v .JJtg&XZTlr ---"-H?' ;3HB?"4 KFt s;T rftsrf4"" jrp- $y 5 i ' f ' Vi I 1 i. L v.1 -t,l" r V IN WILTAMETTE FAT?MFp i'HE STATE FAIE. Continued from Urn pa (to and Linton tliaa wonro ablo to (ivo it, and It Is moro than likely tbat many iloservlntf iwtioles .linvo been omitted In our brief sketch. HlIKri- AXI) GOATS. Tho displny of sheep wns exception ally kooiI niul fntlsfactory ns represent ing oho of tho most Important produc ing Interests of our .State. W. T. Nowby, of McMinnville, showed .Spanish and American Mori no3 In great variety, and a number of good grades, ilo tool; 1st premiums for Spanish Merino buck 1 year old and 2d for best buelc '2 years old over; 1st premiums for bejt ram and best owe American Merino; 2d for best ewe lamb. J4.J2. Josiin, McMinnville, for best Mingle owo and licit singlo lamb. Span ish Merino, shown by u youth. T. L. iJ.ividson, Salem, showed Span ish Merino's, taking first j)remiums for each, rain and owe 2 years old j owo 1 year old; best pair ram lambs and best paircwo lambs; also 2d premiums for best ram over 1 year old; best ewe 2 years old; ditto 1 year old and best ewe lamb. John Miuto showed Spanish and American Merinos, and various grades, taking 1st premiums for best American Merino ram over 1 year old; owo over I. year old; pair ram lambs; pair owe lambs; and sjx 1st premiums on grades. Also 2d premiums for American Mer ino ram i yenr old; owo 2 years old; owo 1 year old; pair ram lambs; grado owo 2 years old; alio tho Socity's med al for 'best flno wool ram with (lvo of ills lambs (Spanish Merino.) Mrs. IJIacow, of Cenervllle, Califor nia, showed French Merino", taking 1st and 2d premiums on owo over 2 years old. V. C. Warriner, IJethcl, took 2d pro mliini ( n French Merino ram 2 years old; American Merino ram 2 years old, and two on grades. I). .V. Guthrie, of l)illa. took 1-t prcnilums on each of his three entries of French Merinos; Duel: over 2 years old, pair of ram lambs, and pair of owo lambs. .1. CI. ll.ikor, McMinnville, showed CotswoU sheep and Angor.i goatn, tak ing fcoveral 1st premiums on tho former. mile beats, 3 In 5, free to all, won bv Alr, Shannon's Lady Faustina, best tlmo 2:38K. Wednesday, Oct. 10. Knnnlng, 3-.vr.-o'di bred In Oregon and W. T., won by Jas. F. Ily bee's liorao Hard Bargain, 2d money to Joo Taylor's horno Olo, Trotting l'ornm tnnta tbat bavo not bnaton 3 minutes 10 tec nnds.jvon by W. Williams, (Walla Walk) Ho I founder. Thuiixday, Oct. 11. Running 2-yr..old post Ntakes. Thero were oluht entries and tho nionoy (?.)00) was awarded as follows: John F. Miller's moro Portia Knight, lit money, $100, Dan Young' Molly McMauon sM money,$21(l(W; T. IJ. Hoover's Hoodlum, 2d money $tlil. Trotting 3-yr.-old post stakes', 3 In 0, L. IJ. Llndsey's Don Pedro was nwardod $300 of tmrso and ontranco monoy. Fjcihay. Oct. 12. ltunning. 2 mllo hpat", free to all. This was xprcted to bo tho bn.t nonlnV.od raroot tho week botween Council llluiri and Hyo Straw, but tho lnttcr '. at lamed whllo practicing and could not ap pear, so tlio race lay betwoon Council JSlulI-t and G, J. Ilaaket'H Napa, and was won by tho former. Council Mull is n romnrkably lino hor.'o and In rjulto an acquisition to tho racing stock of our Stato. Trotting, 2 milos, tree to all, Aloz, Shannon's Lady Faustina took 1st monoy, against J. .1. Welch's Olym pla Dick, thoy woro tho only two ontered for this race. Our report of tho Stato Fair will bo con tinued no.xt week. Wo objected whon tho titno for tho Stato Fair was sot, Hint It should bo held lu tho full of tho moon In October, becanso tho moon was frlondly to campers, and our ox tierlonco wan that It was not apt to rain dur ing tho full of tho moon in this month. Tho result Mhows that wo aro correct. Hud tho Fair been .hold Hits week, instead of lust, thousinds of roroonH would havoboon grati fied and 1 ho Agricultural Sooloty would hayo been SlO.OCOat lenst bettor off. V. T. Nowby, of McMinnville, took several 1st premiums on his long wool od grades, as did also John Mlnto. M. Wilkins, Lane Co., made a line oxhlbltof Ills New Oxfordshire), .show ing, among others, tho owo whose llceco won tho Centennial award against the. world, for best combing wool. Kv ory animal entered took a ls premium, six in all. '1 ho appearance of these sheep commends them, as thoy aro covered with long wool to tho hoof, almost, wo might say, from tho eyes to tho hoof. Mr. Wilkins has bred them pnro for sixteen years, and llnds them very hardy and yielding heavy lleeces. Jan. illchards, Salem, showed Cots wolds, takingslx 1st preinlunw, includ ing sweepstakes and sliver modal for ram with live of his family. II. C. Goer, Silverton, .showed South downs, taking lot premiums, except where ho competed with himself. irwin Goer took 1st premiums for ewe and also lamb, owned amf .-liown by youth. J. Wlthycombe, JIUMxiro, took 2d premium for bent Cotswold ram over 1 year old. 8. Condlt, Aiinisvlllc, took 1st pre mium for best grado nun 1 year old, There was qultu a display and com petition In regard to tho Angora goats, tin nninml that commands a great deal of attention In Oregon at tho present tlmo and Is very much appreciated by Miccesaful brooders. RF. Yocum, Salem, had several entries taking 1st premiums for best buck 2 years old; best !1 owe lambs; best sin glo lamb shown by any one. Also us many second premium?'. (I. F. .McCorkle, Howell I'rairle, had a lino lot of animals, taking four second premiums, which was good work in tho Jaco of strong competition. Wins. Claggett, Salem, one of tho oldest breeders of tho Angora goat lu Oregon, took Is: premiums for buck 1 year old, and three buck lambs. W. M. i.uudrum, the noted Califoi nla Angora goat broodur, was on hand with some choice aulurals to dispose of and has a warm Interest in Angora uoat breeding in Oreuon. HAITS Moxhay, Oct, 8. Tioitlnjr, doubte (turn, fteotoitll, mile beats nt II lu A, won bv Lltnpy Dick and Tliumltli. tr.terrd by J. J, Welch, over M.tory mid Pilot, entered bv L. II, l.lmUly.llino 2:57. nniuiliuj, dub of mlle.froo to all, .Mitr!f Sjrny Dava.by Win. Whltri A. A. Sin-, bv Win. lligliam; (pt.JACk, tv M. L. Whin; "on by A. A. Straw, tlmul:M. Toksdav, Oct. 9. liunn'iiii Ut 3 In 6, mil bfath.frw'tOKll, won iv Cuunoll llluiln, entered by J. I. l'Mner: Jortu F. Miller's Jtyo straw, took 2d ijtfmiiiiu, artmlng, KIDEO ETIRT rniOAY, BY CLARKE Jto CItAIG, rununiEns and raornicTons. S. A. CLA1IKU. 1. W. CUAIU. Terms of Nubscrlptlon. Ono copy, otioycr (53 number) $2.'.0 One copy, lx month (30 nnmbrrr) 1,'iS Onn cciy. tbroo monthf (13 nnmricrr) 75 HALKM, FRIDAY, OOT. 10, 1877. ABOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Vo havo commencrd notlfylngnllouraub. Rcrlbers who aro in arrears of that fact, for tno rery sulllolcut reason that wo nocd (ho money thoy owo us, and must havo it to II- (iiitdnto our own obligations. Mst year times woro hard and money scirce, ho carco that a great portion of our subscrlptoii list mnalus unpaid for current your; and hundreds of nubscrlborH who nro Hbundautlyabloto pay owo us for two, thrco, four, and oven moro josrs than that. What they think wo liro on is moro than wo can Htirmho. ' During tho past your wo havo ondurcd as best wo could, and havo boon obliged to Htr.ln our crodit to tho utmost to nccommo. dato delinquent subccrlbors, but pay day has como and wo want our money. We don't want adj body olaa's monoy, wo only want our own. Wo aro Bonding out rospcotful no tices, paying full loiter postago, for houio nro so tendcr-heartod that it nearly kills them to see an account stated on a postal card, so wo nro obliged to pay out about fifty dollars postage to do tho unpleasant buslnois In tho most graceful manner. Wo know Just how it will bo. Somo pco plo will resent tho fact of being dunnod at all, ami wish to stop tho paper after paying up, nud Bomo vory curious customers will order it mopped, os If (hoy wero riding a high stepping hone, and forgot all about paying up. Human uaturo is a curious mixture nnd nobody llnds It out better than by owning a uowkpaper, Wo havo hud long oxporlonco with tho buslneiw and take It all as It comes, thnukful for tho many kind frlonds who punctually pay In advance, as is contemplat ed by our very roasouablo price j also thank ful for tho ninny o'.hors who pay lu a reason able tlmo, and wo have learned to bo patient with those who aro fearfully Mow, but it ho happens that we now mxul every cent that Is duo us, and deliberately proposo to stir up delinquents until wo got It. Occasionally wo iltnVa dead beat on our list and have to sutler, but most of our Oregon former aro good for auch small sums as tho subscription price of tho KAiiMKit.and only need to bo reminded of tho dobt. Wo ex-pt-ciitll who aro not bankrupt to rcspoud at an earl v day. It Is very likely that somo mistakes will ocmr or have occurred, nud if bo, ploaso no tify us civilly nud plainly ami wo will recti fy, nud wo aro fully as anxious to havo ac counts corrected ns onr subscribers can bo. If j on havo Just paid, and receive a dun, don't annoy yourself about It for It's probably all right and tho correction of dato on tho tag will bonu hhow It. Now one word more: Wo pliu'o tho terms of our pspor at les than any other of lu tiro lu tho State, Ql M per ywr), eHcllng advance payment, and we must havo payment lu advance If wo aro to bo sui-ceMiul lu bukiucas. Therefore wo plainly tetpitvst all our subscribers who do hire to see tuo firmei's paper of Oregon well supported, to pay us in advance or as soon afierthu commencement of the year as Is posBthle. It certainly Is not to the credit of thoSute that a Journal working exclusively tur the Interests of the farming population, and lu harmony with tho Patrons of Hus bandry, Is embarraoed by failure to collect ktibscnptlous. We duu't wish to preach or lecture, and ro grot that It Is uecossary to open any audi sut'Jeoi in our calamim, but It is a matter of paramount Importance lo us, and uubope every subscriber will read this article and hilly appreciate the situation. e feel that many lu arrears are so unin tentionally, and know that m kiuall a mm Is evally overlooked, but a thousaud delinquents make total that la no trlfllu atfalr. The pittance aaked for the yearly aubtcrlp tlou to this uewspaper la within toe reach of all able-bodied persons, aud punctual pre payment would llghteu our work and strengthen ua for belter service than we can poatllly do while proacutlug a credit bust- Prompt advanco payment would enable us to enlarge aud Improve the Farmkk, which we rj rtady and willing to do a soon as the support wo receive will Justify it. Volunteeu Oaiidaoe. Mr. W. T. Hall sends us a remarkably flno head of cabbago with a noto that it wns 'grown from an old slalk." Wo havo volunteer cops of grain sometimes, but this is tho first wo havo een of vol unteer cabbage. Moleskins are very flno fur but not often utilized. Mrs. Eliza itobbins, of Bethel, has a cat that has caught over 00 moles and she has dresson 32 skins and mndo her husdand a handsome vest of them. It was exhibited at the State Fair and took a premium. Met Yoaiv JRSoola I Yon who lirvo ctver tried the MATCHLESS FIRE- rlurlly. LIGHTER liawmot tho fniutttt coiict ptloii of it l iiipc Jim tunic or it a uimifui. Memo iiiotpd little norlict-tilern Out will Utiko fltc In tho moil holctcruu wcilh er wlnil, rale, ttnrm, hall, mow nkca no illfTttrnncn with ILb Matciile: IU always rtaJy for uso. A rapltal thing for traM'lcre, camper, or ant osc. Wtrrautcil toilo jut a reprcRtntcil. I'rlco only 7." ct'lit. AOLNTS WaNIEO, Adilrens II. II. IIALLOCK, Solo Agent, Salem, Oregon. FIRST PREMIUM! For Visiting Crds I 30 HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland. OroRon, Offer for Sale, at the lowest Po.iblo Price 3, a Pull E AGRICULTURAL IMPLB3IBNTS. V.T. ABE SOLH AOESTS roll THE CKIKBUATSD r5 aaMa1alVrVirT,.-I'IW.i.lJ 1 1. " "T J OJF MOIiI3?JE. I&Ii, tifut..l 1.1. w. tUn mTinfnLf tfrOlinTIl, v ii ii-ii i-iiiiiiniii' iiir nii.un.jv j r--- ... IIKKUK Is the solo 1'atPlitee of the rouuht Jliocn ostiomo lightnes-', and durability. iiiKi wckipii rroii, uiiu fbeiV i'h,w is the onlV Plow so "ifeT m hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAlt TO Ulh DIul, u,u. THE DEERE SULKY AMD GAjVG PliOWS,. With or without Breaklng-Plow Attaohment. C I'll with nv namo noallv Krlntcl tlicrcnn ictit to any address upon receipt of 25 CciiIm, ind a !1 cent flnmii. Aildref , w, j. UI.AHKK, fcnlcm, Oracon. WOODBURN NURSERY FEUIT, KEEPS Full Stoclc ....or.... SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....AM),... NUT TREES, Send for I'rlco Llet and Catalogue. AdJref J. II .SFTTI.KT1IKII. octieraB Wiotltnru, ur. 3VE i 1 xr &, IX. 3s. i e NHJICSERY. SBTir LUELLING & SON, PitontiKTons oKTiin Aiiovr.NMKn nuk nry. hec leavo to cill tho nttctitton of Krnlt men. nial all other who wltli to nrocura t-ood, heal thy Tree, to their IMMENSE STOCK OK FRUIT TREES, co:iistino or Applo, Foar, Poach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other mUcelUncon arletlc, the frlccc of which we have reduced to rutt theltime,, tend for a catalog uo. 8ETH LUELMMO A SON. octtO .'TlUivaulilc. FACTS AND FIGURES. Tlio nttonttoti of pnlntorH. nnil tlioso about to imlur, h culled to tlin following: KACT-Tlit THU PACIKIO HUnilKIt J'AINT UO.'S Ontsldo White will wol-h 'ii U)H. to tho gallon. FACT That Clinmlcal ami othfir mlxoil paints will weigh about OJi lbs to tho ctllon. KiaUItKS-Wolelitof 1 galbof Paclllo Hub- liorl'alnt 1i lbs nhomlcil Paint OK lbs li'll". In favor Jtubbor 3 lbs or nay, III IA 100 por cent. Moro paint In ono gallon ofPaclllo Ilnbtior Paint than In tho same quantity nfChomlcal Paint. FIOUKKS Taking as a Jobbing prico for each. $- per Kall-iluPaclrlo Hub bor Paint you not 12)i lbn paint, inakingcoMtlOctii.porlb. Cliom leal paint. tU lbs. porRall. uiak Ing exist SI 1-10 eta. per lb. I)lunronco In favor Paclflo Rub bar Paint C 1-10 ota. per lb., or 31 08.100 por cout., or ovor CO eta per gallon. FAOT-That Pacltlo UabberPalntl31Ji por cont. CitKArKK than any Chemical paint now beforo tho peoplo of the Paolilo Coast. FACT Ami, lurther, that ono pound of Pa clflo Hubbor Paint will Coveu moiu: M'.vci: than ono pound of any Chem ical paint, do iiutthii wouu, and la moiu: duiuum: in IU woar. Our success has inducod somo unscrupu lous parties to put Sruuious Imitations on tho market under tho namo of Rubber Paint. Ho not deceived, but feo that our trndo mark, and tho words Paella Rubber Paint arn on each package. Kamplo cards and cir culars furnished on application. PACIFIC KUnUKIl PAINT CO., Olllco aw Sicramento St., S. F. Jisu 1H:ai.y A-Co., Proprietors. For Mle by John Huahotj, Salom, Oregon, octhtf S. FRIEDMAN, M Is again at his Old StxidL AT DlfJltlDirS'S CORNER, Willi nn Immense Stack of Dry (Jot!s,clollilnr, lints cups, lioutsiuul Shoes, Yankee IS'o tions, Gent anil ladles Furn bliuii; :oo(ls,Tobiccos ami Cigars, Trunks, and Va lises, In fact. Every thing In tho Dry Goods line yon want, at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION! (octltf igitz; ITlio greatest Labor-Saving Implement yet Invented. VaMly Improved for Fall of 1877. COO Sold lax Oregon Jxx Ono TSTcsix-. &tr Hvorv Farmer Interested. Tho Deero Sulky is tho only Slnulo-Lovor Plow rnadp. EASILY OPERATED, So constructed that by a nllght motion of tho Levor tho Plow 1 run out of tho ground and raised clear, by hone- lnsteed of man-power. It Is stronger and less complicated than uny other. Solo Agents for tho well-known SOUTH BEND OinZiLZS-lRON PIiOWS. BUCKEYE: DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. fftt4 'Jatk TriL5T?- LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTatKaUlSlaLaaaaaaaaamLaV Schuttler Farm, FARM GRIST MILLS, nil eijlcsand prices. Freight, and Spring: Waerons. USE ' iSB rxr FAN MILLS. Send lor Special Circulars. T 3E3I 33 m m THE WORLD! 23.ot ZecoT7-e3L ! See that our Trade Mark is on eaolilFackager i A a o O o Xfi P B. o o k TTse, PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK: Jot Blaok ; and ALL COLORS. 3Vi:s:ca. tt.GtLsr Tor AND EASILY APPLrnn For Sale by tho Agents: and JOHN HUGHES, Salom, HODGE, SNELL & CO., WhnlrHnlo EJriiKglsts, nnd Dcnlcrx lu faint, oMn, ami Glass NO. 75 PIIOS'T STIinET. .... ' -w.-x-j.ijjd. ox-. 1 BWIN A EDENQ jfl)VERnsiN(aCiNCY3 . 174 ELM-STREET: , GINGINJN'AXI.i'v' OHIO. ' Advertisement inserted in any paper, Beforo adTertising send for ray catalogue. The Old Immigrant Route Acron the Caicade .tlountalu, OWO.1(D ETTUK Oascide Hoad and Briro Oonpaay, Kunulns via Sandy, Mt. Hood, atd JUrlow'a Gate, and ttaytl of all klndi La a bo rovemrnt are being made every jtar. T8 NOW OPRM. and travel of all klnda L X irnn. The rwad U la i;ood repair, extrailre In- provement are being made every year. Tbe LAU REL HILLS are all graded. Sheep-bridge are on all the ttreama. Tbla road never received a dollar tab tidy.andyctll If the Bbortekl, bet, and cheap cat route over tbe mountain. Olttance over tte mountain), 44 mile. From Portland, over the moantatn. 78 mile. From Fajem, 100 mile. KATES-Waron, $i; Sddle,S0c; Fack. Sic; Oat tie, 10c: Sheep, 3c. For all Kulrnc and comlnc from or tntn Marlon, Yam hill, Waihlagton. Linn, lkuton, and Polk constltr, thl 1 by far tbe belt. neaieM. ard cheapett rente. S, D. COALMAN, Preldmt. IUsvit E. Cbom, Sec Ulnt JOHN W QAKPttn. KRAEL W. OAIIIIMH. GARDNER BROTHERS, "humpaw AMI i;CTAIL Dealers in Pianos, Organs, a SHEET MUSIC', And Musical Merchandise, No. 1810 San I'ab'.o St., Totter' Ulcck, OAKLAND. CAL. firUirold'. Block, nut SAI.E.U. Administrator'8 Notice. JOTICE I brcby Riven that tbe umlerrtraed SV:X',&I e'be bounty Conrt of The' VSSwt .. iL'-i i, D"10 u "rcgon. on tr.os;th day of i.i. .:."!. W' dfaied. All rKrion hav Lalm asitnn laid e.uta ir nnii .7.. "". of Marlon AOCUtt Eitate ing claim me fame, tbe oElee lid county, .DAed.Angn.aTtbVCOal,K' AtaWtnto,. V,V? jss,i: is & . llLln lx month, mm IM. a.,J ' " ' O. SDZaUTi ATTORNEY AT LAW OFJEHA HOCSK, 8ALEM. S. B, corner, at head of itaJn. 1 eUy L a 1,4 iiIHtWHHP ' M - la. -. .jja. .ftfta. ..i. imi&'