Cl'y Warrants.
.Igcttt lor Seed's O per it Kooc.
Jir"Or.tce. at tho corner of Had' Opets Ilnusc,
Great Reduction !
Wholesale Prices, for Gash
My Stork oinsls'.a of SHELF and IltflLD-
KIW Hardware, Mechanics' Tools,
Shovels. Nails, Hope, etc.
joiiiv kTfoster,
iffflml cor. t'lntk A Front Ft'., I'OIMII.ANO
Hfi ifts ije. KHUrr. PtlftmfawtfitMlAMl'onr
riP a FiKfll ''"1 ' '1 lojcalrn. N,iil4!n
MK a jW fcl mm U UiDcn,irAU l'run,iitffRi1r
V9 1 CT 1 1 19 m"u .dJn.i it. a I.KANT tl),
r m s.v Tar sky , ,, x i;mi m., ciuumtii, u.
roracrly in Durbln's lllocV. Imn Ju, t ojicncil a I.irjo
nnd couiplclo Slock of
,mt "iifc ,i
Carpets, Oilcloilis, Mattings,
House - Furnishing Goods.
Next to D.tlryniplo it Urown,
rlltru wnx ns fold at
Lowest Cash Rates!
Ai: A II. Arcnlwaiitol. Dud-
Attn., j woaTnftco.siuii'i.
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Silcm, April SO. 1875,
wood ruitiis,
Tho Host nnd 3Iost Improved Pumps now
In I'so.
They aro riikai'kii ami moro
mnuni.i: than a.nv stvlo nf
Cnalnl'ump or wator drawer
Kvury man wln has hail expo
rlenen In tho illtlerent ways of
drawing water knows there Is
no way o
Cbeap, Dnrablc, Conyenicnt,
and free from Imparting iin
heil'liy elomon's as tho plain
wood nilinn. Thnv nrn fk Intr
tho tilaco nf all oilier means of
ralslnx wator for dnmostlo pur
iiosMM, or for UAHN or STOCK
Water l'lpo and Eavc Spouts
Wo man n fact nro 1'ipnof va
rlous sizes for convevlmr wu
Isr from spring, streams, ,to.
It l cheap, hut siitiHtantlal,
1'or further particulars, apply
to or address
fc?lm3 A. IMtKMCOTT, Knlem, Or.
ft M
I offer for sale
French. Spanish, and American
and New Oxford
shiros. .
Alt Prosi dcitrlcj; to Imtirom their flock" from
tho above Iirteili, or to procu-e lllcti (lra tWKH
from the ime, are Invltod to ca'l 1 vxiinluu rujr
(Jock, st my htm, foir jallti waiii of liAl.b ih.
eilialpi I. .n. UUTIIHIE.
8M.EM, Oil.
I! Save Xow Opcncl Tliclr
Stnplts nnd ITitiit'.v
Dress Goods,
An Immenso Variety.
JRcploto "Willi
Oct. 7. 2v
FRONT sritwr, roiiTLz.-vu,
tvi tlilo Dock, corner Halmou and Kiont 8U
Special attention rIvch to Parmer' I'rodnco oT am.
kindji. Coi.rljumi'iiU rollclted, Havo coiiiiritlims
In H,u Ktiincbco which vviblo u to Kit the bet
uiiitU'lprlcf , Mt
San rranclsco and Portland.
The P. C. S. 8. Co.
Wim. iii:ui:m-'tii hum a usr. or t;m
i"'ili ML-nhriy. I'Vt'ry Cvo enjs liitvtciiii biU
fruucirco ami 1'utlUml
J. ."!. .TIcCltAKI'.N .V C(,
fay Tl kct for !o hy
II. U. MOON, Arcnt. tUIlfM.
lln comiftdon ulth inv rriminf? Itoomi n mm-S
Ipkte lhtokblii'lerv. Vnr Jtnllnir, lUaiik 1) u3
rnaimincuirn iRKKiuuMiHni novit umui in nuj
iitviD. itf.tiimiinif iitt.iiiv(xtciiiii. imirrNnruniDi!
bv nttervlM to. K'lU for ottlruatci. ri(itUwl
luttiy in tlititate. .......
AUlMtft Im .Tl .!..
RIVPINI mwmwmmmfw Wmmm NUHHUtlltilTil
nry'iiioci,fiaioi., si.i:M,ui,.K(n:rri
Are wholesalo and rota II doalors In J'lHi.cr,
Oruaus, Sheet Muslo, Violins, Acoordhns,
UarnionleaiiH, nnd muslual merahandlHO
Kenerallv, Oikland, California, havorecint
ly opened a branoh fcloro lu tjaloin, Oregon.
rersonally suporlutond their business In this
Slalo, as well ns California, nud will bo
prompt In making good all contracts.
Havo already sold nearly two hundred in
struments In this Statu.
Have four imthorl.od agents soiling from
their Iioum) lu this Slalo, to. wit: A. L. Moye,
Albany: (J. II. Slack aud Frank 11. May,
Salem; H. A. IUlrd, Kugene City.
I'lano have already beoomn n favorlto ou tho
Coast, It Is mado espcolally for tho trade,
and Is adapted to tho cllmuto on this Coast,
and for rtiinilnliiK lu tuno. In Its adaptation
tq tho parlor thero Is none bettor.
Havo several dltrrent mauufaolurcsot Or
leans, kIvIiik tho public a variety to select
Havo a llrst.clats tuner In tholr emnlov. All
orders attended to by addressing (Hrdner
iJrothors, Salem, Oregon.
CJIve a ttiiaranieo for tlvoyoars, for all l'lanou
and Organs, If desired,
l'iy their emptoyoas a salary, not n coin mis
Would Htsitc, III uiiNiver to muny
iiiiUlrlcN, Hint tlielr IlrtiHcU
House lu Hulviu la a juurimiiiuHt
luHlltiitlon. se'tf.l
Pare - Blooded
ITor Sato
At the Fair Grounds
From tho i.ototl I'JojU of Mrr. 11. I3la
cow, Cenlervllle, Altimadi county,
1 ifmnVrtf! iWltrii Hi BiripsVlf i
o '
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